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Effective Priorities Worksheet

Worksheet for Setting Effective Priorities
Use this worksheet to set effective priorities for your unit, employees, and yourself. Use a separate worksheet for
each priority or set of priorities.
1. Write down the priority and indicate who it is for (e.g., your unit, a team member, or yourself).
2. Review your priority using the criteria below.
a) Does it have the right level of challenge? Is it a stretch, but not overwhelming? If not, how can you
increase or decrease the level of challenge?
b) Do you have the resources (e.g., budget, staff, skills, time) necessary for reaching the priority? If
not, how can you either adapt the priority or acquire additional resources?
c) Is the priority balanced with others you are setting? Do you have a mix of quantitative and
qualitative priorities?
3) If necessary, revise your priority and rewrite it here.
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