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H2 Feedwater Pump Engineering Review

Engineering Review for H2 feedwaterpump.
Suction pump sizing is critical to it’s pump work load. Too small pump discharge will develop more
friction loss that will make pump work too much hard as it decrease the pump NPSHa. Furthermore if
the friction loss so excessive the NPSHa will be decreased and may impact to pump cavitation.
Common pipe size for pump design to avoid the high friction loss based on general practice if the pipe
will generate flow around 3-6 ft/s for suction line and 9-12 ft/ s for pump discharge. More than these
value, more friction loss and develop pressure drop to the pump piping .
As site measurement
Point A
: 80 mm
Point B
: 60 mm
Point C
: 40 mm
: Grundfoss CR 10 16 A FJ
Rated flow
: 44 US Gpm
Rated Head
: 424 ,6 ft
As the Point A Flow
: 2,17 ft/s
As the Point B Flow
: 3,249 ft/s
As the Point C Flow
: 7,27 ft/s
As the result above, the pump piping still in good criteria to prevent high friction loss.