UNIT- 1 TRIANGULATION ➢Difference between Geodetic and Plane Surveying Triangulation • Triangulation is the process of determining the location of a point by measuring angles to it from known points at either end of a fixed baseline, rather than measuring distances to the point directly (Trilateration). • Method of determining distance geometry based on the principles of • A distant object is sighted from two well-separated locations. • Utilizes geometric figures composed of triangles. • Horizontal angles and a limited no. of sides (Base lines) are measured. • Base Line – The first line measured precisely. • The length of the last triangle side is used to check with the computed one. • By using angles and base line length, triangles are solved trigonometrically and the positions of stations are calculated. Advantage • Horizontal Control – Fixation of framework of triangles for a survey • Suitable for impossible direct measurements • Suitable for hilly areas and undulating area with building towers. Disadvantage Accumulation of errors in length and directions of lines FIELD OPERATION 1. Reconnaissance 2. Station preparation 3. Base line measurement 4. Measurement of angles 5. Other specification that includes design of station and signals, reduction and adjustment of observations, some geodetic practices and office works. • Important Formula in Trigonometry • Sine law • Cosine law GEOMETRY OF FIGURES 1.Triangles 2. Quadrilateral 3. Polygons 1. Triangles: It is simple, rapid and economical 1. Triangles ➢It is the most economical and very rapid figure to be used when a narrow strip of terrain is to be surveyed like river, valley, etc. ➢The accuracy of the survey is however compromised due to which frequent check bases need to be provided. 2. Quadrilaterals ➢It is the most accurate and the strongest system. The various combinations of sides and angles can be used to compute the lengths of the required sides and checks can be made frequently. 3. Polygons ➢This system is used when a vast area in all directions is required to be covered. The polygons may or may not have a central station. ➢Though this system provides checks on the accuracy of the work, it is not as strong as the quadrilateral arrangement. The progress of the work is also quite slow 2. Quadrilateral : These are best suited for hilly areas Most accurate system as the number of checks are more. • Polygons: • The progress of the work is slow because of more setting of the instruments • It provides better checks and better triangles can be selected than quadrilateral WELL CONDIT IONED TRIANGLE ➢ A well conditioned triangle is a triangle in which any error in angular measurement has a minimum effect upon the computed lengths. ➢Mathematically, an isosceles triangle with base angle of 56° 14’ is preferred. From practical considerations, an equilateral triangle may be treated as a well conditioned triangle. ➢In actual practice, the triangles having an angle less than 30° or more than 120° is not permitted. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF TRIANGULAR STATIONS CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF TRIANGULAR STATIONS • Should be intervisible. For this purpose the station points should be on the highest ground such as hill tops, house tops, etc. • Easily accessible with instruments • Form well-conditioned triangles. • Located such that the length of the sights are neither too short nor too long. • In wooded country, the station should be selected such that the cost of clearing and cutting, and building towers is minimum. • No line of sight should pass over the industrial areas to avoid irregular atmospheric refraction Triangulation figures or system • It may be defined as a system consisting of triangulation stations connected by chains of triangles. • The complete figure is called “ triangulation system or figure” • The most common types of figure used in triangulation systems are triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons STRENGTH OF FIGURE ➢ It is a factor to be considered in establishing a triangulation system to maintain the computations within a desired degree of precision. ➢Strength of figure, thus defined as a figure which gives the least errors in the calculated length of last line in the system due to the shape of triangle and the composition of figures. ➢It is observed that the sine of small angles change more rapidly than the sine of large angles. Due to this reason, it must be ensured that the smaller angles is not opposite to the side which needs to be computed. ➢The expression given by the U.S coast and Geodetic survey for evaluation of the strength of figure. • Note: Smaller the value of R, greater the strength of Figure ( D = Δ A 2 + Δ AΔ B + Δ B 2 ) 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 22 0 24 0 26 0 28 0 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 55 0 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 95 0 100 0 105 0 110 0 115 0 120 0 125 0 130 0 135 0 140 0 145 0 150 0 152 0 154 0 156 0 158 0 160 0 162 0 164 0 166 0 168 0 170 0 10 0 428 359 315 284 262 245 232 221 213 206 199 188 179 172 167 162 159 155 152 150 147 145 143 140 138 136 134 132 129 127 125 122 119 116 112 111 110 108 107 107 107 109 113 122 143 12 0 359 295 253 225 204 189 177 167 160 153 148 137 129 124 119 115 112 109 106 104 102 100 98 96 95 93 91 89 88 86 84 82 80 77 75 75 74 74 74 74 76 79 86 98 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 253 214 187 168 153 142 134 126 120 115 106 99 93 89 86 83 80 78 76 74 73 71 70 68 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 56 55 54 53 53 54 54 56 59 63 71 187 162 143 130 119 111 104 99 94 85 79 74 70 67 64 62 60 58 57 55 54 53 51 50 49 48 46 45 41 43 42 41 40 40 41 42 43 45 48 54 143 126 113 103 95 89 83 79 71 65 60 57 54 51 49 48 46 45 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 32 32 32 33 34 35 38 42 113 100 91 83 77 72 68 60 54 50 47 44 42 40 38 37 36 34 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 26 26 25 25 26 26 27 28 30 33 Table for determining relative strength of triangulations figures ( Values of d = δA 2 + δAδB + δB2) 22 0 24 0 26 0 28 0 30 0 35 0 40 0 45 0 50 0 91 81 74 68 63 59 52 47 43 39 37 35 33 32 30 29 28 27 26 25 25 24 23 22 22 21 21 20 21 21 22 23 25 27 74 67 61 57 53 46 41 37 34 32 30 28 27 25 24 23 22 22 21 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 17 18 19 21 22 61 56 51 48 41 36 32 29 27 25 24 23 21 20 20 19 19 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 16 16 19 51 47 43 37 32 28 26 24 22 21 19 18 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 13 15 16 43 40 33 29 25 23 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 13 33 27 23 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 23 19 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 16 13 11 10 9 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 55 0 60 0 65 0 70 0 75 0 80 0 85 0 90 0 8 7 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RELATIVE STRENGTH OF TWO OR MORE POSSIBLE SYSTEMS OF FIGURES IS 𝐷−𝐶 2 2 𝐷−𝐶 R= ∑δA + δAδB + δB )= ∑d 𝐷 𝐷 Distance angle A = angle opposite to known side. Distance angle B = angle opposite to the side which is to be computed. Hence, the difference courses of routes are compared and the one which has the lowest value of R, is chosen. 24 EXAMPLE-1 DONE • In a triangle ABC, angles A,B,C were observed as 700,500 and 600. The line AC was used as a base of known length. Calculate the strength of figure. EXAMPLE-1 • In a triangle ABC, angles A,B,C were observed as 700,500 and 600. The line AC was used as a base of known length. Calculate the strength of figure. Soln: C= ( n’ – s’ + 1) + (n - 2s + 3) 𝐷−𝐶 𝐷−𝐶 ∑δA2 + δAδB + δB2 )= ∑d 𝐷 𝐷 n=number of lines=3 R= s=total number of station=3 (d = δA2 + δAδB + δB2) nʹ= number of lines observed in both directions(lines observed in one direction only are usually shown by broken lines) =3 s’=number of stations occupied=3. D = number of direction observed, excluding those for the known side of a given figure= 6 - 2 = 4 C= ( 3 – 3 + 1) + (3 - 6 + 3)=1 For angle A = 500 and B = 700 , d= +5 Strength of figure, R = 𝐷−𝑐 𝐷 X ∑d = 4−1 4 X 5=3.75 26 EXAMPLE 2 DONE • In the figure the side of AC was known and BD was computed; the angles measured have been shown in the figure. Calculate the strength. B 430 A 470 240 660 690 C 560 340 210 D EXAMPLE 2 • In the figure the side of AC was known and BD was computed; the angles measured have been shown in the figure. Calculate the strength. B 430 A 470 240 660 690 C 560 340 210 D 28 SOLUTION • There can be several routes to compute the strength. The one which gives the minimum strength will be opted. B n=6 n’=6 s=4 s’=4 C= ( n’ – s’ + 1) + (n - 2s + 3) C= ( 6 – 4 + 1) + (6 – 2 x 4 + 3)=4 Strength of figure, R= 𝐷−𝑐 𝐷 = 10 −4 10 A 470 560 240 660 690 C BD computed D= 6 x 2 – 2 =10 430 340 210 =0.6 D B A ROUTE-1 A (non effective angle kept very small) B B C a Distance angle kept large for accurate computation of sides 430 A 470 560 240 6600 69 C C 340 210 D • Using triangle ACD containing measured base AC and Triangle ADB containing BD to be computed. • For triangle ACD, the distance angle are 550, 690; and d=4 • For triangle ADB, the distance angle are 430, 1030; and d=4 • ∑d = 4 + 4 = 8 and • R1 = 0.6 x 8 = 4.8 30 B 430 ROUTE-2 A 470 240 660 690 C 560 • Using triangle ACD and DCB. • For triangle ACD, the distance angle are 560, 550; and d=7 • For triangle DCB, the distance angle are 240, 1350; and d=17 340 210 D • ∑d = 7 + 17 = 24 and • R2 = 0.6 x 24 = 14.4 31 B 430 ROUTE-3 A 470 240 660 690 C 560 340 210 • Using triangle ACB and ABD. • For triangle ACB, the distance angle are 660, 670; and d=3 D • For triangle ABD, the distance angle are 340, 1030; and d=8 • ∑d = 3+ 8 = 11 and • R2 = 0.6 x 11 = 6.6 32 B 430 ROUTE-4 A 470 560 • Using triangle ACB and BCD. • For triangle ACB, the distance angles are 670, 470; and d=7 240 6600 69 C 340 210 D • For triangle BCD, the distance angle are 210, 1350; and d=26 • ∑d = 7+ 26 = 33 and • R2 = 0.6 x 33 = 19.8 • Hence the best route for calculating BD is the first one. 33 QUESTIONS DONE 1. Compute the value of (D-C)/D for the triangulation figures below. All the stations have been occupied and the directions observed are shown by the arrows. 2. Compute the strength off the figure ABCD for all the routes by which the length CD can be computed from the known side AB. Assume that all the stations were occupied. DO THIS LATER FOR PRACTICE STATION MARKS • The triangulation stations should be permanently marked on the ground so that the theodolite and signal may be centered accurately over them. • Stations are permanently fixed so that it can be identified for future reference. • On rock, a hole of 10-15 cm depth is made in the rock and copper or iron bolt or plate is fixed with cement. The plate should contain the information regarding the station. • On ground, two marks are used, one on the ground and the other below it. A large stone fitted with a brass screw is buried in a hole of about 1m deep and embedded in cement mortar. Another similar stone is placed on the ground. A pole is erected at the station and a heap of conical stones placed around the pole (cairn). SIGNALS AND TOWERS ➢A signal is a device erected over the station mark. It should be properly centered over the station mark to avoid errors. ➢A good signal should fulfill the following criteria. - It should carry flag on its top. a. The signal should be clearly visible against any background. b. It should be of sufficient height, vertical and accurately centered over the station mark. c. It should be of suitable size for accurate bisection. d. It should be easy to erect in minimum time. e. It should be free from phase error or should exhibit minimum phase error. SIGNALS AND TOWERS Classification of signals. 1. Opaque/daylight/non luminous signals. (for distances up to 30 km) 2. Luminous signals (for distances more than 30 km) H.W 1. Daylight signals. ➢These signals are of various types and following are some of the most commonly used signals. a. Pole signal- it consist of a round pole painted black and white in alternate strips and supported vertically over the station mark on a tripod. They are suitable for a distance of about 6 km. SIGNALS AND TOWERS b. Target signal- it consist of a pole carrying two squares or rectangular targets placed at right angles to each other. The targets are generally made of cloths stretched on wooden frames. They are suitable for a distance of about 30 km. c. Pole and brush signal- it consist of a straight pole about 2.5 m long with a bunch of long grass tied symmetrically round the top making a cross. The signal is erected vertically over the station mark by heaping a pile of stones up to 1.7 m round the pole. d. Stone cairn- it is a pile of heaped stone in a conical shape about 3 m high. A cross shaped signal is erected over the stone heap. e. Beacons- it consist of a red and white cloth tied round the three straight poles. SIGNALS AND TOWERS ➢A tower is a structure which is erected when the station or the signal or both are to be elevated to make the observations possible from other stations in case of problem of intervisibility. ➢Towers usually have two independent structures, the outer one and the inner one. ➢The outer one is for supporting the observer or the signal and the inner one is for only the instrument. ➢The inner and outer are made independent of each other so that the movement of the observer does not disturb the setting of the instrument. ➢Towers are usually made of timber, steel or masonry depending on the height. INTERVISIBILITY OF TRIANGULAR STATIONS • Case I – Intervisibility not obstructed by intervening ground • Case II- Intervisibility obstructed by intervening ground • Alternate method by captain G.T McCaw’s INTERVISIBILITY OBSTRUCTED BY INTERVENING GROUND ALTERNATE METHOD BY C APTAIN G.T MCC AW’S QUESTIONS 1. An observer standing on the deck of a ship just sees a lighthouse top with his eyes at a height of 9 m. the top of the lighthouse is 64 m above m.s.l. Find the distance of the observer from the lighthouse. 2. Two stations A and B , 80 km apart have elevations 15 m and 270 m above m.s.l respectively. Ascertain if the stations are intervisible and if not, calculate the minimum height of the signal at station B if the line of sight is to be taken at least 3 m above the point of tangency. 3. There are two stations, P and Q at elevations of 200 m and 995 m respectively. The distance of Q from P is 105 km. If the elevation of a peak M at a distance of 38 km from P is 301 m, determine whether Q is visible from P or not. 4. Solve question 3 using captain McCaw’s method. SATELLITE STATION AND REDUCTION TO CENTER ➢Sometimes, to form well conditioned triangles and to obtain better visibility, objects such as flag poles, towers, lighthouse, chimneys etc. are selected as the triangulation station. ➢It is possible to sight these stations from other stations and make the measurements but it is not possible to occupy these stations and make measurements from there. ➢During this time, another station, very near to the inaccessible station is chosen and measurements are made from there. Such a station is known as a satellite station. ➢After carrying out the measurements from the satellite station, the true angle which would have been observed from the inaccessible station is computed. This is called reduction to center. DIFFERENT POSITION OF SATELLITE STATION AND REDUCTION TO CENTER SATELLITE STATION –POSITION OF SATELLITE STATION-WEST SIDE TH E VALUE OF Ø IS TH E C ORREC TED VA L UE OF Ø WH EN SA TELLITE STA TIONS “ S” IS TH E MA IN STA TION “C ” In the general, the following four cases as shown Case I: S towards the left of C THE VALUE OF Ø IS TH E C ORREC TED VA L UE OF Ø WH EN SA TELLITE STA TIONS “ S” IS TH E MA IN STA TION “C ” In the general, the following four cases as shown Case II: S towards the right of C TH E VALUE OF Ø IS TH E C ORREC TED VA LUE OF Ø WH EN SA TELLITE STA TIONS “ S” IS TH E MA IN STA TION “C ” In the general, the following four cases as shown Case III: S inside the triangle ABC THE VALUE OF Ø IS TH E CORRECTED VALUE OF Ø WH EN SA TEL L ITE STA TION S “ S” IS TH E MA IN STA TION “ C ” In the general, the following four cases as shown Case IV: S outside the triangle ABC Questions 1. From a satellite station S, 15 m west of triangulation station A, the angles measured to three stations are as below. The lengths of sides AC and AB are 5806 m and 1633 m respectively. Calculate the angle BAC. angle CSA= 35°12’55’’ angle BSC= 66°38’40’’ 2. Directions were observed from a satellite station S, 80 m from C, with the following results. The approximate lengths of AC and BC are 17 km and 24.15 km respectively. Compute the angle ACB. A-00°00’00’’ B- 72°50’44’’ C- 299°22’00’’ Questions 3. From a satellite station S, 5.8 metres from the main triangulation station A, the following directions were observed. A – 0o 0’0’’ B - 132o 18’30’’ C - 232o 24’6’’ D - 296o 6’11’’ The lengths AB, AC and AD were computed to be 3265.5 m, 4022.2 m and 3086.4 m respectively. Determine the directions of AB, AC and AD. 4. A, B and C are the stations in a minor triangulation survey. A satellite station S is set up near C such that AC and BC fall within triangle ASB. It is given that AC=7.5 km, BC=6.3 km, CS=40.5 m angle ASC= 62°10’40’’and angle ASB= 75°15’15’’. Calculate angle ACB. THE END