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Restaurant Food Prep Training Checklist

Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Prepping
Planning and Preparing
0 Prepping for quality
Why do prep activities need to be scheduled, assigned,
and completed every day?
Some of our products require special prep activities away from the
prep line. Prep activities need to be scheduled, assigned, and
completed every day in your restaurant to ensure that your
customers get fresh, quality products every time they order.
Some of these activities may include:
• Bacon and Spaghetti sauce thawing
• Cooking rice
• Preparing hotcake mix and cooking hotcakes for storing in MFY
• Transfering sauce in pouches to tubes and squeeze bottle
• Rotating produce
Sanitize work surfaces and small equipment. Wash and sanitize
containers before adding ingredients.
Preparing ice-cold water
Describe how to prepare ice-cold water.
Clean and sanitize stainless canister and cover. Fill with water 3/4 full
from the filtered water line. Cover and bring to the walk-in cooler. Store
overnight before use.
If chilled water is needed immediately.
1 Get a clean and sanitized food pail and fill with ice, 3/4 full.
2 Add water from the filtered water faucet to fill.
Many tasks need to be completed so the restaurant is prepared for
the transition from breakfast to regular menu:
• Cook rice and prepare gravy
• Pull sauces and cheese to temper
• Prepare reconstituted onions, pickles, shredded lettuce in
prep pans
• Stock grill area refrigerators
• Stock over head freezers with pies, french fries, Chicken McNuggets,
McChicken portions, Filet-O-Fish portions; grill side freezer with
Burger McDo , regular patties and quarter patties
• Stock wrap and boxes
• Fill Arch fry dispenser or hand fill fry baskets
• Make sure that trays, utensils, and utensil holders are cleaned
and sanitized
0 Plan ahead using
3 Put a clean sanitized strainer on the mouth of the stainless canister.
4 Pour the water and ice mixture from the pail into the strainer.
5 Remove strainer from the mouth of the canister and discard ice.
prep chart
Thaw fr oze n ingredients in the refrigerator to use for next day.
Allow frozen ingredients to thaw in the refrigerator
for use the next day. Mark the holding time on each
item you pull to thaw.
Freezer to refrigerator:
Freezer to room temperature:
• Spaghetti meat sauce and Bacon
• Buns (in select markets)
• Frozen Chicken McDo
• Muffins (in select markets)
• Frozen sundae mix (in select markets)
• Canadian Bacon
0 Daily P r ep
What do the numbers on the build-to chart represent?
Follow the daily routine outlined by your manager.
Your manager will develop a Daily Prep Schedule to help you with
your routine. Organization is important. Others can fill in for you if you
have a routine that you follow in the same order every day.
As you become more efficient, communicate to your manager how
you are doing with the schedule. It is important to keep the schedule
updated—especially when new products are added to your
restaurant’s menu that require additional prep activities.
September 2008 Proprietary information. Unauthorized use is prohibited. @2008 McDonald's, Philippines revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Reconstitued Onions
Preparing Onions – Regular -sized batch
□ Confirm quantity needed with
the manager
□ Cover pan and place in walk-in
Reconstitute the quantity of inners that will be used within
the 24-hour holding time in walk-in cooler.
Soak for a minimum of 1 hour to reconstitute onions. Onions
soaked for less than 1 hour may be tough and chewy.
□ Place dehydrated onions in
□ Remove onions from walk-in
bottom pan of Bain-Marie pan set
Place the contents of 1 full bag of dehydrated onions in the
bottom pan of a clean, sanitized Bain-Marie pan set.
□ Add cold, filtered water to pan
Add cold, filtered water up to 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) below the
rim of the Bain-Marie.
Mark Bain-Marie pan with
secondary shelf-life
Label the secondary shelf life for onions in the walk-in
cooler, which is 24 hours from the current time.
Indicate the following information on the label:
type of product :
prepared by
prepared at
: (time and date)
use at
: (time and date )
(1 hour after preparation time)
waste at
: (time and date)
( 24 hours after preparation time)
Philippines Revised, March 2016
cooler and pour into perforated
Bain-Marie pan
Onions that remain in the soaking pan can be scraped out
with a clean, sanitized white Hutzler spatula.
□ Shake pan to drain onions
Gently shake the onions and set the perforated pan into the
bottom pan of the Bain-Marie set. Do not allow the
perforated pan to touch an unsanitized area.
□ Place reconstituted onions at
prep table or cover and return to
walk-in cooler.
Use your restaurant’s labeling system or secondary shelf life
timer to indicate the 4-hour holding time at the prep table.
The maximum holding time for reconstituted onions in the
walk-in refrigerator is 24 hours.
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Reconstitued Onions
Preparing Onions – Small-sized batch
□ Confirm quantity needed with
□ Cover pan and place in walk-in
the manager
Reconstitute the quantity of inners that will be used within
the 24-hour holding time in the walk-in cooler.
Soak for a minimum of 1 hour to reconstitute onions. Onions
soaked for less than 1 hour may be tough and chewy.
Place one 12-ounce cup full of dehydrated onions in the
bottom pan of a clean, sanitized Bain-Marie pan set.
Onions that remain in the soaking pan can be scraped out
with a clean, sanitized white Hutzler spatula.
□ Add cold, filtered water to pan
Add four 12-ounce drink cups of cold, filtered water.
Gently shake the onions and set the perforated pan into the
bottom pan of the Bain-Marie set. Do not allow the
perforated pan to touch an unsanitized area.
Place dehydrated onions in
bottom pan of Bain-Marie pan set
□ Mark Bain-Marie pan with
secondary shelf life
Label the secondary shelf life for onions in the walk-in
cooler, which is 24 hours from the current time.
Remove onions from walk-in
cooler and pour into perforated
Bain-Marie pan
Shake pan to drain onions
□ Place reconstituted onions at
prep table or cover and return to
walk-in cooler
Indicate the following information on the label:
type of product :
prepared by
prepared at
: (time and date)
use at
: (time and date)
(1 hour after preparation time)
waste at
: (time and date)
( 24 hours after preparation time)
Philippines Revised March 2016
Use your restaurant’s labeling system or secondary shelf life
timer to indicate the 4-hour holding time at the prep table.
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Tomatoes
Tomato Washing Procedure
□ What are Gold standards for Tomato?
Evenly sliced
Red in color
Firm not soggy
No core or end pieces
□ Remove tomatoes using clean sanitized
perforated stainless steel food pan
Wearing clear gloves, remove tomatoes after 1 minute from
the solution and place into a clean and sanitized perforated stainless
steel food pan for rinsing.
□ Select tomatoes
Use the ripest tomatoes first. From the walk-in cooler, get
tomatoes good for 12 hours use from the inner packs inside the
cases using bare hands. Waste heavily-bruised, moldy, and old
tomatoes. Use only red, ripe tomatoes that are 60 to 90 percent
pinkish-red or red. Leave unripened tomatoes to ripen inside the
cooler. Use tomato quality guide as reference in sorting tomatoes.
Note: Some reminders when using the perforated food pan:
□ Prepare sanitizing solution at backsink area
Prepare 50 PPM sanitizer by mixing 1 part sanitizer
solution from Kay Chem rack with 1to3 parts water (70-90
º F) in a food pan. Test concentration of solution by using
chlorine strip (should be 50 PPM)
When preparing 50 ppm sanitizer solution: Using a dedicated
stainless steel cup, mix 250 ml or 1 quart sanitizer solution with
250 ml tap water, testing the solution with chlorine strip, and then
adding more water up to 750 ml or 3 quarts until 50 ppm is reached.
make sure the perforated pan is properly cleaned (no
traces of oil or other food debris such as spaghetti
do not use a perforated pan that has lime build-up
never use a perforated pan straight from the spaghetti
vat. If it's hot it will damage the tomatoes
if possible, dedicate a perforated pan just for
□ Transfer drained and sanitized tomatoes
into clean, sanitized food pan.
Transfer drained and sanitized tomatoes into a clean,
sanitized food pan with lid, slice only what is needed for 3 hours
usage (refer to TSOC for prepping sliced tomatoes) while keep the
rest of sanitized whole tomatoes in a covered food pan inside the cooler
labelled with holding time.
□ Add whole tomatoes core down and allow to
soak for 1 minute in the sanitizer solution.
Add whole tomatoes core down and allow to soak for 1
minute making sure all of the tomatoes are covered by the
Note: It is important that the prep area and the slicer
be thoroughly washed, rinsed and sanitized before
using to prevent cross contamination. Do not use
the back sink area for slicing tomatoes.
□ 6 Discard solution in 2nd compartment sink.
Wash the used food pan in a
hot solution of APSC or equivalent. Rinse,
sanitize and allow to air dry.
Philippines Revised, March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Tomatoes
Prepping Sliced Tomatoes
□ 1 Wash hands and put on disposable gloves.
Place small tomato on 1/9 size pan. If your prep table can accommodate
a 1/3 size pan with false bottom, rest the 1/9 size pan containing small
tomato slices inside the 1/3 size prep pan. Then, place large tomato
slices in the remaining area of the 1/3 size pan with false bottom.
Note: Sliced tomatoes
should be stacked like
dominoes (1 stack high),
and should not be coinstacked to prevent
physical damage to the
tomatoes placed in the
bottom of the food pan.
□ 2 Place tomato slicer on prep table
Be sure that the prep table is clean and sanitized. Do not
use the back sink area when slicing tomatoes.
□ 3 Core tomatoes
Use a clean and sanitized tomato corer to remove the core
from each tomato. M ake a circular, cone-shaped cut around the
core. M ake sure the core is completely removed.
If your prep table can accommodate a 1/6 size pan, rest the 1/9 pan
containing small tomato slices inside the 1/6 size prep pan. Then,
place large slices in a separate 1/6 size pan. In this case, you will
be able to store only one size of slices on the prep table at a time.
Store the other size under the prep table until it is
□ 6 Remove Gloves and pull handle back to
beginning of stroke
□ 4 Place tomato in slicer, core down, and push
a stop.
Use a quick firm, stroke, pushing until the handle comes to
□ 7 Cover tomato pan, mark expiration time,
Note: To avoid injury,
keep your fingers away
from slicer’s blade
□ 5 Remove and sort tomato slices
Remove tomato slices from slicer and discard
end pieces. Sort usable slices by size ( refer to quality
guide f or tomatoes). A tomato slice is considered small if
it fits, without bending, into a 1/9 size pan. A tomato
slice is considered large if it does not fit easily into the
1/9 size pan.
Philippines Revised March 2016
and place at prep area
The maximum holding time for sliced tomatoes is 3 hours,
with no more than 1 hour in the walk –in cooler and no more than
2 hours at the prep table. Storage in the walk-in cooler should be
avoided whenever possible because exceeding the 1-hour
holding time results to poor quality tomato slices.
□ 8 Clean and sanitize tomato slicer, corer, and
prep area.
Clean and sanitize the tomato slicer every 4
hours and the corer and prep area after each use. Be sure
to discard sanitize towels into the soiled towel bucket.
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Random-Cut Lettuce
□ 1 When the store receives their box, do not put
the box immediately in the chiller. The sudden
change in temperature would encourage the buildup of fungus. Instead, open the box outside the
chiller and let it cool down for 30 to 60 minutes.
□ 2 Transfer lettuce heads (w/ the brown kraft
paper in an airtight container (e.g. big Tupperware).
Refrigerated air will normally dehydrate the
vegetables. By putting the lettuce in an airtight
container, the store will be able to extend the shelf
life of the lettuce head for more than 2 weeks.
□ 3 Label “RECEIVED ON___________________”.
□ 3 Steps in preparing 50 ppm sanitizer solution is
as follows:
a.) Dissolve 1 pack of McD Sanitizer in a
gray pail with 5 liters lukewarm water
(70°F to 90°F). ENSURE THAT McD
Sanitizer is fully dissolved by agitating
with a wire whisk.
b.) In a separate gray pail, fill with ice up
to the 6-liter mark. Then, fill with tap
water up to the 7-liter mark. Allow the
ice to melt by agitating with the use of a
wire whisk.
c.) Combine by pouring the cold water in
the lukewarm sanitizer solution. This
allows you to achieve a final water
temperature of 33°F to 35°F. Use a
chlorine strip to check the chlorine
concentration. Concentration must be
50 ppm.
□ 4 Place the big Tupperware in the chiller. Ensure
that the temperature is between 34°F to 38°F.
□ 1 Process the lettuce heads that you will need
only for 1 or 2 days.
□ 2 Prepare two (2) FULL PANS for processing.
Fill each pan with 50 ppm cold sanitizer solution.
Ensure that the amount of solution in each pan is
sufficient enough to submerge the lettuce leaves
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Random-Cut Lettuce
□ 1. Wear blue gloves for handling the lettuce
□ 3 Then cut into irregular sizes on a chopping
board with the use of a clean, sharp knife. Use the
following cut specifications as a guide:
□ 2 Bring out from the cooler the number of heads
needed. For each lettuce head, remove the core
then the outer leaves which are wilted and brown.
Continue removing outer leaves until a layer of
leaves that is fresh and green surfaces. Remove
large ribs if there are any.
Lettuce Head Weight: 300-350 g
Cut width 31-60mm(1.22-2.36 inches) 4070%
Cut width <30mm(1.18 inches) 30% max
Cut width >60 mm(2.36inches) 10-30% max
Length 51-90 mm(2.00-3.54 inches) 50%
Length 31-50 mm(1.22-1.97 inches) 35%
Length 11 mm (0.433 inches) <15%
Chunks: 0%
Fines (< 10mm) : 2% max
Cores: NIL
3.a.) With the core side down, cut the
lettuce head in half.
3.b.) Base side down, cut side A of the
lettuce head in half, lengthwise.
Note: Large Ribs are hard and thick stems that
tend to be present in larger lettuce heads.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Random-Cut Lettuce
3.c.) Equally cut side A into three (3), crosswise.
□ 6 Wearing blue gloves, use the strainer of the
spinner to transfer the cut lettuce to FULL PAN #2.
Allow to soak for 10-15 minutes maximum. Do not
soak for more than 15 mins. as this will damage the
3.d) Repeat steps 3.a – 3.c on side B of the lettuce
□ 4 Check cut leaves for any insects, worm,
brown leaves, and other critical defects.
□ 7 Wear clear gloves before handling the
processed (chlorinated) lettuce.
□ 5 Wash the cut lettuce in FULL PAN #1 with cold
chlorinated water.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Random-Cut Lettuce
□ 8 Using the strainer of the spinner, scoop out the cut lettuce. Allow to drain for a few minutes and shake
two (2) times using the strainer.
□ 9. Using the hand lettuce spinner, spin the cut lettuce to remove excess water. Spin up to 15 times. There
should be no free water left. However, the cut lettuce should not be too dry.
□ 10. Transfer drained cut lettuce into an airtight, food-grade container and cover. Using the Random-Cut
Lettuce Prep Chart, label with the date it was processed and the date of its expiration. Maximum secondary
shelf life of the processed lettuce head in the walk in cooler is 48 hours (includes processing time).
Prep at: December 1, 2013 6AM
Waste on: December 3, 2013 6AM
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Sandwich Cheese
Tempering sliced cheese
Properly tempered cheese are critical for high quality sandwiches – if not done properly,
sandwiches will be cold.
This procedure must be the first step before setting up the kitchen area to allow 1 hour tempering
of the cheese prior to serving, especially for non-breakfast restaurants.
□ Remove 1 inner of sliced
cheese from walk-in cooler
□ Divide cheese loaf
Wearing clear gloves, Divide 1 stack to 4 smaller stacks
(approximately 10 pieces per smaller stack) to ensure
proper tempering.
□ Wrap and store in 1/3 size cambro
with cover
Wrap cheese with generic wrapper. Transfer wrapped
cheese slices into 1/3 size cambro with cover. If 2 or
more stacks are being tempered place them side by side.
Place under prep table. Note: Do not stack cheese with
each other for even tempering.
Maximum stacking height is 3. Use another 1/3 size cambro with
cover for tempering of cheese if needed for high volume.
Philippines Revised March 2016
□ Temper for 60 minutes
Temper cheese inside the 1/3 size cambro for 60 minutes (1 hour).
Temper certain amount of cheese good for 2 to 3 hours to avoid or
minimize wastages. Use your restaurant’s labeling system or
secondary shelf life timer to indicate secondary shelf life of cheese
□ Tempered sliced cheese
Place tempered cheese into 1/3 size cambro. If two or more stacks
are to be use place them side by side (same as with tempering).
Place food pan in the prep table and always cover.
□ Set holding times
Set holding time for 2 hours for the tempered cheese. Always set
secondary shelf life to identify and monitor tempered cheese at room
temperature. Discard cheese that is past holding time. NOTE: Past
holding time cheese is oily and hard to separate from each
other. Past holding time cheese produces melted cheese, not
draped, when placed in burgers.
Past holding time
Tempered cheese. Do
not serve.
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Sandwich Sauces
Preparing sauce tubes
Properly tempered sauces are critical for high quality sandwiches – if not done properly,
sandwiches will be cold.
This procedure must be the first step before setting up the kitchen area to allow 2 hours
tempering of the sauces prior to serving. Only non-breakfast restaurants can use sauces
tempered for 1 hour, and will serve slightly cold sauce in their sandwiches ONLY for the first hour
of operation.
Mark each pouch/sauce tube with secondary shelf life date and time
Don’t stack sauce tubes
Leave space for air to circulate
Place on shelf below prep table to temper sauces on tubes
Each restaurant must have 3 sets of sauce tubes -1 set in use; the other set ready for use and the
3 set being air-dried. Make sure that sauce tubes, diffusers, retainers, and poly pistons are
cleaned, sanitized and air-dried. This is critical to the secondary and tertiary shelf life of the
product. Assemble the corresponding number of sauce tubes.
This procedure should not be simultaneously done with any washing activity in the back sink
□Get sauce in pouches, wear clear gloves □
At closing, confirm with manager the quantity and type of
sauce to be prepared. Bring a sanitized stainless bun tray
into the walk-in cooler and remove a day’s needs of sauce
pouches from cooler.
NOTE: Pouches should never be removed
from cartons while stored in the walk-in
cooler to prevent cross-contamination.
Transfer sauce from pouch to
sauce tubes
Open top end of the pouch starting from the slit. The cut
should not be too big for ease of handling and to prevent
spilling. Transfer sandwich sauce from the pouch into the
sanitized, air-dried sauce tubes. Each tube must contain
only what can be consumed within 6 hours, or half-day use.
For example, tube for tartar sauce is only 1/3 full if usage is
Use the scraper to dispense the remaining contents of the
pouch to maximize yield. Scrape only up to half an inch from
opening to prevent cross-contamination.
Remove air holes
Remove air holes from the sauce tubes using clean straws.
Philippines Revised, March 2016
Cover sauce tubes
Slide the poly piston on the open end of the sauce tube and
ensure that it is covered properly. Continue covering all
sauce tubes. Wipe off product spills on the tubes with a
clean and sanitized towel once tubes are covered. Place
prepared tubes on the sauce tube holders.
Excess sauce in pouches
Wipe-off product spills on outside of pouches with clean and
sanitized towel. Roll cut-end portion of the opened pouch
and put each open sauce pouch into a sanitized, stainless
food pan. Cover stainless food pan.
Return to walk-in cooler
Return prepared sauce tubes and covered stainless food
pans containing opened pouches in into the walk-in cooler.
Label sauce tubes and opened
prepared by
prepared at
waste at
(time and date)
(time and date)
Maximum holding time of sauce in tube is 24 hours; 11 days
for opened pouch.
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Sandwich Sauces
Tempering sandwich sauces
□ Remove sauce tubes from walk
in cooler
At opening, bring a clean and sanitized food pan into
the walk-in cooler and fill with half of the day’s need of
sauce tubes. At transition from breakfast to regular
menu, pull out the quantity of sauce tubes that you will
need for the next 6 hours.
□ Temper tubes under the prep
□ Temper sauce in tubes
Allow sauce in tubes to temper at room temperature for
at least 2 hour before use.
□ Re-stocking
Re-stock as needed following the above tempering
procedure and secondary shelf life.
Place the food pan with sauce tubes on the shelf below
the prep table, away from any heat source.
Discard left-over sauces in tubes at the end of the day.
□ Mark each sauce tube with the
secondary shelf-life
Use your restaurant’s labeling system or secondary
shelf life timer to indicate secondary shelf life of sauce
in tubes:
6 hours at room temperature from the time it was taken
out of the cooler up to the time that it is consumed in
the dress table; or 2 hour tempering + 4 hours use in
dress table.
Philippines Revised, March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping - McSpaghetti
□ What are the customer expectations for
□ Hot
□ Check Merlin timer settings
1 hour
Sauce holding timer
□ Sweet/sour tomato based sauce
with ground meat and hotdog rings
2 hours
Noodles holding timer
□ Noodles firm, not soggy
2 hours
Grated cheese
holding timer
Spaghetti noodles will over or undercook if equipment is not properly
set up for cooking and re-heating. Cooking and re-heating times are
adjusted as necessary.
□ Clean hands?
Why is this critical?
Wash hands with AMH Handwash for 20 seconds, rinse, and dry
with paper towels/hand dryer. Hands should be rewashed as
needed, at least once per hour.
□ Check Spaghetti vat temperature setting
□ Too much, too little noodles and
meat sauce?
212 F(100 C)
vat temperature setting
Refer to the vertical/production cabinet management chart to determine
how much noodles to cook and how much meat sauce will be re-heated.
□ Check Marinator temperature setting
175-200 F(80-94 C)
Low Med High
Chicken McDo pieces
Spaghetti noodles
Spaghetti meat sauce
marinator temperature setting
□ Check mode setting of the Spaghetti vat timer
720 seconds
Grilled Onions/Grilled Chicken
for cooking noodles
1800 seconds
for re-heating sauce
15 seconds 1
PROFIT TIP: If you don’t follow the numbers on the chart, you
can affect the profit of your restaurant by wasting food (if you
cook too much) or by making customers wait (if you cook too
Cheddar Melt/Grilled Steak
for re-heating noodles
. Philippines
Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping - McSpaghetti
Cooking Noodles
□ 1 Prepare Spaghetti vat/Rice cooker
□ 3 Wash and drain noodles
When remove signal sounds, deactivate timer, lift strainer pan and
drain off water. Place strainer pan in the stainless steel 1/2 pan to
avoid water from dripping on the floor while bringing the cooked
noodles into the back sink for washing.
Fill spaghetti vat with hot water until 2 inches below the brim; Cover
and let water boil.
If using rice cooker, fill up with warm water from the back sink until 5
inches below the brim. Cover and let water boil.
At simmering point, add and stir water:
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
Note: Another run of noodles can be cooked without changing
the water.
For 2nd run of noodles, add only:
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
□ 2 Add noodles
When water boils, immerse strainer pan and add noodles.
Maximum of 1 1/2 kilos of noodles can be cooked for each
strainer pan.
Wash noodles immediately with filtered water at the backsink until
the noodles are cold. Use the spaghetti fork to loosen the noodles.
CAUTION: Noodles are HOT!
All excess water must be drained completely before bringing the pan
to the station.
□ 4 Add oil to cooked noodles
Why do we add oil to the noodles?
We add oil to cooked noodles to prevent cooked noodles from
1 tbsp.
oil for every kilo
□ 5 Package noodles and close lid
Activate corresponding timer.
Grilled Onions/Grilled Chicken
for cooking noodles
Stir noodles at the following intervals:
Stir 1 - 1 (100 seconds)
Stir 2 - 2
130 grams
cooked noodles per box
(300 seconds)
Note: Only 1 strainer pan can be immersed at a time in the
Rice cooker
Hold in the Qing oven area for MFY platform; spaghetti prep table for
Grill direct platform.
Discard noodles at the end of holding time.
2 hours
holding time
Philippines Revised March 2016
Prepping McSpaghetti
Re-Heating McSpaghetti Sauce (Whole Bag)
□ 1 Fill Spaghetti vat/Rice cooker
□ 5 Cover pan and activate holding time
Fill the spaghetti vat with hot water 3 1/2 inches below the brim.
For rice cooker fill with warm water from the back sink until 5 inches
below the brim.
Cover and let water boil.
When water boils, immerse strainer pan.
1 Hour Holding
Discard sauce at the end of the holding time.
□ 2 Heat Spaghetti Meat sauce
Place bag inside the strainer pan:
wider end of sauce bag
immersed in water
small end of sauce bag above the water
Maximum of 2 bags can be reheated per strainer pan.
3 Activate countdown timer
Cheddar Melt /Grilled Steak
for re-heating noodles
Re-heating time for 1 bag of sauce is
30 minutes
for 1 bag of sauce
60 minutes
for 2 bags of sauce
□ 4 Transfer meat sauce to marinator pan
At least 140F
When remove signal sounds off, lift sauce bag from the strainer pan
and bring near the marinator. Cut one end of the sauce bag and
pour contents into a clean, sanitized pan inside the marinator. Be
careful in cutting the bag to prevent spillage.
CAUTION: Bag and contents is HOT!
Philippines Revised March 2016
Prepping- McSpaghetti
Re-Heating McSpaghetti Sauce (Portion of a Bag)
□ 1 Heat sauce
□ 3 Transfer to marinator pan
Open 1 bag of thawed (not yet heated) spaghetti meat sauce.
When remove signal sounds off, lift sauce pan from the vat strainer
and insert pan with sauce into the marinator.
Fold the bag with the remaining sauce and place in another clean,
covered sanitized pan. Return inside the walk-in cooler and label
(Date opened; Time opened; Waste at:).
□ 4 Activate holding time
Pour amount of sauce that can be consumed in 1 hour into a ¼
24 hours
opened bag shelf life
□ 2 Heat Spaghetti Meat sauce
Cover the pan and activate sauce timer.
Discard sauce at the end of the holding time.
1 hour
Heated meat sauce holding time
Immerse the pan with sauce in the vat strainer, with the handle of the
strainer supporting the pan. Make sure the bottom of the pan is
submerged in boiling water.
Activate countdown timer.
15 minutes
heat sauce timer
Stir occasionally to prevent scouring of the meat sauce.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Chicken McDo Gravy
Preparing Gravy
Confirm quantity needed with the manager
□ Portion gravy
□ Set-up gravy cups in a stainless
bun tray
Portion gravy into gravy cups, transfer gravy into the white plastic
container with spout and pour gravy into the gravy cups up to the
Place the empty gravy cups in a stainless bun tray
□ Prepare Hot water
Measure 2 liters of hot water with temperature of at least 180 F (82 C)
in a sanitized stainless pan or canister.
□ Add gravy mix
Empty contents of 1 pack instant gravy mix into the hot water, a little at
a time, while mixing vigorously with a wire whip. Mix for 2-3 minutes or
until no lump is visible.
Philippines revised, March 2016
□ Cover and store
Cover each filled gravy cup with lid. Place stainless bun tray with gravy
in the bottom portion of the Fried Chicken Holding Cabinet.
Maximum holding time is 2 hours in the holding cabinet and 10
minutes in the warming bin.Discard at the end of the holding time.
NOTE: This procedure should not be simultaneously done with
any washing activity in the back sink area.
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products:
Preparing Hotcake Mix
□ 1 Set-up bowl, cold water and mix
Get a clean, sanitized stainless mixing bowl. Pre-measure
36 fl-oz. cold water (36oF/2oC). 1R JORYHV
No gloves are worn when preparing the
hotcake mix.
Prepare needed hotcake batter using one
pack at a time.
Continue whisking until hotcake mix is dissolved. Scrape the edges
of the bowl with the whip to make sure all of the hotcake mix is
blended into the batter. (Do not whisk too long as it will affect the
texture of the finished product).
□ 4 Strain hotcake batter
Strain the batter into another container to ensure that there are
no more solid particles. Scrape sides of the mixing bowl to empty
all hotcake batter into the strainer.
□ 2 Transfer cold water into mixing
NOTE: This procedure should not be simultaneously done
with any washing activity in the back sink area.
Pour pre-measured cold water (36oF/2oC) into the stainless mixing
Scrape off mix left on the strainer, including the lumps left on the
base of the strainer and add into the mix as critical ingredients that
make hotcake rise are in the lumps. This also improves yield.
□ 3 Add hotcake mix to water
Hold a clean and sanitized wire whip in upright position.
Stir mix in the container slowly and scrape the edges of the
Pour hotcake mix a little at a time into the cold water. Whisk the
water and mix slowly, forming small circles as you move the whip
around the bowl, in one direction.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products:
Preparing Hotcake Mix
Ideal temperature of the batter mixture is 58-60oF (14–16oC). Cover container.
Indicate the following information on the label and store in the
walk-in cooler.
prepared by :
prepared at : (time and date)
waste at
: (time and date) (2 hours after preparation time)
If hotcake batter is to be used immediately, indicate the holding
time of:
30 minutes
(at room temperature).
Discard hotcake batter at the end of the holding time and
at the end of the breakfast period.
□ 5 Clean equipment used
Wash, rinse, sanitize and air dry all utensils used. Clean work area.
Philippine Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Rice and Garlic Rice
Cooking Rice – Gas Rice cooker
□ 1 Rinse rice grains twice
Measure rice grains into the rice cooker pot. Add tap water
to rice grains. Gently mix with your hands the rice grains and
water for about 15 seconds. Swirl the water using your hands
to ensure that no other materials/objects are in the rice.
Discard the wash water.
One scoop should yield approximately 150 grams of rice.
Transfer to rice warmer. Close lid of the warmer.
Repeat the procedure to rinse rice grains twice.
□ 2 Add water
Add 2 liters of water for every kilo of rice grains.
Minimum 1 bag of rice or 2 kilos;
Maximum is 2 bags or 4 kilos. Turn on the rice cooker.
□ 3 Lower flame
When water starts to boil, lower flame by half (on a 45 angle).
□ 4 Transfer rice to warmer/wrap
Holding time of pre-wrapped rice is 2 hours in the rice warmer;
1 hour in the chicken holding cabinet and 10 minutes at the
warming bin. Discard by the end of the holding time.
Wash, rinse and sanitize the scoop immediately after all the
rice has been pre-portioned
When cooking is completed, allow the rice to “rest” for 10 minutes.
without opening or removing the lid. Before preparing wrapped rice,
do proper hand washing and wear clear gloves.
Afterwards, immediately pre-portion cooked rice on to a rice wrapper
using dedicated plastic scooper. Amount of rice should be only up to the
rim of the scoop. A plastic paddle may be used to help in the scooping.
Wearing clear gloves, wrap rice portions neatly.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Prepping Products: Rice and Garlic rice
Cooking Rice – MPC Rice Steamer
□ 1 Rinse rice grains twice
Empty 1 pack of rice into the steamer stainless steel half pan.
NOTE: Minimum of 1 bag or 2 kilos rice grains can be cooked in
a half sized pan. Use other half size pans, if needed.
Maximum of 2 bags or 4 kilos rice grains can be cooked at
one time.
Add tap water to rice grains. Gently mix with your hands the
rice grains and water for about 15 seconds. Swirl the water
using your hands to ensure that no other materials/objects
are in the rice grains. Discard the wash water.
Repeat the procedure to rinse rice grains twice.
□ 2 Add water
Insert pan with rinsed rice grains inside the rice steamer.
After 45 minutes, open the front door of the rice steamer
half way to release excess steam.
CAUTION: Steam is hot!
When excess steam has been released from the cooker, fully
open the front door and remove 1 pan of cooked rice at a
□ 4 Transfer rice to holding cabinet or
Immediately transfer pans with cooked rice into the holding
cabinet and indicate 2 hours holding time using the
corresponding holding time clock. Fully close the front door
of rice steamer to maintain temperature.
NOTE: Holding cabinet can hold maximum of 10 half size
pans, 2 pans per layer. Observe FIFO by using the
top most layer as first out.
Add hot water (at least 110 F) to a ratio of 2 liters for every
kilo of rice grains. Agitate rice grains for proper leveling
using a sanitized stainless long handle spoon.
NOTE: During high volume periods, you can use rice
steamer as holding cabinet to hold cooked rice.
Observe 2 hours holding time and FIFO.
NOTE: Allow clearance between pans for even cooking of
Before preparing wrapped rice, do proper handwashing and wear
clear gloves. Rice may be pre-wrapped immediately after cooking from
the rice steamer. Immediately pre-portion cooked rice on to
a rice wrapper using dedicated scooper.
□ 3 Cook rice
Fully close the front door of the rice steamer and wait for the
digital thermometer to reach 140 F.
Push the digital timer controller, set point at 45 minutes.
NOTE: Temperature builds up to 212 F, boiling point.
Wearing clear gloves, wrap rice neatly.
One scoop should yield approximately 150 grams of rice.
Transfer to rice warmer. For rice tray maximum 40 pieces of rice. For
the rice warmer maximum is 66 pieces. Close lid of the warmer.
Holding time of pre-wrapped rice is 2 hours in the rice warmer;
1 hour in the chicken holding cabinet and 10 minutes at the warming
bin. Discard by the end of the holding time.
Wash, rinse and sanitize the scoop immediately after all the rice has
been pre-portioned.
NOTE: Drain rice warmer every 30 minutes to
replenish the hot water
Philippines Revised March 2016
Prepping Products: Rice and Garlic rice
Preparing Garlic Rice
Note: Prep time for 4 kilos of garlic rice is approximately 10 minutes.
Be careful not to burn your hands.
□ 1 Measure Palm Olein
Approximate weights are:
1 kgs uncooked rice = 2.5 kgs cooked rice
2 kgs. uncooked rice = 5 kgs. cooked rice
3 kgs. uncooked rice = 7.5 kgs.cooked rice
4 kgs. uncooked rice = 10 kgs. cooked rice
Longer prep time can expose product to temperature lower
than 140 F.
Using the measuring cup, prepare palm olein according to the
amount of garlic rice needed – 80 gms/kilo of uncooked rice
(approx. 2.5 kilos of cooked rice)
□ 4 Mix Garlic Seasoning
I kg – 75 ml. or 3 fl. ozs. or 1/3 cup
2 kg – 150 ml. or 6 fl. ozs. or 2/3 cup
3 kg – 225 ml. or 9 fl. ozs. or 1 cup
4 kg – 300 ml. or 12 fl. ozs. or 1&1/3 cup
Shake packets before opening. Cut open garlic seasoning
packet using a ratio of 1 bag per kilo of uncooked rice grains.
Sprinkle garlic seasoning onto hot rice one bag at a time. Mix
seasoning using slotted turners until evenly distributed.
NOTE: Using the graduated cylinder, the equivalent amount
of oil (80 gms) is approximately 75 ml.
Repeat until all bags are used.
□ 2 Sanitize Utensils
□ 5 Mix palm olein
Sanitize the following utensils: stainless steel full pan and
2 pieces slotted turners
Pour palm olein, spreading all throughout the garlic rice. Mix well until
evenly distributed.
□ 3 Transfer rice
□ 6 Wrap and Transfer Garlic Rice
Determine desired amount of rice to be prepared - maximum of
4 kilos at a time. Use only hot rice coming directly from the rice
cooker (or rice steamer) ensuring that it was allowed to “rest” for
10 minutes. Rice should be “buhaghag” and not sticky or
Transfer rice from the cooker to a sanitized full pan. Hot rice
should be transferred to the pan in the shortest possible time to
minimize heat loss.
Before preparing wrapped garlic rice, do proper handwashing
and wear clear gloves.
Immediately pre-portion cooked rice on to a rice wrapper using the
dedicated plastic scooper (do not share scoop with plain rice). Amount
of rice should be only up to the rim of the scoop. A plastic paddle may
be used to help in the scooping. One scoop should yield approximately
150 grams of rice. Wrap portions neatly. Transfer garlic rice to
rice warmer. Observe holding time of one hour
Wash, rinse and sanitize the scoop immediately
after all the rice has been pre-portioned.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Prepping Products: Rice and Garlic Rice
Assembling Half Rice
□ 1 Prepare equipment
rice, weight is approximately 150 grams.
Use Rubbermaid (food grade) 1/3 plastic cup to measure
approximately 75 grams of cooked rice
□ 5 Wrap the rice
□ 2 Fill in rice
Wrap rice by double folding the wrapper on top and secure
the sides by folding it under. This will minimize heat loss.
Full rice is round in shape while half rice is rectangular with
rounded edge.
With the use of rice paddle, put cooked rice in the cup. Ensure
that the cup is completely full with rice. Press rice lightly to make
the product firm.
□ 6 Hold rice
Hold pre-wrapped rice in rice warmer or nuggets holding cabinet,
observe 2 hours holding time in rice warmer and 1 hour holding time
for nuggets cabinet or chicken cabinet. In warming bin observe 10
minutes holding time.
□ 3 Remove rice
Gently remove rice from the cup by slightly tapping the cup, using
up and down motion, until rice is released from the cup. Position on
the middle of the rice wrapper.
□ 7 Wash and sanitize equipment
Utensils used must be placed in a stainless pan without water. Wash,
sanitize and air dry utensils at least every 2 hours or as needed.
□ 4 Weigh rice
Scooped rice must weigh approximately 75 grams. For Full
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products: Melted 'Butterlicious'
Melting – Dairy Blend
□ 1 Get 'Butter-licious'
Remove 'Butterlicious' from walk-in cooler and place in a clean
1/6-size, stainless-steel pan without legs.
□ 3 Divide melted butter-licious into 2
Using a red towel to protect hands from burning,
remove melting pan from the grill and carefully pour
half of the melted butter into a 1/6-size,stainless
steel pan with legs.
□ 2 Place pan on the grill surface
□ 4 Transfer pan with legs to grill
Set pan with 'Butterlicious' on the grill surface to melt.
Place a butter brush into the butter melting pan with legs
and leave on the grill.
Discard excess at end of breakfast.
Philippines revised, March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products
Egg Washing Procedures
□ 1 Prepare sanitizing solution
□ 4 Clean Eggs
In a white pail, dilute 1 packet of McD Santizer into 4.5
liters of lukewarm water. The sanitizer temperature
should not exceed the range of 85°F-105°F. Measure
concentration of sanitizer solution using a chlorine strip.
It must be 200 ppm.
Wearing blue gloves. Thoroughly clean all eggs to
remove all soils by holding and rubbing eggs under
running tap water. Discard any cracked eggs.
□ 2 Transfer solution in a full pan
□ 5 Sanitize eggs
□ 3 Prepare quantity of eggs needed
Place eggs in sanitizing solution, allowing them to be
fully submerged. The full pan can have roughly 60 eggs
(2 trays). Allow the eggs to be sanitize minimum of 30
seconds to make it effective.
In the cooler, take out from the egg boxes the quantity of
eggs needed for the day. Be sure to re-seal the egg
boxes in the chiller to prevent cross-contamination.
Note: Eggs must never be left soaking in the
sanitizer solution because the eggs will pick up the
strong chlorine odor and flavor.
Note: if eggs received that are in plastic material egg trays it
should be washed.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping Products
Egg Washing Procedures
□ 6 Drain Eggs and Air dry
□ 8 Excess washed eggs
Transfer eggs to a perforated container (you may use
plastic strainer or any container that will allow the eggs
to dry). Drain the eggs of excess water. Discard any
cracked eggs and sanitizer solution used.
Excessed washed eggs in pans or plastic containers
should be covered and may be kept in the chiller
overnight. Use first the next day. Keep this quantity into
a minimum.
□ 7 Transfer Eggs
Note: Tempering of eggs for 30 minutes should be prior
cooking of eggs and follow 2 hours holding time.
Transfer dried eggs to a clean half-pan (or deep plastic
containers). Place ready to cook dry eggs at the egg
station . Ensure holding time of 2 hours.
Note: If eggs were directly placed in the egg station no need to temper eggs. But if sanitized dry eggs were placed back in the
cooler tempering must still be followed.
Philippines Revised March 2016
Training SOC (Station Observation Checklist)
Prepping - Reconstituting
Powdered Sundae mix
□ 1 Wash hands and sanitize equipment.
Use antimicrobial hand wash. Rub hands together
for 20 seconds. Wash between fingers and around
fingernails . Rinse thoroughly under running water. Dry
hands using hand dryer.
Thoroughly clean and
sanitize wire whip, white pail, and 12-quarts container
with blue lid.
4 Add powder mix to soft serve
Add powder mix to the soft serve container. Add two
bags of powder mix, one at a time to the soft serve container
while stirring up and down in a circular motion to wet the
powder without making foam. Check to ensure that there are
no lumps.
2 Prepare Chilled Water. (Note: do not use
prepared chilled water for chicken to avoid crosscontamination)
Add 1 full paid of ice using the 2½ - gallons white pail to ¾ full of water in a stainless steel container to chill water to
between 32°F to 37 °F. Stir for 1 minute to speed up melting
of the ice.
□ 3 Add water to soft serve container.
Add water to soft serve container. Using the white pail,
measure 6 liters of pre- chilled water. Temperature should
read at 32 ° F to 37 ° F. Transfer to 12- quarts clear
□ 5 Add remaining water to soft serve
Cover mix, label container and place in walk in cooler.
Cover mix and label container. Write down the time of
preparation, time to use and expiry date. Place in cooler
for at least one- hour prior to use to be sure all powder is
hydrated. Secondary shelf life in covered container is 2
Note: It is important that you ask your service provider to
reprogram breaking of bacteria cycle from 14 days to 7 days if
you are using powder sundae mix.
□ 6 Strain sundae mix prior loading to the
Using a dedicated strainer, strain the mix from the 12-quarts container
to a clean and sanitized white pail. Discard whatever is left from the
strainer. Do a final stir with the prepared sundae mix in the white pail
prior to transferring to the sundae machine.
Always wash your hands before and after
performing this activity!
□ Number of checkboxes missed _______. 100% needed to pass.
Trainee name
Trainer name
Philippines Revised March 2016
Trademarks The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation and its affliates: Arch Card; Big Breakfast; Big Mac; Big N’ Tasty; Chicken Mc Nuggets; Chicken
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