Uploaded by sabawoon Khan

CV- Zaman

Location: Quetta, Pakistan
Contact: +92-300-3886388 • E-mail: sabawoon_khan@yahoo.com
Date of Birth: April 07,1972 • Male • Pakistani
Accomplished professional with extensive experience developing and delivering highly valued projects/interventions
with world-known organizations including World Bank, UNDP and UNODC as well as other development agencies,
NGOs, INGOs, CBOs and government organizations, ministries/departments at the provincial and district levels as
well as community level interventions focusing community development. Proven expertise in stakeholders’
engagement and consultations in provinces of Pakistan. Skilled in civilizing service delivery mechanisms for greater
accountability and transparency while spearheading program & policy related projects. Proficient in developing
sustainable partnerships with various development actors, stakeholders, facilitated capacity building of partners
NGOs/INGOs, and provided technical support to staffs in project implementation.
Core Competencies: Program/Project Management | Strategic Planning | Adaptability & Flexibility | Integrity |
Planning & Organizing| Program Monitoring & Evaluation | Liaison & Coordination | Team Leadership & Building
|Work in Team| Performance Management | Result Based Management | Communication Skills
M&E Specialist
Render keen eye for details to devise baseline/end line surveys in fields and deliver inputs, information, and statistics
for quarterly/annual monitoring reports in an efficient manner. Formulate, analyze, and present reports of monitoring
visits to the Lead Evidence Manager and program staff while steering regular monitoring visits to the field.
Created systematic and realistic monitoring plans, recorded important quantitative and qualitative information
and presented reports on performance indicators.
Ensured operative M&E interventions by analyzing and overseeing project activities for course correction via
close collaboration with the M&E service providers.
Designed baseline formats for data collection for Criminal Justice Institutions
Consultant WASH
Provided strategic direction and guidelines to team members in establishing strategy on health and hygiene sessions
while overseeing mainstreaming gender, protection, and DRR in project & program activities. Prepared monthly,
quarterly work plans as per assigned tasks in the contract and offering monthly and quarterly progress reports in an
efficient manner. Produced and retained internal and external reports, IEC materials, and printing materials under GIZ
S4Ms project while coordinating with WASH Manager. Helped the senior management in highlighting changes through
case studies and success stories in the target area.
Conducted field visits to ensure quality of capacity building interventions at Union Councils; led need assessment
of the new sites by GIZ and provided field visit report on the findings of field visits/assessment.
Skillfully examined relevance and appropriateness of current and future programming in relation to water,
sanitation and hygiene promotion in the local context.
Ensured timely delivery of quality interventions and execution of work plans under GIZ S4Ms project while
presenting technical back stopping to the BRSP’s WASH Team at the Head Office.
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Funded by the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) -Administered by the World Bank
Provincial Coordinator
2014 – 2015
Trained, educated, and directed governance support project-implementation support unit and produced concept notes
for service delivery departments. Designed third party performance monitoring system in the province through local
academic institution. Built synergies with various departments at provincial and federal level and delivered timely
feedback to members in creating manuals, guidelines, reports, and publications. Prepared and provided reports to the
Senior Public Sector Specialist at the World Bank, Additional Chief Secretary, Chief Secretary, and Strategic Oversight
Council at provincial government level.
Guided Governance, Financial Management, Procurement and M&E Specialists, mobilized resources, and
ensured flow of funding to the Unit for smooth implementation of the planned activities.
Generated management plans, reports, and briefs to improve quality of work and time bound AWP of the Unit
and complete various activities in a timely manner.
Played an integral role in designing and implementing research studies and awareness raising interventions to
reach desired audience at public and private domain to improve service delivery mechanisms.
Introduced pre-budget consultations at provincial, divisional and district level while coordinating with private
sector and civil society particularly women first time in history of the province.
Achieved desired goals by creating grievance redressal and compliant management systems for provincial
ombudsman and anti-corruption establishment Balochistan.
UNDP, Quetta
Provincial Coordinator – Sukker Region Sindh & Balochistan
2011 – 2012
Offered accounts and administration support in overseeing respective regions and organizing capacity building events
for legal empowerment of trade associations and agri-cooperatives while presenting business development support to
farmers and micro entrepreneurs. Successfully provided cash grants for enterprise rehabilitation and livelihood
restoration to the flood affected communities. Presented technical backstopping to program components in devising
activities in accordance with the defined plans. Interacted with regional/local stakeholders to discuss periodic dialogues
for enhanced outreach and communication. Delivered business development support for craftsmen, small farmers,
micro entrepreneurs, and cooperatives.
Analyzed new ideas/interventions came across during field activities and created business support centers in the
project districts of Sindh and Balochistan provinces severely affected by the floods.
Cooperated with public and private sector organizations and initiatives and assessed applicants’ eligibility criteria
and comparative assessment amongst shortlisted applicants.
Met project objectives while interacting with federal, provincial and district level governmental and nongovernmental partners’ organizations.
Efficiently distributed enterprise rehabilitation and livelihood restoration grants among the flood affected
communities of project focused areas.
UNDP, Quetta
Regional Project Advisor
2007 – 2010
Aided PMU in creating and executing district work plans and special strategies for the inclusion of women in
accordance with project objectives and guidelines. Identified, assessed, and determined policy level issues by presenting
lobbying and building support, while coordinating with district governments. Devised data collection activities to
replicate participatory information system in an effective manner at district level. Oversaw development of the District
Management Information System while coordinating with Bureau of Statistics, District Governments, HMIS and BEMIS.
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Designed NGO MIS at the directorate of social welfare department, government of Balochistan and computerized
local/domicile cell established while coordinating with district government and NADRA.
Provided robust first-rate support to the Consultant in designing institutional capacity need assessment &
development plan of non-formal education & literacy, Government of Balochistan.
Redesigned monitoring committees of union councils of district Qila Saifullah and Lasbela and informed inserting
the female representation in the committees according to monitoring rules 2006.
Translated monitoring rules 2006 from English to Urdu in workshops for district, tehsil, and union councils.
Significantly improved public services delivery mechanism by developing district management information cells.
 Regional Project Officer | Plan International | 2007
 District Coordinator | IUCN | 2005 – 2007
 Field Coordinator | Organization for Social Development/UNHCR | 2003 – 2004
 Trainer & Translator | Sphere/Humanitarian Charter & Minimum Standards in Disaster Response | MERCY
CORPS | 2003
 Coordinator | Water Environment & Sanitation Society/CIDA | 2000 – 2002
 M.Sc. (Hons) in Rural Development from Institute of Development Studies, Agricultural University Peshawar
 Project Planning in the context of local government system 2001 in Pakistan
 Monitoring Rules 2006 issued by Government of Balochistan
 Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standard in Disaster Response to the project staff of local, national and
international organizations.
United Nations Volunteer (Active Member)
President BoD (Save the Poor) a local NGO
~ References shall be furnished upon request ~