65 Marked (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)

Marked (Bakugou Katsuki x
3rd POV :
Screaming, that's all Mina Ashido and Denki Kaminari
could hear from the room that (Y/n) got dragged into.
"We need to help her," Mina spoke, her yellow orbs
keeping an eye on the two guards standing in front of
the door near them. Denki looked down, clenching his
fists, "how? What if they were to punish her more
because of us?" When he said this, the pink skinned
female looked at him with a shocked expression,
"what? What did you say? Don't you want to help her
and get out?!"
When the lightning user looked up to stare into his
friends eyes, she noticed his golden orbs glazed with
tears that threatened to fall down. "Of course I want to
help her! But if we mess something up or get caught
trying to help her, she could get hurt worse or she
could die, we need to think of something before we
can jump in." The pink wolf stayed quiet before she
slowly nodded her head, "okay.. lets think of a plan...
and quick."
~ With Bakugou and the others ~
The group of 5 made their way deeper into the facility,
keeping a quick but silent pace with the two guards
that were still under Suki's spell.
"Shit, how far did they take them?" Jiro spoke, her
eyes moving to all the different doors that they passed,
occasionally checking to see if anyone was making
their way towards them. Kirishima glanced at her
before returning his gaze to the guards, "who knows,
but the sooner we can get to them, then sooner we
leave." The red haired male stopped short when the
female siren infront of them stopped, "shh, quiet." She
whispered, crouching down as Bakugou slightly
They all crouched, following Suki's position as the two
guards stayed still, able to hear distant talking making
way towards them, Iida glancing at his mate and the
entrance to the hallway.
"God, how much longer until things are done?" A male
voice spoke out, a groan of annoyance following after.
"Relax Jax, it won't be for too long, heard Shigaraki's
been punishing her real good for disobeying earlier,"
another male spoke. A fake gasp could be heard as Jax
sarcastically stated, "wait really? I thought she was
going to listen on her own free will." Iida and
Kirishima gave a look of horror towards Bakugou,
already sensing his anger sparking tenfold, "hey, heywe don't know if it's (Y/n), for all we know it could be
someone totally different." Suki spoke quietly, her
mate nodding his head in agreement.
This didn't seem to help relax Bakugou, only causing
his eyes to start glowing a bright red as he sat and
waited, "it doesn't matter, thanks to those two hostages
we brought with her, she fell into his submission so
easily, now all we have to do is-"
"Oi! What the fuck do you think you're doing outside
your posts?" A voice yelled, causing the group to
lower themselves more into the shadows. The two
guards under Sukis control started to speak in a neutral
tone, "we are making our rounds sir, clearing the area
of any invaders that we see." A hum of approval could
be heard before they dismissed them, the two guards
footsteps getting smaller by the minute.
As soon as they were out of sight, Bakugou released a
low dangerous growl, "We need to hurry up and find
them, I know for a fucking fact they were talking
about my mate, along with Kaminari and Mina.
Whatever this fucker has planned, it's not going to be
good. Let's get going."
~ With the parents ~
"(F/n)... we should've seen this coming! We-we should
have said something!" (M/n) spoke, sitting down in a
chair with her face in her hands, fresh tears streaming
down her face as her mate was quick to console her,
small coos escaping him.
"I know my love... but we would've risked her if we
"But look what happened! We ended up losing our
baby!! Our pup got taken!! My pup!! A-all because of
her having to be kept secret!!" (F/n) cooed once more,
this time successfully calming his mate down, "(M/n),
my mother thought it was best that way, if the pack
ever finds out what she is... what she truly is... it'll be
war.. and they won't stop until she's down for good..."
Hello loves! I'm sorry for the late delay but this
chapters now out! Do you have any theories of what
your parent's might be keeping? What about what
Shiggy might do to you? And boy, I wouldn't want to
be in Katsukis range of sight right now, good luck
Shiggy and league... you better be prepared.
Either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and
hope to see you in the next one! Until then, take care
and stay safe and I hope you all have a wonderful rest
of your day or of your night! Love you~
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Bakugou Katsuki