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Static Electricity Experiments: Worksheet for Students

Making charges
Carry out each of the following activities. Before beginning predict what you expect will happen.
Describe what happens and explain each situation in terms of charges and how they affect each other.
1. Flying paper!
Rub a perspex rod or ruler with a piece of fabric. Hold the rod over small scraps of tissue paper.
2. Bendy water
Rub a Perspex rod or ruler with a piece of fabric. Hold the rod near a very thin stream of water. Take
care to ensure the rod and fabric remain dry.
Want to try this at home? Instructions are at
3. Van de Graaf
Watch someone holding on to a Van de Graaf generator as it is turned on. Observe and explain
4. Fun fly stick
A fun fly stick is like a mini Van de Graaf machine. Try out some of the following experiments:
a) -Try to make a mylar shape float between the end of the fun fly stick and your hand. You should
be able to get it to bounce between the two. The fun fly stick is charging it and your had is
discharging it.
- Try to get the shape to chase your hand without catching it. This demonstrates that the shape has
an electric charge and is attracted to your neutral hand because of the difference in the charge.
b) Feel the electric wind: wipe the palm of your hand with a wet cloth and point the fun fly stick
towards your palm. When you turn it on you should feel the coldness of moving ionized air
particles producing an electric wind.
c) Try ‘gluing a sheet of A4 paper to the wall using the fun fly stick without touching the paper