Uploaded by Jobson Ribeiro

resume english

João Pessoa, Brazil • +5583981747803 • jobsonribeiro@outlook.com
linkedin.com/in/jobson-ribeiro-b0a77b148/?locale=en_US • github.com/jobsonrisoa
Fullstack Developer with 3+ years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, social software,
and open-source projects. Skilled in React, Next.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Jest, and Drupal.
Experienced in working with global, multidisciplinary teams on products reaching users in over 50
Fullstack Engineer , CI&T
May 2022 - Apr 2024
Contributed to a new vision-related platform for a multinational pharmaceutical company by
implementing reusable components, unit testing with Jest and RTL, CMS integration, and
data analysis.
Improved a web platform for ophthalmic lenses by integrating search functionalities,
ophthalmic calculators, and deploying to over 50 regions using React, PHP, Drupal, JQuery
and Sass.
Enhanced a visual health platform with new layouts and features, CMS integration, and
utilized Drupal, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Google Analytics.
Fullstack Engineer, Fábrica de Software Unipê
July 2020 - December 2021
Developed the backend in Python and a scraper for an Ionic app that tracks budget and
progress of government projects, presenting data in an intuitive interface.
MBA in Fullstack Development
Jan 2024 - Present
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - Puc Rio
Associate Degree in Internet Systems
Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - Unipê
Jan 2019 - Dec 2021
Technical Skills: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, NextJS, NestJS, Express, Java,
Springboot; Redux, Storybook, socket.io, Webpack, Microfrontend, Design Systems, jQuery,
SASS, Styled Components; Docker, Jenkins, CI/CD, DDD, SOLID, Clean Code, Design
Patterns, Microservices, REST APIs, GraphQL; Jest, React Testing Library, Jasmine, Cypress,
Unit, Functional, Integration tests; Git, Gitflow, Trunk-based development, TDD, BDD; PHP,
Drupal, Contentstack, Strapi; Data Modeling, UML, PostgreSQL, MSQL, MySQL, MongoDB;
Agile, Scrum, Kanban; Figma, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics.
Languages: English C1 Advanced, Portuguese (Native)
Activities: Open Source contributor for project Drupal.org