Uploaded by Norbu Kezang


Samdrup Jongkhar Primary School
May 24
Element and Compound
Lesson No
GNH Values/ Life skills :( Mention the GNH values/life skills that you are going to inculcate in the students while teaching this topic)
GNH values (Click below to choose an item)
2. Conservation of environment (environmental
diversity & time use)
Ten core Life skills (Click below to choose an item)
Critical thinking Empathy
Teaching/Learning Materials:
Worksheet and Laptop
Teaching Strategies and skills (Mention/tick as and when used)
Teaching Strategies (Click below to choose an item)
11. Activity based method
Teaching skills (Click below to choose an item)
1. Giving direction and monitoring students’
Transformative Pedagogy (Mention/tick as and when used)
Cooperative Learning Structures (CLS)
Active Learning Strategies (ALS)
Mixed Pair share
Gallery walk
Stage 1- Desired Results
Establish Goals:
Standard 1 (Competency 1):
Classify common substances into elements and compounds based on their atomic composition to
understand their applications in daily life.
Learning outcomes (Objectives):
Explain atoms, elements, and compounds with examples.
Students will understand . . .
 Concept of atom, element and compound
Essential Questions:
How are atom, element and compound different?
Students will know. . .
Students will be able to. . .
Definition of atom, element and compound
Differentiate atom, element and compound
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Write the definition of the element and compound
Other Evidence:
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
 Complete the hometask
Stage 3- Learning Plan (mention time as per the need of each learning activities)
Learning Activities:
Teacher will greet the students and let them meditate for one minute.
Teacher will ask the students to reflect in group or pairs about the session in the previous
class. (Think-Pair-Share)
 What have you learnt in the previous class?
 What are the differences between atom, element and compound?
 What are the examples of element and compound.
2 mins
3 mins
Teacher will then inform them that they will continue with the same session with activities.
Facilitate a short activity for the students to promote discussion and students' understanding
about the atom, element and compound.
Classify the following into Elements and Compounds
Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen Oxide
When the students complete the task, teacher will show the correct classification on screen
and initiate discussion as whole class.
The students will watch the video from the link. Before they watch the teacher will project the
list of questions that they have to answer in follow up:
Based on the video, learners in groups discuss the following questions and present their
groups' answers to the class.
1. How can you classify substances into elements and compounds?
2. Classify the following substances into elements and compounds and give reason:
 Nitrogen (N)
 Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
 Iron (Fe)
 Glucose (C6H12O6)
3. Explain elements and compounds with two examples each.
5 mins
4. There are two different substances in the laboratory. Their formulas are labelled as X2Y
and Y. Identify the element and compound and give a reason.
Then the students will watch the video from the link below:
The activity will be a group task. For the student who are little slow, the teacher will be
involved in differentiated concept teaching with the use of diagram. After the teacher’s
explanation, they will be provided with a worksheet as below:
What is atom?
What is element?
What is compound?
Classify Oxgyen and Water into element and compound.
Students will then discuss the question answer in whole class.
Teacher Information Input:
1. Atoms:
- An atom is the smallest unit of matter.
- Atoms are made up of three main particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
- Show an image
2. Elements:
- An element is a pure substance consisting of only one type of atom.
- The elements are listed on the periodic table and each has a unique symbol (e.g., H for
hydrogen, O for oxygen).
- Show the periodic table and point out a few common elements.
3. Compounds:
- A compound is a substance made up of two or more different types of atoms bonded
- Give examples of common compounds (e.g., water - H2O, carbon dioxide - CO2, table
salt - NaCl).
The teacher will initiate another activity to help develop concept
Draw a simple molecule of water and label the atoms.
The teacher will then close the lesson by asking them to produce an exit ticket:
Ask students to write one thing they learned about atoms, elements, and compounds on a
piece of paper and hand it in as they leave.
EXTEND: Students will be provided with homework, a link will be provided in google classroom to
attempt a live worksheet.
Name & Signature of Teacher
Name & Signature of HoD
Answer the following questions:
1. How can you classify substances into elements and compounds?
2. Classify the following substances into elements and compounds and give reason:
 Nitrogen (N)
 Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
 Iron (Fe)
 Glucose (C6H12O6)
3. Explain elements and compounds with two examples each.
4. There are two different substances in the laboratory. Their formulas are labelled as X2Y and
Y. Identify the element and compound and give a reason.
Answer the following questions:
1. How can you classify substances into elements and compounds?
2. Classify the following substances into elements and compounds and give reason:
 Nitrogen (N)
 Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
 Iron (Fe)
 Glucose (C6H12O6)
3. Explain elements and compounds with two examples each.
4. There are two different substances in the laboratory. Their formulas are labelled as X2Y and
Y. Identify the element and compound and give a reason.
Answer the following questions:
3. How can you classify substances into elements and compounds?
4. Classify the following substances into elements and compounds and give reason:
 Nitrogen (N)
 Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
 Iron (Fe)
 Glucose (C6H12O6)
3. Explain elements and compounds with two examples each.
4. There are two different substances in the laboratory. Their formulas are labelled as X2Y and
Y. Identify the element and compound and give a reason.
Answer these questions:
What is an atom?
Name the atoms present in water and carbon dioxide.
Why is the atom the smallest particle of an element?
Explain compounds and molecules?
Answer these questions:
What is an atom?
Name the atoms present in water and carbon dioxide.
Why is the atom the smallest particle of an element?
Explain compounds and molecules?
Answer these questions:
1. What is atom?
2. What is element?
3. What is compound?
Answer these questions:
1. What is atom?
2. What is element?
3. What is compound?
Answer these questions:
1. What is atom?
2. What is element?
3. What is compound?
Answer these questions:
1. What is atom?
2. What is element?
3. What is compound?
Answer these questions:
1. What is atom?
2. What is element?
3. What is compound?
Answer these questions:
1. What is atom?
2. What is element?
3. What is compound?