Uploaded by Patson Nyeperayi


• Jaja and Kambili haven’t returned home yet, they are still at Aunty Ifeoma’s house. Jaja is
adapting well to the new system at Aunt Ifeoma’s house whereas Kambili is finding it
especially hard as shown when she finds it difficulty to reply to one of Amaka’s friends. The
theme of riot and violence continues when the soldiers raided te oppices of the standard and
kept Ade Coker in custody again. Papa Nnukwu is sick and Aunt Ifeoma brought him to her
flat. Jaja and Kambili realized that they have sinned against Papa and God becaused they
lived with a heathen in the same house.
• Violence – when the soldiers raided the eppices of the standard and kept Ade Coker in
• Religion – Jaja and Kambili still respect and their religion since they realized that they
have sinned aagainst God by sharing the same house with a heathen.
• Defiance – when Jaja defied Papa’s rules by dancing to the tune of Igbo songs
• Kambili – she is staying at Aunt Ifeoma’s house and is still obeying Papa’s schedule
• Jaja – he is also at Aunt Ifeoma’s flat he defies Papa schedule and rules.
• Amaka – this is Kambili’s cousin who is mean to her.
• Papa Nnukwu - he is sick and is taken to Aunt Ifeoma’s flat.
• Aunt Ifeoma – She keeps on taking her responsibilities as an aunt, daughter and mother.
• Chima – Aunt Ifeoma’s child
• Obiora – accompanies Ifeoma on her journey to take Papa Nnukwu and he is the first born.
• Doctor Ndouma – he gives medication to Papa Nnukwu.
• Father Amadi – He kindly gave Ifeoma who wanted to bring Papa Nnukwu to her home.
• Jaja is adopting well to the system of life at Aunt Ifeoma’s house whereas Kambili is finding it
a bit difficult. Chima saw Jaja’s deformed finger which was like a dry stick but Aunt Ifeoma
knew what had happened to Jaja so she quickly answered Chima’s question. When Jaja was
ten years he missed two questions on his catechism test and Papa gnarled his left finger but
Papa didn’t do anything the any of Jaja’s right fingers because he knew it was the hand he
wrote with. In the morning Papa called Aunt Ifeoma and told her that he wanted Jaja and
Kambili to stay longer. Jaja was so happy.
• Papa gnarled at Jaja’s left finger because he just missed two questions on his catechism test,
but he didn’t hurt any of Jaja’s right fingers because he knew it was the hand he wrote with. I
think this shows that Papa punishes his children with harsh punishment but ultimately he loves
them just in a different way. The soldiers raided the oppices of the standard and kept Ade
Coker in custody because the wanted to destroy all confidential information and evidence the
standard had against them. This symbolises that violence is used to solve most problem and
how Politically strong Papa is. Jaja and Kambili continue to respect and follow Papa’s rules
and schedule after they realized they have sinned. Later Jaja defies Papa’s rules by dancing
to the tunes of an Igbo song. Papa Nnukwu gets better and better after receiving medication
from Aunt Ifeoma which she inserted in Papa Nnukwu’s garri