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Customer Service Training for Frontline Staff

Customer Service Training
for Frontline Staff
About the training
Customer Service is everyone’s responsibility
and a common way to improve the customer
experience is to share and learn from customer
The importance of this workshop is for frontline
staff to enhance customer satisfaction,promote
positive brand image and to also gain a
competitive edge over competitors.
At the end of the training participants should be
able to:
➔ Practice the use of effective communication
using words, tone and body language to
engage customers
➔ Identify their stress factors and come up with
creative ways of managing them
➔ Understand the importance of providing
exceptional customer service
➔ Understand how to resolve conflict
➔ Arrive 30 mins to the training venue
➔ Arrangement of the training hall with
notepads and pen
➔ Encourage active participation and
engagement throughout every activity.
➔ Make an adjustment to the scenarios and
feedback based on the specific needs and
skill levels of the participants.
➔ Send Pre-training survey link to trainees
➔ Make enough copies of handouts and
Evaluation form
Program Structure
The program is being proposed as a one day in-person
session that would run for 3 hours for front line staff
with a maximum of 15-20 participants, this is to
enable interaction and utmost participation.
Instructions/Ground rules
Distribute handouts
Explanation of rules and
regulations: Review scenarios, case
studies and role play activities
Ask participants what is their
goal and what they aim to
achieve from the training
Warm-up activity: Welcome
participants and discuss
objectives of the training
Participants should be
informed about the
light refreshment with
the place and time.
Training Materials
Name tags, pens
Flipchart or White Baord
Case study
Pre training Survey
Evaluation form
Communication Tips
Conflict resolution
Training Topics
Activity 1 : Understanding
exceptional Customer Service
Group participants and ask
them to brainstorm about
exceptional customer service
Trainer write out each groups
idea on a flipchart or white board
Trainees share
thoughts and idea on
Activity 1.
Training Topics
Activity 2 : Practice the use of
effective communication
Discuss the techniques of
effective communication
Presents scenarios of roleplay
on effective communication
Ask trainees to share
their thoughts and
Activity 3: Managing and
Identifying Stress Factor
Case study on managing customer situation
Ask participants to maintain their group and
share insights and strategies
Activity 4: Conflict Resolution
➔ Ask participants for a
definition and an overview
of conflict resolution
➔ Present the context for
conflict resolution
➔ Discuss strategies and
best practices
Reflect on every activity where participants will discuss all they have learnt and
how it will be transferred in their day to day activity as a customer service