lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Canteen Ordering System for Unilever Business Management - CTE (Huntley Project High Schl) Scan to open on Studocu Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Canteen Ordering System for Unilever Simplilearn CBAP Cer琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on Project 1 Author: Oscar M. Hernandez Page | 1 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Contents Project Overview and Objec琀椀ves...............................................................................................................3 Company Overview..................................................................................................................................3 Project Overview.....................................................................................................................................3 Project Objec琀椀ves................................................................................................................................3 Project Tasks...............................................................................................................................................4 Business Analysis Core Concept Model......................................................................................................4 Business Need / Problem Statement.......................................................................................................4 Need....................................................................................................................................................4 Change.................................................................................................................................................5 Solu琀椀on...............................................................................................................................................5 Stakeholders........................................................................................................................................5 Context................................................................................................................................................6 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring...........................................................................................10 Current State Process Diagram..........................................................................................................11 Future State Process Diagram............................................................................................................13 ...........................................................................................................................................................13 Page | 2 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Project Overview and Objectives Company Overview Unilever is a Bri琀椀sh-Dutch Mul琀椀-Na琀椀onal FMCG company, headquartered in London, England. Unilever is one of the oldest FMCG companies and its products are available in approximately 190 countries. Project Overview In its UK o昀케ces, Unilever has around 1500 employees all of which are spread across 12 昀氀oors. The company provides food service via 2 canteens that serve all 1500 employees. Employees prefer to have lunch between 12 and 1PM. Each canteen seats around 150 employees at a 琀椀me. To alleviate overcrowding of the canteens, reduce costs and improve service to employees, management has embarked in a project to create an automated system that will allow employees to self-serve and order their lunch for ea琀椀ng at their work sta琀椀ons. Furthermore, employees have complained that many of their favorite food items were not available by the 琀椀me their lunch hour arrived. An automated ordering system will track which foods that are most popular and help meet the higher demand. At the same 琀椀me, less food will be wasted due to poor sales. Given one hour of lunch 琀椀me, management has calculated that employees spent 10 minutes traveling to and from the canteen to their desks. Between 30-35 minutes were spent wai琀椀ng in a queue to choose and buy their food and only 10-15 minutes remaining to actually eat the food. Project Objectives The project aims to create the following: Create an automated applica琀椀on that will help employees order their own lunches Streamline opera琀椀ons and introduce e昀케ciencies that will reduce staf Reduce costs by elimina琀椀ng food wasted o Food wasted will be reduced by 30% in the 昀椀rst six months of implementa琀椀on Produce reports to be琀琀er manage food inventory Produce Daily and Monthly sales reports Page | 3 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Streamline payment by introducing cashless transac琀椀ons and accessing employee payroll deduc琀椀ons Automated ordering will reduce overcrowding in the two canteens at the London o昀케ce Project Tasks Task No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Tasks Iden琀椀fying stakeholders – Create a list of stakeholders Iden琀椀fy the problem statement in this system Iden琀椀fy objec琀椀ves of the new Canteen Ordering System Create as-is and future process map (using 昀氀owcharts) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. As a Business Analyst working on this project, 昀椀nd out the scope of the Canteen Ordering System. To 昀椀nd the scope you can use the case diagram (UML) or context diagram for the same Write down the main features that need to be developed Write the in-scope and out-of-scope items for this so昀琀ware Draw an ac琀椀vity diagram for the system Draw an ER diagram of the system Write out the business requirements, both the func琀椀onal and 10. nonfunc琀椀onal requirements Draw wireframes or mock screens for any two of the features namely Menu Crea琀椀on and any other feature as deemed 昀椀t by 11. the student. Business Analysis Core Concept Model Business Need / Problem Statement Need There are two canteens serving 1500 employees. Between 12:00 and 1:00PM the canteens are overcrowded Employees waste too much 琀椀me selec琀椀ng their food, wai琀椀ng on queue to pay and traveling to and from the canteen and not enough 琀椀me to eat Canteen wastes too much food for orders that are not made Employees do not 昀椀nd most popular items when they arrive Employees have requested an automated system to order the food and have it delivered to their worksta琀椀ons Canteen Management needs real-琀椀me informa琀椀on to control costs Page | 4 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Change Company will alleviate overcrowding by delivering lunches to employees at their worksta琀椀ons Management will build a Canteen Ordering System that will allow employees to order from daily menu for delivery to worksta琀椀on Canteen Administrator will receive reports of most popular dishes and a monthly report of total sales leading to more e昀케cient tracking and opera琀椀ons Solution Management will implement a web-based applica琀椀on that will allow employees with ability to order and have the food delivered to worksta琀椀on. Applica琀椀on will also track most popular orders, streamline payment reducing opera琀椀on costs. Stakeholders Keep Sa琀椀s昀椀ed Manage Closely Monitor Keep Informed Sponsor Canteen Manager Unilever Employees Management Development Manager Project Manager Implementa琀椀on SME Supplier Menu Manager Payroll Manager Chefs Developer Tester Opera琀椀onal Support Stakeholder Matrix Page | 5 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Stakeholder Matrix helps to iden琀椀fy and visualize each stakeholder and their role as it pertains to the development of the requirements. A stakeholder’s posi琀椀on on the matrix may change due to organiza琀椀onal, environmental, or scope/requirement changes. As a result, stakeholder analysis will be reviewed frequently. Context Scope Model Scope models de昀椀ne the nature of one or more limits or boundaries and place elements inside or outside those boundaries. Page | 6 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring – Knowledge Areas BAPM Knowledg e Areas Business Analysis Planning and Monitorin g Tasks Inputs Plan Business Analysis Approach De昀椀ne needs of Unilever Canteen Management to alleviate overcrowding and control costs Plan Stakeholder Engagement Analyze all stakeholders and identify roles and responsibilities and BA Approach Stakeholder list and BA Approach Plan BA Governance Plan BA Information Management Identify BA Performance Improvement s Elicitation Prepare for & Elicitation Collabora tion Conduct Elicitation BA Approach/ Governance Approach/ Stakeholder list BA Approach/ Performance objectives Plan documentation to meet and interviews with stakeholders Draw out information or activity including needs, scope that is relevant to change Techniques Outputs Interviews Brainstorming Business Cases Document Analysis Risk Analysis Management Scope Modelling Stakeholder List Mind Mapping Interviews Adaptive Approach – Agile Methodology Process modelling Document Analysis Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Process Modelling Brainstorming Governance Approach Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Reviews Root-Cause Analysis Risk Analysis and Management BA Performance Assessment Document Analysis Interviews Stakeholder List Estimation Benchmarking and Market Analysis Concept modelling Process Modelling Data Mining Focus Groups Elicitation Activity Plan Stakeholder list Information Management Approach Uncon昀椀rme d Elicitation Results Page | 7 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Requirem ents Lifecycle Managem ent Strategy Analysis Con昀椀rm Elicitation Elicitation Results (uncon昀椀rmed) Document Analysis Workshops Reviews Interviews Con昀椀rmed Elicitation Results Communicat e Business Analysis Information Business Analysis Information, Stakeholder Engagement Approach Interviews Reviews Workshops Manage Stakeholder Collaboratio n BA Information/ Stakeholder Engagement Approach Collaborative Games Lessons Learned Stakeholder List Business Analysis Information – communica ted Stakeholder Engagemen t Trace Requirement s Requirements, design Maintain Requirement s Traced Requirements, design Prioritize Requirement s Maintained Design Requirements Assess Requirement s Changes Approve Requirement s Prioritized Requirements, Design and Proposed Change Veri昀椀ed Requirements and Design Functional Traced Decomposition Requiremen Process Modelling ts and Design Business Rules Maintained Analysis Requiremen Data Modelling ts and Design Backlog Prioritized Management Requiremen Item Tracking ts and Design Business Cases Requiremen Decision ts and Analysis Design Assessment Acceptance and Approved Evaluation Criteria Requiremen ts and Design Analyse Current State Needs and Con昀椀rmed Elicitation Results Benchmarking and Market Analysis Current State Description and Business Requiremen Page | 8 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 De昀椀ne Future State Business Requirements Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Balanced Score Card Assess Risks In昀氀uences, Con昀椀rmed Elicitation Results, Prioritized Designs and Requirements, Business Objectives, potential values Stakeholder Engagement Approach, Current and Future State Description, RA Results Risk Analysis Root Cause Analysis Balanced Scorecard Business Cases Change Strategy and Solution Scope Specify & Model Requirement s Elicitation Results Acceptance and evaluation Criteria Business Capability Analysis Speci昀椀ed and Modelled Requiremen ts Verify Requirement s Speci昀椀ed and Modelled Requirements Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Veri昀椀ed Requiremen ts Validate Requirement s Speci昀椀ed and Modelled Requirements Document Analysis Validated Requiremen ts De昀椀ne Requirement s Architecture Requirements, Information Management Approach, Solution Scope Organizational Modelling Requiremen t Architecture De昀椀ne Design Options Requirements, Change Strategy and Requirements Mind Mapping Design Options De昀椀ne Change Strategy Requirem ents Analysis & Design De昀椀nition ts Business Objectives, Future State Description, Potential value Risk Analysis Results Page | 9 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Analyse Potential Value & Recommend Solution Measure Solution Performance Analyse Performance Measures Solution Evaluatio n Assess Solution Limitations Assess Enterprise Limitations Architecture Design options and Potential Value Implemented Solution and Business Objectives Potential Value and Solution Performance Measures Implemented Solution and Solution Performance Analysis Implemented Solution, Current State and Solution Analysis Performance Backlog Management Solution Recommen dation Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Solution Performance Measures Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Observation Data mining Solution performanc e Analysis Benchmarking and Market Analysis Enterprise Limitation Solution Limitation In-Scope and Out-of-Scope In-Scope Requirements In-Scope Requirements Func琀椀onal Requirements Menu Selec琀椀on 1) Employee will access Canteen Ordering System main page via URL 2) Employee should be able to view the day's menu without having to log in 3) To order, employee will have to log in with User selected ID and Password If employee has not set up a pro昀椀le, 'Ini琀椀al Registra琀椀on' sup-applica琀椀on will launch (see 4) Ini琀椀al Registra琀椀on sec琀椀on for detailed requirements) Web page will be ac琀椀ve un琀椀l 11:00AM - Message 'Ordering Time Expired' will appear in 5) Main Page - All customer logins will be blocked un琀椀l menu is updated System will perform security check against saved Password from ini琀椀al registra琀椀on or 6) updated Password If Password is Forgo琀琀en, system will ini琀椀alize 'Reset Password' Rou琀椀ne - (see Ini琀椀al 7) Registra琀椀on for detailed requirements) 8) When reaching main page, User will select items from Daily Menu 9) Menu will be separated into 'Snacks', 'Main Dishes', 'Drinks', 'Desserts' Page | 10 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 10) Menu will have Photograph, Descrip琀椀on and Price for each menu 11) Each item will have 'Like' icon next to the price 12) User will click on 'Like' Icon for each item selected and message 'Item in Tray' will appear Check-out 13) Main page will have Shopping Cart Icon on Upper right corner to Check-Out Shopping Cart will display a list of all item selected by the user along with ac琀椀vated 'Like' 14) icon 15) User will be able to click ac琀椀vated 'Like' icon to deac琀椀vate it and remove any item from tray 16) Message 'Item Removed from Tray' will appear 17) User will have the ability to 'Con琀椀nue Shopping' or 'Con昀椀rm Order' If 'Con昀椀rm Order' is pressed, message will appear that Customer will not be able to make 18) changes or Cancel the order Canteen will include applicable sales tax and display window with the list of items and Total 19) and total amount due to customer Payment 20) Payment will immediately be requested to Payroll If Payroll does not have a record of employee (i.e. employee le昀琀 company, terminated, new 21) employee) message will appear that Employee is not registered 22) Payment will be sent to Canteen and deducted from employee paycheck Ini琀椀al Registra琀椀on 23) First-琀椀me Customers will need to create a pro昀椀le in the system Customer will enter Employee ID, First Name, Last Name, Work Phone, Cell Phone 24) (op琀椀onal), work-email System will require customer create a unique password with standard rules - (1 or more Capital le琀琀er, 1 or more lower case le琀琀ers, 1 or more number [0-90] and 1 non25) alphanumeric character). Password should not be longer than 12 characters If customer forgets the password, ini琀椀al page should have 'Forgot Password' link that will send an automated email to reset the password. Customer pro昀椀le will be updated with new 26) password Canteen Manager Requirements Canteen Manager will have write-access to Menu for daily update. Canteen Manager will be able to add, update and delete items in the menu including photographs, descrip琀椀on and 27) price 28) Canteen Manager will have 'Administrator' capabili琀椀es for upda琀椀ng webpage 29) System will require Canteen Manager to enter Employee ID and unique password 30) Only one Administrator can be logged into the system at one 琀椀me. If more than one person is Canteen Manager (administrator) the system will display 31) message that another user is Administrator at this 琀椀me. System Administrator should be able to override and close out any account accidentally le昀琀 32) open Page | 11 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 System Requirements 33) Applica琀椀on will be wri琀琀en in Java for easy maintenance Canteen Manager will need a new server or standalone computer to track orders, data 34) storage and create reports System will auto-create daily reports to track sales, how many employees use the system, 35) access sa琀椀sfac琀椀on reports from customers and report on the most popular dishes Server will monitor in real-琀椀me all orders and send these to sta琀椀ons where the Canteen 36) Manager will be able to dispatch them to the Chefs 37) Delivery Agent will receive orders from Canteen Manager as these are completed 37) System will compile all daily informa琀椀on System will auto-create monthly reports to include monthly earnings and order forecas琀椀ng 38) based on what dishes are the most popular Out-of-Scope Requirements Out of Scope Requirements 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Breakfast items are not included in Canteen Ordering System Refund to Customers in the event an order is never received Electronic 'received' con昀椀rma琀椀on recording the 琀椀me of receipt of order Automated email to customer once order is complete Automated email to customer when order is received 6) Include sugges琀椀ons of what can be done be琀琀er in Feedback Real-琀椀me no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on of 'Order Status' in customer pro昀椀le (in 'My Orders' 7) sec琀椀on) 8) Delivery to any other place besides work sta琀椀on To streamline daily work, Canteen Manager should be able to update 9) menu for the en琀椀re week (i.e. upon closing of canteen on Friday) 10) Mobile text message op琀椀on when order is complete or received Op琀椀onal Inclusion of dietary preferences from Customer (i.e. vegan, low11) cal, gluten-free, etc.) 12) Op琀椀onal Inclusion of food allergies Inclusion of automated emails with the day's menu and sugges琀椀ons 13) (depending on dietary preferences) 14) Web Page must be accessible via mobile or Tablet device Value Customer will be be琀琀er served and overcrowding will be alleviated in Canteens Page | 12 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Employee will have more opportunity to order items they prefer Employee morale will improve due to an increase in quality of work life Company will spend less in Canteen maintenance due to reduced food waste and less manpower Increase employee produc琀椀vity by decreasing the 琀椀me it takes to get lunch. Functional & Non-Functional Requirements Functional Requirements Website will take lunch orders from employees un琀椀l 11:00AM Site must be user-friendly with reliable connec琀椀vity Site calculate bill with no cash transac琀椀on at the 琀椀me of purchase Website will have connec琀椀vity and collect funds from Payroll Site will track all order and deliver them in real-琀椀me to Canteen Management Site will compile all orders and perform analy琀椀cs for repor琀椀ng most popular dishes, total daily sales, total monthly sales and forecast future sales of dishes Website will have a Feedback page for customers Non-Functional Requirements Menu will be easy to read and categorize food by type Website should be able to serve all 1500 employees in the building Website shall increase employee work-life quality Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Risk Analysis and Management Risk Analysis and Management is an ongoing ac琀椀vity that allows the Business Analysist to iden琀椀fy areas of uncertainty that will nega琀椀vely afect value. Inherent opera琀椀on and system risks of implementa琀椀on of canteen so昀琀ware are highlighted below: Page | 13 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Page | 14 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Current State Process Diagram Page | 15 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Page | 16 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Future State Process Diagram Page | 17 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Prototyping Initial Landing Page Initial Customer Registration Page | 18 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Menu Selection Page Main Dish Selection (Sample) Page | 19 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|43016237 Check-Out Page Page | 20 Downloaded by Nimish Pawar (nimishpawar2@gmail.com)