Uploaded by Charles Peter

Leaf Surface Area Lab Report

The 5 leaves used in the Lab Report.
Question 1:
Use the ruler to take measurements of the same five (5) leaves
from the same plant and use the following equation to calculate the surface area
of the individual five leaves and then finally calculate the average surface
area of the five leaves.
Question 2: Take any one of the five (5) leaves and measure the surface
area using the LabBench method.
Answer 2:
Question 3: Collect (from the internet) one leaf and animal of the
specific plant and animal species. Attach them that you have collected.
Then write down its common and scientific name below the attached
leaf and animal.
Write down five characteristics/interesting features (from the internet) of that
animal and leaf.
Answer 3:
Scientific name: Tithonia Diversifolia
Common name: Mexican Sunflower
5 characteristics or facts:
1. Can grow more than 6 feet
2. Native to Mexico and Central
3. Belongs to kingdom of plantae
4. Can be used as organic fertiliser
5. It is like a weed and can grow
Scientific name: Panthera Tigris
Common name: Tiger
5 interesting facts or characteristics:
1. Has a lifespan of 16-18 years
2. It is from the family Felidae
3. One of nature’s most agile predators
4. They can use their ears to communicate
5. They are ambush hunters and can locate each other by the sense of smell