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LNX255 Week 04 Notes

LNX255 – Week 04 Notes
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Lesson Overview
Ambiguous File Names
File and Directory Permissions
Process Control
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Ambiguous File Names
Ambiguous File Names allow you to use meta-characters (also
called wildcards) to refer to a group of files and/or directories
The process of matching meta-characters to actual file names is called
filename expansion or shell globbing
Also useful shell feature when you don’t know file name(s) exactly
Hidden file marker (period at the beginning of file name) cannot be
matched by meta-characters
Filename expansion is often confused with regular expressions,
which look similar but have a different purpose
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
When any meta-character is present in a command line the
shell expands it usually to match a group or range of files
Can save you on typing time
Characters most often used for file matching are: ? * [ ]
? matches any single character
[ ] (square brackets) enclose a group of characters to match
(asterisk) matches any number (including zero) of characters
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
? Meta-Character
Matches any single character
Example use: ls hello?
Above can match for example:
But it will not match for example:
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
[ ] Meta-Characters
You can specify a range of characters within the square
brackets for letters and digits
Example commands:
ls hello[1-3]
rm record.[a-z]
cp [1-3a]-monday ~/Desktop
mv example[1-3f-j].txt /media/usb
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
[ ] Meta-Characters Exclusion
Sometimes you might want to exclude certain characters in the
file names
Place the ! character first inside the square brackets to exclude
the other characters listed
Example command: ls hello[!0-9]*
Above command will match any file name that its name starts with
hello as long as there is no digit on the 6th position
The square brackets still matches only one character, just “not”
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
[ ] Meta-Characters
Matches one character out of a class
Example use: rm file[1abc]
Above command will delete the following files (if found in the
present working directory)
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
* Meta-Character
Matches any characters, zero or more times
Example use: cp hello* /tmp
Above command will copy files with names beginning with hello
(including hello) into /tmp
Files not copies would include: Hello or myhello1 or .hello
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Remember that most non-alphanumeric characters are special to the shell and subject
to globbing
Special characters are replaced or otherwise interpreted and this may affect the way the
actual command is run
Unless you intend to use special characters, for example as wildcards in filename
expansion they need to be quoted to turn off the globbing
Use double quotes to enclose longer strings, for example:
echo “What is your name?” - without the quotes the extra spaces would be ignored
and name? may be replaced with file names if matched
Use backslash (\) to quote single characters, directly following the backslash, for example:
touch weird\;file\;name
- this would allow you to have special characters
in a file name (not a good idea anyway)
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Sometimes it may be necessary to quote a quote – use two different
quotes to accomplish that, for example:
echo I would like to say: \”Hello Friend\”
Linux shell supports a few other quoting characters, including:
Single quotes (‘) - similar in function as double quotes (“) but they also
quote the $ character which double quotes ignore
Single back quotes (`) - deprecated way to run commands within
command, no longer used in practice
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Quoting Examples
Quoting may be necessary for command parameters to avoid
undesired or harmful effects, here are some examples:
find /tmp -name “*.txt” – the find command uses wildcards internally
and without the quotes the shell may interfere by replacing the *.txt with
matching file names resulting in find producing en error
grep \~ records.csv – here the search pattern is the tilde (~) character
and without the quote it would be substituted by the shell with the path to
home directory, causing grep to return incorrect results
rm \* – an attempt to remove a file with a very unwise name of *; without
the quote the rm would remove all non-hidden files in the PWD
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
File Access Control
File permissions define who has access to files and directories and under
what terms
Files and directories on all UNIX-like systems can be accessed by three
– the owner of the file (you own files which you create)
Group – each user belongs to at least one user group
Others – everyone else (who does not have an account on the system)
Permissions do no apply to system administrators who have always full access
to the entire system
All new files get default permissions, dependent on local settings
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Regular File Permissions
File permissions define what happens with the file contents
There are three types of access permissions for regular files:
Read – file contents can be read/viewed and file can be copied
Write – file contents can be changed or erased
Execute – file can be executed (run), set only for programs
File permissions should be as restrictive as possible
Set only only permissions needed to protect them from accidental
Do not give permissions to group or others without a reason
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Directory Permissions
Directory permissions define what happens with directory contents
There are three types of access permissions for directories:
Directory contents (files inside) can be viewed/listed (for example using the ls or tree command)
Directory contents can be changed - you can create files inside and/or rename or delete them
Directory can be entered by using the cd command
Directory can be used in a pathname to reach something inside
Access permissions for directories are not recursive
All sub-directories control access to their content separately
Pass-through when disallowed for parent, cuts off access to everything inside
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Checking Permissions
Use the ls -l command
Example output:
ls -l a1.check
User (pi)
Group (gpio)
-rwxrw-r-- 1 pi gpio 2281 May 11 23:09 a1.check
Permission for others - read
Permission for group (gpio) – read and write
Permission for user (pi) – read, write and execute
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Changing Permissions
Use the chmod command (change file mode)
The chmod command accepts permissions in two ways:
Symbolic, using letters
Numeric, using octal numbers
Letters r, w and/or x are used for permissions
Letters u, g, o and/or a are used for affected entities (use, group, others, all)
Arithmetic operators +, – and/or = are used to set the permissions
Permissions are set for all entities (user, group and others) at the same time
Each entity permission is a number between 0 and 7
A specific entity permission is a sum where r=4, w=2 and x=1
Method used at any particular time is a matter of personal preference
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Symbolic Permission Changing
Access can be changed for one or multiple entities the time
Usage examples:
– add write
chmod u+x file
permission for user
chmod u=rwx,g-rw file
– grant user full permissions and remove
read and write permission for group
chmod u-w,go= file
– remove write permission for user and
remove all permissions for group and others
chmod a=r file
– allow only read permission for all
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Numeric Permission Changing
Each access type is represented by a number:
A permission is a mathematical sum of desired modes, for example:
Permissions are always set for all entities (user, group and others), for
chmod 751 file
Sets rwx for user (4 (r) +2 (w) +1 (x) = 7), rx for group (4 (r) + 1 (x) = 5) and x (1) for others
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Process Management
A running program is called a process
An operating sytem may run hundreds ot thousands processes at a time
Some processes belong to the operating system and others are user programs running
Processes are being multi-tasked by the OS to share the hardware and other resources
Some processes start other processes
Processes can be suspended, resumed, killed etc. as needed
From the user perspective processes are running in the background or in the
Processes are managed using signals, for example SIGINT (pressing Ctrl+C) or
SIGTERM which may use a special command (kill)
There are many more signals available but most users only need to know about a few
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Process Management
Processes are arranged in a hierarchy
This structure has a root process, as well as parent and child processes
Each process has a process ID (PID) and with the exception of the
root process a parent process ID (PPID)
Each process has a priority, which affects how much attention and
resources it gets form the OS
Processed can be killed
This may be simply normal program exit or an external event
Killing a process terminates all child processes of that process
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Process Identification
The main tool to view processes is the ps command
ps = Process Status
Provides a snapshot at the moment of its execution
This is a very old command with inconsistent options – the
manual (man ps) is a good resource
Another useful tool is the top command
Provides a live feed of processes and resource usage – CPU,
memory etc.
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
How to Kill a Process
Use the kill or the pkill command to terminate processes which you own (which
you have started), for example: pkill lab1.sh
The process gets a soft signal (SIGTERM) asking it it terminate itself
kill command requires a numerical PID to identify the process, which takes time to
determine, but is more accurate
pkill uses process name to identify the process but it will kill all processes with the same
name at the same time, which may not be desired
Some processes may require a stronger signal than SIGTERM
Programs can be written to ignore the SIGTERM signal altogether
The SIGKILL (or -9) signal cannot be escaped – use it if necessary only
Using SIGKILL may lead to data loss as the program terminates immediately
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Case for Process Management
In a single Terminal a user runs one process in the foreground
while any other processes in that Terminal run in the background
The user is typically interacting with the foreground process while
the background processes either complete their task silently (do
not produce output to the Terminal) or are waiting (sleeping) to
resume their work in the foreground when the user chooses that
Users may or may not choose to have any background processes
on their Terminal
Multiple Terminals may be a simpler alternative, each use case is different
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic
Case for Process Management
Example: User works on a shell script in a text editor and wants to execute
the script to test it. Only one terminal is available.
In this example case placing the editor in the background temporarily
instead of exiting the editor makes sense to save time.
Compare the two different routes:
One Process At The Time
Concurrent Processes
1) Save the work
2) Exit the editor
3) Run the shell script
4) Retype the editor command
5) Move cursor to the previous place
6) Resume work
1) Save the work
2) Put the editor in background by pressing Ctrl+Z
3) Run the shell script
4) Put the editor in the foreground using fg command
5) Resume work
© M. Heidenreich, Seneca Polytechnic