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How to test a ‘Bible’ for Papal/Babylonian Doctrine & spirit of Antichrist?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is there ‘Oil’ in your “Lamp” ? ( Matt 25:1-13)
What is a “Lamp” ? ( Psalm 119:105 & Prov 6:23)
What is “Oil” ? ( Holy Ghost 1st John 2:27 & Heb 1:9 & John 15:26)
Where is the ‘PURE’ (Psa 12:6-7 & Prov 30:5, Psa 119:140), ‘UNBROKEN’ (John 10:35 & Psa
34:20), ‘EVERY WORD’ (Matt 4:4 & Deut 8:3) testimony of Jesus Christ?
“Yea, hath God said..?” (Gen 3:1) “A little leauen leaueneth the whole lumpe.” (Gal 5:9) MANY
corrupt His Word ( 2 Cor 2:17 , Rev 22:18-19 , Prov 30:6, Rom 3:4, Matt 24:24)
End Times FAMINE of God’s Word! (Amos 8:11-12 & Joel 1:4)
1 John 5:8 (Spirit=Holy Ghost Luke 4:1,Water=OT Amos 8:11, Blood=NT Luke 22:20)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) We are NOT “imitators” of God, or “Christlike” !!
(Eph 5:1, Isaiah 14:12-14, Gen 3:5, John 8:12, Gal 2:16)
2) We are NOT “Righteous” by “works”, “acts”, or “deeds” !!
(Titus 3:5 & Rev 19:8 must agree.)(Isa 64:6, Eph 2:8-9)
3) 1st John 4:2-3 MUST confess “Jesus Christ ‘IS’ come in the flesh” !!
“IS” =’s PRESENT tense. “Has” =’s PAST tense. Agree’s with (2nd John 7) ‘is’.
4) Mark of the Beast is ‘IN’ the ‘Right’ hand, or ‘IN’ the forehead, NOT ‘on’. Mark is “causeth”
NOT “forced”! “Causeth” is passive aggressive, Satan wants us to choose & worship him of
our own free will, just like God. He “imitates” God, so he can try to claim equality with Him.
( Revelation 13:16, Isaiah 14:14)
5) Song of Solomon 2:7 must confess “..till SHE please.”!! King Solomon is NOT holding a man
in his arms! “She” pronoun is vital to end times prophecy. ‘Solomon’= 666 (1King 10:14, Rev
13:18) Verse 2:5 must confess “stay me with Flagons”(Hos 3:1).
Ch 2, False Church/Queen of Babylon( SoS 2:4, Dan 5:10) is drunk in the arms of
Antichrist, on his words/doctrine, & eating from the wrong tree! (Gen 3:1-7). KS an example
of not listening to God & great apostasy. Rebellion turns our affections. (Rom 1:18-32)
Sodomy is the spirit of Babylon. (Rev11:8, SoS 5:4 & SoS 8:1, Dan 11:37, Isa 13:19)
6) “Wormwood” symbolized as an Asteroid. A ‘lying wonders’? ( Rev 8:10-11, Psalm 119:105, 2
Thes 2:9) WW is a FALSE ‘Lamp‘ imitating God’s Word, a corrupt New World Order Bible(s).
People who read(DRINK) ‘Wormwood’ are spiritually poisoned and die. Angels can cast
stones (Rev 18:21) Satan granted LITERAL powers to deceive. ( 2 The 2:9, Rev 12:9)
Don’t believe or swear an oath ‘Wormwood’ is God’s Word!
(Prov 5:4, Lam 3:15, Zech 5:1-3, James 5:12, Matt 12:37, Matt 25:1-13)
7) Job CH 41 A spiritual lesson of Antichrist, in a parable of a Dinosaur/Sea Monster.
“Leviathan” Pope is God’s servant and visible Antichrist on Earth, who acts to cast
doubt on the Word of God. Leviathan’s “lamps”= many false ‘bibles’. “L” must be
capitalized. (Job 41:3, Job 41:19 , Job 41:34, Dan 8:25, Isa 27:1)
8) Modern Versions & ‘KJV’ 1769 attack the LORD Jesus Christ & His Divinity!
John 14:6
‘KJV’ - “ Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh
unto the Father, but by me.”
‘AV1611’ - “ Iesus saith vnto him, I am the Way, the Trueth, and the Life: no man
commeth vnto the Father but by mee.”
Way, Truth, Life must ALL be capitalized. Proper names of Jesus. Not mere descriptions. John
8:32 “Trueth” MUST be capitalized! Knowledge of truth doesn’t make a man free, knowing Jesus
the ‘Trueth’ does!
‘KJV’ vs ‘AV1611’ Gen 3:5 ‘G’ods, not ‘g’ods. No truth in serpent (Joh 8:44 & 10:34, Psa 82:6)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matt 4:4
Luke 4:4
Deut 8:3
---------------------16 11
“ in the mouth of two or three witnesses, euery word may be established.” (Matt 18:16)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What did the serpent(Satan) ask ‘the woman’? Do you think his tactics have changed? (2 Cor
11:14-15 , Gen 3:1, Rev12:9 )
The spirit of Antichrist controls the publishing companies of this world! For example, Rupert
Murdoch (Rev 2:9 & 3:9) owns Thomas Nelson & Zondervan ( 2 largest Bible Publishers) via
Harper Collins, who publish “The Satanic Bible” by Anton LaVey & “The Joy of Gay Sex” by
Charles Silverstein.
Do you trust this man to print the Word of God? He is a Papal Knight! (agent of Antichrist)
Youtube: “ AV1611 The True Bible” by John Doerr. & “A Lamp in the Dark’ movie trilogy
KingJamesBible1611.org (buy from Hendrickson or Oxford University Press)
For unfamiliar words use ONLY Webster’s 1828 Dictionary! Free online/App. Or Amazon.com
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God is looking for FAITH! Did He keep His promise? Is His Word true? Who preserves it? (Heb
11:6, Luke 18:8, Psa 12:6-7, Matt 24:35, Isaiah 40:8 & 66:2, Zeph 3:9).
What’s true of the written ‘Word’, is also true of the Living ‘Word’ (John1:14 & 6:44 ,1 Cor 14:33,
Acts 2:31 & 13:37, Psalm 16:10, John10:35, Psalm 34:20). Counterfeit bibles ( Matt 24:5)
-Psa 138:2 “for thou hast magnified thy word aboue all thy name.” EVERY word matters!
-Jer 15:16 “Thy wordes were found, and I did eate them, and thy word was vnto mee, the ioy
and reioycing of mine heart.”
-Psa 147:19-20 “He sheweth his word vnto Iacob..” James is the English variant of “Jacob”.
God gave a Christian Monarch named King James(Jacob), His word in 1611. (Psalm 68:11 &
Isaiah 34:16)
The WHOLE World is spiritually DRUNK on the Pope’s/Antichrist’s/Babylon’s Wine, via corrupt
modern ‘bibles’!!! (Rev 17:4 & Jer 51:7 & Isa 29:9-13, Lam 3:15)
“Wine” =’s DOCTRINE (Jer 23:9, 51:7 & Isaiah 29:9-13).
Modern Bibles/Corrupt Scriptures are dumb Idols with no breathe, “molten images”.
(Hab 2:18-19, Jer 51:17-18, Isa 44:10)God’s PURE Words like molten silver(Psa 12:6-7)
Follow the persecution! Guy Fawkes- Gun Powder Plot. AV1611 rejected everywhere.