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Incline Cardio: Fat Loss & Muscle Building Training Guide

Incline Cardio
Exploiting your body’s fat-burning loophole – and losing your pudge while
building muscle
Exploiting the fat burning loophole
The cardio method described in this section is the key to losing fat while building muscle on this
More than diet, more than anything else, the Incline Cardio method is what is primarily
responsible for reducing your body fat and revealing your six pack – and does it insanely fast.
This is literally the difference between adding a small layer of fat on this system – or shedding it
off fast. No matter how lean you think you are now, this is not an optional part of the program!
But this isn’t anything like the cardio most people perform for fat loss, and it has to be performed
just right for it to be effective.
That’s because this is about more than just cardio. This is about exploiting a loophole in the way
your body burns fat.
Here’s how the loophole works…
First, let me point out that this is stupidly simple – and seems almost too easy to work like it
does. Don’t let that fool you.
Immediately after an intense weight training session precisely following the Hollywood
Hypertrophy Training protocol, your body will be in a unique hormonal and metabolic state
where fat oxidation comes very easily. I’ll call this the Fat Oxidation Zone.
Essentially your heart rate will be very elevated, you’re sweating heavily, you’ll be breathing
heavily from the almost cardiovascular nature of the weight training, and your body hasn’t
started to release cortisol (the “stress hormone”) from overwork yet – so you still feel strong and
alert. This is how the Fat Oxidation Zone feels.
This is very similar to the concept of “target heart rate zones” for fat loss – except that I don’t
want you measuring your heart rate, and there is a little more involved here than just that.
The Fat Oxidation Zone only exists for 10 to 15 minutes immediately following your Hollywood
Hypertrophy Training workouts – and strategically using cardio at this time will allow you to
take advantage of this direct-fat-burning window of opportunity!
But here’s where it gets tricky: you need a fine balance of intensity to get the full benefits from
this window of opportunity. If you work yourself too hard, you’ll be promoting muscle loss
rather than fat loss; if you go too easy, nothing will happen at all.
The solution? Walking at an incline.
Simply walking at an incline for 10 to 15 minutes immediately after every Hollywood
Hypertrophy Training workout provides the perfect stimulus for taking advantage of the
Fat Oxidation Zone and will directly target and burn off more body fat than any other
form of exercise.
Exact instructions on how to do this are provided below.
The biggest advantage to this method is that, because of its light impact on your central nervous
system and its small time commitment, it can be used every day and after every single workout –
resulting in exponentially more fat loss than any other high-impact system can provide.
In other words, not only does each Incline Cardio session burn off more fat than any other form
of cardio, but you can also do it more often than any other form of cardio – resulting in
exponentially greater results.
Now, there is one big catch:
Incline Cardio is an accelerated fat loss add-on to the Hollywood Hypertrophy Training system,
and for this to be truly effective, you must perform your Hollywood Hypertrophy Training
workouts perfectly!
That means never letting your weight sessions go for longer than 30 minutes; preferably going
for less time; and really pushing and exhausting yourself with short rest periods and full
The more exhausted your muscles are after your workouts and the more elevated your heart rate
from only 20 to 30 minutes of work, the better your results will be.
Failure to follow Hollywood Hypertrophy Training perfectly – particularly letting workouts run
longer than 30 minutes – will turn Incline Cardio from a loophole for accelerated fat loss to a
counter-productive muscle waster.
In other words, fail to perform your Hollywood Hypertrophy Training workouts properly, and
the fat-burning loophole doesn’t exist – and Incline Cardio is worthless.
Before giving the exact protocol, it’s extremely important to note:
For best results, you must avoid all other forms of cardio while on the Hollywood Physique for
That means no running, jogging, elliptical, biking, sprinting, or any other form of cardio.
Incline walking, exactly as described in this section, is the only cardio you are permitted to
How to perform Incline Cardio walks
(NOTE: these instructions are made to be used with a treadmill. If you do not have a treadmill
available to you, following these instructions walking a) briskly up a hill outside or b) on a flat
surface with a weighted vest or weighted backpack on will do the trick.)
Jump immediately to incline walking right after your weight workout is done, as
though it is another exercise in your routine - do not stop or rest at all!
Set the incline at anywhere from 8 to 12 percent (no more). The number you see when
you adjust the incline is the percentage - if it says “8”, you are at an 8% incline, for
Set the speed between 3.2 and 3.8 MPH - you aren’t approaching a jog or a “power
walk”, but you are walking a bit faster than a standard non-exercise pace, and
definitely an above-average pace for walking uphill.
Walk with a completely straight spine, chest sticking out, and abs stretched straight and
tense. Your abs will be contracted throughout the walk
How to characterize the intensity: you should be able to have a conversation, but not
without stopping to breath between every few words; the first few minutes will feel
surprisingly hard for the speed you're walking at
Your legs should not become exhausted or start burning at all, but instead you should feel
the pressure directly in your abs, which are contracting and working hard to hold you
When done, you should be absolutely drenched in sweat - surprisingly more than
you’d expect to sweat from a simple walking workout
If walking on a treadmill, never ever hold on to the side railings - this complete negates
any positive effects!
When to do it for best results
Immediately after a Hollywood Hypertrophy Training workout (10 to 15 minutes)
This is not optional! Unless you already have perfect, completely visible six pack abs, you will
do a 10 to 15 minute session of incline cardio immediately after every weight workout. (Even if
you already have perfect abs, I still recommend doing at least 10 minutes after every workout to
maintain them!) Treat your Incline Cardio session like you would any other exercise - jump into
it immediately after your final exercise in your weight training session.
Remember, this is taking advantage of a “loophole” in how your body burns fat - specifically
that if you walk as specified above with your heart rate elevated to the exact level it is after a
Hollywood Hypertrophy Training working, and do so for only 10 to 15 minutes, you will directly
target and eliminate fat on your body.
It’s not hard work (although it’ll be surprisingly challenging when you first start walking), but
it’s borderline unreal in how effectively it melts off excess body fat and develops your abs.
Fat loss will be very dramatic and very fast - yes, while building muscle - when performing
Incline Cardio after every weight training workout.
In the mornings if you work out later in the day (20 to 30 minutes)
I highly recommend fitting in two Incline Cardio sessions every day. The more you do it, the
faster you’ll melt off all excess body fat on your body, the more dramatic results you’ll see, and
the more defined abs you’ll have.
The first - and necessary - session, obviously, is for 10 to 15 minutes immediately after your
weight training workout.
The second would be at least 5 hours before or after your weight training session. So if you train
later in the day or at night, go for your Incline Cardio session in the morning.
I recommend doing this immediately after waking up on an empty stomach. Hop out of bed,
drink some water, and go for a walk either on a treadmill or outside up a hill for 20 to 30 minutes
following the Incline Cardio protocol above.
At night if you work out earlier in the day (20 to 30 minutes)
If you work out earlier in the day (from mornings to early afternoon), simply fit in an Incline
Cardio session at night. I like to put on some TV or a video online and walk on my treadmill for
20 to 30 minutes. If you walk outside or at a gym, just put something on an MP3 player and go
for it. Again, just make sure there are at least 5 hours separating your regular workout and your
second night Incline Cardio session.
These morning and night sessions should not follow a weight training session beforehand.
Simply walk from a cold start following the Incline Cardio protocol, either outside up a hill or on
a treadmill at an incline. Like the post-weight workout session, you will be drenched in sweat by
the end of these morning/night sessions.
Cardio is absolutely necessary and not optional on this program
Running, bicycling, elliptical, stairstepper, and interval/sprinting training are strictly
prohibited on this program due to their inefficiency in burning fat
Walking at an incline for 10 to 15 minutes immediately after every single workout will
lead to direct utilization of stored body fat for energy and lead directly to fat loss while
building muscle
Walking separate from your workouts, particularly at an incline, for up to 20 or 30
minutes a day will further increase direct fat loss