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Religious education pamphlet

Kitwe District Education Board will like to express profound gratitude to the following
members of staff who took part in the compilation of the R.E 2046 Booklet.
This committee prepared the questions and answers for grade 10,11,12 R.E 2046 to
enable the learners revise for examinations and improve the results in the district most
model questions have been taken from the past years papers and marking schemes,
since most of the members are markers . Therefore, any omission in the acknowledge of
the same of information, may be deemed that the copyright permission did not apply.
The board secretary wishes to thank the Head teachers of the following schools,
Chimwemwe, Mindolo, Hellen Kaunda, and Valley View, Nkana And Kitwe BOYS for
their financial and moral support rendered to the committee member
Special thanks to the chairperson who co-ordinate the work. We are indebted to
Ndatoya Nason and Christine Kaimbi who spent many hours typing the manuscripts
and summarizing the contents. The board also acknowledges the co-ordination.
Last the committee is grateful to the District Education secretary ALLAN KAOMA for
the initiative and making this project succeed.
Recommendations in improvement in future Edition will be most welcome.
Best wishes in your studies
District Education Board Secretary
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R.E 2046/1
This part comes as section A in the final Examination.
The booklet will cover all the areas under this section in question and answer
form. However, bible passage will only be listed to save on the volume of the
booklet. Nevertheless, sample will be given of a full answered question as a guide
on how to go about it.
The Birth and infancy of John the Baptism and Jesus.
Birth traditions and customs.
What is a custom? A custom is simply an activity, a rule or ceremony done
by a particular group of people as part of the way of life.
What is a tradition?
Traditions are customs, beliefs, opinions and practices that are passed on
from generation to the next e.g, Traditions and customs about naming and
protection of the baby at birth.
What traditions and customs are associated with naming of a baby?
Naming can either be done before or after birth.
Choice of name may depend on circumstances at birth, e.g hunger/famine
(Nzala in Tonga) a loved child by the parents in Ngoni (Chikondi) etc.
The baby is named after the umbilical has fallen off.
Names may be named after a living relative or ancestor.
List some of the traditions and customs done with regards to protection of
the baby.
Mother and child must be secluded for a period of time.
Both husband and wife are not allowed to have a sexual relationship for a
period of time.
Roots, Charms and other traditional medicines are used to protect the
baby, sacrifices of beer or food and prayers are offered to the ancestor spirits.
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1.2. State the importance/significance of the Birth Traditions and
They show an appreciation of new life.
It is the identity of the child and continuity of life.
It shows the usefulness of the child to community.
2.0. The Birth of John the Baptist.
2.1. Bible Text: Luke 1:5-24: Announcement to Zachariah.
Luke 1: 57-66: Naming of John the Baptist.
2.2. How was the birth of John special and important?
His birth was foretold (mentioned long before his birth).
It removed the shame that comes with childlessness from Elizabeth
(barrenness was blamed on the woman in those days).
His parents where beyond child bearing and very old.
Zachariah prayed for a son and the birth of John was an answer to his
Both Zachariah and Elizabeth were descendants from priestly families and
upright before God.
2.3. What customs and traditions applied to Nazareth children at Birth?
Not to drinking alcohol
No going near or touching any dead body.
No cutting his hair.
2.4. State the purpose of John’s life and ministry.
To be the forerunner of the Messiah.
To be the spiritual Elijah-performing tasks through the holy spirit like
To be the healer of discord-converting many who rebelled against right
To prepare the nation for the coming Messiah.
2.5. How was the birth of John the Baptist a fulfillment of the Old
Testament prophecy?
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He was the forerunner of the Messiah.
He was the healer of discord.
He prepared the way for the coming Messiah
3.0. Announcement of the Birth of Jesus.
Bible text: Luke 1:26-36 – The announcement of the birth of Jesus to,
Matthew 1: 18-25: announcement to Joseph.
Luke 1:39-45: Mary’s visit to Elizabeth.
Luke 2:1-7: The birth of Jesus.
Luke 2:8-20: announcement to the Shepherd.
Matthew 2:1-18: Visit of the wise men/flight to Egypt.
Luke 2:21-39: Jesus in the Temple as a Baby.
Luke 2:41-52: Jesus at Twelve years.
3.1. Give four titles of Jesus and how they show the purpose of his coming.
The name Jesus means Savior of the people from their sins.
Messiah (the Christ) meaning anointed one.
Son of David meaning born of David’s lineage (to be King of people’s lives
or heart).
Son of the most high showing his deity (the son of God and God the son).
What was the purpose of the Messianic Kingdom? Give three points.
Not conquest but salvation.
Not deliverance from the Romans, but from sin.
Not an early monarch, but a spiritual one.
3.3. State each gift that the wise men presented and its meaning.
Gold- to show Jesus Kingship.
Frankincense- to represent His Deity.
Monarch – to represent His coming suffering.
3.4. How was the birth of Jesus a fulfillment of the Old Testament
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To be born of David’s family (Isaiah 9:6-7) and He was born from the line
of David (Mt. 1:1).
To be born of a Virgin (Isaiah 7:14). He was born of the Virgin Mary (Mt.
To be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). He was born in Bethlehem (Luke.
He would live in Egypt and called out; He lived in Egypt and was called
He would live in Nazareth; He lived in Nazareth (Mt. 2:28).
Bethlehem’s children would be killed Herod had Bethlehem children
3.5. (a) Name the three main ceremonies performed by Jewish parents
after the birth of a first born son;
(b) Write brief notes on each ceremony.
Circumcision – Took place when the child was eight (8) days old. A name
was also given was a sign of the covenant or agreement between God and the
Jews. Genesis 17:9-14.
Dedication –The second ceremony, performed at the age of one month.
Every first born male Jewish child was presented to God in the Temple for
dedication and bought back or redeemed by the payment of five shekels
(Numbers 18:15).
Purification: This was the third ceremony, which involved the purification
of the Mother. It was done forty (40) days after the birth of a male child.
3.6. (a) How does God direct human lives? The case of John the Baptist
and Jesus Christ to their parents. We learn the following;
God has an appointed time to fulfill His purpose.
God uses human beings to fulfill His purpose.
He chooses specific tasks, ie. Joseph and Mary, Zachariah and Elizabeth.
Sometimes they are ordinary people with special training or instruction.
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(b) Why did God choose to use Zechariah and Elizabeth; Joseph and
Their way of life pleased God.
They were willing and available to fulfill God’s purpose (Mary/Elizabeth).
They were expecting the Messiah.
They were instructed in a supernatural way to use their natural desires.
(c) Mention three ways in which God directs lives of Christians Today.
He has a specific plan and purpose today for every life.
He does not force the plan on us. We have the freedom of choice.
In most cases, the choice between right and wrong is clear-He never guides
us against His will.
(d) State ways in which God makes His wishes known to us,
Through His word (the Bible).
Through the inner inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Through circumstances in life.
Through advice of their friends.
Through peace of mind in decision making.
Through making themselves available to Him.
Through the freedom to choose God’s plan as it is stated in the Bible.
viii. Through the discovery of what you can be best-you’re God given talent to
be used under God’s direction.
(e) A friend of yours says he/she does not know how to respond to God’s
direction. Give him/her Christian advice on how Christians can respond to God’s
direction. Give four points,
Making themselves available to Him.
Asking God daily to guide them in their decision and circumstances.
Accepting His guidance.
Complete obedience to God.
NB: You should realize that the topic “How God directs human lives” and “How
Christians can identify and respond to God’s direction” have similar answers.
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3.7. 1. In what ways are the teachings of Christians on God’s direction to
human lives similar to those of Islam.
Both consult the Holy scriptures for guidance
Both believe that whatever happens is the will of God.
b. Hindus vs Christianity
i. Both believe that strict conduct is expected to live according to God’s plan.
ii. Both consult Holy Scriptures for guidance.
3.7.2. Differentiate Christian teaching on “How God Direct human lives” to those
of (a) Islam.
Christians: God’s messages are recorded in the Bible through inspired
Muslims: Allah’s messages are recorded in the Quran through Prophet
Muhammad from angel Gabriel.
Christians: Apart from the Bible, God has other means to guide Christians.
Muslims: The only basis for guidance is the Quran.
b. Hindus
Christians: God directs Christian through the Bible.
Hindus: One is born in a particular caste (classification).
Christians: God directs Hindus through daily surrendering of all decisions
include birth, marriage and death.
LUKE 1:57-66
Now the time came for Elizabeth to be delivered and she gave birth to a
And her neighbours and kinsfolk heard that the Lord had shown great
mercy to her and they rejoiced with her.
And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child.
And they would have named him Zachariah after his father.
But his mother said, “Not so, he shall be called John.”
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And they said to her, none of your kindled is called by his name.
And they made signs to him father, inquiring what he would have called
And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote.
His name is John.
And they all marveled.
And immediately his mouth was opened.
And his tongue loosed, and he spoke, blessing god.
And fear came on all their neighbours.
And all these things were talked about through the hill country of Judea.
And all who heard them laid them in their hearts.
“What then is this child going to be?”
For the Lord’s hand was with him.
(b). Give three significant points on the purpose of John the Baptist’s life
and ministry.
He would be the fore-runner of the messiah.
He would be a spiritual Elijah, performing his tasks in the power of the
Holy Spirit as Elijah had done.
He would be a healer of discord and would convert many who were
rebellious to right living.
He would prepare the nation for the coming Messiah.
(c). (i) Vitumbiko has just given birth to a baby boy. She and her husband plan
to have the child dedicated to God in church. Her husband’s grandfather objects
and insists to tattoo the baby and put emulates containing special charms
around the boy’s neck and waist. State two reasons that her husband’s
grandfather would give to support his position and state one Christian argument
against the practice.
(ii). Argument in favour of the practice
Protect the child against evil Spirits.
Protect the child from witchcraft by witches.
Protect the child against diseases.
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(b)(i). Christian Argument
Protection lies in the hands of God.
God is the answer in every situation for a Christian.
(ii) Explain how John the Baptist’s instruction about right behavior could be
applied in modern Zambian society. Give three points.
People in authority:
Not taking advantage of their positions.
Not expecting extra benefits or special treatment.
Not accepting bribes.
Working honestly to benefit others.
Ordinary people in secular work
Working hard.
Not wasting employer’s time.
Being honest and truthful.
Being punctual.
Not accepting bribes.
Religious and church leaders
Living by example.
Having a good reputation.
Being honest.
Being truthful.
Being upright.
Contrast the teachings of Christianity with regard to the religious duty
and family loyalty with those of Zambian Traditional Religion. Give two points.
Christian: it is essential to obey God, if he is to grow as a Christian.
ZTR: The individual does not and cannot exist alone, he owes his existence
To other people.
Christian: He may disobey the parent if it is against the Christian teaching
e.g, wants to marry in church.
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ZTR: He is part of the whole family, and should not question tradition.
There was in the days of Herod the king of Judea a certain priest named
Zachariah of the division of Abijah.
His wife was the daughter of Aaron and her name was Elizabeth.
And they were both righteous before god, walking in all commandments
and ordinances of the Lord, they were blameless.
But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren and they were both
well advanced in years.
So it was that while Zachariah was serving as priest before God in order of
his division, according to the custom of the priesthood.
His lot fell on him to burn incense when he was in the temple of God.
The whole multitude of there people was praying outside the temple.
Then, the angel of the Lord appeared to him studying on the right side of
the altar where the incense was being burnt.
And Zachariah saw him, he was troubled and fear fell upon him.
But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid for your prayer is heard.”
Your wife Elizabeth will beer a son and you shall call his name John.
And you shall have joy and gladness and many will rejoice with you at his
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord.
He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb.
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord.
And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.
He will also go before him in the Spirit and power of Elijah to turn the
hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the
just and to make a people prepared for the Lord.”
And Zachariah said to the Angel, “How shall I know this for I am an old
man and my wife is well advanced in years.”
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And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel who stands in the
presence to God and was sent to speak to you and bring good tidings.
But behold you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these
things take place because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in
their own time, marveled that he lingered so long in the temple.
But when he came out, he could not speak to them and they perceived
that he had seen a vision in the temple for he gave signs to them and remained
So it was soon as the days of his service were completed, that he departed
to his own house.
Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived and she hide herself for
fine monthly.
Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste,
to a city of Judah.
And entered the house of Zachariah and greeting of Mary that the baby
leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said “Blessed is the fruit of your
“But why this is granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to
For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the
baby leaped in my womb for joy.
Blessed is she who believes for them will be a fulfillment of those which
were told from the Lord.”
State three reasons why God chose to use Mary and Elizabeth to
fulfill his purposes.
They were upright before God.
They were expecting the Messiah.
Their way of life pleased God.
They were willing and available to fulfill God’s purpose.
They were instructed in a supernatural way to use their natural desires.
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(i) A friend of yours who is a pastor says to you, “I have been asked by
Our church to go and start a new church but I am afraid to go to a place I don’t
know and I am planning to refuse.” What Christian advice can you give to your
friend on how God makes his wishes known to people. Give three points.
Through His word the Bible.
The advice from friends.
Circumstances in one’s life.
Through the inner inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Peace of mind in decision making.
(i) How do people in modern Zambian society make right decisions for the right
directions? State three points.
Surrendering daily to God in prayer.
Making themselves available.
Living in obedience to God.
As in Q ‘I’ d.
(a) Tell the story of the visit of the wise men
Matthew 2:1-12
Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea during the time when
Herod was king.
Soon afterwards, some men who studied the stars came from the East of
Jerusalem and said.
“Where is the baby to be born king of the Jews?
We saw his star when it came up in the East and we have come to worship
When king Herod heard this, he was upset.
And so was everyone else in Jerusalem.
He called together all the chief priests and the Teachers of the Law and
asked them.
“Where will the Messiah be born?”
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“In the town of Bethlehem in Judea, “they answered.
“For this is what the prophet wrote,”
“Bethlehem in the land of Judah.
You are by no means the least of the leading cities of Judah.
For from you will come a leader.
Who will guide my people, Israel?
Herod called the visitors from the East to a secret meeting and found out
from them the exact time the star.
(a) Relate the story of the announcements of the birth of Jesus to the
shepherd Luke 2:8-20
There were shepherds living out in the fields nearby.
Keeping watch over their flocks at night.
An angel of the Lord appeared to them.
And the glory of the Lord shone around them and,
They were terrified.
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of
great joy that will be for all people.
Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you;
He is Christ the Lord.
This will be a sign to you;
You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manager.”
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel,
praising God saying,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his
favour rests.”
When the angel had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to
one another,
“Let’s got to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the
Lord has told us about.”
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So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was
lying in a manager.
When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been
told them about this child.
And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they
had heard and seen which were just as they had been told.
(b) - Show how the birth of Jesus was a fulfillment of the Old Testament
Prophecy. Give three points.
He would be born of a Virgin.
He would be born from David’s family.
He would possess the Spirit of God himself.
He would live in Egypt and called out from there.
He would be born in Bethlehem.
His coming will cause the killing of Bethlehem’s children.
He would bring up in Nazareth.
(c) (i) A Christian friend of yours is chosen to go and do church work. He
refuses saying, “I am very busy and after all church work is not
rewarding what Christian advice would you give to your friend on how
a Christian should respond to God’s direction? Give three points.
Should surrender to God’s will.
Should make himself available to God.
Should obey God willingly.
Should accept God’s will and direction in his life.
Should remain faithful to God.
Should ask God daily for guidance.
Praying to God for guidance.
(d) In what ways are the teachings of Christians on God directing human lives
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different from those of Hindus. Give two points.
(i) Christian: Guided through the Holy Bible
Hindus: Follow the writing of the Vedas.
(ii) Christian: God guides Christians through the inner witness of the Holy
Spirit, Godly counsel and circumstances.
Hindus: God directs through life cycles, which include birth, marriage,
Worship and death.
2 (a) Relate the story of the announcement of the birth of Jesus to Mary
Luke 1:26-36
In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth a town in
To a virgin pledged to be married to man named Joseph descendant of
The Virgin’s name was Mary.
The angel went to her and said, “Greetings to you who are highly favoured.
The Lord is with you.”
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting
this might be.
But angel said to her, “Do not be afraid Mary, you have found favour with
You will become pregnant and give birth to a son and you will name him
He will be great and will be called the son of the most High God.
The lord will give him the throne of His Father David, and he will reign
over the house of Jacob forever and His Kingdom will never end.”
“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
The angel answered and said, “The power of the most high over shadow
Even Elizabeth, your relatives is going to have a child in her old age.
And she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month pregnant.
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For nothing is impossible with God.”
“I am the Lord’s servant” Mary answered, “may it be to me as you have
Then the angel departed from her.
(b) Give three points of how the birth of Jesus was a fulfillment of the old
testament prophecy.
Answer as in Q,1,b and 2, b.
(c) (i) Kondwani does not understand why gifts have to be given to new born
Babies and wonders whether that is a custom. Give Kondwani three
points on the value of a child’s birth traditions and customs a Zambian
Appreciation of new life.
Identify of a child and continuity of life.
Usefulness of the child to the community.
(ii) How do people in Zambian modern society show appreciation for new life?
Give two points.
Calls for a joyful celebration.
Friends and relatives bring gifts to the baby or mother or to both baby and
the mother.
(d) In what ways are the teachings of Christianity on family loyalty similar to
those of Zambian Tradition Religion. Give two points.
4 (a) Relate the story of the announcement of Jesus forth-coming birth to
Joseph. Matthew 1:18-25
Now the birth of Jesus was as follow;
After his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they come together,
she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.
The husband being a just man and not wanting to disgrace her publicly
was planning to divorce her secretly.
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But while he thought about these things, behold an angel of the Lord
appeared to him in a dream saying:
“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife for
that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit and she shall bring forth a
son and you shall call his name Jesus for He will save his people from their sins.”
So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through
the prophet, saying,
“Behold the virgin shall be pregnant and beer a son and they shall name
him Emmanuel which is translated “God with us.”
Then Joseph being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord
commanded and took to him his wife.
And did not know her till she brought forth her first born son.
And he called his name Jesus.
(b) When Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant, what ways were open to
him in dealing with such a case? Give two points.
He could privately give her a certificate of divorce before witnesses without
giving a reason.
He could openly summon her to the court to be condemned and punished.
(c) (i) “The only thing I know is that Jesus is long awaited messiah.” Says
Vitumbiko. State three Christian purposes of the messianic kingdom you
would give to Vitumbiko.
Not conquest but salvation.
Not an earthly monarch, but a spiritual one.
Not deliverance from Romans but from sin.
(ii) Mention the titles given to Jesus and their meaning that are used in modern
Zambian society. Give three points.
Jesus –Saviour of people from their sins.
Messiah or Christ- The anointed one, to anoint His people into His spiritual
Son of David – Born from king David’s ancestry; to be king of people’s lives
or hearts.
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Son of the most High- The son of God and God the son.
(d) Contrast the teachings of Christianity on God directing human lives with
those of Islam. Give two points.
(i) Christianity: God uses not only the Bible but also other means to guide them
Muslims: The Qur’an is the only basis for guidance.
Christianity: The Bible written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Muslims: God’s messages dictated through the angel Gabriel to Muhammad
are recorded in the Qur’an.
(5) (a) Relate the story of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple as a baby
Luke 2:21-39.
On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, He was named
Jesus the name the angel had given him before He had been conceived.
When it was time of their purification according to the Law of Moses,
Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord as it is written
in the law of the Lord, “Every first born male is to be consecrated to the Lord.”
And to offer a sacrifice keeping with what is said in the law of the Lord, “it
pair of doves or two young pigeons.”
Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and
He was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was upon
It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before
he had seen the Lord Jesus Christ.
Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts.
When the parents brought in the child Jesus to him for him to perform
what the custom of the Law required;
Simeon took him in his arms and praised God saying.
Sovereign Lord, as you have promised you now dismiss your servant in
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For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight
of all people.
A light for revelation to the gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.
The child’s mother and father were surprised at what was said about him.
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother.
“This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel and
to be a sign that will be spoken against;
So that the thoughts of Mary hearts will be revealed;
And your sword will pierce your own soul too.”
There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of
She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her
marriage, and then was a widow until she was eight four.
She never left the temple but worshipped night and day, fasting and
Coming up to the altar that very moment,
She gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking
forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.
When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the Law of the
Lord they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth.
(b) State three ceremonies which Jewish parents carried out after the birth of
the first born male child.
Circumcision and naming ceremony at eight days old.
Dedication/presentation ceremony at one month old.
Purification of the mother – forth days after giving birth.
(c) (i) Chindikani says to you, “I have never heard of a Christian who has been
By God to fulfill his purposes.” State three points of Christian advice you
would give to Chindikani with regard to what type of Christians God uses
to fulfill his purposes.
People whose way of life pleases God.
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People who are full of the Holy Spirit.
People who are obedient to Him,
People who are willing to be used and are available.
People who are expecting the Messiah.
(ii) How do people modern Zambian society protect the new born child? Give
three points.
Both wife and husband are not allowed to have sexual relationship for a
period of time.
Both mother and baby are secluded for a period of time.
Roots, charms and other traditional medicines are used to protect the baby
from disease and witchcraft.
Sacrifices of beer or food, and prayers are offered to the ancestral spirits.
(d) In what ways are the teachings of Christianity on loyalty and religious
duty similar to those of Zambian Traditional Religion? Give two points.
6. (a) Relate the story of Joseph and Mary’s flight to Egypt and their return
to Nazareth.
Now when they had departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to
Joseph in a dream saying, “Arise take the young child and the mother;”
Flee to Egypt and stay there until I bring to you word;
For Herod will seek the child to destroy him.
When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night and
departed for Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet saying out of Egypt
I called my son.
Then, Herod when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men he was
exceedingly sent forth a command to put to death all male children who were in
Bethlehem in all its districts from two years old according to the time which he
had determined from the wise men.
Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet saying;
“A voice was heard in Ramah lamentation weeping and great mourning;
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Rachael weeping for her children refusing to be comforted because they
are no more.
Now when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in a
dream to Joseph in Egypt.
Saying “Arise, take the young child and his mother, go to the Land of Israel
for those who sought the young child’s life are dead,”
Then he arose took the young child and his mother and came into the
Land of Israel.
But when he heard that Archelaus was reign over Judea instead of his
father Herod, he was afraid to go there.
And being warned by God in a dream he turned aside into the religion of
(b) Mention the two titles of Jesus as given in the nativity stories about the
announcement of his births and explain how each one shows the purpose
of his coming.
Jesus – meaning Saviour of the people from their sins.
Messiah or Christ – meaning the anointed.
Son of the most high – meaning the son of God and God the sun.
(c) (i) A female teacher teaching in a remote area runs away from her school
because of witchcraft in that area. A year later, the area is cleansed of the
witchcraft practices but this female teacher refuse to go back to teach as
to teach. State two point of Christian advice as to why she must go back
and one argument she would give for not going back.
(ii) Christian Advice
God has a specific plan and purpose for her life which He wants to fulfill
God gives freedom of choice He does not force his will and purpose on
(i) Name the customs and Traditions that are done in modern Zambian society
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after the birth of a child. Give two points.
Choosing and naming of the baby.
Protection of the baby.
(d) As in Q1 (d)
2.0. Speaking against Sin and Evil.
2.1.(a) Define sin, what is sin? ‘Sin’ is expressed as “failing to reach God’s
required standard,” or “rebellion against God.”
(b) What is Evil? ‘Evil’ is something bad or wrong that can be done to a person,
or something not acceptable by both God and man.
2.2. What is the result of both sin and evil? Give one point.
(i) Leads to “Conflict,” which descript the love and peace between God and Man.
2.3. State some of the common evils in the world today.
(i) Bribery (ii) Exploitation (iii) Corrupt (iv) Prostitution (v) Discrimination; e.g
on the basis of sex, race and religion.
2.4. List some of the organizations which fight Sin and Evil.
(i) The United Nations Human Right commission (UNHRC).
(ii) Zambia civic Association
(iii) Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia.
(iv) Zambia Episcopal conference.
(v) Ant-corruption commission, etc
2.5 (a) The message of John the Baptist. Read Luke 3:1-20
(b) What groups of people did John the Baptist speak to and what was the
message to these groups?
(i) Religious Leaders: He rebuked them by saying, “You brood of vipers, who
warned you to flee from the wrath to come? “He told them the importance of
(ii) Tax Collectors: “Collect no more than is appointed for you.”
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(iii) Soldiers: Rob none by violence or false accusations and be content with your
c. The following was his massage and work: Matthew 3: 1-12; Mark 1:1-8
To prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
He fearlessly commanded all men to repent, no matter who they were.
He told the people to be baptized as a sign of their repentance.
He baptized as a sign of their repentance.
He baptized people whose lives shared true repentance.
He told the crowds to be unselfish and be willing to share with others.
He told the tax collectors to honest in their work.
He told the soldiers to be content with their pay, and not to rob anyone by
violence or through false accusation.
He denounced Herod Antipas (the Tetrarch) for his immoral living with his
brother’s wife.
NB: John the Baptist’s teaching emphasized repentance, change of behavior, and
the baptism of repentance.
2.6. What is Right Behavior? Right Behavior is simply the ability to follow the
accepted moral standards in society or community. For Christian Right Behavior
is what God expects of us.
2.7. How can the message of John the Baptist apply to people from different
sectors in Zambia today?
(a) People in Authority: Such as Government Officials, politicians, police officers
portray ‘right behavior’ by
Not taking advantage of their positions.
Not expecting extra benefits or special treatment.
Not accepting bribes.
Working honestly to benefit others.
(b) Ordinary people in secular work (e.g teachers, nurses) should,
Work hard.
Be honest and truthful.
Being punctual.
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Not accepting bribes.
Not wasting employer’s time.
c. Religious and church leaders should
Living by example
Having a good reputation.
Being honest.
Being truthful.
Being upright
d. Give the similarities between the work of John and that of Jesus.
- Both challenged people to repent.
- Both warned people about coming Judgment.
- Both Baptized people.
- Both encouraged people to bear fruits of true repentance.
e. Differentiate the work of John the Baptist to that of Jesus.
- John baptized with water while Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus could forgive people their sins while John could not.
2.8. How do people respond to religious and moral messages in Zambia Today?
- Some repent and change their behavior for better.
- Some turn a deaf ear and continue with their way of life.
- Others mock at those who teach moral or religious values.
Still others criticize the message.
2.9. (a) Apart from John the Baptist and Jesus, which other people suffered for
their beliefs?
- Martin Luther King: Shot during a match for equal rights.
- Mahatima Gandhi: Won independence for India through none violence.
- Nelson Mandela
- Simon Kampwepwe: Harry Nkumbula and Kenneth Kaunda-Political.
- Uganda Martyrs: Killed because of their faith e.g. Kizito, Charles Lwanga, and
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- William Tyndale: burnt for translating the Bible into English.
(b). Outline the five pillars of Islam.
(i) Kalima (creed) there is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet.
(ii) Prayer: This is done five times a day, where convenient, facing mecca.
(iii) Almsgiving: This ritual of giving of money to the poor.
(iv) Fasting: During the month of Ramadan, from sunrise to sunset.
(v) Pilgrimage: Every Muslim is directed to visit the Holy Place once in a life time.
c) What are the main principles of Hinduism – (Dharma)
(i) God: Created and controls the Universe: Omnipresent.
(ii) Prayer: The simplest way of knowing and finding God.
(iii) Reincarnation: The soil is immortal, when the body dies the soul enters
(iv) Karma: The law of action: What goes around comes around.
(v) Non-violence: Reverence (respect) for life is very important.
(d) Similar teachings between
(i) Christianity and Islam:
- Both believe the word of God is vital.
- Both believe and teach that there is one God.
- Both believe respect for prayer.
(ii) Zambian Tradition on call of repentance.
Both call for the offender to pay back what was stolen.
Both demand that the one who has offended ask for forgiveness.
(iii) Hinduism on their main message- Christians.
Both are tolerant i.e. non-violence- Both respect prayer.
Both regard God as a supreme being.
(e) Points of Differences
(i) Islam vs Christianity
- Christians: Charity work is not an obligation (i.e. a must).
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Islam: Alms giving are a must (an obligation).
Christians: Going to the Holy Place is not mandatory.
Islam: One must go to Mecca at least once in their life time.
(ii) ZTR vs Christians
Christianity: When people do wrong, God will not cause disaster to his
people, while.
ZTR Offerings are made to the Spirits at special places for ransom of sins.
Christians: people go to God for the forgiveness of their sins.
ZTR: God cannot be approached anyhow.
(iii) Hinduism – Christianity:
Christianity: At death, the soul goes to live with God.
Hinduism: Believe in reincarnation, one is reborn into another creature.
Christianity: Repentance leads to new life.
Hinduism: Good Karma leads to good life, performance of good deeds is
Mark 6:17-29
For Herod himself had sent and laid hold of John.
And bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his Brother Philip’s wife,
for he had married her.
Because John had said to Herod, “it is not lawful for you to have your
brother’s wife.”
Therefore, Herodias held it against him and wanted to kill him, but she
could not.”
For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he
protected him.
And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.
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Then an opportune day came when Herod on his birthday gave a feast for
his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee.
And when Herodias’ daughter herself came in and denied and pleased
Herod and those who sat with him.
The king said to the girl, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to
He also swore to her, “Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half my
So she went out and said to her mother, “what shall I ask?”
And she said, “The head of John the Baptist!”
Immediately she came in with haste so the king and asked, saying,” I want
you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter.”
And the king was exceedingly sorry, “yet, because of oaths and because of
those who sat with him, he did not want to refuse her.
Immediately, the king sent an executioner and commanded his head to be
And he went and beheaded him in prison,
Brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the girl.
And the girl gave it to her mother.
When his disciples heard of it, they came and took away his corpse and
laid it in a tomb.
(b). How was the work of Jesus different from that of John the Baptist. Give
two points
Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit, John baptized with water.
Jesus forgave peoples sins and healed them, John encouraged them to
Jesus casted out evil spirits, John encouraged people to repent.
(c). (i) “All leaders must be respected…!” shouted a politician at a public rally.
Give three Bible teachings on which leaders must be respected.
One who rules with righteousness and justice.
One who is not arrogant but humble.
A leader who is ready to suffer so as to sense others.
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One who is able to submit to the authority and will of God.
(ii) Name the organizations which fight sin and evil in modern Zambian society.
Give three points.
Religious organizations, e.g, Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia.
United Nations Human Rights Commission.
NGOs, e.g. Zambia civil Association.
(d). In what ways are the teachings of John the Baptist’s message similar to
those of Hinduism. Give two points.
Both religions talk about love for each other without hate or envy.
Both religions believe that God is merciful and he knows everything.
3.0. Zambian Initiation Practices and Their Significance.
3.1. (a) What is to initiate? ‘Initiate’ means to introduce or to begin: The
traditional ceremonies of initiation are called “rites of passage”.
(b) State the importance of initiation for Boys and Girls.
(i) It marks the start of adult life.
(ii) It prepares them for their adult roles in future.
(iii) It prepares boys and girls to become responsible wives and mothers and
lathers and husbands.
(iv) It trains them in skills, discipline, good morals and right attitudes, to help
them fulfill their respective roles.
3.2. Define Baptism:
To baptize means to ‘dip’ or ‘immerse’ someone into water so that they are
completely covered with the liquid.
Baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo”.
3.3. Why do some Christian faiths baptize “babies or infants?
To wash away the original sin that man is born with.
For the child to become a member of the parent’s church.
To impact internal life to the baby.
As a way of salvation.
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So that the child will grow up to fear God.
(b) What are the common methods of Baptism?
3.4. Why was Jesus Baptized? (Mt 3:12-17, Mt. 28:18-20).
To identify Himself with the people he came to save
To show his commitment to carrying on God’s purpose to win people for
the Kingdom.
To let the people of Israel know that he was the true son of God at his
baptism (Mt. 3:17).
3.5. What is the significance of Baptism in the New Testament?
It is a physical symbol to show that a person has become a follower of
Jesus Christ.
It is a picture of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We identify
ourselves with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ
we identify ourselves with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.
It shows a person’s complete obedience to the command of Christ (Mt.
People become members of the body of Christ (the church) through the
ritual of Baptism.
It makes people live in obedience to Christ’s teaching.
3.6. State the significance of circumcision in the Old Testament.
It marked admission to adult status in the tribe – an outward sign of
It was a sign of covenant between God and Abraham (Israel).
It was a mark of ownership and a reminder of the covenant between God
and Israel.
It was a guarantee or certificate of inheritance of God’s promises to
3.7. Religious similar and differences on Baptism/Admission practices.
(a) Christianity vs Hinduism
(b) In both, the admission practice is a sign of entering in a new way of life.
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Christianity: baptism is a sign of repentance and faith in Christ.
Hinduism: the admission practice is an outward sign of the inward reality.
(b) Christianity vs Islam
In both, they believe that inward expression of belief is more important
than outward.
Christianity: to become a Christian, one must express belief in Christ and
Biblical principles.
Islam: to become a Muslim, one must express belief in the Kalima (creed).
c) Christianity vs Z.T.R on admission practices
In both, initiation signifies a new start in life.
Both believe that initiation is an outward symbol of an inward reality.
Christianity: baptism shows repentance and conversion.
Z.T.R.: Initiation shows that one has entered into adult life.
(iv) Christianity: baptism identifies one with Christ in his death, burial, and
Z.T.R: Does not express dying with anyone.
Christianity: baptism shows association with the body of Christ (the
Z.T.R: Initiation shows association with elders.
(a) Narrate the Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch by Philip. (Acts 8:26-40).
An angel of the Lord said to Philip.
Get ready and go south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. (This
road is not used nowadays).
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So Philip got ready and went. Now an Ethiopian eunuch who was an
important official in charge of the treasury of the queen of Ethiopia was on his
way home.
He had been to Jerusalem to worship God and was going back home in his
As he rode along, he was reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
The Holy Spirit said to Philip, go over to that carriage and stay close to it.
Philip ran over and heard him reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
He asked him, do you understand what you are reading?
The official replied, how can I understand unless someone explains it to
And he invited Philip to climb up and sit next to him
- what he was reading was this: He was like a sheep that is taken to be
slaughtered, like a lamb that makes no sound when its wool is cut off. He did
not say a word.
He was humiliated, and justice was denied him. No one will be able to tell
about his descendants, because his life on earth has come to an end.
The official asked Philip, Tell me, of whom is the prophet saying this? Of
himself or of someone else?
Then Philip began to speak; starting from this passage of scripture, he told
him the Good News about Jesus.
As they traveled down the road, they came to a place where there was some
water, and the official said, “Here is some water, what is to keep me from being
The official ordered the carriage to stop, and both Philip and the official
went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.
When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip
away. The official did not see him again, but continued on his way full of joy.
Philip found himself in Azotus, he went on to Caesarea, and on the way
he preached the Good News in every town.
Any 10 points, ½ mark each=5 marks
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(b) According to the New Testament teaching, when should a person be
Baptized? Give two points.
When they show repentance.
When they show obedience.
When they show faith in Jesus.
(c) (i) Mrs Sheleni has a bouncy baby boy; her husband suggests that the
child should be baptized immediately. Give three reasons why some
Christian churches baptize babies.
To wash away the original sin.
For a child to become a member in the parents church.
So that the child will grow up to fear God.
To impart eternal life to the child.
A way of salvation.
(ii) What are some of the various methods of baptism practiced by Christian
churches in modern Zambian society? Give three points.
Immersion or dipping in water.
Pouring water.
Sprinkling water.
Jumping over fire.
(d) How is the way of admission practices in Christian teaching similar to that of
Zambian traditionalist? Give two points.
Both initiations signify a new start in life.
Both believe that initiation is an outward symbol of an inward reality.
2. (a) Relate the story of Jesus’ Baptism by John the Baptism.
Mathew 3:13-17
At that time Jesus arrived from Galilee.
And come to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.
But John tried to make him change his mind.
“I ought to be baptized by you,” John said, “and yet you have come to me!
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But Jesus answered him “let it be so for now.
For in this way we shall do all that God requires. “So John agreed.
As soon as Jesus was baptized, he came up out of the water.
Then heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God coming
down like a dove and lighting on him.
Then a voice said from heaven.
“This is my dear son, with whom I am pleased.
(b) There are many forms of baptism carried out by various churches. Mention
any two of these.
Sprinkling water
Pouring water
Immersion in water
(c) (i) Chaminuka has been a Christian for a long time. However, she has not
undergone water baptism. One day she says to you, I do not see the importance
of water baptism. As a mature Christian, state three points you would give
Chaminuka on the importance of baptism.
I identifying with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.
It’s done in obedience to Christ.
It’s a command from Christ.
It is an outward sign that repentance and forgiveness have already taken
It is a public sign to give encouragement to live right for Christ.
Association with the body of Christ.
(i) Why are initiation rites for both boys and girls important in modern Zambian
society? State three points.
Mark of becoming an adult.
Prepare them for their adulthood roles.
Are trained to be responsible members of the community.
Are trained in skills and right attitudes in society.
In what ways are the purposes of Christian baptism similar to the Zambian
Tradition initiation practices? State two points.
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In both it show
That one has passed from one stage of life to the other.
Publicly that one has entered a new way of life.
An outward symbol; of an inward reality.
That one’s ready to take an adulthood responsibility.
Relate, narrate, Give an account, and explain the following Bible passages;
Luke 4:1-13- Jesus’ Temptation after baptism.
Genesis 22:1-13- God Testing Abraham.
Job 1:6-22- suffering of Job.
Luke 19:28-40- The Triumphant Entry
Luke 22:54, 62- Peter denying Jesus.
Genesis 3:1-13- Temptation of Adam and Eve.
2 Samuel 11:1-5- David’s Temptation.
4.1. Some Definitions of Temptation:
Temptation is the attempt to make someone disobey God.
To be tempted is to be faced with the seeming attractiveness of sin, and to
be in danger of being drawn into it (1 Corinthians 10:12).
Temptation forces us to decide for or against God; Satan uses temptation
to try to separate us from God. (e.g Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:1-19).
God never tempts anyone, He cannot be changed with the responsibility of
our sin, (James 1:13).
Satan, the ruler of this dark world is the temper.
4.2 (a) What is Testing?
Testing is a situation in which God tries our faith and obedience to Him.
Testing helps to build Christian character, (James 1:2-3).
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(b) Differentiate between Temptation and Testing:
When God is involved, this is a time of testing, rather than temptation e.g,
Abraham and Job were tested by God.
4.3. Why does God test Christians like in the case of Abraham and Job?
To prove the quality or strength of their faith
To prove their love and obedience.
To build Christian character.
4.4. What is sin? The word “sin” means “failure” to reach God’s standard.
It is the “breaking or transgression of the law.” It causes a break in the
relationship between God and man, or between together means.
4.5. In what ways does Temptations come to people?
Our desires: sexual and other physical or emotional desires can be
channels of temptation (Gen. 3:6).
Through our weakness: Satan exploits situation of physical or emotional
weakness (Mark 14:38).
Through pride of position: King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was punished
because of pride (Daniel 4:30-37).
Through poverty and prosperity: Poverty may lead to stealing. Prosperity
may lead to pride and forgetting God (Proverbs 30:8-9).
Through friends: Friends may mislead us as to God’s will, and thus cause
us to Miss God’s direction.
Through Trying to help others: we should take care when try to help other
people so that we do not fail into the same temptation.
Through Circumstances: Christians should avoid situations or places
which would make it easy for them to be tempted. (Psalms 1:1).
4.6. Which people in the Bible experienced Temptation?
King David: he looked at a woman bathing: Failed to control himself (2
Samuel 11:1-5).
Daniels three friends: refused to worship the King’s idol (Daniel 3:4-18).
The Apostle Peter: Through fear denied Jesus three times. He trusted in
his own strength to overcome temptation.
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4.7. Apart from the temptation in the desert after His baptism, what other
occasions was Jesus Tempted?
(i) After feeding the five thousand: The crowed wanted Him to become King.
(ii) When He was asked to prove His Messiah ship: They asked Him to perform a
sign to prove His Messiah ship (Luke 11:29-33).
When Peter tried to prevent Jesus’ death (Mt 16:21-23).
During His Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-49).
In the Garden of Gethsemane: To avoid the terrible suffering of separation
from God.
On the Cross: To save Himself from the cross (Luke 23:35-36).
(b) How did Jesus show His will to the fathers’ will each time He was
(i) His mission was not to compel obedience, but to change the hearts of
Men; Evil must be overcome in men’s lives.
(ii) His Kingdom must be built on love, not force.
Sin could only be dealt with through His sufferings and death.
By overcoming these temptations, the Lord Jesus proved that He was God
the Son- perfect in every way.
Jesus knew the Old Testament scripture to be God’s word. Each time
Satan tempted Him, He defeated Satan by quoting the scriptures.
c) List some of the common Temptations faced by Christians in Zambia.
Abuse of power
Idolatry and divination
Immorality (Adultery)
d) How can Christians overcome Temptations?
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By following Jesus’ example. The fact that Jesus was tempted and
overcome gives hope
Through prayer (Heb 4:15-16).
Using God’s word: like Jesus we must quote or speak the word of God.
Resist temptation: Resist the evil suggestions firmly (James 4:7).
Submit to God and obey Him (John 13:37-38).
Move away from place of temptation: Run away from place of temptation.
When we are overcome, we must quickly repeat of our deed and ask God’s
forgiveness, (Colossians 1:12-13).
4.8. Religious Comparison on Temptation.
Similar teachings between Christianity and Hinduism
In both, lust and greed are temptations.
In both, getting rich dubiously is sinful.
In both, a reminder on lust is that physical attraction only temporal.
Christians: There are many areas of temptation in one’s life.
Hindus: lust and greed are the two main temptations.
Christians: Temptation of lust is resisted by turning to God for power and
Hindus: Temptation of lust is resisted by thinking of all women as sister and
(b) Similar teachings between Christianity and Islam with regards to Temptation.
In both, it is a sin to associate God’s qualities with any person.
In both, it is sin to believe in other gods than the one and only God.
In both, it is not the act of adultery but the thoughts of committing
adultery and sinful.
Differences between Christianity and Islam with regards to Temptations.
Christians: Obey God out of love
Muslims: obey God out of fear of Judgment day.
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NB: This topic does not include teaching from Zambian Traditional
Religion. Therefore, the examiner will not ask for any prints of similarities
or differences with regards to temptation in ZTR.
Relate the temptations of King David.
(i) Why did David’s temptation become sin?
(ii) State any two ways temptation may come to Christians.
(i) Seke says, “ I could not resist the temptations of beer drinking since it
come in a very strong way” state three points of Christian advice you would give
Seke on how a Christian
(ii) State three temptations that Christians in Zambia today face.
In what ways are Christian teachings similar to those of Muslim ideas
about temptation?
2 Samuel 11:1-5
It was the time of the year when kings went for war.
David sent out Joab with his officers and the Israelite army.
David himself stayed in Jerusalem.
One day, David got up from his nap and went to the palace roof.
As he walked around, he saw a woman taking a bath.
He sent a massager to find out who she was.
He was told that she was Bathsheba the wife of Uriah.
He sent massagers to bring her to the palace.
When she was brought to him, he slept with her and made love.
Afterward she discovered that she was pregnant and sent a massage to
David to tell him.
(i) He yields to the temptation.
(ii) – Through our weakness and desires
Through pride of position
Through our senses
Through friends
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(i) –
God’s word
Running away from the place of temptation
Idolatry and divination
(i) -
In both religions, belief in other gods is not allowed.
In both religions, the temptation of adultery is found
1. (a) Outline the temptations of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
(b) Apart from the temptations above, state three other occasions when
Jesus met temptations.
(c) (i) Mr. Saladi Tembo is a pastor of your local church. One day as he
was going to town, in a minibus, the conductor gave him more
than the expected change. He decided to give the excess money to
the conductor and exclaimed. I don’t want to give in to temptation.
State three ways in which Christians meet temptations!
(ii)What should we do if we yield to temptation today? State three
(d) Give two differences between Christianity and Zambian Tradition
Religion on how to overcome temptation.
Matthews 26:36-46
Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane.
And he said to them, sit here, while I go over there and pray.
He took with him Peter and the two Sons of Zebedee.
The sorrow in my heart is so great that it almost crushes me. Stay here
and keep watch with me.
He went a little further on, threw himself face down on the ground and
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My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from me, yet
not what I want, but what you want.
Then he returned to the three disciples and found them asleep and he said
to Peter.
How is it that you three were not able to keep watch with me even for one
Keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation.
The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Once mane Jesus went away and prayed, my Father, if this cup of suffering
cannot be taken away unless, I drink it, your will be done.
He returned once more and found the disciples asleep; they could not keep
their eyes open.
Again Jesus left them, went away and prayed the third time saying the
same words
Then he returned to the disciples and said, are you still sleeping and
resting? Look, the hour has come for the son of man to be handed over to the
power of sinners.
Get up, let us
go, look here is the man who is betraying me.
After Jesus baptism
After feeding the file thousand people
During his triumphant entry into Jerusalem
Prove his messiah ship
Turn back from the cross
(i) – Lust desires
Adultery, corruption, envy, jealousy, selfishness
Love for money, poverty
Pressure from friends
(ii) - Quickly neglect
Confessing it to God
Ask for forgiveness
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– Christians resist temptations by praying or fleeing from it.
Zambian Tradition Religion, fear of offending ancestral Spirits
(a) Write an account when Daniel’s three friends were tempted
(b) (i) Apart from Jesus and Daniel’s three friends, which other people
were tempted in the bible?
(ii) Show how these people reacted to temptation. Give two examples
(c) (i) Lucy, a young Christian is caught committing adultery. Upon being
asked by her pastor why she had to do such a thing. She explains
that she was just tempted. Explain to Lucy how as a Christian she
would have overcome such a temptation. Give three points.
(ii) Temptation came in different ways’ mention three ways through
Which we’re tempted today.
(d) (i) State two similarities between Christianity and Islam with regard to
(ii) - Our senses
-Our weakness and desires
- Pride
- Trying to help others in a proud way
- Friends
- Circumstances
3. (a) Relate the temptation of Jesus in the desert.
(b) (i) Apart from the temptations in the desert, describe two occasions
when Jesus was tempted.
(ii) State two reasons why God tests Christian. Give two points
(c) (i) Muntali say’s to you, “ As a teacher, I find it extremely difficult to
resist the temptation of proposing love to school girls and having
with them”.
State three points of Christian advice you would give Muntali on
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How Christians can overcome temptations.
(ii) Give three temptations met by Christians in Zambia today.
(d) State two differences Christians and Hindu traveling with regard to
Our senses
Our weakness and desires
Trying to help others in a proud way
(d) - In both religion belief in others gods is sin.
In both lust is sin.
4. (a) Relate the temptation of Jesus in the desert.
(b) (i) Apart from the temptations in the desert, describe two occasions
when Jesus was tempted.
(ii) State two reasons why God tests Christians. Give two points.
(c) (i) Muntali says to you, “As a teacher, I find it extremely difficult to
resist the temptation of proposing love to school girls and having
sex with them.”
State three points of Christian advice you would give Munthali on
How Christians can overcome temptations.
(ii) Give three temptations met by Christians in Zambia today.
State two differences Christians and Hindu traveling with regard to
Matthew 4:1-11
Then the Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the devil.
After spending 40 days and nights without food, Jesus was hungry.
Then the devil came to him and said if you are God’s son, order these
stones to turn into bread
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But Jesus answered, the scripture says, man cannot live by bread alone
but by every word that comes from the mouth o f God
Then the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem the holy city, set him on the highest
point of the temple
The devil said him, if you are God’s son, throw yourself down and God will
send his angels
Jesus answered, but the scripture says, do not put the Lord your God to
Then the devil took Jesus to the highest mountain and showed him the
kingdoms of the world
The devil said, if you bow down and worship me, I will give you all the
Jesus answered, go away Satan, for scripture say’s worship the Lord your
God and save him only
Then the devil left Jesus
Daniel 3:8-18
It was time when Babylonians took the opportunity to denounce the Jews.
An order was issued that everyone is to bow down and worship the gold
Anyone who does down and worship it is to be thrown into a blazing
It was found that some Jews did not obey the orders
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to the orders of the king.
Nebuchadnezzar lost his temper and ordered his men to heat the finance
seven times nottier
And he commanded the any to tie the three men up and throw them into
the blazing furnaces.
So they tied them up and throw them into the blazing furnaces
(i) – Eve
King David
Apostle Peter
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(ii) - King David watched a naked woman bathing and slept with her
Apostle Peter trusted in his own strength to overcome temptation but he
denied the Lord three times.
(i) - Leaving the place of temptation
Submission and Obedience to God
Running away from the place of temptation
Remembering that Jesus is able to help us
(ii) - Prove the quality of their faith.
Prove their love and obedience
Build Christian character
(i) - Prayer
The word of God
Firm resistance
Submission and obedience to God
Running away from the place of temptation
(ii) - Corruption
Ancestral worship
Abuse of office
Hindu, there are two main temptations lust and greed.
Christians, there are many temptations and temptation is not sin
Hindu, lust is resisted by thinking of all women as sisters and mothers
Christians, advise to pray or even flee from temptation.
(a) Relate the temptations of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden
(i) What is temptation? Give one point
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(ii) Why did temptation of Adam and Eve became sin? Give one point
(i) Melinda who is a Christian commits adultery and say’s to you, I
failed to resist the temptation since I desperately needed money to
pay for my fees at college. State three points of Christian advice you
would give her on how she could have resisted this temptation
(ii) State how the temptations of Jesus are a blessing to Christians
Give three points
(b) (i) –
Do miracles to provide all the people’s needs afte4r the feeding of
the five thousand
Prove his messiah ship. People asked Jesus to show that he was the Christ
by referring a sign
Turn back from the cross
Become a political leader
(ii) - Corruption
Idolatry and divination
State two similarities between Christianity and Hinduism with regard
to temptation
Genesis 3:1-19
The serpent was more crafty than any other the wild enemies the Lord had
He said to the woman, “did God really say, you must not eat from any tree
in the garden?
The woman said, we may eat fruit from the trees but, you not eat from the
tree in the middle of the garden.
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You will not die, God knows, if you eat, your eyes will be opened.
You will be like God, knowing good and evil
When the woman saw that the fruit was good, she took same and ate
She also gave to the husband and ate it
Then their eyes were opened and realized that they were naked
They sewed fig leaves together and made a covering and hid from God
But the Lord called to the man and said, where are you?
He answered, I heard you in the garden, I was afraid and hid from you
because, I was naked
God asked, who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the
The man said, the woman you put here with me gave me and I ate
Then God said to the woman, what is this you have done?
The woman said, the serpent deceived me.
God said to the snake, cursed is you above all the livestock and all the wild
animals, you will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your
And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your off
springs and her.
He will crush your head and will strike his head.
To the woman he said, I will greatly increase your pains in child bearing.
With pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you.
To Adam he said, because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree
about which I commanded you must not eat of it.
Cursed is the ground because of you, through painful toil you will eat of it
die the days of your life.
It will produce thorns and thirst less for you, and you will eat plants of the
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the
ground, since from it, you were taken, for dust you and to dust you will return.
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(i) – Temptation is trying to make one disobey God.
Temptation forces us to decide or against God.
(ii) - Because Adam and Eve gave in or yielded to temptation.
(i) -
Praying to God to give her strength to resist temptation.
Have faith, trusting in God for provision.
Flee from the place.
(ii) - He was tempted in every way so we can be tempted.
He overcame.
He didn’t sin.
Used the word of God.
Submitted himself to God’s will.
Earning riches in dubious way is sinful.
Read happiness can only come from riches earned in an honest way.
Yielding to temptations should be avoided.
Tell the story of Jesus:
Healing the paralytic Luke 5:17-26.
The man with a withered hand Luke 6:6-10.
Healing Ten lepers Luke 17:11-19.
The man with dropsy Luke 14:1-6.
Jesus healing one leper Luke 5:12-16.
The blind man at Jericho Luke 18:35-43.
5.1. (a) What is a miracle?
A miracle is a happening which cannot be fully explained by natural events
or human reasoning. It is a supernatural event.
An occurrence that does not follow the normal “Laws of nature”.
(b) Why did Jesus perform miracles?
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To show His Messiah ship that they might believe in Him.
To show that the Kingdom of God had arrived and people could enter it.
To invite people to put faith in Him.
Out of sympathy and compassion for people.
Fulfilling Old Testament prophecy.
5.2. What lessons do we learn from the Bible texts above?
Lessons about the Sabbath and work.
Jesus had authority over the Sabbath.
The Sabbath was made for the good of man and not man for the Sabbath.
That it’s better to save life on the Sabbath than to keep to rules and rituals.
Jesus had compassion and put the needs of the sick first.
5.3. (a) What was the Jewish’s attitude to lepers?
Jews believed that sickness was caused either by the sin of the sick.
That the sickness was sent a punishment for that sin.
It was seen as God’s displeasure.
A person suffering from leprosy was considered a sinner.
Leprosy was considered to be a very unclean disease.
It did not only require healing, but also cleansing.
(b) State the Jewish rules on lepers and leprosy?
Lepers were to avoid any contact with other people.
They were ordered to ring a bell and shut “unclean! unclean! at the sight
of a non-leper 100meters.
Only a priest would legally pronounce a leper to be clean by a certificate of
A certificate could only be given after going through an elaborate ritual of
What is people’s attitude toward people living with HIV/AIDS in
Zambia Today?
Stigma and discrimination in most cases.
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Lack of confidence in them for what they can contribute to the society.
Pity for them
Some laugh at the sick and disabled.
Some keep away for fear of those diseases.
How can one Avoid Contracting HIV/AIDS?
By abstaining from sex if they are not married.
The Bible says that they should be free from sexual immorality. Avoid bad
company that will ruin their morals: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 1 Corinthians 15:33.
Married couples must be faithful to one another.
NB: Sexual encourages use of condoms, Christian emphasizes abstinence.
What are the effects of HIV/AIDS on:
Loss of loved ones who are also at times the breadwinners.
Children are orphaned becoming street kinds in many cases.
Stress on families that adopt the orphans.
Loss of economically productive workers causing downturns in production
and services.
The government has to find an answer to the problem of street kids.
5.6. What do Christians learn from Jesus’ miracles of calming the storm
and feeding the five thousand people?
Luke 8:22-25, Luke 9:12-17.
Jesus performed these two miracles because He had sympathy and
concern for the needs of others.
These stories teach that Jesus the Son of God has power to control nature
and can satisfy both physical and spiritual needs.
(iii) Jesus calms the storm: This miracle reminded the disciples that Jesus
was both God and Man.
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His humanity by His tiredness and sleep.
His Deity by His power over the winds and waves.
Jesus feeds five thousand people: This miracle reminded the disciples
that Jesus was the only one who could satisfy both the spiritual and the physical
needs of the people.
Why some people believe in miracles
Christians believe in miracles because they believe in Jesus. He was born
of a virgin without a human father.
The resurrection of Jesus is another miracle believed by Christians. He
was restored to life after being crucified by the Romans.
Why others do not believe in miracles.
Unbelief in a miracle working God.
Unbelief in a miracle itself.
Seeming lack of proof or evidence.
NB: Not all miracles are from God. The test of the genuine is not the ability
to perform miracles, but conformity and obedience to God’s will. Read
Matthew 7:21-23.
Religion Comparison on Miracles
Christianity vs Zambian Tradition’s attitude towards the sick,
Similar Teachings
Both take care of the sick
Both try to find a cure for the sick
Both are sympathetic to the sick
Differences on their Teachings
Christian: Pray for the sick
ZTR: Consult traditional heelers
Christian: Take care of the sick
ZTR: Take care of the sick as an obligation.
Christianity vs Islam
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Similar Teaching
Both believe in the miracle working God.
Both believe in the existence of miracles.
Christians: God can use any of his faithful people to perform miracles.
Muslims: Believe that only prophets sent by Allah can perform miracles.
Christians: Miracles increase people’s faith in God and not the person who
does them.
Muslims: Miracles increase the influence and reputation of these who perform
Christianity vs Hinduism beliefs in miracles
Similar Teachings
Both believe that God performs miracles.
Both believe that miracles performed by a person are not proof of his/her
Both believe that miracles help to deepen people’s faith in God.
Christians: Miracles can also be performed through satanic powers.
Hindus: Only God can perform miracles.
3 (a) Narrate the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man (Luke 5:17)
Jesus was teaching.
Pharisees and teachers of the law were there.
Some men came, carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. (Sleeping mat).
Tried to take him to Jesus.
Could not pass through the crowed in the house.
Carried him up on the roof.
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Made on opening in the roof.
Let the man down through the hole on his bed.
Landed right in front of Jesus.
Jesus saw they had great faith.
Said to the sick man, “Your sins are forgiven.”
The religious leaders/Pharisees and teachers of the law, said this was
Only God can forgive sins, they said.
Jesus said, “Is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or get up and walk?
Jesus then said to the man, “Pick up your bed and go home.”
Went home, praising God.
Were all amazed.
What wonderful things we have seen today.”
(b) State two significant points on why Jesus healed the sick.
Had compassion/mercy over the sick.
Had sympathy/pity.
Gave them physical and spiritual life through healing.
Showed love
Showed kindness.
Those that had showed faith.
To fulfill prophecy.
To show that kingdom of God had arrived.
(c) (i) Gideon has been married for ten year when suddenly his is diagnosed with
diabetes and she loses her sight. Gideon develops a negative attitude towards
his wife. Give three points of Christian teachings on how he should treat his wife.
With sympathy/pity.
With care.
With love.
With compassion/mercy
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With kindness.
(ii) How should people’s attitude towards the chronically sick be in modern
society? Give three points.
Accept him.
Love them.
Care for them.
No stigma and discrimination.
Be helpful.
(d) In what ways is the teaching of Christians on attitudes towards the sick
similar to those of Zambian Traditionalist? Give two points.
Both care for the sick.
Both try to find a cure for a sick.
Both are sympathetic to the sick.
6.1. (a) Briefly outline some of the common spirit possession in Zambia
Ancestral Spirits: Spirit of the ancestors, which do not possess people, they
act as overseers and protects the living relatives (the living dead).
Dissatisfied spirits: people who once lived in society, but were disgruntled
and troublesome (unhappy). They are believed to be responsible for certain
diseases and conditions, such as epilepsy, blindness childlessness, and death.
Good spirits: these are also called guardian possessions spirits which
advice people. They are consulted to heal and protect.
Bad spirits: these are spirits of nature, which are evil. They control certain
parts of nature such as mountains, rivers and forests. These spirits are not good
must be certain be driven out.
(b) What are the methods used to keep away spirits in Zambian tradition?
Bad spirits: charms are worn on the baby of a person, or put in the root
of a house, or in the door way to scare spirits.
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Dissatisfied spirits: lotions are prepared by the medicine man to keep
spirits away. Spirits don’t like the strong smells of these lotions and so they keep
Tattoos. Some people make tattoos on their bodies and rub in medicines
to keep spirit s away.
Taboos: strict rules must be followed, such as not eating certain foods: for
example; barbell fish, park, etc
6.2 state some of the common attitudes to spirits
The good spirits are guardian spirits and protect people, therefore they do
not keep them away.
Bad spirits are believed to be responsible for certain diseases and
conditions such as dumbness, epilepsy, childlessness, and death they cause fear
and must be driven out.
Ancestral spirits do not possess people. They act as overseers and
protectors of the living relatives. They are respected and revered by the people.
(b)How is spirit possession treated?
People are treated either by the use of charms, or
By driving them out (exorcism) with drumming
Dancing and special ceremonies.
(c)State the nature of evil spirits
Belonging to the kingdom of Satan, Luke 11:14-26
Recognizing that Jesus was the son of God, showing his authority over the
spirit world, Luke 4:34; 8:28
Dwelling in the people, even preferring to dwell in pigs than to go to their
appointed place in the abyss, Luke 8:31
Having district personalities and separate conciseness from the person in
whom they dwell, Luke 8:29
Being responsible for certain diseases and conditions such as madness,
blindness, epilepsy, childlessness and death.
6.3 (a) Examples of stories in which Jesus cast out demons from people:
The Gerasene demonic- Luke 8:39
The man in the synagogue- Luke 4:31-38
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The demon possessed boy- Luke 9:37-43.
(b)What are the two kingdoms of the spiritual realm?
The kingdom of God: represented by light, truth and goodness.
The kingdom of the air, the ruler is Satan: represented by the power of
darkness and evil.
6.4 What are the types of spirits in Christian teaching?
The Holy spirit of God. The third person of the trinity (Acts 1 :4-5:2:1-4)
The Human spirit. A person is made of physical body flesh, blood and
bones. He also has a soul, which comprises the mind and conscience, emotions
and will.
Thirdly, he has a spirit, which makes aware of God and allows him to know and
communicate with God.
Angels: these are described as spirits, or “ministering spirits” to help
Christians (Heb 1:14). They are God’s messengers. Though we do not see them.
God sends them to help and protect Christians
Evil spirit: they are also called demons, or unclean spirits, empire of evil
spirits, (Ephesians 6:12).
6.5State some of the Christian teachings about evil spirits.
Satan’s kingdom is an organized empire of evil spirits
Satan is not capable of being present ever where (omnipresent) nor having
knowledge of everything (omniscient) nor is he all powerful (omnipotent).
He delegates his activities to evil spirits, having authority over a multitude
of demons.
Their activity is to oppose God and to defeat all his purposes.
They distress mankind, causing both physical and mental illnesses
6.6 How is demon possession treated in Christianity?
Repentance and confession of sin, and faith in Christ
Exorcism (casting out demons) is sometimes practiced. When a possessed
person wants to be a Christian.
6.7 What are some of the demonic practices forbidden in Christianity?
Divination. This is the attempt to predict future events it is used to
discover users of witchcraft.
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Witchcraft: an activity leading to devil worship, it causes spiritual
darkness, demon possession and death.
Magic: the use of amulets and charms to protect the one who wears them
from evil
Spells and omens: incantations or words used as alternatives to charms.
They are used in connection with cures.
Sorcery: this is a general term covering the evil arts of astrology, palmistry,
and the use of familiar spirits.
6.8 ChristianityVs Zambian traditional religion in demonic possession.
(a) Similarity in teachings
Both believe that evil spirits possess people.
Both believe that evil spirits have different personality from the one
In both evil spirits can be exercised (cast out)
(b) Differences in their teaching
Christians: do not believe in the usefulness of ancestral spirits because
they belong to Satan.
ZTR some ancestral spirits are helpful and should be protected
Christians: evil spirits can be exercised by word of command and in Jesus’
Z.TR. spirits are exercised through drumming, dancing, and special ceremonies.
7.1 (a) Name the two main types of government in the world
Democracy (democratic) Greek word and it means; rule by the people!
Dictatorship: imposed on the citizens, usually by force, and does not allow
their general consensus.
7.2 (a) State the types of dictatorship and how they come to power.
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Military dictatorship. This is rule by the army. The soldiers take over power
from the government, by overthrowing it (‘coup d’etat’ or military junta).
Autocracy: this is rule by one man. He is initially elected to power by the
people, but later refuses to allow elections. Declares himself a life president e.g
the late Hastings Banda of Malawi.
Monarchy: rule by a king or queen who rules through family inheritance.
There are two types of monarchy, namely, Absolute and limited monarchy e.g
morocco and Swaziland. Absolute while, Holland and Britain. A limited
Oligarchy; rule by a small group of people over the majority. E.g Rwanda
and Burundi.
(b)What are the characteristics of a totalitarian dictatorial state/
No respect for human rights
No freedom of the press
No elections
Power is in the lands of one person or a small group of people
No rule of law.
7.3 (a) Give the two types of democracy
Direct democracy which involves everyone in decision making practical in
small communities
Representative democracy only elected representatives are involved in
decision making.
(b)What are the characteristics of a democratic state?
There are the free and fair elections, which are held after in agreed period
of time.
Government accepts criticism as a path to improvement and development
Citizens have freedom of speech and press freedom
The rule of law is upheld
There are several political parties competing for rule the control through
(c)What are the pillars of democracy?
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The citizens must be willing to take part in national affairs such as an
Party leaders and members must not use corruption and bribery to gain
political power.
Every citizen is free to stand for elections, regardless of his, race, tribe,
color or religion.
Political parties should not resort to violence as a means of resolving
conflicts. This may lead to civil war.
Conflicts should be resolved by using peaceful means through dialogue.
7.4. (a) What does the words Kingdom of God mean?
A country under the rule of a monarch.
Biblically this is not a physical place, but a spiritual kingdom. God is king
there and he rules supreme.
God rules in the hearts and lives of believers
The victory of the spirit of God over the hearts and wills of men.
(b)Bible texts:
The parable of pounds (Luke 19:11-17)
Right priorities – Luke 12:22-34
Parable of the mustard seed/yeast – Luke 13:18-19:20-21
Parable of the wedding feast – Luke 14-7-14
The widows offering – Luke 21:1-4
Jesus meets Zaccheus – Luke 19:1-9
(c)State three points Jesus used to explain to the Pharisees when the Kingdom
of God would come
The kingdom of God will not be seen when it comes people will not say,
here it is, or there it is!
The Kingdom of God is within you in other words it is spiritual within the
The Jews had a completely different idea of the Kingdom of God. They
believed that when the messiah would come, he would gain political victory over
his enemies (the Roma rulers).
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7.5 what are the signs that shows that the kingdom of God is at hand?
The fact that it came with power; miracles were a tremendous token of
this. Mark 9:1
Believers lives are completely changed, Luke 19:1-9
God’s presence brings power to physical heal LK 6:6-11.
Deliverance from evil spirits summarizes the presence of the Kingdom of
God. Luke 11:14-23
7.5 (b) Give four points on why Jesus came; Luke 14:16-21
To preach good news to the poor
To proclaim freedom to the prisoners
To release the oppressed.
To proclaim the year of the lord’s favor
7.5 (c) State the requirements for one to enter the Kingdom of God.
Repentance: Jesus taught that the first response to goodness of the
Kingdom was repentance.
Faith in Jesus: Jesus said, “repent and believe that the goodness of the
Kingdom “Mark 14:15, John 3:14-16
Be born again; Jesus told Nicodemus that new birth- spiritual rebirth was
important to enter the Kingdom.
Obedience to Jesus: Luke 6:46-48: “whoever comes to me and hears my
words, and does them………..
7.6 (a) what are some of the teachings on the effects of the Kingdom of God?
The hidden treasure and peal. (Mt 13:44-46) we learn that being part of
the Kingdom of God is the most important thing in the entire world.
Right priorities- (Luke 12:22-34) The Kingdom must be our priority.
The parable of the pounds. (Luke 19:11-27). The parable teaches that:
The responsibility for growth of the Kingdom lies within us.
We should allow the teaching of the Kingdom not only to grow within us
but also pass it on to others
We are all at risk of losing what we have if it is not put to good use.
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The widows offering: (Luke 21-1-4) true example of one who gave all she
had to God. A heart of true devotion, and not the amount of money. Is what is
important to God’s Kingdom?
7.6 (a) For whom is the Kingdom prepared?
For the poor – the humble
The hungry- the persecuted
7.6 (b) for instance, God chose marry, a poor and humble young human, to be
the mother of his son; Luke 1:51-55
7.6 (c) give some of the bible teaching for whom the Kingdom is prepared
Luke 6:20-26, 14:7-11. The poor, hungry, persecuted, and humble.
Those who are proud of their spiritual growth or knowledge of God will be
humbled. There who in humanity, recognized their spiritual poverty, and hunger
more for God, will be exalted
The parable of the wedding feast. Luke 14:7-11. A person does not push
himself up to obtain the best seats.
7.7 Where is the Kingdom of now?
The parable of the mustard seed and the yeast, the hospil teaches that
the kingdom of God is present in the world and is growing. It is universal
Kingdom to include all- Jews and Gentiles.
7.8 (a) How can God’s Kingdom be seen in Christians today?
The way Christian give, ought to show that God’s kingdom comes first in
their gives. Everything else is secondary important (Mt 6:31-34: Luke 13: 20-21).
A Christian must be prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of the
Kingdom of God. It must come first.
If the Kingdom of God comes first in our lives, God will meet all our
temporal needs and our blessings added.
7.8 (b) what is the difference between God’s kingdom and the modern state?
Modern state, we have a leader who is supported by a cabinet and
ministers, all of whom were elected to parliament by people.
While the kingdom of God is not an actual or physical place but where God
rules over the hearts, minds and wills of people. It is brought to us by Jesus
Christ, through repentance, faith in him and obedience to him. It must take
place in our lives.
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7.9. Christians belief about God’s kingdom compared with those of other
(a) Christianity
The kingdom of God is for the humble, poor hungry and persecuted.
It must be our first priority, material wealthy becomes secondary.
Christians are responsible to pass on the message to others to increase
the kingdom of God.
They must show devotion to god, and be good examples to others in their
Christian behavior.
b. Islam and their central ideas
Believe in Allah (God) – surrendering completely to the will of Allah.
Believe in the Day of Judgment and life after death.
Believe that the good and bad are both ordained by Allah.
The five pillars of Islam also have to be followed by Allah (Kalima, prayer,
fasting, Alms-giving and pilgrimage).
c) Hindus and their five main principles
God: He is the creator and controller of the universe.
Prayer: This is the simplest way of knowing and finding God.
Reincarnation: The soul never dies; it continues to live in the other bodies
through Rebirth or Reincarnation.
Law of Action: this is known as Karma, one’s action in his previous life.
Non-violence: Reverence for life is very important. Reverence for the Cow
is an illustration of the Hindu belief that the soul does not only live in a human
form, but in all creatures.
d)Zambian Tradition Religion
Keeping in touch with ancestral spirits.
Offering sacrifices to appease the spirit.
Spirits will help during times of trouble, famine, drought and sickness.
If spirits are not respected, they may cause disaster or trouble.
An object is chosen to which sacrifices and prayers are offered.
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7.9.1. Christianity vs Islam on their central ideas.
Both believe in surrendering completely to the will of God.
Both believe in the Day of Judgment and life after death.
Christianity vs Hinduism on their central ideas
Both believe that God controls the Universe.
Both, they believe that God is everywhere (omnipresent).
Both, prayer is the simplest way of knowing and finding God.
In both, there is belief in non-violence.
1(a) Tell the story of what happened at the naming ceremony of John the Baptist.
(b) State two rules for a Nazarite boy
(c)(i) In a Religions Education class, Jordan asked why the knowledge of the birth
of John the Baptist became a blessing to his parents. As a Christian, give Jordan
two points of why John’s birth was a blessing
(ii) How do people in modern Zambian society protect their newly born babies?
Give three points
(d)In what ways is Christianity similar to Zambian Tradition with regard to birth
traditions and custom? Give two points
This story must be answered in point form and not as a connected story essay
like this;
– Now the time came for Elizabeth to be delivered and she gave birth to a
And her neighbours and Kinsfolk heard that the Lord had shown great
mercy to her and they rejoiced with her.
And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child.
And they would have named him Zechariah after his father.
But his mother said, “Not so; he shall be called John.”
And they said to her, none of your kindred is called by this name……
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And they made signs to his father, inquiring what he would have called
And he asked for a waiting tablet, and wrote;
His name is john!
And they all marvelled.
And immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loose and he
spoke, blessing God.
And fear came on all their neigbours.
And all these things were talked about through the hill country of Judea.
And all who heard them laid them in their hearts asking:
“What then is this child going to be?
NB: Any 10 points, ½ mark each = 5marks.
Rules for a Nazarite boy
No drinking alcohol/wine/strong drinks.
No going near or touching any dead body.
No cutting his hair.
Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks.
i. why his birth was a blessing to his parents?
His birth was foretold (mentioned long before his birth).
It removes the shame that comes with barrens from Elizabeth.
His parents where beyond child bearing and very old.
Zachariah prayed for a son and the birth of John was an answered prayer.
Both Zachariah and Elizabeth were descendants from the priestly families
and upright before God.
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks.
Protection of a baby in modern Zambian society;
Use of disinfectants.
Advanced medical cares, such as: under five, post natal.
Use of warm protective clothing.
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Regular medical aids on the new born.
Use of charms/armlets may contaminate the baby.
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks.
In both, a name can be given before or after birth.
In both, naming shows an appreciation of a new life.
In both, there is seclusion of a baby and mother for a period of time.
In both, sexual relationship is not allowed for a period of time.
Gerasa, which is across the lake from Galilee.
As Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a man from the town who had
demons in him.
For a long time this man had gone without clothes and would not stay at
home, but spent his time in burial caves.
When he saw Jesus, he gave a loud cry, threw himself at his feet, and
shouted, “Jesus, son of the highest God! What do you want from me? I beg you,
don’t punish me.
He said this because Jesus had ordered the evil spirit to gout of him.
Many times it had seized him, and even though he was kept a prisoner,
his hands were fastened with chains; he would break the chains and be driven
into the desert.
Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Mob,” he answered because many
demons had entered him.
The demons begged Jesus not to send them into the abyss.
There was a large herd of pigs nearby, feeding by the will side. So the
demons begged Jesus to send them into the pigs and he let them.
They went out of the man into the pigs. The whole herd of pigs rushed
down the cliff into the lake and was drowned.
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The man who had been taking care of the pigs had seen what had
happened, so they ran off and spre4ad the news in the towns and the nearby
People went out to see what had happened, when they came to Jesus, they
found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus,
clothed and in his right mind; and they were all afraid.
Those who had seen it told people of how the man had been cured.
Then all the people from that territory told Jesus to go away because they
were terribly afraid. So Jesus got into the boat and left.
The man from whom the demons had gone out begged Jesus “Let me go
with you.” But Jesus sent me away saying, “Go back home and say what your
God had done for you.”
The man went through the town telling what Jesus had done for him.
The Jesus went to Capernaum, a town in Galilee where he taught the
people on a Sabbath.
They were all amazed by the way he taught, because he spoke with
In the synagogue was a man who had the spirit of an evil demon in him,
he screamed out in a loud voice, “what do you want with us Jesus of Nazareth?
Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are; you are God’s holy
Jesus ordered the spirit, “be quiet and come out of the man!” the demon
threw the man down in front of them and went out of him without doing him any
The people were all amazed said to one another, “what kind of words are
With authority and power this man gives orders to evil spirits, and they
come out!”
And the repot about Jesus spread in the region.
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The next day Jesus and the three disciples went down from the hill, and a
large crowd met Jesus.
A man shouted from the crowd, “Teacher! I beg you; look at my son-my
only son!
A spirit attacks him with a sudden shout and throws him a fit.
So that he foams at the mouth, it keeps on hurting him and will hardly let
him go! I begged your disciples to drive it out but they couldn’t.”
Jesus answered, “How long do I have to put up with you?” then said to the
man, “Bring you son here,”
As the boy was coming, the demon knocked him to the ground and threw
him into a fit.
Jesus gave a command to the evil spirit, healed the boy, and gave him
back to his father.
All the people were amazed the might power of God.
(A) Tell the story of Jesus healing a possessed boy (Luke 9:37-43).
(B) Mention some demonic practices that are forbidden in the Bible, state three
Familiar spirits
Spells and Omens
(i) Loveness, a Christian has a child who is demon possessed and
wants to take the child to church to find a solution but her grandfather tells her
that she can do it since she is a medicine woman and has helped many people
with such a condition. What Christian advice would Loveness give her
grandmother on the requirement for treatment and casting out of demons? State
three points.
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Pray for the child in the name of Jesus.
Not to use charms as they are forbidden in the Bible.
Trust in God as he is the healer.
(ii) How are demon possessed people treated in Zambian Modern Society?
Give two points
They pray for them.
Demons are casted out in the name of Jesus
State one difference between Christianity and Zambian Tradition Religion’s
attitudes to spirit possession.
Christianity – Spirits are casted out in the name of Jesus.
ZTR – Good spirits and ancestral spirit are welcomed respected and not
kept away.
(A) Tell the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed boy.
(B) Give the two kingdoms of the spiritual realm. In each kingdom give
two examples by which these kingdoms are represented on earth.
Answer: The kingdom of God, representing light, truth and goodness.
The kingdom of Satan, representing lies, evil and the powers of
(C) (i) “I caused a lot of trouble on Christians, but thank God I am now a
Christian!” exclaimed a self-confessed sinner. What advice would you
give him on the connection between casting out evil spirits and the
coming of the kingdom of God. Give three points.
(D) State one similarity and one difference between Christianity and
Zambian Traditional Religion’s attitudes to spiritual possession.
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Christianity: use prayer to command demons to come out
ZTR: use traditional medicines (charms), drumming and dancing.
In both, they believe evil spirits do possess people.
In both, evil spirits are casted out.
(A) Relate the story of Jesus healing a man with demons at Gerasa.
(B) State two kinds of spirits.
(c) (i) In a certain local church, the pastor and his members where casting
out demons from people by beating the drums. Dongo a Christian,
surprised with method of exorcism being applied by her church. What
Christian advice would you give the pastor and his members on the
Methods of casting out demons? state three points.
(D) State one similarity between Christianity and Zambia Traditional Religion
on their attitudes to evil spirits.
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In both, evil spirits are casted out.
(A) Relate the story of Jesus healing the man in the synagogue.
(B) Give three aspects of Jesus’ power which Christians learn from this
(C) (i) Mr. Kabaso, as a mathematics teacher and also a Christian. As he is
explaining an item in mathematics, a pupil collapses suddenly and is
believed to be possessed by an evil spirit. State methods that Mr.
Kabaso would use to drive out the spirit from the pupil.
Casting out the spirit through exorcism.
Through prayer.
Through quoting the Bible.
(D) State one similarity between Christian and Zambian Traditional
Religion on treatment of demon possessed people.
In both, they use commands to cast out demons.
In both, they use exorcism to cast out demons.
(A) Narrate the story of Jesus casting out an evil spirit from the man in
the synagogue.
(B) Give the two kingdoms of the spiritual ream’s and two examples by
which they are represented in each case.
The kingdom of God – Representing truth, light and goodness.
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The kingdom of Satan – Representing the powers of darkness, lies and evil.
(C) “Why are you sleeping in my class?” the teacher asked Brain. He woke
up with a start and said,” sorry madam, I hardly slept last night. There
was drumming all night long at the village trying to cast evil spirits
from a demon possessed man,” John replied. What demon practices are
Christian saved from by God? State three points.
Spells and Omens.
(ii) What is the attitude of Christians in modern Zambian Society towards
Spirit possessed people. Give two points.
They take care of them.
They pray for them.
They cast out demons in the name of Jesus.
(D) State two differences between Christianity and Zambian Tradition on their
attitudes to evil spirit.
Christianity: they use prayer to cast out demons.
ZTR: they use charms, drumming and dancing out cast out demons.
Christianity: evil spirits are casted out by quoting scriptures.
ZTR: they cast out evil spirits using special ceremonies.
6 (A) Tell the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed boy.
(B) Mention three activities of evil spirits
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Oppose God and try to defeat His purposes.
They oppress people and hidden their welfare.
They cause certain sicknesses.
(C) (i) Michelo has just arrived home from work and she finds that her
daughter Precious, does not welcome her in the usual way. Precious
begins to speak to her mother strangely. Michelo realizes that her
daughter is possessed by an evil spirit and wants to take Precious to the
witchdoctors. Her husband, Mwelwa is not for that idea and insists that
the child be taken to the local Christian group they congregated with.
What Christian advice would you give Michelo regarding methods of
driving out demons? Give three points.
She should not take the child to witchdoctors as divination and witchcraft
are forbidden in the Bible.
She should use prayer to cast out demons.
She should also quote scriptures to cast out demons.
(D) Give one similarity and one difference between Christianity and Traditional
Religion on treatment of demon possessed people.
In both, they use exorcism to cast out demons.
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Christianity : they use prayers to cast out demons
ZTR : use charms, drumming, dancing and special ceremonies.
Expected Narrations:
The parable of final judgment (Mathews 25:31-46).
The parable of the ten virgins (girls) Mathews 25:1-13.
John the Baptists warming about coming Judgment (Luke 3:1-17).
The yeast of the Pharisees (Luke 12:1-12).
Unprepared people (Luke 17:20-37).
The rich man and Lazarous (Luke 16:19-31)
The unbelieving towns (Luke 16:19).
Christ’s return is uncertain.
The coming of the kingdom (Luke 17:20-37).
The parable of the weeds (Mathews 13:24-30).
1.2 What is Judgment?
(i) Judgment is an assessment for reward or punishment of a person’s work.
(ii) Criticism of a person’s actions either for a reward or punishment.
1.3 State how people will be judged by Jesus (consider Mathews 13:24-30)
parable of the weeds teaches.
(a) People’s response to Christ.
Sometimes it is difficult for people to tell the difference between believers
and unbelievers.
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At the final judgment the separation will be certain.
The son of man knows who belonged to him. Those who don’t belong to
him will be judged according for their response to Christ.
(b) People’s behavior towards others.
The two parables; the parable of the final Judgment (Mathews 25:31-46).
The warming about coming Judgment (Luke 3:1-19).
ii. To reflect Christ’s message from his servants is to reflect Christ himself.
How should Christian respond to Christ’s return?
The duty of the apostle was to go out and tell the good news so that people
could be brought into the spiritual Kingdom. Jesus promised them the Holy
Spirit to give them power for this work.
Today, Christians must also work as Christ’s witnesses, to warn people
about judgment and the way into the Kingdom (Act 1:608) we must build to last.
Each man is personally responsible for his work.
Religious comparison on personal judgment.
What are the similar teachings between Christianity and Islam?
Both believe in personal judgment.
Both believe that they will be judged according to their conducts.
What different teachings do Christians and Islam have on persona;
Christians: people will primarily be judged on their response to Christ and
Christian behavior.
Islam: judgment depends on one’s behavior
2. Christians: love forward to the Day of Judgment.
Islam: Judgment is fearsome thing
Christians: believe that judgment will be done by a God of kindness and
Christianity Vs Hinduism on person judgment.
Similar points
In both, there will be reward or punishment on judgment day
In both they believe in personal judgment.
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Both believe that they will be judged according to their conduct.
The two stories teaches that:
Jesus will separate believers from non-believers
Christians should make themselves ready for Christ’s coming by
confessing their sins, helping others, etc
how will the coming of Christ be like? (Mark 13:32-37)
Christ will come suddenly
No one knows the time when Christ will come, hence everyone must be
ready and watch.
The parable of the waiting servants Luke 12:35-40 –teaches that:
Jesus’ followers are like servants waiting for their master ready at all times
because his return may be sudden those who are ready will be rewarded.
Jesus will not announce his coming in the same way that a thief does not
tell when he will come to your house.
(iii) Good servants do their work faithfully and have everything for the master.
They don’t live to please themselves.
(b) List some of the signs of coming judgment (Luke 21:7-11)
False prophets
Wars, diseases. Like HIV/AIDS T.B Cholera etc.
4.0. What does the story of the rich man and Lazarus teach us about?
Judgment for unbelief
Lessons learnt
It shows the result of not responding to the gospel. The rich man did not
use his wealth for God.
God will judge those who reject the message given by his servant.
Christians: people will be primarily be judged according to their response
to Christ.
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Hindus: people will be primarily be judged according to their deeds.
Christians: when a Christian dies, the soul goes to live with Christ.
Hindus: when a Hindu dies, his soul enters another body and continues
to live in the world.
Q 1. Relate the parable of the final judgment (Mathew 25:31-46)
When the son of man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him,
then he will sit on the throne of his glory.
All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them one
from another as a shepherd divides his sheep for the goals.
An he will set the sheep on his right hand but the goals on the left.
Then the king will say to those on his right hand, come you blessed of my
father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave we food, I was thirsty and you gave drink;
I was a stranger and you took ne in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me;
I was in prison and you came to see me.
Then the righteous will answer him, saying Lord, when did we see you
hungry and feed you, or thirst and give you a drink?
When did we see you a stranger and take you in, naked and clothe you?
Or when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you?
And the king will answer and say to them assuredly, I say to you in as
much as you did it to one of the least of these brothers, you did it to me.
Then he will also say to those on the left hand; depart from me you cursed,
into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food; I was thirsty and you gave no
I was a stranger and you did not take me in, naked and you did not clothe
me, side and in prison and you did not visit me.
Then he will answer them saying, Assuredly, I say to you in as much as
you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it me and these will
go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life.
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(b) What picture of judgment did John use and what did he mean by them?
Give two points.
The righteous (i.e those who belong to God. He meant that God’s people
show practical love to others and this kind of behavior will be proof that they
belong to him. They did not think of themselves. They did it for Christ’ sake’s.
The unrighteous, He meant that they have no interest in the misery and
suffering of others and this is the proof that they do not belong to God. They are
condemned for failure to do well.
(c) (i) Peter a Christian at your church says to you, “I have failed to get
Employment because there is too much corruption. I have made up my
mind to bribe top management.” Give one point of argument Peter could
use to support his decision and state two Christian responses you could
give him against such practice.
As long as I get a job to earn a living.
Others are also doing it.
Christian Responses
It is evil and it is not accepted by both God and man.
He should be honest and truthful to himself.
(ii) How do people in modern Zambia solve a case in a Zambian Village?
Situation? State three points
Having discussions on the issue in order to archive at a lasting solution.
Getting the consensus of the parties in conflict through a go between so
as to reach a neutral and agreeable solution.
The one found to be guilty was made to apologies or pay damage to the
other party with whom they were in conflict.
(d) State two points similarities found in Christianity and Islam about
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Similarities: Christianity/Islam
Both believe in personal judgment.
Both believe that they will be judged according to their conducts.
The parable of the ten virgins (Mt. 25:1-13)
Then the kingdom of heaven shall be.
Likened to ten virgins who took their.
Lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
Now five of them were wise and five were foolish.
Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them.
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
But while the Bridegroom was delayed they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight a cry was heard; behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out
to meet him!
Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil, for our lamps are
going out.
But the wise answered, saying, no, least there should not be enough for
us and you.
But go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy the bridegroom came, and those who were
ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was closed.
Afterwards, the other virgins came also saying “Lord, open for us!”
But he answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you”
Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the
son of man is coming.
(b) Jesus told of signs that would precede his coming to judge. State any
two such signs.
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False prophets
Earth quakes
Disease like HIV/AIDS, TB etc.
Kingdom will rise against kingdom.
(c) (i) “While others accept the gospel message some reject it”, says Malama,
What important teachings did Jesus bring out on those reject the gospel
They will be brought down to hell.
They will never inherit the kingdom of God.
(ii) In modern Zambia, how are people prepared to enter the kingdom of God?
Give two points
People’s response to Christ
People’s behavior towards other
State two differences between Christian and Muslims.
Christians – People will primarily be judged on their response to Christ
and Christian behavior.
Muslims – Judgment depends on one’s behavior.
Christians –Look forward to the Day of Judgment.
Muslims – Judgment is a fearsome thing.
Christians – Believe that judgment will be done by God of love and
Muslims – Judgment will be done by God of vengeance.
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Q 3. Narrate the parable of the weeds (Mathews 13:24-30).
The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.
But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat
and went his way.
But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also
So the servants of the owner came and said to him, Sir did you not sow
good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?
He said to them, “An enemy has done this.
The servants said to him, “Do you want us then to go and gather them up?
But he said, “No lest while you gather up the tares you also up root the
wheat with them.
“Let them both grow together until the harvest and at the time of harvest
I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles
to burn them but gather the wheat into my burn.
(b) What does this parable teach Christians today? Give three points.
Sometimes it is difficult for people to tell the difference between believers
and unbelievers.
At the final judgment the separation will be certain.
The son of man knows who belong to him will be separated and destroyed.
(c) (i) Your church mate is worried over the Pastor’s preaching on the final
Judgment. He confides his fears in you that he is not ready for judgment.
As a Christian what advice would you give to your church on how he could
Be ready for the final judgment. State three points.
By confessing.
Helping others in need.
Page 79 of 190
Obeying Christ’s instructions for Christian living.
(ii) List three ways in which Christian beliefs about the final judgment affect
Christians today. Give three points.
They have a duty to witness to others.
They warn people about the coming judgment.
They encourage people to enter the kingdom of God.
They remain obedient to God’s word and will.
They should do well to others.
(d) State two differences between Christianity and Hinduism with regard to
Christian – People will be primarily judged according to their response to
Hindus – People will be primarily judged according to their deeds.
Christian – When a Christian dies the soul goes to live with Christ.
Hindus – When a Hindu dies, his soul enters another body and
continues to live in the world.
Q 4. Narrate the parable of the waiting servants. (Luke 12:35-40).
Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning.
And you yourselves be like men who wait for their master when he will
return from.
The wedding that when he comes and knocks they may open to him
Blessed are those servants whom the master when he comes will find
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Assuredly I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to
eat and will come ad serve them.
And if he should come in the second watch or come in the third watch and
find them so blessed are those servants.
But know this that if the masters of the house had known what hour the
thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken
Therefore, you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you
do not expect.
(b) What do Christians learn from this story? Give three points.
Christians must be ready all the time.
Jesus will not announce his coming.
Christians should do their work faithfully and have everything ready for
their master.
(c) (i) Chileshe had Bible study with his friends that for one to enter the
Kingdom of God, he must attend church services regularly. State three
points of Christian advice you would give to Chileshe and friends on how
one can enter the kingdom of God.
Repentance (turning to God) – ceasing the way of life lived before hand.
Faith in Jesus.
Be born again.
(ii) In modern Zambia, how will the followers of Christ going be to rewarded.
Helping the needy.
Preaching to others.
(d) State one difference between Christianity and Zambian Tradition Religion on
their central ideas.
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Christian – communicate through Jesus Christ to the Supreme Being.
ZTR – communicate to the Supreme Being through ancestral spirits.
Tell the response of Jesus to the disciples Lord teach us how to pray! Luke
Relate the parable of the friend at midnight: Luke 11:5-13
Tell the story of the widow and the judge: Luke 18:1-8
Describe the incident of the Pharisee and the tax collector Luke 18;9-14
2. What is prayer according to Romans?
Prayer is talking to God and listening.
It is talking with God. Communicating with God
3. When should we pray?
Anytime, anywhere
A good time to pray privately is when reading the Bible each day.
Christians should also come together for prayer (Mtt 18:19-20)
4. How should we pray?
Private prayer: an individual communicate with God
Community prayer: a group of people meet together to pray
Prayer of nation: reaching out to others for example helping others.
5. What are common methods of prayer?
(i) Worship and thanksgiving: this involves praising and thanking God that he is
great and Holy.
(ii) Confession: This is telling God about wrong things one has done and if one
has failed him in any way.
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(iii) Intercession: this is praying for others, for example, the sick, poor, widows,
orphans, our families, friends etc.
(iv) For yourself: this is when an individual prays to God about any problem or
needs they might have
(v). Thanksgiving: thanking God for hearing and answering our prayers.
6. Jesus’ examples of private prayer
Jesus often went alone to pray to his father. Some of the occasions when prayed
alone are:
After he was baptized Luke 3:21
After he had healed many people Luke 4:42
When he gave thanks for food provided – Luke 5:16
Before he chose the twelve Apostles- Luke 6:12
When he gave thanks for food provided – Luke 9:6
Before he spoke of his coming suffering. Luke 9:18
Before the transfiguration Luke 9:28
Before going to the cross. Luke 22:20-45
At each important stage or occasion in his ministry, Jesus wanted to
communicate with God the father. He did this through prayer often. This is
shown especially in Gethsemane. We are aware of the strength Jesus drew from
communication with the Father because of his desire to do his will. That
mattered more to him that his suffering and separation from God, which he had
to experience when he bore the sins of the world.
The Lord’s pattern of prayer. Luke 11:1-4 Lessons from the passage
Jesus pattern prayer encouraged us to bring our personal needs to God,
believing that he hears and answers, Jesus made a wonderful promise, if you
ask in my name do it John 14:12-13. Christian prayer is usually made to God,
our father, the name of Jesus. We must be careful to follow Christ’s teaching in
Mt 6:7, not to repeat a set of words which we do not understand or which do not
come from the heart.
Christians attitudes to prayer
The friend at Midnight, Luke 11;5:13 meaning of the parable/teaching
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This parable teaches the importance of perseverance or persistence I
We never ask God in vain, he will always answer.
God is never reluctant to answer.
The widow and the judge, Luke 18:1-8 teaching from the story
This story is ungodly, selfish who was not moved by a widow begging for justice.
He finally settles the case because she is a nuisance. Judges were supposed to
have special concern for the helpless such as the widows, orphans and the poor
but they often corrupt and selfish. Only people who had influence or money to
pay brides could have their cases attended to. The widow had no money, no one
to help her, she got what she needed by persistence. By contrast, God is not like
a judge, God helps the needy and oppressed. We can rely on him to help us if we
trust him in persistent prayer.
The Pharisee and Tax-collector, Luke 18:9-14 teaching of parable
Prayer must be addressed to God. The Pharisee was only interested in him and
did not have faith in God, but only in his own religious works and so he was
condemned for his pride. The tax-collector had faith in God and he know he was
a sinner, so admitted his sins to God, humanity and sorrow for his sins he does
not listen to those who try to tell him about their own good deeds.
Some ways in which God may answer prayers:
Always believe that he will answer: he may not answer at once- or in the
way you want, but believe that he will
Pray in Christ’s name: answers because we pray in his son’s name. His
name is our authority to come to Christ.
Pray according to God’s will: we ask God to answer our prayers in the
way he wants to. Sometimes, he has to say no.
Always obey: God will answer when we are obedient to him, not just
pleasing ourselves. Right living will make sure our prayers are answered.
10. Prayer in the three religious traditions
Zambian Tradition Religion
In some traditions, an alter is made at every house for contact with the
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At that special place, sacrifices are offered to the spirits. To give them a
share of the food, harvest, esp, in famine and sickness.
Many pray without making offerings prayers are commonest form of
worship, some long and formal, most short and direct.
Prayers are made through the ancestral spirits, as mediators between man
and Supreme Being (God). He is not worshipped.
Most believe that if all is well, there is no need to pray to God as it may
bother him and annoy him.
Community prayer is more common than private as most people that God
is more interested in community than an individual.
Prayer is one of the essential five pillars of Muslim practice.
Islamic law does not excuse the ill from offering prayers as a sick person
may not pray lying down, nor is he excused from prayer because he cannot go
to the mosque. He may pray at home, facing the direction of Mecca.
At noon on Friday, which is the Muslim holy day, special congregational
are said at the Mosque. There is also a sermon given on the moral, social or
political issues. This could be compared with the Sunday service in the Christian
Prayer has a very important position in the Hindu tradition; it has a central
role in influencing thought processes.
The nature of Hindu prayer is very diverse. The Hindu prays basically to
the ultimate God, Brahman, the great soul, but is encouraged to see God in the
form of various gods and goddesses, or even nature.
During prayer, a Hindu may chant his own special verse (Mantra), from
the sacred books. He may just sit in a quite spot and try to be one with nature.
This exercise is meant to dive out from his mind all passions, thoughts and
worries, and to help him experience peace and happiness for a few moments to
become one with Brahman.
Congregational prayer is not common among the Hindus.
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Religious comparison on prayer
Christianity Vs Zambian Tradition on Prayer
Both believe that prayer is a way of communicating with Supreme Being.
Both have special places where they conduct prayer.
Community prayer is common in both
Both pray through a mediator
Christians: prayer is made through Jesus as the mediator
Z.TR Prayer is only done at special times, e.g when there is famine or disease,
but when all is fine, there is no need to pray.
Christian: prayer is done at any time anywhere
Z.T.R Prayer is only done at special times e.g when there is famine or disease,
but when all is fine, there is no need to pray.
Christianity Vs Islam on prayer
In both, prayer is an essential part of religious practice
In both, there is congregational prayer.
Christians: there is no fixed number of times one can pray in a day.
Islam: Muslim pray five times in a day
Christians: one does not need to face in any special direction during
Islam: Muslim pray while facing Mecca.
Christianity Vs Hinduism
Both attach great importance to prayer.
Both pray to God.
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Christians: Are not encouraged to see God in various forms of gods or goddesses,
because it’s idolatry.
Hindus: are encouraged to see God in various forms of gods and goddesses.
Unit 3: Jesus’ Attitude to other people
Bible texts: a) Zaccheaus the Tax-collector (Luke 19:1-10)
b) The Adulterous woman. (Luke 7:36-50)
c) The Good Samaritan: (Luke 10:25-37)
d) The rich man and Lazarous (Luke 16:19-31)
e) The unforgiving servant (mt 18:21-35)
f) The lost sheep and coin. (Luke 15:1-10)
g) A gentle widow and the leper (Luke 4:16-30)
h) The faith of a Roman Officer. (Luke 7:1-9)
i) Jesus and Zacchaeus. (Luke 19:1-19)
Unpopular and despised people in Zambia
People have different attitudes towards others, particularly the unpopular or
despised people. They may dislike or refuse friendship with someone. They
sometimes mock, ignore and isolate them. Some of the causes of this dislike are:
jealousy, pride, fear, mockery and poverty.
Examples of groups of people who are despised or unpopular are: the poor,
uneducated blind, handicapped, prostitutes, thieves, and people of other races
or nationalities, and HIV/AIDS patients.
How the despised and unpopular people can be helped
By providing them with practical skills, materials and spiritual help.
It is also important to mix with people of other races and the HIV/AIDS
positive patients.
Jesus’ attitude to despised and unpopular people
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At the time of Jesus, leprosy was considered to be a very unclean disease,
which required not only healing but also cleaning.
Jesus was supposed to keep away from despised and unpopular, but he
associated with them.
He had compassion, love, pit and sympathy for the lepers and that’s why
He healed, mixed and touched them.
He however respected the Jewish laws about leprosy and insisted that
healed lepers obey the laws.
Tax – Collector
Tax- collectors were another group of people that was despised at the time of
Jesus. These were treated outcasts in the society because they were traitors to
the nation and they worked for the Roman Government. They were hated
because they were known as cheaters since they overcharged people.
Jesus told the Pharisees that, if tax collectors were bad, they were the ones
who needed his help, e.g. Levi and Zaccheus.
To become a friend of God, instead of an enemy, he also had to make
friends with his fellow men.
Jesus was able to look beyond the selfishness and cheating and saw a man
was “lost” and needed to be put right with God.
According to Jewish thought, “Sinners” were groups of people who did not keep
the Law of Moses in all its detail. Those who mixed with Gentiles and tax
collectors made themselves unclean. Strict Jews believed that salvation in
keeping the law strictly. Those who did not, were considered outcasts and
unclean and no seemingly holy man would associate with them.
Jesus was not interested in social evils as such. He was concerned about
the person who was a victim of such evil. I.e. the adulterous woman, the parable
of the money lender, Lender, Luke 7:36-50.
In the story above (adulterous Woman) Simon is surprised that Jesus
should allow this show of emotion from such a sinful woman. In answer to this
criticism, Jesus tells him of a Parable of two men who owed money to a money
Jesus shows Simon three things
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Simon was wrong in condemning Christ’s attitude to this woman, who had
already repented.
A repentant sinner is already a better person than proud person who is
into aware of sin.
Jesus reinstates the woman in society, admits her sinful past, but publicly
announces that her sins had been forgiven.
Simon had to learn that pride is a great sin before God. Pride is a great God.
Pride does not admit and need for forgiveness. Simon’s pride stopped him from
seeing the spiritual need in his own life, it made him as great sinner as the
Gentiles were non-Jews and as such Jesus was not supposed to mix with them.
Jesus attitude to gentiles showed that he was following the law by treating
them with respect and helping them, Luke 7:1-10
The Pharisees followed their traditions, which kept them away from all
contact with gentiles.
Kindness and selfishness. (Luke 10:25-37)
In the parables of the good Samaritans, a Jewish lawyer came with a questions
about internal life. Jesus replied that it is not obtained by some special act.
Spiritual blessings does come from knowledge of scripture in itself, but from how
we understand it and apply it to ourselves.
Jesus’ teaching about forgiveness
Parable of the unforgiving servant, Mt 18:23-35
Only God’s unlimited forgiveness makes it possible for the sinners to enter his
kingdom. The best evidence that we belong to that kingdom is the depth of our
forgiveness and love to those who wrong us. The unforgiving servants illustrates
that God has forgiven us for debt quite beyond our means to repay, but we often
show lack of forgivingness to those whose debts of wrong doing to us is very
small, in comparison to what we owe God. The means to repay, but we often
show lack of forgiveness if we are unforgiving (Mark 11:25).
The passage in Mathew 18:15-20 concerns steps which Jesus gave towards
restoring to fellowship Christians who have done wrong.
A personal visit, straight to the off ender, to talk about it, if he refuses to repent.
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Another visit with two or three godly people, not to judge but to try and bring
repentance and reconciliation. If he still refuses.
Take it to the church. The offender is taken before the congregation, to try to
settle the matter. If he still refuses;
treat him as an outsider. No longer a member of the fellowship.
The lust step in such a case must be to continue in prayer, to stimulate concern
for the offender.
Parable of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son (Luke 15:1-30)
The parables were told in reply to the criticism of Jesus by the scribes and
Pharisees, who believed that tax collectors and sinners were beyond hope of
God’s forgiveness. Jews were aware for the mercy of God, but for the National
rather the individual. Jesus emphasized God’s interests in each person.
Love and tolerance
Jesus uses the Greek work “Agape’ for love. It describes love, which takes
an active interest in the welfare of others. It does not expect anything in return.
Christians should show this active love to all, even enemies.
Love does not more than it needs to, because even people who have no
religion love to their friends. Acts of kindness will receive God’s reward, if done
from proper motives. Mathew 5;43-48
b) Intolerance and lack of love
1. The Samaritans had been enemies of the Jews for centuries. They hated to
have the Jews pass through their province on their way to Jerusalem.
2. Jesus disapproved of the kind of exclusive, intolerant behavior shown by one
of his disciples when he cut off Marcus’s ears Luke 22:47-53. Jesus
demonstrates his love, compassion and forgiveness. Towards his enemies. He
shows his disciples an act of tolerance by healing Marcus wound.
3. Jesus was the friend of Gentiles and tax collectors. He did not despise or
ignore them. He tried to bring them into the Kingdom. Our attitude towards the
despise people in society must be:
(a) Always being willing to pray for them.
(b) To encourage them to repent
(c) Helping them
(d) An attitude of love will often bring such people back into fellowship with God
other Christians.
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Teaching on love, forgiveness and tolerance in other religions
Zambian Traditional Religion
In the traditional Zambian Community
There was love to each other especially for the unfortunate ones:
Revenge was discouraged strangers and visitors were welcome
A deep sense of kingship controlled how people behaved together and to
each other. Each had his place in the system.
If one person offended another in his behavior, they were expected to ask
for forgiveness.
Islam declares that all men are brothers and equal in their status as
human beings. A man’s merit does not depend on his family, connections or his
weather, but on whether he is better than others in moral conduct and holiness.
In any matters to do with their religious, Muslim is unyielding.
Revenge is allowed (condoned) by the Qur’an, especially against those who
do not believe in Islam. A host will even go hungry in order to feed a guest.
Hinduism is not an aggressive religion. It has been practices through love,
forgiveness and tolerance.
Hinduism has never tried to expand itself by religious persecution, or by
imposing its principles on other. Rather the principle of winning over all
opponents by love and forgiveness has been practiced and preached at all
opponents by love and forgiveness.
Hinduism believes in external love, not the kind that expects any return,
not motivated but for the unity of soul and mind. It is a spiritual love and is
above all materials give and take.
Forgiveness is the main principle in Hinduism. Wrongdoers are expected
to be forgiven. Forgiveness is not a weakness, but comes from a strong feeling of
liberalism and broadness of mind.
Tolerance is an important teaching in Hinduism and it has its own reward
in the long run. Tolerance shows strong character and spiritual strength of mind.
Hinduism itself has survived through tolerance.
Religious comparison on love, forgiveness and tolerance
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Christianity Vs Zambian Tradition religion on love, forgiveness and
Both believe that the offender must ask for forgiveness
In both, revenge is discouraged and visitors and strangers are welcome.
Christians: their love for Christ controls how they behave together and
towards each other. Z.T.R.A deep sense of kinship controls how people together
and towards each other.
Christianity Vs Islam on love, forgiveness and tolerance
Both show hospitality to enemies
Both believe in common brotherhood of all mankind.
Christians: No revenge is allowed
Muslims: revenge is allowed to non-believers
Muslims: No forgiveness or tolerance for opposes of Allah’s word.
Christianity Vs Hinduism on Love, Forgiveness and Tolerance
Both forgive wrong doers
Both win opponents through love, forgiveness and tolerance.
Both don’t condone revenge
Both believe in ‘agape” love, which is unconditional.
Christians: show love, forgiveness and tolerance to all through Christ’s
Hindus: show love, forgiveness and tolerance in his/her own strength.
Christians: allow the Holy Spirit to produce unselfishness, humility and love to
counteract intolerance and lack of love.
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Hindus: The Hindus religion has survived through tolerance, hence it is a matter
of pride and own effort.
Jesus’ attitude to other people
(a) Tell the parable of the unforgiving servant (or the unmerciful
servant) Mt. 18:21-35.
Then Peter came to Him and said, ‘Lord how often shall my brother sin
against me, and I forgive him?
Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy
times seven.
Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle
accounts with his servants.
And when he had began to settle accounts with his servants,
One was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.
But as he was not able to pay, his master commanded that he be sold,
with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment be made.
The servant therefore fell down before him saying, ‘master, have patience
with me, and I will pay you all.’
Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him
and forgave him the debt.
But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed
him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat,
‘Pay me what you owe!’
So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him saying,
‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’
And he could not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay
the debt.
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So when his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were very
grieved, and came and told their master all that had been done.
Then his master, after he had called him, said to him,
‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me.
Should you not also had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had
pity on you?
And his master was angry, and delivered him to the tortures until he
should pay all that was due to him.
So my heavenly father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart,
does not forgive his brother his trespasses.
(b) (i) What was Jesus’ attitude to Gentiles? Give one point.
He treated them with respect and he helped them
He associated with them
Give two reasons why tax-collectors were outcasts in Jewish society.
They were regarded as traitors to the nation because they collected taxes
for the Roman government.
They were known to be cheats because they overcharged the people.
(c) Vitumbiko has been offended by his friend Mwiza. He goes on to tell another
friend that he will never talk to Mwiza again. As a Christian friend, remind him
of the necessary steps people need to take to set wrong – doer’s right according
to Jesus teaching. State three of these steps.
A personal visit, straight to the offender to talk to the offender. If he refuses
to repent.
Then another visit two or three Godly people, not to judge but to try and
bring repentance and reconciliation. If he still refuses,
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Take it to the church. The offender is taken before the local church, to try
to settle the matter. If he still refuses, treat him as an outcast. No longer a
member of the fellowship.
(d) What was Jesus illustrating I the parable of the unforgiving servant.
God has forgiven us for a debt quite beyond our means to repay.
We often show lack of forgiveness to those whose debt of wrong doing to
us is very small in comparison to what we woe God.
Your uncle Mr. Nkole is a very successful businessman who recently was
swindled out of millions of Kwacha by his nephew. He is so angry that he has
vowed to take his nephew to court and have him imprisoned.
Give three points of Christian advice against his intentions.
We cannot expect forgiveness if we are unforgiving.
God has forgiven us for a debt completely beyond our means to repay.
Forgiveness shows the evidence that we belong to the kingdom of God.
(e) Give
two points of similarity and two of difference between Christian
and Muslim attitudes to their enemies.
Both show hospitality to their enemies.
Both believe in common brotherhood of all mankind.
Christians: No revenge is allowed
Muslims: Revenge is allowed to non-believers
Christians: forgiveness is encouraged to all mankind.
Muslims: No forgiveness or tolerance for opposers of Allah’s word.
2. (a) Tell the story of Jesus meeting with Zacchaeus: (Luke 19:1-10)
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Jesus entered Jericho, and was passing through.
A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus.
He was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.
He wanted to see who Jesus was.
But being a short man he could not because of the crowed.
So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore fig tree to see him,
See Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him,
Zacchaeus come down immediately.
I must stay at your house today.
So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
All the people saw this and began to say,
He has gone to be the guest of a sinner,
But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord! Here and now
I give half of my possession to the poor.
And if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times
the amount.
Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to his house, because this
man too is a son of Abraham.
For the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost.
(b) Mention three despised groups of people that existed at the time of Jesus and
state why each one of them was despised.
They were despised because at the time of Jesus, the Jews believed that sickness
was caused by either the sin of the sick person, or by the sin of his relatives. The
sickness was sent as punishment for that sin. It was looked upon as a mark of
God’s displeasure.
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Tax Collectors
They were treated as outcasts in society because they were regarded as traitors
to the nations because they collected taxes for the roman government.
They were despised because they were known as cheats because they
overcharged the people.
They were despised because they did not keep the Law of Moses in every detail
and that they mixed with Gentiles and so made themselves unclean.
These were non- Jews. Since they did not follow the religion of the Jews, they
were regarded as sinners, disobedient to God.
(c) A Christian couple decides to know their status. They go for VCT and discover
that the husband is positive but the wife is negative. The wife accuses the
husband of being unfaithful and decides to leave him.
Give one point of argument she could give to support her decision and state
two Christian responses you could give her against her decision.
Answer: Argument:
Unfaithfulness in marriage is sin.
Christian Response
She should forgive the husband because forgiveness is the evidence that
we belong to the kingdom of God.
We are expected to forgive those who do wrong to us that we can also
receive forgiveness.
(d) State one similarity and one difference between Christian and Hindu teaching
on forgiveness, love and tolerance.
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Both forgive wrong doers
Both win opponents through love, forgiveness and tolerance
Both do not condone revenge
Both believe in agape love, which is unconditional
Christians – show love, forgiveness and tolerance to all through Christ’s love.
- show love, forgiveness and tolerance in his or her own strength.
Christians – allow the Holy Spirit to produce unselfish, humility and love to
counteract in tolerance and lack of love.
- the Hindus religion has survived through tolerance; hence it is a
matter of pride and own effort.
3. (a) Relate the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus
“Teacher,” he asked,” What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
What is written in the law? He replied.
How do you read it?
He answered, love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind;
And love your neighbor as you love yourself
You have answered correctly, Jesus replied.
Do this and you will live
But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus,
And who is my neighbor?
In reply Jesus said, ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho,
When he fell into the hands of robbers,
They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half
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A priest happened to be going down the same road,
And when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the
other side.
But a Samaritan, as he travelled, came where the man was;
And when he saw him, he took pity on him,
He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.
Then he put the man on his donkey,
The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the inn keepers.
Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will reimburse you for any
extra expense you may have.
Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers!
The expert in the Law replied, “The one who had mercy on him”
Jesus told him, ‘go and do likewise.’
(b) What does the parable teach about different attitudes to other people?
State one bad and one right attitude.
Bad Attitude
(i) A priest and Levite by passed the man. They did not show compassion to him.
Good Attitude
(ii) The Samaritan regardless the enemity which existed, went to the man,
bandaged his wounds and took him to an inn. He showed compassion, Love and
had pity on him.
(c) The union leaders had been entrusted to negotiate for better living conditions
for workers, but they decide to give hefty salaries only to those in management
positions and very little to junior workers. State three points to Christian
teaching about the right attitudes to other people.
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(i) There should be no segregation.
(ii Accept them the way they are, show them sympathy.
(iii) Mix with them and show them love.
(d) State two similarities and two differences with regard to Christian and
Muslim attitudes to their enemies.
Answer – as in Q ‘1’
4. (a) Tell the parable of the lost sheep and Coin (Luke 15:1-10)
Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to him.
But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law complained that this man
associates himself with sinners and eats with them.
Then Jesus told them this parable.
Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.
Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost
sheep until he finds it?
And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home.
then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with
I have found my lost sheep.
I tell you that in the same there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one
sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do need to
Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and losses one.
Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she
finds it?
And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbours together and
says; ‘Rejoice with me.’
I have found my lost coin
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In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of angels of
God over one sinner who repents.
(b) (i) Jesus told this parable in response to a criticism. What was the
criticism? State one point.
That he associated himself with sinners and ate with them.
(ii) What two aspects of God’s mercy are portrayed in this parable?
His searching for each lost one, and
His rejoicing when the lost is found.
(c) Misozi leaves her parents’ home to join her friends on the streets who earn a
living through prostitution. Her sister is upset and says she doesn’t want to
consider her as her sister anymore. What advice can you give Kamuzyu on what
her attitude towards her sister should be? Give three points.
Kamuzyu should forgive her sister because forgiveness is the evidence that
we belong to the God.
If we expect God to forgive us, we should also forgive those who wrong us.
She should show love to her sister.
Remember that God has forgiven us for a debt quite beyond our means to
(d) State one similarity and one difference between Christian and Hindu
teachings on love and forgiveness.
Both forgive wrong doers.
Both win opponents through love, forgiveness and tolerance.
Both do not condone revenge.
Both believe in ‘agape’ love, which is unconditional.
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Christians: show love, forgiveness and tolerance to all through Christ’s
show love, forgiveness and tolerance in his or her own strength.
Christians: allow the Holy Spirit to produce unselfishness, humility and
love to counteract intolerance and lack of love.
the Hindu religion has survived through tolerance; hence it is a
matter of pride and own effort.
5. (a) Relate the parable of the prodigal son. (Luke 15:11-33)
Jesus continued, “There was a man who had two sons.”
The younger one said to his father, ‘Father give me my share of the estate.’
So he divided his property between them.
Not long after that the younger son got together all he had, set off a distant
country, and he began to be in need.
So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him
to his fields to feed pigs.
He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating.
But no none gave him anything.
When he came to his senses, he said,
‘How many of my father’s hired men have food to spare, and here iam
starving to death.
So he got up and went to his father
But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with
compassion for him;
He ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against you.
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I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
But the father said to his servants,
Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him.
Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Bring the fattened calf and kill it.
Let’s have a feast and celebrate.
For this son of mine was dead and is alive again;
He was lost and is found.
‘So they began to celebrate.
Meanwhile, the older son was in the field.
When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing.
Your brother has come; he replied, and your father has killed the fattened
calf because he has him back safe and sound.
The older brother became angry and refused to go in.
So his father went out and pleaded with him.
But he answered his father, ‘look!
All these years I’ve been saving for you and never disobeyed your orders.
Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my
But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with
prostitutes come home, you kill the fattened calf for him!.
“My son, the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is
But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was
dead and is alive again;
He was lost and is found.
(b) State three aspects of God’s mercy which Christians may learn from this
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(i) God’s concern for the lost.
(ii) God loves the sinner before he repents.
(iii) When a sinner repents, God forgives him and restores him to His great
(c) Chisha, a school girl who falls pregnant returns to school to continue her
studies after giving birth. But some of the teachers and pupils harass and laugh
at her. What Christian advice would you give the teachers and pupils in relation
to their attitude towards Chisha. State three points.
They should show love to her.
They should rejoice that she has come to her senses and repents.
They should forgive her and accept her as a pupil.
(d) Give two similarities and one difference between Christian and Hindu
teaching on love and forgiveness.
Answer as in Q ‘4 d’.
The Adulterous woman (Luke 7:36-50)
Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him,
So he went to the Pharisees’ house and reclined at the table.
When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus
was eating at the Pharisees’ house,
She bought an alabaster jar of perfume,
And as she stood behind him at his feet with her tears.
Then she wiped them wither hair, kissed them and poured perfume on
When the Pharisees who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, if
this man were a prophet;
He would know who is touching him and what kind of a woman she is that
she is a sinner.
Jesus answered him, Simon I have something to tell you,
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Tell me teacher, he said.
Two men owed money to a certain money lender.
One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.
Neither of them had the money to pay him back.
So he cancelled the debts of both.
Now which of them will love him more?
Simon replied, I suppose the one who had the bigger debt cancelled.
You have judged correctly, Jesus said,
Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, ‘Do you see this woman?
I came into your house, you did not give me any water for my feet,
But she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has
not stopped kissing my feet.
You did not put oil on my feet.
But she has poured perfume on my feet.
Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-for she loved much.
But he who has been forgiven little loves little.
Then Jesus said to her, ‘your sins are forgiven.
The other guests began to say among themselves, “who is this who even
forgives sins?
Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.
The faith of the Roman Officer (Luke 7:1-9) (The healing of the Centurion’s
When Jesus had finished saying all this, in the hearing of the people, he
entered Capernum.
And a certain Centurion’s servant, who was dear to him, was sick and
ready to die.
So when he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading
with him to come and heal his servant.
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And when they came to Jesus, they begged Him earnestly, saying that the
one for whom He should do this was deserving.
For he loves our nation, and has built us a synagogue.
Then Jesus went with them.
And when He went with them from the house, the Centurion sent friends
to Him, saying to him.
Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to come to you.
But say a word, and my servant will be healed.
For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me.
And I say to one ‘Go’ and he goes;
And to another ‘come’ and he comes;
And to my servant, ‘Do this, ‘and he does it.
When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around
and said to the crowed that followed Him,
“I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!!”
Marcus’ ear cut by one of the disciples (Jesus’ disapproval of kind of
intolerant behavior) (Luke 22:47-53)
And while He was still speaking, behold, a multitude; and he who was
called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them and drew near to Jesus to kiss
But Jesus said to him, “Judas are you betraying the son of man with a
When those around Him saw what going to happen, they said to Him,
“Lord, shall we strike with the sword?”
And one of the disciples struck the servant of the high priest and cut off
his right ear.
But Jesus answered and said, “Permit even this.”
And He touched his ear and healed him.
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Then Jesus said to the Chief Priests, Captains of the temple, and the
Elders who had come to Him,
“Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs?”
“When I was with you daily in the temple you not try to seize me.
But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”
Jesus demonstrates His Love, compassion and forgiveness towards His enemies.
He shows His disciples an act of tolerance by healing Marcus wound.
Jesus was the friend of Gentiles and Tax-collectors. He did not despise or ignore
them. He tried to bring them into the kingdom.
Our attitude towards the despised people in society must be:
Always be willing to pray for them.
(ii) To encourage them to repent.
(iii) Helping them.
(iv) An attitude of love will often bring such people back into fellowship with God
and other Christians.
A Gentle widow and the Leper (Luke 4:16-30)
So he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up.
And as His custom was, He went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day,
and stood up to read to
And He was handed the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
Because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;
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He was sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives.
And recovery of sight to the blind.
To set at liberty those who are oppressed.”
Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down.
And He began to say to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your
So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which
proceeded out of His mouth.
And they said, “is this not Joseph’s son?”
He said to them, “You will surely say this proverb to me. ‘Physician, heal
yourself! Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in your
But I tell you truly, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah, when
the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great
famine throughout all the land;
But to none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath who was a widow.
And many Lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet and none
of then were cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.
So all those in the Synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled
with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city;
And they led Him out of the city was built, that they might throw Him down
over the cliff.
Then passing through the midst of them, He went his way.
Unit 4: Suffering
Bible texts: a) Peter’s Confessions of faith (Luke 9:18-21)
(b)Suffering and death of John the Baptist (Mathew 6:17-29, 7:18-28)
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(c) The transfiguration. (Luke 9:28-36: Islam 52:13; 53:12)
(d) The sufferings of Job. (Job 1 and 2)
(e) Jesus’ suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Luke 22:39-46)
Suffering is an experience that all living creatures undergo. Human beings
experience suffering throughout their lives. For instance they fall sick, loss of
friends and relatives or emotional turmoil. These kinds of suffering affect us
spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Our reactions to suffering
When a person experiences suffering we must help by.
Encouraging the person not to give up but try hard
Giving material or spiritual support
Gathering to mourn and give comfort if it is a funeral
Not mocking or rejecting the person who is experiencing suffering.
Explanations for suffering
Christians have their own views on why people suffer. Suffering is basically the
result of a sin cursed world.
Before Adam and Eve sinned, there was not suffering. Today God allows people
to suffer for various reasons, i.e
To test and purity their faith-1 Peter 1:6-7
To punish them for their sins and disobedience – Deut 28:15-24
To discipline them and teach them – Hebrews 12:5-11
To teach them to depend on God for everything. 11 Corinthians 12:7-10
It is of the cost of following Christ. Mathew 8:34-35.
The different causes of suffering
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Many people believe that suffering does not just come; there must be some
sources of causes. Each type of suffering has its own source.
It comes from a fallen world containing evil.
People sometimes can bring suffering on themselves due to their own
Because of jealousy or hatred, people have caused suffering for others.
Though it is believed that God in control. He sometimes allows Satan to
bring tragedies to man (Job 1 and 2)
Avoidable suffering
Though some sufferings can be avoided, other, such as death, cannot, examples
of avoidable sufferings are cholera, Dysentery, HIV/AIDS is a deadly and killer
diseases, it is completely preventable. It is passed diseases. (Note: study the
causes, symptoms and prevention methods of AIDS in detail).
Effects of AIDS on the family.
Disintegration of families as children has to be ‘sanhred”.
Loss of breadwinner
Stress on the extended family, which traditionally has the responsibility to
care for the orphans.
Other members of the family may abandon their jobs to care for the sick
Funeral and mourning costs leave the family ill equipped for the future
Many orphans will never receive health care and education.
Effects of AIDS on the Nation
Treatment of the opportunistic infections is expensive and will place a
considerable strain on the government delivery of health services
Increases in the number of orphans make it difficult for them to provide
adequate education and social services.
The number of street kids will rise and child labour will become more
common as orphans look for ways to survive.
Effects/impact of HIV/AIDS on Education
Reduces number of trained teachers and therefore lack of skilled
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Increased absenteeism due to illness, thus affecting performance.
Reduces number of education officers due to death
Reduces public finance
Family resources are reduce as money another resources are spent on the
Some children, especially girls, are unable to attend school, as they have
to remain at home to look after patients.
Effects of AIDS on the Economy
The productive human resources are drastically reduced
The quality and quantity of labour and overall production is affected.
Loss of skilled and experienced workers means higher replacement and
training costs.
How to avoid various types of suffering
Though some suffering cannot be avoided, there are others that can be. There
are many ways in which various types of suffering may be avoided. Some of which
Good moral standards (proverbs 5:7-12)
Proper use of drugs
Caring for the environment
Respect for human rights
Population control.
Peter’s confession of faith (Luke 9:18-21)
The bible passage is mean to show that Jesus’ suffering was the fulfillment of
the Old Testament prophecy and the problems that Jesus’ disciples had in
understanding the fact that Jesus had to suffer die for mankind. In the Old
Testament, two vivid sides of Jesus are shown; i.e.
12. Reasons why the Jews failed to understand why Jesus could be the
ruling king and suffering servants.
They expected the Messiah to chase the Romans away.
They expected the messiah to be the King and live in luxury and comfort.
They expected the Messiah to be a power political leader.
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Meaning of the Phrase “son of Man”
His suffering and glory
His life on earth in manhood. (as a human being)
His future coming, in glory and power of his Kingdom.
Jesus tells of His coming suffering. Luke 9:21:22
The cost Christ paid to make salvation possible
Often a sign of obedience to God’s will
The disciples had discovered an important truth about Jesus:
He was the Messiah, and now.
The Messiah must suffer.
The meaning of the phrase “I must”
“The son of Man must suffer… ‘Jesus often used the phrase, “I must” – which
showed that:.
He saw his mission as the father’s will.
He had the father were one- John 10:30
God’s will was his will.
The transfiguration. Luke 9;28-36
This story shows how:
Jesus resisted temptation to avoid suffering
Jesus’ suffering was the fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophecy
Jesus’ disciples found it difficult to understand that Christ had to suffer.
Suffering for the Kingdom of God is:
o The cost Christ paid to make salvation possible.
o Often a sin of obedience to God’s will
17. The suffering and death of John the Baptist. Mathew 6:17 – 29; Luke
7:8-28from this story, we learnt that:
The way of Christ is not in special signs and great show, it grows gradually,
slowly, often through suffering and persecution.
John’s obedience to God’s will in preaching God’s message, the testing of
his faith, led him to glory and acceptance in the Kingdom.
The humblest believer in Christ now, is greater than John the Baptist.
Greater blessings are available to us through faith in Jesus Christ.
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If John and Jesus suffered for the Kingdom, we also must be willing to
Various religious teachings on suffering
Jesus, as the Messiah, came to suffer and die us. It was the only way God
could provide deliverance from sin.
Jesus’ followers must be willing to suffer
Christ’s followers must be ready to make sacrifice
God gives strength to endure suffering
Christians can have faith and hope even in suffering
During suffering, a Christian should not have fear of man but trust God
Christians should not be afraid to speak for god.
Suffering of any kind in Islam is accepted the will of Allah.
Muhammad himself had a difficult time. He was born in a wealthy family,
but became an while still very young and grew up in poverty.
Those who suffer for their religion or in defense of Islam are especially
commended by the Quran.
Those who fight in defense of Allah’s true religion will be guided and led
into paradise by God.
Hindus believe that suffering is part of our life and we cannot avoid it
Suffering is a gift of God an we have to bear it.
Suffering is a way to measure one’s strength of mind and soul.
A true Hindu believes that the more holy a person is, the greater his power
to bear suffering
According to the Hindus, the more you suffer, the more you are purified.
Suffering may bring you to physical death, but not to spiritual death.
Zambian Tradition Religion
Life is full of suffering because of sickness, famine, death and hunger
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Such things are said to be caused by magic, witchcraft, curses and spirits.
Death ends physical suffering, but there is no escape because the next
world also has its suffering.
Religious comparison on suffering
Christianity Vs. Islam on suffering
Both believe that there is suffering in the world.
Both believe that suffering can bring physical death.
Christians some suffering are not God’s responsibility, they are caused by
people themselves or others because of jealousy
Islam; suffering of any kind is accepted as the will of Allah
Christianity vs. Hinduism on suffering
Suffering may bring you to physical death, both not spiritual death.
The more one suffers, the more he is purified and stronger the faith.
Both expect to suffer and make sacrifices.
Christians: God may allow us to test our faith but too much suffering is
tragic and couldn’t possibly come from a caring God
Hindus: everything comes from the gods even suffering
Christians: suffering is a test of one’s faith to prove that it is real
Hindus: suffering is a way to measure one’s mind and soul
Christians: all Christians at times suffer; it does not depend on the amount
of holiness, but gives strength to endure it.
Christians: it is only God who can end suffering
Hindus: suffering can end if we give our desires and ambitions
(c)Christianity Vs Zambian Tradition Religion
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Both believe that suffering is there
Both believe that suffering may lead to physical death
1 Christians: Ask God to remove suffering
Z.T.Z doesn’t ask God to remove suffering because he is not the cause of it.
A. Relate the story of the transfiguration of Jesus (Luke 9:28-36).
Jesus took Peter, John and James with him and went up a hill to pray.
While he was praying, his face changed its appearance, and his clothes
became dazzling white.
Suddenly, two were there talking with him.
They were Moses and Elijah who appeared in heavenly glory and talked
him about his death at Jerusalem.
The apostles were asleep.
Woke up and saw Jesus glory.
Saw the two men with him.
Peter said, “It is good that we are here, we will make three tents.
One for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
As he spoke, a cloud came and covered them.
The apostles were afraid,
A voice spoke from the cloud.
“This is my son, my chosen, listen to him”.
When the voice stopped, Jesus was alone.
The apostles told no one what have seen.
(b) (i) What teaching do Christians learn from this story on suffering? Give
one Point.
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Suffering is the cost Christ paid to make salvation possible.
Suffering is often a sign of obedience to God’s will.
(ii) Explain why the disciples of Jesus Christ had difficulties in accepting
Jesus as the suffering Messiah, state one point.
They expected the Messiah to be a powerful political leader.
They expected Jesus to be king and could not accept the idea of his future
suffering and death.
They expected a national deliverer in the person of Jesus and this
prevented them from understanding the suffering of Messiah.
(c) (i) A newly converted Christian does not understand why Christians
should suffer for the sake of Christ and others. What Christian advice would
you give to such a one. Give three points.
Because God can use your acceptance of suffering to help others.
Christians should suffer for the cost Christ paid to make salvation
Christians should suffer as an indication of their obedience to the will of
(ii) How do people reach to suffering in modern society? Give three points.
Some go to witch doctors to get advice
Christians tend to resort to prayers and sometimes fasting, asking God for
the way forward.
Others get with drawn from real life and decide to stay alone quietly.
Others people can opt for suicide.
Others may resort to excess alcohol, claiming that they will forget and
(d) State two similarities between Christian and Hindu teachings on
Both accept suffering as coming from God.
Both believe suffering may bring a person to physical death but no
spiritual death.
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The more you suffer the stronger your faith.
Christianity: God may allow us to suffer to test our faith but much suffering is
tragic and could not possibly come from a caring God.
Hindu: Everything comes from God even suffering.
Christianity: Suffering is a test of one’s faith to prove that it is real.
Hindu: Suffering is a way to measure one’s strength and soul.
(a) Describe how Jesus was mocked by the soldiers and the criminals
(Mathew 27:27-31)
Then the governors’ soldiers took Jesus into the palace and gathered the
whole troops around him. They took off his clothes and put a bright red cap on
They twisted some thorns into a crown, placed it on his head and put a
stick, on his right hand.
They knelt in front of him and made fun of him by saying, “long live the
king of the Jews.”
After they had spit on him, they took the stick and kept hitting him on the
head with it.
After the soldiers finished making fun of Jesus, they took off the cape and
put on his clothes on.
Then they led him away to crucify him.
On the way they found a man named Simon.
He was from the city of Cyrene.
The soldiers forced him to carry Jesus’ cross.
They came to the place called Gologotha (skull).
They gave him a drink of wine mixed with a drug called gall.
He refused to drink it after tasting it.
They crucified him, and divide his clothes amongst themselves by throwing
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They placed a written accusation above his head, “this is Jesus, the king
of the Jews.”
Two criminals were crucified with him, one on his right and the other his
Those who passed by insulted him.
They shook their heads, and said,
“You were going to tear down God’s temple and build it again in three
Save yourself if you are the son of God, “come down from the cross.”
The soldiers made fun of him too, they said,
“He saved others, but he can’t save himself.
So he is Israel’s king!
‘Let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe.’
Even the criminals crucified with him were insulting the same way.
(b) Why did the disciples find it difficult to accept the fact that Jesus had to suffer
and die on the cross? Give two points.
They expected Jesus to be king and could not accept the idea of his
future suffering and death.
They expected the Messiah to be a powerful political leader.
(c) (i) A Christian has been convicted and imprisoned for a case he did not
commit. How would he relate his suffering to that of Jesus? Give three points.
Jesus died for us sinners and this demonstrates God’s great love love
towards us sinners.
Jesus Christ died in our place. He took our punishment.
We must believe in Him and put trust in him by faith.
He must never lose hope but look up to God for help in prayer.
(ii) How do people react to suffering in modern Zambian Society? Give three
Some people stand firm during hard times.
Some look up to God in prayers
Others resort to medicine man for protection from witches.
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Some seek for counseling from friends, relatives and pastors.
In what ways are Christian’s teachings on suffering different from those
of ZTR. Give two points.
- Christianity: Christians can have hope and faith, even in suffering.
- ZTR: Such things one said to cause by magic, witchcraft, causes and spirits.
- Christianity: Jesus followers must be ready or willing to suffer. His kingdom
grows gradually often through suffering and persecution.
- ZTR: Life is full of suffering because of sickness, death, famine and hunger,.
- Christianity: During suffering a Christian should not fear man, but trust in
- ZTR: Suffering is physical, not spiritual.
(a) Relate the story of Jesus suffering in the garden of Gethsemane
(Luke 22:39-46)
Jesus went out as usual on the Mount of Olives.
His disciples followed him.
When he arrived he said to them, pray that you won’t be tempted.
He then withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down and
‘Father if it is your will, take this cup of suffering away from me.
However, your will must be done, not mine.
Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength.
So he prayed very hard in anguish. His sweat became like chops of blood
falling to the ground.
When Jesus ended his prayer, he got up and wet to his disciples, he found
than asleep and overcome with sadness.
He said to them, ‘why are you sleeping?
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Get up and pray so that you won’t be tempted.
(b) Give three points that explain why people suffer?
People suffer because of their own conduct must have good moral
standards and must have a sense of responsibility.
In certain situations, people have caused suffering for others. This could
be due to hatred and jealousy.
Suffering Evil, e.g, crime, robbery, murder
(c) (i) The Copperbelt province is planning to hold a social science fair of which
they intend to invite Mr. Smith who’s a well-known motivational speaker. He
intends to speak on a very serious problem to do with HIV/AIDS. Give three
points you feel should not be left out as ways that can be used to prevent
contracting the disease.
Have self-control, avoid sexual immorality.
Avoid traditional circumcision.
Avoid blood transfusion with infected blood.
(ii) In what ways do people in Zambian Modern Society react to suffering?
Same pray to God for help and strength
Others go to witchdoctors to find out the cause of suffering.
Others blame themselves.
Others blame God.
(d) Give one similarity and difference between Christianity and ZTR about death.
They both accept that there is death.
Christianity: Jesus death is the only way to cancel sin and bring salvation to
ZTR: Death is accepted, but it can be prevented because it’s always caused by
another agent, (Satan).
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(a) Relate the story of Jesus’ suffering in the garden of Gethsemane.
(Luke 22:39-46).
Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives and disciples followed him.
On reaching the place he said to them. “Pray that you will not fall into
He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours
be done.”
An angel appeared to him and strengthened him.
And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like
drops of blood falling to the ground.
When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them
asleep, exhausted from sorrow.”
“Why are you sleeping?” he asked them, “Get up and pray so that you will
not fall into temptations.”
(b) Give three points that explain why people suffer.
Modern science says that people experience suffering because of the laws
of nature as arguments are based on tests, experiments and past experiences.
Christians say that it is because of sin cursed world.
Christians still say that God would want to test and purify people’s faiths.
To punish people for their sins and disobedience.
To teach people so that they can completely depend on God for everything.
Christians still say that suffering is a cost of following Christ.
10 discipline and teach people.
Zambian Tradition however, blames it on displeased spirits and hatred by
(c) (i) The Copperbelt province is planning to hold a social science fair of which
they intend to invite Mr. Smith who is a well known motivational speaker. He is
to speak on a very serious problem to do with HIV/AIDS. Give three points you
feel should not be left out as ways that can be used to prevent contracting the
Abstaining from sex until marriage.
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Remaining faithful to your marriage partner.
Sterilizing all sharp tools before using them.
(ii) In modern Zambia how can people avoid suffering?
- Maintaining good moral standard.
- Avoid taking harmful drugs such as mandrax, cocaine heroin that may make
the brain dull and damage it.
- Caring for the environment in order to avoid diseases like cholera, dysentery
and malaria, keep the surroundings clean and free from garbage.
- Respect human rights and their rights will lead to prevail. Lack of respect such
as civil war and tribalism.
- Birth control: some people are opposed to birth control, but the alternative very
large families will cause suffering from poverty, lack of medical and educational
(d) State the similarity between Christianity and Hinduism teaching on suffering.
- Both accept suffering as coming from God.
3 (a) Tell the story of Jesus prediction of his suffering and death. (Luke
Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell this to anyone.
He also told them, “The son of man must suffer much and be rejected by
the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law.
He will be put to death, but three days later he will be raised to life.
And he said to them all, “if anyone wants to come with me, he must forget
Take up his cross and follow me.
For whoever wants to save his own life will lose;
But who ever loses his life fir my sake will save it.
Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but is himself lost
or defeated?
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Of course not! If a person is ashamed of me and of my teaching, then the
son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of the Father and
of the Holy Angels.
(b) Give three points why the disciples found it difficult to accept the suffering
and death of Jesus?
They did not understand that before the Messiah would rule, he had to
suffer first in accordance with the Old Testament prophecies.
The disciples did not want to know the whole truth because of the
implications of it.
The apostles knew the Old Testament, but failed to recognize the kind of
Messiah shown here.
Their hope for a national deliverer prevented them from seeing the Old
Testament emphasis of a suffering Messiah-one who would overcome sin and
open the gate to eternal life through his death and Resurrection.
The disciples where thinking as natural men in understanding spiritual
truths until after the resurrection of Jesus could they understand.
They did not know that salvation would only come through Christ’s
suffering and death.
(c) (i) A Christian has been convicted and imprisoned for a case he did not
commit. How would he relate this suffering to that of Jesus? Give three points.
Suffering is often a sign of obedience to God’s will.
The way of Chris is not in special signs and great show, it grows gradually,
slowly, often through suffering and persecution.
It is the way our faith is tested and proved to be real.
The one who wants to follow Christ must be ready to make sacrifices and
to give up comfort and society. Jesus demands total commitment, which may
include suffering.
(ii) What are the effects of AIDS on the Economy of the Zambian Modern
Society? Give three points.
The productive work force is drastically reduced.
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The quantity of the labour force is affected, so production reduces.
Loss of skilled and experienced workers means higher replacement and
training costs.
Law productivity due to protracted illness resulting in high absenteeism.
Increased burial and funeral expenses.
Unit 5: Opposition to Jesus
Bible texts:
Jesus rejected at Nazareth (Luke 4:14-30)
Jesus healing the paralyzed man. (Luke 5:17-26)
Jesus and his disciples picking corn on the Sabbath (Luke 6:6-11)
Jesus healing the woman with infirmity. (Luke 13:10-17)
Jesus healing a man with dropsy (Luke 14;1-6)
The plot of Jesus Christ (Luke 22:1-6)
The arrest of Jesus Christ (Luke 22:47-53)
Jesus before the Sanhedrin (Luke 22:63-71)
Jesus before Pilate and Herod (Luke 23:1-25)
Reactions to criticism in Zambia
Some people’s reactions to criticism could be:
Strong resentment
Blame others or blame God
Accept criticism and change for the better
Effects of aggressive reactions to criticism and opposition
Spoilt relationships amongst the people
Misrepresentation of Christ
Priests and scribes challenge Jesus’ Authority- Luke 20:1-8
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The questions about authority
One day when Jesus was in the temple teaching the people and preaching
the good news,
The chief priests, teachers of the law and elders came and said to him,
“tell us, what right have you to do these things?
Who gave you the right?
Jesus answered them, “now let me ask you a question. Tell me, did John’s
right to baptize come from God or from man?”
They argued among themselves, “What shall we say?”
“If we say from God, he will say then why did you not believe John?
But if we say from human beings this whole crowd here will stone us
because they are convinced that John was a prophet.”
They answered, “We don’t know where he it came from.”
Jesus said to them, “Neither will I tell you then by what right I do these
The priests were upset with Jesus because
He entered Jerusalem triumphantly riding on a donkey
He had been teaching crowds in the temple daily.
This question was tricky in that:
If he answered that he had the right as the Messiah, he would be accused
of rebellion and blasphemy.
If he failed to publicly claim His Messiah ship, the people could not listen
to him.
The wicked tenants, Luke 20:9-15
This parable is a picture of:
Israel, as God’s vineyard
Tenants, as the religious leaders who be beat and killed God’s messengers
from the Old Testament up to John’s time. They were about to do the same
to Jesus.
Paying tax to Caesar. Luke 20:20-26
If Jesus accepted to pay, he would be treated as a traitor to the Jews. If he
had refused to pay, he would have been guilty of treason against Rome.
Jesus’ answer showed that duty to both God and civil authority were not
opposed to each other
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The question about resurrection Luke 20:27-40
Jesus told his disciples that if they were rejected in any village, they should
simply leave that village and shake the dust of that village off their feet.
Jesus taught his disciples to rejoice and be glad when they are persecuted
because they would have a great reward in heaven (Mathew 5:11-12).
Answer with argument or explanation (Luke 1:14-23)
Jesus healing the paralytic man (Luke 5:17)
Jesus was teaching
Pharisees and teachers of the law were there.
Some men came, carrying a paralyzed man on a bed. (Sleeping mat).
Tried to take him to Jesus.
Could not pass through the crowed in the house.
Carried him up on the roof.
Made on opening in the roof.
Let the man down through the hole on his bed.
Landed right in front of Jesus.
Jesus saw they had great faith.
Said to the sick man, “Your sins are forgiven.”
The religious leaders/Pharisees and teachers of the law, said this was
Only God can forgive sins, they said.
Jesus said, “Is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or get up and walk?
Jesus them said to the man, “Pick up your bed and go home.”
Went home, praising God.
Were all amazed.
What wonderful things we have seen today.”
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Reactions to persecution and Opposition in Christianity and other
They stand firm, walk away or use argument in the face of persecution or
They will rejoice when persecuted because it is for Christ’s sake
They will forgive their persecutors (Mathew 5:10-12; 44 – 45; 6:12-15
Persecutions identifies Christians with Christ persecution can build strong
Christians character Romans 12;19-20, James 1:3-4
Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina in 622A.D. the Jews in Medina
refused to accept him as a prophet, he expelled two Jewish clans and had
the men of the third clan executed.
The Quran encourages vengeance to persecutors
An announcement by an imam, that they are involved in a Holy war, will
send zealous into the streets to bring vengeance to persecutors.
The Muslim believes that his life, property and everything else belong to
Allah and he decreases everything that happens, even persecution.
A Muslim is ready to sacrifice everything for Allah.
Hinduism is not mere religion. It is a culture and thus, a way of life, it is
very difficult to exterminate
Hindus faced oppositions in ancient times, but these came more as
Hinduism is based on tolerance and non-violence.
Sometimes the opposes themselves change their attitude and accepted
Hindu philosophy
There are extremists as well, who do not like their religion to be suppressed
by others, and want to retaliate
Hinduism is based on the idea of love, tolerance and forgiveness
A true Hindu never accepts a moral defeat. Physical defeat by persecution
or oppression is not a real defeat.
Religious comparison on opposition and persecution.
Christianity Vs Islam on opposition
Both face opposition or persecution
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Both accept that sometimes opposition or persecution is the will of God
Both are ready to sacrifice for God.
Christians: revenge is not allowed to persecutors
Muslims: the Koran encourages revenge after persecutions
Christians: forgive their persecutors
Muslim: forgiveness is regarded as a weakness.
Christianity Vs Hinduism
Both believe in non- violence /tolerance
Both forgive their persecutors
Christians: pray for their persecutors
Hindus: often threaten fasting until death.
Christians: rejoice when persecuted
Hindus: stage a “site-down” on the street.
Unit 6: The supper and the Crucifixion
Bible texts:
Preparation for the Passover (Luke 22:13-14, Exodus 12:1-30)
The Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:14-23)
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ. (Luke 23:26-49, Jeremiah 31-34)
The burial of Jesus Christ. (Luke 23:50-56)
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Sooner or later, everyone has to face death; it concerns everyone and brings
sorrow and loss to families, communities families. We learn from some death and
burial ceremonies that death is not the end of existence, but rather “a departure”
or “sleep” there are several rituals that express this belief:
There are several rituals that express this belief
Burying the dead with certain objects like cups, plates, guns etc.
The use of words like “departure”, or sleeping’ are used instead of ‘dying”
The last supper. Luke 22:7-23
Preparations for the Passover Luke 22:7,13, Exodus 12;1-30
Annually Jews celebrated the Passover feast to remember how they were
delivered from slavery in Egypt. The lamb’s blood had been applied to the
doorposts and the lintel causing the Lord to pass over them and not allow the
angel of death to enter and kill the first born sons
The Lords Supper, Luke 22:14-23
On this occasion, Jesus announced his death; it would be a sacrifice, like
sacrifice of animals whose blood sealed the Old Testament Covenant. (Exodus
Jesus’ death was going to replace the sacrifice of the Old Testament which
was to deliver people from slavery and sin.
This blood of Christ sealed God’s new covenant with man-the promise of
forgiveness and eternal life, to all who receive Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
Jesus wanted those who have eternal life through his death to join together
to remember him, eating bread and drinking wine in thanksgiving and worship.
The significance of the Last Super
To the Early Church (1 Corinthians 11:23-28)
Today, Jesus is physically absent, so we need a reminder of what he did for us.
At this service Christians today can:
Look back in thankful remembrance of the cost of their redemption.2.
Look up in faith to sense Christ’s presence and his welcome.
Look around. To rejoice in their unity with other Christians
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Look forward. To the Lords return and visible presence
Look within. To make the act meaningful, to admit their unworthiness,
and come ready to receive all he has to give.
Other Names for the Lord’s super
Eucharist – meaning “thanksgiving’.
Holy communion
Mass or the breaking of bread. Acts 2:42
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Luke 23:26-49; Jeremiah 31:31-34
The book of Luke gives emphasis on the reactions of those who represent and
Jesus’ saving power demonstration through the prayer of his enemies, his word
to the criminal and the centurion’s cry. It is a custom for Jewish woman to mourn
condemned men as they went for execution, but jaws warns them here to weep
for them; a time for great trouble was coming. Here we learn that:
Even in great suffering, Jesus forgave his enemies
Jesus’ final cry shows his trust in his father to the end. V 46
The tearing of the curtain which blocked the entrance to the most holy
place showed that way into the presence of God was now open through the death
of Jesus Christ.
The crucifixion of Christ fulfilled prophecies about the messiah, i.e Psalms
22, Islam 53 and the fulfillment of God’s of the new covenant with mankind.
The burial of Jesus Christ Luke 23:50-56
Jesus would have been buried in a common grave for executed criminals, but
Joseph of Arimathea prevented this. He was a member of the Sanhedrin, but had
not agreed with their decision about Jesus. V51. He buried Jesus in private
burial cave, which had never been used.
Here we learn that:
Animal sacrifices are not necessary (Hebrews 10:8-12)
Barriers are broken down Eph. 2:12-18. Jews and Gentiles are brought by
Jesus death.
Jesus death is a way to cancel sin and bring man salvation.
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Man, who was separated from God, can now be reconciled to him.
Christ sacrifice is sufficient for redemption.
We have died to sin. Sin no longer has power over our lives.
The effects of Christ death to Christians today
People are accepted by God; because their sin is forgiven and
they are reconciled to God
Christians now have the hope of eternal life
Christian should not place barriers between themselves and people of other
tribes and races. Christians now have new life in Christ, their sin is forgiven
Funerals, burials and teaching about death in other religions
Zambian Tradition
Man has accepted death, but every human death is believed to have an
external causes
People must discover the cause of death
Causes of death include magic and witchcraft, spirits who may have been
offended and bear a grudge a powerful curse.
Death can be prevented because another agent always causes it.
Burial is the usual method of depositing the dead. The dead may be buried
in the house, near the house or the place of birth of the person
Graves differ in shape and sizes. Rectangular, circle, like a cave. Some
bury the dead in pots and bury them with food, weapons, tobacco etc.
Physical death must come physical death must end.
There is life after death. That life will depend on how one has lived in the
present life- one’s deeds will be rewarded or punished
When a person dies, relatives gather at home. The body is ashed, scented,
and camphor put on it. It is wrapped in a white cloth. People go to see the body
to pay respect (if the deceased is female, only very close relatives may view the
The coffin is carried to the graveyard by male relatives and friends. Each
male takes a turn to carry the coffin at each of the four corners.
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They may go first to the Mosque, where prayers are conducted. The
moaners stand in rows, and prayers are led by an imam.
Once lowered into the grave, the face is again uncovered so that it can be
seen for the last time.
Mourners take a hand full of sand, recite the Qur’an, and blow on the
sand, which is then collected in a container and place under the head of the
Mourners fill the grave with soil, the area is watered and flowers are put
on the grave and incense burned. Most graves are left flat.
Mourners pray again and recite from the Qur’an asking for forgiveness for
the deceased and present. They return home and food is offered.
10. After the burial, people gather again at the mosque to pray and read the
11. For 40 days, all the males of the immediate family visit the grave and offer
prayers and recite he Qur’an. On the 1st Anniversary of the dead, there is a
special gathering at the mosque to recite the Qur’an and offer prayers for the
forgiveness of the deceased.
12. If a woman losses her husband, she stays in the house 41/2 months and
is called ideate she refrains from wearing jewels or ornaments or cosmetics and
tries to avoid seeing or talking to people outside her close family. After that she
leads a normal life.
God plays three important roles in the universe: He creates, he maintains
and he destroys. Death as part of the third role. God wishes us to die.
Hindus accept death as God’s decision. It is God’s wish that we should die
one day. Total belief in God means total submission to his wishes.
Hindus do not have burials. Dead bodies are usually burnt. There are
special places for funerals. Bodies are taken for burning. Usually such places
are besides a lake or river but it can be just a space, not far from the town.
Relatives and friends carry the body to that place and the traditional way
is to put the body on the bed of firewood and then the wood is set alight.
Religious comparisons on funerals, burials and teaching about death.
Both mourn the dead
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Both accept death
Both bury the dead
Christianity: accept death as coming from God
Z.T.R. though they accept death, they believe it is caused by unworshiped spirits
or other external causes
Christianity: Death cannot be prevented as it comes from God.
Z.T.R: Death can be prevented as it is caused by external agents
b) Christianity Vs Islam on their attitudes when faced with death
Both believe that physical death must come and physically life must end
Both believe that there is life after death
Christians: After the committal prayer at burial, the mourners disperse
Islam: the day after burial, they gather at the mosque to pray
Christians: may just pray on memorial service usually after a year
Christians: After death there is no hope of God’s forgiveness of sin.
Islam: Muslims continue praying for the forgiveness of the deceased for Allah to
reward the dead.
Christians Vs Hinduism on their attitude when faced with death
Both accept as god’s decisions
Christians: they bury the dead
Hindus: Do not have burials, dead bodies are burnt.
Bible texts:
(a) Jesus raises the widow’s son Luke. 7:11-16
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(b)Jesus raises Jairus daughter from death Luke 8:40 -42; 49-56
(c) Jesus raises Lazarous from death John 11:1-44
(d) The woman at the tomb Luke 24:1-12
(e) Jesus on the road to Emmaus and in the upper room Luke 24:13-53
(f) Peter preaches about resurrection Acts 2:22-36
(g) Jewish beliefs about life after death Luke 20:27-38
(h) Paul writes about the resurrection 1Corrinthians 15-1-58
Ideas about life after death
Many people have different ideas about life after death. Some believe that there
is no life after death, while others believe that there is. There are also those who
believe that the dead have dealings with the living. There are two basic beliefs
about life after death.
Death is the end of all things
Life goes beyond the death of grave
Christian’s preachers believe and teach that there will be resurrection, a time
when all the dead will come back to life. In traditional Zambia, people believe
that life continues beyond death. Though they may not say that the present life
determines the next life, they believe that those who die badly, either by a disease
or away from home, tend to deal with the living in a bad way. They bring curses,
bad luck, diseases, death and barrenness
2. Jesus raising dead people
During his time Jesus raised a lot of people from death. From all the accounts
of Jesus raising dead people there are lessons we can learn about Jesus and
death itself.
Jesus raises the woman’s son Luke 7:11-16
Nain was a small town, about 10km east of Nazareth. The widow lived there and
only had one son. Unfortunately, her only son died. This means that the widow
will remain the terrible state of poverty here we learnt that:
Jesus out of deep pity for the mother raised the widow’s son from death
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Jesus uses his divine power to triumph over death.
The command, “get up” was proof that he was the one promised in the old
Jesus demonstrated the proper attitude toward widows as demanded by
the law.
The miracle made people to recognize Jesus as a great prophet
Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter from Death Luke 8:40-56
Jesus is Lord of both life and death
It is only faith in him that serves
Jesus is an assurance of life
He uses His divine power to triumph over death.
Jesus Raises Lazarous from Death John 11:1-44
Jesus was in unit with the father as son of God
Jesus is the resurrection and the life
Those who are spiritually dead through sin may have eternal life through
Those who physically dead but spiritually alive will meet Christ no matter
how long they have been dead.
Jewish beliefs about life after death Luke 20:27-38
The soul of a dead person remains near the grave for three days after
On the fourth day there was a climax to the period of mourning
The teaching about resurrection is not found in the Torah (Jewish written
law) however, they have an idea of life after death.
Pharisees’ beliefs about life after death.
The Pharisees believe in:
The resurrection of the dead for God’s judgment
The Sadducees beliefs about life after death
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There is no life after death
No resurrection from the dead (the Pharisees and the Sadducees were
continually in conflict over the subject of the resurrection of the dead)
Teaching about life after death
From the miracles of Jesus raising dead people and his teaching: it is clear that:
Jesus is the resurrection and the life
Everyone who believes in Him will live again though he dies
Jesus has life and He will give it to those that believe in Him.
Jesus is Lord over death and death cannot get hold of him and conquer
All who are bound by the power of death can be set free by the power of
The meaning of the resurrection of Jesus for the early church
The time for salvation had come
The death and resurrection had brought new life
Paul writes about the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-58) and show that to deny
the resurrection of Christ:
Leave the Messiah in Martyr’s grave
Makes our faith a useless imagination
Makes sin triumphant
Reduces our hope of glory to a myth.
Why Christians believe in Jesus’ resurrection today
Christians see it as God’s approval of Jesus after he was rejected and put
to death.
It is confirmation that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God
It showed that he triumphed over sin and death.
It shows that man can be reconciled to God through Christ.
It gives us hope for the future.
It is the fulfillment of Gods plan of salvation.
Christians: spirits of the dead do not return to earth.
Z.T.R: some spirits may become wondering spirits and may cause harm.
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Christians: Spirits of the dead may not be contacted. (They go to live with
Z.T.R: Spirits of the dead can be contacted.
Christians Vs. Hinduism on life after death
Both teach that the soul does not die.
Both teach there is
Christians at death, the spirit of the dead Christian goes to live with God.
Hindus: after death, the soul can take another form and come back to earth as
another person or animal
Christians: there is no coming back to this world once you die. The spirit will be
clothed with an immortal body at the second coming of Christ
Christianity vs Islam on life after death
Both believe in life after death.
Both believe that God will judge them in the life to come.
Christians: they know whether they belong to God or the devil before judgement.
Muslims: in the life to come people will be judged according to their deeds.
(a) Tell the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from death.
(b) What does this story teach Christians about Jesus as the Messiah
and son of God? State three points.
(c) (i) Mateyo who is a non-Christian says to you, I do not believe in life
after death. State one point of argument he could use to support his
statement and two points of Christian response you would give him with
regard to life after death.
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(ii) State two points on what Christians believe about life after death today.
Give two similarities between Christianity and Muslim.
John 11:1-14
Lazarus the brother of Mary and Martha was very sick.
The two sisters sent for Jesus to come and heal their brother.
Although Jesus loved this family, he stayed two more days where he was.
He said this was so that God and God’s son may be glorified.
When he decided to go to Bethany, his disciples reminded him that the
Jews tried to stone him there.
Jesus said he was going to wake Lazarus from sleep.
The disciples thought sleep warmed him recover.
Jesus there told them plainly that Lazarus was dead.
Martha went to meet Jesus and said to him, if you had beer here my
brother would not have died.
But I know that God would give you whatever you ask.
Jesus told her your brother will rise again.
Martha thought he meant at the resurrection of the dead.
But I know that God would give you whatever you ask.
Jesus told her your brother; your brother will rise again.
Jesus told her, I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live ever if he dies.
Martha said, she believed this and also that Jesus was Christ the son of
She then went and told her sister that Jesus had come and has asking for
Mary then went out to meet Jesus.
She also told him that if he had been there his brother would not have
When Jesus saw them all weeping, he was very moved and asked where
the grave was.
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They showed him and Jesus wept at the grave.
He told them to take away the stone which covered the grave.
Martha at first objected because she thought the body has begun to decay.
But Jesus reassured her and they took away the stone.
Lazarus appeared at the entrance of the grave.
Jesus told them to free him from his grave clothes.
(b) – Jesus is the life and the resurrection.
His divine power over death.
Lord of life and death.
As the son of God, Jesus brings joy and gladness instead of grief, praise
instead of sorrow.
He had compassion, pity for people.
(d) In what ways are Christian teachings about life after death similar
to those of Hindus. State two points.
(9) Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter (Luke 8:40-42)
When Jesus returned to the other side of the lake.
The people welcomed him because they had all been waiting for him.
When a man named Jairus arrived.
He threw himself down at Jesus feet and begged him to go to his home.
Because his only daughter who was twelve years old was dying.
While Jesus was saying this, a messenger came from the officer’s house.
Your daughter has died, he told Jairus, don’t bother the teacher any
But Jesus heard and said to Jairus,
Don’t be afraid only believe and she will be well.
When he arrived at the house, he would not let anyone go in with him
except Peter, John and James and the father and mother.
Everyone there was crying and mourning for the child.
Jesus said, don’t cry, the child is not dead, she is only sleeping.
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They all laughed at him because they know that she way dead.
But Jesus took her by the hard and called out, get up my child.
Her life returned.
She sat up at once and Jesus ordered them to give her something to.
(c) (i) Mateyo who is a non-Christian says to you, I do not believe in life
after death. State one point of argument he could use to support his
statement and two points of Christian response you would give him with
regard to life after death.
I have never seen anyone coming back from the dead.
How can a dead body come back to life? Christian Response.
Christian Response
Although your body dies, life continues in your spirit and soul.
When your body dies, your spirit goes to be with God.
Physical death simply separates your soul and spirit from your body, the
real person goes on living with God. ??????????????????
God raised Jesus from the dead; there will be life after death for us also.
(ii) State two points on what Christians believe about life after death today.
– Believe that man has a spirit which survives the death of their physical
If we die with Christ, we shall also live with him.
Death is not the end of everything, there is a better life after death.
(d) Give two similarities between Christianity and Islam with regard to life
after death.
Both believe in life after death.
Both believe God will judge them in the life to come.
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(a) Give an account of the story of Jesus raising Jairus daughter.
(b) What do Christians learn from this incident about the authority of
Jesus? Give two points.
(c) (i) Halubono confides in his friend that even if I believe in Jesus’,
resurrection, I don’t know it’s meaning. As a Christian friend, give
Halubono the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus to Christians.
today. Give three points.
(ii) What are the views of people in modern Zambia today on life after
death. Give three points.
Her parents where astonished but Jesus commanded them not to
Tell anyone what had happened.
(b) – Jesus is the son of God.
- Jesus has power to raise the dead.
- Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
- Jesus has power over death.
(c) (i) - It brought God’s salvation to mankind.
- Jesus had brought a new beginning in God’s relationship with
mankind because he triumphed over death.
- People are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.
(ii) - There is resurrection after one dies.
- Others do not believe in life after death. To them death is the end
of life.
- There are those who believe that the dead have influence on the
- Other people believe that a person’s action in the life determines the
next life.
(d) – Both believe in life after death.
- Both believe that physical death separatism the soul from the body.
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(a) Tell the story of Elijah raising the widow’s son at Zarephath.
(b) What did Jesus mean when he called himself, the resurrection and
the life? Give two points.
(c) (i) During a history lesson, a teacher challenged Christian
to prove that Jesus rose from the dead if he is to be converted to
Christianity. Show three proofs from the New
Testament teachings on the resurrection of Jesus.
(ii) What ideas do people hold about life after death in modern
Zambian society? State three points.
(d) In what ways are Christian beliefs in life after death similar to those of
Hindus? State two points.
Elijah raising the widow’s son at Zarephath (1 Kings 17:17-24)
A certain widow’s son fell ill.
He got worse and worse, and finally died.
She said to Elijah, man of God, why did you do this to me? Did you come
here to remind God of my sins and so cause my son’s death?
Give the boy to me, Elijah said, he took the boy from her arms, carried him
upstairs to the room where he was sleeping and laid him on the bed.
Then he prayed aloud, o Lord my God, why have you done such a terrible
thing to this widow?
She has been kind enough to take care of me and now you kill her son?
Then, Elijah stretched himself out on the boy and prayed.
“O Lord my Lord my God, restore this child to life”.
The Lord answered, Elijah’s prayer, the child started breathing and
Elijah took the boy back downstairs to his mother and said to her, look,
your son is alive.
She answered, now I know that you’re a man of God and that the Lord
really speaks through you.
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– He meant, he is Lord over death and death cannot get hold of him and
conquer him.
He meant he has power over death; all who are bound by the power of
death can be set free by the power of Jesus.
(i) – Jesus was appointed by God; therefore his death was not an accident
at all but part of God’s plain.
The Old Testament talked about, was revealed as Messiah and proved as
the Lord.
Peter wrote that Christians have received new birth because; God raised
Jesus Christ from death.
(ii) – Our bodies die physical death, our spirits continues to live.
In the resurrection life we shall know each other.
– Both believe that there will be judgment after death.
- Both believe that there will be life after death.
(a) Narrate the story of the woman at the tomb of Jesus.
(b) From this and the other resurrection experiences by the disciples,
explain three things that the disciples learnt about Jesus.
(c) (i) Chinyama was troubled at his father’s death that he thought he
would never ever see his father again. This thought sent him into
depression. Explain to Chinyama what Christians believe about life
after death. Give three points.
(ii) State three points what Christians believe about Jesus resurrection
(d) In what ways are Christians beliefs in, life after death different to
those of Zambian Tradition? State two points.
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(a) Describe the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)
When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him.
But Stephen full of Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of
God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of.
“Look” he said,” I see heaven open and the son of man standing at the right
hand of God”.
At this, they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him
with one accord;
And they cast him out of the city and stopped him.
And the witness laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named
And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God saying,
“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”.
Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge
them with this sin”.
And when he said this, he fell asleep.
(b) Give two reasons why Stephen was brought to trial
He claimed that Jesus was the Messiah.
He said that God no longer lives in temple, a house built by men.
He also said that God longer accepted animal sacrifice.
(c) (i) Why was Stephen persecuted?
The Jews could not withstand the wisdom which the Holy Spirit gave him
in his answer, when they tried to argue publicly with him.
Stephen used Jewish history to show how the Jews had been rebelling
against God in the past, just as they were now.
The Jews refused to believe that they were guilty of killing the long awaited
They also refused to believe that this Jesus, whom they had killed, was
alive again and at the right hand of God.
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He showed the attitude of love and forgiveness towards his persecutors, in
spite of what they were doing to him (reaction to persecution).
(ii) “That man cannot make a good preacher even if he is believed to have
repented. I have seen his past life and I don’t think he can convert anyone” says
a friend of yours. Give three points of Christian advice you would give your friend
on qualities needed to evangelize effectively.
He must be full of Holy Spirit
He must posses the wisdom of God.
When a person repents, the old life is dead and behold the person is new
in Jesus Christ.
He must have faith in God.
(d) State one point of similarity and one of difference between Christian
and Muslim attitudes to inclusion of people of different races and culture.
Both accept people of other races and culture.
Both allow new converts to share the same rights of their religion.
Christians: Beliefs are the same to all races and culture.
Muslims: There may be conflicts in a cross-cultural situation.
(a) Give an account of the problem of administration which was there
among the early Christians.
Answer (acts 6:1-7)
Now in those days when the number of disciples was multiplying.
There was arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists,
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Then the twelve gathered all the multitude of disciples and said, “it is not
desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables.
Therefore, brothers choose seven men from among you who are of good
reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint for this
But we give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the
And their saying pleased the whole multitude.
And they chose Stephen, a man full of the Holy Spirit and faith and Philip
Pronchorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicholas, a proselyte from Antioch,
whom they set before the apostles.
And when they had prayed, they laid hands on them.
(b) Mention any three problems of the Early Church and how each one was
Corruption within the church. Ananias and Saphira pretended that they
had given full amount of money to the Church.
How it was solved
Peter sternly rebuked Simon and challenged him to repent.
Barnabas and Paul
- People couldn’t accept Paul into the Church after his conversion
How it solved
Barnabas went to believers and told them that Paul’s conversion was real.
III. The disagreement between Barnabas and Paul-about taking John Mark
with him to Cyprus.
How it was solved
Paul and Barnabas went different ways and Barnabas took John Mark
with him to Cyprus.
(c) A local church meets to choose an elder in the church. Two names are
suggested and after much discussion the members are divided on who should
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be chosen because the two elders have the same number of votes. State three
points of Christian advice you would give them on how they should resolve the
They choose one who is
Of good reputation
Full of the Holy Spirit
Full of faith in God
Full of God’s wisdom
Pray for God’s direction and guidance
(d) State two similarities and two differences between Christianity and Zambian
Traditional attitudes to resolving problems.
Both have a discussion to hear the case or problem
In both religions there is a person to control the discussion
Christians - Pray at the beginning so that God can guide them
- The eldest person in the family or clan guides the flow of the
Christians - Decision or judgment or advice is based on scripture
- The eldest person gives judgment.
(a) Narrate the discussion which was held at the Council of Jerusalem
Answer: (Acts 15:12-35)
Then all the multitudes kept silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul
declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among
the Gentiles.
And after they had become silent James answered saying;
“Men and brothers, listen to me”’
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Simon had declared how God at first visited the gentiles to take out of them
a people of his name.
And with this, the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written;
After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacles of David which has
fallen down, I will rebuild the ruins, and I will set it up, so that the rest of
mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by my name,
says the Lord who does all these things.
Know to God from eternity are all his works.
Therefore, I judge that we should not trouble those from among the
Gentiles who are turning to God;
But we will explain to them to abstain from things polluted by idols from
sexual immorality, from things strangled and from blood.
For Moses has had throughout many generations those who preach him
in every city, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath.
Then it pleased the apostles and elders, with Paul and Barnabas, namely
Judas who was also named Barsabas and Silas leading men among brothers.
They wrote this letter to them.
The apostles, the elders and brothers,
To the brothers who are of the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia;
Since we have heard that some who went from us have troubled you with
words, unsetting your souls, saying;
“You must be circumcised and keep the law”-to whom we gave no such
It seemed good to us, being assemble with one accord to send chosen men
to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul;
Men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who will also report the same
things by word of mouth.
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, today not burden you with
these things;
That you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from strangled and
from sexual immorality.
If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well.
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(b) Mention two of the four warning related to aspects of Gentiles life style.
To be circumcised and keep the law
Abstain from things offered to idols, from drinking blood, from things
Abstain from sexual immorality.
(c) A woman was caught committing adultery with a church member. State three
ways the church elders could use to resolve this problem.
Advise the husband to forgive the woman and live with her without
remembering or mentioning the incident.
The woman should abstain from sexual immorality.
The woman should be faithful to her partner.
Answer : As in Q2 (d)
Give an account of Paul and Silas at Lystra
Answer (Act 14:8-29)
And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet sat, a cripple from
his mother’s womb, who had never walked.
This man heard speaking;
Paul observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed;
Said in a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!”.
And he leaped and walked.
Now when the people saw what Paul had done they raised their voices,
saying in the Lycaonian language;
“The gods have down to us in the likeness of men!”
And Barnabas they called Zeus and Paul Hermes, because he was the chief
Then the priest of Zeus, whose temple was in front their city, brought oxen
and garlands to the gates, intending to sacrifice with the multitudes.
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But when the apostles i.e. Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their
clothes and ran among the multitudes crying out and saying;
“Men, why are you doing these things?
We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach to you that you
should turn from these useless things to the living God who made the heaven,
the earth, the sea and all things that are in them.
Who in by gone generations allowed all nations to walk in their own ways.
Nevertheless, he did not leave Himself witness in that he did good; gave us
rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling of heart with food and gladness.
And with these saying, they could scarcely restrain the multitudes from
sacrificing to them
Then, Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there, and having persuaded
the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him
to be dead.
However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went
into the city.
And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
(b) What led to the persecution? Give two points
Paul healed the crippled man from her mother’s womb-the natives wanted
to sacrifice to him, he refused.
When he rebuked them and told the Jews to turn to God who is the living
God who gave them rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling their hearts
with food and gladness.
(c) You are a Christian in a boarding school and you have been holding prayers
in your dormitory before sleeping. The house captain pushes you because
he/she says that you are disturbing the rest of the pupils. State three ways in
which you could react to this opposition.
He/she could rejoice to suffer shame for the name of Jesus Christ.
He/she should never allow himself/herself to be discouraged but should
continue to use the weapon of prayer.
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(iii) He/she should show an attitude of love and forgiveness towards the house
(d) State one point of similarity and one difference between Christian and
Muslim reactions to persecution.
Both religions believe that everything happens according to the will of God.
Christians - Believe that persecutions can build a strong Christian character.
Muslims - Believe in vengeance and this is announced by an Imam, they engage
in a holy war.
(a) Give an account of how Herod Antipas persecuted the Christians.
Answer (Acts 12:1-24)
Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some
from the church.
Then he killed James the brother of John with sword.
And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize
Peter also.
Now it was during the days of the unleavened Bread.
So when he had arrested Peter, he put him in prison, and delivered him to
four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people
after the Passover.
Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayers were offered to
God for him by the church.
And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping
bound with two chains between two soldiers and guards before the door were
keeping the prison.
Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shown in the
prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him saying;
“Arise quickly!”
Describe how Peter was loosed from chains-prison
“Arise quickly!”
And his chains fell off his hands.
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Then the angel said to him, “God yourself and tie on your sandals”.
And he said to him “put on your garments and follow me”.
So he went out and followed him, and did not know that what was done
by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision.
When they had passed the first and the second gate that leads to the city,
which opened to them of its own accord: and they went out and went down one
street and immediately the angel departed from him.
And when Peter had come to himself;
He said, “ Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent his angel, and
has delivered me from the hands of Herod and from all the expectations of the
Jewish people”.
So when he had considered this, he came to the house of Mary, the mother
of John also called Mark, where many gathered together praying.
And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to
When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her gladness, she did not
open the gate, but ran and announced that Peter stood before the gate.
But they said, “You are beside yourself”.
Yet she kept insisting that it was so,
So they said “it is his angel”’
Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw
him, they were astonished.
But mentioning to them with his hand to keep silent, he declared to them
how the Lord had brought him out of the prison.
And he said, “Go, tell these things to James and to the brothers”. And he
departed and went to another place;
Then as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers
about what had become of Peter.
But when Herod has searched for him and not found him, he examined
the guards and commanded that they should be put to death.
And he went down from Judea to Caesarea, and stayed there.
(b) Mention one way in which the Christians responded and two ways in which
the persecution was got rid off.
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Christian response
They devoted themselves to prayer.
The persecution was got rid of
By God sending an angel to rescue Peter from prison and escaped
Herod died in Agony.
(c) Tasila is a Christian girl in a boarding school. One day of the dormitory mate
aborted and Tasila felt compelled to the matter to the school authorities. Because
of that most of the girls ridiculed her and called her a sell out. State three points
of Christian advice you would give to Tasila on how she should react in this
She should pray to God for courage not to compromise.
She should rejoice or count it a blessing to suffer shame for telling the
She should continue to have faith in God and obey him, and not obey man.
(d) State one difference and one similarity between Christian reactions to
persecution and those of Mahtma Ghandi.
Both religions believe in non-violence in reacting to persecutions.
- Would fast until he was assured that violence had stopped.
- Would pray and leave everything in God’s hands and continue
with their daily routines.
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(a) Describe the role played by Paul and Barnabas in helping the
church to witness across racial and cultural barriers.
Answer (Act 11:19-26)
Now those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over
Stephen travelled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch preaching the word
of God to no one but to Jews only.
But some of them were men from Cyprus and Cyene, who when they had
come to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, preaching the Lord Jesus.
And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a gnat number believed and
turned to the Lord.
Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem,
and they sent out Barnabas to go to as far as Antioch.
When he came and seen the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged
them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.
For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.
And a great number of people were added to Tarsus to seek Saul (Paul).
And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch.
So it was that for the whole year they assembled with the church and
taught great number of people.
And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
(b) List two characteristics that enabled Paul to witness successfully to people
of various cultures.
He was a good speaker
He was a good leader
He knew the scriptures very well.
(c) A friend of yours refused to accept Jesus as his personal Saviour saying to
you, “why should I waste time receiving Jesus as my personal Saviour when
Zambia has been declared a Christian nation, which automatically makes every
Zambian advice you would give to your friend on why he should receive Jesus as
his personal Saviour.
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He has to repent and confess of his sins to Jesus as an individual.
He must have faith in God as an individual.
It is the individual who experiences forgiveness of sins.
Receiving Christ as your personal Saviour shows obedience to God’s word.
(d) State one point of similarity and one of difference between Christianity and
Islam on the inclusion of people of other races.
Both religions accept other people of different cultures and races as new
Christians – No conflicts of their beliefs in all situations.
Islam - May experience conflicts e.g, a Zambian Muslim-in the area of
marriage, death or funeral may experience conflict with the Islamic beliefs e.g,
when to pray.
(a) Relate the story of Ananias and Sapphira
Answer (Acts 5:1-11)
But a certain man named Ananias and Sapphira his wife told a possession.
And he kept back part of the money, his wife also being aware of it, and
brought a certain part and laid it at the apostle’s feet.
But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy
Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?
While it remained, was it not in your own control?
Why have not lied to men but to God”.
Then Ananias hearing these words, he fell down and breathed his last.
So great fear came upon all those who heard these things.
And the young men arose and wrapped him up, carried him out and buried
Now it was about three hours when his wife came in, not knowing what
had happened.
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Then Peter asked her, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?”
She said, “Yes so much”.
Then Peter said to her, “How is it that you have agreed together to test the
spirit of the Lord?
Look the feet of those who have buried your husband is at the door, and
they will carry you out”.
Then immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last.
And the young men came in and found her dead, and carrying her out,
Buried her by her husband.
So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these
(b) What sin did Ananias and Sapphira commit? Give two points.
The sin of hypocrisy
Lying to both man and God.
(c) Musonda is responsible for collecting and banking church money. He asked
you to keep part of the money for his own use. State three points of Christian
advice you would give him.
He should earn money in an honest way.
The love of money leads to lack of faith and many sorrows.
Musonda must acquire money through hard work.
(d) State two similarities and one difference Christianity and Zambian Traditional
Religion attitudes to resolving differences in a community.
Answer. As in Q2 (d)
(a) Narrate the incident when Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch.
Answer (Acts 8:26-40)
An angel of the Lord said to Philip
“Get ready and go south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza”.
So Philip got ready and went.
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Now an Ethiopian eunuch, who was an important official in charge of the
treasury of the queen of Ethiopia, was on his way home.
He had been to Jerusalem to worship God and was going back home in his
As he rode along, he was reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
The Holy Spirit said to Philip,
“Go over to that carriage and stay close to it,”
Philip ran over and heard him reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
He asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
The official replied, “How can I understand unless someone explains it to
And he invited Philip to climb up and sit in the carriage with him.
The passage of scripture which he was reading was this.
“Like a sheep that is taken to be slaughtered, like a lamb that makes no
sound when its wool is cut off, he did not say a word.
He was humiliated, and justice was denied him.
No one will be able to tell about his descendants, because his life on earth
has come to an end”
The official asked Philip, “Tell me, of whom is the prophet saying this? Of
himself or of someone else?”
Then Philip began to speak; starting from this passage of scripture, he told
him the Good News about Jesus.
As they travelled down the road, they came to a place where there was
some water and the official said,
“Here is some water, what is to keep me from being baptized?”
The official ordered the carriage to stop, and both Philip and the official
went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.
When they came up out of the water, the spirit of the Lord took Philip
The official did not see him again, but continued on his way, full of joy.
Philip found himself in Azotus; he went on to Caesarea and on the way he
preached the Good News in every town,
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(b) According to the circumcision party; what were the requirements for
one ‘to’ become a Christian? Give three points.
To be circumcised
To obey the Law of Moses.
To give up one’s nationality (become a Jew)
(c) A visiting pastor was not happy to see the following scenario at the church he
visited. During the Lord’s super, all there Europeans demanded to sit in front
while all the Africans were forced to sit at the back. This was to give themselves
opportunity to partake of the bread and cup earlier than ‘brothers’. State three
points of Paul’ teaching on witnessing across racial and cultural barriers violated
by this church.
No segregation should be seen in the church because all Christians are
one and the Lord.
Christians must worship together regardless of their race, cultural
When a person becomes a Christian, race, culture becomes immaterialacceptance of different races is shown.
(d) Give one difference and one similarity between the attitude of Muslim
and Christians to people of different races.
In both religions, any person who declares belief in their religion is
accepted and shares the same equal rights as the like-minded.
Christians - No conflict may arise in any situation because belief is not
based on locality on an individual.
- Conflict may arise in a cross-cultural situation. A Zambian
Muslim might find conflict between certain traditional customs concerning e.eg
marriage, the family or death of a family member.
Relate the incident when Cornelius, had a vision
Answer (Acts 10:1-18
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There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius of what was called
the Italian Regiment,
A devout man and one who feared God with all his household.
Who game aims generously to the people,
And prayed to God always.
About the ninth hour of the day, he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God
coming in and saying to him,
And when he observed him, he was afraid and said, “What is it, Lord?” so
he said to him, “Your prayers and your aims have come up for a memorial before
“Now send men to Joppa, and send for Simon whose surname is Peter?
“He is lodging with Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the sea. He will tell
you what you must do”.
And when the angel who spoke to him departed, Cornelius called two of
his household servants and a devout soldier from among those who waited on
him continually.
10. (a) Relate the incident when Peter had a vision of a sheet containing
unclean animals.
Answer (Acts 10:9-16)
Peter went up on the house top to pray, about the sixth hour.
Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat;
but while they were preparing the food, he fell into a trance.
And saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four
corners, descending to him and let down on the earth.
In it were all kinds of four-footed animals and birds of the air.
And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter, kill and eat.”
But Peter said, “Not so Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or
And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed
you must not call common”.
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This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again.
(b) State three reasons why some early Christians at first opposed the
inclusion of any non-Jews in the church.
They were looking at circumcision as a condition for one to become a
They never believed that God can give the Holy Spirit to non-Jews as well.
Before the church came into being, races, language groups and cultures
were very different from one another. These brought about natural barriers
and segregation. People of different backgrounds did not work together or
worship together. So with such a background, the early Christians found
it difficult to worship with people of different culture.
(c) A qualified head teacher has been denied promotion at a certain mission
school because she does not belong to the denomination of the particular school.
State one argument that that the mission authority would give for their action
and give two Christian responses to the same action.
It is better to promote someone who shares same beliefs with.
As Christians the same attitude must be shown to all people regardless of
their denomination.
There is no segregation in Christ. All people must be accepted because
Christ brought unity.
(d) State one similarity and one difference on the attitudes of Christians and
Zambian traditionalists to people of different languages, races or color.
Both accept and respect people of different races, colour or culture.
In both religions. New converts share the same rights as the like-minded
Christian - People are free to attend their gatherings In all situations.
- Restrict to attend any gathering may arise depending on the
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11. (a) Give an account of how the apostles at Jerusalem sent Barnabas
to keep the church in Antioch.
Answer (Acts 11:1-26)
Now those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over
Stephen travelled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, preaching the word
of God to no one but to Jews only.
But some of them were men from Cyprus and Cyrene, who when they had
come to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, preaching the Lord Jesus.
And the hand of the Lord was with them, and great number believed and
turned to the Lord.
Then news of these things came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem,
and they sent out Barnabas to go to as far as Antioch.
When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged
them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.
For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.
And a great number of people were added to the Lord.
Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to seek Saul (Paul).
And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch.
So it was that for the whole year they assembled with the Church and
taught a great number of people.
And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
(b) (i) State two difficulties in relationships between people of different
languages, cultures and races.
They never worshipped together
There were real-felt
Samaritans, and Gentiles.
Prejudice, and even hatred existed for tax-collectors who were regarded as
traitors and Samaritans)
Lepers were regarded as outcasts.
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Jewish men also looked down upon women.
(ii) State one way in which the persecution of the early church Christians was a
blessings to the early church.
It enabled the word of God to spread too many areas hence; there was growth in
the word of God.
(c) In a local church in your area, the elders of the church have a serious
disagreement on what language to use in teaching God’s word and singing
hymns. Some insist that only the language of the area must be spoken. With
reference to the work of the early church, explain to your church elders why their
attitudes would hinder the spread of the gospel. Give three points.
(i) People won’t understand what is being communicated.
(ii) It will create language groupings as a result some people will feel left out.
Participation by such people will be difficult.
It will bring about segregation.
(d) Give one similarity and one difference between Christian and Zambian
Traditional beliefs about the inclusion of people of different cultures.
Answer as in Q10 (d)
(a) Relate the story of Saul persecuting the Christians.
Answer (Acts 9:1-7)
Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the
Lord, went to the High Priest.
And asked letters from him to the synagogue of Damascus.
So that if he found any who were of the way,
Whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
As he journeyed he came near Damascus.
And suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.
Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul,
why are you persecuting me?”
And he said, “Who are you Lord?”
Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for
you to kick against the goads.”
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So he, trembling and astonished, said, “Lord what do you want me to do?
Then the Lord said to him, “Arise and go into the city, and you will be told
what you must do”.
(d) (i) Why was Saul persecuted when he became a Christian? Give one point.
Because they did not believe that he was a disciple.
(ii) How did he react to persecution? Give two points
He rejoiced over his persecution, because in this way, God’s great power
could be seen.
He never allowed himself to be discouraged by persecution. He used it to
show that his new life in Christ, which he preached was real, eternal and far
more important than mere physical existence.
(c) Valentine who once belonged to an armed robber’s gang has given his life to
Jesus. He now lives a repentant life and decides to go back and witness to his
former gang member friends; his friends reject him and even threaten to kill him.
What Christian advice would you give him on how he can react to such rejection?
Give three points.
Commit it to the Lord in prayer.
He should continue witnessing to his friends.
He should rejoice and praise God for what he is passing through.
Pray for guidance and strength from God.
Calmly explain to them the reason for faith in Jesus Christ.
Ignore the persecution and carry on as much as possible.
(d) Compare Christian reactions to persecution with those of Mahatma Ghandi
stating one point of similarity and one of difference.
As in Q5 (d)
Give an account of the persecution of Peter and John
Answer (Acts 4:1-21)
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Now as they spoke to the people, priests, the captain of the temple and the
Sadducees came upon them.
Being greatly disturbed that they taught the people and preached in Jesus
the resurrection from the dead.
And they laid hands on them, and put them in custody until the next day,
for it was already evening.
However, many of those who heard the word believed;
And the number of the men came to be about five thousand.
And it came to pass, on the next day, that their rulers, elders and scribes
as well as Annas the High Priest, Caiphas, John and Alexander, and as many as
were of the family of the high priest were gathered together at Jerusalem.
And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, “By what power or
by what name have you done this?”
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people
and elders of Israel;
“If we this day we are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by
what means he had been made well.
Let it be known to all, and to all the people of Israel,
That by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom
God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you all.
This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become
the chief cornerstone.
“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under
heaven given among men by whom we must be saved”.
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived they
were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled.
And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they could
say nothing against it.
But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they
asked among themselves,
Saying, “What shall we do to these men?
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For indeed, that a notable miracle has been done through them is evident
to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.
“But so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely
threaten them that from now on they speak to no man in this name”
So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no
way of punishing them, because of the people, since they all glorified God for
what had been done.
(b) (i) Why were the Apostle persecuted? Give one point
They became popular as the result of the healing of the lame man.
The apostles were blamed for assuming the authority of the religious
leaders and teachers.
Their preaching about the resurrection angered the Sadducees, who did
not believe in life after death.
(ii) What was their reaction to this persecution? Give one point.
The apostles showed respect to the Jewish leaders and recognized that
these leaders had been given the job of judging in religious matters.
They were unafraid and boldly preached the gospel to the leaders.
They committed the whole problem to God in prayer.
(c) Chanda a Grade 11 pupil at Timanyane High School is always first in
class. As a result he becomes very popular with the teachers. His classmates
hate him and accuse him of being proud. State three points of Christian
reaction Chanda would show to his classmates.
He should show respect to his friends
Ignore the and carry on his work as much as possible
Show an attitude of love and forgiveness towards his classmates
He should rejoice for all things and work together for good of those who
love the Lord.
Pray for his classmates
Pray for strength and guidance from God.
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Calmly explain to his classmates the reason for his success.
(d) State one point of similarity and one of difference between Christianity
and Islam on their reaction to persecution.
Answer as in Q4 (d)
Unit 15: Christian Attitude towards Work
Bible text
a) To feed themselves and their families
b) The parable of the workers in the vineyard (Mt. 20:1-15)
c) All workers should be respected. (1Thessalonians 3:6-12)
d) The fourth commandment. (Exodus 20:8-11)
Reasons why people work
To feed themselves and their families
To earn money to purchase homes, properties, food and other necessities
To earn money accumulate possessions.
Various Attitudes that people have towards work
Some people work just to pass the time-they don’t have much interesting
the job or purpose in life
Others work to support the family; earn money to have material
Others still work to gain prestige; or to meet people and get together with
Results of Bad Attitudes to work
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Absenteeism and idleness.
Bible Reasons for work
Work was God’s original purpose for man, at creation man was instructed
to subdue the earth, to have dominion over it, to cultivate & keep it. Gen. 1:26;
Work was appointed for six days- the seventh was the of rest
Incentives for daily work include: food (Prov. 16:26), and shelter (Prov.
Work is part of Gods plan for the support of the human race. (Prov.25-27)
More responsibility is given to those who develop their talent-those who
fail to use them, find they lose even the little they had.
Lessons we can Learn from the Parable of the Talents about work
We are all in trusted with talent
We are given talents according to our natural ability to use them
We are expected to use our talents to the best of our ability
There will be a day of reckoning when we shall all be required to account
for the use of our talent and abilities
More responsibility is given to those who develop their talents-those who
fail to use them find they lose even the little they had.
All workers should be respected
Jesus was despised and rejected in Nazareth because he was “the
carpenter” manual work is often despised. But the Bible commands us to work
with our hands. Eph. 4:28. Here Jesus is an example.
The Bible teaches that all workers contribute to the welfare of the societythey deserve respect
We must make use of our talents, big or small
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Christian through his attitude to his work must aim to command respect,
no matter the job
There is no shame to manual work Eph. 4:28 & Thess. 4:11 encourage us
work to work with our hands.
Types of work not Respected in Zambia
Unskilled laborers
4. Street Vendors
House servants
5. Charcoal burners
Peasant farmers
6. Mortuary attendants etc.
How can one learn to show respect to the workers above.
Accepting them as they are
Appreciating the talents they have
Recognizing the role they play in the society
Encouraging and helping them achieve something better, it they
seem to have other abilities which could be developed.
Christian Purposes for work in the New Testament
It is not only the means of gaining possessions. Mark 8:36-37
Everyone should work with the aim of being able to help others Eph. 4:28
For everyone to earn their own living. 1 Thess. 3:6-12
Work is an obligation-we are no to be lazy-no time for loafers. 1 Thess. 3:6-
To help our parents as and when necessary. 1 Timothy 5:4-6
To contribute to the life and welfare of society.
Exploitation of Workers is forbidden
A worker deserves his pay and must be given it. Luke 10:7
Exploitation of workers e.g. withholding wages from a worker is sin. James
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Having agreed to a wage the employee should not afterwards with his
The employee should be obedient and give service. The employer should
be fair and not use His position to threaten his employer.
Teaching about attitude to Workers in other Religion
Zambian Tradition Religion
Everyone was expected to work starting from the childhood with
supervision and teaching into Adulthood with less supervision, but more
There was much emphasis on the need to work-neglect result in lack of
food and shelter
Traditional proverbs were used to illustrate the need and importance of
Thou should do the thy allotted task, for is superior to idleness, with
outwork even maintenance of your body is impossible”…Bhagavad-Gita Ch iii-8
Work is the source of happiness, it gives health and energy. One should
perform one’s duty without looking for approval or thanks, leave the reward to
God. The right motive for working is a characteristic of the wise.
The Koran commands people to work. There is no disrespect for manual
The prophet Muhammad once came across a man who spent all his days
praying and worshipping without doing any work. When the man was asked who
fed him, he replied that his brother supported him. The prophet then told the
man that all the blessings and rewards from his prayers and worship would be
heaped on his brother by God.
Religious Comparison on work
Christianity Vs Zambian Tradition Religion
Both believe that neglect of work leads to lack of food and shelter
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Both work in order to feed their families
In both, everyone is expected to work and contribute to society.
Christians: All work should be done to the glory of God
Z.T.R. A person works for prestige and to get praised from the
Christians: Work extends to being a duty of God
Z.T.R: Work was a community affair.
Unit 16: Christian Attitudes to Leisure
Bible text:
a) The Fourth Commandment (Exodus 20:8-11)
b) The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:26-32)
c) Jesus Meeting the Samaritan Woman (John 4:6-34)
d) Things to be Avoided (1 Cor 6:12-20)
e) The suffering of Job. (Job 1:1-5)
Bible reasons for Leisure
It’s God’s purpose that man has one day of rest in seven.
The principal of rest is seen in the institution. Exodus 20:8-11
It’s an opportunity for man to worship God. Leviticus 23:26-32
Our bodies need rest (Leisure) Mark 6:31
How Leisure was sued in the Bible
Rest, recreation and refreshment
Praising God. Psalm 92, Isaiah 13:14
Doing well. Mark 2:27
A Zambian Christian’s Leisure Time
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One must avoid things which seem to be lawful, but not good for us. 1
Corinthians 6:12-20
Avoid leading a weaker brother or sister into sin because of our bad
example. i.e. drinking beer
Avoid things, which are obviously of the world i.e. witchcraft and
drunkardness. Galatians 5:19-24
We must always be controlled by the will of God, not human desires. 1
peter 4: 2-5
God’s wasn’t us to be positive in our thoughts and actions, not negative.
Proposed plan for Christians Leisure Time
The following are examples of ways in which Christians might spend his/her
leisure time
Resting, relaxing, talking with friends sensible issues
Visiting friends
Working on a hobby
Christian activities
Doing some voluntary works
Joining good clubs or writing letters
Leisure in other Religious Traditions in Zambia
Zambian Tradition Religion
In tradition Zambian life, opportunities for leisure come at the end of the
days of work
There was no particular day for work, there were tasks which must be
done every day
In their leisure time, children go out to play “at families” and daily livingpretending to be mothers and fathers
Leisure in traditional time is used for, resting from work, visiting relatives,
playing games, plaiting Hair, traditional dances etc.
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In the Hindu religion, opportunities for leisure occur outside working
hours and at weekends. Especially on Saturdays. This day observed as a day of
rest and relaxing for convenience only. It has no religious significance.
Leisure activities include: spending time with the family, visiting friends
or places, relaxing at a picnic, watching or taking part in sport, communal meats
and social gathering, attending temple services etc.
In slam, opportunities for leisure occur outside working hours and at
weekends. Time is allowed on Fridays for prayer and worship
Leisure activities include: spending time with the family, visiting friends
or places, participating in sports (good health physical fitness are recommended
in the Koran), practicing hobbies, extra Religious activities on Saturday and
Beer-drinking and immoral cinema shows are forbidden in Islamic law.
Therefore, Muslims for not participate in such leisure activities.
Religious Comparison on Attitude of Leisure
Christianity Vs Zambian Traditional Religion
In both, leisure comes after working hours
Both relax with family and friends.
Christians; Use their leisure time pleasing God
Z.T.R: Use their leisure time on secular activities i.e. beer-drinking, traditional
dances etc.
Christians: Have a specific day of rest e.g. Sunday and Saturday
Z.T.R; No particular day for rest
Christianity Vs Hinduism on Leisure
Both spend leisure-visiting friends
Both take part in sport during leisure
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Both spend time relaxing and resting
Christians: The day of rest has some religious significance
Hinduism: The day of rest has no religious significance
Christianity Vs Islam on Leisure
In both, they spend time with family and friends during leisure
In both, activities for leisure occur outside working hours
In both discourage immoral activities during leisure time
Christians: Saturday and Sunday are the days of worship and other leisure
Unit 17: Christians Attitudes to Money and Possessions Today
Some people use their money carefully when they get it and think about
the future (saving)
Some spend all their money within a few days and start begging
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Some are attracted to possessions, e.g. clothes, radios, cars and spend
their money on such
Some people are always in debt to others, and never seem able to escape.
Biblical Judgement on Rich People
Wrong Attitudes to Wealth
Exploitation of the poor in order to get wealth-Amos 8:4-7
Greedy and covetousness, laziness, enjoying selfish pleasures-Luke 12:13-
Love of money is the beginning of many evil in person’s life. 1 Timothy 6:9
If rich people exploit their employees, lives of luxury and pleasure, they
will lose everything. James 5:1-6.
God’s Judgement on such people
God will not forget their evil deeds. Amos 8:7
God will require them to give up their lives. Luke 12:20
God will bring ruin and distraction-1 Timothy 6:9
God will cause their riches and possessions to disappear. James 5:2-3
The rich will find it hard to enter God’s Kingdom
Why is it hard for a rich man to enter God’s Kingdom
Riches may lead to things which take a person’s thoughts and action away from
God e.g.
Pride (Hosea 12:8)
Forgiveness (Deut 8:13-14)
Denying God (Prov. 30:8-9)
Rejecting Christ: (Mark 10:22, Luke 9:25)
What rich people may do
Riches or love of riches will chock the message of God’s word to hearts so
that it does not have much effect on us. Matthew 13:22
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Riches may be the beginning of evil in a person’s life, leading to lack of
faith and many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10
What riches can do
Riches can do you good when you face death. Prov. 11:4
Riches can’t redeem us-we can’t pay God the price for lives.
4. The Bible way to share wealth and possession
Riches should be used in God’s service. 1 Chronicles 29:3
Wealth should be used to help the poor. Mark 10:21
We must store up riches in heaven, not on earth. Matthew 6:19-20
Wealth should be used to do well and to share with others. 1 Timothy 6:17
5. Bible warning about wealth
We should not boast or riches, or put our trust in wealth and possessions.
1 Timothy 6:17
Rich men should not boast about their wealth. Jeremiah 9:23
We must forgive others even those who are in debt to us. Deut. 15:1-5
Riches should not make us hard or unforgiving. Matthew 6:33
6. Christians behavior in situations concerning money
Exploitation is forbidden
Cheating and dishonesty are forbidden
Generosity and sharing are encouraged
Priorities must be correct-always looking for the things which will benefit
God’s kingdom. Matthew 6:17
7. Attitudes to wealth in other Religions
Zambian Tradition Religion
Riches come from hard work-gifts must be received gratefully, even though
share-one must with others.
Wealth is the means of prestige-e.g. herds of Cattle, flocks of sheep or
goats, are sometimes kept for “show” not for food.
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To gather riches is not right goal of life. “Bound in the meshes of hundred of
desires, enslaved by lust and anger, they try hard to gather wealth by unfair
means, for the satisfaction of sensual desires.
Bhagavad-Gita ch.XVI-12
Wealth is a blessing when it helps us onward to the realization of life. It is a
horrible block that stands in our way to truth, if it is wrongly used for the
satisfaction of lust.
It is misery to be wealthy, if one is not virtuous in life.
Wealth should be required and carefully used, for a wealthy man is more
responsible to society than a poor man.
Wealth should be required by honest means, in order to be one of those leading
a noble life.
It is not a sin to be rich as long as the wealth has been obtained honestly and
through hard work
Exploitation of one fellow man in obtaining wealth is forbidden.
Money must be used wisely. The Koran recommends that money be used for the
support of one’s family, secondly for the poor and needy and family for charities
and other good causes.
Saving money is encouraged, especially with regards to the future needs.
Leading money is permitted, but taking interest is forbidden
8. Religious Comparisons on Attitude to Money and Possessions
Christianity Vs Zambian Tradition on Wealth
Both believe that work is necessary in order to get wealth
Both believe that wealth should be shared with the poor
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Christians: wealth should be used in God’s service
Z.T.R: Wealth is for prestige and show off
Christians: Vs Hinduism on wealth
Both believe that wealth should be obtained in an honesty way
Both believe that wealth is a blessing when it helps us get close to God
Christians: are encouraged to store up wealth in heaven
Hindus: do good for fear of reincarnation
Christianity Vs Islam on Wealth
Both recommend wealth obtained through honest and hard work
Both forbid exploitation of fellow man to obtain wealth
Both encourage people to spend money wisely
Christians: recommend that money should be first used in the service of
God i.e. tithe
Islam: recommend that money should first be to support one’s family
Unit 18: Christian Attitude to Sex and Marriage
Bible texts: a) Jesus teaches about divorce (Mark 10:2-12)
b) God creating a woman (Genesis 2:18-25)
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c) Questions about marriage (1 Cor. 7:1-6)
d) Questions about the unmarried and the widow (1 Cor. 7:25-40)
e) Wives and Husbands (1 Peter 3:1-7)
f) The woman caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)
Marriage was Instituted by God
The question “who started marriage?” has its answer in Genesis 1:27-28,
where its recorded that God created human beings as male and female for the
purpose of reproduction.
God created a woman primarily to be a partner, a suitable companion, for
the man. (Gen. 2:18-25)
Marriage was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden before mankind
sinned. Hence, it was important part of God provision for human beings
A man should leave his parents and cleave to his wife. This means that:
A man should not marry unit he can support his wife. This means that:
When couples marry, they must set up their own home, a new family unit,
in which there is no interference from members of either family.
Why was a Woman made from a Man’s rib?
The woman was made out of the man’s ribs-not out of his head to rule her, nor
out of his feet to Temple on her, but out of his side to be equal with him, from
under his arm to be protected by him, and from near his heart to be loved by
The Biblical Purpose of Marriage
Mutual help (Gen. 2:18) – amongst the animals there were two sexes, but
man was alone-true partnership must be based on a conscious need and desireman is not made for solitary, self-sufficient existence-the original language
implies that man and woman fit into unity.
Mutual love and faithfulness (Gen. 2:24) each found completion in the
other-they were essentially one being.
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A permanent union between low people (Mark 10:9)-man has no right to
break his marriage union.
Reproduction of life (Gen. 1:28)-but this is secondary to the purpose of
mutual compassion and help
Fulfillment of desires (1 Cor 7:1-6)-the desire for the opposite sex is
normal, but only in the context of marriage.
Choosing a Partner & Preparing for Marriage
A man should not marry until he can leave the support of his parents,
(Gen. 2:24)-he must be able to support himself and his wife
Christians are forbidden to marry someone who is not a Christian, 2 Cor.
6:14-18, Christians and non
Christians cannot have real deep fellowship together which is required for a good
marriage. They have no basis for agreement on the important things of life.
One should not choose a marriage partner in lust in honor and love. 1
Thess. 4:4-5. Lust always dies but love lives on
It is not enough for a Christian to choose to marry another Christian-the
couple must be compatible ideas about bringing up children, etc.
Why some Christians Remain Unmarried
For the sake of the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:10-12), some it’s their
physical make-up; others have been placed in circumstances where marriage is
impossible. (1 cor. 7:15-40)
Some churches, people take vows of celibacy, so that they can give
themselves completely to God’s service.
Teaching about People who remain unmarried
Zambian Tradition Religion
The unmarried adult is despised, because in Zambian tradition it is
abnormal not to marry
People conclude that the unmarried Zambia adult is somehow deficient in
the reproductive organs
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However, the unmarried Zambian of the different race or culture is
accepted- though it is considered to be abnormal.
It is also accepted for a Zambian to be unmarried for religious purposes,
e.g. a priest or nun.
Hindus also consider the unmarried Hindu to be abnormal, possibly
indicating some mental or physical defect, even unwilling to be married.
However, sometimes an only child (a daughter) will remain unmarried to
be able to look after her Aging parents.
Unmarried adults of others or religious are accepted and appreciated.
Muslims also consider the unmarried Hindu to be abnormal and
Sometimes, not often, a person may remain unmarried for religious, so
that he or she can be more devoted to God.
Sometimes a person with a bad reputation, or from a family with a bad
reputation, will find it difficult to get a marriage partner.
These of other religions, who are unmarried, are accepted and appreciated.
Purpose of Marriage in other Religious Tradition
Purpose of Marriage for Muslims
To reproduce life through the children
To create a family unit, man/wife partnership
Purposes of Marriage for Muslims
For strengthen relationship between families
For reproduction to reproduce more followers of Islam, and encourage the
spread of Islam
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To create a new life unit
To discourage the sin of immorality.
(a) Give an account of the persecution of Peter and John
(Acts 4:1-22)
Peter and John were still speaking to the people when some priests, the
officer in charge of the Temple guards, and some Sadducees arrived.
They were annoyed because the two apostles were teaching the people that
Jesus had risen from death, which proved that the dead will rise to life.
So they arrested them and put them in jail until the next day, since it was
already late.
But many who heard the message believed; and the number grew to about
five thousand.
The next day the Jewish leaders, the elders, and the teachers of the Law
gathered in Jerusalem.
They met with the High Priest Ananias and with Caiaphas, John,
Alexander, and the others who belonged to the High Priest’s family.
They made the apostles stand before them and asked them, how did you
do this? What power do you have or whose name did you use?
Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, answered them, Leaders of the people and
If we are being questioned today about the good deed done to the lame
man and how he was healed.
Then you should all know, and all the people of Israel should know, that
this man stands here before you completely well through the power of the name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth-whom you crucified and whom God raised from
Jesus is the one of them the scripture says, the stone that you the builders
despised turned out to be the most important of all.
Salvation is to be found through him alone; in all the world there is no one
else whom God has given who can save us.
The members of the Council were amazed to see how bold Peter and John
were and to learn that they were ordinary men of no education.
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They realized then that they could say, because they saw the man who had
been healed standing there with Peter and John.
So they told them to leave the Council room, and then they started
discussing among themselves.
What shall we do with these men? They asked. Everyone in Jerusalem
knows that this extraordinary miracle has been performed by them, and we
cannot deny it.
But to keep this matter from spreading any further among the people, let
us warn these men never again to speak to anyone in the name of Jesus.
So they called them back in and told them that under no condition were
they to speak or to teach in the name of Jesus.
But Peter and John answered them, you yourselves judge which is right
in God’s sight-to obey you or to obey God.
For we cannot stop speaking of what we ourselves have seen and heard.
So the Council warned them even more strongly and then set them free.
They saw that it was impossible to punish them, because the people were all
praising God for what had happened.
The man on whom this miracle of miracle of healing had been performed
was over forty years old.
(b) (1) Why were the apostles persecuted and what was their reaction to the
persecution? Give one point for reason and one point for their reaction.
They became very popular as a result of healing of the lame man.
The apostles were blamed for assuming the authority of the religious
leaders and teachers.
Their preaching about the resurrection angered the Sadducees, who did
not believe in life after death.
The apostles’ reaction to the persecution
The apostles continued speaking/preaching the word of God.
They demonstrated courage as they discouraging words of their
They refused to listen to the discouraging words of their persecutors.
Any 1 reason for persecution + and 1 reaction, 2 marks = 4 marks.
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(c) (i) Sean, grade 10 pupils at Lesa mukulu Secondary School are always very
obedient teachers. This has made him very popular among teachers. His
classmates isolate him and to accuse him of being a “sell-out. State three points
of Christian reaction Sean could to his classmates.
Forgive his classmates
Pray for his classmates
Show love to his classmates
Accept them
Any three points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
(ii) How do people react positively to opposition in modern Zambian
Give three points.
Others accept opposition
Others make a change for the better
Others love their opposers
Any three points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
In what ways is Christianity different from Islam on their reaction to
persecution? Give two points.
Christianity: They forgive their persecutors
Forgiveness is regarded as a weakness
Christianity: Persecution is a test of one’s faith to prove that it is real
Persecution is way to please God or Allah
Christianity: It does not condone revenge for opponents or persecutors
It condones revenge or vengeance for persecutors
Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
10 (a) Narrate the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
At that time kingdom of heaven will be like this. Once there was a man
who was about to leave home on a trip.
He called his servants and put them in charge of his property.
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He gave to each one according to his ability.
To one he gave five thousand gold coins.
To another he gave two thousand,
And to another he gave one thousand. Then he left on his trip.
The servant who had received five thousand coins went at once and
invested his money.
He earned another five thousand.
In the same way the servant who had received two coins went at once and
earned another two thousand.
But the servant who had received one thousand coins went off, dug a hole
in the ground, and hid his master’s money.
After a long time the master of those servants back and settled accounts
with them.
The servant who had received five thousand coins came in and handed
over the other five thousand. You gave me five thousand coins, sir, he said. Look!
Here are another five thousand that I have earned.
Well done, you good and faithful servant! Said his master. You have been
faithful in managing small amounts.
So I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my
Then the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in and
said, you gave me two thousand coins, sir. Look! Here are another two thousand
that I have earned.
Well done, you good and faithful servant! Said his master. You have been
faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts.
Come on in and share my happiness!
Then the servant who had received one thousand coins came in and said,
sir, I know you are a hard man; you reap harvest where you did not plant, and
you gather crops where you did not scatter seed.
I was afraid, so I went off and hid your money in the ground. Look! Here
is what belongs to you.
You bad and lazy servant! His master said. You knew, did you, that I reap
harvests where I did not plant, and gather crops where I did not scatter seed?
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Well, then, you should have deposited my money in the bank, and I would
have received it all back with interest when I returned.
Now, take the money away from him and give it to the one who has ten
thousand coins.
For to every person who has something, even more will be given, and he
will have more than enough; but the person who has nothing, even the little that
he has will take taken away from him.
As for this useless servant-throw him outside in darkness; there he will
cry and gnash his teeth.
Any 10 points, ½ mark each = 5 marks
(b) List bad attitudes to work which are discouraged by the Bible. Give two
Coming late for work strikes
Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
(c) (i) Milton, a young Pastor explains to his fellow youths why they need to Show
respect for all workers including those who do Manuel work. As a Christian, what
reasons would Milton brings out to support his point? Give three points.
The Bible teaches that all workers contribute to the welfare of society so
they deserve respect.
The Bible commands us to work with our hands.
All work is done to the glory of God (work must is done to please God).
3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(ii) What is people’s attitude to manual work in modern Zambian society? Give
three points.
Others despise manual work
Others look down on manual work
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Others appreciate and accept manual work as some manual work help to
develop ones talents and abilities.
Others refuse manual work and consider it inferior
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) What similar attitudes toward purposes for work do Christians and Hindus
have? Give two points
Both encourage everyone to work and earn a living.
Both teach that work is an obligation.
Both believe that gives an opportunity to serve God.
Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
11 (a) Give an account of how Israel rejected God as king and ruler.
(1 Samuel 8:4-9)
Then all the leaders of Israel met together, went to Samuel in Ramah
And said to him, Look, you are getting old and your sons don’t follow your
So then, appoint a king to rule over us, so that we will have king, as other
countries have.
Samuel was displeased with their request for a king; so he prayed to the
And the LORD said, Listen to everything the people say to you.
You are not the one they have rejected; I am the one they have rejected as
their king.
Ever since I brought them out of Egypt, they have turned away from me
and worshiped other gods;
And now they are doing to you what they have always done to me.
So then, listen to them, but give them strict warnings and explain how
their kings will treat them.
Any 10 points, ½ mark each = 5 marks
(b) Why did the Israelites demand for a king? Give two points.
Instability and fear of the future.
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Wanted a king who would provide a royal family and continuity of
leadership like the surrounding nations.
Wanted a human king, who would be a warrior and lead them to victory
against their enemies.
Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
(c) (i) Pastor Lazarus has just graduated from a Bible school and his
Church asks him, among others tasks, to be visiting the old and
the orphans. He tells you that it is the duty of the deacons not
the pastor. What Christian advice would you give Pastor Lazarus on the
nature of a true perfect shepherd? Give three points.
Feeds and cares for all them
Gathers the sheep from wherever they were scattered
Provides safety, security and rest to the oppressed and the sick
Provided equity and fairness to all
Any 3 points, 2 marks = 6 marks
(ii) What should be the attitude of leaders to their followers in modern
Zambia today? Give three points
Leaders must respect their followers
Leaders must be willing to serve their followers (be servants of others)
Leaders must be humble
Leaders must be
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) What similar attitudes to leaders are found in Christianity and Zambia
Traditional Religion? Give two points
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In both, leaders must be respected
In both leaders must be obeyed
In both leaders must be shown loyalty
Wealth should be used wisely
Any two points 2 marks each = 4 marks
12 (a) Tell the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery
(John 8:1-11)
Then everyone went home, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
Early the next morning he went back to the Temple. All the people gathered
around him, and he sat down and began to teach them.
The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought in a woman who was
caught committing adultery, and they had made her stand before them all.
Teacher, they said to Jesus, this woman was caught in the very act of
committing adultery.
In our Law Moses commanded that such a woman must be stoned to
death. Now, what do you say?
They said this to trap Jesus, so that they could accuse him. But he bent
over and wrote on the ground with his finger.
As they stood there asking him questions, he straightened up and said to
them, whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at
Then he bent over again and wrote on the ground.
When they heard this, they all left, one by one, the older ones first.
Jesus was left alone, with the woman still standing there
He strengthened up and said to her, where are they? Is there no one left
to condemn you?
No one, sir, she answered. Well, then, Jesus said, I do not condemn you
either. Go, but do not sin again.
Any 10 points, ½ mark each = 5 marks
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(b) (i) What was Jesus’ new teaching on adultery? State one point
Jesus taught that even looking on someone lustfully is, in God’s sight
as bad as adultery.
Jesus allowed divorces in case of proved adultery but he emphasized the
need to forgive in the case of adultery.
(ii) According to the Jewish tradition, what punishment was given to a
Woman caught in the act of adultery? Sate one point.
Punishment is beating
Death by stoning/stoning to death
Any 1 point on Jesus new teaching + any 1 point on punishment, 2 marks each
= 4 marks
(c) (i) Mr Titanic is caught committing adultery by his wife. His wife
forgives him but he neighbours start laughing at Mrs Titanic
and a coward. What biblical reasons would Mrs Titanic give her
action towards her husband? Give three points.
Jesus commands us to forgive even with proven adultery
Jesus commands us to love because love covers a multitude of sins
“What God has put together, no man must put asunder,” so divorce is not
imperative in the case of adultery.
(ii) What should be the positive reaction of people in modern Zambian
society towards people who offend them? Give three points.
Forgive them
Pray for them
Love them
3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) In what ways are Christian teachings on relationships between
husband and wife different from those of Zambian Traditionalists?
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Give two points.
A husband consults the wife on family matters
The wife is not consulted on family matters
A husband treats his wife as equal partner
A wife is regarded and treated as a property of the husband
Wife beating is not allowed
Wife beating is allowed to keep her in order.
Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
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