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The company EPIC

The Overview of EPIC EMR
The company’s initial focus was on EHR software for ambulatory systems, but upon winning the
large-scale Kaiser Permanente implementation, Epic broke into the mainstream HIS market in a big
way. The HMO project was a challenge by all accounts, but the end product was a tightly integrated
system that makes record sharing easy, within an organization and within a community. As the US
government incents health care entities to form Accountable Care Organizations, Epic’s value
proposition is only getting stronger.
The company is privately held, and Forbes recently put its 2011 earnings at $1.2 billion (and
growing) with Epic EMR in nearly 40% of the US hospital market.
Unmatched inpatient and outpatient record integration is clearly a differentiator that has allowed the
Wisconsin company to win time and time again against competitor vendors. When a hospital system
owns ambulatory clinics, and has the budget to support an integrated electronic medical record
system, they are often selling themselves to Epic to move forward.
You can’t typically create this level of demand without a functional product, and Epic has won some
important industry recognition. KLAS awards for 2011 gave several categories to Epic.
Following is a list of the 2011 Best in KLAS vendors for software:
Acute Care EMR
Epic EpicCare Inpatient EMR
Ambulatory EMR (Over 75 Physicians)
Epic EpicCare Ambulatory EMR
Patient Accounting and Patient Management
Epic Resolute Hospital Billing
Epic Willow
Practice Management (Over 75 Physicians)
Epic Resolute/Prelude/Cadence
Epic Radiant
Surgery Management
Epic OpTime
The EpicCare Inpatient Clinical System spans all hospital departments and specialties, giving providers
the tools they need to deliver safe, high-quality care. EpicCare's role-based navigators simplify relevant
information access for physicians, nurses, therapists, dietitians and any other provider in the hospital
setting. Integrated tools include:
Wizard-guided Med Rec
Collapsible/Expandable Flow sheets
Electronic MAR
Interdisciplinary Care Plans
Hospital Outpatient Support
Clinical Pathways
ICU Support
Barcode Administration via Rover
Pharmacy Integration
EpicCare Inpatient shares user-friendly documentation and CPOE features with the rest of Epic's clinical
suite, making it easy for users to place orders, minimizing the documentation workload and maintaining a
consistent, familiar user interface. At every point in the care process, clinical decision support works to
protect patient safety and encourage compliance with organizational best practices.
The integrated design approach translates into a system nurses, physicians and pharmacists embrace.
KLAS** noted:
"The typical Epic hospital uses CPOE at a wider and deeper level than other hospitals. Epic has the
highest number of hospitals performing closed-loop medication administration, and by a wide margin, the
highest per-hospital percentage of physicians that enter notes electronically."
The EpicCare EMR System Consistently successful. Surprisingly affordable.
The EpicCare EMR is rated #1 in its category by KLAS Enterprises* – and has been for the last 14 years
straight. The system makes physicians more productive by simplifying the important patient-facing
elements of care delivery.
EpicCare is a physician-friendly system in use by providers representing more than 100 specialties. It
installs easily with our pre-built Model System and configures to meet specific workflow requirements.
Instead of starting from scratch, Epic customers build on the content from successful customers –
including decision support, order sets, reports and documentation tools. The result is a faster path to
effective chronic care management and measurable quality gains.
Quality care costs less
EpicCare users report cost savings and revenue improvements from using the system to its fullest. We
can help you:
Receive 2% PQRI Incentives
Reduce Transcription Costs
Reduce Duplicate Orders
Reduce Unnecessary Tests
Receive 2% E-Prescribing Incentives
Decrease Risk of Medication Errors
Save on Regulatory Documentation
Reduce Ineligible Dx/Procedure Combos
Deeper adoption
Epic is known for bringing physicians up to speed on time, on budget and with high-performance tools –
from orders and results to integrated voice recognition and other documentation shortcuts. In the context
of Meaningful Use, KLAS** says of Epic:
"...they have more physicians that have adopted CPOE in the outpatient setting than any other vendor by
a wide margin. In fact, much of Epic's inpatient success is fueled by success in the outpatient market.
Apart from Epic, most other vendors experience a high level of pain in the ambulatory IT market."
Core Specialty Support
EpicCare is designed to accommodate physician specialists, therapists and other specialized care
providers – in addition to Primary Care. Specialized clinicians comprise approximately half of EpicCare's
total users. Epic makes it easier for these users to get up and running with pre-configured Specialty
Model Content. These workflows, templates, order sets and other tools are the same configurations that
are working in live use at Epic client sites – from large group facilities to small practices. Most can be
used as-is or tweaked to a specific workflow need. Specialties using EpicCare include:
Allergy Immunology
Bariatric Surgery
Family Medicine
Foster Care
General Surgery
Mental Health
Physical Therapy
Plastic Surgery
Sleep Lab
Social Services
Sports Medicine
Urgent Care
Deeper Functionality: Specialty Add-ons Specialty groups and specialized facilities may choose to
further automate specialty workflows with the targeted functionality of Epic's Specialty Information
Beacon Oncology Information System – lets physicians create treatment plans based on standard
protocols and make treatment decisions guided by comprehensive decision support.
Cupid Cardiovascular Information System – features multi-modality, procedure-specific clinical
documentation along with streamlined consult, follow-up and referral workflows.
Kaleidoscope Ophthalmology – enables device data capture and guides image-intensive
ophthalmology documentation workflows.
Phoenix Transplant Information System – supports the focused clinical workflows and detailed
regulatory requirements of solid organ transplants.
Stork Obstetrics/L&D Information System – organizes the complete course of obstetric care and
supports the unique documentation workflow of Labor and Delivery.
Community Connect: Extending to Independent Physicians and Hospitals
Epic provides large organizations with structured methods for extending a shared electronic record
system to independent physician practices and community hospitals. Participating in an Epic shared
record solves many of the challenges community providers have with Meaningful Use and interoperability.
It does so in a way that's better for patients and less expensive to implement.
You share patients. It makes sense to share their records.
Epic provides our customers with structured methods for extending a shared electronic record system to
independent physician practices and hospitals. A complete community care record contributes to safer
care in the hospital, builds trust and improves follow-up.
Continuity of care and content.
Participating in an Epic shared record solves many of the challenges community groups have with
Meaningful Use and interoperability. The hub can make use of a pre-built Model System to extend the
best clinical content and workflows to their community. The Community Connect structure allows the
organizations to share clinical data freely while keeping finances and scheduling separate. Patients also
appreciate the self-service conveniences of managing their health record through MyChart, which can be
made available to patients seen in independent physician offices and hospitals.
Sharing costs less and is less risky.
Depending upon the pricing and subsidy decisions at the host organization, community physicians and
hospitals can have all the benefits of a shared record, often at a lower cost than implementing a freestanding EHR. They also have the benefit of piggybacking on the technical resources of the host
organization, which simplifies hosting, support and upgrades. Small practices and hospitals can be
confident that they are joining a successful implementation and avoid the risks of starting from scratch.
Referral workflows are as simple as sending e-mail and require no costly interfaces.
Details for independent practices:
Includes turnkey e-learning content for self-guided user training and assessment.
Enables rollout to multiple practices on quick timelines.
Supports specialists with appropriate order sets and documentation tools.
Includes one-time and monthly licensing options for users.
Details for community hospitals:
• Takes advantage of structured build that can be tailored to individual hospitals with minimal
• Supports closed-loop medication workflows via Epic's integrated inpatient pharmacy system.
• Uses, in most cases, the existing external interfaces of the host organization and adheres to
standards for others.
Departments and Ancillaries
Emergency Department
ASAP Emergency Department Information System streamlines workflows and helps improve care
delivery in busy emergency departments. Because it's integrated with Epic's other clinical applications, it
combines instant access to comprehensive patient information with active decision-support functionality.
ASAP clients dramatically reduce their wait times and transcription costs while providing faster, better
Inpatient Pharmacy
Willow Inpatient Pharmacy System is a key component of Epic's "closed-loop" medication ordering and
administration process, linking pharmacists, ordering physicians and nurses to a single order record. With
Willow, pharmacists can monitor medication treatment and improve medical outcomes, improving patient
safety, minimizing adverse effects and helping control costs. Orders from EpicCare flow directly to Willow
for verification and dispensing and also appear automatically on the MAR. Pharmacy staff has direct
access to the chart during verification, empowering them to play a more active role in patient care, and
verified orders can be routed to the appropriate dispensing device or to pharmacies outside the system.
Changes made by a pharmacist are also automatically updated and available for other users. (Note:
Willow was formerly known as "EpicRx")
Radiant Radiology Information System combines tools for rules-based scheduling, documentation,
results communication, chart/film tracking and detailed statistical reporting in a unified system that is fully
integrated with our clinical systems. Radiant allows clients to link images and reports with a single system
that can be accessed simultaneously by multiple users in multiple departments.
Operating Room
OpTime Operating Room Management System helps improve surgeon productivity, schedule utilization
and perioperative documentation in both inpatient hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. OpTime
includes tools for all key perioperative processes including scheduling, preference card management,
anesthesia record keeping, pre-op assessments, procedure record and PACU documentation.
Epic Anesthesia Information Management System is designed to provide full ordering and clinical
documentation tools wherever anesthesia services are needed in your organization. It is integrated with
OpTime Operating Room Management and EpicCare EMR to streamline workflows across roles. Epic
Anesthesia provides dedicated support for pre-op evaluations, pre-admission testing, intra-op record
keeping, recovery care and post-procedure care, including inpatient follow-ups and post-op phone calls.
Intensive Care
Epic's ICU module supports users in super acute, comprehensive care, and interventional care
environments, combining the functionality of our core clinical systems with targeted features and
information displays. Care providers can trend clinical parameters such as hemodynamics and drips, vent
settings and blood gasses, making it easier for them to assess the patient's condition and aiding in
accurate decision making.
Nurse Triage
Nurse Triage helps users handle more patient calls and deliver timely, effective care advice over the
telephone. The system supports nurses throughout the triage process by providing easy access to patient
records, proven practice management tools, and popular clinical protocols in a user-friendly format. As
nurses assist patients, the system creates appropriate care documentation automatically, generating
context-specific alerts and offering convenient access to scheduling information. Nurse Triage is
integrated with all of Epic's applications, ensuring that call documentation always becomes part of the
patient's enterprise record.
Home Care
EpicCare Home Health is a portable care management tool for home care providers, offering easy-touse documentation and charting tools that help coordinate patient care, improve communication with
physicians and handle case assignments. Home Health uses a unique synchronization process, allowing
users to access the patient's complete medical record and document care in remote areas.
Health Information Management
Epic's Health Information Management system provides easy-to-use tools to simplify medical records
management tasks, including:
• Chart and Film Tracking - integrates seamlessly into the appointment scheduling workflow to help
users track the movement of patient information through your facilities.
• Chart Deficiencies - monitors each chart, tracking delinquencies, generating follow up messages,
and offering tools for quickly resolving deficiencies - ensuring that medical charts contain the
critical information clinicians need and improving reimbursement.
• Release of Information - allows users to track and fill information requests, generate charges, and
collect payments for this service.
• Coding and Abstracting - stores configurable coding information required for DRGs and other
groupers calculated by third-party coding products.
Clinical Laboratory
Beaker Clinical Pathology provides seamless integration with Epic's Enterprise EMR, eliminating the
need for multiple interfaces. It accommodates draw stations, clinic labs, hospital labs and large reference
labs. Barcode-enabled workflows allow lab techs to track specimens within and across sites. Dynamic
work lists display your lab's outstanding and overdue tests in real time. Lab staff has instant access to the
patient's chart and can control reference ranges based on a patient's medical condition. Beaker includes
built-in support for general lab, microbiology and QC testing. It also provides an ad-hoc reporting engine.
These Beaker tools allow your lab to connect with phlebotomists, clients and billing offices:
• Rover for Phlebotomists uses handheld devices in a scan-based workflow, allowing users to
review orders needing collection, print specimen labels at the patient's bedside and capture
collection details.
• Outreach expands your lab's business opportunities through a web-based portal where clients
can submit bar-coded, instrument-ready specimens to your lab for testing and receive online
• Reference Lab Billing supports your billing office's client billing and non-EMR patient billing
workflows for tests completed in your Beaker labs.
Anatomic Pathology
Beaker Anatomic Pathology supports the needs of surgical pathology and cytology labs. Barcode
enabled workflows help promote safe practices, while dedicated pathologist, cytotech, and histotech work
lists help guide cases through the lab. Integration with Beaker Clinical Pathology provides one click
access to the patient's history and synoptic reporting allows for efficient data mining.
Public Laboratory
Beaker Public Health Laboratory System is designed to meet the needs of multi-site public health
laboratories. It helps users process specimens quickly, monitor quality control specimens, produce timely
result reports in a variety of paper and electronic formats, create reports to analyze public health trends,
and manage laboratory resources. Integration with Epic's Outreach application allows Web-based
specimen inquiry.
Epic Interoperability
Care Everywhere provides a framework for interoperability, so that wherever the patient goes – between
healthcare systems in the same town or across state and national borders – the clinicians providing care
can have the information they need. Information can come from another Epic system, a non-Epic EMR
that complies with industry standards, or directly from the patient. When an Epic system is on both sides
of the exchange, a richer data set is exchanged and additional connectivity options, such as crossorganization referral management, are available. Regardless of the information source, Care Everywhere
connects it to your EpicCare EMR, giving clinicians a more complete clinical record.
Lucy is a freestanding Personal Health Record (PHR), not connected to any facility's electronic medical
record system. It stays with patients wherever they receive care and allows them to organize their medical
information in one place that is readily accessible. Patients can enter health data directly into Lucy, pull in
MyChart data or upload standards-compliant Continuity of Care Documents from other facilities.
Epic's Care Everywhere software can also retrieve documents from Lucy, making this information
available to clinicians as part of the electronic chart.
Lucy is free of the two primary obstacles to patient PHR adoption:
1. There are no advertisements on Lucy.
2. Epic will not sell patient data for secondary uses.
Connecting to existing software and outside facilities
Epic software interfaces easily to hundreds of xxxxHIT systems. Learn more about Epic Interfaces and
Personal Health Records (PHRs), Portals and Mobile Applications
Integrated PHR
MyChart gives patients controlled access to the same Epic medical records their doctors use, via browser
or mobile app (for iOS and Android). Its self-serve online functions can activate patients to improve their
own health, reduce the cost of customer service and provide a vital communication link to support
accountable care. (Note that not all MyChart functions are available on mobile.) Patients can:
View test results
View upcoming & past appointments
Fill out pre-visit questionnaires
Schedule appointments
View paperless statements & pay bills
Upload photos
Update medications and allergies
Connect to home devices
Refill prescriptions
Message securely with providers
View a child's records and print growth
Manage the care of elderly parents
View education topics triggered by EHR
Get a chronic disease summary
Handheld Mobile for Providers
Haiku (for iOS and Android) gives physicians secure and portable access to patient charts, whether they
are in the hallways of the practice, rounding at the hospital or away from work. Functionality includes
chart review, patient lists, schedule, search, messaging, e-prescribing, dictation and clinical image
Physician Access for iPad
Canto offers access to Epic charts, messaging and other EMR functions. Physicians can use the
dashboard-style front end to check schedules, respond to messages, dictate notes and review lab results
from anywhere. Rounding physicians can get up to speed on patients before entering their rooms and
dictate notes or send messages immediately after leaving.
Freestanding PHR
Lucy is a PHR that is not connected to any facility's electronic medical record system. It stays with
patients wherever they receive care and allows them to organize their medical information in one place
that is readily accessible. Patients can enter health data directly into Lucy, pull in MyChart data or upload
standards-compliant Continuity of Care Documents from other facilities.
Epic's Care Everywhere software can also retrieve documents from Lucy, making this information
available to clinicians as part of the electronic chart. It's patient-guided interoperability.
Lucy is free of the two primary obstacles to patient PHR adoption:
1. There are no advertisements on Lucy.
2. Epic will not sell patient data for secondary uses.
Shared Medical Record for Community Providers
EpicCare Link makes your organization an attractive choice for referring physicians by giving them
secure, Web-based access to information about the care you provide their patients. Sharing patient
information with authorized providers helps them follow the progress of care for patients they refer to your
organization and improves their ability to coordinate ongoing care. Secure messaging functions allow
external physicians to offer electronic consults. EpicCare Link also makes the entire referral process
faster and more efficient. For a tighter connection to community physicians, learn how Epic customers are
extending a shared EMR.
Web Access for Providers
EpicWeb allows true anytime/anyplace access to patient information by allowing providers to login to the
Epic system from any PC with a Web browser. Once online, users can access major clinical features
including care documentation, chart review, incidental order entry (with decision support) and secure
messaging. EpicWeb allows physicians working from any location at home, in the office, and even on
vacation to use the patient's entire medical record to make well-informed decisions. Users can also
access provider schedules, benefit and eligibility information, referral authorizations and account
Services for Providers and Employers
PlanLink gives provider and payor organizations a competitive advantage by making distinctive services
available to employers and community providers via the Web. Providers can submit referrals, receive
approval notifications and review statuses of AP claims they are involved with. Payors can allow providers
to print remittance advice reports, saving phone calls and mailing expenses. PlanLink's payor functionality
also allows employers to access their online premium invoices for payment and reconciliation, as well as
manage the online enrollment process for their employees
Practice Management
Ambulatory Registration
Prelude Enterprise Registration makes registration intuitive, efficient and virtually error-proof. Prelude
provides tailored workflows, wizards and extensive error checking to help users complete registrations
swiftly and accurately. Rules-based work queues efficiently organize follow-up activity according to
flexible criteria, targeting problem registrations and delegating follow-up to the appropriate staff.
Cadence Enterprise Scheduling makes it easy for users to schedule any type of visit or procedure from
anywhere in your organization. It also enhances your ability to keep appropriate slots
Open, take patient preferences into account and deliver high-quality service that can differentiate your
Cadence serves as an intelligent partner for users, providing context-specific instructions, conflict
checking and solutions for complicated appointment searches. Comprehensive rules-based scheduling
features accommodate the needs of each clinician, room and piece of equipment – optimizing the use of
staff and capital resources throughout your organization.
Professional Billing
Resolute Professional Billing helps reduce A/R days, produces accurate claims, allows paperless
collection processes and streamlines data entry. With Resolute, your billing office can easily track
revenue from individual billing entities, divisions or markets. Its configurable library of medical necessity
checks and charge/claims scrubbing routines help you reduce denials and satisfy demanding payors. The
system sends clean, accurate claims using a variety of HIPAA-compliant transaction formats - resulting in
prompt and accurate reimbursement.
Resolute's comprehensive reporting tools allow executives to analyze financial performance, leading to
more informed operational decisions.
The Benefits of One Bill
Organizations that use Epic for both professional and hospital billing can take advantage of integrated
Single Billing Office (SBO) features:
A single bill and payment plan increases patient satisfaction.
A single account simplifies follow-up and back office staffing.
A single point of customer service is convenient for patients and simplifies administration.
Call Management
Customer Relationship Management/Call Management enhances customer service communications
by storing patient information, service issues, and contact histories in a central location. The system
allows users to effectively document, route, monitor, and resolve customer service inquiries from patients.
The system's integrated reporting tools help you conduct detailed analysis of your organization's
customer service, from evaluating individual patient/staff relationships to measuring the overall
responsiveness of an entire facility, entity or department.
Inpatient Registration, ADT and Hospital Billing
Enterprise Registration - Inpatient Access
ADT/Prelude Enterprise Inpatient Registration improves bed utilization and gives users the tools to
manage hospital stays from pre-admission through discharge. Clinicians can access an efficient census
workspace that allows them to view and update current information on patients in their care. Flexible work
queues help nurses and other staff members plan for upcoming ADT events, follow up on missing or
inconsistent data and assess utilization.
Enterprise Scheduling Cadence Enterprise Scheduling makes it easy for users to schedule any type
of visit or procedure from anywhere in your organization. It also enhances your ability to keep appropriate
slots open, take patient preferences into account and deliver high-quality service that will distinguish your
Cadence serves as an intelligent partner for users, providing context-specific instructions, conflict
checking and solutions for complicated appointment searches. Comprehensive rules-based scheduling
features accommodate the needs of each clinician, room and piece of equipment – optimizing the use of
staff and capital resources throughout your organization.
Hospital Billing
Resolute Hospital Billing coordinates inpatient and outpatient billing for hospitals. It gives your frontand back-office staff the tools they need to streamline billing and collection processes, reduce payor
denials and minimize A/R days. Resolute's features support billing staff throughout the hospital, helping
you improve your financial performance and encouraging excellent patient service.
Drawing information directly from the EpicCare clinical system, Resolute automatically completes
appropriate fields and submits claims in HIPAA-compliant transaction formats. Extensive rules-based
claim scrubbing accelerates reimbursement and minimizes rejected claims, even with the most
demanding payors. Comprehensive reporting tools help executives track and report on all aspects of
financial performance.
Call Management
Customer Relationship Management/Call Management enhances customer service communications
by storing patient information, service issues and contact histories in a central location. The system allows
users to effectively document, route, monitor and resolve customer service inquiries from patients. The
system's integrated reporting tools help you conduct detailed analysis of your organization's customer
service, from evaluating individual patient/staff relationships to measuring the overall responsiveness of
an entire facility, entity or department.
Integrated Managed Care Systems for Providers and Payors
Managed Care Administration for Medical Groups
Tapestry automates key workflows and tasks associated with managed care administration, helping
provider organizations manage risk and maintain strong, collaborative relationships with payors. For
providers, the system helps manage authorizations, maintain the eligibility of your members, and pays
claims for your at-risk membership. A comprehensive Benefits Engine makes it easy to handle copays,
co-insurance deductibles, maximum out of pocket limits, tiered benefits and more - allowing users to
make informed decisions and minimize errors.
Health Plan Operations for Payors
Tapestry is a comprehensive, flexible system designed to help health plans manage operations across
all lines of business. It gives payor organizations the tools necessary to meet the needs of members,
employers, affiliates and the providers that serve them. Tapestry automates eligibility tracking, premium
billing, utilization management and contracting/claims operations using sophisticated benefit plans and
contracts. It also works seamlessly with Epic's clinical, financial and access applications wherever they
are implemented in your affiliated delivery networks.
xxxxEpic's integrated, Web-based PlanLink application simplifies communications and information
sharing with employers, agents, providers and members. Payors can use PlanLink to make online
enrollment, eligibility summaries, referral requests, AP claims review and customer service messaging
Enterprise Intelligence
Epic's integrated analytics and reporting – collectively named Cogito ergo sum – delivers current clinical
intelligence and business intelligence based on role and workflow. "Intelligence" can mean something
different to each user, so Epic provides a combination of flexible tools, content, data sources, distribution,
training, and process to support decisions throughout the health system with the best information
For the Clinician/User: Cogito presents clinicians with information that can improve the care they give –
and lets them see how well they are doing. Every physician, nurse, scheduler or biller can start the day on
a role-based Radar screen that provides a visual representation of what's important. As a user, the
dashboard informs your day with trends, tasks and messages pertinent to your role and configurable to
your preferences. More than 500 roles are currently in our library, including more than 100 specialized
physician roles alone. Physicians and other members of the care team, empowered by analytics, hold the
potential to help create a learning healthcare organization.
For the Manager: Cogito gives insight into how departments are doing and provides tools to better
departmental performance. Dashboards and benchmarking metrics help identify areas for improvement,
whether the opportunity lies in personnel training, process redesign or a change to the care model.
For the Clinical Leader: Embedded clinical intelligence can guide quality improvement with dashboards
that aggregate and compare clinical performance across departments and facilities. Dashboards in
development will provide visual comparisons to anonymized benchmarks of organizational KPIs, both
clinical and financial.
For the Business Leader: Financial professionals and analysts use Epic's revenue dashboards to
actively manage and work their revenue cycle metrics. Clinical integration allows for easier analysis of
charge data, in addition to traditional revenue analytics like denial trends and AR composition. The
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW, in development) will provide a platform for combining Epic data with
data from other systems in your enterprise, as appropriate.
Disease Registries and Data Marts
Cogito provides a library of pre-built registries and analytical Data Marts for prevalant chronic conditions,
as well as a dozen wellness registries. They help clinicians identify patients with important care
considerations and make it practical for clinical leaders to manage key populations. These building blocks
enable population management to be integrated in the patient chart and woven throughout clinical
processes and decision support rules. They also greatly simplify measurement against goals and
research study design.
Quality and Compliance
our library has more than 2,500 shared reports built by customers and Epic. Of that collection, many are
focused on satisfying the needs of formalized quality and compliance programs – including PQRI, NCQA,
HEDIS and Core Measures.
Meaningful Use metric collection is built into all clinical workflows as a standard part of implementation
and training. Certified and tested Meaningful Use reports are included and delivered to the appropriate
staff, based on role. A large relative percentage of early Meaningful Use attestors have used Epic EHRs
and Epic-provided content to meet the requirements of the program.
Open Analytics Environment
Cogito frees your Epic data for use in any number of industry-standard analytical and visualization tools.
We provide a growing library of SAP Business Objects Universes that aggregate and translate complex
data structures into simple terms. From these Universes, non-technical staff can quickly build
presentation-ready Xcelsius dashboards and Web Intelligence (WebI) reports.
Built on one database before it was cool.
Enterprise Data Repository – Unified Clinical and Financial Record Epicenter is the patient-centric
information backbone for all Epic's software—capturing all clinical, financial and operational data related
to a patient and organizing it into a consistent record accessible to users across the care continuum. It is
the key connectivity point that supports cross-functional workflows, powers centralized decision support
and eliminates interfaces.
Healthcare Data Management System
A foundational component of Epicenter is the open Chronicles Extended Relational Database
Management System, the high-performance data engine at the heart of our integrated product suite.
Chronicles has no built-in capacity limits. It supports thousands of concurrent users and millions of
records while still providing excellent response times.
Chronicles drives Epic's outstanding response times and scalability, giving us the edge in serving the
largest, most complex healthcare organizations.
Enterprise Master Person Index
Identity EMPI keeps your database clean by eliminating duplicate records and by actively preventing
users from creating them in the first place. Uniting demographic, registration, and encounter data from all
of your Epic and non-Epic systems, Identity compares a broad sample of identifying information to
evaluate patient records. It then applies multiple logical comparisons that account for misspellings, typos,
nicknames, names that sound alike and even maiden names. Streamlined utilities make it easy to merge
records when duplicates are found and to unmerge patient records when necessary.
Identity can organize IDs from external systems, allowing you to cross-reference patient records and
access them using their medical record numbers from external or legacy systems.
Epic has decades of practice connecting outside software to our integrated system. We maintain
hundreds of pre-built interfaces to leading non-Epic HIT systems that you can license as is or tweak to
meet your needs.
The Bridges Interface Toolkit facilitates interface maintenance with a real-time interface monitor, a
usage statistics utility, an error logging utility and an interactive error-analysis report. It allows customers
to manage the interfaces they have purchased from our standard library of HL7, ANSI X12, and XML
interfaces, and allows us to maintain flexibility in data mapping and formatting. Bridges can also be used
to support interface transactions in a fixed format or other non-standard data formats.
Patient Monitoring Devices
Epic has the ability to connect to a wide range of patient monitoring devices. Multiple patient monitoring
devices can be connected to flowsheets, rather than charting manually. Once in the Epic system, data
from devices can be graphed, reported on and monitored for trends – improving overall care delivery.
Epic offers a standard HL7 Device Formatted Medical Device Interface that can be used for receiving
discrete alphanumeric data from monitoring systems. Most major manufacturers already have an option
for HL7 interfacing, alleviating the need for a third-party middleware solution.
CCOW compatibility
Epic supports the Clinical Context Object Workgroup standard for coordination of different applications.
Working in conjunction with third-party context management software, the Epic user interface can accept
the current user, patient and encounter contexts for a session from a non-Epic application, so the user
does not need to re-enter this information. Similarly, Epic's interface can transmit the user, patient and
encounter contexts to other applications.
Standards-based Health Information Exchange
Epic puts interoperable record sharing in the hands of physicians and patients. Learn more about Epic
Client Services
Strong focus
With our small client base, we can give your organization personal service and support. From initial
implementation and training through ongoing support and optimization, our approach to customer care is
culture-rooted and process-focused. As a result, our customers consistently rate us highly for keeping
promises - as well as for staying on-time and on-budget.
Faster installs cost less
Our development of a pre-built model and standardized e-learning gets your organization up and running
sooner – and at a lower cost. Our community rollout options help affiliated providers benefit from a unified
record for the patients you share.
Validation-based Implementation
Epic's validation-based implementation approach is built upon the best practices gained from 34 years of
successful implementations. Our approach combines established processes with the flexibility to
accommodate each client's unique objectives for improving patient services. This approach will help you
go live, on schedule, with a system that meets your workflow and functionality needs. A key part of our
methodology is our Model System, which provides a starting point for validating pre-built configurations
based on the best content and workflows used at our customers' sites. This configuration for our
applications streamlines the system build process and will help support safe, quality care.
Our structured install process will guide your implementation planning, taking you week by week through
each phase of the process. The result is a faster implementation that better meets your individual
workflow needs.
Model System
The Model System is a version of our system that comes pre-populated with settings, sample reports, and
both clinical and specialty starter sets. This information comes from the wealth of data that our customers
share, and allows our customers to take advantage of the good work others have done before them. The
Model System makes installing, learning, and using Epic much faster, as our customers can apply the
knowledge and content from other successful Epic implementations.
Process Engineering
Epic's implementation teams contain experts who bring years of real-life experience to bear on helping
you capitalize on your organization's Epic software investment. These specialists help you trim steps and
eliminate wasteful redundancies from your core workflows. They have the unique perspective of not
knowing "how it's always been done" at your organization so they can help you decide how to improve
your processes.
Total Recall Training
Project team members and key end users experience training in state-of-the-art training facilities in
Verona, Wisconsin. The interactive, hands-on classes introduce participants to the software, discuss how
it will impact workflows, prepare them for the rigorous certification process and provide a foundation for a
successful implementation.
Training Wheels, Epic's end-user learning package, prepares end users to use the system on the first day
of go-live through a robust curriculum of preparatory e-learning lessons, lesson plans, hands-on
exercises, post-training e-learning lessons, "quick start guides" and optimization materials. These
materials are tailored to specific roles and are scenario-driven.
Interactive, scenario-based e-learning programs are available for nearly all of Epic's applications and
include strategies for different learning styles. These e-learning modules will help your staff get up and
running quickly. For example, our tutorials guide your clinicians through basic workflows as well as our
Hyperspace user interface, allowing them to learn at their own pace. E-learning can be used as a
standalone learning tool or in conjunction with formal, instructor-led end-user training.
Epic is a strong partner who not only works with you to make your go-live a success, but continues the
relationship with valuable, ongoing support to make sure you're getting the results you expected. We are
committed to understanding your unique needs and maintaining a long-term partnership to help you get
the most from your software.
Our optimization team works on-site with your staff to ensure your continued success with the system. In
our Success Check system, we consult with your frontline users to answer their questions, address their
difficulties, fine-tune their daily workflows and reassess their training needs. We provide you with ongoing
support for your current version of the software, and we help you implement new functionality after each
Epic maintains specialized technical teams that have experience working with the very largest EMR
implementations. They will help you plan a flexible, scalable hardware foundation that fits your budget,
your workflows and your plans for future growth. Epic performs scalability and stress-testing in
conjunction with client organizations and with a variety of hardware vendors. We use real data and real
workflows to ensure meaningful benchmark results and accurate system sizing.
Clinical Starter Sets
Our Model System includes content developed by Epic and Epic clients for use with the EpicCare clinical
system, so you can benefit from work done by other organizations without creating it from the ground up.
Built-in Specialty Starter Sets help you create an optimized system for particular specialties while
requiring minimal overhead.
Community Library Exchange
Gain from the expertise of some of the most progressive healthcare organizations in the country. Epic's
Community Library Exchange fosters a collaborative environment for the advancement of best practice
guidelines and open communication among peers. It provides a rich online collection of application tools
and pre-made content. You can share care templates, custom forms, enterprise report formats, and
documentation shortcuts. You can use these tools right from the library or customize them to meet your
specific needs.
Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Organizations have the option of licensing Clinical Practice Model (CPM) content from Epic for use in
EpicCare. This content includes care plan templates, general care plan interventions, and patient
teaching topics and education points. CPM's consortium of customers update and author new guidelines,
and CPM has a process for continually updating the content based on research and clinical specialty
review. This allows Epic and Epic's clients to receive new and updated content as clinical care and best
practices change.
Community Connect: Extending to Independent Physicians and Hospitals
Epic provides large organizations with structured methods for extending a shared electronic record
system to independent physician practices and community hospitals. Participating in an Epic shared
record solves many of the challenges community providers have with Meaningful Use and interoperability.
It does so in a way that's better for patients and less expensive to implement.
You share patients. It makes sense to share their records.
Epic provides our customers with structured methods for extending a shared electronic record system to
independent physician practices and hospitals. A complete community care record contributes to safer
care in the hospital, builds trust and improves follow-up.
Continuity of care and content.
Participating in an Epic shared record solves many of the challenges community groups have with
Meaningful Use and interoperability. The hub can make use of a pre-built Model System to extend the
best clinical content and workflows to their community. The Community Connect structure allows the
organizations to share clinical data freely while keeping finances and scheduling separate. Patients also
appreciate the self-service conveniences of managing their health record through MyChart, which can be
made available to patients seen in independent physician offices and hospitals.
Sharing costs less and is less risky.
Depending upon the pricing and subsidy decisions at the host organization, community physicians and
hospitals can have all the benefits of a shared record, often at a lower cost than implementing a freestanding EHR. They also have the benefit of piggybacking on the technical resources of the host
organization, which simplifies hosting, support and upgrades. Small practices and hospitals can be
confident that they are joining a successful implementation and avoid the risks of starting from scratch.
Referral workflows are as simple as sending e-mail and require no costly interfaces.
Details for independent practices:
Includes turnkey e-learning content for self-guided user training and assessment.
Enables rollout to multiple practices on quick timelines.
Supports specialists with appropriate order sets and documentation tools.
Includes one-time and monthly licensing options for users.
Details for community hospitals:
• Takes advantage of structured build that can be tailored to individual hospitals with minimal
• Supports closed-loop medication workflows via Epic's integrated inpatient pharmacy system.
• Uses, in most cases, the existing external interfaces of the host organization and adheres to
standards for others.
Meaningful Use
Epic can help.
The HITECH portion of the ARRA stimulus package allocates funding for per-hospital and per-physician
incentives for those who demonstrate "Meaningful Use" of EHRs. Epic can help you understand the
criteria in each stage of the program as they are developed and formalized. We can also provide the
software and processes to help you maximize the long-term beneficial effects of stimulus initiatives on
your organization.
Install quickly - with a robust pre-built model that simplifies implementation and configures easily
to your situation.
Let patients do more - via online results and health reminders. Self service refills, scheduling
and bill pay make patients happy while saving you money.
Be more profitable - with permanent improvements to physician productivity and a central
source for enterprise intelligence.
If you're in a small physician practice and wish to piggyback on a successful EHR implementation, contact
Epic for a list of Epic customers who share their system with the community.
Third Party Collaboration
Industry Involvement
Epic is actively involved in numerous industry associations and standards development initiatives where
vendors, providers and policy experts discuss interoperability and collaboration opportunities.
Complementary products and people to simplify your project
Epic maintain relationships with leading third-party content suppliers, consultants and hardware vendors.
Work with your health system's Epic contact to learn how the experience and products of these vendors
can complement our integrated software. Community Connect Credentialed Consultants can help with an
EHR rollout to independent practices and community hospitals.
Industry Memberships
ASTM International :: www.astm.org
Accredited Standard Committee X12 (ASC X12) :: www.x12.org
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) :: www.ansi.org
College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) :: www.cio-chime.org
Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE) :: www.caqh.org
Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) :: www.disa.org
Electronic Health Record Association (EHRA) :: www.himssehra.org
HIMSS AFEHCT Business Information Systems Initiative :: www.afehct.org
Health Level Seven (HL7) :: www.hl7.org
Healthcare Domain Task Force of Object Management Group (OMG) :: healthcare.omg.org
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) :: www.himss.org
IHE :: www.ihe.net
IHE is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in
healthcare share information. IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards such as
DICOM and HL7 to address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient care.
While providing a single integrated system, Epic enables customers to interface with other systems using
a wide variety of standard and custom interfaces, including IHE-defined workflows and actors. Epic
traditionally showcases IHE interoperability at the HIMSS IHE showcase and tests interoperability with a
variety of vendors at the North American IHE Connectathon.
Epic IHE integration statements:
Care Everywhere
Patient Care Devices
Radiant and Cardiant
Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) :: www.wedi.org
Third-Party Vendors
Epic works with many third parties in the categories listed below. For information about specific vendors
in these areas, Epic customers can visit the UserWeb or email vendorinquiries@epic.com
Address Verification
Appointment Reminders
Clinical Content and Decision Support
Clinical Terminology
Document Management Systems
Drug Databases
Patient Education
Revenue Cycle Support
Medical Devices and Device Connectivity
Security and Authentication
Systems Technology and Hardware
Voice Recognition
Community Connect Credentialed Consultants
We work with groups specifically experienced with small physician practices and community hospitals.
These consulting groups agree to use only Epic-certified staff and to provide services at a fixed price per
practice. Epic regularly evaluates each firm on a number of factors, including adherence to timeline &
cost, client satisfaction and community practice happiness. Firms meet regularly with Epic to stay abreast
of the newest tools and best practices. Services offered include:
Sales & Marketing
Hardware Procurement and Placement
End-User Support