Transcendental Prayers déna-bandhur iti näma te smaran yädavendra patito ’ham utsahe bhakta-vatsalatayä tvayi çrute mämakaà hådayam äçu kampate O Lord Yädavendra, I am fallen. When I remember Your name Dénabandhu (the friend of the fallen) I become encouraged, and when I hear that You love Your devotees my heart trembles. parama-käruëiko na bhavat-paraù parama-çocyatamo na ca mat-paraù iti vicintya hare mayi pämare yad ucitaà yadu-nätha tad äcara O Lord, no one is more merciful than You, and no one is more pathetic than I. I am very lowly and fallen. O Lord Yadunätha, please reflect on my case and do to me whatever is appropriate. bhavodbhava-kleça-kaçä-çatähataù paribhramann indriya-käpathäntare niyamyatäà mädhava me mano-hayas tvad-aìghri-çaìkau dåòha-bhakti-bandhane I am suffering being beaten by hundreds of whips of material nature as the horse of my mind is running wildly on the wrong roads of the senses. O Lord Mädhava, please rein in that wild horse and tie it to the hitching post of Your lotus feet with the ropes of strong devotional service. saàsära-duùkha-jaladhau patitasya kämakrodhädi-nakra-makraiù kavalé-kåtasya durväsanä-nigaòitasya-niräçrayasya caitanyacandra mama dehi padävalambam I have fallen into the ocean of birth and death, which is full of all kinds of sufferings, and am being devoured alive by the sharks and crocodiles of lust and anger. not only that, but I am chained by my sinful thoughts and desires. In this condition I have no shelter. O Lord Caitanyacandra, please rescue me by giving me the shelter of Your lotus feet. pracinanam bhajanam atulam duskaram srnvato me nairyasena jvalati hrdayam bhakti-lesalasasya visva-dricim aghahara tavakarnya karunya-vicim asa-binduksitam idam upety antare hanta saityam I am very weak and lazy to do even the smallest devotional service and so when I hear of the peerless and difficult-to perform services performed by the great devotees in ancient times, my heart burns with despair. O killer of Aghasura, when I hear that Your waves of mercy splash everyone in the universe (even to the insignificant creature like me), then my heart becomes sprinkled with a cooling drop of hope. ha hanta citta-bhuvi me paramosarayam sad-bhakti-kalpa-latikankurita katham syat hrdy ekam eva paramasvasaniyam asti caitanya-nama kalayan na kadapi socyah "Alas, alas! How will the charming wish-fulfilling creeper of pure devotion ever sprout from the desperately barren planes of my consciousness? Despite my predicament, just one great hope awakens in my heart: by chanting the name of Lord Caitanya, nothing can remain to be lamented for by anyone at any time." kåñëa tvadéya-pada-paìkaja-païjaräntam adyaiva me viçatu mänasa-räja-haàsaù präëa-prayäëa-samaye kapha-väta-pittaiù kaëöhävarodhana-vidhau smaraëaà kutas te O Lord Kåñëa, at this moment let the royal swan of my mind enter the tangled stems of the lotus of Your feet. How will it be possible for me to remember You at the time of death, when my throat will be choked up with mucus, bile, and air? tvayi me 'nanya-viñayä matir madhu-pate 'sakåt ratim udvahatäd addhä gaìgevaugham udanvati O Lord of Madhu, as the Ganges forever flows to the sea without hindrance, let my attraction be constantly drawn unto You without being diverted to anyone else. manaso våttayo naù syuù kåñëa pädämbujäçrayäù väco 'bhidhäyinér nämnäà käyas tat-prahvaëädiñu May our mental functions always take shelter of Kåñëa's lotus feet, may our words always chant His names, and may our bodies always bow down to Him and serve Him. ähuç ca te nalina-näbha padäravindaà yogeçvarair hådi vicintyam agädha-bodhaiù saàsära-küpa-patitottaraëävalambaà gehaà juñäm api manasy udiyät sadä naù Dear Lord, whose navel is just like a lotus flower, Your lotus feet are the only shelter for those who have fallen into the deep well of material existence. Your feet are worshiped and meditated upon by great mystic yogés and highly learned philosophers. We wish that these lotus feet may also be awakened within our hearts, although we are only ordinary persons engaged in household affairs. diçatu sväräjyaà vä vitaratu täpa-trayaà väpi | sukhitam duùkhitam api mäà na vimuïcatu keçavaù svämé || He may show His own kingdom, or He may make me suffer the threefold miseries. Whether I suffer or enjoy, I pray that Lord Keçava never abandon me. viracaya mayi dandam dina-bandho dayam va gatir iha na bhavattah kacid anya mamasti nipatatu sata-kotir nirmalam va navambhas tad api kila payodah stuyate catakena O Lord of the fallen, do what You like with me, give me either mercy or punishment, but in this world I have none to look to except Your Lordship. The cataka bird always prays for the cloud, regardless of whether it showers rains or throws a thunderbolt déna-näthaika-ñaraëa hénärthädhika-sädhaka | samasta-durgati-trätar väëchatéta-phala-prada || O Lord Kåñëa, O Lord of the fallen, O my only shelter, You may be attained by those who abandon all material desires, O Protector from all the obstacles, You give results to your devotees which are beyond their expectations (I offer my respectful obeisances unto You) hṛd-vapre nava-bhakti-śasya-vitateḥ sañjīvanī svāgamārambhe kāma-taparttu-dāha-damanī viśvāpagollāsinī dūrān me maru-śākhino ’pi sarasī-bhāvāya bhūyāt prabhuśrī-caitanya-kṛpā-niraṅkuśa-mahā-mādhurya-kādambinī The causeless and completely independent mercy of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu is like a cloud bank of exquisitely sweet nectar that infuses life in the grains of ninefold bhakti in the devotee’s heart; that from the very beginning of its appearance extinguishes the scorching summer heat of lust and gives joy to the universal river of living beings. May those nectar clouds, even from afar, refresh me, a dried-up tree in the desert. yat krtam yat karisyami, tat sarvam na maya krtam | tvaya krtam tu phala-bhuk, tvam eva madhusudana || O Madhusudana, whatever I have done and whatever I will do, nothing is my endeavor. It is all done by You, and You alone are the enjoyer of all my activities. käyena väcä manasendriyair vä buddhyätmanä vänusåtä-svabhävät karomi yad yat sakalaà parasmai näräyaëäyeti samarpayämi Whatever I have done with my body, said with my words, thought with my mind, perceived with my senses, or comprehended with my intelligence, I offer unto the Supreme Lord, Näräyaëa. kälaù kalir balina indriya-vairi-vargäù çré-bhakti-märga iha kaëöaka-koöi-ruddhaù hä hä kva yämi vikalaù kim ahaà karomi caitanyacandra yadi nädya kåpäà karoñi In this Age of Kali, and my enemies, my senses have become very strong. The path of pure devotional service to Kåñëa is obstructed by millions of thorns. Alas! Alas! I am overwhelmed! O Caitanyacandra, if You do not immediately give me Your mercy, what can I do, where can I go? kämädénäà kati na katidhä pälitä durnideçäs teñäà jätä mayi na karuëä na trapä nopaçäntiù utsåjyaitän atha yadu-pate sämprataà labdha-buddhis tväm äyätaù çaraëam abhayaà mäà niyuìkñvätma-däsye ”’O my Lord, there is no limit to the unwanted orders of lusty desires. Although I have rendered these desires so much service, they have not shown any mercy to me. I have not been ashamed to serve them, nor have I even desired to give them up. O my Lord, O head of the Yadu dynasty, recently, however, due to awakeing of my transcendental intelligence, I now refuse to obey the orders of these desires, and I now come to You to surrender myself at Your fearless lotus feet. Kindly engage me in Your personal service and save me.’ jïänävalambakäù kecit kecit karmävalambakäù vayaà tu hari-däsänäà päda-träëävalambakäù Some are inclined to speculative knowledge and other are inclined to fruitive work. We, however, are inclined to take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Hari’s servants. so’py äçcarya-mayaù prabhur nayanayor yan näbhavad gocaro yan näsvädi hareù padämbuja-rasas tad yad gataà tad gatam | etävan mama tävad astu jagatéà ye’dyäpy alaìkurvate çré-caitanya-pade nikhäta-manasas tair yat prasaìgotsavaù || Because the wonderful lord never came before my eyes, and because I never tasted the transcendental nectar of service to his lotus feet, I simply pray to attain the jubilant festival association of those great souls now decorating this world, whoose hearts are fixed at lord caitanya's lotus feet. dvija-stréëäà bhakte måduni viduränne vraja-gaväà dadhi-kñére sakhyuù sphuöa-cipita-muñöau mura-ripo yaçodäyäù stanye vraja-yuvati-datte madhuni te yathäséd ämodas tam imam upahäre ’pi kurutäm O Lord Muräri, I hope that just as You enjoyed the palatable food presented by the wives of the brähmaëas, the meal offered by Vidura, the milk and yogurt of the cows in Vraja, the handful of chipped rice from Your friend Sudämä Brähmaëa, the breast-milk of Mother Yaçodä, and the delicious foods prepared by the young girls of Vraja, You will also enjoy the offering I now place before You. tvayopabhukta-srag-gandhaväso-'laìkära-carcitäù ucchiñöa-bhojino däsäs tava mäyäà jayema hi Simply by decorating ourselves with the garlands, fragrant oils, clothes and ornaments that You have already enjoyed, and by eating the remnants of Your meals, we, Your servants, will indeed conquer Your illusory energy. nikhila-sruti-mauli-ratna-maladyuti-nirajita-pada-pankajanta ayi mukta-kulair upasyamanam paritas tvam hari-nama samsrayami O Hari-nama! The tips of the toes of Your lotus feet are constantly being worshiped by the glowing radiance emanating from the string of gems known as the Upanisads, the crown jewels of all the Vedas. You are eternally adored by liberated souls, such as Narada and Sukadeva. O Hari-nama! I take complete shelter of You. caturëäà vedänäm hådayam idam äkåñya hariëä caturbhir yad varëaiù sphuöam aghati näräyaëa-padam tad etad gäyanto vayam aniçam ätmänam adhunä punémo jänémo na hari-paritoñäya kim api Extracting the four syllables that are the heart of the four Vedas, Lord Hari makes the word Näräyaëa. Day and night chanting this name, we become purified. We do not know any other better way to please Lord Hari. svargärthéyä vyavasitir asau dénayaty eva lokän mokñäpekñä janayati janaà kevalaà kleça-bhäjam yogäbhyäsaù parama-virasas tädåçaiù kià prayäsaiù sarvaà tyaktvä mama tu rasanä kåñëa kåñëeti rautu The attempt to attain the heavenly svarga planets impoverishes the entire world. The desire to attain impersonal liberation brings only trouble. The regimen of yoga is dry and tasteless. What is the use of endeavors like these? I will abandon them all and simply make my tongue chant “Kåñëa, Kåñëa.” brahmäëòänäà koöi-saìkhyädhikänäm aiçvaryaà yac cetanä vä yad-aàçaù ävirbhütaà tan-mahaù kåñëa-näma tan me sädhyaà sädhanaà jévanaà ca If the opulence or knowledge of many millions of universes were clustered together, they would hardly equal a small fragment of the glory of Kåñëa’s holy name. Kåñëa’s holy name is my life. It is the goal of my life. It is the means I will employ to attain the goal of my life. viceyäni vicäryäëi vicintyäni punaù punaù kåpaëasya dhanänéva tvan-nämäni bhavantu naù O Lord, just as a miser continually collects, counts, and remembers his money, in the same way let us continually collect, count, and remember Your holy names. narada-vinojjivana sudhormi-niryasa-madhuri-pura tvam Krsna-nama kamam sphura me rasane rasena sada O life of Narada's vina, O flood of the waves of sweet nectar, O Holy Name of Lord Krsna, please sweetly appear on my tongue! abhe labdhaṁ lapsye nṛ-patir ati-mānaṁ vitanute kariṣye kurve ’haṁ kṛtam iti mayā kṛtyam akhilam | iti vyāmohena kṣayitam idam āyur jaḍa-dhiyā smṛto na tvaṁ nātha kṣaṇam api tato duḥkham agamam || “I got that, I am getting this, I will get that too. I’ve done that, I am doing this, I will do that, which will earn me the king’s affection and respect. I have all this to do.” Fool as I am, my life span has been ruined by such bewilderment. O Lord, I did not remember You even for a moment and therefore attained only suffering. śarīraṁ te dattaṁ nija-bhajana-hetor avikalaṁ kṛtāvṛttiḥ pūrṇā tri-jagati sato mātur udare | mayā sarvaṁ nātha tvad-upakaraṇaṁ vismṛtam abhūn mamaitad yad duḥkhaṁ tad ati-laghu nāgo ’nusarati || After a living entity has gone through a complete cycle of birth and death in the three worlds, this perfect human body is given by You within the womb of a mother for the purpose of worshipping You. O Lord, I have completely forgotten all the help I received from You. My suffering is actually very small compared to what befits my offenses. ahaṁ kartā bhoktā matir iyam abhūd yasya mama te sva-rūpaṁ dur-jñeyaṁ parama-viduṣo gokula-pate | sa evādya tvāhaṁ śaraṇam anuyāto jaḍa-matis tvam īśo ’haṁ bhṛtyaḥ kuru yad ucitaṁ nātha śirasi || The original spiritual nature of Yours, the supreme wise Lord, is very difficult to understand for someone like me, who is absorbed in the idea of being the doer and the enjoyer. O Lord of Gokula, today this dull-headed one has taken Your shelter. You are the master and I am Your servant, so do with me whatever You deem proper, O Lord. prīṇātu bhagavān īśaḥ karmaṇānena śāśvataḥ ““May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the supreme controller always be pleased with my work.” praséda paramänanda praséda parameçvara ädhi-vyädhi-bhujäìgena dañöaà mäm uddhara prabho O Supreme Lord, O reservoir of the highest pleasure, be pleased upon me. I have been bitten by the poisonous snake of mental and bodily miseries. Therefore, O Lord, please deliver me. yuvaténäà yathä yüni yünäm ca yuvatau yathä mano 'bhiramate tadvan mano me ramatäà tvayi Just as the minds of young ladies take pleasure in a young man, and the minds of young men take pleasure in a young woman, kindly let my mind take pleasure in You alone. bhümau skhalita-pädänäà bhümir evävalambanam tvayi jätäparädhänäà tvam eva çaraëaà prabho Just as the ground is the only support for those whose feet have slipped, You alone are the only shelter for those who have offended You. ahaà bhagavato 'àço 'smi sadä däso 'smi sarvathä tvat-kåpäpekñako nityam ity ätmänaà samarpaye O Lord, I am your part and parcel, I am your eternal servant and in all respects I am yours. I am always hoping for your mercy and in this way I offer myself to you. Prayers to Radha Kåñëa jayatäà suratau paìgor mama manda-mater gaté mat-sarvasva-padämbhojau rädhä-madana-mohanau Glory to the all-merciful Rädhä and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me. dévyad-våndäraëya-kalpa-drumädhaùçrémad-ratnägära-siàhäsana-sthau çrémad-rädhä-çréla-govinda-devau preñöhälébhiù sevyamänau smarämi In a temple of jewels in Våndävana, underneath a desire tree, Çré Çré Rädhä-Govinda, served by Their most confidential associates, sit upon an effulgent throne. I offer my humble obeisances unto Them. çrémän räsa-rasärambhé vaàçévaöa-taöa-sthitaù karñan veëu-svanair gopér gopé-näthaù çriye ’stu naù Çré Çréla Gopénätha, who originated the transcendental mellow of the räsa dance, stands on the shore in Vaàçévaöa and attracts the attention of the cowherd damsels with the sound of His celebrated flute. May they all confer upon us their benediction. prätaù prabodhito viñëo håñékeçena yat tvayä yad yat karayaséçäna tat karomi taväjïayä O Viñëu, O Éçäna, O Håñékeça, You have awakened me, and now I am ready to do whatever You wish today. avaśyam tu mayā kāryam priyam tasya mahātmanaḥ | jīvitena api rāmasya tathā daśarathasya ca || I should certainly do this work which is dear to those great personalities, Rama and Dasaratha, even if it claims my life. (Jatayu) tvaratē kāryakālō mē ahaścāpyativartatē | pratijñā ca mayā dattā na sthātavyamihāntarē || "The time to perform my service is hastening me. The day set (for the accomplishment of the task) is also coming close. A vow is made and I will not halt in the middle of my work." (Hanuman) Kuraṅgugaḷ malaiyai nūkkak kuḷittut tām puraṇdiṭṭōdit taraṅga nīradaikkaluṟṟa salamilā aṇilum pōlēṉ maraṅgaḷ pōl valiya neñcam vancaṉēṉ nencu taṉṉāl araṅgaṉārkkāṭ seyyādē aḷiyattēṉ ayarkkiṉṟēṉē. While the monkeys are pushing the mountains, the squirrels are immersing their bodies in the ocean and then running and rolling in the sand and thereby blocking the gaps (with the sand on their body) in the bridge on the ocean even though it frothing with waves and they are doing this selflessly (without expecting any enjoyment or benefit for themselves) but I am not like them indeed my heart is hard like a tree and I am always hypocritic and selfish and my heart is not moved to engage in the service of the Lord of Sri Rangam. Even though I am expected to Lord service to lord Ranganath, I am simply standing foolishly by forgetting Him. (Thondaradipodi Alwar) ..\Prayers\thirumalai-27.mp3 umbarāl aṟiyalāgā oḷiyuḷār āṉaikkāgic cempulāl uṇdu vāḻum mudalai mēl sīṟi vandār nam paramāyaduṇdē nāygaḷōm siṟumai yōrā empirāṟku āṭ seyyādē eṉ seyvāṉ tōṉṟiṉēṉē. The Lord of Spirtual world, whom even the great demigods are unable to know, personally came(hurriedly) to rescue Gajendra and swooped on the raw-meat eating crocodile, having such a Master is there any need for me to think of my protection and although I am lowly and fallen like a dog, the Lord ignores all the faults. Even though having such a Master I didn’t do anything to serve Him. What for I have come into this world? (Thondaradipodi Alwar)..\Prayers\thirumalai-28.mp3 namo namo väì-manasäti bhümaye namo namo väì-manasaika bhümaye namo namonanta-mahä-vibhütaye namo namo’nanta dayaika sindhave Obeisances, obeisances to You, who are beyond the power of words and mind! Obeisances, obeisances to You, the sole object for the voice's words or the mind's thoughts! Obeisances, obeisances to You, the master of limitless powers and opulences! Obeisances, obeisances to You, who are a limitless ocean of mercy! aviveka ghanändha-diìmukhe bahudhä santata-duùkha-varñiëi / bhagavan bhava-durdine pathaù skhalitaà mäm avalokayäcyuta // O Lord, O infallible one, please glance on me, from the right path fallen into the calamity of repeated birth and death, where all directions are darkened with clouds of ignorance and filled with a constant monsoon of sufferings. sakrt tvad akara vilokanasaya trni-krtanuttama-bhukti-muktibhih mahatmabhir mam avalokyatam naya ksane 'pi te yad viraho 'ti duhsahah "O my Lord, please lead me into the glance of those great devotees who, in their heart's aspiration to only once behold Your divine form, consider sense enjoyment and liberation to be like straw, and whose separation is unbearable for even You." na dehaà na präëän na ca sukham açeñäbhilañitaà na cätmänaà nänyat kim api tava çeñatva vibhavät / bahir-bhütam nätha kñaëam-api sahe yätu çatadhä vinäçaà tat satvaà madhu-mathana vijïäpanam idam // O Lord, I cannot tolerate for a moment my body, it's breathing, the happiness everyone wants, my self, or anything else kept apart from You. Let them perish hundreds of time. O Lord Madhusudana, this is my actual wish. This is my request to You. durantasyänäder apariharaëéyasya mahato nihénäcäro‘haà nåpaçuraçubhasyäspadam api / dayä-sindho bandho niravadhika vätsalya-jaladhe tava smäraà smaraà guëa-gaëam itécchämi gatabhéh // O ocean of mercy, O limitless ocean of fatherly love, even though I am misbehaved, animalistic and a storehouse of great limitless, beginningless sins, because I meditate again and again on the great host of Your transcendental virtues, I am able to desire in this way without any fear. nanu prapannas sakåd eva nätha taväham asméti ca yäcamänaù / tavänukampyas smarataù pratijïäà mad eka varjam kim idaà vrataà te // Do You remember Your promise that if a person once surrenders to You and says, "O Lord, I am Yours," You will give Your mercy to him? Why am I excluded from Your promise? saàsärämbhasi sambhåta-bhrama-bhare gambhéra-täpa-trayagräheëäbhigåhétam ugra-gatinä kroçantam antar-bhayät dépreëädya sudarçanena vibudha-klänti-cchidäkäriëä cintä-santatati-ruddham uddhara hare mac-citta-dantéçvaram The elephant of my mind is drowning in the waters of material illusion. Strongly held by the ferocious crocodile of the threefold miseries, it anxiously cries with fear in its heart. O Lord Hari, please rescue it with Your glowing Sudarçana cakra, which cuts the sufferings of the demigods to pieces. dinädau muräre niçädau muräre dinärdhe muräre niçärdhe muräre dinänte muräre niçänte muräre tvam eko gatir nas tvam eko gatir naù O Lord Muräri, during the beginning, middle and end of all our days and nights, You always remain the only goal of our lives. äsvädyaà pramadä-radacchadam iva çravyaà navaà jalpitaà bäläyä iva dåçya uttama-vadhü-lävaëya-lakñmér iva prodghoñyaà cira-viprayukta-vanitä-sandeça-väëéva me naivedyaà caritaà ca rüpam aniçaà çré-kåñëa nämästu te O Lord Kåñëa, I pray that the remnants of Your foodstuff may become as palatable for to me as a woman’s lips are palatable for a materialist. I pray that the narration of Your pastimes may become as sweet to my ears as the words of a young girl are sweet for a materialist. I pray that the sight of Your transcendental form may become as pleasing to my eyes as the beauty of a young bride is pleasing to her husband. I pray that I may always chant Your holy name in the same way a lover reads aloud a letter from his long-separated beloved. atandrita-camüpati-prahita-hastam asvé-kåtapraëéta-maëi-pädukaà kim iti vismåtäntaùpuram avähana-pariñkriyaà pataga-räjam ärohataù kari-pravara-båàhite bhagavatas tvaräyai namaù Carrying Lord Kåñëa, undecorated, saying “Why?” as he rejects the jewel sandals a military commander offers in his hand, and forgetting that they are inside the palace, the bird-king Garuòa suddenly leaves, making a sound like the trumpeting of elephants. I offer my respectful obeisances to the Lord’s swift departure. yaù kaçcaneço balino 'ntakoragät pracaëòa-vegäd abhidhävato bhåçam bhétaà prapannaà paripäti yad-bhayän måtyuù pradhävaty araëaà tam émahi The Supreme Personality of Godhead is certainly not known to everyone, but He is very powerful and influential. Therefore, although the serpent of eternal time, which is fearful in force, endlessly (every hour and every minute) chases everyone, ready to swallow him, if one who fears this serpent seeks shelter of the Lord, the Lord gives him protection, for even death runs away in fear of the Lord. I therefore surrender unto Him, the great and powerful supreme authority who is the actual shelter of everyone. Prayers to Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa (Sri Sanatkumara-samhita: Çré Sadäçiva instructs to Çré Närada) saàsära-sägarän nätha putra-mitra-gåhäìganät goptärau me yuväm eva prapanna-bhaya-bhaïjanau O Rädhä-Kåñëa, You are my protectors from the ocean of material existence, which is filled with sons, friends, household, and land. Therefore You are known as the destroyers of fear for those surrendered unto You. yo 'haà mamästi yat kiïcid iha loke paratra ca tat sarvaà bhavato 'dyaiva caraëeñu samarpitam O Your Lordships, from today myself and whatever little bit is mine in this world and in the next-all this I now offer unto Your lotus feet. aham apy aparädhänäm älayas tyakta-sädhanaù agatiç ca tato näthau bhavantau me parä gatiù O Your Lordships, I am certainly the abode of many offenses and am completely devoid of any devotional practices. Nor do I have any resort or shelter. Therefore, I regard You as my ultimate goal. taväsmi rädhikä-nätha karmaëä manasä girä kåñëa-känte tavaiväsmi yuväm eva gatir mama I am Yours, O Lord of Çrématé Rädhäräëé, as are my actions, mind, and words. O lover of Çré Kåñëa, I belong to You alone and You both are my only shelter çaraëaà väà prapanno 'smi karuëä-nikaräkarau prasädaà kuru däsyaà bho mayi duñöe 'parädhini O Rädhä and Kåñëa, O ocean of mercy, You are my only shelter, and thus I take shelter of You. Although I am such a fallen offender, please be merciful to me and make me Your servant. ity evaà japataà nityaà gantavyaà padya-païcakam aciräd eva tadä däsyaà icchatä muni-sattama O best of sages, one who desires to quickly attain the direct service of the divine couple should daily recite these five verses. rädhä-kåñëatayoù padän çaraëaà syäd ihäçrayam prapadye gatavän asmi jévo 'haà mati-duùkhitaù Let me take shelter of Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa's lotus feet. I, an individual spirit soul unhappy at heart, surrender to Them. so 'haà yaù çaraëaà präpto sarvaà täbhyäà tad-arthaà hi mama tasya vadanti ca tad-bhogyaà na tu ye mama "I surrender to Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa. Whatever is mine is in truth Their property. Everything is for Their sake. Everything is meant for Their enjoyment. It is not meant for me." sarvopäya-parityägaù kåñëopäyanam arcanam su-ciraà proñite käntaà yathä pati-paräyaëä He should renounce all plans and make the worship of Lord Kåñëa his only plan. As a faithful wife worships her husband when he has gone away on a journey, so he should worship Lord Kåñëa. priyänurägiëé dénä tasya saìgaika-kaìkñiëé tad-guëän bhävayen nityaà gäyaty api çåëoti ca Filled with love for her dear husband, such an unhappy wife always longs for his company. She always meditates on his virtues. She glorifies them and hears about them. äçritaç cätakéà våttià deha-pätävadhi dvija dvayasyärthaà bhävayatä stheyam ity eva me matiù O brähmaëa, one should always serve the Lord and His devotees. Until the moment of one's death one should follow the example of the cätaké bird. saraù-samudra-nady-ädén trñiti mriyate väpi vihäya cätaké yathä yäcate vä payodharät Rejecting lakes, rivers, oceans, and any other source of water, a cätaké bird only prays for to the clouds even if it is dying out of thirst sakån-mätra-prapanno yas taväsméti ca yäcate nija-däsyaà harir dadyän na me 'trästi vicäraëä To a person who once surrenders to the Lord and prays, “O Lord, I am Yours," Lord Hari gives direct devotional service. Of this I have no doubt. sakåd etäà prapanno yas sädhanena vinäpy eña taväsméti vaded api mäm äpnoti na saàçayaù A person who once surrenders to Her (Çrématé Rädhäräëé) and tells Her, “I am Yours", attains Me also without doing anything further. Of this there is no doubt. (Çré Kåñëa to Sadäçiva) Prayers to Krishna Balarama namaste halagraha namaste musalayudha namaste revati-kanta namaste bhakta-vatsala Obeisances to You, O holder of the plow! Obeisances to You, O wielder of the mace! Obeisances to You, O darling of Revati! Obeisances to You, Who are very kind to Your devotees!(Skanda Purana) namaste balinam srestha namaste dharani-dhara pralambara namas te tu trahi mam krsna-purvaja I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Balarama, the best of the strong and the support of the earth. Obeisances unto You, O enemy of Pralamba! Please deliver me, O elder brother of Krsna!(Skanda Purana) śuddha sphatika sańkāśam raktāmbuja daleksanam rohinī tanayam rāmam kāma pālam bhajāmy aham Similar in complexion to pure crystal with eyes like the petals of red lotuses He's the son of Mother Rohini named Ram - I worship the guardian of transcendental desire.( Varāha Purāna) yo vai krsnah sa vai rāmo yo rāmah krsna eva sah yuvayor nāntaram me ‘sti prasida tvam jagan maya He Who is Krishna is certainly He Who is Rām, and He Who is Rām is certainly He Who is Krishna. These two youths are nondifferent. O pervaders of the universel May you be pleased with me! (Pādma Purāna) jaladhara śaśi varnau gopa veśau kiśorau sahacara gana vrndaih kridamānau vrajeśau nata vara jita veśau nila pītāmbarādhyau jagata janana hetū rāma kŗsnau nato ’smi The pair of complexions like a raincloud and the moon The pair dressed as cowherds, the pair of youths The pair engaged in sporting with the assembly of their friends; The pair who are Lords of Vraja The pair whose dress eclipses that of the best of dancers The pair fond of wearing blue and yellow garments The pair who are the source of all living entities in the universe - I bow to the pair known as Rām and Krishna rsukha śuddham tathā moksam hitvā tu bhaja re manah hrn madhye gokule krsnam rāmań ca bālakaih saha O mind! Having given up pure happiness and liberation, please worship Krishna and Rām along with the cowherd boys in the Gokula of the heart. durväsanä-su-dåòha-rajju-çatair nibaddham äkåñya sarvata idaà sva-balena gaura rädhävane viharataù saha rädhayä te pädäravinda-savidhaà naya mänasà me O Krsna, O Lord who enjoys pastimes with Çré Rädhä in Rädhävana, please forcibly drag my heart, now tightly bound with hundreds of ropes of wicked desires, to Your lotus feet. cetyevaṁ mama hitāhitaṁ putrasya piteva mat prabhureva jānāti na tyaham mayi tadbhakte nāsti kālakarmādināṁ keṣāmapyadhikāra iti sa eva kṛpayā sukhaduḥkhe bhojayati ca svaṁ sevati ceti The Lord, who is like my father certainly knows what is best for me, who am like His son and I don't know it myself. Karma and time have no effect on a devotee, So everything is Kåñëa’s personal arrangement for me. Out of His mercy, Kåñëa sometimes gives me happiness and sometimes gives me distress, considering how to engage me in His service.(VCT – SB 10.14.8) tvan-mäyayäddhä jana éça khaëòito yad anyad äçästa åtätmano 'budhaù yathä cared bäla-hitaà pitä svayaà tathä tvam evärhasi naù saméhitum My Lord, due to Your illusory energy, all living beings in this material world have forgotten their real constitutional position, and out of ignorance they are always desirous of material happiness in the form of society, friendship and love. Therefore, As a father, not waiting for the son's demand, does everything for the benefit of the son, please bestow upon me whatever You think best for me. rāga-dveṣādy-anartha-"jahi-jahi"-bhagavan-nāma-mātra-pratāpād dvaitaṁ dehādi vismāraya sakalam atha sphorayes tarya-tejaḥ With only the power and glory of the Lord's holy name, conquer and conquer lust, hatred, and all other vices. Make me forget the dualities of material existence that spring from the material body. Reveal the splendour of the spiritual world. iyaà rasajïä tava näma kértane çrotrau mano me çravaëe 'nucintane netre ca te rüpa nirékñaëe sadä çirostu caitanya-pädäbhivandane O Lord! O Çré Kåñëa Caitanya! My tongue is meant only for glorifying Your holy name. My ears are meant for hearing Your qualities. My mind is meant for remembering Your pastimes. My eyes are meant for seeing Your beautiful form and my head is meant for offering obeisances at Your lotus feet. aneka-janma-kåta-majjato 'bdhau siddhià kuruñva prabhu-gauracandra! samujjvaläà te pada-padma-seväà karomi nityaà hari-kértanaà ca O Lord Gaurasundara! I've been drowning in this ocean of material existence for many lifetimes. Kindly deliver me. My only prayer is that I may always be engaged in chanting the holy name and serving Your lotus feet. çata-çata-patitänäà träëa-kartä prabhus tvaà katham api kim u doñe vaïcito 'haà prapannaù kali-bhaya-kåta-bhétaà trähi mäà déna-bandho! saraëa-gata-gatis tvaà kià bruve gauracandra! O Lord Gaurasundara. You are the deliverer of hundreds of fallen souls. I do not know by what offense I am bereft of Your mercy. O friend of the poor. I am very afraid of the contamination of Kali-yuga. Please protect me. What more can I say? You are the only Lord and shelter of the surrendered souls. çré-gaura-caraëe-dvandve yäce yäce punaù punaù jévane maraëe väpi tava rüpaà vicintaye At the reddish lotus feet of the son of Çacé, Çré Gaurahari, my only repeated prayer is, 'In life or death may I always remember Your beautiful form.' 𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐝𝐯𝐚̄𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚̄𝐯𝐚̄𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐤𝐫̣𝐬̣𝐧̣𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐩𝐢̄-𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐚-𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚-𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐬𝐯𝐚-𝐛𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐭𝐯𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐤𝐢𝐦̣ 𝐧𝐚 𝐣𝐚̄𝐧𝐚̄𝐬𝐢 𝐤𝐞𝐬́𝐚𝐯𝐚 . 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚̄𝐭𝐡𝐚 𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚̄-𝐧𝐚̄𝐭𝐡𝐚 𝐯𝐫𝐚𝐣𝐚-𝐧𝐚̄𝐭𝐡𝐚̄𝐫𝐭𝐢-𝐧𝐚̄𝐬́𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐬̣𝐭̣𝐚̄𝐫𝐧̣𝐚𝐯𝐚-𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐭𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐝𝐚̄𝐬𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐬̣𝐚 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐚̄𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐚 . 𝐤𝐫̣𝐬̣𝐧̣𝐚 𝐤𝐫̣𝐬̣𝐧̣𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐡𝐚̄-𝐲𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐬́𝐯𝐚̄𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐬́𝐯𝐚-𝐛𝐡𝐚̄𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦̣ 𝐩𝐚̄𝐡𝐢 𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐬𝐯𝐚-𝐛𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐚̄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐦 O Govinda! O resident of Dvārakā! O Kṛṣṇa! O Lord dear to the Gopīs! Do you not recognize your own devotee affected by a severe disease? O Lord! O Master of Lakṣmī! O Lord of Vraja! O destroyer of all suffering! O Janārdana! Please protect this particular servant of yours who is plunged in an ocean of difficulties. Kṛṣṇa! Kṛṣṇa! O greatest among mystic yogīs! O supersoul of the universe! O origin of the universe! Please rescue your own surrendered devotee who is experiencing great difficulty. (Draupadi)