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Curriculum vs Course vs Syllabus Comparison Table

Table: Curriculum vs Course vs Syllabus
Comparison Table: Curriculum, Course, and Syllabus
The curriculum refers to the
overall content, taught in an
A course is a specific unit of A syllabus is a document that
educational system or a course. teaching that typically lasts outlines all the topics or chapters
It encompasses the subjects
one academic term, led by
covered in a course. It includes
and materials, as well as the
one or more instructors, and the schedule, assignments,
methods and assessments,
has a fixed roster of students. examinations, policies, and other
designed to achieve
It focuses on a particular
relevant information about how
educational goals and
subject within the curriculum the course will be run
standards (Print, 1993; Kelly, (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
(University of Toronto, n.d.).
Broad and overarching;
Narrower than the
includes multiple courses and
curriculum; focused on a
Narrowest scope; detailed plan
various educational activities,
specific subject or set of
for a single course, including
objectives, and standards over
subjects for a particular
day-to-day topics, assignments,
a long period (e.g., an entire
period (e.g., a semester or
and policies (University of
education system or a program
term) (Merriam-Webster,
Toronto, n.d.).
of study) (Print, 1993; Kelly,
To provide a structured
framework for delivering
To deliver specific
To inform students about what to
educational content and
knowledge or skills related to expect in the course, including
achieving learning objectives a particular subject within the objectives, schedules,
and standards across a broad framework of the curriculum assessments, and policies
spectrum of subjects and skills (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
(Parkes & Harris, 2002).
(Print, 1993; Kelly, 2009).
Course objectives, weekly
Learning objectives, subjects, Lectures, readings,
topics, reading materials,
standards, lesson plans,
discussions, assignments,
assignment details, exam dates,
assessments, and projects
Components teaching methods,
grading criteria, and classroom
assessments, and policies
related to a specific subject
policies (University of Toronto,
(Print, 1993; Kelly, 2009).
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
Created by educational
Designed by individual
Developed by the course
authorities or institutions, often instructors or faculty
instructor, often with
involving input from
members based on the
departmental guidelines,
curriculum guidelines and
Development educational experts,
detailing the specific plan for
stakeholders, and
personal expertise in the
teaching the course (University
policymakers (Print, 1993;
subject matter (Merriamof Toronto, n.d.).
Kelly, 2009).
Webster, n.d.).
- National curriculum
- An undergraduate course in - Syllabus for "Introduction to
frameworks (e.g., Common
Calculus I (MerriamPsychology" course at a
Core State Standards in the
Webster, n.d.). <br> - A high university (University of
U.S.) (Print, 1993; Kelly,
school biology course
Toronto, n.d.). <br> - Syllabus
2009). <br> - University
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
for "Grade 10 World History"
program curricula (e.g.,
<br> - Online course in data course in high school
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science) (Print,
1993; Kelly, 2009).
science (Merriam-Webster,
(University of Toronto, n.d.).
<br> - Syllabus for an online
coding bootcamp (University of
Toronto, n.d.).
Less flexible, as it needs to
Moderately flexible, allowing
Highly flexible within the
meet broad educational
instructors to adjust teaching
bounds of the course structure,
standards and policies, though methods and materials to fit
allowing instructors to tailor
periodic updates and revisions the specific needs of the
content, pacing, and specific
are made to adapt to changing course and students, within
assignments as needed
educational needs (Print, 1993; the curriculum's guidelines
(University of Toronto, n.d.).
Kelly, 2009).
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
Evaluated through
Evaluated through student
Assessed through coursestandardized tests, school
feedback, performance on
specific assignments, exams,
inspections, and overall
assignments and exams, and the
projects, and student
educational outcomes at the
overall success of students in
performance metrics
institution or system level
meeting course objectives
(Merriam-Webster, n.d.).
(Print, 1993; Kelly, 2009).
(Parkes & Harris, 2002).
1. Print, M. (1993). Curriculum Development and Design. Allen & Unwin.
2. Kelly, A. V. (2009). The Curriculum: Theory and Practice. Sage.
3. Course. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster's dictionary. Retrieved from https://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/course
4. University of Toronto. (n.d.). How to Write a Syllabus. Retrieved from
5. Parkes, J., & Harris, M. B. (2002). The purposes of a syllabus. College Teaching, 50(2), 55-61.