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Case Strategy Presentation Guidelines

Case Strategy Presentation Guidelines
Spring 2024
Your group will make a PowerPoint presentation to the “client” presenting your marketing
strategy. The Class section will present in class while the Online section will make a voice-over
PowerPoint presentation using the record function in the program itself (do not make me have
to visit another website to hear your voice-over). This needs to be a professional presentation
as if it were generated for the company in question. You should continually support your
recommendations by referring to the information gained from the situation analysis. Make
sure everyone in your group is involved in the presentation.
Slide 1: Title slide including all participating students
Slide 2: Target Market
a. What is your target market strategy?
i. Can choose one or two segments.
b. Explain/support your strategy.
i. If you chose one segment…show it is big enough to be profitable
ii. If you chose two segments…show how these segments fit together for Lilliput
homes (similarities in needs, Lifecycle (lifelong customers), or something else?)
Slides 3-10: Marketing Mix strategy. How will you design your marketing mix for your chose target
a. Product (slides 3 – 5): How will you design the product/service offering to fill the needs
of your chosen target market(s)? You need to include floorplans and lists of features.
b. Price (slide 6): What is your pricing structure for your product/service offer and how
does it fit the needs of your target market(s)?
c. Place (slide 7): How will your customers tour homes and home options? How will you
get the homes to the customers chose location? Don’t forget to account for the costs
(including travel time for workers) associated with distribution in your price. Will you
build on-site or build in a factory and deliver on site?
d. Promotion (slides 8-10): Design an IMC campaign to reach your chosen target market(s).
Needs to include the marketing message (slogan) and the different communications
channels. Need more than just social media or online advertising.
Slide 11: Sustainable Competitive Advantage (BOR stack).
a. Who are your two biggest competitors?
b. How will the marketing mix detailed above build a SCA over your nearest competitors?
a. Brand, Offering, and Relationship stack.
Case Strategy Evaluation Sheet
You will be watching and evaluating other team’s presentations using an online form that will be
provided. This is the same form I will be using to grade your presentations. The evaluation form
layout is below:
1. (10pts) Rate their Target Market strategy
2. Marketing Mix (4 P’s)
a. (10pts) Rate the fit and completeness of their Product strategy to the needs of
the Target Market.
b. (10pts) Rate the fit and completeness of their Price strategy to the needs of the
Target Market.
c. (10pts) Rate the fit and completeness of their Place strategy to the needs of the
Target Market.
d. (10pts) Rate the fit and completeness of their Promo strategy to the needs of
the Target Market.
3. (10pts) Based on the presentation, how strong of a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
will they achieve?