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IELTS 2019 Writing Samples & Essays

2019年12 月21日社会类(two-part questions型)
Nowadays, many people spend less and less time at home. What are the
reasons for it? What are the effects of this trend on individuals and society?
Over the past decades how we occupy our time has significantly changed.
People are now passing more time outside of their household. This essay will
address this development.
It comes as no surprise to find that many people are busier than ever before.
In the main, this is often down to the long hours we have to put in at work.
For example, my sister works as an accountant and has been forced to work
extra overtime for months because her company introduced a new system
for business activity. Additionally, others might have to work because of
their low wage situation. Consequently, they may have two or even three
jobs on the go to make ends meet. Therefore, they only spend time at
home sleeping before facing the new day of toil.
In terms of how this affects people and society we simply have to look at the
smartphone we hold in our hands. Undoubtedly, our family bonds are
weakening inasmuch as we tend only to keep in touch with our love ones
virtually. Moreover, this lack of human contact can have an impact upon our
mental health, as people start to become lonely and depressed. For instance,
we even see movie stars who have millions of followers committing suicide
because of depression. Indeed, there is no doubt that being with one's family
at home spending quality time together is important. In conclusion, while
circumstances might force us to leave the home for long periods of time,
there is no doubt in my mind that this is a harmful trend, for home is where
the heart is.
in the main (idiom) Generally; for the most part.
In the main, my employees work hard. There are just a few who give me
headaches every once in a while. It's a good book, in the main. A few scenes
seem unfinished, though.
down to somebody/something (idiom) even including the last item of a
whole list of people or things.
Everybody was affected by the economic crisis, from the president down to
the poorest citizen. She's thought of everything down to the tiniest details!
put in (idiom) To spend a particular amount of time doing something. A
noun or pronoun can be used between "put" and "in."
My son likes video games, but a friend of his puts in over six hours a day!
I've been putting in a lot of overtime lately as we get ready to launch our
new website.I need to put some extra time in over the weekend.
on the go (idiom) Constantly in motion, active, or working.
I feel as if I need to always be on the go; life's too short to be idle!
make (both) ends meet (idiom)To earn just enough money to pay one's
To make ends meet, Phil picked up a second job delivering pizzas.
After the large income tax hike, many people suddenly found it difficult to
make both ends meet.
toil (noun) Exhausting labour or effort.
in terms of (something) (idiom) Regarding; in reference to.
In terms of the merger, I'm afraid I can't provide any more details at this
inasmuch as (idiom) To such an extent that; to the degree that.
Inasmuch as money is concerned, our project will be completely funded by
private donations.
quality time (idiom) Time spent interacting with someone in a close,
meaningful way.
This Christmas, I want to spend some real quality time with the family instead
of having everyone stuck on their phones and tablets the whole time.
I'm looking forward to having some quality time with you on our camping
home is where the heart is (idiom) One's home is made up of the places
and people one loves or cherishes most.
I don't really care where we move, so long as we're together. Home is where
the heart is, after all.
I grew up in Arkansas, but if home is where the heart is, then my home is in
Paris, with all of you.
In many countries today people are living in a ‘throwaway society’, where
things are used for a short time and then thrown away. What are its causes?
What are its problems?
Over the past few decades, we have been encouraged to buy new things and
to replace them on a regular basis, leading to what is known as a
“throwaway society.” This trend, caused chiefly by the overabundance
of cheap goods as well as the advertising industry, has had a profoundly
detrimental impact on the environment.
Firstly, many countries, particularly in the developed and industrialised world,
have become increasingly successful at producing greater and greater
quantities of short-lived, disposable items. This is because labour has been
outsourced to developing countries with cheaper labour costs and looser
regulations, resulting in excessive numbers of these goods being produced
for profit. Secondly, there is constant pressure from advertising and
marketing companies for us to keep up with the latest trends and buy the
most up-to-date clothes, gadgets, equipment, and so on. When we see that
people around us have these things, we might feel compelled to give in to
the trend and buy these products for ourselves.
The problems of a throwaway society are manifold. First and foremost, much
of what we discard end up in landfills, which pose a grave danger to the
environment. For example, a plastic shopping bag might take one thousand
years to decompose, and during that time, toxic chemicals would leach out
from the plastic and impair the health of ourselves as well as that of the local
ecosystem. Additionally, rising levels of consumption also lead to depletion
of the Earth’s resources, with large tracts of land being stripped and mined
for raw materials. In fact, it has actually been reported that the Amazon rain
forest has lost an area almost the size of Puerto Rico to deforestation.
To conclude, the excessive production of disposable goods as well as the
advertising industry have contributed to a throwaway society. The harmful
effects to the environment have been well-documented, and it is time to
take steps to prevent further damage.
on a regular basis (idiom) Quite often and/or in a consistent, regular
The general manager drops into the restaurant on a regular basis, so the staff
members have to be on their toes at all times.
take steps to (do something) (idiom) To do what is necessary to prepare for
or begin doing something.
We're currently taking steps to secure funding for the project before we
announce it to the public.
Following public outcry, the company has taken steps to rectify the
discriminatory hiring practices.
2019年12月12工作类(two-part questions型)
Many young people in the workforce today regularly change their jobs or
careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In contemporary society, it has become a noticeable trend for young people
to switch careers every few years. While there are certainly advantages to
changing careers so often, I believe that working in the same career field for
a long time brings greater benefits in the long run.
On one hand, it can be argued that people tend to switch jobs due to
dissatisfaction at their current workplace. Perhaps they are stuck in the rut
of a dead-end job, deprived of any meaningful fulfillment, or they might
prefer a higher salary. Given these circumstances, changing careers might be
advantageous in that the new position might provide more optimal work
conditions. Secondly, young employees might decide to switch jobs to gain a
wider array of experience. Rather than confine themselves to one job or
career field, they may feel the need to explore, learn new skills, and open up
greater opportunities.
On the other hand, jockeying for different positions and jumping from job to
job don’t look good on one’s résumé. For instance, a prospective new
employer might think twice before offering such a flighty person a new
position. In this case, the manager’s chief concern is that they might
spend abundant time and money training the new employee only to see
them leave with all the free training under their belt. In addition, changing
jobs on a frequent basis might adversely affect one’s financial stability in
the future. The employee might be missing out on long-term pension
provisions, social security, or healthcare benefits.
In conclusion, although changing jobs regularly may have notable
advantages, the disadvantages as well as obvious risks outweigh those
advantages, and the grass is not always greener on the other side.
switch (around) (with someone or something) (idiom) to exchange or
trade with someone or something. (The optional elements cannot be
I liked Jill's lunch, and she liked mine, so I switched around with her. I liked
Jill's, and she liked mine, so we switched around with each other.
(stuck) in a rut (idiom) Seemingly trapped or stuck in a mundane, nonchanging pattern of life, work, and/or personal behavior.
I had so many ambitions when I first graduated from college, but now I feel
like I'm in a rut.
We're stuck in a rut—let's move abroad for the summer and shake things up!
Dead-End Job A job with little or no hope of advancement or increased pay.
One may be in a dead-end job because one lacks the skills to advance or
simply because there are no better jobs available. One may be able to exit a
dead-end job through education or training.
turn over (verb) To be replaced or changed.
Players turn over so quickly that I'm the most tenured guy on the team now
—and I've only been here two years!
jockeying for position (idiom) The act of competing against others for
a desirable role or thing.
This jockeying for position needs to stop—the CEO has already chosen his
résumé (noun) (American English) A brief account of one's professional or
work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment
Also CV abbreviation for (British English) curriculum vitae
think twice (idiom) To reconsider, be cautious about, or thoroughly
contemplate something before committing to it.
I'm going to sue them for everything they're worth—maybe then they'll think
twice about trying to steal my ideas!
Maybe we should think twice about investing so much money in a project we
know so little about.
flighty (adjective) 1. Given to capricious or unstable behavior. 2.
Characterized by irresponsible or silly behavior.
under (one's) belt (idiom) In one's scope of experience.
Once you get a few more major league games under your belt, you'll feel
more comfortable.
miss out (idiom)To lose the chance or opportunity to do or experience
Because I was so sick last week, I missed out on the chance to see my sister
while she was in town.
If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going to miss out.
The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence). (Proverb.)
People always think they would be happier in a different set of
circumstances. (Usually implies that the other circumstances really are not
any better.)
Jill: My job is so tedious. I wish I had my own business, like Beatrice does.
Jane: Beatrice probably wishes she had the security of her old job. The grass
is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Nowadays, some older people choose to live in retirement communities with
other people, rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or
negative development?
A contemporary phenomenon is that of elderly family members choosing to
remain independent and live in sheltered housing rather than at home with
their extended family. I believe this is a positive development overall.
On the one hand, in some countries, people firmly believe it is the family who
should bear the burden of their aged parents. For instance, in Russia and
China, people believe it is the responsibility of sons and daughters to care for
their parents and it would be disrespectful to send their loved ones to a
retirement home. This is because most families believe they can provide
better care for their older generation. More importantly, it is thought that the
grandchildren and children will be closer to their grandparents who live with
them rather than in any of the retirement homes.
One the other hand, with increasing life expectancy and a modern healthcare
system our senior citizens are now living longer and are, for the most part,
financially secure. Consequently, they do not have to rely solely on others for
their maintenance and can pick and choose the freedom of a retirement
community. Indeed, companies have sprung up across the world catering for
this new development in elderly care. For example, many of these types of
communities will have doctors, nurses and other services embedded in them
in order to help their elderly customers in their twilight years. The freedom,
medical care, and social opportunities provided by these retirement
communities can definitely be a blessing to senior citizens.
To conclude, I support the decision of older people to live in retirement
communities. It is a positive development, but care should be taken that
elderly people do not become isolated from their nearest and dearest.
sheltered housing (noun) (Social Welfare) accommodation designed esp for
the elderly or infirm consisting of a group of individual
premises, often with some shared facilities and a caretaker. Also called:
sheltered accommodation or sheltered homes
extended family (noun) A family group that consists of parents, children,
and other relatives, often living in close proximity.
for the most part (idiom) Mostly; typically.
For the most part, Paul is a good student, but he does struggle with math.
pick and choose (idiom)To select and combine various different options as
one desires.
Starting next month, customers of the airline will no longer be able to pick
and choose the things they pay for on their flights, instead having to select
one of three pre-determined price tiers.
spring up (idiom) To appear, arise, or become available very suddenly.
Problems started springing up as soon as the software went live.
The next page should spring up in a moment, just give it a second to load.
Cafés and boutique shops have been springing up all over this part of town
in recent months.
embedded (verb) To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole:
"a minor accuracy embedded in a larger untruth"
twilight years (idiom) the last years before death.
In his twilight years, he became more mellow and stopped yelling at people.
bear the burden (of something) (idiom)To endure something distressing,
painful, stressful, or emotionally or physically taxing, especially for the sake
of others.
Our mother bore the burden of this farm for 53 years until the day she died.
My partner quit his job to stay home with the baby, so I have to bear the
burden of earning enough to pay the mortgage.
loved ones (idiom) Persons one loves or is close to, members of one’s
“Donate to the American Cancer Society in memory of a loved one.”
nearest and dearest (idiom) The people with whom one has the closest
relationships; one's closest and move beloved family members and friends.
People would much rather go home and spend time with their nearest and
dearest, not hang around their co-workers at some dull office party.
It is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for
instance clothing and medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Animals have been exploited by humans over the ages and yet some people
think it will be unnecessary to use them in the future. I disagree with this idea
to a certain extent.
On the one hand, living without meat as a vegetarian can be a good choice.
Firstly, a vegetarian diet is quite healthy because it is rich in dietary fibre and
can prevent illnesses such as colon cancer. Furthermore, there are many
types of alternatives to animal protein which taste like meat but are made of
soya. On top of that, many vegetarians will argue that we do not have to kill
other life forms to make many products. For instance, it is now possible to
avoid using animal products in clothing by using synthetic fur and manmade leather which look as good as the real thing, and their production
does not involve any cruelty to animals.
On the other hand, it is very difficult to stop using animals altogether. For
example, fish and meat are an integral part of many cuisines around the
world. Moreover, meat substitutes such as Quorn are usually expensive and
hard to source in many parts of the world. One can also argue that certain
products cannot be feasibly produced without the use of animals. For
instance, without feathers or wool, it would be difficult to make a lot of our
everybody clothing. Synthetic materials are often too expensive to
manufacture or just aren’t as effective in keeping us warm.
In summary, I believe that respecting animals’ right to live is an important
moral position, but we also cannot avoid using them for our nutritional
requirements or performing some medical research.
exploited (verb) To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's
to a certain extent (idiom) Somewhat; partly; in a limited way or to a limited
Your essay would be improved to a certain extent by tidying up your
paragraphs, but your topic on the whole has some fundamental problems.
Our administration is willing to negotiate to a certain extent, but we aren't
ready to make any significant changes to the legislation.
dietary fibre (noun)(Cookery) fibrous substances in fruits and vegetables,
such as the structural polymers of cell walls, consumption of which aids
digestion and is believed to help prevent certain diseases. Also called:
soya (noun) (Plants) another name for soya bean or soya protein.
life forms (noun) any living creature
synthetic (adjective) Prepared or made artificially: synthetic leather.
the real thing (idiom) The genuine or authentic person or thing; the most
pure or untainted example of a type of person or thing.
You have to be careful in these market bazaars that what you're buying is the
real thing and not some cheap imitation.
Though many had their doubts about her dedication to the cause, the party's
new leader has proven herself to be the real thing.
integral (adjective) Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent:
The kitchen is an integral part of a house.
cuisine (noun) A characteristic manner or style of preparing food: Spanish
Quorn (noun) (Cookery) trademark. A vegetable protein developed from a
type of fungus and used in cooking as a meat substitute.
In the modern age, some people think it is unnecessary to teach children the
skill of handwriting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people believe that technology is eroding our children’s handwriting
skills. I disagree with this and believe it is important to teach writing skills at
an early age.
First and foremost, there is no denying the use of smart phones, computers
and the Internet in our daily life is a common trend. Consequently, children
will often spend more time using a keyboard rather than developing their
penmanship. Notwithstanding this situation, neat handwriting is still a
criterion for academic success both at school or at work. For example, good
handwriting will lead to better academic and professional performance.
Because scrawls that cannot be read may be compared to speaking that
cannot be understood. Therefore, in my opinion time should be invested in
encouraging our youngsters to hone their handwriting to a good standard.
Secondly, good handwriting is important because children need to learn how
to express themselves properly.Being able to write effortlessly enables
youngsters to focus more fully on a topic rather than being distracted. In
addition to that, students retain learning better when working with new ideas
through handwriting instead of typing on a computer. Moreover, studies
show that a written paper is graded much higher if the handwriting is neat
and legible, despite some people's belief that handwriting does not affect
academic performance. This is because, to many teachers, handwriting
proficiency is an indication of a student's degree of discipline and attention
to detail.
In conclusion, inputting data on an electrical device has, in my opinion, not
replaced the necessity of good handwriting skills. I disagree strongly with the
premise that it is unnecessary to teach children these skills.
penmanship (noun) The art, skill, style, or manner of handwriting.
criterion (noun) A standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision
can be based.
scrawl (noun) Sloppy, often illegible handwriting.
invest (one's) time in (something) (idiom)To put forth effort toward some
task or goal.
If I invest my time in this project, I want to see some good returns.
hone (verb) To perfect or make more intense or effective: a speaker who
honed her delivery by long practice.
focus on (someone or something) (idiom) To cause someone or something
to center on or be dedicated to something in particular. In this usage, a noun
or pronoun can be used between "focus" and "on."
I think we need still need to focus our efforts on fundraising right now.
legible (adjective) Possible to read or decipher: legible handwriting.
proficiency (noun) The state or quality of being proficient;
competence, skill, ability, talent.
premise (noun) A proposition upon which an argument is based or from
which a conclusion is drawn.
A family has a great influence on children’s development. But factors
outside the home play a bigger part in children’s life. Do you agree or
It is argued the family provides important role models for developing
children. Others believe external social elements influence children much
more. I agree with the former, though social factors also have significant
To begin with, a child’s socialisation begins at home at his mother’s
knee. It is there a child learns right from wrong, plus manners and other
standards of behaviour, such as how to speak nicely. Moreover, proof of the
family’s importance can be seen in the differences between some children.
For example, children growing up in a dysfunctional home may have
problems in later life, whilst those brought up in a warm and loving
environment may end up more confident and secure in adulthood.
Consequently, the role of the family cannot be understated in the bringing
up of a child.
Nevertheless, the role of external social factors such as the Internet, TV, and
friends cannot be overlooked. Besides, children these days have access to
these much more than they used to in the past, and are heavily influenced by
social media trends and celebrity lifestyles. For instance, dangerous online
challenges or cyber bullying to the extent that children have been driven to
take their own lives. Furthermore, the Internet, in the main, is not a child
friendly space and parental control of screen time has to be enforced to
protect children who are easily led away from the straight and narrow.
To conclude, I agree the family is the main determiner of how a child
develops. But social factors also play a part. Nevertheless, a supportive
family keeping their child on the right track is a major factor.
role model (idiom) An individual whose behaviour serves as an exemplar to
“If the teacher was a ‘role model’ parents were obviously unaware of it.”
socialisation (noun) the adoption of the behaviour patterns of the
surrounding culture;
"the socialization of children to the norms of their culture"
at (one's) mother's knee (idiom) From one's mother, typically when one was
a child.
I learned how to bake at my mother's knee when I was just a girl.
dysfunctional (noun) Failure to achieve or sustain a behavioural norm or
expected condition, as in a social relationship.
end up (idiom) To reach some conclusion, state, or situation due to a
particular course of action.
Thanks to that traffic jam, I ended up being late to the meeting.
Sara has always loved to read so I'm not surprised that she ended up an
English major.
I really think that you and your high school sweetheart will end up together.
bringing up (idiom) To care for a child or animal from a young age; to raise
a child or animal. A noun can be used between "bring" and "up" or after
Who will bring up my children if something happens to me?
I brought my now-elderly cat up from a kitten.
in the main (idiom) Generally; for the most part.
In the main, my employees work hard. There are just a few who give me
headaches every once in a while.
It's a good book, in the main. A few scenes seem unfinished, though.
screen time - The amount of time a person spends in front of a “screen”,
including TV, computers and video games.
the straight and narrow (idiom) A morally upright way of life.
I need to stay on the straight and narrow so I don't get arrested again.
determiner (noun) a person or thing that determines
on the right track (idiom) Progressing in a way that is likely to succeed.
I think we're really on the right track with this new environmental initiative.
After all of those failed experiments, our team is finally on the right track
2019年11月07 社会类(讨论型)
In some cultures, old age is more valued; while in other cultures youth is
more valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Every country has particular traditions and norms. In some, old people are
venerated whereas in others, it is youth who are put on a pedestal. In my
opinion both are valuable to society.
Proponents of the first viewpoint argue that the elderly can offer life
experience and are a repository of wisdom. Moreover, having experienced
and seen a lot in their lives a society benefits from their experiences. For
example, in most societies leaders are usually older and attract respect and
attention. Asian cultures, especially, may revere the elderly for their acumen
and support them in their later life. While I believe that the elderly deserve
respect, their views should not be accepted blindly and without reason, for
that could prevent the progression of society.
Advocates of the second viewpoint maintain that youth are the backbone of
a nation. Subsequently, it is they who will become the future doctors,
teachers and engineers contributing to the development of society.
Furthermore, it is pointed out that it is their taxes that pay for the pensions
of their grandparents in their dotage. However, what is clear to me is that
young people often lack the stability and wisdom of the older generation
and are likely to be more reckless. For instance, many young people enjoy
extreme sports often at the risk of life and limb, activities unsuitable for the
leaders of a nation.
In my opinion, life goes on. We are born and we get older everyday. In each
period of our life, young or old, we have something to offer our societies so
we should make the best both worlds.
venerated (adjective) To regard with deep respect or reverence.
place (someone or something) (up) on a pedestal (idiom) To believe or
behave as if someone or something is perfect, extraordinarily wonderful, or
better than others.
I know it's easy to be smitten with a romantic partner, but I don't think it's
healthy for one to place the other up on a pedestal.
Stephen has been placing classic literature on a pedestal ever since college,
so he gets really judgmental of other genres he deems to be inferior.
proponent (noun) One who argues in support of something; an advocate.
repository (noun) One that contains or is a store of something specified:
revere (someone or something) for (something) (idiom) To hold a deep
and profound respect, deference, admiration, or honor for someone or
something because of some reason.
Many people around the world revere celebrities purely for their status and
The scientist was revered by many for her contributions to revolutionary
cancer treatments.
He revered the author for his incredible characters and world-building.
acumen (noun) Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight:
"A brilliant acumen in agricultural matters ... had made the old man a legend
in the district
advocate (noun) One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender: an
advocate of civil rights.
backbone (noun) The main support or major sustaining factor: the backbone
of a thesis.
in (one's) dotage (idiom)In a state of senility or mental decline due to old
My grandfather in his dotage has lately had trouble remembering our names.
life and limb (idiom) One's bodily well-being, up to and including one's life.
Usually used when describing something that might cause severe injury or
death, especially in the phrase "risk life and limb."
Today we pay our respects to the brave men and women who risk life and
limb every day to keep our country safe.
I'm sure it's thrilling, but I'd rather not chance life and limb just for a bit of an
adrenaline rush.
best of both worlds (idiom) The most ideal or desirable attributes of two
different things, situations, or circumstances.
We hope that by forming a bipartisan committee we will be able form a body
that represents the best of both worlds.
I believe that living at college gives you the best of both worlds: a place
where both study and social life can thrive.
2019年1102工作类(two-part questions型)
The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the
same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss
the possible causes of these changes and give your suggestions on how
people should prepare for work in the future.
Over the last decade, the ways we work have undergone a seismic shift. In
the past, being employed until retirement was the norm, but now the gig
economy is rapidly on the rise. There are notable causes for this, but there
are steps people can take to prepare for the future of work.
Firstly, we need to consider the impact of technology on the nature of work.
The growth of the gig workforce is driven chiefly by the development of new
technology platforms such as Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb. These companies
enable transactions directly between providers and clients, streamlining the
communication process and making it quicker and easier for people to find
on-demand work. On top of that, the growing educational gap in the country
means that there are fewer high-skilled workers with college degrees than
the economy needs, so employers would have to rely more heavily on
independent contractors to meet their needs.
In order to prepare for work in the future, it is essential for people to change
their mindset regarding employment. Rather than bank on a traditional
nine-to-five job, people should understand that temporary contract work
may be the new norm and focus on being versatile and adaptable. In
addition, it would be beneficial for people to upgrade their skillset to
increase their opportunities and stand out in a competitive gig. For instance,
if someone is a gig worker specializing in a technical field, they could take on
additional training in their niche or learn new in-demand skills to stay
In conclusion, the world of work is changing, and people need to be flexible
and well-prepared to succeed in the future workforce.
gig economy: an economic sector consisting of part-time, temporary, and
freelance jobs;
chiefly: primarily; essentially; mainly; mostly
streamlining: to alter in order to make more efficient or simple.
bank on:to count on, depend on
Some people think that companies and private individuals should pay to
clear up the pollution they produced. The government should not pay for it.
To what extent to you agree or disagree?
A burning question these days is who should be responsible for the damage
caused by environmental pollution. Some commentators believe that
businesses and people should be responsible for the cost of cleaning up any
contamination they cause and not the authorities. I completely agree with
this position, but also believe that governments have a role to play.
There are numerous reasons why businesses should pay for contaminating
the environment. Firstly, many companies make huge profits and should be
held accountable for the damage they do to nature. For example, the
Amazon rain forest is being destroyed by companies like McDonald’s in
order for people to raise cattle and grow soya beans for their products.
Clearly, the earth depends on the Amazon to help regulate the climate.
Therefore, companies should mitigate the damage their operations are doing
to our planet.
I also agree that individuals have a responsibility towards our environment
and should pay up to clean the mess we find ourselves in. Increasingly, this
payment will be taxes or higher prices which will go towards protecting our
world. For instance, in supermarkets we pay for plastic carriers to help the
environment. Importantly, this is where governments can step in; rather than
shouldering the financial burden of the clean-up, governments can create
laws to ensure that pollution is reduced.
To summarise, I strongly agree that pollution is a serious issue and
individuals and companies need to provide compensation. They need to
clean up their act, whereas governments need to make it mandatory for
companies to minimise their pollution.
burning question (idiom) a question whose answer is of great interest to
everyone; a question that needs very much to be answered, as a fire needs to
be extinguished.
There's a burning question that needs to be answered: Why did you leave
your wife of only one month?
role to play (idiom) To have a specific involvement or participation in
There's no use lying to the committee, Mr. Marshall, as we know for a fact
that you played a role in hiding your company's losses from its investors.
held accountable (idiom) be called/held/brought to account. If someone is
called, held, or brought to account for something they have done wrong,
they are made to explain why they did it, and are often criticized or punished
for it.
The robber was held accountable for stealing Mrs Jones’s purse and was
sent to jail.
pay up (idiom) to pay what is owed.
I want my money now. Pay up! If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court.
step in (idiom) To enter into some position, activity, or situation to intervene
or improve it.
We'd still be dealing with this mess if the manager hadn't stepped in and
figured out a solution.
We have a new marketing specialist stepping in to try and turn the
company's profits around.
You're here as an observer, but if you see a situation in the classroom, please
step in.
shouldering (idiom) To take on; assume: shouldered the blame for his
clean (one's) act up (idiom)To improve one's behaviour.
After I got in yet another fight at school, the headmaster told me that I had
to clean my act up or else I'd be expelled.
mandatory (adjective) Required or commanded by authority;obligatory:
Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.
The international community must act immediately to ensure all countries
reduce their consumption of fossil fuels such as gas and oil. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
Increasing consumption of fossil fuels has been put at the top of the
agenda by those concerned with the state of the environment and the
climate crisis. It is argued that all countries should take urgent action to
curb the use of gas and oil. I agree that we must take serious measures to
stop global warming.
Firstly, many scientists tell us that a major contributor to global warming and
climate change is our continued use of fossil fuels. For example, using oil and
coal releases tonnes of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Consequently,
these greenhouse gases contribute significantly to global warming. Clearly,
the rising temperatures have impacted upon the Polar Regions and we are
also seeing changes in our weather patterns. Importantly, these
environmental and climate changes could be reversed if we act quickly.
Furthermore, fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource and when they are
finished how will we power and heat our world? Accordingly, it is imperative
that the world community investigates alternative energy sources such as
wind, wave or solar power. Thankfully, a growing number of people
worldwide are now able to access renewable resources at a reasonable
price. For instance, some governments now offer tax breaks and loans to
citizens to help them switch to greener forms of energy. Meanwhile, we all
need to consider our own personal impact upon the planet and how we can
mitigate against that.
In conclusion, I strongly support the notion that the international community
needs to act quickly in order to tackle environmental problems and the
continued use of fossil fuels which is endangering our planet.
fossil fuel (noun) A hydrocarbon-based fuel, such as petroleum, coal, or
natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time.
at the top of the/(one's) agenda (idiom)Prioritized as the most important
thing to discuss or address.
Yes, the new dress code is at the top of my agenda to discuss with the
What do you think is at the top of the agenda for today's meeting?
Climate crisis is a descriptor for climate change and global warming.
curb (noun) Something that checks or restrains: High interest rates put a
curb on spending.
greenhouse gases - Carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous
oxide and low-level ozone.
imperative (adjective) Necessary or urgent: "It is imperative that we continue
to move with speed to make housing more affordable"
renewable resources - Crops, fish, timber, solar, and wind energy and other
resources that can be used without exhausting them.
tax break (noun) - a tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage a
particular type of commercial activity.
mitigate against (phrasal verb) To take measures to moderate or alleviate
tackle (verb) to undertake a task, problem, etc.
notion (noun) - A belief or opinion: had an old-fashioned notion of what
qualities were most important in a mate.
More and more people today are using computers and electronic devices to
gain information. Therefore, there is no need to print books, magazines or
newspapers.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Modern IT has changed the way people get their information. Before the
technological revolution, one had to go to a library, buy a book or read
newspapers to inform themselves. Consequently, we might argue that print
media is now outmoded and should be discontinued. However, I disagree
with this idea.
On the one hand, it is true that the vast majority of people in the world now
has access to or owns a smartphone or a computer. The amount of
knowledge available via the Internet is unfathomable. For example, in a
matter of seconds, we can access electronic databases, websites and
encyclopaedias at the click of a button. Consequently, some pundits argue
that books, newspapers and magazines are old hat and we should not waste
paper printing them. Everything is available online, they tell us, and perhaps
it is.
However, what, in my opinion, they fail to understand is the visceral pleasure
in reading a book or flicking through a magazine while enjoying a coffee. For
instance, buying a book in a book shop is a joy just in itself. Browsing the
racks for your favourite author or finding a new title based on the suggestion
by the assistant is pleasing. Clearly, this is not an experience you can enjoy
clicking on a title in your Kindle. Simply relaxing on a Sunday morning
reading the newspaper is another instance of how different the print media
experience is. Perhaps this is why my grandpa reads a newspaper everyday.
In summary, I do not agree electronic gadgets will see the demise of books,
newspapers and magazines. They provide, for the reader, a very different and
real experience against that which staring at a white screen does.
outmoded: (adjective) No longer usable or practical; obsolete: outmoded
computer technology.
unfathomable: (adjective) Difficult or impossible to measure: the
unfathomable depths.
pundit: (noun) A source of opinion; a critic: a political pundit.
old hat (idiom) Unoriginal, out of date, or old-fashioned.
Jokes like that were edgy a while ago, but they're just old hat at this point.
People think my flip phone is a bit old hat, but it still works after all these
Visceral - (adjective) When something's visceral, you feel it in your guts.
A visceral feeling is intuitive — there might not be a rational explanation, but
you feel that you know what's best, like your visceral reaction against egg
in itself (idiom) Without the consideration of anything else. (A shortening
of the full phrase "in and of itself.")
The defendant's story seems plausible in itself, but when taken alongside the
testimony of the witnesses, it starts to look less and less believable.
As a sequel, the movie does a good job of continuing the story of the first,
but it fails as a cohesive, enjoyable film in itself.
browsing (idiom) to look at or survey different items of reading material.
I browsed among the books on the rack until I found what I wanted.
I browsed among the books for something suitable.
demise (noun) The end of existence or activity; termination: the demise of
the streetcar.
The best way to solve the increasing crime rate of young offenders is to
teach parents better parenting skills. To what extent do you agree?
The news often carries stories relating to the escalating number of crimes
carried out by youngsters. Commentators often ask the question “what is
the role of the parents?” I agree that parents must be taught how to bring
up their children, but I also believe that society plays a necessary part in
reducing youth crime.
On the one hand, these high crime rates may be due to a lack of parenting
skills. This is even more so for kids with a single parent, and it is unfortunate
because we cannot deny the vital role of parents in bringing up children.
Parents pass on various social values, either by talking about their personal
experiences or by demonstrating social values through their actions.
Therefore, children learn from parents what is right and wrong, what role
they will play in society, and how they should behave.
On the other hand, I argue that society has to bear some responsibility, for
we cannot lay this behaviour at the feet of hard-pressed parents. In my view,
it is certainly the responsibility of those in charge to build environments
where youngsters feel contented with what they have, and do not need the
thrill of petty criminality. For example, if we look at the nature of crimes
committed by young people, it is often just petty crime, which might be
rooted in boredom. Consequently, where once young people had places to
go, youth clubs and so on, these have shut down leaving nothing but the
In conclusion, I would agree parents are the major factor in a young
person’s life. If they need extra support through parenting education, it
should be made available. But society also has a responsibility not to fail our
young people.
escalating (verb) To increase in intensity, extent, or amount: tensions
that escalated into violence.
bring up (idiom) To take care of and educate (a child); rear.
in the nature of (something) (idiom) In the style or manner of something;
similar to or typical of something.
While the movie is in the nature of a conventional action film, it is actually a
remarkably deep and emotionally rich allegory of human folly.
It is not in the nature of a boy his age to be so preoccupied with books and
petty crime (noun) (countable and uncountable) A minor, less serious crime.
The gang progressed from petty crime to bank robbery.
be rooted in (something) (idiom) To originate in or stem from something.
The decline of this city is rooted in the move away from local steel in the
Their form of government is rooted in socialism, though it also has elements
of capitalism.
youth club (noun) a place or organization providing leisure activities for
young people.
hard-pressed (idiom) Struggling to do or accomplish something, especially
because it seems impossible.
You'll be hard-pressed to find a better guy than Bill.
Come on—if we don't leave soon, we'll be hard-pressed to get there on time.
in (someone's) view (idiom) In someone's opinion.
And what, in your view, would be the best way to go about solving this
In my view, this tax should be abolished altogether!
In some countries the difference in age between parents and children is
generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?
Over the past decades many couples have delayed having children.
Consequently, in some parts of the world people might become fathers and
mothers at a later age than before. While there are some drawbacks to this
trend, I believe that the benefits are ultimately greater.
On the one hand, older women risk more complications during childbirth. For
instance, Downs Syndrome is a disorder related to giving birth during later
life. The mother herself risks developing illnesses or other health problems
from the pregnancy. It can also be significantly harder for older women to
conceive children, in some cases necessitating fertilisation treatments.
Moreover, older parents—especially those who conceive in their late thirties
—get to spend less time with their children in life compared to parents who
start a family in their early twenties.
Despite these drawbacks, we need to consider other crucial factors. Firstly,
the labour market has become increasingly competitive. Subsequently,
young people may defer having children to focus on their career. Secondly,
finding suitable accommodation to raise a family has become a serious
problem in many urban areas. For example, in major cities young workers are
priced out of the housing market and forced to live with their parents.
Therefore, couples delay their dreams of starting a family until they save
enough money. Their savings can eventually be used to provide a step up
onto the property ladder and into a suitable place to raise children.
To conclude, I believe the advantages do outweigh the disadvantages.
Medical science can protect the older mother and children need a stable
home life. Therefore, in my opinion, it is better to wait before bringing
children into this world.
Downs Syndrome (noun) A congenital disorder caused by the presence of
an extra 21st chromosome and marked usually by moderate to severe
intellectual disabilities, short stature, and a flattened facial profile. Also called
trisomy 21.
give birth to (someone or something) (idiom) To birth a baby.
Angela gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last night.
conceive children - To get pregnant.
start a family (idiom) To begin having children.
I just think you need a more stable job if we're going to start a family.
Why does everyone as when we'll start a family now that we're married? Not
every married couple wants kids!
labour market - The labour market refers to the supply and demand for
labour in which employees provide the
supply and employers the demand.
focus on (someone or something) (idiom) To cause someone or something
to centre on or be dedicated to something in particular. In this usage, a noun
or pronoun can be used between "focus" and "on."
I think we need still need to focus our efforts on fundraising right now.
urban area (noun) - a city area considered as the inner city plus built-up
environs, irrespective of local body administrative boundaries
price (oneself, someone, or something) out of the market (idiom) To
change the price of something in such a way that the market becomes no
longer competitive or viable for oneself, someone, or something.
They've really priced themselves out of the market by selling the new model
at such a high price.
Giant retail chains are pricing locally owned shops out of the market all over
the country.
demographic trend - A popular term for any measurable change in the
characteristics of a population over time—e.g., increased or decreased
concentration of a particular ethnic group, sex ratio, etc.
Property ladder - The property ladder is a term widely used in the United
Kingdom to describe the relative differences in constant terms from cheaper
to more expensive housing.
According to this metaphor, an individual or family's lifetime progress can be
travelled equally from cheap houses for younger first-time buyers who are
typically at the bottom of the property ladder, and expensive houses are at
top. 'Getting on to the property ladder' is the process of buying one's first
house and holding a place on the volatile property market. NOTE - A
metaphor is
a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by
mentioning another thing.
bring (someone) into the world (idiom)
1. To give birth to a baby.
It's a big responsibility to bring a baby into the world.
2. To assist the birth of a baby.
Dr. Brown is a fine obstetrician—she brought all three of my kids into the
Some animal species such as dinosaurs and dodos become extinct because
of natural processes. So, it is not necessary to try and prevent this from
happening. Do you agree or disagree?
Over time many animals have disappeared from the planet due to changes in
the environment. Some people argue that we should not feel obligated to
interfere with the natural process of extinction. I disagree wholeheartedly,
as I believe that we have the responsibility to protect endangered species.
While extinctions do occur naturally, scientific evidence clearly indicates that
the current rate of extinction is much higher—nearly hundredfold—than the
natural rate of the past. Although the main threat is habitat loss on a global
scale, the higher extinction rate comes from a wide array of sources:
environmental pollution, climate change, over-exploitation and illegal trade
of wildlife for commercial purposes, and so on. Thus, in this sense, it would
be misguided to attribute extinction to exclusively “natural” processes.
Rather, it has been drastically accelerated by human activity, and for that, we
should all shoulder responsibility in preventing the further loss of wildlife.
Another major reason is that, there are numerous benefits to conserving
endangered species and promoting biodiversity. Nearly all living things exist
in a vast, delicately balanced ecosystem, and if certain species, particularly
“keystone” species, were to go extinct, the entire ecosystem could be
fundamentally altered or even destroyed, as well as the lives of all organisms
living in it. Because we all depend on clean air, water, and land for a
sustainable future, preserving a healthy ecosystem cannot be understated.
Moreover, a well-balanced ecosystem can bring us tangible medicinal
benefits as well. A number of chemicals derived from endangered species are
valuable to medical research and can treat diseases ranging from heart
disease to cancer. If these species had gone extinct beforehand, then their
medicinal properties would not have been discovered.
In summary, even though some believe that it is unnecessary to try to
prevent the extinction of some animal species, I contend that there are many
compelling reasons to do so.
Interfere (verb) prevent (a process or activity) from continuing or being
carried out properly.
"a job would interfere with his studies"
wholeheartedly(adverb)without reserve “I will back you up
hundredfold(adjective)by a factor of one hundred
“they money increased a hundredfold.”
attribute(verb)credit to “We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare.”
natural processes are interactions among plants, animals, and the
drastically(adverb)extreme and sudden “ she changed you so
altered (verb)change “Nothing has altered and the deadline still
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education
across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of
subjects related to a particular career. Which of these two systems is more
appropriate in today’s world?
Different countries undeniably vary in their approaches to education. While
there are advantages to tailoring the curriculum to particular careers upon
graduating, I believe that a well-rounded education is more important.
On one hand, it can be argued that given the increasingly competitive labour
market, a more career-oriented curriculum would give students a leg-up in
their professional lives. For instance, a student who focuses on science
subjects would have more in-depth, topic-specific knowledge and skills for a
future career in engineering than a student enrolled in a mix of science and
humanities courses. Secondly, prioritizing a few select subjects would be
more manageable for students as well. Rather than having to juggle subjects
from disparate fields, students would be better able to devote their attention
to classes that matter and achieve better academic results.
On the other hand, a more holistic education affords students the pportunity
to discover what they are truly passionate about. If they are restricted to a
narrow range of subjects, then they would not be able to broaden their
academic horizons and figure out what inspires and invigorates them.
Oftentimes, passion for a certain field—whether it be medicine, literature, or
social justice—fuels great discoveries and accomplishments that would not
have been possible without previous exposure to the field. In addition, our
contemporary society often requires well-rounded knowledge and a diverse
skillset. Economists, for example, not only need to have a robust grasp of
mathematics and finance, but they also need to have a nuanced
understanding of relevant sociological factors that may explain economic
trends. In that sense, a general education would obviously be beneficial.
To conclude, although a more narrow and focused curriculum has its merits
in preparing students for specific careers, in today’s world, a more wellrounded education is crucial.
curriculum (noun) the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or
"course components of the school curriculum"
well rounded education (phrase) an education that includes many areas, for
example music, the arts, and social and physical skills.
leg-up (idiom)assistance
“She got that job because her uncle gave her a leg-up.”
devote (verb) to use or most of your time, effort in order to do something or
help someone.
“He devoted his energies to writing films.”
figure out (phrase) find the solutions to a problem or question or nderstand
the meaning of “We must figure out how to solve the problem.”
Some people say that economic growth is the only way to end world poverty
and hunger. Others say that economic growth is causing damage to the
environment and should be stopped now. Discuss both views and give your
Many commentators contend the only solution to the global problems of
food scarcity and low incomes is financial success. Others opine that
economic development causes environmental damage and it should be
discouraged. I agree with the second view.
The main argument for economic growth is that in the developing countries
wealth will eventually trickle down to the poorest in society and they will be
able afford the basic necessities of life. However, the governments in these
countries have to commit to making sure profits made by corporations
provide the financial benefits to be enjoyed by the starving and needy.
Moreover, the self-same governments also have to address the issues of
corruption which see millions of dollars moved away from helping the needy
and into foreign bank accounts. It is indisputable that there is a lack of
substantial evidence proving economic growth eradicates poverty and
At the same time, we know that such development damages the
environment. Firstly, mass extinction of wildlife and plants is taking place, as
forests are cleared for more land and resources. This devastates not only our
ecosystem, but also our global climate, which grows more extreme year by
year. In addition to this, economic growth typically results in heavy pollution
of our environment. Rivers and lakes become dangerous to swim in, and
their water unsafe to drink. Air itself becomes poisonous, as evidenced by
increasing rates of lung cancer and premature deaths in major cities.
To conclude, sacrificing the environment for the sake of economic
development is not, in my view, a wise step, especially when it is doubtful
whether economic development can eradicate poverty and hunger.
to contend (verb): To assert or maintain: The defense contended that the
evidence was inadmissible.
opine (verb) To express or state an opinion: opined on the defendant's
trickle down (phrasal verb/idiom): To distribute, pass, or diffuse to people
lower on a hierarchical structure. The famous economical model posits that,
should the wealthy be allowed to make as much money as possible, it will
trickle down to everyone else in society.
You're deluding yourself if you think power within the company is going to
trickle down to you just because you're regional manager now.
basic necessities of life: Examples include food, sleep, shelter and clothing.
Most necessities of life require money to purchase them.
self-same (adjective) exactly the same. He was standing in the selfsame spot
you're filling now.
indisputable (adjective) Beyond dispute or doubt; undeniable:
indisputable evidence.
substantial evidence: Substantial evidence means "more than a mere scraps.
It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as
adequate to support a conclusion."
eradicate (verb)To get rid of; eliminate: Their goal was to eradicate poverty.
sacrifice (idiom) To permit harm, death, destruction, or failure to someone
or something in order to obtain something or for some purpose.
Their government is clearly willing to sacrifice its citizens for this foolish war.
Sarah sacrificed a lot of friendships and relationships for her place at the
head of the company.
Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed
because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a
computer. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
With the rise of information technology, some commentators believe the
Internet will replace museums and art exhibitions since all exhibits are
available via websites. I disagree with this point of view for the following
On the one hand, there are two main points why people choose to surf the
net to access historical objects and works of art. Firstly, the Internet is free
and extremely accessible. For instance, even a person who does not have
internet access at home can browse the contents of museums worldwide in
cafes and libraries. Secondly, online museums and exhibitions offer
customers many different services that before could only be accessed by
actually visiting the institution. Furthermore, online museums and art
galleries are open for business 24 hours a day/365 days a year.
On the other hand, visiting museums and exhibitions are, in my view, a
crucial and indispensable part of society. We can argue that museums
are, in fact, repositories of a cultures memory. Clearly, visiting such
institutions offers the visitor a first hand experience which is more unique
than any virtual experience on a computer. In other words, an online-based
visit to an artifact cannot replace the experience of personally observing the
objects. For example, one only has to visit the Louvre in Paris to see the
crowds of people admiring Leonardo’s Mona Lisa to understand the power
of history and art.
To sum up, even though online-based information is a convenient way to
learn about historical works and objects, museums and exhibitions are still
important for real experiences and are irreplaceable in terms of a nations
cultural memories.
Exhibits (noun) Something exhibited:
Each exhibit in the show took hours to assemble.
surf the net (idiom) To browse the various content of the Internet.
With the ubiquity of affordable smartphones and computers, everyone from
seniors to preschoolers is able to surf the net these days.
I just worry that he spends too much time surfing the net alone instead of
hanging out with other kids his age.
browse (idiom) To casually or quickly look over something.
Just browse over the pamphlet—you don't have to read it word for word.
open for business (idiom) Currently operational and accepting business
from clients.
We had a few setbacks with city regulators, but our new store is finally open
for business!
Indispensable (adjective) Absolutely necessary; essential.
Repositories (noun –plural) a place or container in which things can be
stored for safety. A place where things are kept for exhibition; museum. A
place where commodities are kept before being sold; warehouse
first hand (idiom) Direct(ly) (as opposed to second hand, or from a source
other than oneself). Often hyphenated if used as a modifier before a noun.
As a teacher, I've seen first hand how reading can change children's lives.
We were finally about to hear some first-hand accounts of what happened.
virtual (reality) (idiom) Fig. computer imaging that attempts to mimic real
scenes or places.
The movie had so much virtual reality that the regular photographic scenes
began to look funny.
Artifact (noun) An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a
tool, weapon, or ornament of archaeological or historical interest.
The Louvre: an architectural monument in Paris. Originally a royal palace, it
later became a museum of art. It is now one of the most important art
repositories in the world.
Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential to
improving health and to deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund
these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?
It is true that in order to improve the physical health of the general
population, there must be research into drugs and treatments. But who
should bankroll new medical developments? In my opinion, I judge that the
onus should be on private drug companies and governments and not on the
Those against government funding argue that governments have more
important concerns. For example, state budgets need to be spent on services
like education, infrastructure and national security. These public services are
essential for a country to function properly, because without them the
country would fall apart. In contrast, new types of drugs and treatments are
essentially a luxury. Private companies are also seen as a poor option
because most simply do not have enough funds for large-scale medical
research. Also, in order to re cuperate their massive research costs, private
drug companies tend to raise the prices of their new drugs, which end up
beyond the means of most consumers.
Nevertheless, I believe private companies and governments should bear the
brunt of this funding. If this massive investment is passed onto the consumer
it would be impossible for many people to be able to afford basic necessities
for living, including the very drugs and treatments their money would fund.
For example, in some African countries people are dying because they
cannot afford food and water, much less the anti-viral drugs they desperately
need. I consider good health to be a right for all, not just the rich. In other
words, every person inherently deserves decent standards of living.
In conclusion, I believe private companies and governments have a moral
obligation to fund further research into new types of medicines and
treatments to relieve the burden on the poorer sections of society.
bankroll (idiom) To finance or put up money for someone or something, as
for a business endeavor.
My wealthy uncle has generously offered to bankroll my independent film.
onus (noun) A difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity; a burden
or obligation.
public services (phrase) Services that serve all members of a community
recuperate (verb) To recover or regain something
He took a day off to recuperate from the flu.
beyond the means (of something) (idiom) To be unaffordable by
She enjoys a style of living that is beyond the means of most people.
adage (noun) traditional saying; proverb: An old adage states that you reap
what you sow.
bear the brunt (of something) (idiom) To suffer the worst part of an
unpleasant or problematic situation.
When our system crashed, the call center employees bore the brunt of our
customers' anger.
Because I came home late, my sister bore the brunt of our mother's
frustration about her job.
moral obligation (noun) an obligation arising out of considerations of right
and wrong; "he did it out of a feeling of moral obligation"
bear the burden (of something) (idiom) To endure something distressing,
painful, stressful, or emotionally or physically taxing, especially for the sake
of others.
Our mother bore the burden of this farm for 53 years until the day she died.
My partner quit his job to stay home with the baby, so I have to bear the
burden of earning enough to pay the mortgage.
More and more parents allow their children to play on computers and tablets
(like iPads) because they think that children should learn technology skills.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Nowadays, it is commonplace to see young people engrossed in electrical
devices as they play games and surf social media. Their parents consent to
this in the belief that their child is learning important IT skills which will be
important for their future. In my opinion, the drawbacks of allowing children
to do this outweigh any advantages.
To begin with, we need to consider what technological advantages can be
gained from using such devices. First of all, being au fait with technology
might give them the advantage in the modern classroom. There is no doubt
that apps and websites can make learning more fun. For instance, during my
childhood I learned a great deal about the universe from online videos and
articles, as well as from playing space-themed computer games. Secondly,
the internet can give students a window to the world, where they can
keep up with contemporary news and events as they happen.
On the other hand, too much of a good thing has drawbacks and the
matter at hand is no exception. It is well known that young people can suffer
serious negative effects from too much screen time. For example, many kids
have to be treated for game addiction, not to mention short attention spans
and lack of social skills. Furthermore, unfiltered access to the internet might
expose impressionable young minds to sensitive content such as
pornography, violence and extremist political view points. Children may
quickly lose their inherent innocence and purity, which is too great a cost.
To sum up, although this matter has some advantages, these are, in my
opinion, outweighed by the disadvantages. While there is no denying that
technology has changed young people's lives it is important that parents
continue to monitor the use of such devices.
commonplace (adjective) happening often or often seen or experienced and
so not considered to be special: Electric cars are increasingly commonplace.
engrossed (idiom) To occupy exclusively; absorb: a novel that engrosses
every reader.
surf (noun) To look at a variety of things casually, especially while browsing
the internet or television channels.
I spent the day surfing the net.
too much of a good thing (idiom) An excessive, unhelpful, or harmful
amount of something that is otherwise enjoyable or beneficial.
You're going to hurt yourself if you keep exercising this much. You can have
too much of a good thing, you know!
The added security features on the new phone proved to be too much of a
good thing, making it incredibly difficult for even the owner to access the
the matter at hand (idiom) The issue, topic, or task that is currently being
discussed or is the current priority. Also seen as "the matter in hand."
Let's get back to the matter at hand, people. Don't get distracted by side
screen time - The number of hours that a person spends each day in front of
a computer, or watching movies or television, or playing video games.
impressionable (adjective) Readily or easily influenced; suggestible:
impressionable youths.
extremist (noun) a person who favours or resorts to immoderate,
uncompromising, or fanatical methods or behaviour, esp. in being politically
au fait (adjective) fully informed; in touch or expert: I am au fait with fashion.
no doubt (idiom) Definitely; certainly.
You've heard that I resigned, no doubt. I just wanted to let you know the
circumstances of it, before the rumour mill started.
He no doubt wanted to impress you, hence all the showmanship.
window to the world (idiom) A means of experiencing or learning about
parts of the world beyond one's immediate surroundings or situation.
Kids are spoiled rotten with the amount they can learn and see on the
internet. In my day, the only window to the world was whatever books the
local library had.
Some people say that drug companies have a responsibility to spend money
on researching medicines that will help people in poorer countries. Others
say the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money. Discuss
both these views and give your own opinion.
Serious disease is widespread in countries with a low GDP and commentators
suggest that the big pharmaceutical companies should focus on making low
cost medicines to ease that suffering. However, critics might argue the focus
should be on keeping their stock holders happy by making increasing profit.
From my point of view, I believe that these large drug companies have a
moral obligation to provide low cost drugs to those people most in need.
For example, Aids is widespread amongst the African population. Recent
research has allowed the drug companies to produce medical products that
allow people to live a long and healthy life. Consequently, Aids is no longer
the death sentence it was. However, these drugs are prohibitively expensive
and it is noteworthy to point out that
Aids sufferers in the West have more access to the drugs than a person in
Regardless of the humanitarian aspect of providing these drugs at low cost
critics maintain that a drug companies prime purpose is to make money.
Significantly, they will point to the enormous cost of the research that goes
into a new drug. For instance, an article in Scientific America, claimed the
cost of developing a new prescription drug that gains market approval is
$2.6 billion. Moreover, it also takes many years of testing before these drugs
are available to be sold.
In summary, a new drug does cost a lot of money but in my opinion, drug
companies do have a responsibility to provide low cost medicine for those
people most in need.
Vocabulary GDP (noun) (gross domestic product) - the measure of an
economy adopted by the United States in 1991; the total market values of
goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's
borders during a given period (usually 1 year)
pharmaceatucal (adj) - Medicine of or relating to drugs or pharmacy
in need (of something) (idiom) [of someone or an animal] to require
something. We are in need of a new car. The company is in need of a larger
building to hold all its employees.
prohibitively (adverb) So high or burdensome as to discourage purchase or
use: prohibitive prices.
maintain (verb) To defend or hold against criticism or attack: maintained his
stand on taxes.
humanitarian (adjective) Showing concern for the welfare of humanity,
especially in acting to improve the living conditions of impoverished people.
prescription drug (noun) - a drug that is available only with written
instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist; "he told the doctor that
he had been taking his prescription regularly"
Some people think it is important for all children to learn history in school.
Others believe that other subjects are more relevant
to children’s lives today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
People have different opinions about the
importance of learning about the past. Some think it is a waste of time, while
others argue that learning history is crucial for todays society. I believe, as
Carl Sagan does that “You have to know the past to understand the
Nowadays, many students think studying history is not that interesting. For
instance, at school, lessons are often just a long list of boring names and
events that seem to have little relevance to modern life. Further, parents
want their children to study what they believe are ‘useful’ more relevant
subjects such as science and mathematics. Consequently, history at school is
seen as a dry and tedious subject with little relevance to the outside world
while the other subjects are deemed to be more useful.
However, I would argue on the contrary, as Carl Sagan argues history
throws light on how our own cultures and traditions have evolved over the
years. For many people this remembering of the past highlights the native
culture and gives social groups a sense of belonging. For example, in the
USA, the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement uses the events of the past
to make important points about the rise of racism in that country today.
Accordingly, I argue it is essential for people to learn their history and the
wider history of the world in order to make sense of the present situation.
In conclusion, I believe studying history is important to discover who we are
today. This, together with the other subjects such as mathematics and
science, completes a student’s education.
dry (idiom) very dull, very boring - She knows I don't like her- that
conversation was so dry.
outside world (idiom) The people, culture, ideas, or experiences beyond an
enclosed, sheltered, or remote place, situation or environment.
Being raised out on the farm meant Jacob had little knowledge of the
outside world.
Anthropologists came upon an indigenous society that had had no previous
contact with the outside world.
deemed (verb) To regard as; consider: deemed the results unsatisfactory.
on the contrary (idiom) Opposite to what someone has just said.
Our business is not receding. On the contrary, we are experiencing a very
robust level of growth.
A: "Don't you hate Brussels sprouts?"
B: "On the contrary, I think they can be very tasty—if they're cooked the right
throw (some) light on (something) (idiom) To reveal information or details
about something; to clarify or help people understand something.
We've hired a private investigator to help throw light on the clandestine
dealings of the baron.
These documents we've uncovered throw some light on how the late
author's final book was meant to end.
make sense (idiom) To be understandable or coherent.
These numbers don't make sense. How can there be a deficit if we also have
an excess?
I've tried asking him but his explanations aren't making any sense.
2019年0727教育类(two-part question型)
Some parents give children everything they ask for and do what they like. Is
this good for children? What could be the consequences for these children
when they grow up?
Nowadays, indulging children has become a common parenting problem.
Many parents try to accommodate their children’s wishes whilst also
giving them more personal freedom. This could have an adverse impact
when they become adults.
In the short term, we might find that children who are granted every request
will find it difficult to take no for an answer. We can argue that children like
this become spoilt and self-centred if parents are not prepared to set
boundaries. Firstly, such selfish behaviour from a child might take its toll on
their academic performance and their lifestyle choices. For example, a
dependence on their parents for everything can deprive the student of the
motivation to strive hard in their studies. Further, they are likely to get into
unscrupulous things such as bad company, smoking, drinking and even
In the long run, as they become grown-ups, their selfish nature will cause
them to struggle in many facets of life. For instance, if as a youngster they
had a generous allowance they might find it hard to budget and manage
their own personal finances. Furthermore, over-lenient parents will not have
taught their child lessons regarding taking personal responsibility for their
actions. Consequently, this deprives the child from learning from their
mistakes. In later life this might cause problems at work if their problem
solving skills are lacking.
In conclusion, granting children all of their wishes can do serious harm to
their personal development. This might have consequences in later life by
limiting their ability to cope with problems as adults.
parenting (adj) the raising of a child by its parents
accommodate (someone's) wishes (idiom) To alter or tailor a situation so as
to specifically cater to the desires, preferences, or designs of another person
or persons.
The laws exist this way for a reason, and you can't expect us to change them
simply to accommodate your wishes.
In the short term (phrase) during the period of time that is not very far into
the future
take a/its toll (idiom) To have a cumulative negative effect on someone or
Based on all this water damage, it seems that leak really took a toll on our
ceiling tiles.
All those late nights working on my term paper really took a toll on me—I
need about 24 hours' sleep to recover.
deprive (Idiom/verb) if you deprive someone of something, you take it
away from them or prevent them from having it
I would never deprive you the opportunity to follow your dreams!
They don't want to get divorced and deprive their children of a stable home.
unscrupulous (adj) Having or showing no regard for what is right or
honorable; devoid of scruples.
In the long run (phrase) during the period of time that is far into the future
grow up (idiom/phrasal verb) To become older and more mature; to rogress
toward adulthood.
When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut.
Growing up with three older brothers probably did a lot to shape my
lenient (adj) permissive, merciful, or tolerant
Many people aim to achieve a balance between work and other parts of their
lives, but few people achieve it. What are the the problems in trying it and
how to overcome it?
One of the most talked about problems in the 21st century is how to
maintain a work-life balance. Many people are now spending more time at
work and less time at play. Consequently, people find it hard to manage
their time in order to be productive at work and spend quality time with
their families.
Workplaces have become highly competitive, leading to long hours as
employees show their commitment to the company. Moreover, with the
availability of IT and fast communications with computers and tablets
work responsibilities can follow a person home eating into their family or
leisure time. For example, in China, some employees might be working in an
office doing twelve hour days, six days a week, this is not a healthy lifestyle.
By focusing on the work-life balance issues we can discuss some approaches
employers and employees might adopt. Firstly, governments should enforce
their working hours legislation to encourage employers to maintain a
schedule so people are able to return home at reasonable times.
Consequently, this will allow workers to enjoy their family life to the full. For
instance, by enjoying a regular and healthy lifestyle, employees can
appreciate life and have a fulfilling family experience. Notwithstanding this,
employers will benefit from having people who enjoy their work life and help
to make the business successful.
To sum up, currently there are a lot of people who cannot manage their
work-home balance. By limiting their responsibilities and time spent at work
employers will enjoy the benefits of a happy and healthy workforce.
work-life balance: the idea that the demands of work and domestic life be
balanced so as to optimize the well being of employees and their families.
Specifically, initiatives in this area are targeted at reducing excessive working
at play (idiom) Actively playing or involved in other leisure activities.
The kids love the game you bought them—they've been at play for hours
What do you like to do when you're at play?
quality time (idiom) Time spent interacting with someone in a close,
meaningful way.
This Christmas, I want to spend some real quality time with the family instead
of having everyone stuck on their phones and tablets the whole time.
I'm looking forward to having some quality time with you on our camping
long hours (idiom) A period of time doing something, especially work, that is
longer than is usual or customary.
I'll be working long hours in the restaurant the lead up to Christmas, but the
tips and pay checks will be worth it.
eat into (something) (idiom) To take away or use up a large amount of
resources over a certain period of time.
Changing voter demographics have been eating into the party's traditionally
strong hold on state politics.
Don't eat into your savings to pay for that fancy new smart phone.
focus on (someone or something) (idiom) To centre on or be dedicated to
something in particular.
Have you decided which topics the meeting will focus on?
adopt (someone or something) (idiom) To claim ownership of something or
establish guardianship or someone.
I told Marshall my idea for the project last week, and now he has apparently
adopted it as his own.
My parents adopted me as their son when I was just two months old.
The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous
government expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and
road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
Administrations spend significant amounts of money on the maintenance of
old structures in many cities. However, some people believe that budgets
should be utilized for infrastructure projects such as building homes and
developing highways.
There are many reasons why the renovation of old buildings is essential.
Firstly, these structures preserve a country's history and culture. If they are
demolished it is a national loss. For example, the fire at Notre Dame, was not
only a national tragedy for France but the whole world was shocked. Within
one day the French President promised its restoration and money from wellwishers poured in. Secondly, another consideration is historical buildings,
such as Notre Dame, are a key factor in the tourism industry of a country. We
can argue this tourism revenue can be used for new schemes like better
thoroughfares, new housing and so on.
On the other hand, state funds should also be employed in building houses
and in the construction of roads for the locals. Having said that, buildings
that are beyond repair and have no significant cultural or historical value
should be demolished and new structures built in their place. In addition to
these practical benefits many people will find employment. All of this is
beneficial for a cities economy.
To conclude, the maintenance of old buildings is important and money
should be spent on their preservation. However, funds allocated for housing
and roads should be provided in equal measure for those who live and work
in these cities. Consequently, I believe money should be shared between
these types of projects.
pour in (idiom) To arrive all at once or in a continuous stream after being
sent in great numbers.
Ever since the national news ran our story, well wishes have been pouring in
from around the country.
Letters of protest have poured in for days leading up to the senate's vote on
the controversial bill.
infrastructure (noun) The basic facilities, services, and installations needed
for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and
communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions
including schools, post offices, and prisons.
thoroughfares (noun) A main road or public highway.
in equal measure (idiom) To an equal degree or extent; in an equal amount
or portion.
We've worked in equal measure with law enforcement and mental health
professionals to tackle the issue.
Now, now—blame must be shared in equal measures for this.
As technology develops, online business meetings and business training
increasingly rise. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
As computers get smarter and online interactions advance companies are
turning away from traditional face-to-face consultations and tuition and are
using a range of software such as Skype. This essay will explore whether the
benefits such as saving time and money offset the disadvantages.
Firstly, such online interactions are extremely useful in saving time and
money for a business. For instance, employees no longer have to spend time
travelling from one place to another for business meetings or training.
Moreover, using technology for business meetings also has the benefit of
reducing the overall cost for companies. For example, doing business with
overseas customers online curtails the cost of travel and the time spent
doing face-to-face meetings. It has been reported that Google recently
eliminated all space meant for meetings and the company reported a four
percent reduction in cost of doing business simply because of this change.
On the other hand, this trend has a few disadvantages. Primarily online
meetings and training events could prevent
staff from developing a team spirit to achieve organisational goals. For
example, one corporate survey revealed that although online meetings
reduce the
cost of doing business in the short term, it reduces revenue in the long term
as employees fail to work together to improve client satisfaction.
In conclusion, despite some shortcomings, I support the proposition
that the advantages of online meetings and training outweigh the
disadvantages. The continued use of information technology will not only
reduce the cost of doing business but also improve work efficiency.
turn away (idiom) To dismiss, reject, spurn, or refuse someone or something.
In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "turn" and "away."
It broke my heart, but I had to turn the couple away because they didn't
meet our lending criteria.
The store began turning away customers who hadn't already preordered the
She turned away his romantic advances.
face-to-face (idiom) In direct contact, especially literally standing close
I had been trying to avoid my math teacher, but then we came face-to-face
in the cafeteria.
Society is about to come face-to-face with a whole new set of problems
brought on by technology.
such as (idiom – 2 usages)
1. For example.
There are a number of basic tools no home should be without, such as a
hammer, screwdriver set, and adjustable wrench.
2. Like; of the same kind as.
Truly generous, selfless people such as Jackie are actually pretty rare.
offset (noun) An agent, element, or thing that balances, counteracts, or
compensates for something else.
curtail (verb) To cut short or reduce: We curtailed our conversation when
other people entered the room.
shortcoming (noun) a fault or weakness that makes someone or something
less successful or effective than they should be
Peter was painfully aware of his own shortcomings.
2019年0629 教育类(讨论型)
Some people claim that many things children are taught at school are a
waste of time. Other people argue that everything children study at school is
useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Many critics claim that some subjects taught in educational centres are just
marking time and are not useful to the student. However, the counter
argument suggests that education is the key for the all-round development
of children.
Firstly, the main argument is that teaching all subjects in school wastes time
because the system pressurises students to succeed and consequently stunts
the scholars growth and development. For instance, these critics will point to
subjects such as Art or Music and label them as frivolous and time-wasting.
Furthermore, by being overburdened with assignments to complete and
other homework activities they are unable to participate in other sports and
recreational events. Last but not least, educators recognise that all students
are unique and have different interests and abilities which can be retarded if
they have to study all subjects.
On the contrary, other commentators suggest that education is a key factor
in the on-going development of the student. They underline the fact that
every subject has its own importance and pupils will pick up knowledge
useful for their future. For example, they argue that Arts and Humanity
subjects are just as important as the hard sciences and Mathematics.
Furthermore, a well-rounded student having learnt multiple subjects
throughout their educational career will be seen as a suitable candidate by
employers in their chosen occupation in the future.
In conclusion, my personal opinion is that the all-round development of
scholars is only possible when the educational institutions provide them with
a wide range of learning opportunities.
mark time (idiom) To idly wait; to do nothing except observe the passage of
I wish we had something to do, but we just have to mark time until this thing
is published and we get some reviews.
all round (idiom) in every way; in all respects: a good performance all round
stunt (noun) To check the growth or development of
frivolous (adjective) Unworthy of serious attention; trivial: a frivolous novel
last but not least (idiom) A phrase used to emphasize that someone or
something is still significant, despite being mentioned last in a list of people
or things.
And last but not least, our stalwart IT staff—this issue never would have been
published without them!
pick up (phrasal verb) If you pick up something such as a skill or an idea, you
acquire it without effort over a period of time.
Can you pick up anything from this recording?
well-rounded (idiom) Comprehensively developed and well-balanced in a
range or variety of aspects: a well-rounded scholar; a well-rounded
2019年0622 环境类(利弊型)
As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do
you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the
disadvantages for the environment?
According to some people owning an automobile in this day and age is a
necessity rather than a luxury. Even in the so-called third-world countries
car ownership is rising but at what cost? While owning a motorcar might be
convenient for the driver and his passengers we also have to consider the
environmental impact of this type of transportation.
On the one hand, one of the advantages contributing to owning cars is
convenience and freedom. For example, the owner is not tied to timetables
and the inconvenience of public transport. In countries like the USA, is is not
unknown for people to drive a few hundred yards to their local grocery store
rather than walk. Furthermore, it is also generally accepted in some
developing countries that car ownership is a symbol of personal status such
as wealth, power and social prestige.
On the other hand, the CO2 emissions from the thousands of cars on the
road are alleged to be a governing factor in air pollution. There is no doubt
that more cars mean more pollution. Additionally, traffic congestion can also
be cited as a factor in both air pollution and as major inconveniences to
those people who live in the towns and cities. Also roads and freeways cut a
swathe through the countryside damaging the landscape forever.
In conclusion, I do not think that the convenience of owning a car outweighs
the damage caused to the environment in terms of air pollution and the
destruction of the landscape by concrete and tarmac.
day and age (idiom) The current time period. Typically used in the phrase "in
this day and age." A child can't walk home from school alone in this day and
age—it's too dangerous!
so-called (idiom) A phrase used to emphasize that a name or term for
someone or something is commonly used.
Next, we'll be reading the so-called master of English literature, William
third world (idiom) Generally speaking, those countries that are
underdeveloped or only beginning to develop at a sociopolitical and
economic level. Often hyphenated and used as a modifier before a noun.
The devastating attack rendered the country a third world in a matter of
He has spent his life dedicated to improving the lives of those in third-world
countries around the globe.
tie (one) to (something) (idiom) To connect or associate one with some
situation, event, or circumstance.
The investigators have uncovered paperwork that ties the suspect to the
money laundering scheme.
no doubt (idiom) Definitely; certainly.
You've heard that I resigned, no doubt. I just wanted to let you know the
circumstances of it, before the rumor mill started.
He no doubt wanted to impress you, hence all the showmanship.
cut a swath through (something) (idiom) To cause a lot of damage or
suffering in a specific area or population.
It seems that the high winds cut a swath through our neighborhood last
night, blowing down trees and power lines on nearly every street.
Severe malnourishment has certainly cut a swath through this part of the
tarmac (noun) (Civil Engineering) a paving material that consists of crushed
stone rolled and bound with a mixture of tar and bitumen, esp. as formerly
used for a road, airport runway, etc. Full name: tarmacadam
2019年0613 环境类(观点型)
Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments
and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?
The problems facing the environment have become big news. Serious
problems such as melting ice-caps, the greenhouse effect and single-use
plastic have become major issues over the last few decades. Some
commentators believe people can help to solve these difficulties whereas
others, point the finger at industry and the world authorities to take the
lead in making the environment better.
Certainly, individuals do have a responsibility to make sure what they do and
what they consume is sustainable. First of all, all citizens of the world should
try to cut down on their use of single-use plastics. This waste is killing the
planet to the extent that even at the micro-level plastic fragments are being
found in the bodies of fish and other animals. For example, who can forget
the recent image of a sea-turtle with a plastic straw stuck up its nose?
Consequently, in the case of single-use plastic individuals have a
responsibility to stop using this material.
On the other hand, for major issues such as the melting ice caps and the
greenhouse effect, governments and large companies are, in my view, duty
bound to protect our planet. For example, companies can attempt to
become carbon negative in the future by changing the way they work.
Furthermore, governments can pass legislation which forces both individuals
and companies to change their behaviour in line with current green
To conclude, I agree that individuals, governments and large companies
should all work hand-in-hand to address the serious problems facing the
world today in terms of improving the environment.
point the finger at (one) (idiom) To indicate that one is guilty of (doing)
something; to blame or accuse one of (doing) something.
She'll say that she doesn't blame anyone, but I know that, in her heart, she
points the finger at me.
Now, I'm not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, but someone here
has been stealing food from the communal refrigerator.
take the lead (idiom) To be the primary person working on something; to
assert oneself as the leader.
I have meetings all day, so please take the lead on this project, Joan.
cut down (idiom) To reduce something.
My doctor told me that I need to cut down on eating fried foods in order to
improve my cholesterol.
If the school board cuts down on funding for the arts, then what will become
of the theater program?
be duty bound (idiom) To be obligated or expected to do something.
Now that our parents are dead, I'm duty bound to care for my siblings.
As a parent, you are duty bound to protect your child.
in line with (idiom) In conformity or agreement; within ordinary or proper
For example, The new policy was intended to keep prices in line with their
competitors, or It's up to the supervisor to keep the nurses in line.
hand in hand (idiom) To work alongside or in conjunction (with someone or
something else), especially in pursuit of a common goal.
Our company works hand in hand with market research firms to ensure that
our clients' advertising reaches the broadest and most well suited audiences
The two drugs work hand in hand to combat the disease—one fighting the
original infection, the other helping to repair damaged cells and tissue.
2019年0601 环境类(讨论型)
Human activity has had negative effects on the plant and animal species.
Some people think there’s nothing we can do to change the situation. It’s
too late. Others think we can take effective action to improve the situation.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The news is constantly reporting how human endeavours have caused
extensive damage to the planet’s flora and fauna. Many commentators
take the view that nothing can be done to reverse the destruction already
caused to the natural world. However, others are more optimistic about
reversing the injury we have caused. I am one of those people.
Firstly, it is imperative that governments around the world enact laws to
protect the environment at home and abroad. For example, banning the
ivory trade at home impacts upon elephant numbers in Africa. If no one buys
ivory, the poachers have no reason to kill these magnificent beasts.
Moreover, the prohibiting of the use of certain hardwoods for furniture and
building materials goes a long way towards protecting forests and thus the
flora and fauna within that habitat.
On the other hand, some people are more pessimistic and say the damage
has already been done and there is nothing we can do. Nonetheless, I would
argue that the evidence flies in the face of these naysayers. For instance,
wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone Park where they had become
extinct and a remarkable thing happened. The environment which had
decayed sprang back to life and animals and plants also returned, even the
river changed course, just because of the impact these predators had on that
In conclusion, it is true that many people do have diverse opinions about the
need to protect our world. Nevertheless, I strongly believe it is still possible
to reverse some of the changes and save the planet.
flora and fauna (idiom) Plant life and wildlife, collectively.
She's a scientist, studying the flora and fauna in this region.
take the view that (idiom) To have the opinion or belief that something is
the case.
Unfortunately, the president has taken the view that the national parks
around the country are not worth protecting and maintaining.
I now take the view that religion is harmless so long as it does not compel its
members to proselytize.
go a long way toward (something) (idiom) To be very helpful in achieving
some goal.
Don't do anything rash—patience will go a long way toward bringing you
allies in this situation.
fly in the face of (idiom) To be oract in clear opposition to something else.
I can't believe you said something so awful. It flies in the face of everything
we stand for!
Don't quit now, that just flies in the face of all your hard work.
naysayer (noun) someone who opposes something or says no to it.
ecosystem (noun) (Biology) ecology a system involving the interactions
between a community of living organisms in a particular area and its nonliving environment.
2019年0523 犯罪类(two-part question)
In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more
crimes. Why is this happening? How should children and teenagers be
Juvenile delinquency is a growing problem in many countries. While this is a
complex issue we need to understand the reasons and how young people
should be dealt with.
To begin with, we must appreciate there are many factors that affect
youngsters lives. This essay will focus on just two, the impact of the internet
and parental responsibility. Firstly, when teenagers have unrestricted access
to the internet they are exposed to many different influences. For example,
on the one hand, they watch rich people showing off their material lives and
on the other hand watching youths committing crime, getting away with it,
and posting it on YouTube. Further, as parents have to work longer hours
children are often left to their own devices and are not bought up with the
proper guidance.
Punishing young offenders is a difficult task. If a child is too young, their
parents will be responsible under the law and it is their responsibility to make
sure their child remains law-abiding. However, teenagers are responsible for
their own actions and must be taught how to be a good citizen. In lieu of
good parenting schools should help with their moral upbringing and teach
good behavior and discipline. Moreover, putting young people in prison can
exacerbate the problems so a system of mentors and helpers could be
provided for those who unthinkingly break the law.
To conclude, access to the internet combined with poor parenting can lead a
child into crime. However, with the correct guidance and good parenting I
believe juvenile delinquency can be reduced.
deal with (someone or something) (Idiom) To manage or handle someone or
something (usually someone or something unpleasant).
I just can't deal with him when gets hysterical like this. I'll deal with the
construction problems at the house—you go on ahead to work.
show off (phrasal verb – idiom) To act or perform in a conspicuously
ostentatious or showy manner in order to gain the attention of others.
Our son always likes to show off when we have guests over.
Yes, we know you're a good dribbler, but you don't have to show off so
much during the game.
get away with (someone or something)(Idiom) To avoid the consequences
of one's action.
You'll never get away with cheating—one of your teachers is bound to figure
it out.
You got lucky when you ran that red light. Next time you might not get away
with it.
post on (something) (idiom) To share information on a public place, thing, or
He spends so much time posting on social media that he has started letting
his relationships in real life deteriorate.
You should try posing on the notice board in the post office—I've seen a lot
of great services advertised there.
be left to (one's) own devices (idiom) To be left unsupervised or
uncontrolled; to be allowed to do as one pleases.
My job is really great: I know what I need to work on and am just left to my
own devices.
If left to their own devices, children will get into all sorts of mischief!
in lieu of (something) (idiom) Instead of something; in place of something.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the scholarship fund.
2019年0518 工作类(观点型)
A four-week holiday can make employees do better at their job. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people take the view that workers perform better if they are
compensated with an annual vacation of one month. I totally agree with this
view and will explain below.
Firstly, a four-week holiday will motivate the workers when they are back at
work. This is because employees will work better for an employer who
supports them and provides good working conditions. For example, research
done at a company concluded that providing a long leave from work
boosted the employee’s satisfaction with their employer. In contrast,
workers reported if they felt undervalued and were not compensated with a
good vacation they would feel dissatisfied and not do their best at work.
Secondly, an important benefit of a long holiday is the psychological value of
reducing stress. Often employees face tremendous pressure to meet targets
at work. Many will work overtime and weekends. Consequently, it becomes
hard to balance work-life and home-life. For instance, if a worker is under
pressure to hit a tight deadline, they might work all day and night, often
neglecting families and friends. This pressure can impact upon their health
too. However, if an employee is given the four-week vacation, as proposed,
she/he will have enough time to to relax. Taking a break from work can
provide much needed relief and a release from the unremitting tension.
Subsequently, the employee will re-discover their mojo and come back to
work in a happy frame of mind.
In conclusion, considering the benefits offered by a long holiday, I strongly
agree with the view of providing a four-week annual leave to all employees.
take the view that (idiom) To have the opinion or belief that something
is the case.
Unfortunately, the president has taken the view that the national parks
around the country are not worth protecting and maintaining.
I now take the view that religion is harmless so long as it does not compel its
members to proselytize.
perform (something) on (someone or something) (idiom) To begin and bring
to completion some kind of procedure or activity focused on someone or
I won't have anything to drink, thanks—I'm performing open-heart surgery
on one of my patients tomorrow.
He was arrested for performing experiments on animals.
We've performed an exhaustive scan on your computer, but we couldn't find
any malicious software.
boost (idiom) To praise or hype someone or something; to support someone
or something. She is always boosting some cause.
balance (something) against (something else) (idiom) To compare two
things, typically one that is positive and one that is negative, often in order
to make a decision.
You need to balance the long commute against how much you like the job.
under pressure (idiom) (While) facing or enduring a great amount of stress
caused by some compelling or constraining influence.
I can't talk now, I'm under pressure to get this done before the end of the
Sorry, I'm just under so much pressure at work that it's made me rather
take a break (idiom) To stop doing something for a short period of time,
especially in order to rest or to focus one's energy elsewhere.
You've been looking after the kids all day—go take a break for a while.
OK, everyone, let's take a break for half an hour.
I'm taking a break from the law firm to try to focus on my acting career.
get (one's) mojo back (idiom) To regain one's confidence, energy, or
enthusiasm, especially coinciding with a resurgence in one's success.
With his latest book, it's clear that the renowned author has finally gotten his
mojo back.
It's been a couple of years since my divorce, and I'm ready to start getting
my mojo back in the dating scene.
2019年0511 社会类(观点型)
Most of the world's problems are caused by overpopulation. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
Over the last century there has been a remarkable rise in population growth
around the world. This dramatic increase in the number of people on the
planet has caused many critical problems. This essay will address those
problems, and outline my agreement with the position that, as a matter
of the utmost urgency, the world has to deal with the issues of too many
people and finite resources. Firstly, it is irrefutable that poverty, along with
hunger, are two of the most critical consequences of overcrowding. In many
developing countries, where family planning schemes are lacking, population
growth is endemic. For instance, the Indian population grows by around
15 million each year, and has overtaken the growth in the Chinese
population by a factor of four. However, these are not just some Third-World
problems, but difficulties the whole world, as a community, needs to address.
Secondly we can also point to the serious environmental problems created
by this phenomenal population growth. We can point to issues such as
increased pollution levels which can be attributed to the overuse of carbon
fuels and the large amounts of plastics and rubbish generated in such
societies. Furthermore, in the effort to feed the hosts of people on this
planet, the focus on factory and intensive farming methods is being cited as
a key factor in climate change.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that overpopulation has placed an enormous
burden on each citizen and the environment, and this aspect is at the root of
many of the world’s problems.
utmost (idiom) To put forth the greatest possible amount of effort or energy
toward some task or goal; to try as hard as one can.
I'll do my utmost to be there for your wedding, but I don't know if I'll have
enough money to buy the plane ticket. Janet did her utmost to save the
family farm, but the bank foreclosed on it in the end.
deal with (someone or something) (idiom)To manage or handle someone or
something (usually someone or something unpleasant). The phrase "deal
with it" can be used dismissively to leave a task to someone else.
I just can't deal with him when gets hysterical like this. I'll deal with the
construction problems at the house—you go on ahead to work. A: "Sir, I'm
not sure how you want me to handle all these calls." B: "Oh, just deal with it,
irrefutable (adj.) Impossible to refute or disprove; incontrovertible:
irrefutable arguments; irrefutable evidence of guilt.
endemic (adj.) Prevalent in a particular locality, region, or population:
point to (someone or something) (idiom) To indicate, reveal, suggest, or
imply that someone or something is the likely conclusion or answer to some
After a careful investigation, all signs point to Mr. Walker as the perpetrator
of the theft. The unusual angle of this wound points to the second shooter
from a higher level.
hosts (idiom) - a (whole) host of (something) - A very large number or
collection of people or things.
While this scandal was certainly the final nail in his coffin, the candidate had
a whole host of campaign issues that made his election problematic.
While it's been receiving positive reviews from critics, there's a host of fans of
the series who are upset with the way the film turned out.
burden (idiom) bear the burden (of something) To endure something
distressing, painful, stressful, or emotionally or physically taxing, especially
for the sake of others.
Our mother bore the burden of this farm for 53 years until the day she died.
My partner quit his job to stay home with the baby, so I have to bear the
burden of earning enough to pay the mortgage.
2019年0504 工作类(观点型)
The increasing use of technology in the workplace has made it easier for
young people to get jobs and harder for old people. To what extent do you
agree or disagree.
In the 21st century the nature of work has predominantly moved from being
manual labour and manufacturing to a more service based economy based
upon technological innovation. Consequently, IT skills are an important
consideration for employers when they fill job vacancies. This create a skills
gap which disadvantages the older generation while benefiting a younger
The main problem the older generation has in securing work is because
younger people are more likely to have up-to-date qualifications and
experience with modern technology. Firstly, young people have never known
a time without computers and technological devices such as smartphones.
Moreover, they will have developed their knowledge through university and
using technology in their daily lives. Secondly, for many older people, the
contemporary technological advances have passed them by, most will not
engage with IT on a regular basis in the same way as young people do.
However, this is not to say that the older workforce should be discriminated
against in the workforce. Some enlightened employers actively seek out
older workers for the breadth of knowledge they bring to a company. For
instance, many of the big DIY warehouses employ older, ex-skilled men and
women to help their customers. Consequently, with the correct training and
investment older people can find gainful employment.
In conclusion, I strongly agree it might well be harder for older people to find
work in companies using new technologies, but with the correct training and
investment they can still prove to be a valuable asset for any company.
manual labour (in British English, manual labor in American English) or
manual work is physical work done by people, most especially in contrast to
that done by machines, and to that done by working animals.
service economy can refer to one or both of two recent economic
developments: The relative importance of service in a product offering. The
service economy in developing countries is mostly concentrated in financial
services, hospitality, retail, health, human services, information technology
and education.
skills gap is the difference between skills that employers want or need, and
skills their workforce offer.
on a regular basis (idiom) Quite often and/or in a consistent regular manner.
The general manager drops into the restaurant on a regular basis, so the staff
members have to be on their toes at all times.
enlightened (transitive verb) - showing understanding and wisdom in
dealing with others:
This company is an enlightened and reasonable employer.
gainful employment refers to an employment situation where the employee
receives steady work and payment from the employer.
2019年0427 社会类(two-part question 型)
Some people believe that certain old buildings are more worth preserving
than others. What types of old buildings should be preserved? Do you think
the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?
In everyone’s hometown or city there are usually buildings which have
historical significance to the locals or to the wider community. I think it is
very important to maintain these for future generations.
The question remains however, should all old buildings be preserved,
regardless of cost? Recently, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught fire
and very quickly millions of dollars were raised by public donation for its
preservation and the rebuilding of the damaged areas. At the other end of
the scale would be the concrete apartment blocks from the 1950’s and
1960’s which are showing their age and are becoming unfit for human
habitation. While they could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of
rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down, and
And yet, some concrete apartment buildings are protected as examples of an
architect’s vision and art. They are valued as being important examples and
historical markers of human endeavor just as the Cathedral is. Nevertheless,
this does not mean that modernization and new building should be
discouraged at the expense of renovating and protecting heritagebuildings.
I believe that such buildings can be protected in tandem with progress and
new build while also teaching us something about our past.
In conclusion, Notre Dame teaches us that it is very important to protect and
preserve old buildings despite the disadvantages of cost. The historical
advantages of such endeavors are manifold and not least that we can
enjoy their beauty for many years to come.
regardless of (something) (idiom) Without respect to or influence from
something else.
Regardless of your preferences, the decision belongs to your father and me.
We're simply going to have to do it, regardless of how much it costs.
catch (on) fire (idiom) To begin to burn, usually after being touched by an
existing fire.
Hey, keep an eye on that pan, I don't want our dinner to catch on fire.
I blew out all the candles so, don't worry, the house won't catch fire! I was
sitting too close to the fireplace and my sleeve caught on fire!
architects (noun) One who designs and supervises the construction
of buildings or other large structures.
heritage building - a building possessing architectural, aesthetic, historic or
cultural values which is declared as heritage building by the Planning
Authority/Heritage conservation committee or any other Competent
Authority in whose jurisdiction such building is situated.
in tandem (idiom) Occurring or acting simultaneously or in conjunction.
The tax changes are coming into effect in tandem with several relief
schemes for lower-income families.
The director worked in tandem with numerous psychologists to faithfully
portray dissociative identity disorder.
My wife and I illustrate and write our books in tandem.
manifold (adjective) Many and varied; of many kinds; multiple: our manifold
2019年0425 社会类(two-part question 型)
Young people are leaving their homes in rural areas to study or work in the
cities. What are the reasons? Do advantages of this development outweigh
its disadvantages?
Migration from rural areas to urban conurbations has become a modern
phenomenon as the youth move away seeking a better, more prosperous
life. This is often due to the availability of better job opportunities and
education. In this essay I will consider both the advantages and
disadvantages below.
One of the main causes of young people moving away from the countryside
is lack of opportunity. They are constantly bombarded with advertising
showing the benefits of a modern lifestyle, whereas life in rural communities
is often hard and poor. The bright lights of the city beckon and many
young people are drawn there looking for employment and more
opportunities such as education, to create a better life for themselves.
Moreover, job markets in the cities are more buoyant, and therefore, it is
much easier for young people to find jobs there compared to the rural areas
where economic activities are limited.
One of the disadvantages to this relocation is that firstly, rural areas are
becoming depopulated and farmers and landowners find it difficult to find
the manpower to tend to their crops and the land. Secondly, there are issues
created by an ageing population. This imbalance puts extra strain on local
support services as there is no longer the familial support there once was for
the elderly.
In conclusion, most of the young people in rural areas see the advantages of
moving to big cities in terms of their employment, education and financial
advancement. The disadvantages include elderly people being left alone to
fend for themselves and farmers unable to find workers to manage their
migration (noun) When people migrate, they temporarily move to another
place, usually a city or another country, in order to find work.
The only solution people can see is to migrate. Millions have migrated
to the cities.
conurbations(plural noun) an extended urban area, typically consisting of
several towns merging with the suburbs of a central city. "the major
conurbations of London and Birmingham."
bright lights (plural noun - idiom) the bright lights, places of entertainment
in a city.
tend to (idiom) To focus or apply one's attention to someone or something;
to take care of someone or something.
You really need to tend to the lawn—it's getting pretty overgrown! I'm
taking some time off of work to tend to my daughter while she is sick.
fend for (oneself) (idiom) To look after or take care of oneself without
assistance from anyone else.
Moving to a new country for college really made me learn to fend for
I won't be home from work until about 9 o'clock, so you and your sister will
have to fend for yourselves for dinner.
2019年0413 社会类(讨论型)
Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aid
organizations draws attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the
problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
To raise awareness of global problems more and more charities use media
personalities to lead their fund raising campaigns. However, critics argue that
using such stars trivialises the serious problems that people face.
It is true that using celebrities can create public awareness about the
problems that need to be dealt with. For instance, the most famous example
of this was the success of the Live Aid concerts that raised millions of pounds
worldwide for African charities. If it were not for pop stars such as Bono from
the group U2 the African famines might not have reached our TV screens.
Consequently, it is my strong belief that having high profile people
associated with international aid organisations can raise public awareness
and it is evident they can positively influence society at large to participate in
the charitable activities held by such associations.
On the other hand, there is a view that using celebrities can detract from the
problems at hand. Firstly, this can be because some see celebrity
involvement as nothing more than self-promotion to gain more fame.
Secondly, others point to the “white saviour” mentality where the majority
of celebrities involved are from the West and are representatives of the
colonial societies that caused these problems in the first place.
To sum up, in my opinion, there is no doubt that celebrities can draw
attention to the problems faced by many people worldwide, but the aid
agencies themselves need to take steps to make sure the issues are not
trivialises (verb) to cause to appear unimportant, insignificant, etc.
high profile (idiom) an intentionally conspicuous, well-publicized presence
or stance: "needs to maintain a high profile in his profession"
at large (idiom) in general; according to a general sample.
Truck drivers at large don't like the new speed restriction on the highway.
Students at large felt that discipline was too strict.
white saviour white saviour refers to western people going in to “fix” the
problems of struggling nations or people of colour without understanding
their history, needs, or the region’s current state of affairs.
in the first place (idiom) from the outset; in or at the very beginning.
should have said you were feeling ill in the first place! I wouldn't have given
you such a hard time if I'd known.
I never would have bought this car in the first place if I'd known there
weren't airbags.
take steps to (do something) (idiom) to do what is necessary to prepare for
or begin doing something.
We're currently taking steps to secure funding for the project before we
announce it to the public.
Following public outcry, the company has taken steps to rectify the
discriminatory hiring practices.
Some people think that the best way to reduce time spent on travelling to
work is to replace the parks and gardens in city centres with apartment
buildings where commuters live. Others disagree. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
When developers plan modern cities, green spaces are important
considerations to benefit the lives of the people who live in these urban
areas. However, the consequence of many people living together is
increased traffic congestion. One solution is the suggestion to build
more accommodation on these public areas to cut down on travel time to
work and solve the increasing traffic issue.
The question suggests the less frequently people travel in a city, the fewer
traffic jams they create. This statement requires a thorough analysis. Firstly,
the main reasons city dwellers commute on a daily basis is not just for work
but for study, business, shopping and their social life. I am of the opinion,
that removing our parks and gardens would not impact upon these many
reasons for travelling throughout a city. Secondly, to truly tackle traffic
congestion, we need more realistic solutions. For instance, improving public
transportation. The convenience of public conveyance would encourage
commuters to not use their cars, which is the primary reason for bad traffic in
many cities.
It is clear that having green spaces in a city is very beneficial for residents
and visitors. Such open areas have always been considered the heart of
cities, where people get together for meetings and leisure activities.
Furthermore, in a congested city these green spaces offer a breath of fresh
air and a place to relax from the rigours of the day.
In conclusion, my opinion is we must protect our parks and gardens and find
more viable ways to ease the traffic congestion in our cities. Building more
apartments is not the answer.
green space (noun) - an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation set apart for
recreational or aesthetic purposes in an otherwise urban environment.
urban area - an urban area is the region surrounding and including a city.
Most inhabitants of urban areas have non-agricultural jobs. Urban areas are
very developed, meaning there is a density of human structures such as
houses, commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.
traffic congestion - is a condition on road networks that occurs as use
increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and
increased vehicular queueing. The most common example is the physical use
of roads by vehicles.
travel time - a usually specified period of time spent in traveling at work or
from the entrance of a business establishment to the place where work is
actually done]
the heart of (something) (idiom) - the essential, core, or most important
aspect(s) of some issue, problem, or topic at hand.
breath of fresh air (idiom) - an influx of air that is not stale or smelly,
especially from outdoors.
You look ill, John. What you need is a breath of fresh air.
rigours: (plural noun) - demanding, difficult, or extreme conditions.
"the rigors of a harsh winter"
viable (adjective) - capable of working successfully; feasible. "the proposed
investment was economically viable"
2019年0323 教育类(观点型)
Once children start school teachers have more influence on their intellectual
and social development than their parents do. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
According to some people, the role of educators is to simply teach pupils the
three R’s of reading, writing and arithmetic, whereas the development of
social skills should be left to the child’s parents. In my opinion, parents and
teachers are likewise responsible for success of children and their learning.
Students certainly spend a great deal of time at school and consequently the
teachers will play an important role in a child’s development. As role
models they not only impart academic knowledge but also inculcate into the
children important social education. For instance, younger children can be
taught good behavior such as sharing and being nice to each other. Whereas
older students will need to learn important skills such as teamwork and
respect for law and order.
However, the role of parents should not be underestimated.Firstly, parents
are a child’s first and most important role models. When children are very
young teachers play little or no role in their lives. Children tend to imitate
their parents more than their teachers. Secondly, by being a positive role
model for their children, parents can shape their character to a great extent.
Consequently, it is, in my view important that parents ensure that the home
atmosphere is conducive to learning both academic and social skills.
To conclude, I agree that both teachers and parents play important roles in
both the social and intellectual development of children. The development of
academic and social skills should go hand in hand for the benefit of the
the three R’s (phrase) The three Rs (as in the letter R) are basic skills taught
in schools: reading, writing and arithmetic: The phrase 'the three Rs' is used
because each word in the phrase has a strong R phoneme (sound) at the
role model (noun) A person who serves as a model in a particular behavioral
or social role for another person to emulate.
inculcate (verb) To teach (others) by frequent instruction or repetition:
inculcate the young with a sense of duty.
conducive (adjective) Tending to cause or bring something about. The
working conditions were not conducive to productivity.
hand in hand (idiom) To work alongside or in conjunction (with someone or
something else), especially in pursuit of a common goal.
Our company works hand in hand with market research firms to ensure that
our clients' advertising reaches the broadest and most well suited audiences
The two drugs work hand in hand to combat the disease—one fighting
the original infection, the other helping to repair damaged cells and tissue.
2019年0314 教育类(two-part question型)
Newspapers have become an enormous influence on people’s opinions and
ideas. Why is this the case? Is it a desirable or undesirable situation?
For about three hundred years’ newsprint has been the the biggest source
of information for the general public. Not only do they report on current
events but also inform and shape the public discourse. In my opinion,
newspapers can have both a positive and negative influence on society.
Most people who read a newspaper will be aware of that publications
political, social and cultural slant. Reader tend to prefer to read ideas and
opinions that parallel their own views. This gives a newspaper editor
tremendous power to influence how people think, vote and even live their
lives. However, most of the newspapers around today are owned by high
profile millionaires who try to use them to set the public agenda.
Once, newspapers were important for the success of a democracy. They
made sure that politicians remained accountable to the people who sent
them to the parliament. However, nowadays many newspapers seemed to be
more fixated on celebrity and pop-culture than what is happening in the
seats of government.
Firstly, this could be because journalism has become a business.
Consequently, they misuse the power of newspapers to form public opinion
in their favour to make a profit. Secondly, the impact of sensationalism is
another problem. Of course, to survive newspapers need readers. For this
purpose, they often sensationalise news stories, glamorizing the lives of the
rich and the famous at the expense of real news stories such as war and
To conclude, newspapers certainly influence people but by focusing upon
celebrity gossip to the detriment of real news, we can surmise that this in
the end is an undesirable situation for society at large.
public discourse. Big discussions that include or influence the general public
are referred to as public discourse.
seat of government (noun) The location that is the centre of authority to
govern; usually the capital city of an area.
The Hague is the seat of government of the Netherlands, whereas
Amsterdam is the capital.
sensationalism (noun) Sensationalism is the act of foregoing accuracy or
dignity in order to capture headlines or public attention.
An example of sensationalism is a magazine that follows celebrities around
and often exaggerates or makes up stories about those celebrities to sell
at the expense of (Idiom) To the detriment or disadvantage of (someone).
I was furious when I heard the other kids telling jokes at the expense of my
little brother.
detriment (noun) Something that can cause damage, injury or harm.
An example of a detriment to your health is not eating healthy foods.
2019年0309 教育类(观点型)
As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and
living in a different county to learn language and culture. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
Living in another country for any length of time can bring with it enormous
benefits. Learning a new language and experiencing a different way of life
are but two. I would agree wholeheartedly that any student would benefit
from going abroad to live for awhile.
Living in a foreign country to experience a different culture even for a short
period of time is eye-opening for any traveller. Everything from the food
they eat to how to interact with people can be different and strange and to
survive one has to adapt quickly. Consequently,students living abroad
usually have a better and more thorough understanding of the outside world
than those students who stay at home. Having an open mind about the
differences in culture helps them become a more rounded person.
Furthermore, having to immerse oneself into the local language is the best
way to learn it. Having to negotiate and deal with the locals to buy food or
ask directions or even have a basic conversation increases one’s vocabulary
on a daily basis. The truth is, no matter how well a student does in their
foreign language courses back home, they never master the language
completely. True native fluency can only be learnt on the ground in the
country of that languages origin.
In conclusion, I firmly hold the view that living in another country, for an
extended period of time, for education purposes is advantageous for
students who want to increase their language skills and experience new
eye opener (idiom) An utterly shocking or startling thing, situation, or
revelation. (Sometimes hyphenated.)
The former champion's crushing defeat in the first round of the tournament
was an eye opener to everyone who had expected her to make it to the finals
without resistance.
Learning about John's opium addiction was a real eye-opener for me.
adapt (something) to (idiom) To become familiar or comfortable with
When Fran moved to China, she struggled to adapt to her new surroundings.
open mind (idiom) To be, or cause someone to be, receptive to or prepared
to consider something, such as a topic, idea, opinion, perspective, etc.
Being in college really helped open my mind to the huge myriad of beliefs
and ideals to which different people around the world adhere.
I know you're hesitant about seeing a psychic about this, but try opening
your mind a bit—you might be pleasantly surprised!
rounded (adjective) Involving or having experience in a wide range of ideas
or activities:
She describes herself as a "well-rounded individual" who works hard but has
a varied social life.
immerse (oneself, someone, or something) in (something) (idiom) To fully
devote one's attention to something.
I'm going to France this summer to immerse myself in French culture.
Paul's grades got much better once he immersed himself in his studies.
on the ground (idiom) In or at a location where the real work or action is
happening, as opposed to observing or directing something from a distance.
We need to have reporters on the ground to cover the revolution in real
2019年0302 社会类(观点型)
Employers should give staff at least four weeks holidays a year to make
employees better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In order to improve productivity at work some people suggest workers
should be given a months break from their jobs. In my opinion, taking time
off is important but it might be the case where a long break for some key
workers is not possible.
One of the features of the modern workplace is the provision of paid
holidays. This leave allows employees to return to work refreshed ready to
face what is often a monotonous work life. Furthermore, it is also beneficial
to the employer. Firstly, it is important to have a happy workforce rather than
dealing with the grievances of unhappy workers. Secondly, happy workers
mean increased production and higher profits for the company. For example,
a recent study revealed that workers job performance increases by almost
200% if they have a long holiday once a year.
However, some organizations, such as hospitals and government
departments, are 365 days a year affairs. It is impossible to shut these
workplaces down because there are people who play specific roles and
cannot take a long continuous break. For example, surgeons, doctors lawyers
and senior officials need to remain at their posts to ensure the smooth
running of the business. In such cases, these employees should be able to
take smaller breaks that accrue to the four weeks as is suggested.
In conclusion, I agree that four week holidays can be an advantage for
employees and employer alike, but we also need to recognise that for some
having one month off would not be feasible.
time off (idiom) - Time away from work, school, or other responsibilities.
I'm looking forward for some time off from my studies over the break to
catch up with family and friends.
I'm taking some time off of work to look after my daughter while she
recovers from her surgery.
case (idiom) - The [current] instance; an actual situation.
I think Bill is a vegetarian, and if that is the case, we should not serve him
Susie believes trees can talk, but that is not the case.
face up to (something) (idiom) - To deal with or tackle something that is
troublesome and/or causes one trepidation.
Just face up to your role in the situation—I'm sure Maggie will forgive you if
you're honest with her.
grievance (noun) - An actual or supposed circumstance regarded as just
cause for complaint.
I informed my manager about my grievance.
shut sth down (idiom + phrasal verb) - To cease business operations for any
length of time (often permanently).
I loved that restaurant, so I'm very disappointed that it shut down.
That shop always shuts down for two weeks in the summer to accommodate
the owner's vacation.
smooth running (phrasal verb) An efficient transport system is vital to the smooth running of a country.
accrue (verb + idiom) - To accumulate over time: I have accrued 15 days of
sick leave.
feasible (adjective) - Capable of being accomplished or brought about.
It was a feasible plan.
2019年0223 社会类(观点型)
Some people hold that we should spend a large amount of time and money
on the protection of wild animals. Some people agree they should be spent
on human populations. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
The questions about the amount of resources utilized to protect the Worlds
wildlife are contemporary hot potato’s. There are many arguments for
protecting dwindling species, but conversely, many voices are raised in
support of using those same resources for the good of humankind.
On the one hand, many animals are under pressure from human activity
encroaching on their traditional living spaces. All over the world animals are
in danger of becoming extinct. While much time and money is spent in
creating sanctuaries for high profile animals like lions and elephants. Less
newsworthy animals, such as the humble bee, are not high on the agenda.
Researchers suggest that humans would only survive for four years if the
bees disappeared. So, actually increasing funding to protect all species of
animal, should be the way forward.
On the other hand, this is not to say money and effort shouldn’t be spent
on humans. Firstly, there are many problems confronting people in need
across the globe. In much of the Third World there are high-rates of
homelessness and poverty. Secondly, many people are facing death because
of starvation and illness. The lack of access to clean water is also a major
problem for many communities. Some people would argue that
governments should focus on raising funds for people rather than paying
attention to wild animals. Because, from their point of view humans are
much more important.
In conclusion, I do not agree that we should stop protecting animals. I
believe all life on this planet is precious and we should all do whatever is
possible to protect it for the future.
hot potato (idiom) - A problem that is so controversial or sensitive that
those handling it risk unpleasant consequences: gun control in the US is a
political hot potato.
dwindling (adjective) - Growing less in size, intensity, or number until there
is nothing or almost nothing left; diminishing or shrinking gradually.
raised in (phrasal verb) - Increased in volume
under pressure (idiom) - Facing or enduring a great amount of stress caused
by some compelling or constraining influence.
I can't talk now, I'm under pressure to get this done before the end of the
Sorry, I'm just under so much pressure at work that it's made me rather
encroach (up)on someone or something (idiom) - To infringe or trespass
on someone or something; to move into the space belonging to someone or
I did not mean to encroach upon your property.
I need lots of space. Don't encroach on me.
high profile (idiom) - A presence or stance that is deliberately conspicuous
and prominent socially.
People only become true celebrities when they maintain a high profile both
in their professional and private lives.
newsworthy (adjective) - Of sufficient interest or importance to the public to
warrant reporting in the media.
high on the/(one's) agenda (idiom) - Prioritized as the most important thing
to discuss or address.
Yes, the new dress code is high on my agenda to discuss with the principal.
What do you think is high on the agenda for today's meeting?
the way (idiom) - The manner in which something is done.
From the way the boss struts around, you'd think she was the queen of the
whole dang country. I didn't really like the way he looked at me
facing - face with (someone or something) - (idiom) To have to handle or
deal with someone or something. My meditation practice definitely helps me
whenever I'm faced with a stressful situation at work.
paying attention to (phrasal verb)
protect it (phrasal verb)
2019年0216 科技+教育类(观点型)
Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer
games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children’s mental
abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Children today have unprecedented access to technological devices, such as
smart phones, laptops, and television. Exposure to gadgets such as these can
have far-reaching effects on a child’s psychological well-being. By being a
couch potato playing computer games they are missing out on healthier
and more social activities.
Firstly, as society urbanised and fear of crime increased,
parents became wary of letting their children play outside. Many parents
start their child off young using the TV as a babysitter as they get busy
around the house. As the child gets older they progress to tablets or smart
phones and play video games rather than watch TV or go outside to play. As
a result, children become housebound and solitary. This state of affairs can
affect their mental abilities. Sitting in front of a computer or gaming console
for long hours can affect a child’s concentration levels and their social skills
with other people.
The flip side is a parental backlash to stop or reduce their children’s
screen time and game playing. More enlightened parents encourage their
children to take part in sports and games outside of the home. Such activities
teach children crucial life skills such as team spirit and learning to take the
rough with the smooth. Active and physical activity helps the development
of cognitive abilities like decision-making and problem-solving.
To conclude, video games and TV might keep children engaged for hours on
end, but they do not help their overall cognitive development. So I strongly
believe that spending too much time playing computer games and watching
TV can be very harmful for young people.
couch potato (idiom) - Someone who often engages in sedentary activities,
usually understood as frequently watching television.
Lisa wants to date a man who loves to travel and explore, not a couch potato
who watches television all the time.
miss out (idiom + phrasal verb) - To lose the chance or opportunity to do or
experience something.
Because I was so sick last week, I missed out on the chance to see my sister
while she was in town.
If you don't call the recruiter back right away, you're going to miss out.
fear of crime (phrase) - Refers to the fear of being a victim of crime as
opposed to the actual probability of being a victim of crime.
state of affairs (idiom) - A current situation or set of conditions.
It's been a sad state of affairs around here since our grandma got sick. I'd like
to start this meeting by going over the company's financial state of affairs.
long hours (idiom) - A period of time doing something, especially work, that
is longer than is usual or customary.
I'll be working long hours in the restaurant the lead up to Christmas, but the
tips and pay checks will be worth it.
the flip side (of something) (idiom) - The opposite aspect, possibility, or
result associated with something.
Of course, the flip side of integrating technology into so many aspects of our
lives is that we run the risk of exposing our private information to cyber
I'll have to work really long hours and be away from my family for long
stretches of time, but, on the flip side, I'll get the opportunity to travel
around the world.
backlash (noun) - An antagonistic reaction to a trend, development, or
As the backlash against divorce progressed, state legislatures ... called for a
rollback of no-fault divorce laws and even for premarital waiting periods.
take the rough with the smooth (idiom) - To accept both the negative and
positive aspects of something. The phrase is typically used in an
acknowledgement that nothing is perfect.
When it comes to this job, you have to take the rough with the smooth. It's
hard, but it's worth it.
Marriage can be a wonderfully fulfilling part of life, but it certainly presents
its own challenges—you just have to take the rough with the smooth.
for hours on end (idiom) - For many hours.
We sat and waited in the emergency room for hours on end. The children
were happy to play video games for hours on end.
cognitive (adjective) - Of or pertaining to the mental processes of
perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional
and volitional processes.
2019年0214 科技类(利弊型)
New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
There have been many news reports recently suggesting that the way young
people spend their leisure time has been altered by modem technology.
While this might bring benefits, on the down side, I will argue the problems
IT bring far outweigh them.
On the one hand, the advantages of children playing computer games on
their phones and tablets might help improve their cognitive development.
For example, some games can improve problem solving skills and reaction
times. Attributes that future employers might find very useful on the job.
Secondly, young people might benefit from early exposure to the Internet
so they can start their learning process earlier and get ahead of the game
before they start formal schooling.
On the other hand, I would argue the advantages discussed above are
outweighed by the disadvantages. One drawback is that children become
fixated and immersed in their screen time and become reluctant to exercise,
resulting in problems such as obesity. In addition, some games tempt people
to play at all hours leading to gaming addiction and spending an
excessive amount of time on their machines. Often these games are also
money-spinners for the makers, with the players having to drip feed the
games with money to advance the storyline.
In conclusion, while there are some advantages of children spending time on
advanced technologies, it seems to me that the disadvantages are more
significant. Health and money problems are but two of the dangers that lurk
in the dark side of these new technologies.
on the downside (idiom) Considering the negative, adverse,
disadvantageous, regrettable, etc., aspects of a situation, especially one that
is or would be otherwise positive or beneficial.
My son will automatically have EU citizenship because he's being born in
Ireland, but on the downside, we have to apply separately for American
on the job (idiom) Working on a particular task.
Don't worry, we've got Kathy on the job. If she can't fix it, no one can.
We know how important it is, so we've got our four best guys on the job.
My lawnmower broke down, so I've got the neighbor's son on the job.
ahead of the game (idiom) Gaining or maintaining an advantage in a
situation, often by completing a task before
its given deadline. My term paper isn't due until next week, but I want to be
ahead of the game and finish it tonight.
It's hard to stay ahead of the game in network security when the threat
landscape is constantly changing.
all hours (of the day and night) (idiom) All day and night.
Is that pharmacy open all hours? I know it's 2 AM, but I just got out of the ER
and need to fill a prescription.
money-spinner (idiom) A lucrative business or product.
That mobile dating app has proved to be a real money-spinner for the
developer—it's making them more money than anything else they've
launched before.
seem like someone or something (idiom) To appear to be like some kind of
person or something.
You seemed like such a nice person when I met you. This seems like a nice
lurk (verb) To exist unobserved or unsuspected: danger lurking around every
the dark side of (someone or something) (idiom) The negative or troubled
part of someone or something that is usually concealed.
My mom is always sweet to my friends, but I've seen the dark side of her
enough to know mean she can be.
Shady deals like this are the dark side of the music industry, unfortunately.
2019年0126 社会类(讨论型)
Some people believe that women should play an equal role with men in a
country’s police force or military force, while others think women are not
suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In modern society females play important roles in all aspects of life. I will
argue that women should have equal roles in a countries military and its
police force. However, others would feel that a woman’s place is in the
home and would not condone females entering what they would see as
male domains.
On the one hand, some people believe that equal opportunity in the police
force or the military is counter productive. The reasoning is women have
fewer physical abilities than men. For this reason women have been denied
access to many workplaces over the years. That women have been to space,
worked in mines and, indeed, have had frontline duties in armies around the
work has slipped the minds of some of the naysayers.
On the other hand, gender equality means women have to compete in the
workforce. Nowadays we see many countries recruit women into their police
forces and military. These women bring with them many positive attributes
to their roles. For example, in the case of rape women were once too
embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was
awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society. As more
females were recruited into the judicial system more female victims of crime
have come forward. Having women in the military and operating in frontline
positions has become more commonplace now in the armies of the West.
In conclusion, some shortsighted and biased people might agree that
females should not join the police or the military but I disagree with this
position. From my point of view, women bring unique and special talents to
these difficult roles in society. The old sexist positions are being challenged
everyday by the female pilots flying fast jets to the female constable
pounding the beat in your local town.
a woman’s place is in the home (idiom) - A sexist maxim asserting that
woman should focus on housekeeping and raising children, as opposed to
working outside of the home.
I don't believe that a woman’s place is in the home—I love my family, but I
also love being a lawyer.
Some cultures still believe that a woman's place is in the home.
slip (one's) mind (idiom) - to be forgotten, especially of an obligation.
I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner, it totally slipped my mind.
naysayers (noun) - a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic
awash (adjective) - covered, filled, or crowded: a garden awash in colors.
come forward (idiom) - present oneself, offer one's services, as in
The boss asked for more help, but no one was inclined to come forward.
pounding the beat (idiom) - to walk a regular route.
The cop pounded the same beat for years and years. Pounding a beat will
wreck your feet
2019年0119 传媒类(观点型)
Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will
remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, people find the latest news on the internet rather than traditional
sources such as newspapers. I argue that electronic news sources will
eventually supplant the old fashioned hardcopy such as newsprint.
However, firstly, newspapers do remain an important source of news
especially for the older generation. Like my grandfather, older people still
prefer to read their news this way. They have bought and read newspapers
over the years and old habits die hard. Secondly, in addition, newspapers
often come with supplements, such as magazines, television guides, and
sources of entertainment, such as crosswords and puzzles. This makes them
more attractive for some than going online.
While newspapers may not disappear completely, the Internet has become a
dominant source of information and news. For younger people, like myself,
we read the news on the go, not just sitting and poring over the news. We
don’t even have to pay for it. We also need to take into account the cost of
producing news print. It is an expensive business often depending upon
advertising revenue to stay afloat. Posting news online is a much more
attractive option for many news companies and it also offers flexibility in
it’s offering and can change minute by minute as situations evolve.
In conclusion, although newspapers remain popular today with the older
demographic, I believe they will gradually be replaced by electronic sources.
It a sad loss to see such a proud industry bought to its knees, but
unfortunately, the rise of the internet and online, up to the minute news is
an unavoidable development.
hardcopy (noun) - A printed version on paper.
newsprint (noun) - Cheap, low-quality absorbent printing paper made from
coarse wood pulp and used chiefly for newspapers.
old habits die hard (idiom) - It's difficult for people to stop doing things that
they are very accustomed to.
though we're all grown up, my mother still insists on cooking and doing
laundry for me and all my siblings.
I guess old habits die hard. Even years after retiring from the Marines, old
habits die hard.
For instance, I still can't sit down for a meal without eating it as quickly as
supplements (noun) - Something that completes or enhances something
else when added to it. "the hand-out is a supplement to the official
on the go (idiom) - Constantly in motion, active, or working.
I feel as if I need to always be on the go; life's too short to be idle!
poring over (idiom) - To examine, study, or read with intense, careful
She spent hours poring over the text, searching for a clue that might help
solve the case. I had to pore over the contract to find who is liable in such a
stay afloat (idiom) - If someone or something is staying afloat, they remain
partly above the surface of water and do not sink. If a person, business, or
country stays afloat or is kept afloat, they have just enough money to pay
their debts and continue operating.
We managed to stay afloat because of the advertising revenue.
minute by minute (idiom) - Very quickly as time passes.
Things kept changing minute by minute.
demographic (noun) - A portion of a population, especially considered as
bring (someone or something) to (someone's or something's) knees
(idiom) -To disrupt or halt a process or thing.
Unfortunately, a broken printer has brought the mailing project to its knees.
Many fear that all of these new regulations will bring the newspaper industry
to its knees.
up to the minute (idiom) - Describing something that is as current as is
Which news station do you think will have the most up-to-the-minute news
on the hurricane? I'm trying to find out more about the hurricane.
Which news station do you think will be up to the minute?
2019年0117 社会生活类(报告型)
In some countries people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and
restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve
this problem?
We all love to eat on the go. We buy snacks and takeaway food from
different types of vendors. In restaurants the tables groan from the large
servings placed before the guests. However, the rubbish bins are often filled
to overflowing with the leftovers we leave behind. In this essay I will discuss
why we waste so much food and offer some solutions.
Firstly, food is cheap. From the ubiquitous hamburger to a sit down dinner
in a fancy diner we often are served much more than we can eat. Secondly,
our eyes are often bigger than our belly. As we inhale the delicious aromas
we might think we are as hungry as a bear and could eat a horse, so we
order much too much food off the menu. So the scraps end up in the
How can we remedy this problem? In my opinion, food producers such as
fast food operators should cut down on offering supersize meals, this could
solve the waste problem and deal with the issues of obesity in some
populations. In restaurants chefs could focus on quality not quantity. I
would also suggest the we, the people, also have a moral responsibility to
cut down on food waste, in countries like China it is customary for excess
food to be taken home. So the next time your plate is overfull ask for a
doggy bag.
To summarise, food waste is a serious problem and needs to be addressed in
many ways. I would suggest one should consider what you buy and secondly
take any extra food home to use for another meal.
on the go (idiom) – Constantly in motion, active, or working.
I feel as if I need to always be on the go; life's too short to be idle.
takeaway (idiom - chiefly British - noun) – Food from a restaurant that is
picked up and taken home or somewhere else to be eaten. As a noun, the
phrase is usually hyphenated or spelled as one word. Primarily heard in UK.
I don't feel like cooking tonight, do you want to just get a takeaway?
vendor (noun) - One that sells or vends something: a street vendor; a vendor
of software products on the Web.
groan under the weight of (something) (idiom) - To be in danger of
collapsing due to supporting someone or something that is too heavy.
Come on, the shelves are practically groaning under the weight of all those
book—can't we remove a few of them?
leftovers (adjective) - Remaining as an unused portion or amount.
Put the leftovers in a doggy bag for me.
ubiquitous (adjective) - Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same
time; omnipresent.
KFC is ubiquitous in every city you visit.
(one's) eyes are bigger than (one's) belly (idiom) - One often takes or has
taken more food than one is actually capable of eating
My eyes are always bigger than my belly when I go to all-you-can-eat
Can't finish your meal, huh? I guess your eyes were bigger than your belly!.
hungry as a bear (idiom and cliché) – Very hungry. I'm as hungry as a bear.
I could eat anything! We'd better have a big meal ready by the time
Tommy gets home; he's always hungry as a bear after soccer practice.
I could eat a horse (idiom) – I am extremely hungry. Often used in the
expression "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
When will dinner be ready? I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
After that hike, I could eat a horse.
scraps (noun) – Leftover bits of food.
I’ll take the scraps home with me, the will do for lunch tomorrow.
supersize (adjective) – To order (a portion of food) in the largest amount
offered, especially at a fast-food restaurant.
Yes please, I’ll have thesupersize meal deal.
quality not quantity (phrase) – Quality not quantity means it's more
important to get good things rather than to get a lot of things of low or
questionable quality.
doggy bag (idiom) – A paper or plastic container (not necessarily a bag)
used to package the leftovers of a diner's meal at a restaurant so that they
may take it home to eat later.
The servings here are so huge that I always have to ask for a doggy bag at
the end of the night!
2019年0112 社会生活类 (观点型)
When new towns are planned, it is more important to develop public parks
and sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free
time in. Do you agree or disagree?
Modern shopping malls are available everywhere in the cities of today. These
shopping centers make local resident’s lives easier. However, in many towns
there is a dearth of public parks and sports facilities. I am of the opinion
when designing and building new towns, planning officials should give more
consideration to the provision of public parks and sports facilities, than
ubiquitous malls.
Firstly, in todays busy world it’s easy to become stressed out living in the
urban jungle. People need places to hang out, meet friends and just chill.
Public parks are ideal places for workers to relax during a busy working day.
Having lunch or dozing in the sunshine can provide relief from having a lot
on your plate in the workplace. Secondly, the provision of more sports
facilities is also crucial for the wellbeing of the population. As work becomes
more sedentary and people suffer from obesity, the provision of gyms and
other facilities like swimming pools becomes a no-brainer.
Consequently, with the rapid development of e-commerce and working from
home we might see a radical change away from city centers full of shopping
malls. Planners need to facto in the increased leisure time many people are
enjoying nowadays. This suggests that the provision of public parks and
sports facilities will take on a greater importance over and above shopping
In conclusion, I agree that providing more access to public parks and sports
facilities is an essential element when designing a new town. These will
significantly impact on the modern citizens’ lifestyle and create good PR for
the cities in question.
dearth: (noun) - a scarcity or lack of something. "there is a dearth of
ubiquitous: (adjective) - present, appearing, or found everywhere. "his
ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family"
stressed out: (idiom) - Experiencing a lot of mental,emotional, or physical
strain or tension. “Now, don't get stressed out, but the boss has some
things he wants you to change in the project.”
urban jungle: (noun) - city life, especially the unpleasant parts of it: Traffic
noise, pollution, huge concrete buildings - how can people survive in the
urban jungle?
hang out: (idiom)
to spend time in a place habitually. “Is this where you guys hang out all
the time?”
to spend time aimlessly; to waste time. “Bill: What are you doing this
afternoon? Tom: Oh, I'll just hang out.”
dozing: (verb) - to have a short period of sleep, esp. during the day: My
cat was dozing in front of the fireplace.
have a lot on your plate: (idiom) - to have a lot of responsibilities “I
have a lot on my plate since my supervisor quit last week.”
sedentary: (adjective) - to spend much time seated somewhat inactive. "we
all walk a certain amount every day even if we are sedentary"
no-brainer: (idiom+noun) - an easy question that takes no thinking to
answer; a simple problem that requires no intellect to solve; a dilemma that
requires no pondering to resolve. “His proposal of marriage was a nobrainer. She turned him down flat on the spot.”
factor in: (idiom) To incorporate or involve something in something. A noun
or pronoun can be used between "factor" and "in." “Before you accept this
job offer, you need to factor in how long the commute is.”
over and above: (idiom) More than; beyond; in addition to. “They
demanded $2,000 over and above the initial asking price because they knew
demand was so high.” “Peanut butter is a wholesome food, but it will put
you over and above your daily calorie limits in no time.”
PR: (abbreviation) – Public Relations.
2019年0105 社会生活类 (讨论型)
Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can
achieve the greatest success in sports. Other people believe, however, the
success of sport depends as much on mental attitude. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
To become a successful sportsperson physical factors and mental attitude are
both necessary for success. Some people might argue physical fitness wins
the day for the players and teams, whereas, others believe a key factor in any
sports activity is mental attitude. In my opinion, the fitness of the players is
the overriding factor while attitude also plays a part in driving the athlete to
succeed in their particular sports.
Physical fitness plays an important role in most sports. To see a game
through to the final whistle while maintaining high performance, a player
needs to be as fit as a fiddle. For example, soccer players have to stay active
for two halves of 45 minutes each. A cricket team stays on the pitch for three
hours or longer. This is possible only if the player is at the peak of their
fitness and ability.
I can concede that a player’s mental attitude can be the deciding factor in
an event, for instance, marathon running or even a less strenuous game such
as chess. But, in the main, in international sports, most players are physically
strong having trained long and hard to develop their muscular strength and
skills. To win matches players must work together and be on an equal
footing physically. However, the most mentally positive competitor might be
chosen as the captain in order to lead the team to victory. In conclusion,
though mental attitude plays an important role for sports achievement, I
believe physical fitness is the key contributing factor.
win the day (Idiom) To be successful. It sounds like your team won the day—
well done.
key factor (phrase) A “key factor” is something that is required and
directly contributes to a result.
The key factor to winning a chess match is outsmarting your opponent.
play a part in (something) (Idiom) To have a specific involvement or
participation in something; to fulfill a role in some undertaking.
David Beckham played a part in winning the football trophy for his team.
(as) fit as a fiddle (Idiom) In good health.
Yes, I did have surgery a few months ago, but I'm as fit as a fiddle now. I just
saw Eric recently, and he's as fit as a fiddle.
in the main (Idiom) Generally; for the most part. In the main, my employees
work hard.
There are just a few who give me headaches every once in a while. It's a good
book, in the main. A few scenes seem unfinished, though.
long and hard (phrase) To spend a long time and to be very active or work
intensely, with a lot of effort.
He worked long and hard at the gym to become a good boxer.
(on an) equal footing (phrase) with the same rights and conditions as
someone you are competing with.
We want to ensure that women can take part on an equal footing to men.