BOOK1-3 ( 2-67 ) BOOK4-6 ( 68-139) BOOK7 -9 ( 140-211) BOOK10-13 ( 212-255) BOOK14-17 ( 256-307 ) BOOK18-21 ( 308-354) Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Name: _________________ DLI American Language Course Grammar & Vocabulary Number: __________ Teacher: ____________________ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 0 Issue No. 1.0 Tips on using this booklet نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما هذا الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب.تعلمته مع معلمك .االساسي Remember – to really learn the grammar and words here, you must practice using them with your teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know how عليك,تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا حتى تحصل.ان تمارس استخدامهم مع معلمك عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام,ALCPT في60 على مجرد. و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة,الكلمات في الجمل حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال words are used in sentences, and do this very fast. Memorising a list and translations will not get you a 60 in the ALCPT. . ALCPT في اختبار60 اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة عكسها او, مرادفاتها, وضعها في جمل,الكلمات Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling, example sentence, .مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة similar meaning, opposite or example for a word. ALCPT في60 حتى تتأكد من الحصول على Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need more words than are in this booklet. Write in more words you learn in the تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلمات عن ما هو متوفر في اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها.هذا الكتيب Additional Vocabulary Notes في قسم Additional Vocabulary Notes section. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 1 Issue No. 1.0 Contents Vocabulary Book 1 3 Grammar Book 1 16 Vocabulary Book 2 23 Grammar Book 2 41 Vocabulary Book 3 47 Grammar Book 3 60 Additional vocabulary 65 Key adjective صفة noun clause شبه جملة اسمية adverb حال object object pronoun مفعول به ضمير المفعول به clause عبارة past simple conjunction حروف العطف plural ماضي بسيط جمع details تفاصيل present simple مضارع بسيط example مثال question Yes/No question ال/ اسئلة نعم اسئلة expression مصطلح regular verb فعل منتظم future مستقبل requirement متطلب grammar قواعد اللغة sentence / statement indirect object المفعول به غير المباشر singular irregular verb فعل غير منتظم subject subject pronoun عبارة/ جملة مفرد فاعل ضمير الفاعل negative نفي tense الزمن noun اسم verb فعل BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 2 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nouns alphabet (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites الحروف الهجائية There are 26 letters in the alphabet. board (n) سبورة Write your name on the board. book (n) كتاب Open your book at page 4. capital letter (n) حرف كبير ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ are capital letters. chair (n) كرسي Sit on your chair. classroom (n) فصل دراسي The students are in the classroom. clock (n) ساعة حائط ‘What’s that?’ ‘It’s a clock.’ desk (n) طاولة دراسة The pen is on the desk. door (n) باب Please close the door. example (n) مثال Listen to the example. lab (n) معمل The cadets are in the computer lab. letter (n) حرف The word ‘book’ has four letters. map (n) خريطة Look at Saudi Arabia on the map. name (n) اسم What’s your name? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 3 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 notebook (n) كراس The notebook is on the table. number (n) رقم 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, … 4, 5 and 6 are numbers. page (n) صفحة Look at page 3. pen (n) قلم The pen is on the desk. pencil (n) قلم رصاص Write your name with a pencil. picture (n) صورة The picture is on the wall. small letter (n) حرف صغير ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ are small letters. table (n) طاولة There is a table in the classroom. window (n) نافذة Please open the window. word (n) كلمة ‘table’, ‘look’ and ‘your’ are words. Verbs 25 26 27 28 circle (v) يحط بدائرة\ يضع دائرة Circle your name. close (v) اغلق ≠ open Close your books. go / go to (v) اذهب Go to the lab in lesson 4. is (v) )فعل مساعد (يكون This is a pen. / This is Captain Smith. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 4 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 listen (to) (v) استمع\ انصت Listen to your teacher. look (at) (v) انظر الى Look at the board. open (v) افتح ≠ close Open the door please. repeat (v) أعد\ كرر Repeat the words. sit down (v) اجلس ≠ stand up Please sit down. stand up (v) يقف ≠ sit down Stand up please. turn off (v) يطفئ ≠ turn on Turn off the TV. turn on (v) يشغل ≠ turn off Turn on the light please. write (v) اكتب Write your name on your book. Other words 38 39 40 41 42 a واحد\واحدة This is a pen. it هي \ هو ‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a window.’ ‘Open it please.’ it’s )(انه = it is It’s a book. my ()لي This is my classroom. That is your classroom. please من اجل/ لـ Please listen to the teacher. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 5 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 sir سيد Good morning sir. that ذلك \ تلك This is my pen. That is your pen. that’s ذاك = that is That’s your book. the )(ال Go to the computer lab. this هذا\هذه This is my book. That is your book. to إلى Go to the lab. what ماذا ؟ \ما هو ؟ What is this? what’s من اجل/ لـ What’s that? your لك That is your teacher. This is my teacher. Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon. مرحبا 55 How are you? Fine thanks. كيف حالك؟ 56 See you later. أراك الحقا 57 Okay. حسنا 58 Goodbye. مع السالمة 59 What’s your name? My name is … ما أسمك ؟ 60 What’s this? This is a book. ما هذا ؟ 52 = what is صباح الخير مساء الخير مشكور,بخير …إسمي .هذا كتاب BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 6 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 61 What’s that? That’s a pen. ما ذاك ؟ 62 It’s a notebook. انه دفتر 63 Listen. استمع 64 Please open the door. Please close your book. افتح الباب رجاء ذاك قلم أغلق كتابك رجاء Numbers 0-20 صفر 0 zero 1 one 1 واحد 2 two 2 اثنان 3 three 3 ثالثة 4 four 4 اربعة 5 five 5 خمسة 6 six 6 ستة 7 seven 7 سبعة 8 eight 8 ثمانية 9 nine 9 تسعة 10 ten 10 عشرة 11 eleven 11 احدى عشر 12 twelve 12 اثنا عشر 13 thirteen 13 ثالثة عشر 14 fourteen 14 اربعة عشر 15 fifteen 15 خمسة عشر 16 sixteen 16 ستة عشر 17 seventeen قب سبعة عشر 18 eighteen قب ثمانية عشر 19 nineteen 19 تسعة عشر 20 twenty 20 عشرون BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 7 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nouns barber (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposite حالق ‘What’s his job?’ ‘He’s a barber.’ cook (n) طباخ ‘What’s Mr Jeffrey?’ ‘He’s a cook.’ doctor (n) طبيب Robert is a doctor. mechanic (n) ميكانيكي Mike is a mechanic. pilot (n) طيار Sami is a pilot in the RSAF. radio (n) مذياع Listen to the radio. recorder (n) مسجل Those are cassette recorders. student (n) طالب 12 students are in my class. tape (n) شريط This is a cassette tape. teacher (n) معلم ‘What’s his job?’ ‘He’s a teacher.’ television (n) تلفاز Turn off the television please. Verbs 12 13 14 am (v) )فعل مساعد (يكون I am a cadet. are (v) )فعل مساعد (يكون You are a teacher. don’t (v) )فعل مساعد للنفي (ال أفعل Don’t open the door. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 8 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 15 spell (v) يتهجى Please spell your name. Other words 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and )حرف العطف (و Listen and repeat. her ‘What’s her name?’ )لها (ضمير ملكية ‘Her name is Sue.’ his )له (ضمير ملكية ‘What’s his name?’ ‘His name is Bill.’ I أنا I am a cadet. I’m أنا = I am I’m a cadet. these هؤالء What are these? those أولئك Those are pens. you أنت \ انتم You are a pilot. you’re أنت \ انتم You’re a teacher. 25 Don’t close the door. ال تغلق الباب 26 What’s his name? His name is Bob. ما اسمه؟ 27 What’s her name? Her name’s Mary. ما اسمها ؟ 28 What’s this? This is his pen. ما هذا؟ 29 What’s that? That’s her book. = you are .اسمه بوب اسمها ماري .هذا قلمه ما ذاك ؟ .ذاك كتابها BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 9 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 30 What are these? These are books. )ما هذه؟ (جمع قريب 31 What are those? Those are pencils. )ما تلك ؟ (جمع بعيد ماهو عمل بيل؟ 32 What is Bill? What’s his job? Bill’s a mechanic. .هذه كتب . تلك مراسم ما هو عمله؟ بيل ميكانيكي Numbers 21-100; 1000 21 twenty-one 21 واحد وعشرون 22 twenty-two 22 اثنين وعشرون 23 twenty-three 23 ثالثة وعشرون 24 twenty-four 24 أربعة وعشرون 25 twenty-five 25 خمسة وعشرون 26 twenty-six 26 ستة وعشرون 27 twenty-seven 27 سبعة وعشرون 28 twenty-eight 28 ثمانية وعشرون 29 twenty-nine 29 تسعة وعشرون 30 thirty 30 ثالثون 40 forty 40 أربعون 50 fifty 50 خمسون 60 sixty 60 ستون 70 seventy 70 سبعون 80 eighty 80 ثمانون 90 ninety 90 تسعون 100 a / one hundred 100 مئة 1000 ألف 1000 a / one thousand BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 10 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nouns = similar meaning cent (n) سنت = a penny 100 cents are in a dollar. dime (n) سنت10 عملة معدنية تمثل Ten cents are in a dime. dollar (n) دوالر نصف دوالر A half dollar is 50 cents. money (n) نقود I have some American money – 10 dollars. nickel (n) سنت5 عملة معدنية تمثل Two nickels is 10 cents. penny (n) )اقل عملة بالنسبة الدوالر (مثل الهللة Ten pennies is a dime. quarter (n) = 10 cents = 100 cents A dollar is 100 cents. half dollar (n) ≠ opposite ربع = 50 cents = cash = 5 cents = a cent = 25 cents Four quarters are in a dollar. Verbs 9 10 aren’t / are not (v) فعل مساعد للنفي They are cadets. They aren’t teachers. isn’t / is not (v) فعل مساعد للنفي للمفرد الغائب He’s a pilot. He isn’t a mechanic. Other words 11 he he’s هو )هو (اختصار = he is He’s my brother. 12 she she’s هي )هي(اختصار = she is She’s my sister. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 11 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 13 we we’re نحن )نحن(اختصار We’re cadets. 14 they they’re = we are هم/ شائع )هم(اختصار = they are They’re dentists. 15 16 17 yes نعم ‘Are you a cadet?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ no ال ‘Are you a dentist?’ ‘No, I’m not.’ not ليس I’m not a captain. 18 $ دوالر = dollar 19 ¢ سنت = cent(s) 20 = يساوي = equals BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 12 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nouns = similar meaning box (n) ≠ opposite صندوق The box is on the table. calendar (n) التقويم Look at the calendar. Today is Tuesday. day (n) يوم There are seven days in a week. dialog (n) محادثة = conversation Listen to the dialog. sound (n) صوت = noise Listen to the sound. time (n) What time is it? وقت The time is 9 o’clock. today (n) اليوم It’s Tuesday today. tomorrow (n) غدا It’s Wednesday tomorrow. wall (n) حائط The map is on the wall. week (n) اسبوع There are seven days in a week. weekend (n) اجازة نهاية االسبوع In America the weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Verbs 12 put (verb) ضع Please put your pencil on your desk. Other words 13 Sunday األحد 14 Monday األثنين 15 Tuesday الثالثاء BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 13 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Vocabulary 16 Wednesday األربعاء 17 Thursday الخميس 18 Friday الجمعة 19 Saturday السبت at (time) )في (وقت 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Go to the lab at 8 o’clock. in (location) )في (مكان The students are in the classroom. o’clock )تماما (وقت It’s 3 o’clock. on (location) )على (مكان Put the pencils on the table. under (location) )تحت (مكان The table is under the window. What time is it? It’s 10:30. It’s ten o’clock. كم هي الساعة ؟ إنها العاشرة والنصف إنها العاشرة تماما Go to the classroom at 7:30. اذهب للفصل عند الساعة السابعة والنصف BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 14 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 1. Simple questions and answers (L1. Pg.8) اسئلة و أجوبة الجمل البسيطة استخدم الطريقة التالية لإلجابة على االسئلة البسيطة Use this to answer simple questions. Questions Is Is Is Is this a this this this a a a pen table book Answers ? Yes, ? No, ? What is this ? It’s a book. or a pencil ? It’s a pen. chair. ( هو في العربية نقول pen it is. isn’t. (is not). it The Verb BE .ال يوجد فعل في هذه الجمل ) .طالب عسكري Subject انا . معلم Noun Noun Subject | I In Arabic, we say [ He teacher. There is no verb in these sentences. cadet ]. عندما نقول ما هو الشيء. BE يجب دائما ان تتكون الجملة من فعل،لكن في الجمل االنجليزية البد من استخدام االفعال المساعدة، أو مما يتكون شيىء ما، But in English sentences, there must always be a verb. When we say something is, or that something exists, we use the Verb BE. Subject Verb BE [ He is Noun Subject | a teacher. I Noun Verb BE am a cadet ] Verb BE I he / she / it we / they / you am is are .قبل االسم المفرد a في اللغة االنجليزية نضع: مالحظة Note that in English we also put a before a singular noun. [ This is a book. ] هذا كتاب: بالعربي BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 15 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 2. Using basic commands بعض افعال األمر األساسية Commands in English Stand up. Sit down. Open the book. Close the book. Turn on the light. Turn off the light. Go to the board. Look at the board. Listen to the teacher Repeat the word. Circle the letter. Write the word. → → → → → → → → → → → → (L1. Pg. 12) أفعال األمر باإلنجليزية ) أنهض (قف اجلس افتح الكتاب اغلق الكتاب )اشعل الضوء (النور )اطفئ الضوء (النور توجه الى السبورة انظر الى السبورة انسط (استمع) لمعلمك كرر الكلمة احط الكلمة بدائرة اكتب الكلمة : مالحظة هامة في االنجليزية نالحظ is وجوب وجود أو بديل بمعنى (يكون) في الجمل االسمية خالف . العربية 3. Demonstrative Pronouns – this / that أسماء اإلشارة للمفرد القريب والبعيد (L1. Pg.16) This is a pencil. هذا مرسام (Near) للقريب ذلك قلم That is a pen. (That’s a pen.) (Far away) للبعيد BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 16 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 4. Possessive adjectives – my / your ( ضمائر الملكيةL1. Pg.18) .االشياء يملك من عن للتعبير تستخدم Use this to say who owns something. Is that your ship. تلك سفينتك Yes, this is my ship. هذه سفينتي،صحيح (Question) 5. Is this / that my / your ship ? Giving negative commands with don’t (L2. Pg.27) )اعطاء االوامر بالمنع من القيام بشيء ما باستخدام (ال تفعل Do not = Don’t × Don’t eat fast food. Eat healthy food. The verb is the same for the positive and negative sentences. تلك قبعتها × Don’t open the window. تلك كرته Open the window. الحظ أن الفعل لم يتغير في حالة األمر أو المنع 6. Possessive adjectives – his / her . ( ضمائر الملكية للغائب المذكر و المؤنثL2. Pg.30) That is her hat. تلك قبعتها This is That is That is his football. That’s تلك كرته BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 17 my your his her ship. ball. food. book. Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 7. Singular and plural nouns .المفرد و الجمع لألسماء Single noun book door picture name lab 1 pencil +s )add ‘s’) Plural noun books doors pictures names labs 1 door (L2. Pg.35) 8 pencils 3 doors و سيارات، صيغة الجمع تختلف فلدينا المثنى جمع اثنين كمثال سيارتين، في اللغة العربية .لجمع أكثر من اثنين In Arabic, the plural noun for 2 things is different from the plural for 3 or more things. . " في نهاية الكلمةs " لكن في اللغة االنجليزية يوجد صيغة واحدة للمثنى والجمع وتكون باضافة But in English, the same plural is used for 2 or more things (we usually add ‘s’ to the noun(. Example: one car, two cars, three cars 8. Demonstrative Pronouns – these / those (L2. Pg.36) هذه كراسي These are chairs. Those are chairs. (Near) للجمع القريب (Far away) للجمع البعيد أولئك (تلك) كراسي BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 18 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 9. Asking questions with these / those (L2. Pg.38) السؤال باستخدام أسماء اإلشارة للجمع القريب والبعيد Questions What Answers these are Those ? those These books. pens. are 10. Making sentences with I / you / a name (L2. Pg.40) أو باستخدام اسم، أنت، صياغة الجمل باستخدام الضمير أنا Subject be I am You are Major Brown is detail → I’m a cadet. → You’re a student. → Major Brown’s a teacher. a cadet. a student. a teacher. Native English speakers often contract their speech. يقوم متحدثي اللغة المتمكنين بدمج الضمير مع فعل الكينونة شرط وجود الفاصلة العلوية 11. Asking simple questions about people (L2. Pg.41) السؤال عن األشخاص باستخدام األسئلة البسيطة Questions What What Answers be Subject am I ? You’re a cadet. are you ? I’m a student. your job ? I’m a teacher. is What’s BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 19 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar In Arabic, verbs and adjectives change depending on whether the subject is male or female. . تتغيراالفعال والصفات اعتمادا على الفاعل سواءا كان مذكر او مؤنث، في اللغة العربية هي تقود هو يقود : مثال قلم كبير سيارة كبيرة But in English, we don’t change verbs or adjectives in this way. .لكن في اللغة االنجليزية ال نغير االفعال والصفات بهذه الطريقة (He) drives (she) drives a big pen a big car However, English singular pronouns are different for males and females. . ضمائر المفرد في اللغة االنجليزية تتختلف بالنسبة للمذكر والمؤنث،مع ذلك He is a teacher. I like him. She is a teacher. I like her. هي، ضمير المفرد الغائب للعاقل هو 12. The pronoun he / she / it Pronoun be He is He ’s (L3. Pg.48) detail a student. a teacher. She is She ’s 13. The pronoun they a doctor. ( صياغة الجمل باستخدام ضمير الجمع الغائب هم Pronoun be She is detail a doctor. a teacher. He is They are They ’re doctors. teachers. ‘They’ is plural ة/(هم) للجمع أي أكثر من واحد BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 20 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 14. The pronoun we ضمير المتكلمين نحن Pronoun ( be He is detail a barber. a cook. I am We are We ’re barbers. cooks. ‘We’ is plural ة/(نحن) للجمع أي أكثر من واحد 15. The pronoun you انتم/المخاطبين انت/صمير المخاطب Pronoun be ( detail He is a cadet. You are You are You ’re cadets. ‘You’ is singular and ‘You’ is plural )(أنت) للمفرد و للجمع أي (أنت )ة/أو (أنتم أكثر من واحد BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 21 Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 16. Making negative sentences ( )صياغة الجمل المنفية (النفي Pronoun + be detail I’m a pilot. He’s a doctor. She’s a teacher. Ahmed’s not You’re pilots. We’re (Ahmed and I are) doctors. They’re (Mr. & Mrs. Jones are) teachers. You’re (You and Rakan are) We can also contract…. is + not = isn’t are + not = aren’t He She isn’t You We They BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 22 aren’t a pilot. a doctor. pilots. doctors. Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar 17. Asking yes / no questions ( )صياغة االستفهام (السؤال المقدر بنعم أو ال Sentence You are a student . Question Are you a student ? detail Yes Answers Yes Pronoun Questions BE Pronoun Am Are Is Is Are Are I you he a doctor? a cadet? she am you are a cadet. is a teacher. she it a book? it this a table? this that a chair? you Yes, detail I he a teacher? BE a doctor. a book. is a table. that a chair. doctors? you doctors. we cadets? we they teachers? they these books? these those chairs? those BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 23 are cadets. teachers. are books. chairs. Issue No. 1.0 Book 1 Grammar Questions BE Pronoun Am Are Is Is Are Are detail No Answers No Pronoun I you he a doctor? a cadet? she not you aren’t a cadet. she it a book? it this a table? this that a chair? you No, detail I’m he a teacher? BE isn’t a doctor. a teacher. a book. isn’t a table. that a chair. doctors? you doctors. we cadets? we aren’t cadets. they teachers? they these books? these those chairs? those BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 24 teachers. aren’t books. chairs. Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 14 Nouns boy (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites ولد David is a young boy. brother (n) أخ I have one brother. child / children (n) طفل/ أطفال Is he your child? My brother has four children. daughter (n) ابنة Cathy is Tom and Susan’s daughter. family (n) عائلة Six people are in the Smith family. father (n) اب Tom is Cathy’s father. friend (n) صديق John isn’t my brother. He’s a friend. girl (n) بنت Sally is a young girl. husband (n) زوج Tom and Susan are married. Tom is Susan’s husband. man / men (n) رجل / رجال James is a man. James and Tim are men. mother (n) أم Susan is Cathy’s mother. parents (n) والدين Susan and Tom are Cathy’s parents. people (n) أناس \ أشخاص There are six people in the classroom. person (n) شخص There is one person in the bathroom. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 25 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 15 16 17 18 19 sister (n) Vocabulary أخت Cathy is Frank’s sister. son (n) ابن Frank is Tom and Susan’s son. syllable (n) مقطع لفظي The word hus–band has two syllables. wife (n) زوجة Cathy is Tom’s wife. woman / women (n) مرأة/ نساء Sue is a woman. Sue and Pam are women. Adjectives and adverbs 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 angry (adj) غاضب Mr. Bell is very angry. cold (adj) بارد Close the window. It’s cold in the classroom. happy (adj) سعيد ≠ sad It’s Friday. The children are happy. hot (adj) ساخن ≠ cold It is hot in Saudi Arabia. old (adj) كبير في السن James is an old man. sad (adj) حزين قصير ≠ tall Tom isn’t tall. He’s short. sick (adj) مريض Tom is in the hospital. He is very sick. tall (adj) طويل = ill ≠ well ≠ short Ben is a tall man. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB ≠young ≠ happy My brother is sad. short (adj) ≠ hot 26 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 29 30 31 tired (adj) Vocabulary متعب It’s 10 o’clock in the evening. Mary is very tired. well (adj) جيد \ بحالة جيدة ‘Are you well?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ young (adj) شاب ≠ sick,ill ≠ old Beth is a young girl. Other words and phrases 32 33 34 35 36 and )حرف العطف (و Tom and Mary study French. bye الى اللقاء Bye, Pete. See you tomorrow. hi مرحبا = hello Hi. My name is David. hundred مائة There are one hundred cadets in my barracks. let’s دعنا 37 Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. 38 now اآلن \ حاال I’m tired. I want to go home now. 39 40 41 42 or 100 Let's + Verb 1 I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch. آنسة السيد السيدة السيدة = goodbye, see you later = a woman, not married = a man = a women, married = a women, married or single ≠ later )حرف التخيير (أو ‘Is Frank young or old?’ ‘He is old.’ too )جدا (بشكل سلبي John speaks English. He speaks French, too. very جدا Tom is very sick. Where’s the hospital? Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. سعدت بلقائك سعدت بلقائك BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 27 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 43 44 Vocabulary What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock. كم الساعة؟ Excuse me. المعذرة,عفوا .انها الساعة السابعة Excuse me. What time is it? Numbers 100 hundred 200 two hundred 205 two hundred and five 240 two hundred and forty 255 two hundred and fifty-five 279 two hundred and seventy-nine 286 two hundred and eighty-six 300 three hundred مائة مائتان مائتان و خمسة مائتان و اربعون مائتان و خمسة و خمسون مائتان و تسعة و سبعون مائتان و ستة و ثمانون ثالث مائة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 28 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns Air Force (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites القوات الجوية Pilots fly planes in the Air Force. answer (n) اجابة What is the answer to this question? barracks (n) سكن الطلبة Cadets sleep in the barracks. base (n) قاعدة King Abdulaziz air base is in Dhahran. Base Exchange (BX) (n) )مركز تجاري (في القاعدة We buy pens and books at the BX. bed (n) سرير Tom sleeps in his bed in the barracks. building (n) مبنى Barracks and dining halls are buildings on a base. bulletin board (n) Examples: school, barracks, hospital لوحة اعالنات The schedule is on the bulletin board. bus (n) باص The bus to Chicago leaves at 8 o’clock. bus stop (n) موقف الحافلة ‘Where is the bus?’ ‘At the bus stop’. commissary (n) بقالة القاعدة I buy food at the commissary. dining hall (n) قاعة االكل We eat lunch in the dining hall. dispensary (n) عيادة داخلية/ صيدلية The cadets go to the dispensary for medicine. hospital (n) مستشفى Doctors work at the hospital. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 29 = supermarket, store = mess hall, chow hall = pharmacy = medical center Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 library (n) Vocabulary مكتبة Books and magazines are in the library. mess hall (n) قاعة الطعام The cadets eat in the mess hall. office (n) مكتب Mr. Smith is in his office. question (n) سؤال Ask your teacher a question. room (n) غرفة Please go to room 219. schedule (n) جدول The schedule is on the bulletin board. snack bar (n) = timetable ركن الوجبات الخفيفة There are food and drinks at the snack bar. Verbs 22 23 24 answer (v) جاوب Please answer the question. ask (v) أسأل Ask your teacher a question. belong to (v) … يعود ل This book belongs to Mr. Green. Other words 25 26 27 28 at (place) (prep) )في (للمكان Tom is at the hospital. big (adj) كبير ≠ small = large These office buildings are big. inside (prep) في الداخل ≠ outside The board is inside the classroom. our لنا belongs to me + you This is our classroom. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 30 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 outside (prep) Vocabulary خارجا ≠ inside The bus stop is outside. small (adj) صغير ≠ large, big The Library is small. their لهم That’s Tom and Simon’s office. It’s their office. thousand ألف There are one thousand cadets in the SEL. where أين ؟ Where are you from? I am from Dammam. whose belongs to 2+ people, not me 1000 = place, location (e.g. Abha, classroom) لمن ؟ ‘Whose office is this?’ ‘It’s Jennifer’s office.’ your لك This isn’t my notebook. It’s your notebook. Excuse me, please. belongs to you لو سمحت,المعذرة Excuse me, please. Where is the mess hall? Thank you, sir. شكرا لك Numbers 1,000 a thousand ألف 10,000 ten thousand عشرة آالف 100,000 a hundred thousand مائة ألف 1,000,000 a million مليون 6,789 six thousand, seven hundred and eight-nine 56,789 fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eight-nine 456,789 four hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eight-nine 3,456,789 three million, four hundred fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and eight-nine BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 31 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns alphabet (n) = similar meaning الحروف الهجائية The alphabet has 26 letters. apple (n) تفاحة موزة A banana is a fruit. Tim is having a banana. beef (n) )لحم (بقري I like to eat beef hamburgers. bread (n) a,b,c,d,e,f,g … An apple is a fruit. Mary is eating an apple. banana (n) ≠opposites Beef is a meat. خبز Jane is eating bread. breakfast (n) افطار The cadets have breakfast in the mess hall. cherry (n) كرز Cherry is a fruit. Cherries are very small. chicken (n) دجاجة Chicken is a meat. Tim is eating chicken and rice. coffee (n) قهوة Coffee is a drink. I like to drink black coffee. consonant (n) Breakfast is in the morning (e.g. 7 am) حرف ساكن B, C, D, G, M, J, S are consonants. dinner (n) عشاء They eat their dinner in the dining hall. drink (n) مشروب Orange juice is my favorite drink. egg (n) Dinner is in the evening (e.g. 7 pm) Examples: tea, coffee, water, juice بيض I have eggs for breakfast. fish (n) سمك Kelly doesn’t like to eat fish. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 32 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 food (n) Vocabulary طعام Tim is buying food at the commissary. fruit (n) فاكهة Examples: apple, banana, orange I like to eat fruit. juice (n) عصير Juice is a drink. He is drinking orange juice. lamb (n) )لحم (ضأن John is eating lamb. lunch (n) غداء Lunch is in the afternoon. (e.g. 1 pm) وجبة Examples: breakfast, lunch and dinner لحم Examples: beef, chicken, lamb, pork Lunch is at 1pm. meal (n) Lunch is my favorite meal. meat (n) Lamb is a meat. Dave is having rice and meat for dinner. milk (n) حليب I have milk with my coffee. movie (n) فلم My family is watching a movie now. orange (n) برتقالة An orange is a fruit. Tom is eating an orange. pear (n) كمثرى A pear is a fruit. Simon is having a pear at lunch. pork (n) )لحم (خنزير Donald is eating pork. Muslims don’t eat pork. rice (n) Pork is a meat. رز Mary is buying rice at the commissary. salad (n) سلطة I am eating chicken and salad. tea (n) شاي Iced tea, hot tea Let’s have tea. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 33 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 30 31 32 toast (n) Vocabulary خبز التوست Mr Bale is eating eggs and toast for breakfast. vowel (n) حرف علة A, E, I, O and U are vowels. water (n) ماء Water is a drink. Tim is thirsty. He is drinking water. Verbs 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 buy (v) يشتري You buy eggs and fish at the commissary. come (v) تعال Come with me to the mess hall. come on (v) هيا بنا = hurry up Come on, let’s go. drink (v) يشرب I drink orange juice at breakfast. eat (v) يأكل I eat rice and chicken for lunch. read (v) يقرأ I read books and magazines. study (v) يذاكر/ يدرس Cadets study English in the TSI. talk (v) يتحدث = chat, speak I talk to my sister by phone. watch (v) = learn يشاهد I watch movies at home. Other words and phrases 42 43 an واحدة/ واحد This is an apple. That is an egg. bored (adj) متملل ≠ interested I’m bored. Let’s watch a movie. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB Use an before a, e, i, o, u. 34 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 both Vocabulary كالهما I like to eat chicken and fish. I like to eat both. here both = two هنا Tim’s pencil isn’t on the desk. It’s here. hungry (adj) جائع I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch. just فقط = only He has just $2. now اآلن \ حاال I’m hungry. Let’s go to the mess hall now. thirsty (adj) = at the moment ≠ later عطشان Tim is thirsty. He is drinking water. Me too. أنا أيضا ‘I’m very tired.’ ‘Me too.’ How about you? What about you? ماذا عنك ؟ ماذا عنك ؟ Hi, how are you?’ ‘I’m fine. How about you?’ 52 Not really ليس بذاك الحد ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘Not really.’ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 35 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Lesson 4 1 Vocabulary Nouns homework (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites واجب منزلي Tom is doing his homework. Verbs 2 3 4 check (v) تأكد Let’s check your answers. count (v) عد How many cadets are in your class? Count them. do (v) افعل What are you doing? Other words and phrases 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 correct (adj) صحيح = right ≠ incorrect, wrong Is my answer correct? different (adj) مختلف Our answers are not the same. They are different. nothing ال شيء ‘What’s in the box?’ ‘Nothing. It’s empty.’ right (adj) صح مثله Sam and Tim have a Toyota. They have the same car. who ≠ something = correct ≠ incorrect, wrong Tim’s answer isn’t wrong. It’s right. same (adj) ≠ same ≠ different من ؟ ‘Who is your teacher?’ ‘Mr. Smith.’ wrong خطأ Mary’s answer isn’t correct. It’s wrong. It’s time for … حان وقت ال. It’s time for lunch. Let’s go to the dining hall. Me, too ‘I’m tired.’ = incorrect ≠ correct, right It's time for + noun It's time to + V1 و أنا أيضا ‘Me, too.’ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 36 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 14 15 Nothing much. ‘What is Tim doing?’ Vocabulary ال جديد يذكر ‘Nothing much. He’s tired.’ You’re welcome. ‘Thank you very much.’ = not very much )على الرحب و السعة (يا مرحبا ‘You’re welcome John.’ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 37 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Grammar 1. Plural nouns (Lesson 1. Pg.10) جمع االسماء Add s to most nouns when there is more than one. ) ألغلب االسماء عندما تتحدث عن اكثر من واحد (ال يوجد مثنىs اضف a or an before the noun means one. Don’t add s. S لذلك ال نضف حرف, قبل االسم تعني المفردan و الa ال Example: Spelling: one car / a car two cars change y to ies one baby three babies nouns with x, add es one box five boxes Some nouns have different plurals. E.g. 2. ببعض االسماء لديها صيغة جمع مختلفة a person two people a child two children a woman two women a man two men Making sentences with adjectives Use adjectives to describe people/things. Sentences = Subject + Verb BE + (Lesson 1. Pg. 12) .نستخدم الصفات لوصف الناس و االشياء adjective .الجملة االسمية = فاعل ثم فعل مساعد (الكينونة ) ثم صفة I am You are old. young. happy. He / She / It is sad. hot. We/You/They BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB are 38 cold. Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Question = Verb BE Grammar + Subject + Adjective . ال تنسى وضع عالمة االستفهام.اما سؤال الجملة االسمية = فعل (الكينونة ) ثم الفاعل ثم الصفة Am old? I young? Are you Is he / she / it happy? sad? cold? Are In questions, put verb BE before the subject 3. hot? we/you/they .في السؤال نقلب الفعل مكان الفاعل and / or (Lesson 1. Pg.20) Use and to join two things. .( لضم شيئين مع بعضهما في جملة واحدة أو لضم جملتين مع بعضهماand) نستخدم حرف العطف Examples: Peter is happy. Ted is happy Peter and Ted are happy. Sarah is tired. Janet is tired. Sarah and Janet are tired. Use or to choose between two or more things. . للمشاورة بين شيئين او اكثرor نستخدم حرف التخيير Is he old or young? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB Is it hot or cold? 39 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Grammar 4. Questions using where (Lesson 2. Pg. 34) Use where to ask questions about place/location. . تذكر كتابة الحرف االول بالشكل الكبير. للسؤال عن المكانwhere نستخدم Questions = Where + Verb BE + subject is the map? are the books? Where Answer = 5. Subject + Verb BE + location The map is on the wall. The books are on the desk. Possessive adjectives: our / your / their (Lesson 2. Pg 42) Our, your and their show possession. Put them before the noun. . ضعها قبل االسم.تستخدم ضمائر الملكية للداللة على التملك This is That This is their TV. These Those are our book. your pen. their classroom. our books. your shoes. their bags. Put our, your and their before the noun. ضمائر الملكية تسبق االسم BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 40 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Grammar 6. Whose (Lesson 2. Pg.44) Use whose to ask questions about possession. After whose, put a noun. . االسم مباشرةwhose نضع بعد. للسؤال عن الملكيةwhose نستخدم 7. Whose + noun 1 Whose TV is this? This is their TV. Whose bags are those? Those are our bags. Present progressive (Lesson 3. Pg.56) Use present progressive to describe what you are doing now. )نستخدم الفعل المضارع المستمر للداللة على ما نفعله االن ( في الوقت الحالي Sentence = Question = Subject + Verb BE + Verb-ing + Object I am eating breakfast You/We/They are drinking coffee She/He/It is playing football Verb-ing + Object + now. Verb BE + Subject Am I eating breakfast Are you/we/they drinking coffee Is she/he/it playing football في السؤال نضع فعل الكينونة قبل الفاعل In questions, put verb BE before the subject BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB now? 41 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Grammar 8. Let’s (Lesson 4. Pg.77) Use let’s to make a suggestion. After let’s, put Verb 1. . ثم نضع بعده التصريف االول للفعلlet’s نستخدم الفعل،لالقتراح Examples: Tom: I’m hungry. Jack: OK. Let’s go eat. Sally: I’m bored. Sarah: Me too. Let’s watch a movie. Let’s + Verb 1 9. Using who to ask questions (Lesson 4. Pg.79) Use who to make questions about people. . للسؤال عن االشخاصwho نستخدم Eg: Who are they? Who is he? Who is talking? Who is = Who’s They are students. He is my teacher. Tom is talking. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 42 Issue No. 1.0 Book 2 Grammar 10. Present progressive questions with what (Lesson 4. Pg.83) Use what with present progressive verbs to ask about what is happening now. [ What is = What’s ] ) مع الفعل المضارع المستمر للسؤال عن ما يحدث االن (في الوقت الحاليwhat نستخدم What + Verb BE What + Subject + Verb-ing am I eating? are you/we/they drinking? is She/He/It playing? What is he drinking? 11. Present progressive questions with where (Lesson 4. Pg. 86) Use where with present progressive verbs to ask about where something is happening now. ) مع الفعل المضارع المستمر للسؤال عن المكان الذي يحدث فيه الشيء االن (في الوقت الحاليwhere نستخدم Where Where + Verb BE + Subject am I eating? are you/we/they drinking? is she/he/it playing? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 43 + Verb-ing Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nouns afternoon (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites مساء We go to the library in the afternoon class (n) حصة دراسية The next class is at 9:00 a.m. evening (n) ليل = after 6:00 p.m. Ali goes to bed in the evening. lesson (n) = lesson درس Do you have a lesson in the library? midnight (n) منتصف الليل John goes to bed at midnight on Friday. morning (v) = 12.00 a.m. صباح I get up at 5.00 a.m. every morning. night (n) ليل The school is closed at night. noon (n) ظهر = midday/12:00 p.m. Saleh eats a snack at noon. shower (n) استحمام Paul takes a shower in the evening. snack (n) وجبة خفيفة We have a snack in the afternoon. = a small meal Examples: sandwich, fruit, chocolate, donut Verbs do/does (v) 11 Do you watch television in the afternoon? Does he study in the barracks? don’t/doesn’t (v) 12 13 فعل مساعد في بداية السؤال In negatives: I/you/we/they don’t… He/she/it doesn’t … اليفعل We don’t get up early on Saturday. Ahmed doesn’t go to the gym. get dressed (v) )يلبس (يتجهز Jerry gets dressed after he eats breakfast. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB In questions: Do I/you/we/they..? Does he/she/it…? 44 = put clothes on ≠ take clothes off Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary 14 15 16 17 18 19 get up (v) يستيقظ We get up early every day. School starts at 6 a.m. shave (v) ≠ go to sleep / bed يحلق ذقن Every morning, I shower and shave. shower (v) يستحم = take a shower I shower before breakfast. sleep (v) ينام The cadets sleep in the barracks. swim (v) يسبح We swim at 7 pm every evening. want (v) يريد They are thirsty. They want some water. Adjectives and adverbs 20 21 22 23 24 early (adj) مبكرا ≠ late I don’t get up early on Saturday. every (adj) كل Sam goes to the gym every day at 3.00 p.m. hungry (adj) = each جائع I’m hungry now. Let’s go to the dining hall. late (adj) متأخر ≠ early We go to bed late on Friday night. thirsty (adj) عطشان I want some water. I’m thirsty. Other words and phrases 25 26 27 after (prep) بعد ≠ before The cadets relax after classes. before (prep) قبل Clean your room before you go to bed. for ≠ after )لمدة (وقت Jake eats eggs for breakfast. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 45 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary 28 29 30 31 32 33 at (prep) )في (وقت at midnight / night / noon / 6 o’clock )في (وقت in the morning / afternoon / evening We play tennis at noon. in (prep) Pvt. Brown swims in the afternoon. a.m. صباحا I have breakfast in the morning - at 6.30 a.m. p.m. مساء The lesson is in the afternoon – at 3.30 p.m. take a shower = in the morning; before noon = in the afternoon; after 12 noon أستحم We takes a shower before breakfast. go to bed أذهب الى السرير I go to bed at 11 o’clock every day. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 46 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposite airplane (n) طائرة Ahmed takes an airplane to Jeddah every week. Arabic (n) = plane, aircraft عربي Arabic is a language. Ahmed speaks Arabic. car (n) سيارة Tom has a car. Do you have a car? french fries (n) بطاطس مقلية Let’s have steak and french fries for dinner. hamburger (n) برجر لحم A hamburger is a fast food. لغة Examples: Chinese English French Italian Japanese Korean Russian Spanish I want a hamburger for lunch. language (n) Spanish and French are languages. I speak French. They don’t speak Korean in Spain. plane (n) طائرة I take a plane to Tabuk. Pilots fly planes. taxi (n) Fries are a fast food. صيني إنجليزي فرنسي إيطالي ياباني كوري روسي اسباني = airplane, aircraft سيارة اجرة Jill takes a taxi to the office every day. train (n) قطار The train leaves for Dammam every 2 hours. truck (n) شاحنة Tim doesn’t have a car. He has a truck. Verbs 11 has (v) )لديه (يملك He/she/it has Mr Jones has 12 students in his class. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 47 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 have (v) )لدي (أملك I/you/we/they have I have two sisters. hear (v) يسمع The students hear the word and repeat it. know (v) = listen to يعلم Do you know Mr Smith? Yes I do. learn (v) يتعلم The cadets learn 20 words every day. leave (v) يرحل = depart The bus leaves at noon. say (v) ينطق I say ‘hello’ to my teacher every morning. speak (v) يتحدث What languages do you speak? Other words and phrases 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 always (adv) دائما Jack always goes to the gym on Saturdays. never (adv) )أبدا (للنفي I never eat breakfast. sometimes (adv) أحيانا Sometimes I eat in a restaurant. how often = all the time ≠ never ≠ always = occasionally كم مرة ؟ How often do you go to the Learning Center? on (day of week) (prep) )في (يوم We take the train to Dallas on Friday. when متى ؟ When is the dispensary open? = what time have a hamburger for lunch يأكل برجر للغداءLet’s have a hamburger for lunch. take a taxi استخدم تاكسي Let’s take a taxi to the airport. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 48 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary American cities Boston بوسطن Chicago شيكاغو Houston هيوستن Los Angeles لوس انجلس Miami ميامي New York نيويورك San Francisco سان فرانسيسكو BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 49 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Nouns answer sheet (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites ورقة االجابة Write your answers on the answer sheet. booklet (n) كتيب The test booklet is on the table. dictionary (n) قاموس Find the word in the dictionary. hour (hr.) (n) ساعة 60 minutes = 1 hour There are sixty minutes in an hour. minute (n) دقيقة 60 seconds= 1 minute The lesson will finish in 1 minute. month (n) شهر 12 months = 1 year ‘What month is this?’ ‘It’s March.’ quiz (n) اختبار قصير Answer every question on the quiz. second (n) ثانية ‘How many seconds are in 2 minutes?’ ‘120.’ test (n) اختبار 60 seconds= 1 minute = quiz, exam We have a Spanish test tomorrow. test booklet (n) = test كتيب االختبار Answer all the questions in the test booklet. year (n) عام There are 12 months in a year. Verbs 12 13 14 choose (v) اختر Choose the correct answer in the test. look up (a word in a book) (v) ابحث داخل كتاب Look up the word in the dictionary. mark (v) = select = find a word ضع عالمة Mark the answer on the answer sheet. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 50 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary 15 16 17 18 19 memorize (v) يحفظ Don’t only memorize words. Use them in class. review (v) يراجع = study again Review the lessons before the test. select (v) يختار = choose Select the correct answer. was (v) كان I/He/she/it was He was in Spain two years ago. were (v) كانوا/ كنت We were in Riyadh yesterday. We/you/they were Other words and phrases 20 21 ago قبل/ منذ I was in Dallas two months ago. last (adj) آخر This week, I am in the TSI. Last week, I was in Jeddah. 22 next (adj) التالي This month is March. Next month is April. 23 yesterday البارحة Today is Monday. Yesterday was Sunday. 24 25 how many )كم ؟ (عدد ‘How many students are in the class?’ ‘Ten.’ Where are you from? من اين انت؟ I’m from Boston, in the US. انا من بوسطن في الواليات المتحدة االمريكية 26 How was the movie? It wasn’t bad? كيف كان الفيلم؟ لم يكن سيئا BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 51 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary 27 28 Months of the year January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.) April (Apr.) May June (Jun.) July (Jul.) August (Aug.) September (Sept.) October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.) Countries Canada China Egypt England France Japan Russia Saudi Arabia Spain the United States (the US) Venezuela BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB كندا الصين مصر انجلترا فرنسا اليابان روسيا السعودية اسبانيا الواليات المتحدة فنزويال 52 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites Air Force (n) القوات الجوية Ali is a pilot. He works for the Royal Saudi Air Force. airman (n) طيار/عسكري في القوات الجوية Ahmed is in the Air Force. He is an airman. Army (n) Airmen and pilots work in the Air Force. الجيش Peter is a soldier in the Army. colonel (n) )عقيد (رتبة Colonel Saleh is an officer in the Air Force. civilian (n) مدني Brad isn’t in the military. He’s a civilian. driver (n) ≠ military شاحنة/سائق سيارة A driver of a car. military (n) عسكرية Josh is in the military. He is a soldier. Marine (n) ≠ civilian البحرية Hank is a Marine. He’s in the Marines. Marine Corps (n) مشاة البحرية Paul is in the Marine Corps. Navy (n) القوات البحرية Andy is a sailor in the Navy. officer (n) ضابط Saleh is an officer in the Army. sailor (n) عسكري بحار Sailors work in the Navy. جندي Soldiers work in the Army. Sailors are in the Navy. soldier(n) Abdullah is a soldier in the Army. work (n) عمل I drive to work every day. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 53 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary Verbs 15 16 17 18 19 drive (v) شاحنة/ يقود سيارة Paul drives to New York every weekend. fly (v) يحلق بالطائرة/يطير We fly to Houston tomorrow. walk (v) = take a plane يمشي Every Tuesday I walk to the office. I don’t drive. want to (v) يريد Paul wants to go to the cinema at the weekend. work (v) يعمل We work from 9.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Other words and phrases all right 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 حسنا (1) Yes, okay ‘Let’s go to the mess hall for lunch.’ ‘All right, let’s go.’ (2) Not bad, quite good مقبول ‘Do you like the food here?’ ‘It’s all right.’ bad (adj) سيء Tim is a bad student. He doesn’t study. enlisted (adj) ≠ good )يسجل (يشارك في العسكرية Jose is enlisted in the Army. He’s a soldier. good (adj) جيد Mohammed is a good student. He studies hard. new (adj) جديد ≠ old My car isn’t old – it’s new. right now (adv) حاال = now, immediately ≠ later I want to go home right now. short (adj) قصير ≠ tall Jill isn’t tall – she’s short. tall (adj) طويل ≠ short Mr Jones is a tall man. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB ≠ bad 54 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Vocabulary there 28 ها هم/ها هي ‘Where’s my pen?’ ‘There it is.’ ‘Where are the students?’ ‘There they are.’ Other words and phrases in (the Air Force / the Army / the Navy) (prep) 29 في القوات البحرية/ في الجيش/في القوات الجوية Jim is in the Army. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 55 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar 1. Simple present tense - positive (L1. Pg.6) Use the simple present tense to talk about things you do regularly (routines). استخدم زمن المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن االشياء التي تفعلها عادة Subject Verb information I/ We / They / You eat lunch every afternoon. Add s to the present tense verb after a singular noun, he, she and it. .he, she, it للفعل المضارع عند استخدامه بعد االسماء المفردة اوs اضف 2. Subject Verb information My brother He / She / It eats lunch every afternoon. Simple present tense – negative (L1. Pg.11) Use do not or don’t with a plural noun, I, we, they and you. I, we, they, you مع جمع االسماء اوdon’t اوdo not استخدم Subject I/ We / They / You / The cadets do not don’t Verb information eat breakfast every morning. Use does not or doesn’t with a singular noun, he, she and it. .he, she, it مع االسماء المفردة اوdoesn’t اوdoes not استخدم Subject He / She / It / David does not doesn’t Verb information eat breakfast every day. eat breakfast every day. In negative sentences, don’t write s after the verb للفعلs ال تقم بإضافة,في حالة النفي BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 56 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar 3. Simple present tense – yes/no questions (L1. Pg.18-21) Use do to make questions with a plural noun, I, we, they and you. I, we, they, you لتكوين السؤال مع جمع االسماء اوdo استخدم Subject Verb information Do Bob and Jane eat in the mess hall? Use does with a singular noun, he, she and it. .he, she, it لتكوين السؤال مع االسماء المفردة اوdoes استخدم Subject Verb information Does Richard eat in the mess hall? In questions, put do / does before the subject. قبل الفاعلdo / does ضع,في حالة السؤال 4. Simple present questions with who ( L2. Pg.29) You can use Who instead of the subject to make questions. بدال عن الفاعل لتكوين االسئلةwho بإمكانك استخدام subject subject subject Who studies every day? David studies every day. The cadets study every day. Who is Fahad’s teacher? Mr Smith is Fahad’s teacher. Who studies every day? day. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 57 David studies every Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar 5. Present tense information questions (L2. Pg.39) Questions What Answers do/does Subject Verb Subject Verb does Tom study? Tom studies English. What ask about a thing / noun اسم/ للسؤال عن شيءWhat When do/does Subject Verb Subject Verb does Tom study? Tom studies at 6:30. When ask about a time للسؤال عن الوقتWhen Where do/does Subject Verb Subject Verb does Tom study? Tom studies in class 45. Where ask about a place / location للسؤال عن المكان او الموقعWhere 6. Adverbs – always, sometimes and never (L2. Pg.42) always sometimes never 100% of the time 50% of the time 0% of the time Put always, sometimes and never before most verbs. قبل اغلب االفعالalways, sometimes, never ضع But put these words after verb BE. BE ولكن ضع هذه الكلمات بعد افعال BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 58 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar Examples Jason is always late for class. Kate never does her homework. 7. Questions with How many (L3. Pg.54/55) How many cadets are in your class? How many books do you have? does John see? Use a plural noun after how many how many استخدم جمع االسماء بعد 8. Past tense of BE – was and were were وwas هيBE صيغة الماضي من This year, Mousa is a cadet. (L3. Pg.59) Last year, Mousa was a civilian. BE - now BE – in the past am I am not I ‘m not He/ She/ It is We/ You/ They are is not was was not in Dammam today. isn’t are not aren’t BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 59 He/ She/ It wasn’t We/ You/ They were in Riyadh yesterday. were not weren’t Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar 9. Yes/no past tense questions with BE BE ال في الزمن الماضي باستخدام افعال/اسئلة نعم In sentences = SUBJECT + Verb (BE) (L3. Pg.59) BE فعل+ في الجمل = الفاعل Subject BE information We / They / You were in New York last week. I / He / She / It was in Boston last month. In questions = Verb (BE) + SUBJECT الفاعل+ BE في االسئلة = فعل BE Subject information Were we / you / they in New York last week? Was he / she / it in Boston last month? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 60 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar 10. want to + verb (L4. Pg.86 - 88) Positive Subject Sentence I/ We/ They / You He / She / It want to Verb1 information want to study go drink in class. to the mall. a coffee. wants to Put Verb 1 after want to want ضع الفعل في التصريف االول بعد to Negative Sentence Subject want to Verb1 information in class. to the mall. a coffee. I/ We / They / You don’t want to He / She / It doesn’t want to study go drink Subject want to Verb1 information Do I/ we/ they/ you want to Does he / she / it want to study go drink in class? to the mall? a coffee? Yes / No questions Example: Do they want to eat? He wants to eat. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB She doesn’t want to eat. 61 Issue No. 1.0 Book 3 Grammar 11. Past tense questions: who / what / when / where + BE (L4. Pg.94 - 97) A Sam was in France last year. Who was In France last year? The chair was in the classroom yesterday. Who asks about a person. للسؤال عن شخصWho B In questions, put BE before the subject. قبل الفاعلBE ضع,في االسئلة Was What the chair was in the classroom yesterday? in the classroom yesterday? What asks about the thing. للسؤال عن شيءWhat C Where John was Tim and Bill were Was John Were Tim and Bill was John were Tim and Bill in the barracks last night. in the barracks last night? last night? Where asks about the place. للسؤال عن المكانWhere D When The boy was The boys were Was the boy Were the boys was the boy were the boys at school yesterday morning. at school last night? at school? When asks about the time. للسؤال عن الزمانWhen BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 62 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 63 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 64 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1a-GRM/VOBV-RB 65 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Book 5 Book 6 Name: _________________ DLI American Language Course Grammar & Vocabulary Number: __________ Teacher: ____________________ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 0 Issue No. 1.0 Tips on using this booklet نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما هذا الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب.تعلمته مع معلمك .االساسي Remember – to really learn the grammar and words here, you must practice using them with your teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know how عليك,تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا حتى تحصل.ان تمارس استخدامهم مع معلمك عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام,ALCPT في60 على مجرد. و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة,الكلمات في الجمل حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال words are used in sentences, and do this very fast. Memorising a list and translations will not get you a 60 in the ALCPT. . ALCPT في اختبار60 اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة عكسها او, مرادفاتها, وضعها في جمل,الكلمات Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling, example sentence, .مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة similar meaning, opposite or example for a word. ALCPT في60 حتى تتأكد من الحصول على Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need more words than are in this booklet. Write in more words you learn in the تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلمات عن ما هو متوفر في اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها.هذا الكتيب Additional Vocabulary Notes في قسم Additional Vocabulary Notes section. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 1 Issue No. 1.0 Contents Vocabulary Book 4 3 Grammar Book 4 16 Vocabulary Book 5 23 Grammar Book 5 41 Vocabulary Book 6 47 Grammar Book 6 60 Additional vocabulary 69 Key adjective صفة noun clause شبه جملة اسمية adverb حال object object pronoun مفعول به ضمير المفعول به clause عبارة past simple conjunction حروف العطف plural ماضي بسيط جمع details تفاصيل present simple مضارع بسيط example مثال question Yes/No question ال/ اسئلة نعم اسئلة expression مصطلح regular verb فعل منتظم future مستقبل requirement متطلب grammar قواعد اللغة sentence / statement indirect object المفعول به غير المباشر singular irregular verb فعل غير منتظم subject subject pronoun عبارة/ جملة مفرد فاعل ضمير الفاعل negative نفي tense الزمن noun اسم verb فعل BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 2 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nouns ball (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites كرة This is a tennis ball. baseball (n) كرة المضرب People in America like to play baseball. basketball (n) كرة السلة I like to watch basketball. break (n) راحة We have a break at 10am. Let's go for a coffee. city (n) = free period of time مدينة London is a big city. football (n) كرة القدم األمريكية I play football with my friends at the weekend. game (n) مباراة/ لعبة There is a basketball game on TV today. restaurant (n) مطعم There is a good restaurant in my town. show (n) عرض/ فلم Let’s watch a show this evening. soccer (n) كرة قدم = football (British English) There is a soccer match today. sport (n) = a performance on stage رياضة Do you like sport? team (n) فريق Manchester United is a soccer team. tennis (n) تنس Do you play tennis? town (n) بلدة Tom doesn't live in a city. He lives in a small town. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 3 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 15 visit (n) Vocabulary زيارة I watched a soccer game on a visit to Chicago. Verbs 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 clean (v) ينظف Mary cleaned the kitchen. cook (v) يطبخ = make My mother cooks very good food. أفعل do (v) I do my homework every evening. don’t (v) لم أفعل I don’t like to play basketball. end (v) نهاية = finish ≠ begin, start The game ended at 8pm. like (v) يحب = I enjoy eating pizza. I like to eat pizza. live (v) يعيش Jerry lives in Los Angeles. play (v) يلعب I play soccer every weekend. يبدأ start (v) = begin ≠ end, finish The lesson starts at 7am. visit (v) يزور I visited my family last weekend. Other words 26 27 28 again (adv) مرة أخرى This game is good. Let’s play again. all = one more time جميع The students studied all day. Now they are tired. downtown وسط البلد My father works in a bank downtown. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 4 = city centre Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Vocabulary Other words and phrases 29 30 31 ماذا عنك ؟ How about you? 'How are you?' 'I’m fine thanks. How about you?' How’s it going? كيف االمور؟ 'Hi Ali. How’s it going?' 'Good thanks. And you?' Let’s get together لنتقابل سويا Let’s get together at the weekend. = How are you? = Let's meet Cities in America Boston Chicago Dallas Georgetown Houston Los Angeles New York San Antonio San Francisco Washington BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 5 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vocabulary Nouns break (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites راحة There is a 20 minute break at 10am. cap (n) قبعة/ طاقية/ بريهة He put the cap on his head. cigarette (n) سيجارة My father smokes 20 cigarettes every day. بطاقة الهوية identification card / ID card (n) Do you have an ID card? insignia (n) الشارة The insignia is on his uniform. military (n) العسكرية My brother joined the military last year. name tag (n) لوحة االسم All soldiers have a name tag. pack (n) بكت سجائر I bought 2 packs of cigarettes. post (n) موقع العمل Peter works at a small army post. rank (n) الرتبة His rank is first lieutenant. 10 = hat sergeant / Sgt (n) second lieutenant / 2nd Lt (n) first lieutenant / 1st Lt (n) captain / Capt (n) major / Maj (n) colonel / Col (n) general / Gen (n) = place of work in the military Examples: general, major, captain عريف مالزم مالزم أول نقيب رائد عقيد فريق أول Peter is a captain in the Navy. Capt Jones is visiting the base today. The major spoke to the colonel about the problem. Maj Wilson spoke to Col Harthi about the problem. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 6 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 11 12 Vocabulary شريط stripe (n) He has 3 stripes on his uniform. )الزي الرسمي ( البدلة uniform (n) Cadets wear a uniform every day. Verbs 13 14 15 become (past = became) (v) يصير/ يصبح He wants to become a major. begin (past = began) (v) The lesson begins at 7am. bring (past = brought) (v) 17 18 = starts يجيب/ يجلب Fred brings his books to class. يحضر report (v) 16 يبدأ/ بدأ report for duty / work report to somebody Tom reported for duty at 6am. Tom reported to Gen Black. يحيي تحية عسكرية salute (v) All cadets salute officers. smoke (v) يدخن He smokes a pack of cigarettes every day. Adjectives and adverbs 26 27 28 29 30 31 false (adj) خاطئ ≠ true, correct This answer isn't correct. It's false. gold (adj) ذهبي Gold is a colour. The colour of the insignia is gold. naval (adj) بحرية A sailor works on a naval base. silver (adj) فضي Silver is a colour. He has a silver car. true (adj) 'Is John's story true?' with صحيح 'No, it's false!' ≠ false مع I went to Jeddah with my friend. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 7 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Vocabulary Other words and phrases 32 33 34 35 خذ قسطا من الراحة take a break Let’s take a break. I’m tired. في الوقت المحدد on time The students arrived on time. They aren't late. حقا Really? 'I love marching.' = short period of rest = at the planned time ≠ late = are you serious? 'Really?' 22.00 It’s twenty-two hundred hours. ألفان و مائتان BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 8 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites الفاصلة العليا apostrophe (n) An apostrophe is punctuation. This is Tom's coat. apostrophe حزام belt (n) I wear a belt with my pants. بلوزة blouse (n) Jane is wearing a blouse. Women wear blouses. حذاء بووت boots (n) My boots are new. مالبس clothes (n) Peter took off his clothes and went to bed. Examples: pants, socks, shirt, gloves معطف/ كوت coat (n) It's cold. I need my coat. فاصلة comma (n) 'Do you like fish?' 'Yes, I do.' dress (n) comma A comma is punctuation. فستان Mary bought a new dress last week. gloves (n) قفازات Tom is wearing gloves because it’s cold. hat (n) قبعة James put the hat on his head. jacket (n) سترة/ جاكت Steve is wearing brown pants and a red jacket. pants (n) بنطلون My new pants are black. فقرة/ ) قطعة (مكتوبة paragraph (n) Write a paragraph about your family. period (n) نقطة End a sentence with a period. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB period 9 A period is punctuation. Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 question mark (n) عالمة االستفهام What's your name? question mark punctuation (n) عالمات الترقيم Sentences must have punctuation. A question mark is punctuation. Examples: period, comma, apostrophe أوشحة/ وشاح scarf / scarves (n) Harry put on his scarf because it was cold. جملة sentence (n) Jim wrote 3 sentences about his weekend. قميص shirt (n) I bought a new shirt from the store yesterday. حذاء shoes (n) Gary wears black shoes with his uniform. تنورة skirt (n) Women wear skirts. بنطلون واسع slacks (n) Tom is wearing blue slacks and a gray shirt. = pants جوارب socks (n) Do you like my new socks? جملة statement (n) 'New York is in Germany.' 'That statement is false!' جوارب نسائية stockings (n) Betty has black stockings. Women wear stockings. بدلة suit (n) Martin wore a suit to work last week. كنزة sweater (n) 'It's cold.' 'Put on a sweater.' tie / necktie (n) ربطة عنق/ كرفتة Tom wears a tie with his suit. T-shirt (n) 29 Vocabulary = necktie قميص قطني بأكمام قصيرة Martin wears a T-shirt at home. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 10 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Vocabulary Verbs 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 يستطيع can (v) Saleh lived in America. He can speak English. ال يستطيع cannot / can’t (v) 'Let's play tennis.' 'Sorry, I can't play tennis!' fall asleep (past = fell asleep) (v) يغرق في النوم John was tired and fell asleep. = is able to can + V1 = isn’t able to can't + V1 = go to sleep ≠ wake up يعلق hang (past = hung) (v) Nick hung his clothes on a chair. ربما may (v) Jack may go to Texas next weekend. I'm not sure. يجب must (v) = have to must + V1 You must wear a uniform at work. ال يجب must not / mustn't (v) = might may + v1 mustn't + V1 You must not smoke in this room. وضع عالمات الترقيم punctuate (v) Punctuate your sentences. يلبس put on (past = put on) (v) Andy put on his coat because it was cold. take off (past = took off) (v) يخلع/ خلع Ted took off his tie after work. wake up (past = woke up) (v) يصحو/ صحى Andy wakes up at 6 o'clock every day. wear (past = wore) (v) ≠ take off = remove ≠ put on ≠ fall sleep يلبس/ لبس Cadets must wear uniforms. Adjectives and adverbs 42 43 asleep (adj) نائم Peter is in the barracks. He is asleep. awake (adj) صاحي Sarah was asleep. Now she is awake. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 11 ≠ awake ≠ asleep Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 44 Vocabulary بشكل جيد well (adv) Ted can speak Arabic well. ≠ badly, poorly Other words and phrases 45 46 عظيم Great. (adj) 'I passed my test.' ' Great! I'm happy for you.' Wow, you look great. تبدو بمظهر جيد,واو Sally looks great in her new dress. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 12 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Vocabulary Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites autumn / fall (n) خريف It's cool in autumn. Fall is before winter. Autumn (fall) is a season. موظف clerk (n) The sales clerk gave Sara $10 change. لون color (n) Red, blue, yellow and green are colors. Examples: red, blue, purple, pink رقص dance (n) Did they play good music at the dance last night? headphones/headset (n) سماعة الرأس/ سماعة Bruce listens to music on his headphones. موسيقى music (n) Jack listens to music after work. فصل season (n) = spring, summer, autumn (fall), winter There are 4 seasons in a year. spring (n) It's warm in spring. store (n) ربيع Spring is before summer. متجر = shop Jeff went to the store to buy milk. summer (n) صيف Summer is a season. The weather is hot in summer. winter (n) Spring is a season. شتاء It's cold in winter. Winter is after fall. Winter is a season. Verbs 12 13 14 cost (past = cost) (v) يكلف This phone was expensive. It cost $400. dance (v) يرقص Jackie likes to dance at the weekend. help (v) يساعد David helped his mother in the kitchen. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 13 = assist Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 15 16 17 record (v) Vocabulary يسجل Bob sometimes records music from the radio. sell (past = sold) (v) يبيع/ باع Joe sold his car last week for $8000. take (past = took) (v) ≠ buy (≠ bought) يحمل/ يأخذ Jack always takes his ID to work. Adjectives and adverbs 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 black (adj) اسود Jeff drives a black car. blue (adj) ازرق The sky is blue. brown (adj) بني My boots are brown. cool (adj) بارد ≠ warm The weather is cool in autumn. gray (adj) رمادي The clouds are gray today. green (adj) أخضر Grass is green. orange (adj) برتقالي Paul is wearing an orange t-shirt. pink (adj) زهري Mary bought a pink dress. purple (adj) وردي There are purple flowers in my bedroom. red (adj) أحمر Bob's T-shirt is red. warm (adj) دافيء ≠ cool The weather is warm in spring. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 14 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 29 30 أبيض white (adj) The walls of the classroom are white. أصفر yellow (adj) The sun is yellow. Other words and phrases Here you are. 31 32 تفضل 'Do you have a pen?' 'Yes, here you are.' That looks good. ذلك يبدو جيدا That book looks good. Can I read it? the day after tomorrow 33 Vocabulary بعد غد Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. The day after tomorrow is Sunday. the day before yesterday. قبل أمس 34 35 36 Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday. The day before yesterday was Sunday. over here هنا Please come over here and speak to me. over there هناك There is a desk over there. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 15 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar 1. Simple past tense - regular verbs (L1. Pg.10) Use the simple past tense to talk about things that happened in the past. استخدم زمن الماضي البسيط للتحدث عن أشياء حدثت في الماضي Subject Verb detail I/ You / He / She / It / We /They played football yesterday. With regular verbs, add ed after the verb بعد الفعل في األفعال المنتظمةed يضاف 2. Simple past tense - negative (L1. Pg.18) Use did not or didn’t in simple past negative statements. في نفي العبارات في الماضي البسيطdidn’t اوdid not استخدم Subject I/ He / She/ It We /They / You / The cadets did not didn’t Verb detail eat breakfast this morning. In negative sentences, don’t add ed after the verb. قبل الفاعلed ضع,في حالة السؤال 3. Simple past tense – yes/no questions (L1. Pg.22) Use did to make questions in the simple past tense. لتكوين سؤال في زمن الماضي البسيطdid استخدم Did Subject Verb detail I/ you he / she / it we / they watch TV yesterday morning? In questions, put did before the subject. قبل الفاعلdid ضع،في حال السؤال Don’t add ed after the verb. بعد الفعلed ال تقم بإضافة زمن BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 16 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar Long answers Yes, I/you/he/she No, it/we/they watched didn’t TV yesterday morning. watch Short answers Yes, I/you/he/she did. No, it/we/they didn’t. 4. Irregular simple past tense verbs (L2. Pg.38) You must learn the spelling of irregular verbs in the past tense. يجب عليك تعلم وحفظ إمالء األفعال الغير منتظمة في الزمن الماضي Irregular verbs – past simple Present Past Present Present Past Past come came fly flew say said do did go went see saw drink drank have had sleep slept drive drove leave left speak spoke eat ate read read write wrote ate dinner last night. drove home yesterday. went to Riyadh last year. read a book last week. spoke to Bill yesterday. I You He/ She/ It We They BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 17 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar 5. Simple past tense questions with irregular verbs. (L2. Pg.42) Use did before the subject and keep the simple form of the verb (Verb 1). قبل الفاعل مع إبقاء التصريف االول للفعلdid استخدم Did Subject Verb 1 detail I/you he/she/it we/they speak to you yesterday? Use Verb 1 in questions. استخدم التصريف االول للفعل في حال السؤال In questions, put did before the subject. قبل الفاعلdid ضع،في حال السؤال زمن To make an information question, put a wh- question in front of did. did قبلWh- question ضع، لتكوين سؤال استفسار Sentence The officer spoke to the cadets. Did the officer speak to the cadets? When did the officer speak to the cadets? Why did the officer speak to the cadets? Who did the officer speak to? Yes/No Question ‘Wh’ Question Put Wh- question words before did. did قبلWh- question ضع BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 18 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar 6. Can / can’t (L3. Pg.71/73) Use can to say that something is possible. للتحدث عن شيء من الممكن القيام بهcan استخدم Sentence I You He She It We They can cannot can’t After can / can’t, put Verb 1. ضع الفعل فيcan’t وcan بعد التصريف االول play football swim well. speak English In questions, put can before the subject. قبل الفاعلcan ضع،في حال السؤال Question Can I you he she it we they BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB play football swim well? speak English 19 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar 7. Asking information questions with can (L3. Pg.75) To make an information question, put a wh- question before can. can قبلWh- question لتكوين سؤال استفسار ضع Put Wh- question words before can. can قبلwh- question ضع كلمات ‘Wh’ Question What can you play? How often can the children go swimming? Who can play tennis? How many cadets can play soccer? 8. Must / must not (mustn’t) (L3. Pg.76/79) Use must when something has to be done. Use must not (mustn’t) when something should not be done. لتجنب وعدم القيام بأمر ماmust not و تستخدم. عندما يحب القيام بأمر ماMust استخدم Soldiers must wear uniforms. Students must listen to the teacher. You must not smoke in the building. Cadets mustn’t sleep in the classroom. After must/ mustn’t, put Verb 1. تصرف الفعل االولmust/ mustn’t ضع بعد Examples: What language must you speak in English class? You must speak English. Do not eat in class. You must not/ mustn’t eat in class. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 20 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar 9. What + noun questions What What (L4. Pg.92) noun BE noun / pronoun country are you noun helping verb sports do from? noun / pronoun verb you play? Examples: What languages do you speak? I speak Arabic and English. What color is your car? My car is blue. What job do you do? I am a cadet. 10. How much…? (L4. Pg.96) Use how much to ask for the price of something. للسؤال عن سعر شيء ماhow much استخدم Singular object present tense question past tense question does (did) the car is (was) it? cost? How much Plural object do (did) the books cost? How much are (were) they? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 21 Issue No. 1.0 Book 4 Grammar 11. This, that, these, those (L4. Pg.98) Singular Plural Near this these Far that those Examples: This book over here is John’s. That shirt over there is very expensive. These socks are blue. I want the black socks over there. Those students in that class are sleeping. 12. Irregular verbs past simple tense review (L4. Pg.105) Present Present negative Past Past negative I/ do I do I don’t do I did I didn’t do he/ eat he eats he doesn’t eat he ate he didn’t eat she/ fly she flies she doesn’t fly she flew she didn’t fly we/ go we go we don’t go we went we didn’t go he/ have he has he doesn’t have he had he didn’t have you/ hear you hear you don’t hear you heard you didn’t hear Tom/ read Tom reads Tom doesn’t read Tom read Tom didn’t read I/ say I say I don’t say I said I didn’t say he/ sleep he sleeps he doesn’t sleep he slept he didn’t sleep we/ speak we speak we don’t speak we spoke we didn’t speak BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 22 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites كاحل ankle (n) Your ankle is between your foot and your leg. ساعد arm (n) An arm is a limb. The arms of my jacket are too long. جسم body (n) Tom washes his body in the shower. عظم bone (n) Tom broke the bone in his leg. He can’t walk. تاريخ date (n) rd The date today is March 23 . drugs (n) دواء Bill is sick. He needs some drugs. ear (n) أذن I can’t hear anything. The doctors will check my ears. elbow (n) We use our ears to listen. مرفق An elbow is part of your arm. eye (n) عين I can’t see. The doctor will check my eyes. eyebrow (n) eyelash (n) eyelid (n) حواجب رمش جفن finger (n) إصبع We use our eyes to see. Camels have long eyelashes. Don’t point your finger at the teacher. We use our fingers to touch. قدم/ أقدام foot / feet (n) We walk on our feet. hair (n) شعر Joh has brown hair. His grandfather has white hair. يد We use our hands to Always wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. hold things. hand (n) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 23 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 head (n) Vocabulary رأس Your eyes and ears are on your head. heel (n) كعب Your heel is part of your foot. knee (n) ركبة Your knee is part of your leg. leg (n) ساق William hurt his leg at a soccer game. limb (n) ) ذراع،طرف (قدم Your limbs are your arms and legs. lip (n) A leg is a limb. We use our legs to walk. Examples: arm, leg شفاة The girl has beautiful red lips. medicine (n) دواء Jim is sick. The doctor gave him medicine. mouth (n) فم We use our mouth to eat and speak. Your teeth are in your mouth. muscle (n) عضلة Muscles are under the skin. They move our body. nail (n) fingernail (n) toenail (n) ظفر ظفر اإلصبع ظفر إصبع القدم All of our fingers and toes have nails. 25 26 27 28 neck (n) رقبة Your neck joins our trunk and head. nose (n) أنف We have only one nose. It’s on our face. order (n) ترتيب ‘Put the cadets in order.’ ‘Okay, Ali is 1st, Talal is 2nd,… part (n) We use our nose to smell. = sequence جزء A foot is part of a leg. A leg is part of a body. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 24 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 shoulder (n) Vocabulary كتف Bob has a small bag on his shoulder. skin (n) جلد/بشرة Our skin is on our bodies. Muscles are under the skin. throat (n) حلق Can I go to the doctor? My throat hurts. thumb (n) Your throat is in your neck. إبهام We have one thumb and four fingers on each hand. toe (n) اصبع القدم We have ten toes on our feet. tongue (n) لسان Your tongue is in your mouth, behind your teeth. trunk (n) بدن Your trunk is your body without your limbs. wrist (n) معصم Your wrist is between your hand and your arm. Verbs hurt (past = hurt) (v) 37 38 39 40 41 يؤلم = is sore Mary hurt her hand in the kitchen. My head hurts. I need to go to bed. move (v) يحرك = make Muscles move our arms and legs. point to (v) يؤشر Which car is yours? Can you point to it? take medicine تناول دواء My sick grandfather takes medicine every evening. touch (v) = city centre يلمس Don’t touch that bowl of soup. It’s very hot! Adjectives 42 large (adj) كبير My son has large feet. He needs big shoes. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 25 = big, huge ≠ small Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 43 44 45 46 47 left (adj) Vocabulary يسار Some people write with their left hand. long طويل ≠ short The movie was very long – 3 hours! right (adj) يمين In Saudi Arabia, people eat with their right hand. short (adj) قصير This lesson is very short – only 15 minutes. sore (adj) ≠ right مؤلم My head is sore. I need to go to bed. ≠ left ≠ long = It hurts. Other words and phrases 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 about عن ‘What’s that book about?’ ‘It’s about American cars.’ last نهاية/أخير First, … Then, … Next, … Last, he dries his face. next التالي First, he … Then, he washed his face. Next, he … ≠ first = then ( ضمير) يعود للكتاب ‘Which book do you like?’ ‘I like the red one.’ *one التالي/ثُم First, he gets up. Then, he has a shower. = next What’s the matter? What’s wrong? ما المشكلة ؟ = What’s the problem? which أي then ما المشكلة ؟ ‘Which date is your birthday?’ ‘24th February.’ ) تعتبر ضمير يعود لألسم الذي تم ذكره في الجملةone( .ً) ال تترجم حرفياone( *كلمة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 26 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 54 ordinal numbers first 1st second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th sixth 6th seventh 7th eighth 8th ninth 9th tenth 10th eleventh 11th twelfth 12th Vocabulary األعداد الترتيبية BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB األول الثاني الثالث الرابع الخامس السادس السابع الثامن التاسع العاشر الحادي عشر الثاني عشر 27 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vocabulary Nouns barbershop (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites حالق Sam’s hair was long so he went to a barbershop. bathroom (n) غرفة االستحمام There’s a toilet, a sink and a shower in my bathroom. birthday (n) يوم ميالد It’s Mrs Jones’ birthday today. She’s 37 years old. brush (n) فرشاة Jane has long hair. She uses a brush every morning. butter (n) Also: toothbrush hairbrush زبدة Adam usually puts some butter on his bread. comb (n) مشط شعر Tom always has a small comb in his pocket. drugstore (n) A comb is for combing your hair. صيدلية You can buy medicine and drugs in a drugstore. face (n) وجه Pat washes her face before bed every night. grocery store (n) بقالة Bill needed milk so he went to the grocery store. hair (n) = a small supermarket; you buys food here شعر ‘Your hair is long. Get a haircut!’ said Capt Jones. haircut (n) قصة شعر Perry got a haircut at the barbershop. mirror (n) مرآة Jill wanted to look at herself so she bought a mirror. pepper (n) فلفل أسود Mr Jones always puts some pepper on his chicken. pocket (n) جيب Len has money, keys and a cell phone is his pocket. razor (n) شفرة حالقة Pete wanted to shave so he bought a razor. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 28 get + a haircut A mirror is for looking at yourself. salt and pepper A pocket is for keeping small things in. A razor is for shaving. Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 16 17 18 19 20 salt (n) Vocabulary ملح salt and pepper Mrs Jones likes salt on her food. shampoo (n) شامبو Fred washed his hair with shampoo every weekend. sink (n) Shampoo is for washing your hair. مغسلة Daniel washed his face at the sink. soap (n) صابون Always wash your hands with soap and hot water. soup (n) Soap is for cleaning your hands and body. حساء James ate a bowl of hot soup for lunch. subject (n) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (1) the noun in a sentence that performs the verb In a sentence, the subject is usually before the verb. (2) the topic of a paragraph ‘What’s the subject of this paragraph?’ ‘ sugar (n) فاعل موضوع سكر Do you have milk and sugar in your coffee? thing (n) شئ I’m going to the store. I need things for my house. toilet (n) toilet paper (n) مرحاض/ دورة المياة tooth / teeth (n) اسنان/ سن ورق المرحاض Babies have no teeth. Brush your teeth every morning. toothbrush toothpaste فرشاة أسنان topic (n) موضوع معجون أسنان ‘What’s the topic of that book?’ ‘Cars and trucks’. towel (n) منشفة After a shower, Bill dried his body with a towel. washcloth (n) منشفة للوجه Mrs Smith always washed her face with a washcloth. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 29 A toothbrush is for brushing your teeth. = What is it about? A towel is for drying yourself. A washcloth is for washing your face. Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Vocabulary Verbs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 brush (v) تنظيف االسنان Brush your teeth with a toothbrush. can (v) يستطيع ‘Where can I buy milk?’ ‘You can buy some at the store.’ change (v) = be able يغير/يبدل He didn’t like his new car. He changed it for a new one. comb (v) يٌمشط الشعر Mark likes to comb his hair. He uses a comb. dry (past = dried) (v) يجفف Daniel washed his face. Then he dried it. get (past = got) (v) يحصل/ حصل You can get milk and bread at the grocery store. need / need to (v) = buy يحتاج I’m making a cake. I need to buy butter and sugar. rinse (v) يشطف Gary shampoos his hair. Then he rinses and dries it. shampoo (v) يغسل بالشامبو Gary shampoos his hair in the shower every day. wash (v) يغسل Jill washes her face every evening before bed. = clean with water Other words and phrases 39 40 41 42 a few قليل للمعدود Only a few students failed - most of them passed. a little قليل لغير المعدود Please put a little sugar in my tea - not much. a lot of كثير = not many ≠ many, a lot = many ≠ a few; a little A lot of people live in New York. any = not many ≠ many, a lot أي I don’t have any eggs. Do you have any eggs? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 30 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Vocabulary نظيف clean (adj) Ben washed his clothes. Now they are clean. متسخ dirty (adj) Sam’s clothes were dirty so he washed them. الكثير من Lots of students passed the test. Only three failed. lots of No, I’m sorry. ≠ dirty ≠ clean = many ≠ a few; a little آسف,ال ‘Is Sgt Jones here?’ ‘No, I’m sorry. He isn’t.’ make a cake (v) اصنع كعكة Bill’s birthday is today. His mother made a cake. فقط only 'How many coffees do you want?’ ‘Only one. For me.’ بعض some I’m going to the store. I need some toothpaste. Other words and phrases 50 ordinal numbers thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first thirty-second forty-third fifty-fifth the hundredth االعداد الترتيبية th 13 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 32nd 43rd 55th 100th BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB الثالث عشر الرابع عشر الخامس العشر السادس عشر السابع عشر الثامن عشر التاسع عشر والعشرون الحادي والعشرون الثاني والثالثون الثالث واالربعون الخامس والخمسون المائة 31 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Lesson 3 1 2 3 Nouns airline (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites الخطوط الجوية He wanted to change his flight so he called the airline. airport (n) = a company which مطار Get to the airport 2 hours before your flight. arrival (n) الوصول Jane is coming to Chicago. Her arrival time is 4:30pm. ≠ departure )زر ( في قميص (a) button (on a shirt) (n) 4 Vocabulary John has six buttons on his shirt. (a) button (on a machine) (n) )زر تحكم (في آلة Push the start button on the microwave. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 cuff (n) الكم David put on his shirt and buttoned the cuffs. customer (n) العميل The customer bought a ticket in the travel agency. departure (n) المغادرة What time is your departure?' 'The plane leaves at 5:00.' doorknob (n) مقبض الباب Mary turned the doorknob and opened the door. flight (n) A customer buys things. ≠ arrival = handle on a door رحلة Bill went by plane to New York. His flight left at 4:30. gate (n) بوابة Your flight will leave in 30 minutes. Please go to gate 4. graduation (n) التخرج Bob finished college in May. His graduation was in June. handle (n) مقبض A handle is for opening and closing things. Turn the handle and open the door. instructions (n) تعليمات Instructions tell you how to do something. key (n) مفتاح Sue put the key in the lock and locked the door. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 32 A key is for locking doors. Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 15 16 17 18 knob (n) Vocabulary مقبض Turn the small knob on the radio. The radio will play. lock (n) قفل Put the key into the lock and turn it. phone (n) الهاتف I need to call my mother. Can I use your phone, please? reservation (n) make a reservation حجز يحجز Jim made plane reservations. He will pick up the tickets tomorrow. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 school (n) مدرسة Children in American go to school at 8:00am. sharpener (n) مبراة القلم sleeve (n) كم A sharpener is for I need to sharpen my pencil. Where is the sharpener? sharpening pencils. T-shirts don’t have long sleeves. suitcase (n) حقيبة سفر telephone (n) هاتف A suitcase is for Tom is going on holiday. His clothes are in his suitcase. carrying clothes. I called my father on my mobile telephone. ticket (n) تذكرة Ben has a ticket. He will fly to Houston today. travel agency / travel agent (n) وكيل سفر/وكالة سفر A travel agent works A travel agent can help you make a flight reservation. in a travel agency. trip (n) take a trip (v) رحلة = journey يذهب في رحلة I want to take a trip to Chicago to see my uncle. 27 28 twin (n) = travel توأم My brother and I are twins. We were born on May 5th. zipper (n) سحاب/ سستة Jack put on his jacket. He pulled the zipper to close it. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 33 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Vocabulary Verbs 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 arrive (v) The flight leaves at 2 pm and arrives in Miami at 4 pm. button (v) 40 41 42 ≠ depart; leave يزرر John buttoned the cuffs on my shirt. call (v) يتصل Fred needed a phone. He wanted to call his mom. come back (past = came back) (v) يعود/ عاد Jim flew home yesterday. He’ll come back tomorrow. depart (from) (v) يغادر My flight departs San Antonio at 8 a.m. go back (past = went back) (v) عاد / يعود Don will go back home after work. graduate (v) = phone; telephone = return (here) = leave ≠ arrive = return (there) يتخرج Children in the USA graduate after 12 years of school. lock (v) يقفل William turned the key to lock the door. meet (past = met) (v) يقابل/ قابل Tim met his friend for lunch at 1 pm last Monday. pack (v) يحزم Jill packed her clothes in her suitcase. pick up (v) 39 يصل ينقل/ يحمل (1) A taxi picked me up and took me to the airport. (2) Pick up the telephone receiver to make a call. pull (v) يسحب Pull the doorknob to open the door. push (v) يدفع To open the door, turn the handle and push the door. return (v) يعود Jim went to work at 8am and returned home at 7pm. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 34 = lift ≠ push ≠ pull = come back; go back Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Vocabulary يحد/ يسنن/ يبري sharpen (v) Use a pencil sharpener to sharpen your pencil. يقف stop (v) Can you stop at the store? We need some eggs. لف/ أدار turn (v) Turn the doorknob to open the door. يطفيء turn off (v) I turned off all the lights before I left the house. يشغل الجهاز turn on (v) Bob turned on the TV to watch the football game. سوف will (v) = switch off ≠ turn off ≠ will not/ won’t I will meet you at the airport tomorrow. لن won’t / will not (v) = switch on ≠ turn on ≠ will Jim is sick. He won’t be at work today. Other words and phrases 50 51 52 53 54 first (adj) االول ≠ last January is the first month of the year. from (adj) من Diana wants to fly from San Antonio to Chicago. in (10 minutes/ an hour/ a year) (adv) في Fred is a student. He’ll finish school in two years. next to (adj) بعد = beside There is a towel next to the sink. off ‘Is the radio on?’ = (an hour) from now; after (an hour) مقفل ≠ on ‘No, it’s off.’ on 55 56 (1) I will see you on Monday. في (2) The TV is not on. It is off. يعمل (3) Bob talked to his mother on the phone. على one-way (adj) اتجاه واحد Bill bought a one-way ticket. He won’t come back. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 35 ≠ off ≠ round-trip Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 57 58 59 60 push-button Vocabulary اضغط الزر There is a push-button telephone in the hotel room. round-trip (adj) رحلة ذهاب وإياب I need a round-trip ticket from Chicago to New York. together سويا My family and I will eat together this weekend. tonight ≠ one-way ≠ alone, by yourself الليلة I will see you after 9 pm tonight. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 36 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Lesson 4 Vocabulary Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites bar (n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (1)There is a bar of soap in the bathroom. قطعة (2) You can buy a sandwich at the snack bar. بوفيه bottle (n) قنينة/قارورة There is a bottle of shampoo in the bathroom. bar of soap: bar of chocolate A bottle contains liquids. صحن شوربة/ /زبدية bowl (n) I ate a bowl of soup last night. cake (n) كعك My children love to eat chocolate cake. can (n) علبة I drank a can of Pepsi this afternoon. candy (n) حلوى The children ate some candy for dessert. cheese (n) A can contains drinks or food. = sweets جبنة I sometimes eat a cheese sandwich for my lunch. chocolate (n) شوكالتة Sue always eats chocolate at the weekend. cookie (n) بسكويت My mother made some chocolate cookies. cup (n) كوب Jim drinks a cup of tea every morning. dessert (n) حلى Examples: cake, ice cream I had vanilla ice cream for dessert. dial (n) dial tone (n) لوحة االرقام الهاتف نغمة االتصال When you use a dial telephone, listen for a dial tone. Then, turn the dial with your finger. dish (n) 13 الطبق Mrs Jones put the ice cream in a dish. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 37 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 اثنى عشر/درزن dozen (n) Betty bought a dozen eggs at the grocery store. شوكة fork (n) I use a knife and fork to eat my dinner. gallon / gal. (n) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 = twelve We use a fork for eating. جالون Bob put 5 gallons of petrol in his car. كأس glass (n) It was very hot so I drank a glass of water. We use a glass for drinking. لحم خنزير ham (n) Tom ate a ham sandwich. Muslims do not eat ham. ice cream (n) ‘It’s hot.’ بوظة ‘Let’s have an ice cream.’ kilo / kilogram / kg. (n) 20 Vocabulary كيلو جرام My wife bought a dozen eggs and a kilo of sugar to make a cake. knife / knives (n) سكين/ سكاكين I cut the cake with a knife. napkin (n) A knife is for cutting things. منديل سفرة I sometimes use a napkin when I eat dinner. ounce / oz. (n) آونص 16 ounces = 1 pound Sixteen ounces make one pound. paper (n) ورقة Write your name on the paper with a pen. pie (n) فطيرة I like to eat apple pie for dessert. piece (n) قطعة Betty cut the vegetables into small pieces. pint / pt. (n) a piece of pizza / cake a piece of paper )ثمن الجالون (قياس Bill drinks a pint of milk every morning. plate (n) صحن Sally cut some cake and put it on a small plate. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 38 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 pound / lb. (n) Vocabulary رطل Cindy made an apple pie with a pound of apples. quart / qt. (n) )ربع الجلون (قياس Bob bought a quart of orange juice. receiver (n) 1 kilo = 2.2 lbs 2 pints = 1 quart سماعة الهاتف Pick up the receiver and listen for a dial tone. sandwich (n) ساندويتش Jim felt hungry so he ate a cheese sandwich. slice (n) شريحة Bob made a sandwich with two slices of bread. spoon (n) ملعقة We eat soup with a spoon. Steve ate his soup with a spoon. ton (n) طن There are 2000 pounds in a ton. tube (n) انبوب Sue bought a tube of toothpaste at the drugstore. vanilla (n) فانيال ‘I like vanilla ice cream.’ ‘Really? I like chocolate.’ vegetable (n) bean (n) carrot (n) corn (n) lettuce (n) onion (n) potato (n) squash (n) tomato (n) خضروات بازالء جزر ذرة خس بصل بطاطا قرع طماطم Verbs 39 dial (v) يتصل برقم Tom dialled the number on the phone. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 39 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Vocabulary have to (past = had to) (v) ه/ يلزم علي/ ه/لزم علي 40 41 Bill had a car accident yesterday and broke his = must leg. He had to go to the hospital. make (past = made) (v) صنع/يصنع Jim made a sandwich with bread and cheese. Other words and phrases 42 among )بين (تستخدم للمجموعة I saw my friend among all the students. )بين( تستخدم بين اثنين between 43 44 45 46 47 48 Bill put cheese between two slices of bread to make a sandwich. نصف half A dozen is 12. Half a dozen is 6. many الكثير للمعدود Many people live in New York. It is a big city. much الكثير لغير المعدود I don’t have much money with me - only $2. =½ = a lot of ≠ a few = a lot ≠ a little I think I’ll pass the test. أعتقد أني سأنجح في اإلختبا ر I don’t know, but I think I’ll pass the test. very funny! ًمضحك جدا Ha ha, very funny! Where are my car keys? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 40 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Grammar 1. Using which and one (L1. Pg.11) Which is a question word. Use which when there is a choice. After which we usually use a noun. . استخدمها عند وجود خيار ما. كلمة تستخدم في االسئلةWhich .which تستخدم االسماء عادة بعد Which tie one the red do you want? I want one. this Which tie. that We can use one instead of a noun. بدال عن االسمone بإمكاننا استخدام 2. or (L1. Pg.20) Use or between two nouns, or two clauses, to show a choice. بين اسمين او بين عبارتين لمشاورة الطرف االخرor استخدم Do you want the red tie or the blue one? 3. There + BE (L2. Pg.31) Use there is / there are to say that something is present in a place. للحديث عن وجود شيء ما في مكان ما في الوقت الحاليthere is / there are استخدم Sentence Question There is isn’t a desk in the classroom. There are aren’t some pens any pens on the table. Is there a desk in the classroom. Are there any students in the room? In questions, put BE before there. there قبلBE عند السؤال ضع BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 41 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Grammar 4. Some and any (L2. Pg.35) Use some with positive sentences. Use any with negative sentences. . مع جمل النفيany استخدم. مع جمل التأكيدsome استخدم I have some don’t have any pens. Use some or any with questions. any اوsome عند السؤال استخدم Do 5. you have some pencils? any Using a few, a little, a lot of and lots of (L2. Pg.37) Count nouns are things we can count. They are singular or plural. تظهر بصيغة مفرد او جمع.االسماء المعدودة هي االشياء الممكن عدها Use a few with plural count nouns a few معa few استخدم جمع االسماء المعدودة a lot of lots of books cars pens desks pencils women children Noncount nouns are things we can’t count. They are usually singular. This is an apple. These are a few apples. تظهر عادة بصيغة المفرد.االسماء غير المعدودة هي االشياء التي ال يمكن عدها Use a little with noncount nouns a little معa little استخدم االسماء غير المعدودة a lot of lots of bread coffee rice tea time work food BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 42 These are a lot of apples. Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Grammar 6. can (L2. Pg. 48) Use can to say that something is possible. للحديث عن االشياء الممكن عملهاcan استخدم Examples: You can get milk at the grocery store. After can, put Verb 1. Verb 1 ضعcan بعد Josh can fly to San Antonio or he can drive. 7. Talking about the future (L3. Pg. 54/57) You can use will to talk about the future. Will is the same for all subjects. . مع جميع انواع الفاعلwill استخدم. للحديث عن المستقبلwill يمكنك استخدام Sentence I We They You He She It After will, put Verb 1. Verb 1 ضعwill بعد will won’t start fly leave at 9:00 tomorrow. In questions, put will before the subject. قبل الفاعلwill ضع,عند السؤال Question Will I we they you he she it start fly leave at 9:00 tomorrow? I will = I’ll She will not = She won’t They will = They’ll We will not = We won’t BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 43 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Grammar 8. Future tense time expressions (L3. Pg.63) next John will tomorrow depart in In these expressions, in means ‘after’ year. month. week. weekend. Saturday. morning. afternoon. evening. night. two minutes. an hour. four days. a week. six months. a year. ) تعني (بعدin ,مع هذه العبارات 9. Information questions with will (L3. Pg. 64) Sentence The cadets will study tomorrow. Yes/No Question Will the cadets study Tomorrow? When will the cadets study? What will the cadets study tomorrow? Where will the cadets study tomorrow? ‘Wh’ Question Put Wh question word before will. will االستفهامية قبلWh ضع كلمات BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 44 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Grammar 10. Using articles – a, an and the (L4. Pg.80) Use a or an before a singular noun that the listener doesn’t know about. Use a or an when speaking about a thing for the first time. ) قبل االسم المفرد الذي ال يعلم السامع عنه شيئا (االسم المفرد النكرةan اوa استخدم ) (ال تستخدم أي منها مع جمع االسماء. عند الحديث عن شيء مفرد للمرة االولىan اوa استخدم Use the before singular or plural nouns that the listener knows about. Use the when speaking about the same thing for the second time. ) قبل االسم المفرد او الجمع المعروفة لدى المستمع (االسم المعرفthe استخدم عند الحديث عن نفس الشيء للمرة الثانيةthe استخدم Example: Robert bought a new phone on Friday. It’s an iphone. He loves the phone! He also bought CDs. The CDs were cheap. 11. Using many and much (L4. Pg.82/87) Use many with count nouns. Use much with noncount nouns. مع االسماء غير المعدودةmuch استخدم, مع االسماء المعدودةmany استخدم We don’t have How many cups of tea How much coffee many / a lot of / lots of books. much / a lot of / lots of milk. did you drink? Don’t use much in positive sentences. في الجمل المؤكدةmuch ال تستخدم They have many / a lot of / lots of books. much / a lot of / lots of milk. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 45 Issue No. 1.0 Book 5 Grammar 12. have to - don’t have to (L4. Pg.90) Use have to / has to to talk about something that is a requirement, something that you must do. . للحديث عن ما عليك القيام بهhave to / has to استخدم After have to / has to, put Verb 1. Verb 1 ضعhave to / has to بعد Present John has to go to the hospital. Does John have to go to the hospital? Why does John have to go to the hospital? Mary had to get up early. Did Mary have to get up early? did Mary have to get up early? Past Why Examples: James has to study. His exam is tomorrow. Jenny had to get up early. Her lesson started at 7:00 am. Mrs Al Harbi went to the mall. She had to buy some clothes. apples. Mr Al Harbi didn’t go to the mall. He had to be with the baby! BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 46 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nouns change (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites تغير/ تغيير In summer, there is a change in the weather. cloud (n) غيم Clouds are white or gray. grade (n) درجة = score, mark John's English grade is good. rain (n) مطر Sam got wet in the rain. raincoat (n) سترة مطر I am wearing a raincoat because it is wet. score (n) نتيجة I got 99 in the test - it was a very good score. shower (n) )مطر خفيف(رشاش We have many showers in the spring. sky (n) = grade, mark = short rain سماء The sky is blue. snow (n) ثلج Snow is white. storm (n) عاصفة A storm has wind and rain (or snow) together. sun (n) شمس The sun is shining today. sunshine (n) أشعة الشمس Today there is sunshine. Let's play football. umbrella (n) مظلة He has an umbrella because it is wet. weather (n) طقس I think the weather is very nice in fall. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 47 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 15 wind (n) Vocabulary رياح The wind is blowing. Verbs 16 17 18 19 get (past = got) (v) يصير/ يصبح/ صار/ أصبح Before the storm, the sky got dark. rain (v) مطر It rained last night. shine (past = shone) (v) تشرق/ أشرقت The sun is shining today. snow (v) تثلج In Chicago, it snows in the winter. يعتقد/ أعتقد think about (past = thought) (v) 20 = become I think it'll rain tomorrow. Betty thinks it's a good idea. John is thinking about his family. Adjectives 21 22 23 24 25 26 clear (adj) There are no clouds. The sky is clear. cloudy (adj) مغيم The sky is cloudy today. I can't see the sun. dry (adj) جاف nice (adj) ≠ cloudy ≠ clear ≠ wet It isn't raining. The weather is dry. جميل The weather is nice. Let's go to the beach. rainy (adj) ممطر Look at the clouds. I think it’s going to be a rainy day. snowy (adj) ≠ dry مثلج The weather is snowy. It's cold. stormy (adj) 27 صافي عاصف It is stormy weather so I don’t want to go out. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 48 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 28 29 30 sunny (adj) Vocabulary مشمس It's sunny in the summer in Saudi Arabia. wet (adj) رطب ≠ dry It is wet so I have my umbrella. windy (adj) عاصف We can't play football in windy weather. Other words 31 how كيف 'How's the weather?' 'It's rainy and windy.' BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 49 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns blade (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites شفرة السكين I can't cut this meat. The blade on my knife is old. boat (n) قارب = a small ship Boats travel on the sea. check (n) فاتورة After the meal, Mr Black asked for the check. helicopter (n) طائرة عامودية A helicopter flies in the sky. home (n) بيت After school, the students went home. house (n) منزل I live in a big house. It's on this street. jet (n) نفاثة A jet in a plane / aircraft / airplane. An F-15 is a jet plane. It travels fast. menu (n) قائمة Bob looked at the menu and ordered a meal. order (n) shows you the food in a restaurant طلب 'Can I take your order?' said the waiter. server (n) نادل = waiter The server took our food order. ship (n) سفينة Some people travel on the sea by ship. tip (n) بقشيش = extra money for the waiter Mrs Smith left a tip for the waiter. vehicle (n) سيارة Examples: car, bus, truck, motorbike You can take a vehicle on a ship. waiter (a man) (n) waitress (a woman) (n) = a big boat نادل = server نادلة A waiter works in a restaurant. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 50 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Vocabulary Verbs 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 cry (v) يبكي The baby is crying. She's hungry. cut (past = cut) (v) يقص/يقطع Sam cut his sandwich with a knife. get to (past = got to) (v) يذهب- يصل How do I get to the post office, please? get in (past = got in) (v) يركب/ ركب 'Here's a taxi. Get in.' get off (past = got off) (v) ينزل/ نزل 'Here's the training center. Get off the bus!' get on (past = got on) (v) يصعد/ صعد Mrs Jones got on the bus and sat down. ينزل/ نزل get out (past = got out) (v) I gave the driver money and got out of the taxi. يرحل/ رحل leave (past = left) (v) William leaves home at 7:30 every morning. order (v) = arrive somewhere ≠ get out ≠ get on ≠ get off )≠ got off) ≠ get in ≠ arrive يطلب The Smith family ordered pizza in the restaurant. travel (v) يسافر George travels to work by bus. would like (to) (v) أرغب/يريد Where is the waiter? I would like to order now. = want Adjectives 26 27 28 awful (adj) سيء للغاية/ فظيع The food looks awful. Don’t eat it. delicious (adj) لذيذ I like this restaurant. This pizza is delicious! upset (adj) منزعج Tom is upset because his test grade is bad. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 51 = very bad ≠ great, good = tasty = sad ≠ happy Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Vocabulary Other words 29 30 أي شيء anything I can’t see anything. It’s dark. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 آخر = more anything / nothing something + else I had the soup but nothing else. her ضمير في محل مفعول/ هي There’s the waitress. Ask her to come here. him ضمير في محل مفعول/ هو That’s my friend. Talk to him. منزل home I got home late from work. later الحقا I'm not thirsty. I'll have some tea later. me )انا(ضمير في محل المفعول Would you like to come with me to the cafe? nothing الشيء I did nothing last night. I was bored. something شيء ما Would you like something to drink? sure 39 by + bus / car / ship / train / plane I go to work by bus. else 31 بواسطة by أكيد 'Do you want to watch a movie?' 'Sure! What time?' = Yes / I agree. 'Is Sam sick today?' 'I'm not sure. I can't see him.' them ضمير في محل مفعول/ هم I live with my brothers. I see them every day. us ضمير في محل مفعول/ نحن 'Can you give us the menu?', asked John and Pam. without بدون I ordered a coffee without milk. I don't like milk. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 52 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 leave a tip Vocabulary اترك بقشيش In America, people leave tips in restaurants. anything else شيء اخر ؟ Ted has water. Does he want anything else? nothing else وال شيء آخر Joe relaxes on Saturdays. He does nothing else. something else شيء آخر I'm hungry. Can I have something else to eat? This is on me. هذي على حسابي No, this meal is on me. It's your birthday! Here you are. = leave extra money for the waiter = anything more = nothing more = something more = I will pay for the meal. تفضل Do you have a pen?' 'Sure. Here you are.' What's up? كيف الحال؟ Is anything wrong? No, nothing’s wrong. هل هناك مشكلة ؟ = What's happening? / 'Hi, Tim. What's up?' 'Nothing much. I'm bored!' How are you? . التوجد أي مشكلة,ال BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 53 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns address (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites العنوان = where you live What is your address? bank (n) مصرف I have all my money in a bank. check (n) شيك John bought a new car. He wrote a check for $30,000. driver’s license (n) رخصة قيادة All drivers must have a driver’s license. envelope (n) ظرف Put the letter in the envelope. help (v) مساعدة = assist Can you help me? identification ( I.D.) (n) هوية Can you show me your identification, please? letter (n) = I.D.; a card with your name and photo رسالة I wrote a letter to my parents. letter carrier (n) حامل الرسائل The letter carrier delivers letters to your house. mail (n) = mailman بريد The mail comes to my house every day. mailman/mailmen (n) ساعي البريد In America, the mailman delivers letters to houses. = letter carrier حوالة نقدية money order (n) You can cash a money order at the bank. package (n) طرد My mother sent me some food in a package. postcard (n) بطاقة بريدية People on holiday send postcards. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 54 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 post office (v) Vocabulary مكتب البريد You can buy stamps at the post office. return address (n) عنوان االسترجاع Please write your return address on the envelope. ختم stamp (n) You need a stamp to post a letter. street (n) شارع There is a post office and a bank on my street. صراف teller (n) The teller at the bank gave Mrs Wilson her money. traveler’s check (n) شيك سياحي A traveler’s check is money in a check. Verbs 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 deliver (v) يوصل In America, the mailman delivers letters to houses. finish (v) ينهي Bob starts work at 8am and he finishes at 4pm. give (past = gave) (v) = bring to someone ≠ start يعطي/ أعطى The instructor gave a test to the class. mail (v) يرسل بريد My friend mailed a letter to me. pick out (v) يشتري Sue went to the store and picked out a new dress. send (past = sent) (v) يرسل/ أرسل I sent a package to my friend by mail. show (v) = send = choose, select ≠ receive, get يعرض Sgt Brown must show his identification at the base. sign (v) يوقع You sign your name on a check. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 55 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Vocabulary Other words 29 30 31 32 33 34 أيضا He sent a package. He also sent a letter. also crowded (adj) مزدحم The bank was crowded. Bill stood in line for 1 hour. near (prep) قريب My house is near the shopping mall. It's not far. cash a check أصرف الشيك Pam got a check today. She'll cash it at the bank. write a check = too = busy, many people are there = close to ≠ far give the bank a check and get money حرر شيكا Sam doesn't have any money. He'll write a check. )يقف في الصف (الطابور People stand in line at the post office. stand in line BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 56 = wait in a queue Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Vocabulary Nouns camera (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites كاميرا Ben takes pictures with his camera. film (n) شريط تصوير I have some film for my camera. hotel (n) فندق We stayed in a nice hotel on holiday. lake (n) بحيرة There is a lake next to our hotel. Let's swim in it! mountain (n) جبل There are lots of mountains in Utah. ocean (n) محيط = a very big sea The Pacific is an ocean. راحة rest (n) = relaxation We went on holiday for a rest. roll (of) (n) أفالم تصوير I need a roll of film for my camera. sight (n) منظر There are many interesting sights to see in New York. sightseeing (n) Examples: museums, parks, tall buildings تنزه People go sightseeing on vacation. state (n) والية There are 50 states in the USA. Texas is a large state. tree (n) شجرة There are many trees in the park. vacation (n) اجازة Mr Smith isn't working. He's on vacation. = holiday on + vacation Verbs 14 check in (v) دخول Mr Jones arrived at the hotel and he checked in. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 57 = arrive at a hotel, show your ID and get the key Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 Vocabulary خروج check out (v) Mr Jones checked out and left the hotel. )حمل (ضع load (v) Please load the boxes into my car. يسترخي relax (v) After work, I like to relax at home. يرتاح rest (v) = leave a hotel and pay the bill = put something into a car / camera, etc = rest = relax It is nice to rest at the weekend. يبتسم smile (v) The children are smiling. I think they are happy. يقيم stay (v) Tom visited Houston. He stayed in a nice hotel. Other words and phrases 21 22 23 24 و and Fred passed the test, and his friend Bob passed it too. ألن because Sarah is upset because she got a bad grade in the test. لكن but Tom wrote a letter but he didn't send it. اخر final (adj) th Class ends June 15 . The final test in on the 14th. for (time) 25 26 27 28 لمدة Tom went to Texas on holiday. He stayed there for two weeks. long (adj) (trip/time) طويل We took a long vacation to Chicago - for three weeks. overnight طول الليل Bill went to Chicago. He stayed at overnight in a hotel. short (adj) (trip/time) قصير I had a short trip to New York - only four days. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 58 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 29 30 31 why 33 34 35 لماذا/ لم 'Why is Bill smiling?' 'Because he got a good grade.' at first في البداية Gary didn't like the military at first. But now he loves it! at last في النهاية Dan failed the test 6 times. But he passed it at last ! go sightseeing 32 Vocabulary اتنزه The Brown family visited London last week. They went sightseeing and saw a show in the theatre. اصور ال take (past = took) a picture of Mr Wilson took a picture of his family with his camera. take a rest اخذ راحة 'I'm tired. I studied all day.' 'Take a rest!' take a vacation اخذ اجازة The Smith family takes two vacations every year. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 59 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 1. Questions with How + BE (L1. Pg.6) Use this to ask how things are, or were. للسؤال عن حال األشياءBe فعل+ How استخدم How BE Subject is was he / she / it? the food / the weather / your flight? are were they / you / we? your parents / the burgers? How was your flight? BE Subject is it is he / she / it are you / they How How - Great, thanks. We landed on time. going? doing? These are informal ways to ask “How are you?” "هذه عدة طرق غير رسمية للسؤال " كيف حالك How are you doing? How’s it going? 2. - Great. / Not bad. / Very well, thanks. - Great, thanks. / I’m good, thanks. Making sentences with think + that + noun clause (L1. Pg. 14) Use this to say what you think about things. للتعبير عن رأيك عن االشياءthink that استخدم Subject think Noun clause I think the weather is nice. He / She / It thinks (that) the food is delicious. We / You / They think this movie is great. Note: you can use that or remove it. أو حذفهاthat تستطيع استخدام:مالحظة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 60 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 3. Asking questions with think + that + noun clause (L1. Pg.16) Use this to ask what people think about things. للسؤال عن رأي الناس عن األشياءthink that استخدم Who thought (that) the car was nice? Bob thought (that) the car was nice. Did Bob think (that) the car was nice? What did Bob think? How much does Bob think the car will cost? (that) Where does Bob thinks Bob think the car will cost a lot. he can buy it? (that) When does Bob thinks Bob think he can buy it in Jeddah. he can buy it? (that) Bob thinks BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB he can buy it 61 tomorrow. Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 4. Asking questions with How + verb (L2. Pg.30) Use How + verb to ask about what transport someone uses/used. يستخدمها شخص ما/ فعل للسؤال عن وسيلة المواصالت التي استخدمها+ How استخدم How Helping verb Subject Infinite (Verb1) will did I / you we / they he / she do I / you we / they does he / she go get travel come to school? home? to Riyadh? to work? Use by + car / bus / train / plane to answer questions about transport. وسيلة الموصالت لإلجابة عن األسئلة الخاصة بوسائل+by استخدم الموصالت I go to work by car. I travel to Riyadh by plane. I get to school on foot. 5. on foot means ‘walking’ تعني مشيا ً على االقدامon foot Making statements with would like / would like to I / You / We / They want He / She wants I / You / We They / He / She would like I / You / We / They want to He / She Use want / would like before nouns and noun phrases. a vacation. would like وwant استخدم قبل االسماء أو العبارات االسمية some food. wants to watch a movie. play tennis. make lunch. I / You / We They / He / She would like to BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB (L2. Pg.36) 62 go shopping. Use want to / would like to before verbs. want to /استخدم would like to قبل األفعال Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 6. Asking questions with would like (to) (L2. Pg.38) Would like استخدم األسئلة مع Use questions with would like… 1) …for hypothetical questions about someone’s desires ) ……لألسئلة االفتراضية عن رغبات شخص ما1 Would you he like to be a king? 2) …to make offers and invitations. …… لعرض شيء ما أو لدعوة لمناسبة ما.)2 (invitation) (offer) Would you he like to like come to my party? some coffee? You can also ask Wh- questions with would. Wh - + would + subject/noun + like (to) ----- Would How What When Where Who would I you he she it we they like (to)…? How would you like to do it? play tennis? Use infinitive (Verb1) after like to e.g. …like to do it? / …like to go? like to استخدم الفعل المجرد بعد When would you like to go? Where would you like to meet later? What would you like for lunch? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 63 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 7. something, nothing, anything, and else (L2. Pg.42) The rules for something and anything are… Rule Example →استخدمUse something in a something statement. في الجُمل Let’s order something for lunch. →استخدمUse anything in a anything negative sentence. في الجُمل المنفية I didn’t eat anything for lunch. ً →تستطيع ايضاYou can also use استخدامnothing to make a nothing negative statement. إلنشاء جملة منفية Wendy didn’t say anything to me. Wendy said nothing to me. →استخدم Use something or Something anything for أو لألسئلةAnything questions. We bought something in the store yesterday. They didn’t buy anything yesterday . Both of these sentences have the same meaning. Use anything when the verb is negative. Use nothing when the verb is positive. كال هاتين الجملتين تحمل نفس المعنى عندما يكون الفعل منفيanything استخدم عندما يكون الفعل مثبتnothing استخدم Do you want something dinner for lunch? Is there anything you need from the store? Use else after something / nothing / anything to mean ‘a different thing’. . تعني حدث أخر مختلفsomething/ nothing/anything بعدelse استخدم I studied all weekend. I did nothing else. Tom bought a watch. He also bought something else. Can I have tea? I don’t want anything else. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 64 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 8. Using object pronouns (L2. Pg.50) Subject pronouns usually come before the verb. ضمائر الفاعل تأتي عادةً قبل الفعل Object pronouns usually come after the verb. ضمائر المفعول به تأتي عادةً بعد الفعل Subject Object Example pronoun pronoun 9. I me He said, “Don’t forget me.” you you She said, “Don’t worry, I won’t forget you.” he him She ate dinner with him. she her He ate dinner with her. it it They liked it very much. we us “Excuse me, please can you help us?” they them They stopped and helped them. Making sentences with indirect objects Direct object – what did he send? مفعول به مباشر Andrew sent some mail Andrew sent him (L3. Pg.60) Indirect object – who did he send it to? مفعول به غير مباشر to him. some mail. These sentences mean the same. If you write the indirect object before the direct object, don’t write to. إذا أردت استخدام المفعول به غير المباشر قبل المفعول به.هذه الجمل تحمل نفس المعنى to المباشر ال تقم بكتابة Ammar bought a gift for her. Ammar bought her a gift. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB Did you write a letter to your friend? Did you write your friend a letter? 65 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 10. Using also (L3. Pg.72) also means the same as too. They say that one fact is similar to another fact. فهي تعني أن حقيقة ما مشابهة لحقيقة اخرىtoo تحمل نفس المعنى لكلمةAlso Sgt James will go to the office. He’ll also go to the mess hall. He’ll go to the mess hall, also. )He’ll go to the mess hall, too.) Put also before the main verb, or at the end of the sentence, after a comma. قبل الفعل الرئيسي أو في نهاية الجملة بعد الفاصلةalso ضع Questions Is Can Does he also a student? Yes, he is. speak French? No, he can’t. drive a car? Yes, he does. I’m tired. Are you also tired, Ahmed? Yes, I am tired. I’m hungry, too. Are you hungry? No, I’m not. 11. Combining sentences – and / but (L4. Pg.86) Use conjunctions and / but to join two sentences. 1. and It’s my vacation next week. I want to travel to France. Use and to add a statement when the statements are similar. إلضافة عبارة عندما تكون العبارات متشابهةand استخدم It’s my vacation next week, and I want to travel to France. We met the new General, and we think he is nice. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 66 Issue No. 1.0 Book 6 Grammar 2. but I like the TSI now. I didn’t like it last year. Use but to join statements that are opposite ideas. للربط بين عبارتين واحدة منها عكس األخرىbut استخدم I like the TSI now, but I didn’t like it last year. Dammam has buildings, but it doesn’t have mountains. You can study in class, but you cannot sleep. 12. Answering Why questions with Because (L4. Pg.93) Use because to give a reason when answering a Why question. why إلعطاء سبب ما عندما تجيب عن أسئلةbecause استخدم Why are you happy? Because I passed the ALCPT. Why did you take a taxi? Because we missed the bus. Why is the window open? Because we want some fresh air. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 67 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 68 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 69 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 70 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L1b-GRM/VOC-RB 71 Issue No. 1.0 Grammar & Vocabulary Book 7 Book 8 Book 9 Name: _________________ DLI American Language Course Level 2a Number: __________ Teacher: ____________________ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 0 Issue No. 1.0 Tips on using this booklet نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما هذا الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب.تعلمته مع معلمك .االساسي Remember – to really learn the grammar and words here, you must practice using them with your teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know how words are used in sentences, and do this very fast. Memorising a list عليك,تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا حتى تحصل.ان تمارس استخدامهم مع معلمك عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام,ALCPT في60 على مجرد. و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة,الكلمات في الجمل حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال . ALCPT في اختبار60 and translations will not get you a 60 in the ALCPT. اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة عكسها او, مرادفاتها, وضعها في جمل,الكلمات Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling, example sentence, similar meaning, opposite or example for a word. .مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة ALCPT في60 حتى تتأكد من الحصول على Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need more words than are in this booklet. Write in more words you learn in the Additional Vocabulary Notes section. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلمات عن ما هو متوفر في اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها.هذا الكتيب Additional Vocabulary Notes في قسم 1 Issue No. 1.0 Contents Vocabulary Book 7 3 Grammar Book 7 17 Vocabulary Book 8 23 Grammar Book 8 36 Vocabulary Book 9 43 Grammar Book 9 59 Additional vocabulary 66 Key adjective noun adverb opposite اسم الضد/التضاد answer إجابة/ الجواب possessive ملكية clause عبارة preposition حرف جر comparative صيغة التفضيل بين شيئين present simple مضارع بسيط details تفاصيل past simple ماضي بسيط example مثال مضارع مستمر grammar قواعد اللغة present progressive past progressive imperative صيغة األمر irregular verb فعل غير منتظم verb فعل regular verb فعل منتظم tense زمن الفعل main verb فعل رئيسي subject فاعل helping verb فعل مساعد similar مرادف sentence جملة rules قواعد نفي reason سبب مثبت/ إثبات purpose الهدف/ الغرض meaning المعنى modal verb فعل ناقص negative positive / affirmative BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB superlative 2 ماضي مستمر صيغة التفضيل بين أكثر من شيء Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns bottom (n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = similar meaning االسفل Tom and Sam sleep in bunk beds. Sam sleeps on the bottom. Tom sleeps on the top. center (n) ≠ opposites ≠ top وسط/ مركز Riyadh is in the center of Saudi Arabia. circle (n) دائرة A circle is round like a ball. description (n) وصف Give me a description of your house. edge (n) = information about what someone / something looks like طرف The edge of a circle is curved. job (v) وظيفة = occupation, profession Ali has a good job. He is a pilot. line (n) خط Write on the line. math / mathematics (n) رياضيات/ حسابات Mathematics is the study of numbers. I hate math. mistake (n) غلطة Ali made a mistake in his test so he failed. opposite (n) = error عكس Col Smith's office is opposite the door. rectangle (n) مستطيل A rectangle has 2 short sides and 2 long sides. shape (n) شكل Brad studies math. He studies numbers and shapes. side (n) Examples: triangle, circle, square جانب A triangle has three sides. square (n) مربع A square has 4 sides. They have the same size. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 3 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 15 16 top (n) Vocabulary األعلى Write your name at the top of the page. triangle (n) ≠ bottom مثلث A triangle is a shape with three sides. Verbs 17 18 19 compare (v) يقارن 'Compare Tom and Bill.' 'Tom is tall but Bill is short.' describe (v) 'Describe your brother.' = say how things are the same or different يصف 'He's strong and tall.' draw (past = drew) (v) يرسم/ رسم Sally drew a circle in her book. = make a picture with a pen or pencil Adjectives 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 curved (adj) منحني The line on a circle is not straight - it’s curved. fast (adj/adv) سريع = quick ≠ slow صغير = small ≠ big, large, huge An F-15 is a plane. It is fast. little (adj) The little boy is eating an ice-cream. narrow (adj) ضيق You can't park on my street. It isn't wide. It's narrow. round (adj) ≠ straight ≠ wide دائري A football is round. slow (adj) بطيء ≠ fast, quick Flying is fast. Walking is slow. straight (adj) مستقيم-مباشر The lines on a square are straight. strong (adj) قوي I can't drink this coffee. It's too strong. weak (adj) ضعيف I don't like strong tea. I like weak tea. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 4 ≠ curved ≠ weak ≠ strong Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 29 wide (adj) Vocabulary عريض Main Street is wide. Many cars can park there. ≠ narrow Other words and phrases 30 31 32 alike The two shirts are alike. They are similar. both = similar, the same ≠ different كالهما Ali and Ahmed are both cadets. like شبه = similar to ≠ different from Bill is like Ben. They are alike. other 33 متشابهة اخر One of my brothers is at the TSI. The other works in a bank. What's this called? 34 ما اسم هذا ؟ It's called a circle. اسمها دائرة What is your teacher like? 35 صف استاذك؟ = tell me about his character He's very nice. He smiles a lot. . إنه يبتسم كثيرا.إنه لطيف جدا What does your teacher look like? 36 = describe his appearance / face / body كيف هو شكل استاذك؟ He's very tall. He has blue eyes. . وله عينان زرقاوان. إنه طويل BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 5 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Lesson 2 1 2 3 Nouns bottom (n) 5 center (n) 7 8 9 سفلي المركز Kingdom Tower is in the center of Riyadh. circumference (n) ≠ opposites ≠ top = middle المحيط The circumference is the line around a circle. القطر The diameter is a straight line that goes from one side of a circle to the other, crossing the center. error (n) خطأ John made an error in the math problem. explanation (n) 6 = similar meaning The page number is at the bottom of the page. diameter (n) 4 Vocabulary شرح The student didn't understand the math problem so the teacher gave him an explanation. half / halves (n) أنصاف/ نصف Bill had $10. He gave half to Sam. He gave Sam $5. price (n) سعر 'What's the price of that TV?' '$500.' problem (n) diameter = 2 times the radius = mistake = how and why something happened = ½, 50% = cost مشكلة Tony didn't understand the math problem. radius (n) 10 11 12 13 نصف القطر The radius is a line from the center of a circle to the edge of the circle. top (n) أعلى The teacher wrote the date at the top of the board. ≠ bottom total (n) المجموع Add all the numbers together to get the total. weight (n) الوزن Ali’s weight is 70 kg. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 6 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Vocabulary Verbs 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 add (v) أضف ≠ subtract Add seven and three. The total is ten. count (v) أحصي/ عد Mr Smith counted the books. There were 12. divide (into) (v) = add يقسم The teacher divided the class into two teams. divided by ( ÷ ) (v) اقسم على Six divided by three equals two. equals ( = ) (v) يساوي = the same as, total Two plus two equals four. explain (v) يشرح The teacher explained the problem to the student. make (past = made) a mistake (v) أخطأ/ يخطئ Bill made a mistake. multiplied by ( x ) (adj) = make an error مضروب في Two multiplied by three equals six. multiply ( x ) (v) )يضرب (رياضيات Multiply two by three to get six. subtract ( - ) (v) يطرح = times = minus ≠ add Subtract two from five to get three. understand (past = understood) (v) يفهم/ فهم 24 25 After the teacher explained, I understood the problem. weigh (v) 'Is the box heavy?' يزن 'I don't know. Let's weigh it.' = find out how heavy something is Adjectives 26 absent (adj) غائب George isn't here today. He is absent. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 7 ≠ present Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 27 28 29 30 31 32 easy (adj) Vocabulary سهل The problem was easy. The student understood it. hard (adj) صعب The problem was hard. Jim didn't understand it. heavy (adj) ثقيل خفيف ≠ heavy A table tennis ball is light. present (adj) حاضر All the students were present. No-one was absent. straight (adj) ≠ easy ≠ light A basketball is heavy. light (adj) ≠ difficult مستقيم The road from Dammam to Khobar is straight. ≠ absent ≠ curved Other words and phrases 33 34 35 36 37 any Do you have $5? I don’t have any money. both 39 40 كالهما Sam has two brothers. Both are in the military. each كل واحد/ كل من Betsy bought three coffees. Each coffee cost $2. into = two = one في Put the books into the box. minus ( - ) ناقص من Two minus one equals one. more 38 أي أكثر Gary is 70kg. Sam is 65kg. Gary weighs more than Sam. other = subtracted from ≠ less أخرى/ آخر Bill has 2 pens. One is red and the other is black. plus ( + ) زائد = added to Five plus two equals seven. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 8 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 41 42 43 some Vocabulary بعض I made coffee. Do you want some? than )من (مقارنة France is smaller than the USA. times ( x ) ضرب = multiplied by Four times two is eight. 44 + plus 45 - minus 46 x times / multiply by 47 ÷ divided by 48 = equals BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 9 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns animal (n) = similar meaning حيوان Examples: dog, camel, horse, A camel is an animal. back (n) خلف My children sit in the back of the car. backyard (n) ≠ opposites ≠ front الفناء الخلفي My house has a backyard. My children play in it. bird (n) طير A bird can fly. cat (n) قط A cat is an animal. John has a pet cat. dog (n) كلب Paul takes his dog to the park every day. earth (n) A dog is an animal. أرض The moon goes around the earth. fence (n) حاجز My backyard has a fence because we have dogs. flower (n) زهرة In the summer, we have many flowers in our yard. front (n) أمام My house has a small yard at the front. garage (n) ≠ back مرآب I park my car in the garage. gate (n) بوابة Sue opened the gate and went into the backyard. grass (n) عشب Sue has lots of green grass in her yard. hill (n) (التل) منطقة مرتفعة There are trees on the hill. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 10 = a small mountain Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 land (n) Vocabulary أرض From the moon you can see land and water on earth. leaf / leaves (n) ورق شجر/ أوراق الشجر In autumn leaves fall from the trees. moon (n) قمر The moon travels around the earth. past (n) الماضي In the past people didn’t drive cars. present (n) الحاضر At present there are 1,000 cadets in TSI. rear (n) خلف The rear door is in the back of the house. river (n) ≠ the present = now ≠ in the past = back ≠ front نهر You can swim in rivers and lakes. roof (n) سطح The roof is on top of the house. star (n) نجمة At night you can see many stars in the sky. world (n) عالم There are 193 countries in the world. yard (n) = Earth حديقة My children play in the yard at the back of the house. Verbs 26 27 climb (v) يتسلق The cat climbed the tree in the yard. run (past = ran) (v) يركض/ ركض Dogs like to run outside. Other words 28 above (prep) فوق Above me is the sky. The clock is above the door. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 11 ≠ below Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 around (prep) Vocabulary حول It takes one year for the earth to go around the sun. back (adj) خلف Don't use the back door. Use the front door. below (prep) اسفل by (prep) بجانب = we = rear ≠ front = under Write your name. Then write your class number below. ≠ above Jim’s new house is by the mosque. It's not far. front (adj) أمامي My front yard is smaller than my backyard. high (adj) عالي منخفض This book cost one dollar. That is a low price. next to (prep) ≠ back ≠ low Birds fly high above the trees. low (adj) = near to ≠ high التالي I have a garage next to my house. over (prep) على = above The plane flew over the sea. past الماضي In the past, buildings were smaller. rear (adj) خلفي My children sit in the rear of the car. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 12 = back ≠ front Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Vocabulary Nouns appliance (n) = similar meaning آالت منزلية We often use appliances in the kitchen. armchair (n) كرسي دوالب كتب There are many books in my bookcase. cabinet (n) كبينة There are cabinets in my kitchen and my living room. can (n) Examples: dishwasher, refrigerator, stove An armchair is furniture. John likes to sit in his armchair. bookcase (n) ≠ opposites A bookcase is furniture. A cabinet is for keeping things in. علبة معدنية A can of Pepsi costs $1. can opener (n) فاتح العلب I use a can opener to open cans of food. carpet (n) A can opener is for opening cans. زولية – سجاد There is a carpet on the floor of my living room. ceiling (n) سقف Some houses have a fan on the ceiling. coffee table (n) طاولة القهوة There is a coffee table in front of the sofa. couch (n) كنبة Three or four people can sit on my couch. curtain (n) ستائر Good curtains on the windows keep the sun out. dishwasher (n) غسالة صحون We wash the dishes in a dishwasher. drapes (n) ستائر I have red drapes in front of my windows. drawer (n) A coffee table is furniture. = sofa = drapes This appliance is for washing dishes. = curtains سحاب/ درج I keep small things in drawers in my kitchen. end table (n) طاولة جانبية There is a lamp on the end table next to my armchair. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 13 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 16 fan (n) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 مروحة In summer I use a fan to cool my room. faucet (n) 17 Vocabulary حنفية/ صنبور My kitchen sink has two faucets: one for hot water and one for cold water. floor (n) This appliance is for keeping the room cool. You turn a faucet to get water. أرضية David has a big carpet on the floor of his living room. furniture (n) أثاث There is a lot of furniture in my living room. kitchen (n) مطبخ Mrs Jones makes dinner in the kitchen every evening. lamp (n) مصباح At night I often turn on the lamp and read a book. living room (n) صالة الجلوس Bob's family are watching TV in the living room. microwave oven (n) فرن مايكروويف A microwave oven cooks food in a few minutes. outlet (n) مخرج كهرباء You must plug appliances into outlets. pan (n) Examples: sofa, armchair, bookcase a room for cooking and making meals This appliance gives light. a room for relaxing with friends and family This appliance is for cooking food fast. = socket مقالة Jane used a pan to cook some chicken. plug (n) فيش To get electricity, put the plug into the outlet. pot (n) إناء Jane uses a big pot for cooking vegetables. refrigerator (n) ثالجة rug (n) سجادة This appliance is for Mrs Hill keeps meat, milk and cheese in the refrigerator. keeping food cool. There is a small rug under the coffee table. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 14 = a small carpet Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 30 31 32 33 34 shelf / shelves (n) Vocabulary رف/ رفوف There are many books on the shelves in the library. sink (n) مغسلة I wash my face and shave in the sink. sofa (n) كنبة Bill and his friends sit on the big sofa in his living room. stove (n) موقد غاز Kitchens usually have a stove for cooking food. toaster (n) محمصة A toaster is a small appliance for toasting bread. = couch This appliance is for cooking food. This appliance is for toasting bread. Verbs 35 36 37 38 keep (past = kept) (v) يحتفظ/ احتفظ I keep all my money in the bank. lay (past = laid) (down) (v) يسترخي/ استرخى Tom laid the new carpet on his living room floor. plug (in) (v) يشبك Plug in the TV. I want to watch the soccer match. use (v) = connect it to the electricity يستخدم We use a pen for writing. Adjectives and adverbs 39 40 41 42 43 often (adv) غالبا I don’t like to cook so I often eat at restaurants. pretty (adj) جميل Jane put some pretty flowers on the coffee table seldom (adv) نادرا He seldom drives because he doesn’t have a car. ugly (adj) بشع = beautiful ≠ ugly = almost never ≠ often ≠ pretty, beautiful I don’t like my old couch. It is ugly. usually (adv) ≠ seldom عادة Alan usually plays soccer on Fridays. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 15 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Vocabulary What do you use a dishwasher for? فيم تستخدم غسالة الصحون؟ You use a dishwasher for washing plates and glasses. تستخدم غسالة الصحون في غسل األطباق واألكواب BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 16 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Grammar 1. One / Other (L1. Pg.14) Use one and other to show differences between two things. لتوضيح الفرق بين شيئين مختلفينother وone استخدم كلمتي One man is short. The other is tall. Examples One cadet is happy. The other is angry. I had two tests last week. One test was easy but the other was very difficult. 2. Other / Both This is my apple. (L1. Pg.16) The other apple is Ahmed’s. Both apples are red. (There are two red apples.) We use other to talk about one more thing. other نستخدم كلمة للحديث عن الشيء اآلخر We use both to talk about two things together. للحديثboth نستخدم كلمة عن شيئين مجتمعين Examples Aziz had 2 tests last week. He got 85% in one test and 90% in the other. He did well in both tests. Both Italian restaurants in my town are popular. My friend likes this restaurant but I prefer the other one. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 17 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Grammar 3. Adjectives in front of nouns (L1. Pg.22) Put adjectives before nouns to describe them. . الصفة دائما تسبق الموصوف (االسم) بعكس اللغة العربية:في اللغة االنجليزية Noun Tim has a car. Adjectiv e It is fast. Tim has a fast car. Adjectiv e Noun before Examples Mike drives a taxi. It is green. Mike drives a green taxi. He received some news. It was good. He received some good news. You can also say these 3 sentences as 1 sentence using the same rule. بإمكانك أيضا دمج هذه الجمل الثالث وتكوين جملة واحدة The boy is young. Noun He got off his bike. The bike is blue. Noun Adjective Adjective The young boy got off the blue bike. Examples The cadets are hungry. They are eating chicken. It is spicy. The hungry cadets are eating spicy chicken. My camera is old. It takes pictures. They are good. My old camera takes good pictures. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 18 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Grammar 3. Comparative adjectives (L2. Pg.47) Use comparatives to compare two things, or two groups of things. استخدم المقارنة للمقارنة بين شيئين او مجموعتين من االشياء The black cars are bigger than the red ones. The red cars are smaller than the black ones. Col Smith Sgt Jones Sgt Jones is taller than Col Smith. Col Smith is shorter than Sgt Jones. Rules Adjective Comparative Example cheap cheaper A Kia is cheaper than a Porsche. early earlier I get up earlier on school days than at the weekend. معer اضف الصفات ذات المقطع الواحد One syllable: add -er Two syllables الصفات ذات ending in –y: المقطعين y المنتهية بـremove –y, add -ier نحذف الحرف االخير ier ونضيف *Note: use than after the comparative. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 19 بعد المقارنةthan استخدم:مالحظة Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Grammar 4. Superlatives (L3. Pg. 78) Use superlatives to talk about the ONE thing that is the –est / most / least from a group of things. استخدم المقارنة القصوى لمقارنة شيء واحد مقابل اشياء اخرى A is the smallest. est اضف بعد الصفة ذات المقطع الواحد D is the biggest. Rules Adjective Superlative Example One syllable: add –est cheap the cheapest Kia is the cheapest car. easy the easiest My morning class is the easiest one of all. الصفات ذاتTwo syllables المقطعينending in –y: y المنتهية بـremove –y, نحذف الحرف add -iest االخير iest ونضيف *Note: always use the before the superlative. قبل المقارنة القصوىthe استخدم:مالحظة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 20 Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Grammar 5. Some / Any (L2. Pg.55) Use some in positive sentences. ) في الجمل المثبتة (غير المنفيةsome استخدم كلمة Use any in negative sentences. في الجمل المنفيةany استخدم كلمة I have some money for you. I don’t have any money for you. There is some milk on the table. There isn’t any milk on the table. You can use some or any in questions. في االسئلةany وsome يمكن استخدام كلمتي Do you have any coffee? / Do you have some coffee? Is there any milk left? / Is there some milk left? Use some... 1)شيء … طلب when عندasking for things: Can I have some tea, please? 2) … when offering things: Would you like some cake? عند عرض شيء 6. How old… (L3. Pg.70) Question How + old BE Subject is your car? + + are Subject BE I am Sentence He/ She/ It + We / You / They BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB is are 21 your parents? you? 20 years old. + 1 year old. 15 years old. Issue No. 1.0 Book 7 Grammar 7. Using things for doing something (L4. Pg.102) When you say what you use something for, you can use for + V-ing … ....... ing + الفعل+ for يمكنك استخدام كلمة،عندما تريد توضيح الغرض من استخدام شيء ما I / You / We / They use + She / He / It + uses noun or pronoun Verb-ing a box carrying books. a camera + for + glasses taking photos. reading books. … or you can use to + Verb 1 )ing الفعل فقط (بدون+ to أو بإمكانك استخدام كلمة..... I / You / We / They She / He / It use + + uses noun or pronoun Verb 1 a box carry books. a camera + glasses to + take photos. read books. Examples He uses the box for carrying his books. He uses the box to carry his books. I always use my phone for taking photos. I always use my phone to take photos. She usually uses glasses for reading the news. She usually uses glasses to read the news. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 22 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites شارع تجاري avenue (n) My house is on an avenue next to a bank. An avenue is a street with trees. حارة block (n) The commissary is two blocks from here. مئوية Celsius (C) (n) ‘What is the temperature?’ ‘It is 40⁰ Celsius.’ درجة مئوية centigrade (n) Water boils at 100⁰ centigrade. زاوية corner (n) The computer is in the corner of the classroom. درجات degrees ( ° ) (n) It’s cold. The temperature is only five degrees )5⁰C(. إتجاه direction (n) ‘Which direction is Houston?’ directions (n) ‘It’s north.’ إتجاهات Can you give me directions to the post office? east (n) شرق exclamation mark (n) عالمة التعجب I passed the test. Great! exclamation mark exit (n) مخرج Tim left the highway and took the exit for the airport. مقياس فهرنهايت Water changes to ice at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. freeway (n) خط سريع Jack drives to New York on the freeway every day. ground (n) = Celsius A corner is where two edges meet. A degree is a unit of temperature. Examples: north, south, east, west = the way to go to a place East is a direction. New York is in the east of the US. Fahrenheit (F) (n) Celsius is a kind of temperature. Exclamation marks are punctuation. ≠ entrance Americans measure temperature in Fahrenheit. = large, wide road between cities )األرض (سطح األرض Jill found her phone on the ground. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 23 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 highway (n) Vocabulary طريق سريع = freeway I drove on the highway to Dallas last night. ice (n) ثلج John puts ice in his soda because he likes cool drinks. kilometer (km) (n) كيلو متر = 1000 meters Ali walks five kilometers every day. mile (n) )ميل (قياس 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers My house is fifty miles from New Jersey. north (n) شمال North is a direction. Chicago is a city in the north of the US. park (n) حديقة عامة = public gardens Let’s go for a walk in the park. quotation marks (n) عالمة اقتباس "Hello", said Fred. quotation marks road (n) Quotation marks are punctuation. طريق Small children should not play near the road. south (n) جنوب درجة الحرارة The temperature in summer is higher than in winter. thermometer (n) مقياس درجة الحرارة Look at the thermometer to check the temperature. west (n) = street South is a direction. Abha is a city in the south of Saudi Arabia. temperature (n) = water at 0° Celsius غرب = how hot it is A thermometer is for reading the temperature. West is a direction. Los Angeles is a city in the west of the US. Verbs 27 28 be going to (past = was going to) (v) Bill is going to play football tomorrow. fall (past = fell) (v) يسقط/ سقط The temperature fell to 7⁰C in January. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 24 سوف = will ≠ rise (past = rose) Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 29 30 31 32 Vocabulary اتبع follow (v) “Follow me. I know the way” said Ken. يتجمد/ تجمدت freeze (past = froze) (v) We froze the meat last week to keep it fresh. grow (past = grew) (v) تكبر/ تنمو/ كبرت/ نمت The tomatoes grew well in the sunshine. تهبط land (v) Pilots land planes at airports and airbases. ≠ lead ≠ melt = become bigger = put a plane on the ground ≠ take off take (a right/left, a street) (v) )انعطف – خذ(اتجاه = turn left/right 33 The bank is near. Take a right and you will see it. 34 take off (past = took off) (v) يقلع/ اقلع The plane took off at three o’clock. = a plane goes into the air ≠ land Adjectives and adverbs 38 39 35 36 37 األحسن/ األفضل best Pele was one of the best footballers in the world. أحسن/ أفضل better David's score (85%) is better than Harry's (72%). = finest ≠ poorer إلى األمام straight Don’t take a left or right, just go straight. اسوأ من worse My spelling is worse than yours! األسوأ worst John thinks winter is the worst season to travel. = poorer ≠ finest Other words and phrases 44 45 46 لمسافة for (distance) (prep) Harry walked for two miles along the beach. لمدة for (time) (prep) Bob studies for one hour every day after class. north of / south of / west of / east of شمال / جنوب / BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB غرب / شرق 25 Boston is north of New York. Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Giving directions How can I get to ...? Vocabulary اعطاء االتجاهات كيف أذهب إلى ؟ Take Highway 35 south for two miles. لمسافة ميلين35 اسلك الطريق السريع رقم Take exit 85 and turn right. ثم انعطف يمينا85 خذ المخرج رقم Turn left / right at ... يمينا عند-انعطف شماال 47 Take a left / right at ... انعطف شماال – يمينا عند Go west for 4 blocks. اتجه غربا لمسافة اربعة احياء Go straight ahead for 2 blocks. اسلك الطريق لألمام لمسافة حيين Go up Pine Street to Main Street. اسلك شارع باين صعودا باتجاه الشارع الرئيسي Go down the street to the corner of Main and 3rd. اسلك الشارع نزوال الى الزاوية بين الشارع الرئيسي والثالث BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 26 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Vocabulary Nouns exercise (n) = similar meaning تدريب Running and push-ups are good exercises. fun (n) ≠ opposites Examples: sit-ups, swimming, running مرح Tests are not fun! Exercise is fun with a friend. gymnasium (gym) (n) نادي رياضي Joe is going to the gym after work. push-up (n) تمرين الدفع A push-up is a kind of exercise. John does fifteen push-ups every day. sit-up (n) تمرين الجلوس Bill can do one hundred sit-ups. watch (n) A sit-up is a kind of exercise. ساعة يد Did you watch the football game last night? workout (n) تمرين Lifting weights and swimming are both workouts. = exercise Verbs 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 exercise (v) يتدرب Eddie exercises every morning at the gym. forget to (past = forgot to) (v) ينسى / نسي Mike forgot to bring money for lunch. get (past = got in shape) (v) ينحف = work out, train ≠ remember to / نحف Jim got in shape and can run for three miles. have (past = had) a good time (v) استمتع بوقتك Mr and Mrs Jones had a good time at the theatre. have (past = had) fun (v) استمتع/ استمتع Oscar and Ali had fun watching the show. hit (past = hit) (v) يصيب Fred hit his head on the door yesterday. miss (v) )لم تصب (الهدف Alan missed the goal and didn’t score. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 27 = enjoy yourself = enjoyed ≠ miss ≠ hit Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 15 16 17 18 remember (to) (v) Vocabulary يتذكر Did you remember to bring your ID? shut (past = shut) (v) يغلق – اغلق Mark shut the door and locked it. try (past = tried) to (v) حاول-يحاول Tim tried to read his book but it was too dark. work out (v) يتدرب Henry works out for an hour every day. ≠ forget to = close → closed = attempt (to) = exercise Adjectives 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 beautiful (adj) جميلة/ جميل There is a beautiful mosque in my town. boring (adj) )ممل(طفش This movie is boring. Let's turn off the TV. difficult (adj) صعب Some people think chess is a difficult game. exciting (adj) مثير Travelling to a new country is exciting. healthy (adj) صحي Sam is healthy because he exercises and eats fruit. important (adj) مهم Listen! The sergeant is telling us important news. interesting (adj) ممتع I want to finish this book because it’s interesting. in shape / in good shape معضل Ann is in good shape because she exercises often. out of shape (adj) غير الئق بدنيا/ سمين Gary does not work out. He is out of shape. terrific (adj) مذهل Ben is a terrific football player. He never misses. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 28 = pretty ≠ ugly ≠ interesting = hard ≠ easy = fun ≠ sick, unhealthy ≠ unimportant ≠ boring = fit ≠ in bad shape, unfit = unfit ≠ in shape, fit = fantastic, great ≠ awful, terrible Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Vocabulary Other words and phrases 29 30 free time (n) وقت الفراغ The cadets relaxed in their free time. Whose Whose jacket is that? It's mine. It's his. It's hers. It's ours. It's yours. It's theirs. لمن لمن هذا المعطف؟ Examples: rest time, leisure time = who does it belong to? انه لي انه له انه لها انه لنا انه لك انه لهم The blue jacket is hers but those shoes are mine. This computer is yours but that one is his. 'Is this your car?' 'No, it's theirs.' 32 its )له – لها (لغير العاقل The baby drinks its mother’s milk. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 29 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns = similar meaning مفتاح المنطقة area code (n) The area code for Dammam and Khobar is ‘013’. A telephone number for an area. جرس bell (n) ‘I hear the bell.’ ≠ opposites ‘Oh. Class begins. Let’s go.’ call (n) اتصال How much is an international call to India? change (n) = telephone call صرف This soda machine gives change but that one doesn’t. coin (n) عملة معدنية Coins are small, round and metal. conversation (n) Examples: pennies, nickels, dimes محادثة Joe doesn’t like long conversations. He’s a quiet guy. factory (n) مصنع That factory makes radios. My uncles works there. line (n) A building that is used to make things. )خط الهاتف (رقم I can’t call Mark because the line is busy. I’ll try later. operator (n) موظف السنترال Call the operator on 100 if you have any problems. page (n) صفحة The students opened their books at page 1. pay phone (n) هاتف/كبينة اتصال Airports and supermarkets usually have pay phones. person (n) شخص I saw a person with red hair and green eyes yesterday. public phone (n) هاتف عام ‘I don’t have my mobile.’ ‘OK. Use the public phone.’ slot (n) فتحة ادخال النقود Put the coins in the slot before you make a call. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 30 Pages are in a book. = public phone = somebody, someone = pay phone = a long, narrow hole Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Vocabulary Verbs 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 call (up) (v) اتصل Tom called up the hotel to book his room. deposit (v) يدفع/ يشحن Bill deposited 100 dollars into his bank account. find (past = found) (v) اوجد/ وجد ‘Peter is very happy.’ ‘Why?’ ‘He found 100 dollars.’ hang up (past = hung up) (v) اغلق الخط/ غلق الخط The line was busy. I hung up and tried again. = make a phone call = put money in ≠ withdraw ≠ lose )→ lost( ≠ pick up make (past = made a phone call) (v) اتصل/ اتصلت I made a long-distance phone call to the US. may (v) ممكن Look at those dark clouds. It may rain later. might (v) ربما I don’t know what to do later. I might watch a movie. pay (past = paid) (v) ادفع/ دفع Harry got out of the taxi cab and paid the driver. ring (past = rang) (v) يرن/ رن The telephone rang but nobody answered it. = might = may = to give someone money = to make a ringing noise Adjectives and adverbs 24 25 26 27 28 busy (adj) مشغول Eddie is busy at work. He has no time to eat his lunch. cheap (adj) رخيص This coffee was only 3 riyals. It is very cheap. expensive (adj) غالي Switzerland makes a lot of expensive watches. international (adj) دولي International phone calls are expensive. local (adj) محلي Local phone calls (in your local area or city) are free. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 31 ≠ free ≠ expensive = cheap = between countries ≠ national Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 29 long distance (adj) Vocabulary )بعيد المدى(دولي Long distance calls to the United States are expensive. Usually describes international calls. Other words and phrases 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 just a minute دقيقة من فضلك ‘Just a minute,’ said Tom, ‘I’ll be ready very soon.’ the least األقل Mr Andrew’s class has the least number of students. less (than) أٌقل من Kuwait has less land than Saudi Arabia. 0 = operator صفر أكثر ‘Practice more and you will do better’ said a teacher. the most أغلب Russia, the US, and KSA have most of the world’s oil. whom = fewest ≠ the most ≠ more 0 = zero, ‘oh’ or ‘nought’ Dial ‘0’ to speak to the operator. more (than) Examples: hang on, hold on, wait a minute ≠ less ≠ least التي/ الذي Major Bell, whom you met last week, is visiting today. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 32 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Nouns answering machine (n) apartment (n) 12 13 آلة الرد في الهاتف شقة I live in an apartment on the tenth floor. basement (n) قبو We keep our old furniture in the basement. bedroom (n) = a flat a room under the ground floor غرفة النوم I have a desk, cabinet and bed in my bedroom. deposit (n) تأمين Joe will rent a new apartment. The deposit is $5000. dining room (n) صالة طعام In the dining room there is a big table for us to use. garden (n) حديقة Our garden has some plants, bushes and small trees. kind (of) (n) نوع manager (n) = a room where people eat = yard = type of A jet is a kind of airplane. مدير A manager usually gets a high salary. = supervisor, boss رسالة Bill called his wife. She wasn't at home. So Bill left a message on the answering machine. moment (n) 11 = similar meaning ≠ opposites ‘Are there any messages on the answering machine?” message (n) 10 Vocabulary لحظة Please wait a moment. Call back in a moment. John is not here at the moment. rent (n) A very short period of time. = now مبلغ االيجار The apartment is expensive. The rent is $900 per month. residence (n) سكن ‘What kind of residence do you live in?’ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 33 Examples: house, apartment, barracks Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Vocabulary Verbs 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 be back (v) ‘I’m leaving now.’ call back (v) يعود ‘What time will you be back?’ عاود االتصال ‘John can’t speak to you now. He will call back later.’ hold (past = held) (v) انتظر على الخط / انتظر على الخط ‘Please hold the line. I'll tell Sgt Harris you are calling.' hold on (past = held on) (v) انتظر/ انتظر 'Do you have change of $20?' 'Hold on. I'll check.' look for (v) يبحث I'm looking for my keys. I can't find them. manage (v) يدير Mr Willis is the boss. He manages the factory. rent (v) = return = call again = wait (on the phone) = wait a minute = search, hunt for = organize, control يستأجر Brad is renting this apartment. It doesn't belong to him. tell (past = told) (v) يقول/ أخبر/ قال/ أخبر I'll tell Sgt Harris that you called. wait (for) (v) = say to someone انتظر Peter waited 20 minutes for the bus. Please wait here. Other words and phrases 23 What time is it? a quarter after / past a quarter till / to half past X minutes after / past X minutes till / to كم هي الساعة وربع إال ربع hour ونصف )و(الدقائق )إال (الدقائق ‘What time is break?’ ‘A quarter past ten.’ I’ll go home at a quarter till eight. The drugstore opens at half past nine. Your lesson will start at ten minutes past seven. Our work day finishes at five minutes to five. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 34 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 24 25 for rent لإليجار These apartments are for rent: $600 a month. from (time) = for hire من Lunch break is from noon till one o’clock. that 29 Vocabulary ذلك 1. Our manager said (that) we could leave early today. that ذلك 2. Would you like this one or that one? 30 31 32 till (time) إال This shop only stays open till twelve on Thursdays. to (time) إال I study English from Sunday to Wednesday. until (time) إال Let’s work until one o’clock and then we’ll eat lunch. = until, to = until, till = to, till On the telephone May I speak to Tom? هل استطيع التحدث مع توم؟ Can you hold the line? هل تستطيع االنتظار على الخط؟ Can I take a message? هل استطع استالم رسالتك ؟ Can he call you back? 33 هل يستطيع معاودة االتصال بك ؟ Hold on, please. انتظر من فضلك He’s not here at the moment. هو غير موجود حاليا He’ll return your call tomorrow. انه سيتصل بك غدا I’d like to leave a message. أود ترك رسالة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 35 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 Grammar 1. Talking about the future with be + going to (L1. Pg.18/20/22) Use be + going to + Verb 1 to talk about a plan for a future action. للحديث عن خططك المستقبليةbe + going to استخدم Positive للتأكيد Subject BE Verb 1 + detail I am He / She / It is We / You / They are going to leave at 7pm. play tennis later. eat fish tonight. going to + Verb 1 Negative للنفي Subject I BE am He / She / It is We / You / They are Verb 1 + detail not going to leave at 7pm. play tennis later. eat fish tonight. Yes /No Questions ال/اسئلة نعم BE Am Subject I Is he / she / it Are we / you they Verb 1 + detail going to leave at 7pm? play tennis later? eat fish tonight? Examples Are you going to watch the match? No, I’m not going to watch the match. Am I going to pass the test? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB Yes, you are going to pass the test. 36 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 2. Grammar Comparatives (L1. Pg.28 /77/79 ) Use comparatives to compare two things, or two groups of things. استخدم المقارنة للمقارنة بين شيئين او مجموعتين من االشياء The black cars are bigger than the red ones. The red cars are smaller than the black ones. Sgt Jones Col Smith Sgt Jones is taller than Col Smith. Col Smith is shorter than Sgt Jones. Rules Adjective Comparative Example One syllable: add -er cheap cheaper A Kia is cheaper than a Porsche. Two syllables ending in –y: remove –y, add -ier early earlier I get up earlier on school days than at the weekend. careful more careful less careful I am more careful than my friend. difficult more difficult less difficult Math is less difficult than English. good better Barcelona are better than Liverpool. bad worse Two syllables or more: add more or less Irregular adjectives I am worse than you at tennis. *Note: use than after the comparative بعد المقارنةthan استخدم:مالحظة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 37 Issue No. 1.0 Pg. 77 Pg. 28 Book 8 3. Grammar verb + to +Verb 1 (L2. Pg.46) After some verbs, use to + Verb 1. to + Verb 1 بعد بعض االفعال استخدم Subject + Verb I We You They like wanted need try learn began are starting remembered forgot He She It The verb can be used in any tense. قد يأتي هذا الفعل في أي زمن + to + Verb 1 + detail likes wanted needs tries is learning began starts remembered forgot to play tennis. speak English. salute the officer. Examples He learned to drive last year. Ahmed and Dave forgot to do their homework. They need to learn it correctly. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 38 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 4. Grammar Possessive pronouns (L2. Pg.56) Whose hat is it? Whose ball is it? It’s mine. It’s hers. لي لها It’s hers Whose dog is it? له Whose jet is it? It’s his. It’s theirs. It’s hers Whose tank is it? لنا It’s ours. لهم Whose flower is it? It’s yours. . لك BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 39 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 5. Grammar Who / Whom Questions using who and whom have the same meaning. تحمل نفس المعنىwhom وwho االسئلة التي تستخدم (L3. Pg.74) Note. *Whom is more formal than who. *Whom is only used when talking about people. و تستخدم عند الحديث عن البشر فقطWho اكثر رسمية منWhom* The 3 sentences below all have the same meaning: To Who am I giving this book to? Whom am I giving this book to? whom am I giving this book? You can put a preposition before whom. e.g. to…, for…, with… whom بإمكانك استخدام حرف جر قبل Note. *When the question is about the object of the verb, there are only 2 ways to make the question. يتم استخدام طريقتين فقط لتكوين السؤال,عندما يكون السؤال عن المفعول به للفعل Who did you see? Whom did you see? Who do you want to call? Whom do you want to call? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 40 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 6. Grammar Superlatives (L3. Pg.77/81) Use superlatives to talk about the ONE thing that is the –est / most / least from a group of things. استخدم المقارنة القصوى لمقارنة شيء واحد مقابل اشياء اخرى Rule Adjective Superlative Example One syllable: add –est cheap the cheapest Kia is the cheapest car. Two syllables ending in –y: remove –y, add -iest easy the easiest My morning class is the easiest one of all. careful the most careful the least careful I am the most careful driver of my friends. difficult the most difficult the least difficult Math is the least difficult subject. good best bad worst Two syllables or more: add most Irregular adjectives Barcelona is the best. I am the worst tennis player. *Note: always use the before the superlative – because you are talking about only one thing. ألنك تتحدث عن شيء واحد فقط, قبل المقارنة القصوىthe دائما استخدم BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 41 Issue No. 1.0 Book 8 7. Grammar May / Might (L3. Pg.85) May and might are modal verbs. Always use Verb 1 after a modal verb. might وmay استخدم الفعل في التصريف االول بعد May and might mean the same. They mean we are not 100% sure. %100 يتم استخدامهم عندما ال نكون متأكدين. لديهم نفس المعنىmight وmay Subject + I / You He / She / It We / They modal + Verb 1 may might need go + detail more money. home early. may / might + Verb 1 1 8. Imperative sentences with tell ) (اخبرTell جمل االمر باستخدام Use tell to give orders to someone else. (L4. Pg.101) إلصدار االوامر لشخص اخرtell استخدم You can use that or remove it.. . او تجاهلهاthat بإمكانك استخدام Positive sentence me / it Tell him / her (that) I will be late. the shop is closed. us / them Negative sentence me / it Don’t tell him / her (that) you forgot my name. us / them BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB I have no money 42 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Vocabulary Lesson 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Nouns account (n) ≠ opposites حساب John has an account at the bank. bill (n) فاتورة I have two $10 bills and one $5 bill in my wallet. card (n) = note بطاقة Use your bank card to take money out of the bank. cash (n) نقدا I don’t have any cash. Can I pay by credit card? checkbook (n) = money دفتر شيكات A checkbook has checks for buying things you need. checking account (n) حساب جاري Bill has his money in a checking account at the bank. credit card (n) بطاقة ائتمانية If you have no cash, you can use a credit card. debit card (n) بطاقة صراف Tim used his debit card to buy groceries at the store. deposit (n) اِيداع I made a deposit of $300 at the bank. form (n) ≠ withdrawal نموذج If you want to open an account, please fill out this form. information (n) معلومات Information about the company is on the website. lemon (n) ليمون Lemons are a yellow fruit. They have a sour taste. passport (n) جواز سفر Jim needed his passport to travel to the USA. savings account (n) 14 = similar meaning A lemon is a fruit. = a document you need to travel abroad حساب ادخار David saved his salary in his savings account. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 43 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 15 16 17 18 Vocabulary signature (n) توقيع I wrote my signature at the bottom of the form. slip (n) )ايصال (فاتورة A slip is a small form you fill out at the bank. wallet (n) محفظة I keep my cash and bankcards in my wallet. withdrawal (n) سحب نقدي Simon made a withdrawal of money from the bank. = something for keeping money in ≠ a deposit Verbs 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 cash a check (v) صرف شيك I cashed a check for $150 at the bank. close an account (v) = give a check to the bank and get money قفل الحساب I closed my account because I had no money in it. complete (v) يكمل I completed a form at the bank to open an account. deposit (v) ايداع Max deposited $400 in his bank account. feel (past = felt) (v) = fill in a form; fill out a form = put money into the bank ≠ withdraw يحس Bruce felt sick in the morning but now he feels better. fill out (v) يكمل/ يملئ The customer filled out a form at the bank. hide (past = hid) (v) = fill in a form; complete a form يخبئ/ خبأ The boy hid in the garden. His mom couldn’t see him. look (v) انظر You look a little tired. Do you want to sit down? lose (past = lost) (v) بفقد Bob lost his bank card so he needs a new one. open an account (v) ≠ find فتح حساب I went to the bank to open an account. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 44 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 save (v) Vocabulary يدخر Steven saves money in his bank account. smell (v) ≠ spend يشم This food smells bad so don’t eat it. sound (v) )يبدو (صوت The music on the radio sounds great. spend (past = spent) (v) يصرف/ صرف They spent all their money on holiday. take (past = took) (v) ≠ save يحمل/ أخذ/حمل I took the train to the airport. take out (of) (past = take out) (v) يسحب نقدا Dan took $50 out of his account. taste (v) = withdraw مذاق The orange juice tastes nice. Can I some more? withdraw (past = withdrew) (v) يسحب نقدا/ َس َح َب نقدا Use an ATM to withdraw money from your account. = take money out of the bank ≠ deposit Other words and phrases 37 38 39 40 41 42 bitter (adj) مر Lemon juice is bitter. immediately (adv) حاال He immediately got his money from the ATM. right away (adv) مباشرة With a credit card you can buy something right away right here = right now, right away = now, immediately ≠ later هنا The bank is right here on the street. safe (adj) آمن The bank is a safe place for your money. salty (adj) ≠ dangerous مالح Potato chips taste salty. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 45 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 43 44 45 soon (adv) Vocabulary قريبا My credit card will arrive in the mail soon. sour (adj) حامض This milk is 6 days old. It tastes sour. sweet (adj) حلو The cookies in the shop taste sweet. Sentences and questions in a bank I’d like to open a bank account. جُمل و أسئلة في البنك أرغب في فتح حساب مصرفي I’d like to make a deposit. ارغب بالقيام بعملية ايداع I’d like to withdraw some money. أرغب بسحب بعض النقود Can I cash this check? 46 هل أستطيع صرف هذا الشيك Please complete this form. الرجاء إكمال هذا النموذج Fill out this withdrawal slip. قم بتعبئة ايصال السحب هذا How do you want your cash? ما هي نوع الفئات النقدية التي تريدها؟ Please sign the check on the back. الرجاء التوقيع خلف الشيك BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 46 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Lesson 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nouns accident (n) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = similar meaning ≠ opposites حادث Tom had an accident. Another car hit his car. auto / automobile (n) سيارة Do you have insurance for your auto/automobile? bicycle / bike (n) = car دراجة A bicycle is easy to ride. cause (n) سبب A careless driver caused the accident. curve (n) انحناء There was a curve in the road - it wasn’t straight. dent (n) صدمة A truck his Dan’s car. Now there is a dent on it. fault (n) 7 Vocabulary = damaged metal خطأ Whose fault was the accident? The accident was my fault. I didn’t look. fine (n) حسنا If you drive too fast, the Police will give you a fine. insurance (n) تأمين After the accident, Bill called the insurance agent. law (n) قانون You shouldn’t break the law. Obey the law. light (n) ضوء اإلشارة The traffic light showed red so John stopped. place (n) مكان The downtown area of the city is a busy place. pole (n) عَمود إنارة Sue had an accident. Her car hit a light pole. police/police officer (n) الشرطة/شرطي If you drive too fast, the police will stop you. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 47 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 15 16 18 19 20 rider (n) Vocabulary قائد دراجة نارية The bike hit a dog. The rider didn’t see it. seat belt (n) حزام األمان The driver wore his seat belt to be safe. ticket (n) = a person who rides a bike = this protects you in a car مخالفة Ed parked in the wrong place so he got a ticket. traffic (n) مرور = cars and trucks on the road There was a lot of traffic on the road. traffic jam (n) ازدحام مروري شديد Joe was late to work because of a traffic jam. = when traffic can’t move Verbs bother (v) 21 22 23 23 25 26 27 28 29 يزعج = annoy = I don’t mind this music. Smoking bothers me. I don’t like it. This music doesn’t bother me. break (past = broke) (v) يكسر/ كسر I fell over and broke my ankle. buckle up (v) يربط حزام االمان Jeff buckled up so he wasn’t hurt in the accident. cause (v) = wear your seat belt. يتسبب He stopped at a green light and caused an accident. cross (v) يقطع الشارع Before you cross the road, look left and right. face (v) يواجه ‘Don’t look at the door. Face the board!’ fasten (v) يربط حزام االمان Tom fastened his seatbelt and started the car. happen (v) يحدث/يحصل The accident happened next to the supermarket. keep on (past = kept on) (v) استمر/ استمر If the road is clear, you can keep on driving. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 48 = not stop, continue Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 30 31 obey (v) يطيع You must obey the police. Obey the law. ride (past = rode) (v) = follow ≠ disobey يقود دراجة/ قاد الدراجة Jim doesn’t have a car so he rides a bike to work. run (past = ran) (v) 32 Vocabulary يجري Jerry was late so he ran to school. run a red light (v) قطع االشارة الحمراء The man ran a red light. Another car hit him. Adjectives & adverbs 33 34 35 careful (adj) حذر/ منتبه Fred is a careful driver. He doesn’t drive fast. careless (adj) غير مهتم/غير مبالي A careless driver is a bad driver. dark (adj) ظلمة ‘Is the color of your car light red?’ ‘No, dark red.’ ≠ careless ≠ careful ≠ light (color) 36 left (adj) يسار There was a dent on the left side of my car. ≠ right 37 light (adj) نور When the light is green you can go. ≠ dark (color) 38 right (adj) يمين The other car hit my car on the right side. ≠ left 39 heavy traffic ازدحام مروري = many cars and trucks on There is heavy traffic at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. the road Other words and phrases 40 41 across (p) الجهة المقابلة The light was green so Tim went across the road. at fault بالخطاء I was at fault for the accident. I didn’t look. behind (p) 42 خلف The children sat in the back of the car, behind their parents. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB I was at fault. = It was my fault. 49 ≠ in front of Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Vocabulary come to a stop / made a stop (p) يتوقف 43 43 44 45 The road was very busy and there was a traffic jam. Cars came to a stop. = to stop in back of (p) = behind ≠ in front of بالخلف I left my wallet on the seat in back of the car. in front of (p) أمام The policeman in front of my car told me to stop. similar to مشابه The weather in Texas is similar to the weather in Saudi Arabia. It’s not very different. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 50 ≠ behind, in back of ≠ different from Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Lesson 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Vocabulary Nouns advice (n) = similar meaning نصيحة I have a problem. Can you give me some advice? feelings (n) ≠ opposites = suggestion احاسيس I don’t want to hurt her feelings. friendship (n) صداقة I enjoy his friendship because he is a nice person. garage (n) كراج سيارة My car had a problem so I took it to a garage. lie (n) كذبة John told a lie. He said something that wasn’t true. opinion (n) = say something untrue ≠ tell the truth رأي In my opinion, you should start exercising. party (n) حفلة I had a party because it was my birthday. roommate (n) شريك السكن في الغرفة Sam is my roommate. We share a room in college. secret (n) سر It’s a secret that Tom’s dad is German. Nobody knows. story (n) قصة Mr Brown reads stories to his children every night. tool (n) أداة Examples: hammer, screwdriver, nail A mechanic needs tools to fix cars.. truth (n) حقيقة A good person always tells the truth. ≠ tell a lie Verbs 13 14 borrow (v) يستعير Len didn’t have any money so he borrowed some. care about (v) ≠ lend يهتم John helps his friends because he cares about them. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 51 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 (1) care for (v) 15 Vocabulary يهتم Mrs Smith cares for her children and husband. = look after (2) not care for (v) = doesn’t like غير مهتم Sue doesn’t care for classical music – she likes hip hop. 16 17 18 19 20 21 could (v) يستطيع ‘I’m bored’. ‘You could go for a walk.’ enjoy (v) يستمتع I enjoy going to restaurants with my friends. fix (v) يصلح I had a problem with my car but the mechanic fixed it. could + Verb 1 = like enjoy + V-ing = repair go out (past = went out) (v) يخرج/ خرج My friends and I go out to movies a lot. guess (v) يخمن ‘Where’s Tim?’ ‘He isn’t here. I guess he’s sick.’ hurt (past = hurt) (v) يجرح I dropped a heavy book on my foot and hurt it. hurt (someone’s) feelings (v) … يجرح احساس 22 23 24 25 26 27 Don’t tell John that you don’t like his new car. You’ll hurt his feelings. lend (past = lent) (v) يعير/ اعار ‘Can you lend me some money? I don’t have any.’ lie (v) يكذب Mark said he was sick. He lied. He was at the mall. park (v) ≠ borrow ≠ tell the truth يوقف السيارة Nick parks his car outside his house, on the street. repair (v) يصلح In a garage, mechanics can repair your car. should (v) يجب You look tired. You should sleep more. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 52 = fix should + Verb 1 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 28 tell (someone) Vocabulary a lie a secret the truth the time a story يكذب سر يقول الحقيقة يقول الوقت يحكي قصة Other words a little white lie 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 كذبة بيضة I told my boss I was sick but it was a little white lie. I was at home watching movies. anyone = not a serious lie اي احد Sally was at home yesterday. She didn’t talk to anyone. badly (adv) بشكل سيئ I didn’t study so I did badly in the test. carefully (adv) بحذر The students reviewed the test carefully. carelessly (adv) دون مباالة/بال اهتمام If you drive carelessly you will have an accident. correctly (adv) بشكل صحيح I completed the test correctly so I graduated. easily (adv) بسهولة The test was not difficult. The students passed easily. excited (adj) ≠ well ≠ carelessly ≠ carefully ≠ incorrectly ≠ with difficulty متحمس James is excited . He’s going on holiday with his family. fast (adj/adv) بسرعة If you drive fast you will get a speeding ticket. how (manner) ≠ slow, slowly كيف ‘How does Jim spend his money?’ ‘Very carefully.’ in my opinion في رأيي In my opinion you should buy a blue car not a red one. maybe ممكن/ربما Eric is absent. Maybe he’s sick today. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 53 ≠ certainly, for sure Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 41 42 43 safely (adv) Vocabulary بشكل آمن William never has accidents because he drives safely. slowly (adv) ببطء ≠ fast, quickly Please drive slowly near the school. someone ≠ dangerously شخص ما Someone is outside my house. Do you know him? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 54 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Lesson 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vocabulary Nouns alarm clock (n) = similar meaning ساعة منبه An alarm clock wakes you up in the morning. baggage (n) شنطة I had a lot of baggage to take to the airport. bath (n) استحمام If you are dirty, take a bath or have a shower. bathtub (n) ≠ opposites a device for waking you up = luggage, cases take + a bath حوض استحمام The bathtub was full of hot water. bill (n) فاتورة John paid the bill after eating in the restaurant. blanket (n) لحاف Des put a blanket on his bed because it was cold. closet (n) خزانة مالبس You can hang your clothes in the closet. end (n) نهاية At the end of the month I didn’t have any money. gas/gasoline (n) بنزين/ وقود Dan is driving to Boston. He has a full tank of gasoline. gas station (n) keeps you warm in bed = cupboard ≠ beginning, start Gasoline is a fuel. محطة بنزين Mark stopped at the gas station and filled up his car. gauge (n) ساعة للقياس The gauge says the tank is empty. Let’s fill up. hanger (n) خزانة تعليق المالبس ( ا )عالقة You can hang your clean shirt on the hanger. lady (n) سيدة The lady at the front desk gave me the key to the room. ladies’ room (n) دورة مياه للسيدات The ladies’ room is over there, next to the kitchen. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 55 = woman = woman’s bathroom / toilet Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 laundry (n) Vocabulary مغسلة مالبس Bill has to do the laundry because his clothes are dirty. men’s room (n) دورة مياه للرجال Eric went to the men’s room and washed his face. motel (n) فندق على الطريق Sgt Smith rented a room at the motel. pillow (n) do + the laundry = men’s bathroom / toilet = a cheap hotel with parking مخدة You can rest your head on a pillow. restroom (n) دورة مياه = bathroom / toilet The restroom was nice and clean. sheet (n) شرشف Mr Williams like to sleep under clean, white sheets. tank (n) خزان The tank is empty. There’s no gas in it. Verbs 22 apologize for something (v) اعتذر عن شيء ما apologize to someone (v) اعتذر لـ شخص ما I apologised to my boss for being late. 23 24 25 26 27 28 bathe (v) اِغتسل/اِستحم I usually have a shower but at the weekend, I bathe. fill up (v) تعبئة The waiter filled up our coffee pot in the restaurant. . = say you are sorry apologize for + V-ing apologize to somebody = take a bath, wash your body = put liquid in a container forgive (past = forgave) (v) يسامح I know I am very late. Please forgive me. hang up (past = hung up) (v) يغلق الهاتف After Sally does the laundry, she hangs up the clothes. hope to (v) يأمل Rick hopes to start a new job next week. mean to (past = meant to) (v) يهدف/ يقصد/ صد َ َق Andrew meant to call his friend but he forgot. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 56 hope + to + Verb 1 = want to, hope to Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 realize (v) Vocabulary استوعب/ فهم/ انتبه = suddenly know Tom realized the tank was empty so he stopped the car. something run out of (past = ran out of) (v) فرغ/ انتهى Bill ran out of money so borrowed some from his dad. spill (v) = have nothing left يسكب خطأ ‘Sorry! I spilled some coffee on the carpet.’ step on (v) وطئ/داس There’s some coffee on the floor. Don’t step on it. take a bath (v) يستحم Some people take a hot bath before bed every day. worry (v) = bathe يقلق ‘I’m sorry – I’m late.’ ‘Don’t worry about it. It’s okay.’ Other words 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 almost تقريبا/ على وشك It’s 6:55. It’s almost time for Lesson 1. empty (adj) فارغ/خالي The classroom is empty. No-one is there. full (adj) ممتلئ The tank was full. 70 liters of gas were in it. hard (adj) قاسي The chairs in school are hard. They’re not comfortable. pleased (adj) سعيد/ مبتهج Fred wasn’t pleased that his friends were late. ready (adj) = nearly ≠ full ≠ empty ≠ soft = happy ≠ annoyed جاهز Ben has his baggage at the door. He is ready to leave. really حقا When he came home from work, he was really hungry. so جدا = very, extremely Jack passed his test. He’s so happy! BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB = very, extremely 57 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 43 44 soft (adj) 46 ناعم/طري This bed is really comfortable. The pillows are so soft! sorry آسف ‘I’m sorry I’m late.’ ‘Don’t worry. It’s okay.’ worried about (adj) 45 Vocabulary ≠ hard = I apologize قلق على Mrs Jones is worried about her children. It’s 11 o’clock and they’re not home yet. Apologies I apologise for being late. I’m sorry I’m late. Please forgive me. Please excuse me. اعتذر اعتذر عن التأخير آسف على التأخير الرجاء سامحني الرجاء اعذرني That’s okay. That’s alright. No problem. Don’t worry about it. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB تستخدم هذه العبارات:مالحظة لالعتذار وهي تحمل نفس المعنى تستخدم هذه العبارات للرد:مالحظة على االعتذار وهي تحمل نفس المعنى 58 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 1. Using present progressive for future (L1. Pg.14) Sometimes, the present progressive describes an action happening now. يتم في بعض االحيان استخدام المضارع المستمر لوصف حدث في الوقت الحالي John is busy. He’s studying for a test. (now) Sometimes, present progressive describes a future plan. و في بعض االحيان يتم استخدام المضارع المستمر لوصف خطط مستقبلية John is taking his test tomorrow. (future plan) You can also use will and going to to talk about future plans. للتحدث عن خطط المستقبلwill وgoing to كما يمكنك ايضا استخدام Sentences will arrive )won’t arrive( is going to arrive )isn’t going to arrive( The General tomorrow. is arriving )isn’t arriving( Questions Will the General Is the General Is the General Don’t forget! I + am Examples arrive going to tomorrow? arrive arriving He /She/It + is tomorrow? tomorrow? We/They/You + are Will you come with me to the bank? No, I won’t come with you. Am I going to pass my test? Yes, you are going to pass. Is Sam coming to the cinema tomorrow? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 59 Sam is coming, yes. Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 2. Using because to connect clauses (L1. Pg.17) Use because connect two clauses. Use because before the clause with the reason for something. . للربط بين جملتينbecause استخدام قبل الجملة التي فيها السببbecause استخدم Why question Teacher: Why are you late? Cadet: I’m late because I was talking to the Officer. Main clause Reason clause I’m late because I was talking to the officer. Yes / No question Ahmed: Are you going to the party later? Fahad: No, I’m not going because I have to study for my test. Answer Reason clause No, I’m not because I have to study for my test.. We can also use because at the start of the sentence (usually when writing). ) في بداية الجملة (تستخدم غالبا في الكتابةbecause يمكنا أيضا استخدام كلمة Because the weather is nice, we will go to the park. Because Reason clause Main clause the weather is nice, we will go to the park. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 60 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 3. Using the past progressive (L2. Pg.33) Use the past progressive to talk about an action that started before a time and continued after. يستخدم الماضي المستمر للتحدث عن حدث في الماضي واستمر بعد ذلك At 4pm Tom was studying. 4pm 3pm Positive Subject I / He She / It You We They BE Tom started studying. Tom stopped studying. Negativ Subject e I / He V-ing was playing tennis. having were Questions 5pm WhWhat When Where Which Why She / It You We They dinner. BE Subject was (Was) I / he she it were (Were) you/ we they Present / Now BE V-ing was not were playing having living tennis. dinner. in Paris. V-ing playing going living tennis? to school? in Paris? Use the past simple to talk about something short that happened in the middle of doing something else (past progressive). يتم استخدام الماضي البسيط في الجملة في الحدث االقصر في منتصف حدث ماضي مستمر أخر Tom was studying when his friend arrived. Tom was studying. 5pm 3pm Present / Now His friend arrived. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 61 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 4. Using should to ask for and give advice (L3. Pg.64) should is a modal verb. Use should to give or ask for advice and suggestions. لطلب او إعطاء نصيحة او اقتراحShould استخدم. من االفعال الناقصةShould يعتبر Should After modal verbs, use Verb 1 Modal verbs استخدم التصريف االول للفعل بعد Sentence Yes / no question Subject Modal I / You / They / We He / She / It should )shouldn’t( Modal Subject Should I / You / They / We He / She / It Verb1 + details arrive early. turn left. Verb1 + details tell the teacher? invite your friend? Tony feels sick. Should he go to work? No. He should see a doctor. 5. Using could to give suggestions (L3. Pg.66) could is a modal verb. Use could to give or ask for possible suggestions. لطلب مقترح أو إعطاء مقترحCould يستخدم.Modal verbs منCould يعتبر Subject I / You / They / We He / She / It After modal verbs, use Verb 1 استخدم التصريف االولModal verbs بعد للفعل Modal Verb1 + details exercise more. could )couldn’t( study harder. I’m bored. You could go to the cinema. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 62 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 6. Adverbs of manner with -ly (L3. Pg.69) Adverbs give us information about a verb. يزودنا الحال بمعلومات عن الفعل Adverb (How did he study?) This is the verb. How you do something كيف تقوم بعمل الشي ء or The cadet studied quietly. How something happens كيف حدث الشي ء It was raining heavily. This is the verb. Adverb (How did it rain?) *Note that we usually add –ly to an adjective to make an adverb. ( للصفة لتحويلها الى حالly) الحظ أننا بالعادة نضيف Examples You should drive carefully. The child excitedly ran and jumped up. The cadet easily passed his test. هادئ حريص خطير متحمس مسالم سريع آ من بطيء Adjective calm careful dangerous excited peaceful quick safe slow Drive slowly in the car park. Adverb calmly carefully dangerously excitedly peacefully quickly safely slowly بشكل هادئ بحرص على نحو خطير بانفعال/بإثارة سلمي بشكل سريع بسالمة/بحذر بشكل بطيء The adverbs for fast and good are different. يتغيرgood وfast الحال في كالً من Arabic سريع جيد Adjective fast good Adverb fast well He drove very fast. verb Arabic بسرعة بشكل جيد He speaks English very well. verb adverb BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 63 adverb Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 7. Modal Review Modals can can may (L3. Pg.80) Purpose Examples talk about ability I can swim for a mile. للتحدث عن القدرة ask for and You can drive to Riyadh in 4 hours. Can/May I use your phone? give permission لطلب أو إعطاء إذن Yes, you can use it. a future plan, or and will be going to may might must have to must not 8. 100% possibility We’ll wash the car tonight. تستخدم للخطط المستقبلية واحتمالية حدوث الشيء express 50% possibility من%50 للتعبير عن االحتمالية say something is necessary or required للتحدث عن شيء ضروري say something is forbidden للتحدث عن شيء ممنوع I am going to leave early. I may go shopping after work. It might rain at the weekend. You must be on time for class. You have to go to work today. You mustn’t smoke inside. After modal verbs, use Verb 1 يستخدم التصريف االول للفعلModal verbs بعد Using adjective + that (L4. Pg.88) Use adjective + that + noun clause so say why someone is sad / sorry, etc. إلخ... متأسف/ سعيد/ مع الجملة اإلسمية للتحدث عن لماذا الشخص حزينthat + استخدم الصفة I’m You’re He’s Adjective Noun clause (subject + verb + …) happy pleased glad sorry angry upset the weather is nice. we have a day off. the shop is open. you arrived on time. (that) Sam is upset that tomorrow is not a day off. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 64 Issue No. 1.0 Book 9 Grammar 9. That noun clause Use that + noun clause after these verbs: (L4. Pg.96) الجملة االسمية بعد االفعال التالية+ that استخدم forget / learn / see / guess / think / read / hear / hope / know / realize / remember / understand Noun clause The weather’s nice today. I think (that) the weather’s nice today. that is optional Examples I realized (that) he was French. I hope (that) you are OK. 10. Using apologize + for + Verb-ing (L4. Pg.98) After apologize, use for + Verb-ing. Verb-ing+ for استخدمapologize بعد Subject apologize I / You We / They He / She / It apologize (to someone) Verb-ing to you for being late. to the teacher for not doing my work. The student apologised for not doing his homework. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 65 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 66 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 67 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 68 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 69 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 70 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2a-VGB 71 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Book 11 Book 12 Book 13 Name: _________________________ Number: __________ Teacher: ____________________ Contents Vocabulary Book 10 Grammar Book 10 Vocabulary Book 11 Grammar Book 11 Vocabulary Book 12 Grammar Book 12 Vocabulary Book 13 Grammar Book 13 Additional vocabulary BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 2 7 12 18 24 29 34 39 43 0 DLI American Language Course Grammar & Vocabulary Issue No. 1.0 نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب Tips on using this booklet ات Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what هذا.استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما تعلمته مع معلمك you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. .الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب االساسي Remember – to really learn the grammar and words here, you must practice using them with your teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know how words are used in sentences, and do this very fast. Memorising a list and translations will not get you a 60 in the ALCPT. عليك ان تمارس استخدامهم مع,تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام,ALCPT في60 حتى تحصل على.معلمك مجرد حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و. و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة,الكلمات في الجمل . ALCPT في اختبار60 ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling, example sentence, similar meaning, opposite or example for a word. , وضعها في جمل,اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة الكلمات . عكسها او مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة,مرادفاتها Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need more words than are in this booklet. Write in more words you learn in the Additional Vocabulary Notes section. تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلماتALCPT في60 حتى تتأكد من الحصول على اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها في قسم.عن ما هو متوفر في هذا الكتيب Additional Vocabulary Notes Key جملة صفة modal verb االفعال الناقصة adverb حال negative نفي clause شبة جملة past participle التصريف الثالث للفعل certainty التأكيد phrasal verb االفعال المركبة command أمر positive إثبات comparative مقارنة possibility اإلحتمالية compound noun اسم مركب purpose الغرض adjective clause conditional شرط present perfect المضارع التام details تفاصيل present perfect progressive المضارع التام المستمر example مثال preposition حرف الجر express تعبير reported speech الكالم المنقول gerund الجواب requests طلب infinitive to-infinitive مجرد separable قابلة للفصل الضمائر المجهولة superlative المقارنة القصوى indefinite pronouns BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 1 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 button/ push button (n) مكبس/ زر 2 candy bar (n) قطعة حلوى 3 chewing gum/gum (n) 4 chip (food) (n) رقائق بطاطس 5 coin return (n) ارجاع عملة 6 cream (n) كريمة 7 detergent (n) مسحوق غسيل 8 diet drink (n) مشروب للحمية 9 drink (s) (n) مشروب = similar meaning ≠ opposites Tom pushed the button to turn the computer on. push + a button John likes eating a candy bar after lunch. You can buyعلكة chewing gum in the vending machine. Bill opened a bag of potato chips. Tom got his change in the coin return. Rob asked for cream for his coffee. = milk Frank washed his uniform with detergent. = soap Diet drinks have no sugar. Some vending machines sell drinks like soda. This is a machine for drying clothes. turn + a knob 10 dryer (n) نشافة/ مجفف Tom put his uniform in the dryer after he washed it. 11 مقبض George turned the knob on the radio. 12 knob (n) lever (n) عتلة Ron pulled the lever to stop the machine. 13 machine ((n) آلة Computers and ACs are different kinds of machines. 14 Peanuts and cashews are kinds of nuts. 20 nut (n) مكسرات opening (n) فُتحة selection (n) اختيار soda / soda pop (n) مشروب غازي time (occasion) (n) مرة tray (n) صحن لوضع المشتريات/ صينية vending machine (n) آلة بيع طعام 21 washing machine (n) غسالة You wash clothes in a washing machine. This is a machine for washing clothes. Cadets are supposed to salute officers. = should be supposed to + V1 15 16 17 18 19 Verbs be (past = was) supposed to + 22 verb (v) عليه ان 23 drop (v) يُسقِط 24 dispense (v) يصر/ يعطي find out (past = found out) (v) 25 عرف/ اكتشف get back (past = got back) (v) يعود 27 insert (v) يُد ِخل 28 lift (v) رفع 29 operate (v) يشغل 30 stick (past = stuck) (v) يعلق/ينشب 31 teach (past = taught) (v)ُدرس ِ ي/ يُعلِم 32 work (v) يشتغل/ يعمل Adjectives/Adverbs 33 another (adj) آخر 34 exact (adj) مضبوط 26 pull + a lever E.g. photocopier, dishwasher, AC Put your money into the opening in the machine. = a small hole Bob made his selection. He chose coffee with milk. = choice Sodas are sugary drinks. Don’t drink a lot of them. John is sad because he failed the test two times. = occasion Frank put paper into the tray in the copy machine. Tom bought a soda from the vending machine. Frank dropped his coins on the floor. That machine dispenses soda and candy bars. = give out Mike found out he passed the test. He's very happy. = discover Sam left home at 7am. He got back in the evening. = returned Will inserted his credit card in the ATM. = put into I can’t lift this box. It’s very heavy! It’s easy to operate a dryer. Just push the button. = use I can’t take the key out. It’s sticking in the lock. Mr Jones taught his daughter to drive. This machine isn’t working. Can you fix it? Tim had a car but he bought another one. = one more Please make sure you have exact change. 35 exactly (adv) تماما/ بالضبط 36 favorite (adj) finally (adv) last (adj) مفضل Pizza is my favorite food. I like it very much. = same = precisely ≠ approximately =the one I like the best أخيرا First, insert $1, ../ Then, … / Finally, take your drink. = lastly االخير My last lesson today is math. Then, I’ll go home. = final 37 38 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB The meal cost exactly $13.68. 2 ≠ first Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Vocabulary 39 lastly (adv) ختاما/ اخيرا Lastly, Ted brushes his teeth before he goes to bed. = finally 40 popular (adj) stuck (adj) محبوب/ ذا شعبية Avatar is a very popular movie. Many people like it. John’s car got stuck in the sand. He can’t get it out. = well liked = unable to move The cadets eat lunch after class. ≠ before Rob brushed his teeth before shaving. ≠ after There are hundreds of hotels. They are everywhere. ≠ nowhere There was no soda, so Ron had some tea. = out of/none The store was out of milk so I bought some juice. = no more left I couldn’t get any cash - the ATM was out of order. = not working 41 مغرز/عالق Other words and phrases 42 after بعد 43 before قبل 44 everywhere كل مكان 45 no ال يوجد 46 out of خلص/ شيء نفذ 47 out of order متعطل 48 until حتى 49 when عندما/ متى 50 while اثناء/ بينما Lesson 2 Nouns 1 adult (n) بالغ 2 cafeteria (n) كافتيريا 3 clothing store (n) متجر مالبس 4 department store (n)متجر متعدد االقسام ≠ firstly Please stay in the class until the bell rings. The students sat down when the teacher arrived. Bud worked in the garden while his wife cooked. = similar meaning ≠ opposites Tim is 21 years old. He is an adult. = grown up ≠ child Bill has his breakfast in the cafeteria. Hank went to the clothing store to buy a suit. Rose bought many things at the department store 5 discount store (n) متجر تخفيضات Prices are low in a discount store. 6 مصعد Tom took the elevator to the 92nd floor. درج كهربائي Stan took the escalator to the 3rd floor. = moving staircase 8 elevator (n) escalator(n) floor (n) = a shop with cheap things = lift طابق Phil’s office was on the 13th floor of the building. 9 introduction (n) عرض/ مقدمة We use introductions when we meet new people. 10 مركز تسوق There are many shops in the mall. 11 mall (n) neighbor(n) =story e.g. ‘This is …’ , ‘Let me introduce ’ = shopping center جار Hank lived next to me. He was my neighbor. 12 neighborhood (n) حي 7 Sam likes his neighborhood. It’s safe and quiet. = the area in a city near your house = car park Mike parked his car in the parking lot. parking lot (n) موقف سيارة 14 rule (n) Students must come on time. That’s the rule. قانون 15 shop (n) Cindy bought bread in a shop next to the bank. = store محل 16 shopping center (n) مركز تسوق Most cities have many shopping centers. = mall 17 stairs (n) The escalator isn’t working. Use the stairs. درج 18 supermarket (n) بقالة/ متجر Monica bought some food at the supermarket. = a large grocery 19 supper (n) John had some soup for supper. = a late dinner وجبة في الليل 20 variety (n) The store had a large variety of fruit. = different kinds تشكيلة/ تنوع Verbs 21 decide (v) George decided to have to fish for supper. يقرر. 22 introduce (v) ‘Let me introduce you to my cousin. Fred, this is ...’ يعرف 23 let (past =let) (v) يسمح Mrs Smith lets her children play in the street. = allow 24 mind (v) I don’t mind hot weather but I mind hot food! = it bothers me يمانع 25 receive (v) I sent you an email last week. Did you receive it? = get يستقبل 26 shook (past= shake) (v) يصافح People in America shake hands when they meet. 27 shop (v) Many people shop on the weekends. = go shopping يتسوق 28 write down (past=wrote down) (v) كتب/ دون Call me later. Write down my phone number. 13 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 3 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Vocabulary Other words and phrases 29 afraid of خائف من 30 alone وحيد 31 down اسفل 32 downstairs الطابق السفلي 33 everybody / everyone 34 go shopping الذهاب للتسوق 35 polite (adj) مؤدب 36 politely (adv) بشكل مؤدب 37 up اعلى 38 upstairs الطابق العلوي 39 It’s a pleasure to meet you. 40 It’s nice/good to meet you. Lesson 3 Nouns 1 air (n) 2 cover (n) The little boy is afraid of the dark. = scared of Bob went to Boston alone. No-one went with him. = by himself It’s easier to walk down a hill than up a hill. ≠ up Josh went downstairs to the basement. ≠ upstairs My family went الجميع / شخص كلto the beach. Everybody swam. ≠ no-one/no body Mrs. Jones likes to go shopping. = shop Floyd is always polite when he talks to his boss. = respectful Always speak politely to your teacher. ≠ rudely Look up - there’s a big plane in the sky. ≠ down Tess went upstairs to her bedroom. ≠ downstairs ≠ rude سررت للقائك سررت للقائك = similar meaning ≠ opposites هواء Jim put some air in his tires. غطاء A cover goes over something, for example a spare tire. A hubcap covers a wheel. A key is for locking a door. 3 hubcab (n) غطاء اطار السيارة Judy removed the hubcab from the wheel. 4 key (n) مفتاح John used a key to open his front door. 5 صامولة الكفر Henry loosened the lug nuts to change the tire. صامولة Bill tightened the nuts on the wheel. He used a wrench. 7 lug (nut) (n) nut (n) tire (n) اطار السيارة Tires are black. We put them on wheels. = tyre 8 trunk (n) شنطة السيارة Ron put his groceries in the trunk of the car. We put luggage and the spare wheel in the trunk. 6 wheel (n) عجله. 10 wrench (n) مفتاح العجل Verbs 11 can (v) يقدر 12 could (v) قدر 13 cover (v) يغطي 14 hand out (v) يمرر/ يسلم 15 hurry / hurry up (v) 16 inflate (v) ينفخ بالهواء 17 jack up (v) )يرفع ( بالرافعة 18 keep (past = kept) (v) 19 loosen (v) يحرر/ يفكك 20 lower (v) يُ ْن ِزل 21 mind (v) يمانع 22 pass out (v) يوزع/ يمرر 23 raise (v) يرفع 9 A motorcycle has one wheel but a car has four. Dave used the wrench to loosen the nuts. = spanner Can I use your car tomorrow please? Could you please help me? Mrs Smith covered her children with a blanket. It was hot so Sgt Smith handed out bottles of water. = distribute, give out Hurry up Harry, يسرعwe’re going to the BX. The tire was flat so Tom inflated it. = put air in Sam jacked up the car. Then, he changed the tire. Bob keeps all his old tires. / My coat keeps me warm. يحتفظ Tom loosened the nut. Then, he took it off. ≠ tighten After you put the new tire on, lower the car. ≠ raise I don’t mind working at the weekend. = It bothers me. The teacher passed out the quiz to the students. = give out, distribute Sgt Jones used the jack to raise the car off the ground. = lift up ≠ lower 24 remove (v) ي ُْخ ِرج Bill removed some money from his wallet. = took off/ took out 25 replace (v) tighten (v) will (v) would (v) يستبدل Suzie lost her friend’s book so she replaced it. = change يربط/ يشد Lee put the new wheel on and tightened the nuts. ≠ loosen سوف 'Will you lend me five dollars, please?' 'Of course.' 'Would you help change my tire?' 'Sure.' 26 27 28 هل لك ان BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 4 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Vocabulary Other words and phrases 29 certainly بالتأكيد 30 common (adj) شائع 31 enough (adj) كافي 32 extra (adj) زيادة 33 flat (adj) فارغ من الهواء 34 in a hurry (adj) بسرعة 35 loose (adj) غير مشدود/محلول 36 of course بالتأكيد 37 quick (adj) بشكل سريع 39 quickly (adv) بسرعة 40 spare (adj) احتياط/ اضافي 41 the back (of) خلفية الـ 42 the front (of) مقدمة الـ 43 tight (adj) مشدود ‘Can you give me a ride to work?’ ‘Certainly.’ = of course, sure A hammer is a common tool. Many people have one. ≠ uncommon Did you have enough time to finish your quiz? = sufficient ≠insufficient I was hungry so I ate an extra hamburger. = more, another My tire is flat - I need to inflate it. = deflated ≠ inflated John was in a hurry because he was late for work. = hurry John’s pants are loose. He needs a smaller size. ≠ tight ‘Can I turn off the AC please?’ ‘Of course! No problem.’ = certainly, sure Bill’s journey home was quick – it only took 30 minutes. = fast ≠ slow Tom was late for work so he walked quickly. = fast ≠ slowly John lost his glasses so used his spare ones. = extra The trunk is at the back of my car. ≠ front The front of Tom’s car hit a wall. The lights are broken. ≠ back My uniform is tight – I need a bigger one. ≠ loose = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 4 Nouns 1 Sam read an interesting article in today's newspaper. article (n) مقال 2 My mother's sister is my aunt. aunt (n) عمه/ خاله 3 My brother’s wife had a baby girl. Her name is Kate. baby (n) طفل 4 Mr Hill is the boss. He gives instructions to the workers. = manager boss (n) رئيس 5 Tom's father has a small business - a computer shop. business (n) أعمال 6 businessman / businesswoman (n) رجل أعمال/ امرأة اعمالMost businessmen wear a suit to work. 7 A cashier takes your money is a supermarket. cashier (n) كاشير/ محاسب 8 Mike has a large collection of stamps. collection (n) مجموعة 9 My uncle works for a large company which makes cars. = business company (n) شركة 10 cousin (n) My uncle has three children. They are my cousins. ابن عم او خال 11 dentist (n) My tooth hurts. I need to go to a dentist. دكتور اسنا 12 driver (n) Sara doesn't drive. So a driver takes her to work. سائق 13 folks (n) = parents My folks live in Texas. I visit them every month. الوالدين 14 grandfather (n) My grandfather’s name is Dick. جد 15 grandmother (n) جده My grandmother is 89 years old. 16 grandparent (n) الجدان My grandparents live in a big house near our house. 17 مجلة George likes reading football magazines. زواج John and Sue had their marriage in the summer. ابن االخ او االخت My brother has a son called Sam. He is my nephew. اخبار Did you heard the news? Real Madrid won the game! جريدة My father likes reading the newspaper in the morning. ابنة االخ او االخت My brother has a daughter. She's my niece. 23 magazine (n) marriage (n) nephew (n) news (n) newspaper (n) niece (n) occupation (n) وظيفة 'What's his occupation?' 'He's a dentist.' 24 parent (n) والدان Bob’s parents are nice. His father is very kind. 25 relative (n) اقارب Bob borrows money from relatives – but not friends. 18 19 20 21 22 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 5 = grandfather and grandmother = wedding = job =mother and father, folks Examples: mother, sister, uncle, cousin Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Vocabulary salesman / saleswoman / sales person (n) بائع بائعة بائع 27 secretary (n) سكرتير 28 uncle (n) خال/ عم 29 work (n) عمل 30 writer (n) كاتب Verbs be able to (past = was able to ) 31 26 The salesman tried to sell Tom a new car. Mrs Brown is a secretary for a boss in a big company. My mom’s brother is my uncle Mike. My uncle is a dentist. He loves his work. Stephen is a writer. He writes articles and books. (v) كان قادراً على I was able to run 10 miles when I was young. يجمع Dan collects old mobile phones. He has 250! يتزوج Sam loved Sarah. He married her last year. 34 collect (v) marry (v) own (v) يملك My dad owns two cars. He bought them 10 years ago. 35 take (past =took) (v) 32 33 type (v) )يكتب ( على لوحة مفاتيح 37 work on (v) يعمل على Other words and phrases 36 1. يأخذTaxi drivers take people from place to place. 2. 'يستغرقHow long did the journey take?' 'It took 4hours’ Secretaries type letters and reports. My dad likes to work on his car at the weekend. 38 about (prep) عن/ بخصوص The distance from Houston to Dallas is about 250 miles. 39 famous (adj) مشهور Messi is a famous footballer. Everyone knows him. 40 far (adj) بعيد France is far from the USA but Canada is near. 41 42 from (place/position) get married يتزوج 43 how 44 it 45 married (adj) pleasant (adj) single (adj) 46 47 كيف لإلشارة الى شيء غير محدد (1) = bring (2) = It lasted 4 hours. = approximately ≠ exactly, precisely = well-known = a long way ≠ near, close Today I walked from the school to the bank. من Peter got married after he finished college. 'How's the weather in Paris?' 'Nice and sunny.' 'How's the family?' 'They're all fine, thanks.' ≠ get divorced 'How far is it to Abha?' 'It takes 1 hour to get there.' متزوج Sally is married but her sister is still single. ≠ single معتدل/ رائع The weather was pleasant - not too hot and not too cold. = nice ≠ unpleasant اعزب He wasn’t married. He was single. ≠ married BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 6 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Grammar 1. How + to-infinitive (Verb 1) (L1 pg.12) [ to-infinitive = to + Verb 1 (to march, to learn, to drive) ] .) هنا ليس للسؤال لذلك ال يوجد عالمة استفهامHow استخدم هذه الصيغة لتوضح للطرف االخر كيف يقوم بفعل معين ( الحظ استخدام Today, I want to teach you how to march. Yesterday, he showed us how to salute. Examples knows Sue 2. showed me taught Kevin how to make a cake. BE supposed + to-infinitive (L1 pg.18) Be supposed to means the same as must, have to, or should. Be not supposed to means the same as must not, may not, or should not. Remember: ‘be’ = am/is/are in the present ‘be’ = was/were in the past Examples 3. You’re supposed to help your mother today. He’s not supposed to smoke in here. They weren’t supposed to park there. Clauses of time (before/after/when/while/until) (L1 pg.24) Use these words at the start of a sentence or between clauses. When you use them at the start of a sentence, always use a comma between clauses. . دائما ضع فاصلة بين العبارتين, عندما ت ستخدمها في بداية الجملة.استخدم هذه الكلمات في بداية الجملة او بين عبارتين Examples Tina went to the shop before she met her friend. After my father finished his dinner , he fell asleep. clause 1 clause 2 comma Tom washed his hair while Alison brushed her teeth. Until he does his homework, he’s not going out. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 7 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Grammar 4. Adjective + to-infinitive (L2 pg. 39) After the adjectives sorry, upset, happy, pleased, glad, ready, and afraid, use to-infinitive (to-Verb1). is Tim afraid to walk home alone. pleased to see him. glad to be here? isn’t was Karen wasn’t Are you Examples I am sorry to hear that. adjective 5. infinitive He was upset to see his family leave. We are happy to help you. Ted wasn’t ready to go home. Verb + gerund (Verb-ing) (L2 pg. 48) After the verbs begin, enjoy, like, mind, start, finish, and stop, use a gerund (Verb-ing). .ing بعد هذه االفعال ضع فعال اخر مضافا له enjoys Paul walking in the park. doesn’t enjoy started Mary writing her book. didn’t start Does Steve 6. mind taking me to work? Prepositions of location (L2 pg.54) امام بجانب The car park is across from the barracks. The telephone is by the window. تحت His shoes are under the bed. (One thing is under another thing) اسفل من Other examples خلف The stairs are in back of the building. امام The escalator is in front of the shoe store. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 8 They live on the floor below us. (One thing is in a lower position than another.)r thing) Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Grammar 7. Would and could for polite requests للطلب بشكل مهذب (L3 pg.70) Would you…? and Could I / you …? are more polite than will and can. can وwill تعتبر اكثر لباقة منCould I / you …? وWould you…? Excuse me, would you help me, please? Certainly. I’d be glad to. Examples Requests Answers Can I borrow your pen? Sure, you can. Here it is. No, you can’t. I need it. Will you open the door please? Of course, I will. Sorry, I can’t. My hands are full. Could you drive me to the bank? Certainly. I’d be glad to. Sorry, I can’t today. I’m busy. Would you help me with these bags? Yes, I’ll be happy to help you. I’d like to but I can’t right now. 8. Reported speech (using said and asked) (L3. pg.78) We use reported speech to describe what someone else commands or requests. A. Positive commands االوامر التأكيدية نستخدم صيغة الكالم المنقول للتعبير عن طلبات او اوامر شخص اخر Officer: Remember cadets - study hard. Cadet 1: What did he say? Cadet 2: He said to study hard. He said Study hard. to study hard. add ‘say’ in the past change verb to to-infinitive B. Negative commands. النهي Officer: Don’t walk on the grass. Cadet 1: What did he say? Cadet 2: He said not to walk on the grass. He said Don’t walk on the grass. not to walk on the grass. add ‘say’ in the past change don’t to not to BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 9 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Grammar C. Requests الطلب Officer: Will you stop talking, please? Cadet 1: What did he ask you? Cadet 2: He asked me to stop talking. Could you stop talking, He asked me to stop talking. add ‘ask’ in the past changes to to-infinitive change pronoun you 9. please? me Present simple tense to talk about the future (L3 pg.84) Use the present simple tense and future time phrases to talk about a future action, which is planned or scheduled. .استخدم زمن المضارع البسيط مع عبارات تشير للمستقبل للتعبير عن احداث مستقبلية مخطط لها او مجدوله سلفا Present simple to talk about the future finishes The class will finish is going to finish at 10.55. is finishing These all mean the same – future plans and schedules جميع ما ذكر يعني نفس الشي – خطط مستقبلية و مجدولة Examples 10. The bus will arrive at 10.00am The bus arrives at 10.00am. The General is having dinner at 7pm tonight The General has dinner at 7pm tonight. It as the subject of a sentence (L4 pg.97) It can be used as the subject of a sentence about time, weather, temperature, and distance. . درجة الحرارة او المسافة,الجو, قد تستخدم كفاعل في الجملة بديال عن الوقتIt Examples What time is it? It’s 10.30. What day is it? It’s Monday. What’s the date today? It’s April 23rd. What’s the weather like today? It’s hot and sunny. How far is Dammam to Riyadh? It’s about 500kms. How long does it take to drive to Jeddah? It takes 12 hours by car. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 10 Issue No. 1.0 Book 10 Grammar 11. BE able to (L4 pg.106) Be able to means can, but it’s more formal. و لكنها اكثر رسمية,can تعنيbe able to Past Present Future He was able to lift 50kgs. He wasn’t able to lift 60kgs. The boys are able to swim in the river. The boys aren’t able to ride a horse. I will be able to pass the test next month. I won’t be able to visit my uncle next week. Examples I can do 50 sit-ups. Babies can’t talk. Can you hear us? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB I’m able to do 50 sit-ups. Babies aren’t able to talk. Are you able to hear us? 11 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 ache (n) آلم/ وجع = similar meaning ≠ opposites William has an ache in his arm. = pain = a time to visit someone 2 appointment (n) موعد 3 18 Joe put his heavy pack on his back and left the room. back (n) ظهـر Steven stopped playing tennis because of backache. backache (n) آلم بالظهر Sara saw her doctor for a checkup two weeks later. checkup (n) فحص طبي Ben had a bad cough so Dr Smith checked his chest. chest (n) صدر Ali is sick. He has a cold. cold (n) نزلة برد When you have a bad cough, you should stay in bed. cough (n) كحة/ سعال There is a dot above an “i” and a “j”. dot (n) نقطة My earache is very painful! I can't hear anything. earache (n) التهاب في األذن I need to see a doctor right away – it’s an emergency. emergency (n) حالة طارئة examination / exam (n) فحصCadets need a medical exam before they join RSAF. fever (n) ارتفاع حرارة الجسم/ حمىHe has a fever so he did not go to school today. Bill can't study or read because he has a headache. headache (n) صداع The table is 35 inches high. inch / inches (n) بوصة Please cut the cake from the middle. middle (n) منتصف My friend is a nurse at the City Hospital. nurse (n) ممرضة Pam fell down yesterday and has a pain in her leg. pain (n) آلم 19 patient(n) مريض Rachael is a new patient of Doctor Welby. 20 physical (n) فحص بدني The doctor does physicals on Tuesday and Thursday. 21 مشكلة Jack asked his friend to help him with his problem. 22 problem (n) sneezing (n) عطسة Lots of sneezing can make other people sick. 23 stomach (n) معدة After eating the chicken, Hamza’s stomach was full. Your food goes into your stomach. 24 stomach ache(n) ألم في/مغص Paula ate five bananas and then got stomach ache. = pain in the stomach 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 25 26 المعدة symptom (n) اعراض المرض temperature (n) ارتفاع درجة الحرارة Verbs 27 ache (v) يؤلم/ يوجع Tom made an appointment to see a doctor. make it (past = made it (v) تمكن من/ فعلهاWe weren’t late – we made it to class on time. 34 He runs in the park every morning, before work. run (past = ran) (v) يركض run a temperature (past = ran) (v) سخونةPlease call Dr Jones – Fred is running a 37 temperature. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 1 inch = 2.54cm. = center Nurses help doctors. = ache = a sick person visiting a doctor or hospital = when a doctor checks your body = something is wrong 1. He caught a cold. Now he is sick. يُصاب 2. He caught the ball in one hand. يلتقط opened. see (past = saw) (v) يرى sneeze (v) يعطس = a pain in your head = hurt 33 36 = high body temperature The cadets’ legs ached after the 10km run. come in (past = came in (v) يحضر الى The general came in to our classroom today. Your neck connects your head with your body. connect (v) يوصل Tom coughs a lot because he smokes. cough (v) كحة get there (past = got there) (v) يصل الى هناكWe got there at noon, before the cafeteria 35 = test = how hot your body is 29 32 = pain in the ear Her daughter has a very high temperature today. catch (past = caught) (v) 31 = a visit to a doctor John is sick. His symptoms are a fever and sneezing. 28 30 = pain in your back = enter, arrive = join, put together = arrive = arrive on time ≠ be late = go very quickly = to have a high body temperature The classroom is dark. I can't see the board. Cover your nose when you sneeze. 12 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Vocabulary Adjectives annual (adj) 38 39 40 41 سنوي Brandon’s annual vacation is in August. horizontal (adj) افقي parallel (adj) متماثل/ موازي Serena's notebook has many horizontal lines. perpendicular (adj) The paper had two parallel lines. متعامدان 42 regular (adj) منتظم/ معتاد 43 runny (adj) يسيل vertical (adj) عامودي 44 = once every year = going straight up at a 90 degree angle Bo’s regular cafeteria was closed so he ate at home. = usual, normal Zak has a runny nose and a fever. He has a bad = water coming from cold. nose Joe added a perpendicular line. Melanie drew a vertical line in her notebook . = going straight up Other words and phrases = from sometime in the past, until now = any more (this time is finished) = any longer (this time is finished) 45 still ال يزال Marian isn't at home. She's still at school. 46 any longer بعد االن He isn’t living with his parents any longer 47 anymore بعد االن I am not working in Dallas anymore. 48 How about…? ماذا عن How about going for a coffee on Thursday evening? = Do you want to…? / Let's ... / What about ...? 49 في 'Hello. Is Dave in?' 'Sorry, he's not. He's still at work.' ≠ out 50 in out بالخارج General Jackson is out visiting a different base today. ≠ in 51 since منذ He has been an air force cadet since October. = from a time in the past to now 52 sometime then بعض االحيان Maybe I will travel to Italy sometime. ثم Your appointment is at 3pm – we will see you then. 53 Lesson 2 Nouns 1 caution (n) حذر = at that time = similar meaning Use caution when you drive at night. = care ≠ opposites 2 crossing (n) تقاطع/ معبر Children should always use a pedestrian crossing. = where pedestrians cross the street 3 instructor (n) intersection (n) معلم/ مدرب My instructor taught me how to drive carefully. = teacher At the intersection, look in all directions. = where two roads cross مسار Always drive in the correct lane. 6 lane (n) mind (n) ذهنك/ تركيزك Concentrate – keep your mind on your driving! 7 pedestrian (n) مشاة Pedestrians should always use the sidewalk. 8 railroad crossing (n) 9 right-of-way (n) حق العبور/ حق المرور 10 sidewalk (n) رصيف مشاة Walk on the sidewalk, not the road. 11 sign (n) لوحة مرورية That sign means stop. That sign means turn left. 12 signal (n) اشارة John used a signal to tell his friends to stop. 13 speed (n) سرعة Be careful of your speed in the city. = how fast something is 13 Issue No. 1.0 4 5 تقاطع طرق تقاطع سكة حديد BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB Wait at the railroad crossing until the train left. If you have right-of-way, don’t stop. = a person walking in the street = where a road crosses a railroad = we can go; other drivers must wait = gives information or directions Examples: hand signals, light signals Book 11 Vocabulary The speed limit in towns is lower than highways. 14 speed limit (n) 15 To change direction, turn the steering wheel. 16 steering wheel (n) عجلة القيادة stop sign (n) عالمة قف 17 turn (n) For the cinema, take the next turn on the right. السرعة المحددة لفه way (n) طريق Verbs 19 become (past = became) (v) 18 moving = the fastest you may drive We waited at the stop sign and then turned right. Look both ways at the crossing before you cross. Examples: a left turn, a right turn = directions Tracy wants يصبحto become a teacher. = be in the future 20 confuse (v) يربك/ يحير Too much traffic confuses me when I drive. 21 fail (to) (v) يفشل I failed to call my sister – I completely forgot! 22 The angry driver flashed his lights at me. I followed him because I didn’t know the way. = go after Harry got three speeding tickets in one week! = receive 25 flash (v) وميض/ نور مفاجئ follow (v) يتبع get (past = got) (v) يحصل mean (v) يعني = not understand what to do = not do something that you should = to shine light quickly 26 pass (v) يتجاوز I passed many trucks on the way to New Jersey. 27 pull over (v) يوقف جانبا The police told me to pull over to check my ID. 28 signal (v) يؤشر In some countries, drivers never signal. 29 30 slow down (v) يخفف السرعة speed up (past = sped up) (v) يزيد 31 yield (v) 23 24 السرعة يسمح للغير Adjectives and adverbs 32 cautious (adj) احتراس/ حذر 33 cautiously بحذر ‘What does this word mean’? ‘Sorry, I don’t know.’ George slowed down at the big intersection. =move in front of someone/something = stop at side of road = show they will go left or right = go more slowly It is dangerous to speed near a school. = go faster, go too fast Drivers on small roads have to yield to drivers on more important roads. = let other drivers go first Always be cautious when you cross the road. = careful Jonathan crossed the highway cautiously. = carefully = not know where you are = anxious ≠ relaxed = calm ≠ nervous, anxious = traffic goes in only one direction = traffic goes in both directions 34 lost (adj) يضيع عن الوجهه/يتوه I got lost when I first visited London. 35 nervous (adj) معصب Dave was very nervous before his test. 36 relaxed (adj) مسترخي Ben felt relaxed after his exam was finished. 37 one-way (adj) اتجاه واحد You can only turn left – the street is one-way. 38 two-way (adj) مسارين/ اتجاهين Most modern streets are two-way. Other words 39 ahead (adj) المقدمة/ في االمام 40 ahead of امام الـ 41 anybody أي احد ً مقدما 42 in advance miles per hour (m.p.h.) / miles 43 an hour ميل بالساعة 44 no one ال احد 45 nobody ال احد BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB ‘Where’s Tom?’ ‘ He’s about 100m ahead – look.’ = in front ≠ behind He walked fast – he went ahead of his friends. = in front of ≠ behind Anybody could have an accident. = any person You must pay for the hotel in advance. = before Remember, the speed limit here is 70m.p.h! = how fast you can go No one was absent yesterday. = no person Nobody failed the test last week. They all passed! = no person 14 ≠ later Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Vocabulary 46 47 48 49 somebody that which who شخص ما Somebody had an accident in my town last night. ذلك People want jobs that are interesting. )من ( لـ غير العاقل This is the key which opens my apartment door. من A nurse is a person who helps doctors. Lesson 3 Nouns 1 brake (n) مكابح السيارة/فرامل 2 bug (n) حشرة 3 charge (n) يكلف 4 credit (n) رصيد في الحساب/ائتمان 5 engine (n) محرك 6 fly (n) ذبابة 7 grease (n) زيت تشيحم 8 guarantee (n) مضمون 9 hose (n) خرطوم مياه 10 leak (n) تسرب 11 motor (n) محرك 12 noise (n) ازعاج 13 oil (n) زيت 14 part (n) قسم/ جزء 15 refund (n) استرجاع المبلغ = a person = similar meaning ≠ opposites Use your brake to help you slow down or stop. = makes the car stop Dan found a bug in his salad. He didn’t eat it. = insect ‘What is the charge for a haircut, please?’ = cost, price ‘Only $11.’ Lucy bought her car on credit from the company. = money we can pay later Smoke is coming from the engine of our car. = motor There are many flies on farms = bug, insect Tim put some grease on the bicycle brakes. The work on this car has a 90-day guarantee. = promise it will be ok I use my hose to clean my car and water my plants. This hose has a leak. We must replace it. = a hole with water coming out This can go very fast – it has a big motor. = engine These cadets are making too much noise. = lots of sound You should change the oil in your car every 6 months. Katherine bought some new parts for her bicycle. = piece His new phone broke so he got a refund. 16 sales slip (n) 17 satisfaction (n الرضى Jim likes his job. He gets a lot of satisfaction from it. 18 service (n) خدمه Your car needs a full service every six months. يعدل/ يصلح I’m taking my car to the garage – it needs a tune-up. = money given back = paper showing you paid for something = feeling happy = a mechanic will check the car = a good service تكلفة The barber charged me $10 to cut my hair. = ask someone to pay The company credited $500 to Susan’s account. = add money to an account The jacket is too small, so I will exchange it. = change for a different one tune-up (n) Verbs 20 charge (v) credit (v) 19 21 22 exchange (v) فاتورة الشراء يودع في البطاقة تبديل ‘Here is your sales slip’, said the shop assistant. give back (past = gave back) (v) يرجعDon’t forget to give back the tools that you borrowed. = return 24 grease (v) You should grease the brakes every three months. يُشحم/ يزيت 25 guarantee (v) Our company guarantees these tires for 12 months. = promise that it will be ok يضمن 26 leak (v) This bottle is leaking– the floor is all wet! = water coming out يسرب 27 oil (v) You should oil your bicycle wheels every month. زيت 28 refund (v) The company will refund you if you are not satisfied. = give money back يرجع المبلغ 29 satisfy (v) We give excellent service to satisfy our customers. = make happy يرضى 30 stall (v) My engine stalled six times on my way to work today. = stops working يتعطل 31 tune up (v) My mechanic will tune-up my car next Saturday. تصليح 32 warm up (v) Warm up your engine in winter before you drive. يحضر/ يسخن Adjectives 33 dissatisfied (adj) غير راضي Mr Jackson was dissatisfied with the bed at his hotel. = not happy 34 greasy (adj) The greasy food in the cafeteria gave me stomachache. = oily دهني 35 leaky (adj) The roof of my house is leaky. I must repair it. = letting water in يتسرب 23 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 15 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Vocabulary noisy (adj) مزعج 37 oily (adj) مزيت/ زيتي 38 satisfied (adj) راضي 39 unhappy (adj) غير سعيد Other words 40 on sale تخفيضات 41 too جدا 43 sharpen (v) يحد/ يسنن/ يبري 44 stop (v) يقف 45 turn (v) لف/ أدار 46 turn off (v) يطفيء 47 turn on (v) يشغل الجهاز 48 will (v) سوف 49 won’t / will not (v) لن Other words and phrases 50 first (adj) االول 51 from (adj) من in (10 minutes/ an hour/ a 52 year) (adv) في 53 next to (adj) بعد 54 off مقفل 36 55 on 56 one-way (adj) اتجاه واحد push-button اضغط الزر round-trip (adj) رحلة ذهاب وإياب together سويا tonight الليلة 57 58 59 60 Lesson 4 Nouns 1 cards (n) ورق لعب/ بطاقات 2 channel (n) قناة 3 commercial (n) اعالن تجاري 4 dish (n) طبق The class was very noisy so the teacher was angry. = being loud I don’t like oily food – it’s not healthy. Pam was very satisfied with her new clothes. = happy Mia was unhappy when her son failed a school exam. = sad New bicycles are on sale today – I’ll buy two! I didn’t sleep last night. I am too tired to study. = with a lower price = more than is good Use a pencil sharpener to sharpen your pencil. Can you stop at the store? We need some eggs Turn the doorknob to open the door. I turned off all the lights before I left the house. = switch on ≠turn on Bob turned on the TV to watch the football game. = switch off ≠ turn off I will meet you at the airport tomorrow. ≠ will not/ won’t Jim is sick. He won’t be at work today. ≠ will January is the first month of the year. ≠ last Diana wants to fly from San Antonio to Chicago. Fred is a student. He’ll finish school in two years. = (an hour) from now; after (an hour) There is a towel next to the sink. = beside ‘Is the radio on?’ ‘No, it’s off.’ (1) I will see you on Monday. في (2) The TV is not on. It is off. يعمل (3) Bob talked to his mother on the phone. على Bill bought a one-way ticket. He won’t come back. ≠ on ≠ off ≠ round-trip There is a push-button telephone in the hotel room. I need a round-trip ticket from Chicago to New York. ≠ one-way My family and I will eat together this weekend. ≠ alone, by yourself I will see you after 9 pm tonight. = similar meaning ≠ opposites The boys like playing cards before they go to bed. Mr Jones watches the movie channels on TV. There are many TV commercial between programs. = advertisement, ad John’s favourite dish is pasta with fish. 5 entertainment (n ) 6 love (n) حب Jamila’s love for her husband was very strong. 7 plan (n) خطة My plan is to save money and buy a nice house. program (n) 9 variety (n) Verbs 10 could (v) برنامج Karen enjoys TV programs about cooking and travel. = kind of food Examples: going to cinema, watching TV = a strong feeling of liking somebody = something we decide to do = a show on TV متنوع This restaurant has a large variety of meat dishes. = many different things من الممكن I could not understand English last year but now I can. = past tense of can يُمتع On Fridays, we often entertain friends at our house. = invite people to your house 8 ترفيه 11 entertain (v) 12 feel (past = felt) (v) يشعر BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB My favourite kind of entertainment is to see a movie. Bill(بشيء brokeشعر the ) kitchen window. His mom felt very angry. 16 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Vocabulary 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Our neighbor’s dogs sometimes frighten our children. = make someone feel afraid frighten (v) يخوف Sally intends to study a lot before her exams. = plan, want to intend (v) ينوي I laughed when John told a funny story. laugh (v) يضحك I love my children very much. = like very much love (v) يحب Robert plans to visit his sick mother this weekend. = intend plan (v) يخطط I recommend going to France – it’s very beautiful. recommend (v) يوصي بـ Hayley serves in the US Navy, as a mechanic. = work for serve (v) يخدم spend (past = spent) (v) يقضيDavid spends a lot of time taking his children out. = use time or money يصرف/ ( صرف/ ) قضى Adjectives & Adverbs 21 boring (adj) ممل I hate waiting a long time for someone. It’s so boring! ≠ interesting = have lots to do ≠ have nothing to do 22 busy (adj) 23 The program was so dull that James fell asleep. = boring ≠interesting My uncle is very entertaining. He’s very funny. = interesting, funny The movie was very frightening, so I left the cinema. = scary My English teacher told us some very funny stories. = entertaining My sister is a great doctor, and a great mother, too. = wonderful It is impolite to put your feet on the chair. = rude ≠ interesting Mr Hill was angry because the student spoke impolitely. = in a rude way The people watching the sports match were very loud. = makes a lot of noise 41 dull (adj) ممل entertaining (adj) ممتع frightening (adj) مخيف funny (adj) مضحك great (adj) عظيم impolite (adj) غير مهذب impolitely (adv) بشكل غير مهذب loud (adj) عالي loudly (adv) مرتفع prompt (adj) عاجل promptly (adv) بشكل عاجل reasonable (adj) معقول reasonably (adv) معقول rude (adj) حقير/ سيء rudely (adv) بشكل سيئ sharp (adj) حاد terrible (adj) فظيع/ غير جيد terribly بشكل فظيع wonderful (adj) رائع 42 frequently (adv) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 مشغول بشكل متكرر Other words and phrases 43 as a matter of fact Sorry, but I’m very busy. I don’t have time to cook. The football team manager shouted loudly. Gary is always prompt when he meets his friends. = on time ≠ late Tim arrived promptly for the meeting – he wasn’t late. = on time ≠ late Let’s eat in this café – the prices are reasonable. = not too much, not too little Bill didn’t win the game but he played reasonably well. = quite, to do okay We don’t like that café. The waiters are very rude. ≠ polite The young man shouted rudely and then ran away. ≠ politely The knife was so sharp that I cut my hand. ≠ blunt I’m going to bed. I have a terrible headache. = very bad This movie is terribly boring. Let’s stop watching. = very Alex went to bed and had a wonderful sleep. = very good, excellent Sam frequently visits his mother – every week, in fact. = often ≠ rarely, occasionally ‘Do you likeالحقيقة the في army?’ ‘Yes, as a matter of fact I do’. = in fact = I think… / In my opinion 44 if you ask me إذا سألتني If you ask me, Rob shouldn’t spend so much on a car. 45 in fact في الواقع Joe is quite rich – in fact, he has a million dollars. 46 since منذ My brother has worked in China since 2010. = from a certain time in the past, until now 17 Issue No. 1.0 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB Book 11 Grammar 1. Present perfect = have/has + past participle (Verb 3) (L1. Pg.10) التصريف الثالث للفعل+ have/has = المضارع التام We use Present perfect to talk about something that happened in the past but is connected to now, or something that started in the past and is still there now. نستخدم المضارع التام للتحدث عن شيء حدث في الماضي ولكن اليزال مستمرا الى هذه اللحظة أو حدث بدأ في الماضي وال يزال مستمر حتى االن NOW / PRESENT PAST FUTURE since + a specific time since + وقت محدد … since 1pm … since last Tuesday … since 2008 Subject past participle (V3) detail have (haven’t) been here since 1pm. has (hasn’t) had this car for 3 years. + have / has I / You We / They He / She It + for + a period of time for + مدة من الوقت … for 2 years … for 10 minutes/ hours John has lived in Chicago since 2006. The children have been in the garden for an hour. 2. Present perfect questions (L1. Pg.15) + past participle (V3) have / has + subject Have (Haven’t) I / you we / they been Has (Hasn’t) he / she it had 3. Asking about time using How long + detail here since 7pm? that car for 3 years? (L1. Pg.16) Use how long to ask about duration – how much time. للسؤال عن المدة ـــ كم يستغرق من الوقتhow long استخدم How long will you go on vacation for? How long has Ahmad had that car? You can use different verb tenses with How long …? يمكنك استخدام عدة أزمنة How long…..? مختلفة للفعل مع Answer How long questions with for or since. I’ll go on vacation for two weeks. Ahmad has had that car since 2015. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 18 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Grammar 4. Present perfect progressive = have/has + been + Verb-ing (L1. Pg.22) Use the present perfect progressive to talk about an action that began in the past and is continuing into the استخدم المضارع التام المستمر للتحدث عن حدث بدأ في الماضي وال يزال يستمر الى الوقت الحاضر present. NOW / PRESENT PAST Subject Sentence FUTURE + have / has + been + Verb-ing + I / You We / They have (haven’t) He / She It has (hasn’t) studying + have / has + been + Verb-ing detail here for 10 years. living been Question Subject What has / have you / he / she / it been English since 2009. living studying 5. Using get and become + detail here for 10 years. (L1. Pg.6) . استخدم الصفة بعد الفعلget Use an adjective after get got angry. better. became healthier. the manager. I/ We/ They/ You He / She / It 6. Use an adjective or a noun after become. become استخدم صفه أو اسم بعد الفعل 6. Using indefinite pronouns someone somebody no one nobody anyone anybody a person, but we don’t know who no person any person, but we don’t know who BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB (L2. Pg.49) + Someone broke the window. ? Did someone bring the books? + No one broke the window. + Nobody came to the party. + Anyone can come to the party. ? Did anyone hear the window break? - He didn’t see anybody break the window. 19 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Grammar 7. Using adjective clauses (L2. Pg.54) Adjective clauses begin with that, who or which. They give essential information to identify what is being talked about. فهي تعطي معلومات أساسية للتعريف.which أوwho أوthat بـAdjective clause تبداء .عن الشيء المتحدث عنه that refers to people or things. who refers to people. which refers to things. Pilots are people that تعود لألشخاص أو األشياء who تعود لألشخاص which تعود لألشياء that fly planes. A doctor is a person who helps sick people. People want jobs which are well paid. Note: adjective clauses can also go in the middle of a sentence. في منتصف الجملةAdjective clause نستطيع استخدام: مالحظة The flight which my brother is on is late. 8. Using too + adjective (L3. Pg.68) Use too to describe something which is excessive (more than needed). Too often means that something is a problem. ) لوصف شيء للمبالغة فيه ( أكثر من الالزمtoo استخدم تعني غالبأ أن شيء ما قد يكون فيه ضررToo to is followed by verb 1 بالتصريف االول للفعلto يتبع It’s very windy outside. It’s too windy to play tennis. It’s 11:30pm. It’s too late for us to go out. You can use for + noun. الضمير+ for يمكنك استخدام It’s 11:30pm. It’s too late for going out now. Or, you can use for + Verb +ing Verb +ing + for أو تستطيع استخدام 9. Changing nouns to adjectives with -y (L3. Pg.78) You can make adjectives by adding –y to some nouns. ـــ لبعض االسماءy تستطيع تكوين صفة بواسطة إضافة Spelling changes Nouns ending in a consonant add -y Nouns ending in –e: remove–e, add -y Nouns ending in –un: double –n, add -y BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB Noun Adjective Example leak leaky This car engine is leaky. oil oily This Kabsa is very oily. rain rainy Britain is a rainy country. salt salty Those fries are too salty. snow snowy It’s snowy in Canada. soap soapy I like a soapy bath. storm stormy We can’t fly – it’s stormy. water watery The soup is too watery. grease greasy These dishes are greasy. ice icy Be careful! It’s icy. noise noisy This disco is too noisy. fun funny This movie is so funny. sun sunny I prefer it when it’s sunny. 20 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Grammar 10. Using to –infinitive (to-Verb1) to express purpose (L3. Pg.82) Use to –infinitive to tell the reason why someone does something. للتصريح عن السبب لماذا شخص ما قام بفعل شيء ماto ــinfinitive استخدم Ahmed came to see his friend. I borrowed the book to study at home. They went to meet you. He paid him to fix my car. a verb + to –infinitive (to-Verb1) tells the reason for an action للتصريح عن السبب لحدث ماto –infinitive استخدم 11. Reported speech with told (L4. Pg.94) Use told to say what someone has said. للتصريح عن قول شخص ماtold استخدم Your English is good. He told him (that) Write the person after told his English was change the subject good change the verb to the past Remember! After tell / told, always put the person who hears the message. Mr Smith told Fahad that he passed his test. After say / said, don’t use the person who hears the message. Use to …. Mr Smith said to Fahad that he passed his test. Mr Smith said He told me it Always put a there personisafter the verb was told on Monday! a test tomorrow. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB But he told Bill that there was no test! 21 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Grammar 12. Prepositions of time: before, after, since, for, in, at, on, until before (L4. Pg.101) after 2pm The doctor can’t see you before 2pm. since PAST The doctor can see you after 2pm. NOW / PRESENT 8am 11a m I arrived at 8am. I have been here since 8am. NOW / PRESENT for PAST 8am 11a m I arrived at 8am. I have been here for 4 hours. until (I’m here) (I will leave) NOW 2pm I will be here until 2pm. Preposition in on at Use season year country city location street date day time meals location address BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 10:45 there until It’s 2pm. quarter until/till 11. Example It rains in winter. I was born in 1973. He lives in Italy. He lives in Jeddah. I work in a bank. th They live on 35 Street. He arrived on 27/04/15. I play football on Sundays. See you at 5pm. Let’s meet up at lunch time. She works at a café. I live at 55 James Street, Texas. 22 Issue No. 1.0 Book 11 Grammar 13. Expressing past ability with could (L4. Pg.111) Use could to talk about things that you were be able to do in the past. للتحدث عن عن أشياء كنت قادر على القيام بها في الماضيcould استخدم Present / Now Past I can’t run very far now. But I could run when I was younger. Questions Could you run far when you were young? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB After could, use Verb 1 استخدم التصريف االول الفعلcould بعد 23 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 beach (n) شاطئ 2 breeze (n) نسمة هواء = similar meaning ≠ opposites The beach is next to the sea. Children play there. It is nice to sit outside when a breeze is blowing. = light wind = weather 3 climate (n) الطقس The climate of Saudi Arabia is hot and dry. There is little rain. 4 heat (n) حرارة It is difficult to be outside in the summer heat. = high temperature ≠ cold = water in the air The windows are wet. This is because of the humidity. humidity (n) رطوبة 6 The water in the sea is salty. Fish live in the sea. ≠ land sea (n) بحر 7 I just had a thought. Let's go camping this weekend. = idea thought (n) تفكير/ فكرة/ فكر 8 The wind is strong today – look, the trees are moving. = moving air outdoors wind (n) رياح Verbs 9 be over (past = was, pp = been) (v) ينتهيWe waited until the rain was over. Then we left. = finish, end 10 belong (to) (v) That house belongs to me. يخص/ يعود ل 11 blow (past = blew, pp = blown) (v)تطير شيء بقوة الهواء The wind was strong. It blew the hat off my head. 5 = make something clear, explain = would find useful, would like = think we will do something, hope 12 clear up (v) فسر/ وضح I didn’t understand, but Tom cleared it up for me. 13 could use (v) يمكن استخدامها I can’t do this homework. I could use some help. 14 expect to (v) يتوقع We expect to see Mrs Smith again next month. 15 استمر 17 last (v) remain (v) slip (v) 18 stay (v) The lasted one hour – from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. The cadets remained in the barracks all weekend. There’s some oil on the floor. Be careful - you might slip. 1. يقيم Dave stayed in a hotel. 2. يبقى Pam didn’t go - she stayed. 3. ابقى Stay calm – the police are coming. = stay ≠ go = fall 1. = sleep 2. ≠ go 3. = remain, keep Joseph is a very calm person. He never gets angry. 1. واضحI don’t understand. The instructions aren’t clear. 2. صحوThere are no clouds– the sky is clear. Driving very fast can be dangerous. ≠ angry = we can understand = no clouds ≠ safe The sea is very deep. You can’t swim to the bottom. ≠ shallow There is a lot of snow on the ground. It is freezing. = very cold ≠ hot Small children are sometimes frightened of big dogs. = scared, afraid The weather is humid – there’s a lot of water in the air. ≠ dry I don’t like meat much but I eat it occasionally. = rarely Hassan is a very quiet man. He likes reading a lot. ≠ noisy 16 يبقى انزلق Adjectives & Adverbs 19 calm (adj) هادئ 20 clear (adj) dangerous (adj) خطير 22 deep (adj) عميق 23 freezing (adj) متجمد 24 frightened (adj) مرعوب/ خائف 25 humid (adj) رطب 26 occasionally (adv) بين الفينة والفينة 27 quiet (adj) هادئ 28 slippery (adj) زلق 29 unpleasant (adj) غير سار/ كريه Other words & phrases 30 during اثناء 31 ever سبق له ان 32 except ما عدى 33 if إذا 21 The sidewalk was slippery today because of the rain. That man was very unpleasant to my brother. During the movie, Tony ate a big bag of chips. Has George ever been to New York City? I know all the students in my class, except Tom. If you have time, let’s go for a coffee. 1. مثل 2. يبدو مثل 34 like 35 no longer ليس بعد 36 none ال شيئ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB ≠ often Rodrigo is like his brothers. He looks / sounds like my uncle. Mr Smith is no longer working for this company. ‘How many boys are playing outside?’ ‘None – it’s raining’. 24 ≠ pleasant, nice = not this one = similar to Ex: sounds like, feels like,, looks like. = not any more Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Vocabulary Lesson 2 Nouns 1 Christina got her associate degree last year. associate degree (n) درجة الزمالة 2 bachelor’s degree (n) درجة البكالوريوسSue studied very hard to get a bachelor’s degree. 3 career (n) وظيفة My father had a good career in the Air Force. 4 choice (n) اختيار Harvard University is a good choice for you. 5 college (n) كلية After school, James studied mechanics at college. 6 course (n) دورة Which course do you want to study at college? 7 decision (n) قرار It’s hard to make the right decision about your career. 8 24 degree (n) درجة علمية diploma (n) دبلوم discussion (n) مناقشة education (n) تعليم educator (n) معلم/ مربي elementary school (n) مدرسة ابتدائية field (n) تخصص/ مجال future (n) مستقبل grade (n) درجة high school (n) مدرسة ثانوية master’s degree (n) درجة الماجستير middle school (n) مدرسة متوسطة offer (n) عرض Ph.D. (n) درجة الدكتوراه profession (n) مهنة professional (n) محترف refusal (n) رفض Jody has a degree in English and Arabic language. Mathew’s diploma helped him find a good job. I had a long discussion with Bill about sport. You can get a good education in most countries. Charles is an educator at Miami College. Her younger sister is 6. She’s at elementary school. ‘Which field is he studying at university?’ ‘Medicine’. I’m studying now because I want a job in the future. Julia got an excellent grade in her last exam. I met so many great friends at my high school. Do your master’s degree after your bachelor’s. After elementary school, children go to middle school He got a good job offer at Aramco. It takes a long time to study for a Ph.D. “What’s your profession?” “I’m a doctor”. She is a professional. She is a company manager. My refusal of the new job made my father angry. 25 tour/ tour of duty (n) My grandfather did two tours of Vietnam. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 جولة university (n) جامعة Verbs 27 accept (v) يقبل 28 change one’s mind (v) تغيير رأي 29 discuss (v) يناقش 30 educate (v) يعلم/ يثقف make (past = made) up one’s 31 mind (v) يقرر 32 offer (v) يعرض 26 38 turn down (v) Adjectives 39 confused (adj) 40 confusing (adj) ينهي/ يرفض مرتبك/ مشوش مربك BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB = subject = score = job = to say no = go with the army to a different country I chose fish but I changed my mind and had meat. = change my decision You should discuss this job offer with your family. = to talk about something That school educates children in this area. = teach “Has he made up his mind about his College”? “Yes, he will study Business in Sacramento”. = decide, make a decision I offered to drive my brother to his house. What will you do when you retire from your job? retire (v) يتقاعد take (past = took, pp = taken) (v) يقبلThe salary was high so she took the job. Andy talked over the job offer with his wife. talk over (v) يجادل/ يناقش think over (past = thought, pp Choosing the right course is important – you must ً يفكر مليا think it over carefully. = thought) (v) 37 = teacher = say yes 34 36 = talk (n) Travis liked the job offer so he accepted it. refuse (to) (v) 35 = working life, occupation, job = decision = place where you study a course = subject(s) make + a decision = choice You can study medicine and physics at university. 33 يرفض = similar meaning ≠ opposites Tim didn’t like the job offer so he refused to take it. = say no to something ≠ accept = stop work at age 60 = accept ≠ refuse = discuss = think about, decide The salary was low so she turned down the job. = refuse, say no ≠ accept There is so much information. I feel confused! = not sure what to do He talks very fast. I think it is confusing. = difficult to understand 25 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 medical (adj) طبي 42 professional (adj) محترف 43 technical (adj) تقني Other words & phrases 41 Vocabulary She is sick – we need medical help! The company gave us very professional service. The mechanic gave my car lots of technical tests. 44 already ً مسبقا She was already 22 when she started at College. 45 instead بالمقابل I don’t like soda. Can I have orange juice instead? 46 instead of بدالً من/ عوضا ً عن Marco chose Texas to study, instead of Seattle. 47 just so yet 48 49 فقط Mr and Mrs Jones have just bought a new house. إذا He drank lots of coffee so he couldn’t sleep. بعد/ حتى اآلن I haven’t met our new captain yet. Lesson 3 Nouns 1 addition (n) اضافة = short time ago = similar meaning We built an addition to our house. Now it’s bigger. = an extra part = person who builds houses 2 builder (n) بناء/ معماري It is so difficult to find a good builder in Oklahoma. 3 شريط I still have hundreds of old music cassettes. 4 cassette (n) CD (n) سي دي Mark bought his mother three CDs for her birthday. 5 den (n) غرفة للعب او للرياضة Our new home will have a den for our kids to play in. 6 غرفة الطعام Their dining room is very large – for about 20 people. 7 dining room (n) fire (n) نار The Hill family made a big fire and cooked some meat. 8 fireplace (n) مشب/ موقد The children must not play near the fireplace. 9 get-together (n) اجتماع عائلي او 10 idea (n) فكرة Spending all your money on a vacation is a bad idea. 11 meeting (n) اجتماع Our business meeting was in a beautiful old hotel. 12 فرن My mother uses our oven to make wonderful bread. 13 oven (n) patio (n) ساحة/ فناء 14 plan (n) خطة When the weather is nice, we sit on our patio. Before you build a house, you need some good plans. 15 player (n) مشغل Does your computer have a DVD player? 16 room (n) غرفة John’s house has 8 rooms. There are 4 bedrooms. 17 shed (n) 18 solution (n) حل I can’t find the solution to my problem! 19 speaker (n) سماعات I can’t listen to any music - my speakers don’t work. 20 stereo (n) استريو 21 story (n) دور 22 suburb (n) 23 trouble (n) wood (n) 24 لألصدقاء مستودع صغير في الفناء ≠ opposites The Smiths had a get-together for about 50 people. I keep all my tools in the shed, which is in the garden. Dan has an expensive stereo – he likes listening to music. The doctor added a second story to his home. = room for relaxing together = room where people eat = place in the house where there is a fire = when friends and family members meet = when you think of something = when people discuss business or work = technical drawings Examples: cassette player, CD player e.g. bedroom, living room, kitchen = small place used as a store = the answer to a problem = level of a house, floor Many families live in the suburbs, not the town center. = area of a city with houses (not the center) مشكلة James got into trouble with the Police. = (have) problem(s) خشب We bought some wood for our fire. = from trees. We can اطراف المدينة/ الضواحي BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 26 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Vocabulary burn it. Verbs 25 add on (v) إضافة We added on a new kitchen and patio to our house. = enlarge 26 boil (v) يغ Tim boiled water and made coffee for his brother. = make water very hot, for tea / coffee 27 build (past = built, pp = built) 28 29 30 31 32 (v) يبني Betty and Hal built a new house when they married. burn (v) يحرق could (v) يمكن enlarge (v) يكبر get together (past = got, pp = gotten) (v) يجتمع Wood burns easily. / I will burn these old papers. = make a fire with Don’t forget to call the doctor. It could be important. = might I built two extra rooms last year to enlarge my house. = make bigger Our families get together in Florida every year. = see each other heat (v) In cold countries, people heat their homes in winter. = make hotter ≠ cool يسخن He left the book on the table and went to bed. يترك leave (past = left, pp = left) (v) 34 play (v) I love playing music on my new stereo. يشغل 35 solve (v) Have you solved the homework questions yet? = to find the answer يحل 36 take place (past = took, pp = taken) (v) يحدثThe 2018 football World Cup took place in Russia. = happen Adjectives & Other Words 33 His brother isn’t interested in marriage yet. He’s interested in playing computer games. Mohamed’s house is near to the big mosque. 37 interested in مهتم بـ 38 near قريب 39 perhaps ربما ‘Will we get there before 8pm?’ ‘I don’t know. Perhaps.’ 40 then ثم If you like the food then you can have some more! 41 tiring (adj) متعب Driving for many hours is very tiring. I don’t like it. Lesson 4 Nouns 1 country (n) ضاحية 2 deer (n) غزال 3 duck (n) بطة 4 fish (n) سمك 5 fishing rod (n) سنارة صيد 6 gun (n) سالح interested in + V-ing = maybe, possibly ≠ certainly, for sure = makes you tired, exhausting = similar meaning ≠ opposites Jackson goes to the country most weekends = outside towns or cities In some US states, people often hunt deer. A deer is an animal. I eat duck at a Chinese restaurant in the city. A duck is a bird. Fish live in the sea. It’s healthy to eat fish. My grandfather catches fish with a fishing rod. Use a gun to shoot an animal. 7 instructions (n) تعليمات ‘How does this gun work?’ ‘Read the instructions.’ 8 line (n) ) خيط ( للسنارة Put a long line onto the fishing rod. 9 في الهواء الطلق If the weather is nice, we like to sit outdoors. يملك ‘Do you want to borrow my car?’ ‘No, I have my own.’ = something that is yours مسدس Police forces all over the world usually carry pistols. = a small hand gun 12 outdoors (n) own (n) pistol (n) plenty (n) = small book with information Examples: clothes line, telephone line = outside الكثير من/ وفرة Please have more food – there is plenty to eat. 13 rifle (n) بندقية President Kennedy was killed with a rifle in 1963. 14 shot (n) walk (n) weapon (n) طلقة Josephine needed two shots to kill the deer. = lots of something = a gun with a long barrel = two tries with the gun يمشي Going for walks in the country is popular in the USA. 10 11 15 16 (خفيف او ثقيل)سالح BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB Soldiers know how to use many different weapons. 27 Examples: guns, knives, bombs, etc. Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Vocabulary Verbs 17 catch (past = caught, pp = caught) (v) يمسكI caught three large fish when I was on vacation. 18 fish (v) Do you fish at the river, or on the lake? = go to catch fish يصيد 19 go + V-ing (past = went, pp = gone) (v) يذهب Zak is healthy because he goes swimming every day. 20 hunt (v) Sometimes we hunt animals at the weekend. = shoot animals يصيد 21 kill (v) Last month, my son killed a young deer with his rifle. يقتل 22 practise (v) Sue practised driving for 1 year, then passed her test. يتدرب 23 prepare (v) My wife and her mother prepared food for 20 people. = make (ready) يجهز 24 shoot (past = shot, pp = shot) (v) يطلقHe sometimes goes to shoot deer with his friends. = fire a gun, kill 25 used to (v) اعتاد ان I used to go to Florida a lot, but now I don’t have time. 26 would (v) يود Dave would always smoke a cigarette after eating. (do something in the past) (describes a past habit) Other Words & Phrases I looked for him all over town but I didn’t find him. = in many places / everywhere Robert drove farther today than he did yesterday. = a longer way The teacher gave the class further instructions. = more 32 farther (or further) بعيد further (adj) اضافي hard (adv) بجد high (adj) مرتفع in the open مكان مفتوح/في الخارج 33 indoors (adv) مغلق/ داخلي It started to rain heavily, so we moved indoors. 34 low (adj) قليل The plane flew low over the trees. 35 اكثر 36 more once 27 all over 28 28 30 في جميع االنحاء Sue works very hard. Her manager is happy with her. Wilfred threw the ball high in the air. ≠ low Rachael enjoyed reading on her patio, in the open. Shops with low prices give you more for your money. = outside, outdoors = inside ≠ outdoors = near the ground ≠ high = extra مرة واحدة فقط I have only been to America once, in 2016. = one time 37 outdoors /out of doors (adv) I love spending خارجياtime outdoors in summer. 38 out-of-doors (adv)في الخارج The children play out-of-doors when the weather is good. 39 own (adj) يملك I always use my own laptop, not other people’s. 40 several slow (adv) twice whole (adj) العديد Dan has more than one car – he has several. = some, a few بطئ Alan’s car goes slow, but the bus goes even slower. ≠ fast, quickly مرتين I will travel to Kansas twice next month. = two times الكل Jarvis ate the whole cake because he was very hungry. = all of something 31 41 42 43 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 28 = outside ≠ indoors = outside ≠ indoors = something that is yours Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 2 Grammar 1. The Conditional: true in the present or future A (L1. Pg.14) Use will / going to + Verb 1 in the main clause to talk about situations that are true in the future. . التصريف االول للفعل في الجملة الرئيسية للتحدث عن حاالت حقيقية في المستقبل+ will / going to استخدم Conditional (if clause) Result (main clause) will we are going to If the weather is nice, Use present simple in the if clause if استخدم المضارع البسيط مع جملة go to the park. Use will or going to in the main clause مع الجملة الرئيسيةwill/ going to استخدم You can put the main clause before the if clause. Result (main clause) will We are going to B Conditional (if clause) go to the park if the weather is nice. Use can / could / may / might / should + Verb 1 in the main clause to talk about suggestions or situations that are possible in the future. . التصريف االول للفعل للتحدث عن مقترحات أو حاالت ممكن حدوثها في المستقبل+ can/ could/ may/ might/ should استخدم Conditional (if clause) Result (main clause) can / could the roads may / might should If it rains tonight, Remember - use present simple in the if clause if تذكرــ استخدم المضارع البسيط في جملة become slippery. Use Verb 1 after these modal verbs Modals استخدم اتصريف االول بعد افعال Examples If you run a red light, you might hit another car. John will use my car if his car isn’t working. If we pass the test, we are going to celebrate! 2. Present perfect: has / have + past participle (Verb 3) A (L1. Pg.22/ L2. Pg.50) Use the Present perfect to talk about something that happened in the past and is continuing now. .استخدم المضارع التام للتحدث عن شيء حدث في الماضي وال يزال مستمر حتى هذه اللحظة (L1. Pg. 22.) Note: Always use a comma ( , ) after the if clause is before the main clause. Past simple Present perfect John moved to New York in April. NOW John has lived in New York since April. NOW PAST FUTURE APRIL MAY JUNE JULY APRIL MAY JUNE JULY The action started and stopped in the past. The action started in the past and continues now. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 29 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Have/Has + Grammar Subject have / has Verb 3 + detail I / You We / They have (haven’t) He / She / It has (hasn’t) lived waited swam studied here for 2 months. since 7:30 pm. worked here since 2009. English for 10 years. subject Have I / you we / they Has he / she / it + Verb 3 lived finished + detail ? here for 2 months? your homework? You can also use the Present perfect to talk about something that happened sometime in the past B (we don’t say when( and is important now. (L2. Pg. 50.) .يمكنك أيضا ً استخدام المضارع التام للتحدث عن شيء حدث في وقت ما في الماضي ( ال نعلم متى) وهو حدث ذو أهمية اآلن Past simple Present perfect Sue visited Paris last year. LAST YEAR Sue has visited Paris. She can tell us about her trip. NOW PAST PAST The action started and stopped in the past. We say when it happened. Have/Has NOW ? + The action is important now, not when it happened. Subject have / has Verb 3 + detail I / You We / They have (haven’t) He / She / It has (hasn’t) visited passed been met Riyadh. the test. to another country yet. my father. subject Have I / you we / they Has he / she / it BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB + Verb 3 travelled lost + detail ? to many places? your wallet? 30 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Grammar 3. Adverbs of time (L2. Pg.40) Adverb Example Something happened before now. already Something is continuing. still + Ed already has a degree. ? Do they already have a car? + He’s still waiting for you. - We still don’t know. ? Do you still work here? - Can I go? I haven’t been yet. ? Is dinner ready yet? He no longer lives here. yet Something is not happening now but is expected to happen. no longer Something has stopped or changed. + not anymore / any longer Something has stopped or changed. - He isn’t here anymore. He doesn’t study English anymore. already: use before a verb; don’t use in negatives قبل الفعل وال تستخدم في النفيalready تستخدم yet: at the end of a sentence; use in questions and negatives وتستخدم في السؤال، نهاية الجملةyet تستخدم والنفيa verb no longer: use before قبل الفعلno longer تستخدم any more /any longer: use at the end of a sentence; use only in negatives وتستخدم فقط في النفي، في نهاية الجملةany more/ any longer تستخدم 4. Using or and so to connect clauses David can pay with cash, or (L2.Pg.56) he can use his credit card. للتحدث عن اختيارينor استخدامUse or to talk about two choices. David didn’t have any money, so I paid for lunch. قبل التحدث عن النتيجةso استخدامUse so before you talk about the result. 5. Using could to express possibility (L2. Pg.72) Use could if you are not 100% sure something will happen. . درجة الحرارة او المسافة,الجو, قد تستخدم كفاعل في الجملة بديال عن الوقت Subject Modal verb Verb It He could may might be play These modal verbs mean the same – you are 50% sure. هذه تحمل نفس المعنى ـــ حيث تعنىModal أفعال من حدوث الشيء%50 أنك متأكد BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB over there. tennis. Use the infinitive (V1) after all modal verbs. (استخدم الفعل المجرد ( التصريف االول Modal بعد أفعال 31 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 Grammar 6. Using adjectives with –ed and –ing (L3. Pg.77) The person that feels a feeling uses adjective with –ed. ــ لوصف اإلحساس الذي يحس بهed يستخدم الشخص الصفة مع إضافة am I is He / She You / We / They are bored. confused. excited. frightened. interested. tired. The thing that causes a feeling uses adjective with –ing. ـ لهاing اال شياء التي تسبب اإلحساس نستخدم الصفة مع إضافة It / The book / The movie They / The noise / The people is are boring. confusing. exciting. frightening. interesting. tiring. 7. Reported Speech Use reported speech to say (report) what someone said in the past. ( لإلفصاح عن ماذا قال شخص ما في الماضيReported speech) نستخدم (L3. Pg.82) Change the subject I like the new iPhone. (I to he) What did he say? He said that he liked the new iPhone. Change present tense (like) to past tense (liked) غير الفعل من الزمن المضارع الى الزمن الماضي Aziz: I really want to see that new movie. Hamad: What did he say? Yasir: He said that he wanted to see that new movie. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 32 Issue No. 1.0 Book 12 8. Grammar Comparative forms of adverbs with –er (L4. Pg.97) Add –er to adverbs when you compare two things. ــ للحال عندما تقارن بين إثنينer أضف Alex can run fast, but Sam can run faster than Alex. Comparative Adverb مقارنة حال She lives near here, but I live nearer (than her). Some plane fly low, but helicopters fly lower than planes. Note: - the comparative of far is farther/further - remember to use than after a comparative 9. Using used to to talk about the past (L4. Pg.104) Used to describes a repeated action (it happened regularly), or something that existed in the past (a past condition), but not anymore. . يعني شيء ما كان يحدث بشكل منتظم أو موجود في الماضي لكنه لم يعد كذلكused to فعل used to Jim play golf. Sue and Jill used to The children Did Verb1 + detail live in Boston. play in the park. Who used to play golf? he use to play golf? In questions, we use use to NOT used to used to وال نستخدمuse to في السؤال نستخدم Repeated action My uncle used to smoke, but he stopped last month. فعل متكرر حدث بالماضي Past condition حال حدث في الماضي No, I used to live there. Did you use to live here? 10. Using would to talk about the past (L4. Pg.107) Use would to talk about past repeated actions (but not past conditions). .) للتحدث عن أحداث متكرره في الماضي ( لكن ال تستخدم لوصف حاالت في الماضيwould استخدم Would you play outside when you were young? Note: Use Verb 1 after would would استخدم تصريف الفعل االول بعد:مالحظة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB When I was young, I would play outside every day. Before I started TSI, I would stay in bed all day. 33 Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 Lesson 1 Nouns 1 coach (n) 2 doubt (n) 3 4 Vocabulary 2 = similar meaning ≠ opposites مدرب The football team is good – they have a great coach. شك I am sure we will win the match. There is no doubt. 1) The players ran out onto the football field. ملعب 2( Bill’s new job is in the field of business. مجال 1) Messi scored 3 goals in the match. هدف 2( Bob’s goal is to be a doctor. هدف field (n) goal (n) 6 jump (n) knot (n) 7 match (n) 8 معنى متر Mark can run 100 meters in 16 seconds. العب Lionel Messi is a very good soccer player. نقطة The score in the basketball game was 98 points to 72. تمارين If you want to play well, come to practice every day. سباق Bill ran very fast and won the race. مراسل A reporter works for newspapers, magazines or TV. حبل The man tied his dog to a tree with a rope. النتيجة After the match, the score was 25 points to 23 رباط الحذاء Jim put on his shoes and started to tie his shoelaces. 18 meaning (n) meter (n) player (n) point (n) practice (n) race (n) reporter (n) rope (n) score (n) shoelaces (n) stadium (n) If you wear a tie, you have to make a knot in it. 1) I enjoyed the football match yesterday. مباراة 2) Jim started a fire with a match. كبريت “Big” and “large” have the same meaning. استاد رياضي In some stadiums, 80,000 people can watch a game. 19 string (n) خيط Bill broke a shoelace so he used string to tie his boots. 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 يقفز Frank is very good at the high jump. عقدة tie (n) ربطة عنق Verbs beat (past = beat; pp = 21 beaten) (v) يهزم 22 believe (v) يعتقد 23 coach (v) يدرب 24 doubt (v) شك 25 imagine (v) يتصور/يتخيل 26 join (v) ينضم 27 jump (v) يقفز 28 kick (v) يركل 20 29 lose (past = lost; pp = lost) (v) 32 match (v) race (v) score (v) 33 suppose (v) 34 tie / tie up (v) 30 31 35 36 يوصل/يربط ً يعدو سريعا/يركض = area for sport = subject, area (2) = plan, hope, aim (1) = game = exercise String is for tying things together. My teacher is smart. He always wears a tie to school. Germany beat Brazil 3 – 1 in a soccer game. I have studied hard and I believe I will pass the test. = think Bill coached the football team for five years. = teach, train There is a lot of noise. I doubt anyone can sleep. = to be unsure about I imagine Sam will play football – he likes the sport. = think, assume Tim was a civilian. He joined the military 2 years ago. Can you jump up and touch the ceiling? Messi kicked the ball into the goal. 1) My team lost the game with a score of 3 to 1. يخسر 2) I have lost my keys! I can’t find them! يفقد ≠ win ≠ find Match the question with the correct answer. Jack ran very fast. He raced down the football field. يسجل هدف To score in soccer, kick the ball into the goal. يعتقد “Where is Jim?” “It’s 6pm. I suppose he left work.” = run very fast = think, imagine, assume 1) Bill scored a point and tied the game at 24 – 24. يعادل نتيجة 2) Tie up your shoelaces before you fall over. يربط throw (past = threw; pp = The basketball player threw the ball in the basket. thrown) (v) يرمي win (past = won; pp = won) (v) يفوزMy team won the game 4 - 0. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB = teacher, trainer 34 ≠ lose Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 Vocabulary Other words and phrases حتما I am certain a Ferrari costs more than a Hyundai. = sure; positive ≠ uncertain Look at those black clouds! It will certainly rain soon. = without a doubt Theاألبعد furthest I have run is 20 kilometers. ≠ nearest I’m free all day tomorrow. We can meet for sure. ≠ certainly Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. ≠ the least = sure, certain ≠ not sure 37 certain (adj) 38 41 certainly (adv) بكل تأكيد farthest/ furthest (adj) for sure بالتأكيد most االكثر 42 positive (adj) متأكد ‘Are you sure you locked the door?’ ‘Yes, I am positive’. 43 quite نوعا ما This food is quite good – not very bad or very good. 44 so 45 46 surely (adv) بكل تأكيد toward / towards باتجاه شيء ما 47 uncertain (adj) 39 40 Lesson 2 Nouns 1 ashtray (n) 2 bracelet (n) 3 chain (n) 4 copper (n) 5 cotton (n) 6 diamond (n) غير متأكد 1) Bob felt sick yesterday so he stayed at home. لذلك 2) Is Madrid in Spain? I think so. ذلك Jim is very sick. Surely he won’t be at work today. (1) = therefore = certainly The young child ran towards his mother . ≠ away from I’ll meet you later, but I’m uncertain exactly when. = not sure ≠ sure, certain = similar meaning ≠ opposites طفاية سجائر Please put out your cigarette in the ashtray. سوار Sue is wearing a gold bracelet next to her watch. A bracelet is jewelry. سلسال Some men wear a chain around their necks. A chain is jewelry. نحاس Electrical wire is made of copper. Copper is a metal. قطن Shirts and t-shirts are often made of cotton. Cotton is a material. ألماس Many rings have diamonds. They are expensive. 7 earrings (n) الخرص/حلق االذن Women wear earrings in their ears. 8 زجاج Windows are made of glass. ذهب Gold is a beautiful and expensive metal. Gold is a metal. 10 glass (n) gold (n) iron (n) Earrings are a type of jewelry. Glass is a material. حديد Iron is strong and hard. Machines are made of iron. 11 jewelry (n) مجوهرات/جواهر Women wear beautiful jewelry at their wedding. 12 جلد Leather is made from the skin of animals. 13 leather (n) leave (n) Iron is a metal. Examples: bracelet, necklace, earrings Leather is a material. إجازة Sgt Jones is not here now. He is on leave. = vacation 14 material (n) مواد Plastic and copper are examples of materials. 15 metal (n) معدن Knives, machines and guns are made of metal. 16 necklace (n) قالدة/عقد Women wear necklaces around their necks. 17 nylon (n) نايلون Nylon is not a natural material – it’s man-made. 18 plastic (n) بالستك Bottles are made of plastic because it is light and strong. 19 polyester (n))بولستر(يستخدم كقماش Pants which are made of polyester last longer. 20 ring (n) rock (n) rubber (n) silk (n) silver (n) خاتم A lot of women wear rings on their fingers. A necklace is jewelry Nylon is a man-made material. Plastic is a man-made material. Polyester is a manmade material. A ring is jewelry. صخرة The tops of some mountains are made of rock. = stone مطاط Car tires are usually made of rubber. حرير Silk is a thin, soft cloth. فضي Some jewelry and some coins are made of silver. 9 21 22 23 24 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 35 Examples: paper, glass, rubber, stone Examples: gold, iron, silver, copper Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 Vocabulary A diamond is a very expensive stone. stone (n) حصى/ حجر 26 wool (n) My wool sweater keeps me warm in winter. صوف Verbs 27 allow (v) The teacher did not allow his students to sleep. = let يسمح 28 appreciate (v) Thanks for your help. I appreciate it very much. = be thankful for يمتن/يقدر 29 be made of / made up of (v) Myمن shoes يصنعare / منmade يتكونof leather and rubber. 30 could (v) Yesterday Jim was sick. He couldn’t go to work. = past of can استطاع do over (past = did; pp = 31 I made a mistake in my work so I did it over. = repeat, do again done) (v) يكرر/ يعيد 32 owe (v) I owe Jim 10 dollars. I’ll pay him back tomorrow. يُدين لشخص ما pay back (past = paid; pp = 33 ‘Can I borrow $50? I’ll pay you back next week.’ paid) (v) يعيد المال 34 put out (past = put; pp = put) (v) يضع Put out your recycling in front of your houses. 25 35 throw away (past = threw; pp = thrown) (v) يرميI don’t need these old books. Throw them away. wake up (past = woke; pp = woken) (v) يستيقظWhen I woke up, the sun was shining. Other words and phrases 37 away (adv) Bob isn’t here. He has gone away for the weekend. بعيد 38 fond (of) (adj) Bob is fond of animals. He likes them very much. مغرم بشيء ما 39 man-made (adj) صناعي/ صنع االنسانPlastic and polyester are man-made materials. 40 natural (adj) Cotton is a natural material. It comes from a plant. طبيعي 41 past (adv) John walked past the school. He didn’t stop there. يتجاوز = throw out 36 Lesson 3 Nouns 1 amount (n) كمية 2 bargain (n) سعر مخفض/ مراعاة 3 centimeter/ cm (n)سنتيميتر 4 cloth (n) قماش 5 deal (n) صفقة 6 discount (n) تخفيض 7 distance (n) مسافة 8 dressing room (n) غرفة مالبس 9 fabric (n) النسيج 10 fit (n) مالئم 11 height (n) ارتفاع 12 hip (n) ِورك 13 inch / in. (n) بوصه 14 item (n) شيء 15 jeans (n) جينز 16 length (n) الطول 17 measurement (n) قياس 18 pair (n) )زوج (اثنان من نفس النوع = artificial ≠ natural ≠ man-made, artificial = similar meaning ≠ opposites Al spent a large amount of money to build his house. = quantity We got a bargain on our new car. It cost only $1,000. = a cheap price A ruler is usually 30 cm long. Are the seats in your car made of cloth or leather? Bob got a good deal on his car –it was only $15,000. I got a discount of 50% on a pair of shoes – half price! = money off The distance between my home and my work is 15km. The customer tried on the pants in the dressing room. The fabric of this winter coat is 100% wool. e.g. wool, silk Your clothes are a good fit – they look good on you. ‘How tall are you?’ ‘My height is 1m 80cm.’ Your hip is between the top of your leg and your waist. The tailor shortened Bob’s pants by 2 inches. 1 inch = 2.54 cm A shirt is an item of clothing. = thing, piece Bill is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. The length of the hotel swimming pool is 15 meters. ‘What’s your waist measurement?’ ‘32 inches.’ I bought a pair of shoes and a pair of glasses. 19 percent (%) (n) في المئة 50 percent of the students in the school are boys. 20 percentage (n) نسبة مئوية A high percentage of people in the US can drive. 21 receipt (n) ايصال Tim got a receipt after he paid for the camera. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB = like 36 = two Percent is only used after a number. Percentage is not used with a number. A receipt shows you have paid Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 Vocabulary تخفيضات The shop has a sale - many items are half price. مقاس ‘What size is your t-shirt?’ ‘It’s a medium.’ 24 sale (n) size (n) tax (n) ضريبة The government takes tax from people’s salaries. 25 waist (n) وسط/خصر Jim is wearing a leather belt around his waist. = the middle part of the body يساوي $200 + $100 + 6% tax amounts to $318 in total. = equals 22 23 Verbs 26 amount to (v) 27 bargain (v) يساوم/ يكاسر If you bargain you might get a lower price. 28 decrease (v) ينقص The temperature decreased from 42° to 38°. 29 The store discounted many items - some were ½ price. 30 discount (v) يُخفض السعر fit (past = fit; pp = fit) (v) = discuss and try to get a lower price ≠ increase, go up = lower, reduce = reduce the price I can’t wear this shirt. It doesn’t fit me. It’s too small. يناسب = be the right size 31 increase (v) يزداد Bob’s salary increased from $2000 to $2200 a month. ≠ decrease = go up 32 measure (v) يقيس Police cameras can measure the speed of your car. 33 reduce (v) يُنقص The store had a big sale and reduced their prices. = decrease, go down ≠ increase sew (past = sewed; pp = sewn) (v) يخيطA tailor can sew clothing to make it shorter or longer. 35 try on (v) You can try this shirt on in the dressing room. يجرب Other words 34 36 for sale 37 free (adj) 38 irregular (adj) غير منتظم This coat is irregular. There’s something wrong with it. 39 less medium (adj) أقل 40 41 much (adv) كثير 42 off خصم The shoes cost less than $50, not more. What size shirt does he wear? Medium or large? 1) Hank is 50. Sue is 23. Hank is much older than Sue. 2( ‘How much is a cup of coffee?’ ‘$4.’ بكم If you buy two belts, you’ll get 50% off the second one. 43 on sale ُمخفض Tom buys clothes when they are on sale - he saves money. 45 sales tax special (adj) ضريبة مبيعات When you buy something in the US, you pay a sales tax. Bob has many friends but only a few special friends. 46 للبيع Bob has bought a new car. His old car is for sale. 1( I didn’t pay for this glass of water. It was free.مجاني 2) I will be free at 2 pm. I can see you then. متفرغ وسط خاص Lesson 4 Nouns 1 age (n) عمر 2 centimeter / cm (n) 3 depth (n) عمق 4 diet (n) حمية غذائية 5 distance (n) مسافة 6 foot (feet) / ft / (ˈ) (n) قدم 7 height (n) ارتفاع 8 inch / in. (“) (n) بوصه 9 kilometer / km (n) كيلومتر 10 length (n) طول 11 meter / m (n) متر 12 mile / mi. (n) ميل BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB = someone is selling something = no charge = not busy = not of normal shape or size ≠ more = a lot = how much money = cheaper = for sale at a reduced price = VAT = similar meaning ≠ opposites Many young people go to college at the age of 19. = how old somebody is There are 100 centimeters in one meter. سنتيمتر ‘How deep is the pool?’ ‘The depth is about 2m.’ Fruit and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. = the food you eat The distance between the two doors is 6 feet. This desk is about 3 feet wide. I am 6’ tall. 3 feet = 3’. The plane was flying at a height of 10,000 meters. There are 12 inches in one foot. The pen is 8” long. It is 5 kilometers from my house to the bank. = 1000 meters ‘How long is the pool?’ ‘The length is 50 m.’ A football field is about 100 meters long. 1 m = 100 cm He was driving at 70 miles an hour. 1 mile = 1.6 km 37 Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 13 millimeter/ mm (n) مليمتر scale (n) ميزان 15 strength (n) قوة 16 weight (n) وزن 17 width (n) عرض 18 yard/ yd. (n) يارد Verbs 19 diet / go on a diet (v) 20 gain (v) يزيد/يكسب 21 measure (v) يقيس 22 weigh (v) يزن Other words & phrases 14 Vocabulary The are 10 millimeters in 1 centimeter. Tom stood on the scale and checked his weight. He can lift 100 kg. He has great strength. ‘How much do you weigh?’ ‘My weight is 80 kg.’ ‘What is the width of the desk?’ ‘It is 2 meters wide.’ The length of a running track is 440 yards or 400 m. Jim has gained weight – he was 75kg but he’s now 83kg. I measured the line with a ruler. It was 6 cm long. I weighed my suitcase on the scale. It was 20 kg. a few )قليل(للمعدود Tom doesn’t have many eggs in his kitchen – just a few. 24 a little )قليل(لغير المعدود ‘Is there any sugar?’ ‘Yes, but not much. Just a little.’ 25 a lot كثير ‘Can I have some of your coffee?’ ‘Sure, I have a lot.’ 26 by / (x) 27 30 fat (adj) many much thick (adj) 31 thin (adj) 29 32 33 34 1 yard = 36 inches If you wantغذائية to lose حميةweight, you should diet. 23 28 1 m = 1000 mm 1 cm = 10 mm (with count nouns) ≠ a lot, many (with noncount nouns) ≠ a lot (with count + noncount nouns) سمين Jim is 6ft. tall and weighs 250 pounds. He is very fat. 94ft by 50ft = 94ft x 50ft ≠ thin )كثير(للمعدود ‘How many apples are there?’ ‘Only 2 or 3. Not many.’ (with count nouns) ‘Do you have a lot of work to do?’ ‘ No, not much.’ (with noncount nouns) سميك There are thick white lines in the middle of the road. نحيف Bob is very tall but he weighs only 55kg. He is very thin. ≠ thin ≠ fat (person(, thick (thing) )ضرب (عملية حسابية )كثير(لغير المعدود A basketball court measures 94 ft. by 50 ft. Symbols ” The pen is 6” long. ˈ Tom is 6’ tall. x The pool is 8m x 25m. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB = inches = feet = by; times 38 Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 2 Grammar 1. Using adjective + THAT-clause (L1. Pg.19) Use this to express positive and negative certainty. Subject Adjective I’m certain You’re (not) She’s THAT-clause I locked the door. (that) positive you finished your work. she will be on time. Note: you can use that or remove it. أو حذفهاthat تستطيع استخدام كلمة:مالحظة Questions Subject 2. sure للتعبير عن تأكيد مثبت أو منفيthat استخدم الصفة مع عبارة Are you / they Is he / she / it Adjective THAT - clause certain sure they locked the door? (that) positive you finished your work? she will be on time? Using superlative adverbs (L1. Pg. 25) Use the –est superlative form of adverbs when comparing 3 or more people or things. في جملة الحال عند المقارنة بين ثالثة أو أكثر سوأ كانوا أشخاص أو أشياء-est استخدم التفضيل بإضافة Subject Verb Adverb Gary drives quickly. Wendy drives quicker than Gary. Jane drives the quickest. (of all.) E.g. Ahmed walks slowly. Bander walks slower than Ahmed. Rakan walks the slowest. 3. Making compound nouns (L2. Pg.41) Add two (or more) nouns together to make a compound noun. compound noun أضف إسميين أو أكثر مع بعض لتكوين Hassan is an Officer in the RSAF. He is an RSAF Officer. compound noun This is a book about grammar. It’s a grammar book. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 39 Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 4. Using could to politely ask permission Use could to make polite requests. (L2. Pg.48) لطلب شيء ما بشكل مؤدبcould استخدم Questions Answers Could May Can Yes answers Yes, you can. Certainly. Of course. Sure. I please see your ID? we get some water please? Grammar No answers No, you can’t. I’m sorry. You can’t. Sorry, but… Add please to make requests even more polite. لجعل الطلب أكثر احتراماplease أضف كلمة 5. Modal Review lمراجعة االفعال الناقصة Modals can be able to can may Purpose talk about ability and 100% possibility للتحدث عن القدرة واالحتمالية %100 بنسبة Examples ask for and give permission Can/May I use your phone? I can swim for a mile. He’s able to speak French. Yes, you can use it. could للسؤال عن أو إعطاء اإلذن Could I borrow your umbrella? may express 50% possibility I may go shopping after work. might It might rain at the weekend. could للتعبير عن االحتمالية بنسبة 50% could talk about past ability be able to 6. (L2. Pg.52) Hurry - we could miss the train. He couldn’t take the last yesterday. للتعبير عن قدرات في الماضيHe wasn’t able to go to work last week. A person who teaches is a teacher (L3. Pg.66) The suffix –er or –or means ‘a person who…’ or ‘something that...’ ) لإلشارة للفاعل بإشتقاق اسمه من الفعل (لعب = العبor أوer استخدم اللواحق في نهاية الكلمة سوأ كانت A person who drives a taxi is a taxi driver. A person who sings is a singer. A person who reports news is a news reporter. Add -er/-or to the verbs لألفعالor أوer أضف A machine that freezes things is a freezer. A machine that washes dishes is a dishwasher. People … traveller, writer, swimmer, gardener, manager, smoker, dancer, collector Things … recorder, shaver, marker, hair dryer, timer, hanger, lighter, refrigerator Something that heats a room is a heater. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 40 Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 7. Grammar Using modal verbs in reported speech (L3. Pg.70) Use reported speech to tell someone what another person said. استخدم الكالم المنقول إلخبار احدهم عن ما قاله شخص أخر Are you going to drive to Riyadh, Ryan? What did Ryan say? The weather is very bad now, so I may drive later on. في الكالم المنقول يتم تغير شكل الفعل الناقص:مالحظة we وI أيضا يتم تغير الضميرين In reported speech, change the modal verb. Also, change I and we. Direct Reported Speech speech Direct Speech Reported speech may / might → might can / could → could am/is/are able to → was/were able to → They said they were able to help us. “She could be at home.” 8. He said the weather is bad, but he might drive later. I we → he / she → we / they “I can swim.” → He said he could swim. “We’re able to help you.” → He said she could be at home. “They may speak English.” → He said they might speak English. “I’m able to do the task.” → She said she was able to do the task. Using separable phrasal verbs (L3. Pg.78) A phrasal verb is a phrase made of a verb + preposition. Examples: turn on, get off, get on, look up, take off. حروف جر+ االفعال المركبة هي عبارة عن أفعال With some phrasal verbs, … a) you can put the object after the preposition … or He turned on the radio. He turned the radio on. He turned it on. تستطيع وضع المفعول به بعد حرف الجر b( … you can put the object between the verb and preposition. تستطيع وضع المفعول به بين الفعل وحرف الجر c) A pronoun object always goes between the verb and preposition. ضمير المفعول به دائما ً يكون بين الفعل وحرف الجر Don’t wake up the baby. She took off her jacket. Don’t wake the baby up. She took her jacket off. Don’t wake her up. She took it off. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 41 Issue No. 1.0 Book 13 9. Grammar The conditional: General truths and commands الحقائق العامة و األوامر:الشرط (L4. Pg.92) If +Present Simple If + المضارع البسيط if clause (condition) main clause If you put ice in water, it melts. If people don’t sleep, they’ll feel tired. If you want to pass the test, study every day! Something that is generally true: Present Simple or, will / can + Verb 1 التصريف االول للفعل+ will/ can/ نستخدم المضارع البسيط أو: في الحقائق العامة A command or advice: Verb 1 نستخدم التصريف األول:لألمر أو النصيحة The if clause can also go after the main clause. You can hurt your eyes if you look at the sun. 10. Asking questions with How + adjective (L4. Pg.100) There are two ways to ask about someone’s (or something’s( size, age, weight and temperature. هناك طريقتين للسؤال عن عمر االشخاص وأوزانهم أو عن حجم الشيء ووزنه أو درجة حرارته How + adjective What + noun How hot / cold is the water? → What’s its temperature? How deep is the lake? → What’s its depth? How far is Abha from Tabuk? → What’s the distance? How heavy is the box? → What’s the weight of the …? *How high / tall is that hill? → What’s its height? How long is this river? → What’s its length? How old is this mosque? → What’s the age of the …? How wide is a football field? → What’s its width? Use tall to talk about people and narrow things (a tall tree). Use high to talk about mountains and things above the ground. Use both tall and high to talk about buildings. if تذكرــ استخدم المضارع البسيط في جملة 11. Using indefinite pronouns (L4. Pg.104) (Countable and/uncountable) a lot of / any some pens / milk? Count & non-count nouns a few / many children? Count nouns (Countable Do you have ) (Uncountabletime? a little / much Non-count nouns ) a lot. a lot. many. many. some. much. a few. I have I don’t have a few. a little. any. none. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 42 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L2b-GRM/VOC-RB 43 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Book 15 Book 16 Book 17 Name: _________________________ Number: __________ Teacher: ____________________ Contents Vocabulary Book 14 Grammar Book 14 Vocabulary Book 15 Grammar Book 15 Vocabulary Book 16 Grammar Book 16 Vocabulary Book 17 Grammar Book 17 Additional vocabulary BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 2 8 14 20 25 30 37 43 51 0 DLI American Language Course Grammar & Vocabulary Issue No. 1.0 نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب Tips on using this booklet Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what هذا.استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما تعلمته مع معلمك you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. .الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب االساسي Remember – to really learn the grammar and words here, you must practice using them with your teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know how words are used in sentences, and do this very fast. Memorising a list and translations will not get عليك ان تمارس استخدامهم مع,تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام,ALCPT في60 حتى تحصل على.معلمك مجرد حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و. و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة,الكلمات في الجمل . ALCPT في اختبار60 ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال you a 60 in the ALCPT. Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling, example sentence, similar meaning, opposite or example for a word. , وضعها في جمل,اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة الكلمات . عكسها او مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة,مرادفاتها Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need more words than are in this booklet. Write in more words you learn in the Additional Vocabulary Notes section. تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلماتALCPT في60 حتى تتأكد من الحصول على اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها في.عن ما هو متوفر في هذا الكتيب Additional Vocabulary Notes قسم Key adjective clause جملة صفة indefinite pronouns adverb حال negative clause شبة جملة past participle الضمائر المجهولة نفي التصريف الثالث للفعل command أمر positive إثبات comparative مقارنة possibility اإلحتمالية conditional شرط purpose الغرض details تفاصيل present perfect المضارع التام example مثال present perfect progressive المضارع التام المستمر express تعبير preposition حرف الجر gerund الجواب reported speech الكالم المنقول infinitive to-infinitive مجرد requests BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 1 طلب Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 armed forces (n) القوات المسلحة 2 assignment (n) 3 bar (n) شارة chance (n) فرصة duty (n) مسؤولية/واجب/عمل follow-on training (FOT) (n) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 واجب/ مهمة تمارين إلحاقيه force (n) قوة grade (n) درجة/مستوى insignia (n) )موضع الرتبة (البليته Marine Corps (n) قوات البحرية الخاصة = similar meaning ≠opposites The armed forces work hard to keep the country safe. = the military in a country = a piece of work for the His next assignment will be in Afghanistan. military, a tour A gold bar is one of the insignia in the U.S. Army. Joseph got the chance to do some weapons training. = opportunity All soldiers must be ready for duty at 6:00 a.m. = work, responsibilities They assigned Jack to a follow-on-training base. = extra training The Air Force, Navy and Army are military forces. = parts of the military A junior grade is lower than a senior grade. = level Insignia is often on the shoulder of the uniform. = signs of a rank It’s very difficult to join the Marine Corps. = a special military force فرصة If you have the opportunity to go to Canada, take it. = chance 12 opportunity (n) personnel (n) أفراد 100,000 personnel work in the Air Force. = people, employees 13 promotion (n) ترقية He got a promotion last month. He’s a general now! 14 recruit (n) تجنيد 300 new recruits arrived at the base this morning. 15 retirement (n) تقاعد My uncle is 68 and is enjoying his retirement. 16 service (n) خدمة Some young people join the service after leaving school. 17 station (n) تعيين/ يرابط Ahmed’s station is at the base in West Virginia. 18 training (n) تدريب Yesterday’s weapons training was hard work. 11 = get a higher rank / grade = a new soldier = when you have finished working = armed forces = military base or place of work = time when people learn new things Verbs = give someone duties or tasks = be given duties or tasks = get a promotion, get a higher rank = to live and work on a military base = be ready for; want to do something 19 assign (v) يكلف Please assign “D” company to work with Sgt. Haddy. 20 be assigned (v) يتم تكليفه “D” company was assigned to work with Sgt. Haddy. 21 be promoted (v) يترقى I was promoted last year. I am now a Sergeant. 22 be stationed (v) يتعين The Marine Corps are stationed in South Carolina. 23 be up for (v) يريد فعل شيء ما/ جاهز Are you up for a coffee at Starbucks tomorrow? 24 enlist (v) Captain Johnson enlisted at the age of 21. 25 promote (v) يرقي They will probably promote Sergeant Smith soon. 26 serve (v) يخدم General Baldwin served the USA for twenty years. 27 train (v) يدرب Colonel Bird is training the new recruits. متقدم My cousin has an advanced degree in mathematics. = high level, top أساسي/مبتدئ I only know basic things about weapons. = first level, simple مجند Every army has many enlisted men. متقاعد After a long military career, David is now retired. = in the armed forces = not working any more (after age 60) ينضم للخدمة العسكرية Adjectives 28 advanced (adj) 29 basic (adj) 30 enlisted (adj) 31 retired (adj) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 2 = join the armed forces = give someone a higher rank = to do military duty for your country = to teach someone to do something Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar Lesson 2 Nouns 1 barn (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites حظيرة حيوانات We use our barn to keep animals warm in winter. = a large building on a farm = a flower on a tree (comes in spring) = a road or path built over a river or road 2 blossom (n) زهرالربيع The apple tree is covered in pink blossom. 3 bridge (n) جسر The driver used the bridge to cross the river. 4 ثور We bought a new bull at the market. = adult male cow كوخ We spend weekends in our cabin in the forest. = small house made of wood عجل Our red cow had two calves this year. = baby cow قطيع أبقار He has a ranch where he keeps 500 cattle. = a group of cows بقرة Cows give us milk and meat. A cow is an animal. محصول In Asia, the rice crop was excellent this year. e.g. wheat, corn, oats دمار The storm caused destruction to our crops. = they were destroyed 11 bull (n) cabin (n) calf / calves (n) cattle (n) cow (n) crop (n) destruction (n) dirt (n) تراب I had dirt on my hands, so I washed them. = dust , mud 12 farm (n) مزرعة This farm was my father’s in the past. 13 farmer (n) مزارع Jim is a farmer – he has 200 cows and 150 sheep. 14 forest (n) غابة The forest near our city is hundreds of years old. 15 harvest (n) حصاد Finishing the harvest on our farm takes 3 weeks. 16 حصان Arabian horses are famous. They often win races. 17 horse (n) location (n) موقع The location of my office is in a really bad area. 18 picnic (n) كشته/ نزهة مصحوبة بالطعام We went to the forest for a picnic with my aunt. 19 plant (n) نبات She has so many beautiful plants in her home. 20 ranch (n) مزرعة مواشي He is looking for a job on my cousin’s ranch. 21 22 rancher (n) عامل في مزرعة المواشيRanchers spend much of their time outside. I don’t like seeing my own reflection. reflection (n) انعكاس 23 sheep (n) 24 silo (n) 25 valley (n) وادي We drove through the valley on our way to town. 26 wheat (n) قمح There are many fields of wheat near our house. 5 6 7 8 9 10 أغنام My uncle says that sheep are useful animals. مستودع تخزين الحبوب They put the crops in the silo after the harvest. = place where farmers grow crops = person who owns or works on a farm = an area with lots of trees = the crops that come out of the fields A horse is an animal. = place = a lunch we eat outside / in a park e.g. flower, tree = place we raise cattle or horses = person who works on a ranch = what you see in the mirror Sheep are animals. We get wool from them. = a tall, round building for storing crops = lower land between hills Wheat is a crop. We make bread with it. Verbs 27 be born (v) يُولد My grandmother was born in Boston in 1939. 28 يزهر/يتفتح When flowers open we say they are blooming. يزهر الشجر The fruit trees always blossom in spring. = when trees produce a flower 30 bloom (v) blossom (v) destroy (v) = when a baby comes into the world = to open, to grow يدمر Many buildings were destroyed in the war. 31 graze (v) يرعى Maria’s cows grazed in the field. 32 harvest (v) يجني First we harvested the wheat, then the potatoes. 33 light (past = lit) (v) = damage very badly = when cows or horses eat grass = to cut crops, take them out of the field = start a fire or burn something 34 locate (v) 29 يُشعل Joe’s father was angry when he lit a cigarette. يُحدد موقع Can you locate our house on the map, George? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 3 = find Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 36 make (past = made) (v) يجعل plant (v) يزرع 37 raise (v) 35 ينمي/ يربي The lovely flowers made Alan’s wife feel happy. = cause Scott planted wheat on his farm this year. We raised some beautiful horses on our ranch. = help crops, animals or people grow The water in the lake reflects the sky. = put in the ground to grow reflect (v) يعكس take care of (past = took, pp 39 Parents must take care of their children. = taken) (v) يهتم/ يعتني Adjectives & Adverbs 38 = be careful with, look after = more than is nice ≠ a lot = much ≠ a little 40 a little (adv) قليل I’m sorry, but this soup is a little salty. 41 الكثير He studies a lot at weekends to get a good grade. انحاء I will show you around Berlin when you visit. بشكل مبالغ/ًجدا Talal is always extremely polite. = very 44 a lot (adv) around (adv) extremely (adv) much (adv) كثير This pizza is much better than last week’s. = a lot 45 probably (adv) محتمل My father says it will probably rain this evening. 46 rather (adv) نوعا ما Tom is rather lazy. He doesn’t want to work hard. غزير/كثيف The forest is think – the trees are close together. = very likely (80%) ≠ unlikely (20%) = quite, very ≠ not so/very ≠ thin Do عندما you remember when you first met your wife? = a specific time I want حيثto live in a house where I can keep pets. = a specific place 42 43 thick (adj) 48 when (adv) 49 where (adv) Other words 47 50 a green thumb مزارع ماهر Maxine has a green thumb – her garden is great! = a person who is good at growing plants 51 because of in (full) bloom نتيجة لـ We couldn’t play sport because of the weather. مزهر بشكل كامل The trees in her garden are now in full bloom. = all the flowers have grown 52 Lesson 3 Nouns = as a result of, due to = similar meaning ≠opposites 1 birth (n) والدة My son’s birth was very difficult – it took 12 hours! 2 birthday (n) يوم ميالد Oliver’s birthday is 9 August. 3 candle (n) شمعة When the electricity failed, Jill lit some candles. 4 certificate (n) شهادة 5 7 couple (n) couple (n) gift (v) 8 9 بعض After their wedding, Sue and Tim got a marriage certificate. Do you have a couple of minutes to talk to me? = the date when you were born = used for light when there is no electricity Examples: birth / marriage certificate = two / a few زوجين Sally and Chris are a lovely couple. = two people in a relationship هدية They gave me a beautiful gift for my birthday. luck (n) حظ “I lost the tennis match”. هدية 12 present (n) song (n) surprise (n) turn (n) 13 volume (n) مستوى الصوت We gave Steven a new watch as a present. I listen to my favorite song every week. It was a big surprise when he won the golf match. It is your turn to clean the apartment. The volume of the music in the restaurant was high. = present Examples: good luck, bad luck, lots of luck = gift 6 10 11 أغنية مفاجأة دور BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 4 “Oh, bad luck”! = something we do not expect = my go, your go = how loud it is Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar Verbs 14 afford (v) 15 be born (v) 16 believe (in) (v) مقتدر ماليا We can’t afford to go on vacation this year. = have enough money يُولد Philip was born at a hospital in Detroit. = when a new baby comes يؤمن I believe in serving my country. = to be very sure about something Lily blew out all 50 candles on her birthday cake. = make the fire go out Please come over and see me when you have time. = visit Please continue to work after you finish your lunch. = start again after stopping John continued working until 8:00 p.m. = keep doing something My sister was in town, so she dropped by my house. = to visit for a short time 21 blow out (past = blew, pp = blown) (v) يطفئ come over (past = came, pp = come) (v) يزور continue (v) يتبع continue (v) يستمر drop by (v) يزور زيارة خفيفة (على 22 drop in (v)) يزور زيارة خفيفة (مخطط لهاPlease drop in to see Mary when you have time. = to go to see someone, to visit 23 go (past = went, pp = gone) (over) (v) يزور قاصدا Yesterday we went over to a friend’s house for food . = go to visit 24 look forward to (v)يتطلع The cadets were looking forward to their vacation. = to wait happily for something 25 must (be) (v) Bob must be retiring soon. He’s served over 35 years! 26 sing (past = sang, pp = sung) 17 18 19 20 )طريقه (v) يجب ينشد/يغني 28 take (past = took, pp = taken) (turns) (v) يأخذ بالدور turn down (v) يُخفض 29 turn up (v) يزيد/يرفع 30 turn up (v) يظهر 31 wrap (v) 27 يغلف Adjectives & Adverbs 32 broke (adj) ُمفلس The soldiers sang on the flight home. We can’t all go at one time. We have to take turns. = go one by one The music is too loud! Please turn down the volume. = reduce = increase ≠ turn down Ally turned up the volume so he could hear the news. “I can’t find my money!” “Don’t worry, it will turn up”. We wrapped her present carefully. = appear = cover something in paper I can’t afford to travel this summer. I’m broke. = not have money (1) My new bed is comfortable. I love it. مريح ≠ uncomfortable (2) Mr Hill isn’t comfortable about his son’s new friends.مرتاح = relaxed (1) People in some African countries are poor. ≠ فقيرrich (2) My poor sister studied hard, but failed her test. = غير محظوظunfortunate (3) John’s marks were poor – he needs to study. سيء = low (marks) 33 comfortable (adj) 34 poor (adj) 35 poorly (adv ) بشكل سيء 36 pretty (adv) نوعا ما 37 فخور 38 proud (adj) proudly (adv) My drive home was pretty difficult because of the rain. Billy felt proud of his promotion at work. اعتزاز/بفخر Sam proudly gave his mother his driving test results. 39 rich (adj) غني Dr Adams is very rich. He owns a private hospital. 40 scared (adj) خائف My daughter is scared of the children in our street. 41 soft (adj) softly (adv) هادئ Now, many restaurants play soft music at weekends. = happily = have lots of money ≠ poor = very worried ≠ relaxed = not loud, fast or hard بهدوء/ بنعومة Gary spoke softly to his children before they slept. = quietly, gently 42 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Barry did his work poorly, so his manager was angry. 5 = badly ≠ well = quite = very pleased Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 43 (1) These wooden chairs are so uncomfortable! غير مريح (2) I feel uncomfortable talking about my child’s future. غير مرتاح uncomfortable (adj) Other words 44 all 45 beside (prep) 46 besides 47 from now on 48 underneath (prep) كل/جميع The cadets all finished their training. بجانب Perry sat beside my sister at my party. = next to (1) Let’s stay on – I’m tired. Besides, the weather is bad. = على كلanyway (2) Besides apples, Pavel eats a lot of oranges. = باإلضافة الىin addition to, also = from this time into All students must work hard from now on. the future = under, below You should keep your bag underneath your desk. ≠ on top of من اآلن فصاعدا Lesson 4 Nouns 1 computer (n) 2 e-mail (n) أسفل/تحت = everyone = similar meaning ≠ opposites حاسب آلي Life without computers would be very difficult. بريد الكتروني The manager answers 100 e-mails every day. 3 fare (n) أُجره The bus fare to Los Angeles was less than 30 dollars. 4 group (n) مجموعة A large group of friends went to the baseball match. 5 internet (n) االنترنت Abdullah uses the internet every day to get news. 6 passenger (n) راكب The passengers were very happy with the new train. 7 promise (n) وعد Always keep your promises. Don’t break them. 8 I’m thirsty – where are the refreshments? 9 refreshment (n) مرطبات report (n) تقرير 10 seat (n) مقعد Sorry, but that is my seat. I have a reservation. 11 smell (n) رائحة I love the smell of cooked meat. 12 taste (n) مذاق/طعم This cake has a wonderful taste. It’s very sweet! 13 tour (n) جولة We went on a tour to London and Paris. 14 tourist (n) سائح Many tourists go to the beach in the summer. 15 website (n) موقع الكتروني You can buy your ticket on the website. = electronic mail = the money we pay for a bus, train, etc = a number of people or things = a person who travels on a bus, train, plane = when you say you will do something = food and drinks Joe wrote a report about his business trip to Ohio. = the place we sit in a bus, plane, train Example: sweet, salty, bitter, sour = a trip / holiday around a city of country = person who goes to a place on holiday e.g. Verbs 16 attempt (to) (v) يحاول John attempted to finish his work early – but he didn’t. 17 board (v) صعود على متن Come on! It’s time to board our plane. 18 cancel (v) يلغي Today’s meeting was cancelled. Let’s meet tomorrow. 19 e-mail (v) 20 ought to (v) يجب She ought to study more. She might not pass her test. 21 promise (to) (v) يعد بأن She promised to marry me when she finishes college. 22 23 24 يرسل بالبريد االلكتروني put aside (past = put, pp = put) (v) يدخر report (v) يكتب تقرير smell (v) يشم BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Please e-mail me all the documents. = try to do something = to get onto the train / plane = to send someone an electronic mail = should = say you will do something Tom put aside money every month for his vacation. = to save (money) Madison reported on the cadets’ English levels. = write a report I smell fresh bread and cheese. It is breakfast time! We smell with our 6 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar nose. 25 take a chance (v) ينتهز الفرصة The bank offered Rosie a job – so she took the chance. 26 taste (v) Can you taste any salt in your food? I can’t. يتذوق tour (v) يذهب في جولة Adjectives & Adverbs 28 accidental (adj) من غير قصد 27 We toured Mexico for two months in Winter. We taste with our tongue. = travel around a place Sorry for breaking the glass – it was accidental! ≠ on purpose 29 accidentally (adv) بالخطاء Jesse accidentally broke his mother’s favorite plate. 30 أفضل من Germany is better than China at football. 31 better (adj) best (adv) األفضل The best teacher in our school is Mr Black. 32 foreign (adj) أجنبي We wanted a foreign holiday so we went to Mexico. 33 lucky (adj) محظوظ We are lucky to have such wonderful parents. 34 online (adj / adv) على االنترنت 35 rough (adj) 36 smooth (adj) Bill buys his clothes online – he doesn’t go to shops. (1) I don’t like this wool sweater – it’s very rough. خشن (2) The weather was bad - they had a rough drive. / وعر صعب (1) The new road is very flat and smooth. معبَد بشكل جيد (2) The drive to Los Angeles was very smooth. مريح (1) David’s driving test went very smoothly. بدون مشاكل 37 smoothly (adv) (2) Sam moved her hand smoothly across the paper. بسالسة Other words and phrases 38 abroad (adv) بالخارج 39 by (no later than))على (ليس بعد = take an opportunity Sam often travels abroad – he likes foreign places. = by accident ≠ on purpose = a higher level = the top, number 1 = about a different country = have good luck, fortunate = on the internet ≠ smooth = uncomfortable ≠ rough = comfortable = without problems = in different countries Make sure you complete your assignment by 11.00. 40 by accident من دون قصد I broke the plate by accident – I didn’t mean to! 41 by chance بالصدفة We were in London and met the Smiths by chance! 42 'I'm tired. I’m going to bed as soon as I finish this. We finished the preparations just as the visitors arrived. = at the same time 44 as soon as بمجرد ان just as في نفس الوقت on (using) )على(لالستخدام و ليس للمكان = accidentally, by chance ≠ on purpose = not planned, by accident = immediately after 45 on and on بشكل مستمر The sports match went on and on. It was very boring! 46 worse worst أسوأ من The weather on Saturday was worse than on Friday. = continue for a long time ≠ better األسوأ That is the worst movie I have ever seen – it’s terrible! ≠ best 43 47 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Get on the internet and find a hotel for the weekend! 7 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 1. Future progressive: will + BE + verb-ing (L1. Pg.8) Use this to describe ongoing actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. 9am Present (3pm Tuesday) Questions Wh- What 2. Future (10am Wednesday) استخدم هذه الصيغة لوصف االحداث المستمرة التي ستحدث في وقت ما في المستقبل 11am At 10am, I’ll be driving to Riyadh. Subject will BE I / He / She They / We / You Ahmad / It will be will Subject BE Will I / he / she they / we / you Ahmad / it be will I / he / she they / we / you Ahmad / it be verb-ing detail studying tonight. arriving at 7pm. verb-ing detail studying tonight? arriving at 7pm? studying tonight? arriving at 7pm? 2. Using as + adjective + as to express equality (L1. Pg.17) Use this to compare 2 things that are the same in some way. استخدم هذه الصيغة لمقارنة شيئين متشابهين او مختلفين في الصفة Subject 1 3. as + adjective + as Subject 2 2 things James is as tall as Rakan. gs ...the same England isn’t as big as Saudi Arabia. …different Using as + adverb + as to express equality You can also use as + adverb + as with verbs. (L1. Pg.23) تستطيع ايضا ان تستخدم الحال مع االفعال للمقارنة بالتشابه او االختالف Subject 1 Verb as + adverb + as Subject 2 2 things I can run as fast as my brother. Susie gets up as early as Mona. gs … same ...the I can’t run as fast as Usain Bolt. Susie doesn’t get up as early as me. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 8 …different Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 4. Using just and soon (L1. Pg.29) Use just to talk about an action that finished a short time ago. . للتعبير عن حدث انتهى قبل وقت قصيرjust تستطيع استخدام Subject just Verb I / You / We They / He / She / It I / You / We / They have He / She / It has detail eat just dinner. eaten Put just before the main verb قبل الفعل الرئيسيjust ضع Questions Subject just Did I / you / we / they / he / she / it Have I / you / we / they Has he / she / it Verb detail ate just dinner? eaten Use soon to talk about an action that will finish in the near future. Use soon with future tenses. استخدمها في زمن المستقبل. للتعبير عن االحداث التي ستنتهي في المستقبل القريبsoon استخدم Subject will I / You / We / They He / She / It Question will Will 5. will Verb + detail graduate from the TSI go home Subject Verb + detail I / you / we / they graduate from the TSI he / she / it go home soon soon. soon soon? Adverbs of degrees (L2. Pg.44) Use adverbs of degrees to modify adjectives and adverbs. إلضافة قو ٍة لمعنى الصفة و الحالadverbs of degrees استخدم Subject + verb Adverb of degrees I’m extremely happy. (adj) very really He drives well. (adv) quite rather quite and rather are less strong هاتان الكلمتان اقل قوة في المعنى Use a little and terribly for something unpleasant استخدم هاتان الكلمتان للشيء الغير جيد This soup tastes a little salty. (adj) The music sounds terribly loud. (adj) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 9 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 6. Describing with when and where clauses (L2. Pg.49) An adjective clause describes a word before it. A clause with where describes a word about a place; a clause with when describe a word about time. لوصف كلمةwhere استخدم.شبه الجملة الوصفية تصف كلمة قبلها لوصف كلمة خاصة بالزمانwhen خاصة بالمكان و استخدم Adjective clause 1998 is I remember the year when I was born. the days when I could sleep in until 10am. An adjective clause follows the word it describes شبه الجملة الوصفية تتبع ما تصفه Chicago is Yesterday we ate at 7. the city where I was born. a restaurant where the drinks were free. الحقائق في الزمن المضارع:المزيد من الجمل الشرطية More conditionals: True in the present IF clause (L2. Pg.55) Main clause you’ll find him If you’re looking for Bob, you should look (If + present progressive) in the Mess Hall. look You can use the future, modals, or a command in the main clause. بإمكانك استخدام زمن المستقبل او االفعال الناقصة او االمر في شبه الجملة الرئيسية IF clause Main clause you’re coming If you haven’t found Bob yet, you must come (If + present perfect) 8. with me. come Using gerunds as the subject of a sentence (L3. Pg.66) You can use a gerund (Verb-ing) as the subject of a sentence. قبل الفعلnot الحظ انه في حالة النفي اضف. كفاعل للجملةing + تستطيع استخدام الفعل Gerund (Subject) detail Running Verb details is a sport I like. Not listening to music is dull. Taking a walk makes me happy. Sitting in a classroom isn’t much fun. are activities I enjoy. Reading and studying BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 10 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 9. Using gerunds after prepositions (L3.Pg.72) We often use gerunds after prepositions. بعد الحروفing + عادة نستخدم الفعل Subject Verb prepositions Gerund + detail apologize for not calling yesterday. care about passing the ALCPT. have been worried about going to the dentist. am fond of taking a nap. I Here are some phrases that a gerund can follow: You should be proud of passing the ALCPT. I apologize for spilling your drink. Verb + Preposition BE + Adjective + Preposition apologize for be proud of be afraid of care about/for be excited about be worried about decide on be fond of be nervous about plan on be bored of be scared of talk about be happy about be tired of think about /of be interested in be frightened of 10. Using the modal must when you’re very sure (L3. Pg.82) We use must when we have some information about something and can make a good guess (99% sure). ( عن شيء ما باستخدام معلومات معروفة سلفا%99) لتشكيل تخمين قويmust نستطيع استخدام الفعل الناقص Information received Guess (99% sure) You’re wet. It must be raining. They brought 8 people. They must have a big car. He never wears socks. He mustn’t like socks. You aren’t eating much dinner. You mustn’t be hungry. 11. Modal review (L3. Pg.88) مراجعة لألفعال الناقصة To talk about… Modal Examples necessity must have to You must arrive on time at work. We have to study every day. no necessity not have to You don’t have to wear a tie. prohibition must not You must not smoke inside. will be going to I’ll see you tomorrow. We’re going to visit Spain next year. could would can will Could / Would you help me, please? Can / Will you help me, please? Yes, I can / will. Sorry, I can’t. االهمية عدم االهمية المنع future المستقبل requests الطلب BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 11 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 12. Comparing how well people do things (L4. Pg.100) مقارنة مدى اتقان الناس لعمل االشياء Name 100 Examples Mark 95 the best Mark scored the best of all of us. Louise 76 well Louise scored well in the test. Simon 38 badly Simon scored badly. Hannah 34 worse (than) Hannah scored worse than Simon. Jenny 19 the worst Jenny got the worst score - only 19/100. 13. Using modals in reported speech (L4. Pg.111) Use reported speech to report what has been said. استخدم الكالم المنقول للحديث عن ما تم قوله سلفا Hi, Dave! Are you going to the meeting tomorrow? What did Dave say? Yes, I’ll be at the meeting at 12pm. He said he would be at the meeting at 12pm. Modal Dave said (that) I will be at the meeting at 12pm. he would be at the meeting at 12pm. Remember, change the pronouns and some modals reported speech (see table) . انظر الجدول التالي.تذكر ان تغير ضمير الفاعل و بعض االفعال الناقصة This table shows how modals change in reported speech. هذا الجدول يوضح كيف يتغير الفعل الناقص في الكالم المنقول Direct speech Reported speech will am / is / are going to → → must (necessity) have / has to do / does not have to must not (prohibition) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB → → → would was / were going to had to didn’t have to must not 12 Issue No. 1.0 Book 14 Grammar 14. Using ought to when you give advice (L4. Pg.98) Use ought to the same way you use should and could, but only to give advice. لكن فقط إلعطاء النصيحة, could وshould بنفس طريقة استخدامought to استخدم No, you shouldn’t. If it works to make calls, you ought to save your money for something more important. This cell phone doesn’t have any apps. Should I buy a new one? Subject I / You / He / She / We / They Modal Verb1 detail ought to go home. save money. (should) (could) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 13 Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Vocabulary = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 1 Nouns 1 The area around the mess hall is dirty. = space area (n) المنطقة 2 = low level training basic training (n) التدريب االساسيAll new recruits go through basic training. 3 battle dress uniform (BDUs) (n)فرهول/بدلة حربية New recruits must wear their BDU every day. 4 The general gave a briefing to his officers. = a talk about something briefing (n) اجتماع 5 I use the broom to sweep the floor in the barracks. = brush broom (n) مكنسة 6 cadet (v) 7 9 Jim is sleeping in his dorm. dorm (n) حظيرة drill instructor (DI) (n) رقيب السربThe drill instructor yelled at the cadet. Bob is afraid of his drill sergeant. drill sergeant (n) رقيب السرب 10 firing range (n) ميدان رماية The cadets practice shooting at the firing range. 11 guard (n) حارس Frank is a guard at the entrance. 12 15 Listen to the officer’s instructions. Do what he says! instruction (n) تعليمات Phil used the iron to iron his BDU’s. iron (n) مكواة مالبس Bill used the mop to clean the floor. mop (n) ممسحة physical training (PT) (n) تدريب بدني if you do physical training, you will get fit. 16 polish (n) تلميع Sam used polish to polish his boots. sweat (n) 18 trainee (n) Verbs 19 attend (v) 20 complain (v) العرق My clothes become full of sweat when I exercise. متدرب I began as a trainee mechanic. Now, I’m an expert. يحضر My family will attend my graduation. يشتكي The food is cold. We should complain to the waiter. 8 13 14 17 طالب عسكري The new cadets are in basic training. = a student in a military school = barracks a place to practice shooting weapons A guard makes sure a place is secure. = order, command = exercises wax/liquid used to make shoes shine = perspiration = be present ≠ be absent 21 crawl (v) يزحف/ يحبو The cadet crawled on his knees like a baby. 22 يتدرب We drill every day. I’m exhausted. 23 drill (v) enter (v) to move on hands and knees = marching يدخل The cadet entered the hall through the back door. = go in ≠ exit, go out 24 fall in (v) تشكيل/ تجمع When you fall in, stand in the correct position. 25 fall out (v) انصراف/ مغادرة The Sgt told us to fall out and go to our barracks. 26 يحرس The King is safe because many soldiers guard him. = to protect يعلم/ يوجه The Sgt instructs us what to do. Listen to him. = train, coach, teach 28 guard (v) instruct (v) iron (v) يكوي المالبس Rob had to iron his BDU for inspection. 29 join (v) ينضم/ يلتحق I felt proud when I joined the air force. 30 march (v) يمشي We will march at the graduation ceremony. 31 mop (v) يمسح I spilt my drink so I must mop the floor. 32 polish (v) يلمع Tom polished his boots for inspection. They are shiny. 33 scrub (v) ينظف/ يفرك sweat (past = sweat/ sweat) sweep (past = swept/swept) yell (v) يتكلم بصوت عال We must scrub the barracks because they’re dirty. = press = enlist, become a member = walk in formation use a mop to clean the floor = make something shine = clean thoroughly We were sweating when we were marching.يعرق = perspire We must sweep that sand off the floor.يكنس = brush That drill sergeant yells at everyone when he’s mad. = shout, scream 27 34 35 36 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 14 = get in position (in a military formation) = leave position (in a military formation) Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Vocabulary Adjectives 37 everything (adj) كل شيء Bob is a clever student – he understands everything. ≠ nothing 38 physical (adj) These drills will get us in the best physical shape. related to your body بدني 38 tough (adj) Basic training isn’t easy – it’s very tough. = difficult, hard ≠ easy قاسي/ صعب Other words and phrases 40 at attention We stand at attention for the General. ≠ at ease وضع االستعداد 41 This is killing me. هذا ال يطاق 42 How is the food at basic training? كيف الطعام في التدريب االساسي؟ 43 How long do you do PT every day? كم يستغرق تدريبك يوميا؟ = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 2 Nouns th 1 They celebrated their 50 wedding anniversary. = annual celebration anniversary (n) ذكرى سنوية 2 They packed their bags for their trip. = backpack, luggage bag (n) حقيبة a meal when food is cooked on open fire 3 barbecue (BBQ) (n) شواء Do you want to come to our barbecue tomorrow? 4 بيرة You can buy non-alcoholic beer in the USA. احتفال We had a big celebration when we graduated. = party 6 beer (n) celebration (n) ceremony (n) مراسم The wedding ceremony was beautiful. = official service 7 club (n) نادي Are you a member of a sports club? = a group where you must be a member 8 شوكوالتة Don’t eat too much chocolate. You’ll get fat. ضيوف/ رفقة Tim came for dinner last night. He’s good company! = guests 10 chocolate (n) company (n) guest (n) ضيف We had a guest staying at our house. 11 honeymoon (n) شهر العسل We went to Spain on our honeymoon. 12 دعوة Did you get an invitation to the party? 13 invitation (n) luncheon (n) = visitor holiday after a wedding = invite, offer غداء رسمي We ate fish at the luncheon last week. 14 mayonnaise (n) مايونيز She likes mayonnaise on her hamburger. 15 mustard (n) خردل I usually put mustard on my hotdogs. 16 pickles (n) مخلل We usually eat pickles with burgers. 17 potato salad (n) سلطة بطاطس I’ll make potato salad for the BBQ tomorrow. 18 reception (n) استقبال The food was great at their wedding reception. 19 roll (n) ملفوف They served us butter and bread rolls. 20 sauce (n) صلصة Do you put sauce on your burger? 21 )شريحة لحم (ستيك I prefer steak which is cooked on the BBQ. فراولة Fresh strawberries are so sweet. a small red fruit 23 steak (n) strawberry (n) tradition (n) e.g. mayonnaise, ketchup, BBQ sauce = cut of meat عرف/ تقاليد Thanksgiving is a tradition in the US. 24 wedding (n) زفاف The wedding was amazing. Congratulations! 25 wine (n) نبيذ Cindy enjoys a glass of wine with dinner. = custom ceremony of getting married a typically alcoholic drink made of grape Verbs 26 barbecue (v) 27 celebrate (v) شواء Are you going to barbecue that meat? يحتفل I want a big party to celebrate my birthday. 5 9 22 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 15 = a formal lunch white food sauce made of oil and eggs a sauce we put on hotdogs potatoes with a mayonnaise dressing a party with food for guests small round bread = to cook on an open fire Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 28 29 30 31 have got (v) لديه have over (past = had) (v) hold (past = held) (v) Vocabulary Tom and his wife have got three children. = to have Weيستضيف had Bill and Sue over for dinner last night. = to host people (1) This bottle can hold 2 liters of water. يحمل/ = يحويcontain (2) Let’s hold a party to celebrate your birthday. يقوم بـ/ = يقيمhave a party invite (past = invited) (v) يدعو = ask someone to come Bill invited his neighbors to his wedding. miss (v) 32 33 (1) I miss my family when I’m away. يفتقد (2) Don’t miss the ceremony or you’ll be in trouble. يفوت slice (v) يقطع على شكل شرائح will (v) ممكن 35 would (v) اود Adjectives/ Adverbs 36 afraid (adj) )يخشى (اسفا 37 afterward / afterwards (adv) 38 anywhere (adv) أي مكان 34 = feel sad to be away = arrive too late ≠ be on time Would you like a slice of cake with your coffee? = portion, piece Will you help me, please? = can (request) I would love to take you there. = am happy to George isn't here at the moment, I’m afraid. = sorry First, ذلكdo بعدyour work. You can play afterwards. = next, after that = any place = new, newly made ≠ old, stale (bread) = happy ≠ sad, upset = not in or to any place in or at an unknown place 39 fresh (adj) طازج 40 سعيد 41 glad (adj) nowhere (adv) Is there anywhere that you want to visit? That bread is fresh – look, it’s still warm. I asked the waitress if the coffee was fresh. He was glad he passed his driving test. و ال مكان ‘Where were you earlier?’ ‘Nowhere important.’ 42 somewhere (adv) في مكان ما Tom lost his phone. He left it somewhere. stale (adj) ليس طازجا/بائت Other words and phrases 44 as بينما That bread is hard. It isn’t fresh - it’s stale. = old Sgt. Hill raised the flag as the cadets marched past. It’s so hot out here. Let’s sit inside the house. = while alone without help from anyone (offer) ≠ outside The weather is nice today - let’s sit outside. ≠ inside 43 45 help yourself 46 inside الداخل outside الخارج Would you like to … ? Can you come? I’m afraid, I can’t. 47 48 49 اخدم نفسك If you’re hungry, help yourself to the food. ≠ fresh هل تود ان؟ هل تستطيع ان تأتي؟ اخشى اني ال استطيع؟ Lesson 3 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites 1 a while (n) وقت قصير/برهة I was stationed in Utah for a while. Now, I work here. 2 application (n) نموذج You must complete a visa application to get a visa. 3 continent (n) قارة Africa (n) افريقيا Antarctica (n) القارة المتجمدة الجنوبية Australia (n) استراليا Europe (n) اوروبا North America (n) امريكا الشمالية South America (n) امريكا الجنوبية 4 document (n) مستند BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB = a short period of time formal request to do/have something There are seven continents in the world. the main land areas of the worlds Your passport is a travel document. 16 an important paper with writing on it Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Vocabulary 5 history (n) تاريخ I’m interested in the past, so I read history books. 6 holiday (n) اجازة Thanksgiving is a very popular holiday in the USA. 7 life/lives (n) حياة My father had four jobs in his life. 8 15 museum (n) متحف orders (n) اوامر photograph/photo (n) صورة 16 reason (n) 17 19 14 = time before now = a special time when people don’t work = time you are alive, lifetime The museum has very interesting, old objects. The Sergeant gave us orders to stand to attention. = instructions Stand still and smile. I want to take a photo of you. = picture سبب The reason I was late is because the bus didn’t arrive. ride (n) ركوب Let’s have a ride on this boat. It looks very fast. visa (n) تأشيرة You need a visa to enter some countries. = cause a ride on a bus / horse / boat / bike official permission to enter a country فوتوغرافية Verbs = make a formal request 26 apply (v) يتقدم Apply for a visa before you travel to some countries. 27 die (v) يموت 27 earn (v) Mr Jones died when he was 101 years old. ≠ live (1) You have earned your reward – you did a great job. = يستحقdeserve (2) John earned his degree at Harvard University. يحصل (3) Mr Smith earns $50,000 a year. يتقاضى = to get money for working He left his phone on the plane by mistake.ترك leave (past = left, pp = left ) 27 notice (v) Bob noticed that his boss had a new car. الحظ 27 order (v) The General ordered us to march. يأمر 27 postpone (v) We postponed our wedding until next year. يؤجل 27 require (v) You require a visa to visit China. يحتاج 27 was/were going to (v) كنت سأقوم بـI was going to go to the store but it started to rain. Other words 28 alive (adj) على قيد الحياة/ حيA car hit Hank yesterday. He is lucky to be alive. 29 around (prep) It takes around 4 hours to drive to Chicago from here. حوالي 30 by air (adv) We travelled across America by air. جوا 31 dead (adj) My grandfather is dead but my grandmother is alive. ميت 32 in addition to In addition to getting a good salary, you also get a car. باإلضافة الى 33 overseas (adj) )في الخارج (خارج البلد I’m from America, but I work overseas, in Turkey. take a photograph/photo 35 Lucy loves to take photographs when she travels. 27 التقط صورة = see, realize = instruct = delay, put back = need = intended, planned ≠ dead = about, approximately = by plane ≠ alive = as well as = abroad = take a picture غير عادي It’s unusual weather for winter. It’s really warm = uncommon ≠ usual 37 unusual (adj) unusually (adv) على غير العادة My teacher, Mr. Wilson, is unusually tall. He’s 7ft! 37 usual (adj) عادي It’s usual for the weather to be sunny in the summer. = uncommonly = normal, typical ≠ unusual 36 Lesson 4 Nouns 1 allergy (n) حساسية I get sick if I eat fish. I have an allergy to fish. 2 aspirin (n) اسبرين I take an aspirin when I have a headache. 3 bed rest (n) مالزمة السرير/ راحة تامة blood (n) دم blood pressure (BP) (n)ضغط الدم Chris has the flu - he needs some bed rest. a medical condition = pain killer, pain relief, pill stay in bed Bill gave blood at the clinic today. They took 500ml. red liquid in your body BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 17 4 5 = similar meaning ≠ opposites I get high blood pressure when I am stressed. Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Vocabulary I received good care in that hospital. = medical attention Frank has an appointment at the clinic for his flu. = doctor’s surgery The doctor gave Pete some drugs for his back pain. = medication Pete was sick with flu. He needs to rest. = influenza I can’t play sport anymore because of an old injury. = damage (to body) 12 care (n) رعاية clinic (n) عيادة drug (n) دواء/عقار flu (n) زكمة/رشح injury (n) اصابة laboratory (lab) (n) مختبر medication (n) ادوية 13 mirror (n) مرآة She looked in the mirror to put her make-up on. 14 عضالت If you lift heavy objects, you will get big muscles. عملية Joe needed an operation to fix his leg. = surgery بنسلين The doctor prescribed me penicillin for my illness. = drugs صيدلية Dwayne went to the pharmacy to get his medication. = drug store وصفة طبية The doctor gave me a prescription for some medicine. نبض Your pulse is fast? Have you been running? = heartbeat 20 muscle (n) operation (n) penicillin (n) pharmacy (n) prescription (n) pulse (n) record (n) ِس ِجل The clinic keeps a medical record of each patient. 21 shot (n) حقنة The doctor gave Tyrone a shot to treat his flu. 22 sick call (n) الذهاب للطبيب Alice went to sick call this morning. She is ill. 23 social security number (SSN) 24 tablet (n) حبوب The nurse gave me some tablets for my pain. = report = injection (of medicine) going to see a doctor in the military Government number given to all citizens = pill treatment (n) Verbs 26 appear (v)يبدو معالجة The treatment for flu is bed rest and relaxation. = cure The teacher appears happy – look, he’s smiling. = look, seem lose blood from your body = to relax someone 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 (n))رقم الهوية (في امريكا 25 They test your blood in the lab. The doctor prescribed some medications for the flu. You must have a social security number in the USA. Did you bleed when you cut your arm?ينزف = drugs used to cure A mirror is for looking at yourself. 27 bleed (past = bled, pp = bled) 28 Adam tried to calm his friend down after the accident.يهدأ calm / calm someone down The doctor examined the patient carefully. = check, look at examine (v) يفحص get a prescription filled (v)يحصل على وصفة طبية I need to get a prescription - I have the flu. How did you injure yourself at work? = damage (to body) injure (v) يصيب lie down (past = lay, pp = lain The doctor asked me to lie down on the bed.يستلقي The doctor operated on his broken arm to fix it. = perform surgery operate (v) يتدخل جراحيا The doctor prescribed some medicine for his cold. prescribe (v) يصف الدواء quiet down (v) يسترخي/ The teacher told the noisy cadets to quiet down. = be quiet 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 استرخى Bill didn’t seem very sick to me. He looks OK. seem (v) يبدو 37 sign in (v) Employees must sign in when they arrive at work. تسجيل الحضور 38 sign out (v) Employees must sign out when they leave work. تسجيل المغادرة 39 treat (v) The doctor treated my injured leg. يعالج 40 wipe (v) George used a tissue to wipe his nose. يزيل/ يمسح Adjectives, pronouns and adverbs 41 allergic (adj) ) حساس (لبعض األطعمةI’m allergic to peanuts. I’ll be sick if I eat them. 42 daily (adj/adv) He must take his medication daily. يوميا herself She did it by herself. Nobody helped her. بنفسها 43 himself He did it himself. Nobody helped him. بنفسه 36 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 18 = appear, look = register ≠ sign out ≠ sign in = cure = everyday Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 44 45 46 47 Vocabulary itself The cat got on the roof by itself. Nobody helped it. )بنفسه (لغير العاقل myself I told myself I’m going to pass basic training. بنفسي ourselves We did it ourselves. Without any help. بأنفسنا themselves They talked amongst themselves. بنفسهم yourself/ yourselves You didn’t need help. You did it yourself. بأنفسكم/ بنفسك Jane has a pulled muscle in her leg. She must rest it. pulled (adj) شد Paul has a sprained ankle. It’s swollen now. sprained (adj) التواء Please keep still for this photograph. Stop moving! still (adj) اثبت Paul sprained his ankle. It’s swollen now. swollen (adj) متورم BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 19 = strained = twisted = don’t move = inflamed Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Grammar 1. Changing verbs to nouns with -ion (L1. Pg.12) Use the suffix –ion to change certain verbs into nouns . – لتحويل بعض االفعال الى اسماءion استخدم االضافة Verb -ion Noun Examples instruct instruction Read the instructions. select selection A selections of fruits. collect collection The collection is for charity. location = education What is your location? operate operation He needs an operation. confuse confusion Sorry for the confusion. promote promotion I had a promotion at work. locate educate + -ion Education is important. Remove the silent ‘e’ before adding –ion ‘ الصامتة قبل اضافةe’ احذف بعيستخدم التصريف االول للفعل 2. Adverbs of frequency (L1. Pg.16) Use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens. استخدم الحال الخاص بالتكرار للتعبير عن تردد و تكرار حدوث االشياء always (all the time) 100% Adverbs of frequency… usually (most of the time) frequently (often) sometimes (at times) 50% occasionally (from time to time) seldom (not often) never 0% (not at any time) 3. How often…? Use adverbs of frequency to answer How often ... questions. (L1. Pg.20) How often استخدم الحال الخاص بالتكرار لإلجابة على اسئلة Questions How often Answers do you exercise? I frequently exercise. does it rain here? It occasionally rains in summer. will I see you? You will seldom see me. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 20 Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Grammar 4. Comparative and superlative adverbs (L1. Pg.25) Use more / less + adverb + than when comparing 2 things with adverbs of more than 2 syllables. (استخدم هذه الصيغة عندما تقارن شيئين بواسطة حال مكون من اكثر من مقطع )كلمة طويلة Subject Verb Comparative Jean exercises more regularly than Tom. Rene sings less beatifully than Francis. Use the + most / least + adverb when making superlatives with adverbs of more than 2 syllables. (استخدم هذه الصيغة عند المقارنة القصوى بواسطة حال مكون من اكثر من مقطع )كلمة طويلة 5. Subject Verb Comparative Jean walks the most regularly. (of a group of people) Rene sings the least beatifully. (of a group of people) Using indefinite adverbs of place with -where where استخدم احوال المكان الغير معرفه مع Indefinite Adverbs somewhere مكان ما Meanings (L2. Pg.36) Examples in or at a place, but you don’t know where + Your wallet must be somewhere. ? Did you put your wallet somewhere? Note: we use somewhere in positive sentences and questions. في الجمل و االسئلة التأكيديةsomewhere الحظ اننا نستخدم anywhere أي مكان بعيستخدم the place isللفعل notالتصريف االول -I can’t find my wallet anywhere. important or you ? Are we going anywhere tonight? don’t know where Note: we use anywhere in negative sentences and questions. في الجمل و االسئلة المنفيةanywhere الحظ اننا نستخدم nowhere وال مكان 6. التصريف االول للفعل بعيستخدمdid not in or to any ‘Where + place ‘Nowhere.’ you go?’ Using will and would to offer to do something (L2. Pg.49) Use will and would to say that we don’t mind doing something. لنوضح انه ال نمانع عمل شيء ماwould وwill استخدم Who will take me to the hospital later? I’ll take you. I’d Dave would We’d BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB I will. be happy be glad love 21 to (take you). Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Grammar 7. Modal review (L2. Pg.56) مراجعة االفعال الناقصة To talk about… possibility لإلمكانية Examples can What can we watch on T.V. tonight? We can watch the World Cup final. advice should ought to Should I buy a new car? Rakan ought to join the army. past routine used to would I used to go to the gym every day. Years ago, we would go to the lake. used to I used to smoke. We used to live in Sweden, and we didn’t use to have a car. must must not He isn’t wearing a suit. He must be a cadet - he isn’t a manager. would like to Would you like to order a desert? Yes, I’d like to order some cake. be supposed to You are supposed to salute officers. للنصيحة للروتين الماضي discontinued past habit, condition, or situation deduction للحسم want and desire للرغبة obligation للتعهد 8. Modal Using was / were going to for past intentions (L3. Pg.66) Use was / were going to to talk about plans in the past that changed. استخدم هذه الصيغة للحديث عن خططك الماضية التي تغيرت الحقا Subject was Verb1 change I / He / She was going to study, but you came over. We / You / They were going to go out, but it started to rain. Questions Wh- was Subject Was I he When was What Where going to Verb1 detail going to move to Riyadh? do tonight? eat this evening? she you were we going to they BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 22 Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Grammar 9. Using else (L3.Pg.78) Use else to mean some other person, thing, or place than the one you just talked about. body one some any no every a different or extra person. + thing else = لتعني بها شخصا او شيئا اوelse استخدم مكانا اخر غير الذي كنت تتحدث عنه a different or extra thing. a different or extra place. where Examples Can anyone else help him? I’m too busy. Keep this book, but throw everything else away. I’ve been to Dubai 5 times. I want to go somewhere else for my holiday this year. He was alone. There was nobody else in the building. 10. More linking verbs (L4. Pg.94) Use linking verbs to describe things. Use them before adjectives, like BE. استخدم افعال الربط بنفس الطريقة التي تستخدم بها افعال الكينونة لوصف االشياء Subject Linking verb Adjective You seem different today. You seem different. Yes, I feel very sick. I feel sick. Your eyes look I am Your eyes look tired. tired. I am very tired! Some more linking verbs: appear become keep get smell remain sound stay taste 11. Using reflexive pronouns (Part1) (L4. Pg.103) Use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same. استخدم الضمائر االنعكاسية عندنا يكون الفاعل و المفعول به في الجملة هو نفسه Subject Object = Raed Reflexive pronoun Raed was studying in the barracks by himself. Reflexive pronoun Subject I → myself Example I taught myself how to dance. He → himself He will buy himself a new phone. She → herself Helen drove here all by herself. It → itself Did the window shut by itself? We → ourselves Shall we buy ourselves some ice cream? You → yourself You should be very proud of yourselves. They → themselves They made the cake themselves. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 23 Issue No. 1.0 Book 15 Grammar 12. Using reflexive pronouns (Part 2) (L4. Pg.106) Use a reflexive pronoun (e.g. myself, himself, ourselves) to emphasize that a subject does the action. It can highlight that the action is unusual. و قد تشير الى ان الحدث غير اعتيادي.استخدم الضمائر االنعكاسية لتوضيح ان الفاعل قام بالفعل يستخدم الماضي المستمر I have never made a cake before. I made this cake by myself. انا لم يسبق لي ان قمت بعمل الكعك He fixed his car himself. It was surprising that he didn’t need help. انه من المفاجئ انه لم يحتاج الى المساعدة 13. Adjectives and adverbs of time with -ly (L4. Pg.110) Add –ly to sometime nouns to make adjectives and adverbs. لبعض اسماء الوقت لتكوين صفة او حالly اضف Time nouns Adjective/ Adverb day *daily hour hourly night + week = -ly nightly weekly month monthly year yearly We usually just add –ly, except for *daily daily فقط ما عدى في حالةly غالبا ما نضيف Examples How often to you exercise? - I go to the gym daily. She takes her medicine nightly. I like to eat out monthly. I have weekly Spanish lessons. We have hourly break BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 24 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 activity (n) 2 energy (n) = similar meaning ≠ opposites نشاط I enjoy activities that help me keep fit, like jogging. something people do طاقة Our food gives us energy to be active. = fuel Something you need to do a task. how physically fit you are 3 equipment (n) جهاز/ ٌم ِع َّدة My gym has new equipment, like weights and mats. 4 لياقة Regular exercise is important to maintain fitness. صحة Smoking is very bad for your health. ) لفة (حول مضمار/ دورة One lap of the running track is 400m = circuit 7 fitness (n) health (n) lap (n) nap (n) قيلولة Mark felt tired so he had a short nap after lunch. 8 relaxation (n) استرخاء On vacation I have time for rest and relaxation. I’m tired because I didn’t get much sleep last night. = short sleep condition of being relaxed ≠ awake I have a suggestion. Let’s go out for dinner. = idea, thought 5 6 sleep (n) نوم 10 suggestion (n) اقتراح 11 swimming pool (n) 12 weights (n) أوزان/ أثقال Verbs 13 avoid (v) يتجنب 9 14 15 16 Jack lifts weights to get strong and keep in shape. = dumbbell, barbell If you are on a diet, avoid eating cakes and candy. = stay away from 1) You should check out that new restaurant. = يجرّبtry, look at 2) Bob checked out a book from the library. = يستعيرborrow a book check out (v) cut down on (past = cut, pp = cut) (v) يقلل من cut out (past = cut, pp = cut) (v) Bobمسبح swims in the swimming pool but not in the sea. يقلع عن/ يتوقف تماما had better (v) من األفضل ان/ يجب 18 jog (v) يهرول 19 look after (v) يعتني/ يرعى 20 nap (v) يغفو/ يقيل 21 skip (v) يفوت take part in (past = took, pp 22 = taken) (v) يشارك take up (past = took, pp = 23 taken) up (v) يبدأ 24 try out (v) يجرب Adjectives 25 active (adj) نشيط 26 closed (adj) مغلق 17 I’m too fat so I cut down on eating cakes and candy. = reduce The doctor told Bill to cut out smoking. = stop, quit You had better finish your homework before class. = should, ought to Dave likes to jog around the new running track. = run slowly My sister looked after my son whilst we were away. = take care of I was tired, so I napped this afternoon after lunch. = sleep for a short time I’m hungry because I skipped breakfast this morning. = miss 32 soccer teams are taking part in the World Cup. = participate in Hank wanted to lose weight so he took up jogging. = start, begin You should try out the car before you buy it. = test first, have a go Ted plays a lot of sport. He is very active. = lively, dynamic That store is closed. It will open at 9 am. = shut ≠ open = practical, useful ≠ inconvenient = uncertain, not sure ≠ certain, sure = healthy, with a good fitness level = little by little, slow 27 convenient (adj) مالئم 28 doubtful (adj) مشكوك فيه It is doubtful he will pass the test. He hasn’t studied. 29 fit (adj) ً الئق بدنيا Regular exercise will help you stay fit. 30 gradual (adj) متدرج Expect a gradual decrease in weight when dieting. 31 impossible (adj) مستحيل It is impossible to learn a language in one month. = you cannot do it ≠ possible 32 necessary (adj) open (adj) possible (adj) ضروري It’s necessary to make a reservation. It’s very busy. = essential ≠ unnecessary مفتوح The supermarket is open now. It will close at 10pm. ≠ closed ممكن It is possible to pass the test, if you study. = you can do it, it can happen 25 Issue No. 1.0 33 34 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB The shop is convenient. It’s nearby and open all day. Book 16 Vocabulary proper (adj) مناسب 36 unnecessary (adj) غير ضروري Other words and phrases 35 Sport shoes are the proper footwear to do sports. = right, correct It is very hot today. It is unnecessary to wear a coat. ≠ necessary 37 even (adv) حتى He can speak 4 languages. He even speaks Russian. = in fact, also, surprisingly 38 ً تدريجيا You will lose weight gradually by exercising daily. = little by little, slowly شيئا فشيئا You will lose weight little by little if you diet. = gradually, slowly ربما/ ممكن I have a meeting so I will possibly be home late. = maybe 42 gradually (adv) little by little possibly (adv) properly (adv) كما ينبغي If you exercise properly you will get fit. 43 regularly (adv) عاد ًة/ بانتظام You should drink water regularly during the day. = correctly, right = consistently, often, frequently 40 41 Lesson 2 Nouns 1 authority (n) 2 behavior (n) سٌلّطة The police have the authority to punish bad drivers. = power, the right سلوك The teacher was happy with the cadets’ behavior. = actions 3 belief (n) إيمان Mike has a strong belief in the authority of the army. 4 chain of command (n) تسلسل قياديThe army has a strong chain of command. 5 commissioned officer (n) 6 courtesy (n) احترام Saluting an officer is courtesy in the military. 7 custom (n) تقليد/ عرف Giving presents is a custom on someone’s birthday. 8 honor (n) شرف It was an honor for David to play in the World Cup. 9 قاعدة عسكرية Cadets will be trained at this installation. 10 installation (n) loyalty (n) والء You must have a sense of loyalty to be in the army. 11 privilege (n) شرف/ امتياز A privilege of working here is using the gym for free. 12 You must follow the regulations. Don’t break them. 14 regulation (n) نظام/ لوائح respect (n) احترام responsibility (n) مسؤولية 15 right (n) حق You have the right to free education and health care. 16 salute (n) تحية Todd gave a salute to the king. 17 seniority (n) 13 = similar meaning ≠opposites تسلسل السلطات/ ضابط 23 observe (1) (v) 24 render (v) = allegiance, support = advantage, special right = rule Mr. Brown had the respect of his students. إحساس I’m never late. I have sense of duty to my work. = duty = due to you, legal entitlement = a respectful sign in the military = higher level of authority = feeling, understanding أقل رتبة/ مرؤوس Nate is a subordinate to his manager. = person of lower rank يتصرف Isabel behaves better at school now she is older. = the way a person acts يجب Cadets have got to complete their homework. = must يشرّ ف/ يُجل We honor our flag in our country by saluting to it. = to regard with respect يعطي/ يسلّم (1) New cadets observe others to see how to behave. = يراقبsee, watch (2) Every year we observe the Eid al Fitr holiday. يحتفل = celebrate َّ (3) All cadets must observe the rules of the RSAF. يتبع = follow John rendered a salute to the General. = give احقية في السلطة/أقدمية sense (n) 19 subordinate (n) Verbs 20 behave (v) 21 have got to (v) 22 honor (v) 18 A Colonel is a commissioned officer. = faith, trust, acceptance in = levels of authority, hierarchy manages the enlisted E.g., Colonel, General = polite behavior = typical way people do things, tradition = privilege, great respect = a military base BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Parents have a responsibility for their children. The General has seniority over the Lieutenant. 26 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Vocabulary 25 respect (v) يحترم = when people show courtesy, politeness Steve respects the referees’ decision. I take advantage of the privileges I get from my job. = make good use take advantage of (v)يستغل Adjectives 27 against (prep) Never go against the rules and regulations. = oppose ضد 28 compulsory (adj)إلزامي It is compulsory to salute the General. = mandatory ≠ optional 29 honorable (adj) He always does the right thing. He’s honorable. = respectable, proper مش ّرف 30 junior (adj) أقل درجة/ أقل مرتبة I was promoted from a junior rank to a senior rank. = lower in rank ≠ senior 31 loyal (adj) وفي/ مخلص Bill is always there for me. He is a loyal friend. 32 senior (adj) أعلى درجة/ كبير I want to reach a senior rank in the military. = higher in rank ≠ junior 33 subordinate (adj)األقل رتبة Subordinate personnel aren’t allowed in the club. = lower in rank Ranks in the Navy Admiral )أدميرال (توازي فريق أول في السعودية Note: you will not be tested on ranks in the ALCPT. vice admiral )نائب أدميرال (توازي فريق في السعودية 34 rear admiral upper half لواء rear admiral lower half عميد Ranks in the Army / Air Force / Marine Corps general فريق أول Note: you will not be tested on ranks in the ALCPT. lieutenant general فريق 35 major general لواء brigadier general عميد 26 Lesson 3 Nouns = similar meaning 1 actor (n) ممثل He wants to be a famous actor. He will be on TV. 2 actress (n) ممثلة She is a famous actress. She is in many movies. 3 adventure (n) مغامرة Traveling around Spain by car was an adventure. 4 award (n) جائزة Movies and actors win awards for being very good. 5 ballet (n) رقصة الباليه My sister dances ballet. She can stand on her toes. 6 comedy (n) كوميديا I like to watch comedy shows that make me laugh. 7 concert (n) حفلة موسيقية Ashley played piano in her school concert. 8 drama (n) دراما Mary watched a very serious drama on TV last night. 9 drums (n) طبول Tom plays the drums in a rock band. 10 guitar (n) )قيثارة (قيتار Phil plays the guitar in a rock band. 11 humor (n) فكاهة He always laughs. He sees the humor in everything. 12 instrument (n) آلة I have many instruments: a guitar, a piano, drums. 13 musical (n) 14 musician (n) مسرحية اول فلم غنائيThe songs in that musical were really good. موسيقار BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB My uncle is a musician. He plays many instruments. 27 ≠ opposites = a man who performs in TV, film or theater = a woman who performs in TV, film etc. = an exciting or unusual experience = prize or recognition for doing a good job = a funny play, film or TV show = a musical performance = a serious play or TV show = musical instrument that you hit A guitar is a musical instrument. the funny quality of something = guitar, piano, drum, violin = a movie or play with music and songs = someone who plays music or sings Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Vocabulary 15 opera (n) أوبرا It’s expensive to go to the opera. 16 orchestra (n) فرقة موسيقية This orchestra has 65 musicians. It sounds amazing. 17 performance (1) (n) 18 piano (n) بيانو 19 play (n) مسرحية 20 أفضلية/ تفضيل 21 preference (n) role (n) 22 = a play, in which the actors sing the words (1) That performance was great. You should see it. = العرضa show or concert (2) My performance in that race was bad. I was last. = أداءhow you do something A piano is a musical It’s hard to play the piano. You must use two hands. instrument. = a story acted in the John saw a play yesterday in the theater. theater I like don’t mind coffee, but my preference is tea. = the thing you prefer دور Tom Cruise is great in the role of policeman. row (n) صف We’re sitting in the front row. We have a great view! = lines of seats in a theater 23 stage (n) خشبة المسرح I haven’t acted on stage. Only on TV and in movies. = the place in a theater where actors perform 24 symphony (n) سمفونية The orchestra plays many great symphonies. 25 talent (n) موهبة She has a lot of talent – she can sing and dance well. 26 theater (n) قاعة/ مسرح John and Margo watch many plays at the theater. 27 type (of) (n) نوع ‘What type of movies do you like?’ ‘I like comedies.’ 28 violin (n) كمان The orchestra had 26 violin players. = a long piece of music written for orchestras = a special ability = a building where plays are performed = kind A violin is a musical instrument. Verbs (1) Tom Cruise has acted in many different movies. = يمثلperform in a role (2) You must act properly when you visit a mosque. = يتصرفbehave = to give something to a يعطي/ يمنح/ يقلّدThe school awarded Jim a prize for his good marks. person who wins = hate, dislike very I can’t stand potatoes, I just can’t eat them! ال يطيق strongly Kenny dislikes classical music - he prefers jazz. ≠ like ال يحب 29 act (v) 30 award (v) 31 can’t stand (v) 32 33 dislike (v) hate (v) 34 perform (1) (v) 35 play (1) (v) 36 prefer (to) (v) 37 quit (past = quit, pp = quit) (v) 38 would rather (v) يفضل يبغض/ يكره يفضل يقلع/ يترك Julia hates watching TV - she prefers films. = dislike ≠ love (1) She has performed in many theaters in London. = يؤديact or play (2) The doctor performed the operation quickly. = ينفذto do (1) He is playing the role of her uncle in that movie. = يلعب دورto act (2) Francis plays the piano very well. يعزف = to like one thing more Kim prefers to play the guitar rather than sing. than the other = to stop or give up He doesn’t smoke. He quit smoking a year ago. something = to prefer one thing I would rather play football than tennis. more than other Adjectives 43 antique (adj) أثري/ عتيق/ قديم There was a lot of antique furniture in the house. 44 classical (adj) تقليدي/ كالسيكي Sarah always plays classical music on her piano. 45 close (to) قريب من humorous (adj) مضحك kind (adj) لطيف/ طيب القلب It’s convenient that the shop is close to home. = old (usually over 100 years) = music from the 18th & 19th Centuries = near ≠ far away He loves comedy. He has many humorous shows. = funny Tom was very kind to me - he gave me flowers! = good, loving, helpful 46 47 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 28 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Vocabulary modern (adj) 49 musical (adj) 50 scary (adj) 51 serious (adj) Other words 48 عصري/ حديث Jack likes modern music rather than classical. موسيقي Jack is very musical. He plays the guitar and sings. مخيف That is a really scary film. It frightened me. = frightening جاد Clive is a serious actor - he doesn’t do comedy. ≠ funny, humorous 52 either (1) (pron) أحد األمرين 53 either (2) (adj) أي االثنين 54 55 enough (adv) كافي furthermore (adv) باإلضافة إلى ذلك 56 likewise (adv) 57 neither (1) 58 rather than Lesson 4 Nouns 1 ability (n) = new ≠ old, antique A: “Do you want either chips or salad?’ B: ‘Chips will be OK, thanks’. A: ‘These shoes come in black or brown’. B: ‘I don’t mind. Either color will be fine, thanks’. Is the beef is cooked enough for you? = choose one out of two things = any one out of two things = to a level that is acceptable Riyadh is a big city. Furthermore, it’s very busy. = also Andrew: ‘I’m delighted to meet you, James!’ = the same (from my point of view) James: ‘Likewise’. (1) (pron) A: “Do you want chips or salad?’ B: ‘Neither’. =ال هذا وال ذاكnot one or another (1) (adj) Neither of the scarfs go with that coat. وال/ ال = to choose one thing over James will play football rather than tennis today. بدال من another أيضا/ كذلك = similar meaning ≠opposites قدرة He has the ability to be the best cadet in class. 2 air conditioner (n) مكيّف It’s too hot because the air conditioner is turned off. 3 component (n) عنصر/ ُمك ّون Computers are made from thousands of components. 4 نسخة We only need a copy of your passport. 5 copy (n) data (n) بيانات We keep the important company data in this office. 6 experience (n) خبرة I have 10 years of experience in this company. 7 hard drive (n) قرص صلب What size is the hard drive on this laptop? 8 hardware (n) عتاد This is a hardware problem - change the disk drive. 9 installation (n) تنصيب/ تركيب The installation of the programs took 2 hours. 10 keyboard (n) لوحة مفاتيح Use the keyboard to write your report. 11 جهاز الشاشة I have a large screen on my computer monitor. 12 monitor (n) mouse (n) فارة Use your mouse to move things on your monitor. 13 printer (n) طابعة If you need a paper copy of the report, use the printer. 14 program (n) برنامج You have to install a program to use the printer. 15 screen (n) شاشة العرض The screen on John’s laptop is very dirty - I can’t see. 16 software (n) برمجيات The software engineer will help fix your computer. 17 typewriter (n) آلة كاتبة People use computers now, not typewriters. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 29 An air conditioner is for cooling air. A part of a machine or device. = information = knowledge gained from doing something A hard drive stores data. = components that make up a computer = putting a component into a machine A keyboard is for writing on a computer. A monitor has a screen. A printer is for printing documents. = software A screen is for showing information. = programs that make computers work = an old machine for writing on paper Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Vocabulary Verbs = move something a little to make it fit = build, put components together = cannot do something = to put information onto a CD or DVD 18 adjust (v) يضبط/ يع ّدل If you adjust the size, it should fit perfectly. 19 assemble (v) يجمع/ يكرب We assemble cars in this large factory. 20 21 be unable to (v) غير قادر على burn (a CD/DVD) (v) 22 copy (v) ينسخ Tom wants to copy his work files to take them home. 23 enter (v) يدخل You need to enter your personal information here. 24 figure out (v) يعرف/ يكتشف I couldn’t figure out the problem but Bill helped me. 25 handle (v) يتعامل My computer is small. It’s can’t handle all this data. 26 install (v) ّ ين/ يركب صب Jeff will install the internet in your home today. 27 lend a hand (v) يساعد load (v) يح ّمل organize (v) ينظّم print (v) يطبع put together (past = put) (pp = put) (v) يجمع/ يركب Can you lend a hand cleaning the kitchen later? = type information into a computer = solve, work out = manage, deal with, take care of = to put in place, e.g. a PC, TV etc. = help They will load the software in the shop for you. = put something on or in My music is organized alphabetically from A to Z. = put things in order replace (v) These car tires are old. We need to replace them. 28 29 30 31 32 )يكتب (على قرص يستبدل Sam was unable to fix his PC so he called an engineer. You can burn the movie onto this DVD if you like. Can you print the report for the meeting we had today? How do you put this IKEA furniture together? = build, assemble ≠ take apart = change one thing for another shut down (past = shut) (pp = Please shut down the computer when you finish. = switch off shut) (v) يطفئ shut off (past = shut) (pp = 34 Save your work. They will shut off the electricity soon. = close, turn off shut) off (v) يغلق/ يوقف take apart (past = took) (pp = 35 Before Geoff fixed the machine, he took it apart. ≠ assemble taken) يفكك Adjectives 36 capable (adj) Jack is very capable with computers. He fixed mine. = able, can do ≠ incapable مؤهل/ قادر 37 incapable (adj) Computers are great but incapable of thinking. = not able to do ≠ capable غير قابل/ عاجز 38 intelligent (adj) Humans are more intelligent than animals. = smart, clever ذكي 39 smart (adj) John is a smart cadet; he got 100% in his test. = intelligent, clever ذكي Other words 40 for example مثالJim is a capable student. For example, he got 95% in a test last week. = for instance, like 33 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 30 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Grammar 1. It’s hard to be on time: IT in the subject position (L1. Pg.6) Use it to refer to the verb + detail. التفاصيل+ للحديث عن فعلit استخدم A new ID card Before you swim Sentence Subject It it isn’t is possible a good idea to eat. detail BE Adjective / Noun Verb 1 is possible to get a new ID card. isn’t a good idea to eat before you swim. possible to get a new ID card? a good idea to eat before you swim? to get. Question is (Is) Why it isn’t (Isn’t) 2. The past perfect: had + past participle (Verb3) (L1. Pg.14) Use past perfect for an action that was completed before another action in the past. يستخدم الماضي التام للحديث عن االحداث التي حصلت قبل حدث اخر حصل في الماضي (simple past) (past perfect) Past Now / Present I had already eaten breakfast when class started. 7am 9am 8am 10am Subject had (adverb) Past participle (Verb3) I / You / We / He / She / They had (just) (already) met begun had eaten sent been Question had s Subject (adverb) Past participle detail (Had) I / you / we / he / she / they (ever) worked before you came here? Where When had Remember! Past perfect was completed before another past action تذكر! الماضي التام هو حدث منتهي قبل الحدث االخر في الماضي BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 31 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Grammar 3. Advice & suggestions with Why don’t…? and Why not…? (L1. Pg.21) استخدم هذه الصيغتين لالقتراح و النصح لما ال ؟ Verb 1 + detail don’t I / you / we lie down not see a doctor Why ? try again You / I / We get some medicine ought to do your homework . Yeah. Why don’t you go to the dentist? Why not go to the dentist? My tooth is aching so much! 4. could / should You had better not eat any more ice cream. You had better go to the dentist. Giving strong advice with had better (not) (L1. Pg.23) استخدم هذه الصيغة إلسداء نصيحة Subject I / You / He / She We / They 5. Modal Verb1 detail had better go to the dentist. had better not eat more ice ceam. The present BE passive (L2. Pg.37) Use the present BE passive to emphasize what happened, rather than who did the action. تستخدم عادة اذا كان المفعول به اهم من الفاعل او ان الفاعل غير معروف.استخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن المبني للمجهول Active Sentence Passive Sentence Subject Verb Object The General chose a cadet. Subject BE + past participle (V3) Object A cadet was chosen (by the General). You don’t have to write the object. هذه التفاصيل اختيارية Active Sentence Passive Sentence Doctors prescribed medicine. Medicine was prescribed (by the doctors). A thief stole my car. I love you. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB My car was stolen (by a thief). You are loved (by me). 32 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Grammar Questions BE Past participle (V3) detail reduced in winter? Are flight prices When 6. are reduced? What had he been doing? (L2. Pg.45) Use the past perfect progressive to talk about a past action that was taking place before (or until) another past action. .استخدم الماضي التام المستمر للحديث عن حدث حصل في الماضي و استمر حتى وقت حصول حدث اخر في الماضي Faris had been playing tennis for 10 minutes when he fell and broke his arm. Now / Present Past Subject had (not) been Verb-ing (time) Past simple I / You / He / She We / They had been playing (for 10 minutes) when he fell. Examples She had been studying since 7pm when her parents called her to dinner. They had been walking for an hour when it began to rain. Questions Had Subject been Verb-ing detail she been studying for the test? Had What had How long Examples What had he been doing when he called you? How long had they been walking when it rained? 7. Necessity and obligation with have got to (L2. Pg.51) Have to has a similar meaning to must / supposed to. تستخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن االشياء الواجب عملها Subject Modal have / has got to I / You / He / She We / They = must = has / have to am / are / is supposed to Infinitive (V1) (detail) finish (at 6pm). go (home). play (later). There is no negative form of have got to ال يوجد صيغة نفي لـ Do you want to come to the mess hall? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Thanks, but I can’t. I’ve got to go marching. 33 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Grammar 8. Which city would you rather visit? (L3. Pg.64) Use this to make choices between 2 or more options. اآلخرين بين شيئين او اكثر/استخدم هذه الصيغة االستفهامية لتخير اآلخر Questions Topic Which city Modal Details would you rather visit, New York or Madrid? Would you rather jog in a park or jog on a track? Use Verb1 after Modals. استخدم الفعل في التصريف االول This detail is optional. هذه التفاصيل اختيارية Sentences Subject Modal Base verb(V1) + 1st Choice I / You / He She / We They would rather visit Madrid ( ‘d rather ) jog in a park 9. (than) (Choice 2) (New York). (than) (on a track). Which do you prefer? (L3.Pg.74) Use prefer to say which option you like the most. استخدم افضِ ل للحديث عن اي الخيارات تفضل Subject prefer noun I / You / He She / We / They prefer(s) juice to / rather than to rather than noun coffee. Examples I prefer English to Math lessons. The RSAF prefers F-15s rather than F-16s. Subject prefer Verb(-ing) I / You / He She / We / They prefer(s) swimming to / rather than to rather than Verb(-ing) jogging. Examples They prefer marching to studying. She prefers shopping rather than working. Subject prefer to infinitive rather than infinitive I / You / He She / We / They prefer(s) to swim rather than jog. Examples He prefers to walk rather than drive to work. I prefer to relax rather than work. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 34 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Grammar 10. Are you tough enough to be a Marine? Use an adjective or adverb + enough to express sufficiency. I Saleh/He/She We/ You/They (L3. Pg.78) بشكل كافي للتعبير عن مقدار الكفاية+ استخدم الصفة او الحال verb + adjective/adverb enough (to infinitive phrase) am is clever are didn’t study hard enough (to pass the ALCPT). This detail is optional. هذه التفاصيل اختيارية Examples The desk isn’t wide enough. We didn’t play well enough to win the match. Questions BE Subject Am Is Are adjective/adverb I Saleh/He/ She We/ You/They clever Did(n’t) enough (to infinitive phrase) enough (to pass the ALCPT)? study hard Examples Is the desk wide enough? Did we play well enough to win the match? 11. We’ll be unable to attend Use the BE unable to as a formal way to say you cannot do something. (L4. Pg.90) استخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير بشكل لبق عن عدم امكانيتك القيام بعمل ما Subject BE Unable to Base verb (Verb1) detail The singer is perform tonight. Mr. Woods will be attend the meeting. If you are come, let me know. Women have been drive until now. My team has been win all season. I had been pass but now I have. unable to Note the different verb tenses being used.انتبه لصيغ االفعال المستخدمة 12. Too many problems and too much work (L4. Pg.97) Use too to express more than enough/necessary, or more than you want. . للتعبير عن الزيادة في االشياء عن الضرورة او عن الحاجة او عن ما تريدtoo استخدم يستخدم الماضي المستمر too many = countable nouns too much = uncountable nouns I have too many tests. He has too much money. They have too many issues. There is too much noise in here. She has too many children. We get too much homework. My team has too many players. There is always too much to do. too is not the same as very or a lot. يوجد اختالف بين استخدام هذه الكلمات The weather is very hot today – it’s over 39 degrees. > (We don’t know if this is a problem or not.))ال نعرف ان كانت هناك مشكلة ام ال (ال حاجة لفعل شيء فقط نعبر عن الزيادة The weather is too hot – I have to go inside! > (There is a problem.) )هناك مشكلة (البد من عمل شيء BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 35 Issue No. 1.0 Book 16 Grammar 13. Changing verbs to nouns with –tion / -sion (L4. Pg.110) Use the suffixes –tion and -sion with certain verbs to express the act of, the condition of, or the result of the verb. – مع افعال معينة لتحويلها الى اسم يعبر عن نتيجة او حالة بعد الفعلsion – وtion استخدم االضافات يستخدم الماضي المستمر Example to solve + -tion = solution Verb Suffix expect invite apply satisfy -tion + or = destroy describe -sion decide BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB → the result of solving something Noun meaning expectation → the condition of expecting invitation → the act of inviting application → the act of applying something satisfaction → the condition of being satisfied destruction → the result of destroying something description → the result of describing something decision → the result of deciding 36 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 appearance (n) مظهر 2 beard (n) لحية 3 blonde (n) اشقر = similar meaning ≠ opposites Their appearance is similar because they’re twins! = what someone looks like Some men like to grow a beard. Sara is from Sweden. She has blonde hair. = to have fair / yellow hair = to have brown hair (as a female) 4 brunette (n) امرأه شهباء She was a brunette before she changed her hair. 5 character (n) شخصية = personality 6 characteristic (n ) سمة 7 احتياج 8 demand (n) glasses (n) His thoughts and beliefs make his special character. ‘What are Tim’s characteristics?’ ‘He’s reliable and honest.’ Cadets must meet the demands to continue training. نظارات He wears glasses to read the newspaper. 9 judgement (n) حكم Bill has good judgement. He makes the correct choices. 10 moustache (n) شنب I grew a moustache for years but shaved it off today. 11 observation (n) متابعة Officers make observations during cadet training. 12 He has a great personality. He’s fun and very kind. A good quality of my personality is that I’m reliable. = characteristic, trait My friend was a redhead before he became bald. = to have red hair 15 personality (n) شخصية quality (n) ميزة/)سمة (ايجابية redhead (n) الرأس/احمر الشعر trait (n) سمة = spectacles = ability to make good decisions hair between the nose and mouth watch something and make judgements = character One of his personality traits is that he is neat. = characteristic, quality 16 trust (n) ثقة I have a lot of trust in my friend. He’s very honest. when you can rely on someone/something 13 14 = quality, trait = requests, needs Verbs 17 demand (v) يحتاج The workers demanded an increase in their salary 18 رفض My manager denied my request to leave work early. يعتمد على I can depend on my friends. I’ve known them for years. = rely on 20 deny (v) depend on (v) rely on (v) = ask for something and expect to get it, order = refuse يعتمد على You can rely on me to collect you. I’ll be there! 21 share (v) يشارك For lunch we will buy a large pizza and share it. = depend on = to divide out and each have some يثق Tom lied to me. I don’t trust him at all. 19 trust (v) Adjectives 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 attractive (adj) جذاب bald (adj) اصلع blond/blonde (adj) اشقر She is very nice and pretty. She’s very attractive. I began losing my hair in my 20s. Now I’m bald. Sara is from Sweden. She has blond hair. = pretty ≠ ugly = have no hair = fair, yellow hair clever (adj) ذكي curly (adj) مجعد demanding (adj) مطلوب dependable (adj) يعتمد عليه dishonest (adj) غير موثوق به elderly (adj) كبير في السن friendly (adj) ودود generous (adj) كريم gray (adj) شيب/ رمادي handsome (adj) وسيم hardworking (adj) يعمل بجد honest (adj) صادق/نزيه The clever cadets passed the test the first time. = smart I had curly hair as a child, but now it’s gone straight. ≠ straight Being a cadet is demanding. We study and march all day. = tough, challenging He’s not very dependable. He always forgets things. = reliable A dishonest person cannot be trusted. They lie. ≠ honest Many elderly people live with their children. = old Zac is very friendly. He always waves and smiles. ≠ unfriendly Tim always shares his food. He’s so generous. ≠ selfish Elderly people usually have gray hair. a color Hollywood actors are always very handsome. = attractive (male)≠ ugly He hasn’t stopped all day. He’s so hardworking. ≠ lazy It’s important to be honest and always tell the truth. = trustworthy ≠ dishonest BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 37 ≠ young Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Vocabulary 40 irresponsible (adj) غير مسؤولIt’s irresponsible to allow kids to play by the river. You’re so lazy. Why won’t you come and help me? lazy (adj) كسول It’s mean not to share candy with other children. mean (adj) عدواني 41 messy (adj) فوضوي My bedroom is so messy I can’t find anything. 42 middle (mid) وسط I want to get married in my mid-20s. 43 neat (adj) منظم/مرتب The barracks must be kept neat and tidy every day. 44 reliable (adj) كفؤ/ موثوق He’s reliable – always on time and finishes his work. 45 49 responsible (adj) مسؤول selfish (adj) اناني stingy (adj) بخيل unfriendly (adj) غير ودود unselfish (adj) ليس انانيا 50 wavy (adj) 38 39 46 47 48 مموج ≠ responsible ≠ hardworking = nasty ≠ generous The manager is responsible for the shop. = unorganized ≠ neat, tidy mid-20s = about 25 = tidy, organized ≠ messy = dependable ≠ unreliable = accountable He’s selfish. He didn’t help me after he finished. ≠ unselfish You’re so stingy. You won’t share your pizza. ≠ generous Unfriendly people never smile or say ‘hello’. ≠ friendly Unselfish people are always available to help. ≠ selfish hair in the pattern of waves My son’s hair goes wavy if he doesn’t brush it. Other words and phrases 51 if ..... او.... اما انA football manager decides if a player will be selected or not after training. 52 whether ..... او....اما ان Lesson 2 Nouns advertisement (ad) 1 (advert) (n) اعالن You can choose whether you want to go out or not. = similar meaning ≠ opposites The advertisement for the sale is in the newspaper. 2 air conditioning (n) مكيف 3 argument (n) جدال They had an argument in the car park about a space. 4 court (n) ملعب You can play tennis on a tennis court. 5 district (n) حي This is a nice district to live in. 6 efficiency (n) )غرفة (بمنافعها 7 electricity (n) كهرباء 8 12 garbage (n) نفايات garbage disposal (n)مكب النفايات gas (n) غاز heating (n) التدفئة lease (n) عقد االيجار 13 paint (n) طالء You can only use white paint if you are decorating. 14 حيوان اليف ‘How many pets do you have?’ ‘I have 2 cats.’ خصوصية We have high walls so we have a lot of privacy. 16 pet (n) privacy (n) real estate (n) عقار Real estate with nice views can be very expensive. 17 section (n) قسم The book is separated into 5 sections. 9 10 11 15 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Whether often means the same as if. In hot weather you switch on the air conditioning. Advertisements promote a product. Air conditioning is for cooling rooms. an angry discussion, a disagreement the place where you play tennis /basketball a part of a town or region I lived in an efficiency while saving to buy a house. = an apartment with the bedroom, kitchen and lounge in one room energy that powers The T.V. went off because we had no electricity. electrical appliances You mustn’t throw your garbage on the floor. = waste, rubbish, trash Put your garbage in the garbage disposal. = trash can, bin You can cook with gas on a stove. When the weather is cold we put on the heating. warms the house/water You have to sign the lease before you can move in. = contract, agreement colored liquid used to add color to walls animals kept in the house 38 = property, land = a part/piece of something Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 االمن 18 security (n) 19 transportation (n) مواصالت 20 utility (n) 21 want ad (n) )اعالن طلب (ليس عرض خدمة Vocabulary There is security at the main gate of the base. I use public transportation to get to work. The utility bills include the gas, electricity and water. Put a want ad in the paper if you want to buy a new house. how safe something is = types of transport e.g., bus, train energies used to power a home = advert (ad) Verbs 22 advertise (v) يعلن People advertise their property in the newspaper. 23 argue (v) يجادل We argued because we couldn’t agree. 24 consider (v) يضع باالعتبار I am considering moving house. What do you think? thinking about something before making a decision 25 The rent for this flat excludes utility bills. = not part of ≠include After they argued, the couple fought. It was awful! = combat ( can be physical or verbal) 27 exclude (v) يستثني fight (past = fought, pp = fought) (v) يقاتل furnish (v) يؤثث We must furnish the house. It’s empty right now. = put furniture in 28 include (v) يتضمن The utility bills include the gas, electric and water. = consist of, to contain ≠ exclude 29 lease (v) يؤجر/يستأجر 30 paint (v) يدهن The room was blue but we painted it white. 31 wonder (v) يتساءل I wonder where John will be in 5 years… Adjectives 32 available 33 central متوفر Extra tickets are available for the show. Let’s get one! = anyone can get one مركزي My house is in a central location in the city. My perfect home will have a view and a pool. = in the middle = small ad in newspapers/magazines = has furniture ≠ unfurnished = ideal My house has a private pool so only we can use it. ≠ public This is a public gym so everyone can use it. ≠ private The house is unfurnished so you have to buy furniture. ≠ furnished 26 1) You can lease a car at the airport when you arrive. 2) This apartment is already leased out, sorry 34 classified مصنف/مبوب The classified ads section has many things for sale. 35 furnished مؤثث I bought new furniture so the flat is furnished now. perfect مثالي 37 private خاص 38 public عمومي 39 unfurnished غير مؤثث Other words and phrases 36 = place an ad have an angry discussion = rent, let = cover a surface with paint to ask yourself a question 40 due يأتي وقته/يحل 1) Your rent is due next week. Remember to pay it. 2) When is the meeting due to start? 41 excluding fairly including off باستثناء The rent is cheap because it’s excluding any bills. = expected (to happen / be paid) = without ≠ include بقدر ال باس به I live fairly close to work. It takes 15 minutes to walk. = quite يتضمن Everybody is going to the party, including our teacher. = with ≠ excluding خارج My house is on Cherry St., just off Cannon Avenue. leading from or joined to 42 43 44 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 39 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Lesson 3 Nouns 1 announcement(n) تصريح/ اعالن نشيد وطني Vocabulary = similar meaning Did you hear the announcement by the boss? 2 anthem (n) 3 chief warrant officer (n)رئيس رقباء 4 class A uniform (n) زي التشريفات 5 commander (n) قائد The commander is the head of a military organization. 6 debt (n) مديونية I owe you $300. When I get paid, I will pay my debt. 7 discipline (n) انضباط Cadets should have good discipline in a classroom. 8 10 first sergeant (n) رقيب اول flag (n) علم gathering (n) تجمع 11 government (n) حكومة The government has decided to raise taxes. 12 قلب Your heart pumps blood around your body. 13 heart (n) nation (n) امة France, Spain and Italy are nations in Europe. 14 Occasion (n) منسابة A wedding is an occasion where people can celebrate. 15 official (n) رسمي Officials from different countries met in New York. 16 Parade (n) عرض عسكري Soldiers go on parade to celebrate special occasions. 17 position (n) مكانه ‘What is the flag’s position?’ ‘On top of the roof.’ 18 retreat (n) تحية العلم The retreat ceremony happens at the end of the day. 9 senior NCO (n) رتبة عالية 20 symbol (n) رمز 21 warrant officer (n) رئيس رقباء Verbs Cadets salute the flag when the anthem is played. ≠ opposites = statement = a special song, e.g. national anthem A chief warrant officer is a rank in the army. A class A uniform is a uniform for parade. very formal military uniform = something you owe (usually money) = follow rules and regulations A first sergeant is an important army NCO. The soldiers will raise the flag and salute. I am going to a gathering of my old friends. people coming together administration of a country organ in the body = country particular time when something happens person with a position of authority march in formation, in front of others = location, place = an official military ceremony 19 A flag is the symbol for a nation. 22 confirm (v) 23 discipline (v) 24 display (v) 25 fly (past = flew, pp = flown) 26 gather (v) يشكل/ يجمع 2) The plane flew past the air base.يطير Please gather together to hear the announcement. 27 govern (v) يدير/يتحكم The US government governs from Washington DC. 28 32 A test indicates how much the cadets have learnt. indicate (v) يدل على All the soldiers participated in the flag ceremony. participate (in) (v) يشارك The flag is placed in the middle of the base. place (v) يوضع في مكان precede (v)يأخذ مكانه في االهمية/ يتجلىThe flag ceremony precedes the national anthem. A يحمي nation’s military protects its country. protect (v) 33 support (v) 29 30 31 يؤكد He confirmed that the bills are included in the rent. The officer disciplined the cadets for bad behavior. يضبط يظهر BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB The test marks are displayed on the office wall. = sign say / show something is true = punish = show something on a board or screen 1) The US flag flies outside official buildings.يرفرف = come together = rule, control a country / region = show = take part (in) = put = happen before = defend The يدعمAir Force supports the Army from the air. to provide help in some way 40 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Vocabulary Other words Although he’s 24 years old, he doesn’t have a license. Though it was cold the soldiers went on parade. The soldiers went out, even though it was raining 34 although / though / even though رغم 35 disciplined (adj) 36 38 formal (adj) رسمي informal (adj) غير رسمي international (adj) دولي 39 mandatory (adj) الزامي It is mandatory for a soldier to salute his seniors. 40 national وطني The national flag of the USA has stars and stripes. 41 official (adj) من الجهات الرسمية The King made an official announcement yesterday. 37 منضبط introduces a clause that makes the main clause seem a surprise You must wear a shirt and tie at formal occasions. trained to behave in a controlled way ≠ informal We had an informal gathering in my back garden. ≠ formal Ten nations will attend an international meeting. ≠ national = compulsory, must ≠ optional concerning all of one nation approved by an authority, e.g. the government Basic training creates disciplined soldiers. These are Senior NCO ranks in the US military. You do not need to learn them. You will not be tested on them in an ALCPT. 42 Sergeant Major Chief Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Master Sergeant Sergeant First Class Gunnery Sergeant Lesson 4 Nouns Master Chief Petty Officer Senior Chief Petty Officer Chief Petty Officer 1 aluminum (n) المنيوم 2 battery (n) بطارية 3 charge (n) شحن 4 circuit (n) دائرة كهرباء = similar meaning ≠ opposites Most drinks cans are Aluminum is a light and flexible metal. made of aluminum. A battery stores My mobile phone is off because the battery ran out. electricity. the amount of electricity in An electrical charge is produced by a battery. a battery Electricity flows around this circuit. a complete circular path 5 conductor (n) موصل Wire and water are good conductors of electricity. 6 copper (n) نحاس These electric wires are made of copper. 7 سلك الكهرباء Is the cord of the TV long enough to reach the socket? 8 cord (n) current (n) تيار A flow of electric charge along the circuit is a current. 9 electrician (n) فني كهرباء An electrician is a person who wires your home. 10 energy (n) طاقة Eating bread and rice will give you energy. 11 flow (n) تدفق/ انسياب I can’t swim here. The flow of the river is too strong. 12 generator (n) مولد Use the generator if you need electricity outside. 13 insulation (n) العزل Insulation on a wire protects us from the electricity. 14 insulator (n) عازل Wires are covered in rubber because it is a good insulator. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 41 a material that electric can pass through Copper is a red-brown metal. = cable a person who works with electricity a source of power movement of water or electricity A machine that generates electricity material used to insulate things a material that doesn’t allow heat or electricity to pass through it Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Vocabulary 15 power (n) طاقة/ قوة Washing machines need electric power. 16 product (n) من َتج The iPhone is Apple’s most famous product. 17 production (n) انتاج Apple is responsible for the production of iPhones. 18 Insulation on wire gives protection from electricity. 22 protection (n) حماية screw (n) مسمار screwdriver (n) مفك المسامير shock (n) صدمة short circuit (n) التماس كهربائي 23 switch (n) مفتاح تشغيل It’s dark - put the light on. The switch is on the wall. We use a switch to turn things on and off wire (n) 25 wiring (n) 26 use (n) Verbs 27 attach (v) 28 charge (v) 29 conduct (v) 30 damage (v) سلك There is wire inside the cord of your kettle. thin string of metal تمديد االسالك An electrician installs the wiring in a house. electric circuit of a house االستخدام The use of electricity is important in our daily lives. يربط The cord attaches the kettle to the wall socket. = fasten ≠unattached يشحن Electricity from the wall socket charges my battery. fill up with electricity يوصل Metal conducts heat and electricity. Plastic doesn’t. carry heat or electricity اضرار The storm damaged the roof of my house. 31 flow (v) يتدفق/ ينساب Rivers flow from mountains into the sea. 32 generate (v) be broken in some way the movement of water or electricity to produce or make something (e.g., electric, interest) 19 20 21 24 يولد You can’t use screws without a screwdriver. a tool used to turn screws Tom touched a broken lamp and got an electric shock. A short circuit happens when an electric circuit breaks. This generator will generate enough power for us. go out (past = went, pp = When the lights went out, we were in the dark. gone) out (v) ينتهي/يغلق 34 insulate (v) Rubber is used to insulate electric wires. يعزل 35 power (v) This small battery powers my phone all day. يشغل 36 produce (v) A small battery produces a small amount of electricity. ينتج 37 run (past = ran, pp = run) (v) يشغلIf you run the generator, you will get electricity. 38 switch off (v) Switch off the light when you leave the room. يغلق 39 switch on (v) يدير لوضع التشغيلSwitch on the light when you enter the room. 40 twist (v) To open the door, you need to twist the door knob. يلوي Other words and phrases 41 electric (n) You need electric to power your refrigerator. كهرباء 42 electrical (adj) Homes have many electrical appliances, like TVs. كهربائي 43 insulated (adj) The wire is insulated to give protection from electricity. معزول 44 powerful (adj) Jim is in hospital after having a powerful shock. قوي through 46 something that is made in a factory process of making something = defense I used large screws to put my shelves up. 33 45 = energy, electricity when a light stops shining give energy to = make = operate = turn of ≠ switch on = turn on ≠ switch off = turn = power uses electricity ≠ uninsulated = strong ≠ weak Put that away when you’re through using it. انتهيت The cord will get damaged through people stepping on it. بسبب I will make a hole and push the wire through it. خالل = finished = because of = in one side and out the other uninsulated (adj) غير معزول ≠ insulated BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB Be careful! That uninsulated wire could be dangerous. 42 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Grammar 1. What do these look like to you? (L1. Pg.11) Use like after linking verbs when talking about what you see, hear feel, etc. بعد افعال التوصيل للتعبير عن حالة الفاعل باستخدام المفعول بهlike استخدم Subject Linking verbs like Object + detail looks a leaf. tastes chocolate ice cream. sounds It your phone. like feels soft cotton. smells your toast is burning. seems the idea will work. 2. He appears to be a business man. (L1. Pg.16) Use to be after seem and appear to make guesses about something. لتخمين االشياءappear وseem بعدto be استخدم Subject appears / seems to be detail worried. I / We / You / They He / She / It appear(s) seem(s) to be in a hurry. in a good mood. raining outside. 3. The Mona Lisa was painted by _____ . (L1. Pg.24) Use the simple past BE passive to talk about events when you either don’t know (or don’t care) who, or what, was responsible for them. استخدم هذه الصيغة المبنية للمجهول للحديث عن االحداث التي ال تعرف من قام بها او انك ال تهتم بمن قام بهذه االعمال Past Active Sentence Past Passive Sentences (Subject) Verb (Object) The General switched on the light. Subject BE + past participle(V3) Object The light was switched on by the General. The light was switched on. You don’t have to write the object in passive sentences. هذه التفاصيل اختيارية BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 43 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Grammar Examples Active Sentence Past Passive Sentence Barcelona won the league. The league was won (by Barcelona in 2018). A thief stole my bike. My bike was stolen (by a thief). The RSAF held the ceremony. The ceremony was held (by the RSAF). Questions Yes / No Question Information Question 4. Where Was Subject Verb 2 detail Was the city built in 1950? was the city built? Number + noun: a two-week vacation (L1. Pg.30) Use a number + noun to describe certain nouns. االسم لتعديل بعض االسماء المحددة+ استخدم االرقام Number + Noun three-day eight-month She has an eight-month old baby. two-hour You get a two-hour lunch break. three-story I live in a three-story house. third-row We have third-row seats at the opera. four-star I only stay in four-star hotels. two-door He has a two-door sports car. twenty-page 5. Examples We have a three-day weekend this week. Did you read that twenty-page report? Embedding Yes / No questions (L2. Pg.44) In direct questions, the verb comes before the noun. In embedded questions, the subject comes before the verb, like a normal sentence. استخدم االسئلة الضمنية لتخفيف االسئلة المباشرة و جعلها اكثر لباقة Direct question Is the shop open? To make it an embedded question, use an introductory clause or statement + if / whether. Question Statement Introductory clause if / whether Could you tell me if I don’t know whether Excuse me. Could you tell me if the shop is open? Question (or not) the shop is open (or not) ? . or not is optional. هذه التفاصيل اختيارية BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 44 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Grammar Other introductory clauses for embedded questions/statements: Question beginnings if / whether Statements and/or answers Do you know…? I want to know… I’m not sure… Can you tell me…? I can find out… I can’t tell you… Do you have any idea…? I don’t know… I can’t remember… Do you remember…? I have no idea… I wonder… if + whether Examples Do you have any idea whether we have a meeting today? I can’t remember if we have a meeting today. 6. Embedding information questions (L2. Pg.45) You can embed information questions too. بإمكانك ايضا ً استخدام االسئلة الضمنية لالستفسار عن المعلومات Direct question (not polite) Where is the shop? To make it an embedded information question: - use an introductory clause Excuse me, could you tell me - keep the question word where the shop is? - change the direct question into a statement (subject + verb) - . Other introductory clauses for Introductory question clause Question Statement word Question where the shop is Could you tell me ? I can show you Question beginnings embedded questions and statements: . Statements question word I (want to) know… if / whether Do you know…? I can find out… what Can you tell me…? I don’t know… when Do you have any idea…? I have no idea… Do you remember…? I’m not sure… Did you find out…? I can’t tell you… who / whom Have you forgotten…? I can’t remember… whose Did you forget…? I wonder… which BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB + 45 where how … Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 7. Grammar Do you like your food spicy? (L2. Pg.58) Use this when putting an adjective after the objects of certain verbs. استخدم هذه الصيغة عند وضع صفة بعد المفعول به لبعض االفعال المحددة Rakan likes his food spicy. 8. Spicy food makes Ali sick. Subject Verb Object Adjective Wendy prefers her tea warm, not hot. Mrs. Mona finds the students a bit rude. The sun turns Don red. Peanuts make me ill. We’re studying tag questions, aren’t we? (L3. Pg.69) Use tag question after a sentence to check if that sentence is true or not. استخدم االسئلة المذيلة بعد جملة مفيدة للتأكد من صحتها Positive (+) sentence Negative (--) tag question You’re going out tonight , aren’t you? The test is at 3 o’clock , isn’t it? Our flight leaves at 10:30 , doesn’t it? In question tags, only use the helping verb, not the main verb. في االسئلة المذيلة استخدم فقط الفعل المساعد دون استخدام الفعل الرئيسي Negative (--) sentence You’re not going out tonight , Positive (+) tag questions are you? The test isn’t at 3 o’clock , is it? Our flight doesn’t leave at 10:30 , does it? Note: positive sentence + negative tag question negative sentence + positive tag question سؤال مذيل منفي+ جملة ايجابية:الحظ سؤال مذيل ايجابي+ جملة منفية BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 46 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 9. Grammar Showing contrast: although, though, & even though (L3.Pg.79) Use although, though, & even though to introduce a clause which makes the main clause seem a surprise. مع العبارة االبتدائية لتجعل الجملة الرئيسية تبدو مفاجئةalthough, though, even though استخدم Herman turned up at the party, even though he wasn’t invited. Although it’s raining, we will still march outside. What a loser! Conjunctions of contrast Although Though Even though OK, I’ll get my jacket. “Surprising” main clause it says no parking , he parked there anyway. he didn’t study , he still passed his test. You can put the conjunctions, and the clause attached to it, before or after the main clause. بإمكانك وضع هذه الكلمات مع العبارة التابعة لها قبل او بعد الجملة الرئيسية “Surprising” main clause He parked there anyway , He still passed his test , Conjunctions of contrast although though even though it says no parking. he didn’t study. 10. Change embedded questions into to- infinitive phrases (L3. Pg.88) Embedded question clauses that use could, should, or can can be shorted to to-infinitive phrases. to-infinitive يمكن ان تختصر الى عباراتcould, should, can عبارات االسئلة الضمنية التي تبدأ ب Main clause I don’t know Do you know embedded question clause to-infinitive (Verb1) what I should do → what to do? when we can leave → when to leave? how I could fix it → how to fix it? who/whom we could ask → who/whom to ask. which bus I can take → which bus to take. whose plan we should follow → whose plan to follow. Examples I don’t know which bus to take to get to town. Do you know what to do with this? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 47 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 Grammar 11. I swim well, and Jane does too./ so does Jane. (L4. Pg.101) Use too and so to show that a positive statement is similar to another positive statement. لتوضح تشابه جملة تاكيدية مع جملة تأكيديةso وtoo استخدم اخرى Statement 1 Statement 2 We’re ready now. They’re ready now. BE verbs We’re ready now, so + helping verb + subject Examples: and so are they. Subject + helping verb + too You’re going to Paris, and we are too. I’m having a party, and so are they. I swim well. She swims well. Other verbs I swim well, Examples: and she does too. so does she. We study too much, and they do too. You can play the piano. I can play the piano. Modals You can play the piano, and Examples: I can too. so can I. They can march very well, and we can too. Jack has been to Spain. I’ve been to Spain. Helping verb Jack has been to Spain, and Examples: they are too. I have too. so have I. He’s finished his lunch, and Ahmad has finished too. With so and too, only use the helping verb, not the main verb. استخدم هنا الفعل المساعد و ليس الفعل الرئيسي 12. I didn’t win and he didn’t either. /neither did he. (L4. Pg.106) Use either and neither to show that a negative idea is similar to another negative idea. لتوضح ان جملة منفية تتشابه مع جملة منفية اخرىneither وeither استخدم BE verbs Statement 1 Statement 2 We aren’t doing well. They aren’t doing well. We aren’t doing well, neither + helping verb + subject Use neither with a positive verb. مع الفعل المؤكدneither استخدم Examples: and they’re not either. neither are they. Subject + helping verb + either Use either with a negative verb. مع الفعل المنفيeither استخدم You aren’t going to Paris, and we’re not either. I’m not having a party, and neither are they. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 48 Issue No. 1.0 Book 17 I didn’t run fast. Other verbs Grammar She didn’t run fast. I didn’t run fast, she didn’t either. and neither did she. With either and neither , only use the helping verb, not the main verb. استخدم الفعل المساعد فقط دون استخدام الفعل الرئيسيneither وeither مع Examples: We didn’t study much, and they didn’t either. You didn’t eat all that and neither did he. Modals & helping verbs You haven’t seen it. Examples: You haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it. I haven’t either. and neither has she. They can’t march very well, and we can’t either. We can’t go to the beach on Saturday, and neither can you. 13. While chewing, your mouth must be closed. (L4. Pg.118) You can use the passive with modals. The passive is used when the speaker puts emphasis on the receiver of an action rather than the doer of an action. . المبني للمجهول يستخدم اذا كنا نريد التركيز على المفعول به اكثر من الفاعل لهذا الفعل.تستطيع استخدام صيغة المبني للمجهول مع االفعال الناقصة BE (infinitive) Modal Mistakes can Your caps must always Some behaviour might not be Past participle made when learning. taken off in class. considered polite. Always use the bare infinitive - be دائما استخدم هذه الصيغة للفعل 14. Changing adjectives to verbs with –en (L4. Pg.123) You can add –en to some adjectives to make verbs which mean to become or to cause to become. يجمد- – لتحويل بعض الصفات الى افعال (اشتقاق الفعل من الصفة) مثل جامدen استخدم االضافة يستخدم الماضي المستمر Adjective Verb Examples short shorten I will shorten my shoelace. sweet sweeten Sweeten your tea with sugar. straighten Please, straighten your desks. straight wide Suffix + -en = widen I must widen my garage. tight tighten Can you tighten this knot? flat flatten They have to flatten the field. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 49 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 50 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3a-GRM/VGB-RB 51 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Book 19 Book 20 Book 21 Name: _________________________ Number: __________ Teacher: ____________________ Contents Vocabulary Book 18 3 Grammar Book 18 17 Vocabulary Book 19 24 Grammar Book 10 42 Vocabulary Book 20 49 Grammar Book 20 62 Vocabulary Book 21 49 Grammar Book 21 62 Additional vocabulary 69 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 0 DLI American Language Course Grammar & Vocabulary Issue No. 1.0 نصائح الستخدام هذا الكتيب Tips on using this booklet ات Use this booklet at home and after to class revise what هذا.استخدم هذا الكتيب بعد انتهاء الحصص لمراجعة ما تعلمته مع معلمك you learn in class. Use your main coursebook in class. .الكتيب ليس بديال عن الكتاب االساسي Remember – to really learn the grammar and words here, you must practice using them with your teacher. To get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need to know how words are used in sentences, and do this very fast. Memorising a list and translations will not get you a 60 in the ALCPT. عليك ان تمارس استخدامهم مع,تذكر – حتى تتعلم القواعد و الكلمات فعليا عليك ان تعلم كيفية استخدام,ALCPT في60 حتى تحصل على.معلمك مجرد حفظ قائمة من الكلمات و. و ان تقوم بذلك بسرعة,الكلمات في الجمل . ALCPT في اختبار60 ترجمتها لن يمنحك ال Test yourself and your friends – ask for the spelling, example sentence, similar meaning, opposite or example for a word. , وضعها في جمل,اختبر نفسك و كذلك اصدقائك – اسأل عن تهجئة الكلمات . عكسها او مثال لما تعنيه هذه الكلمة,مرادفاتها Also, to make sure you get a 60 in the ALCPT, you need more words than are in this booklet. Write in more words you learn in the Additional Vocabulary Notes section. تحتاج الى المزيد من الكلماتALCPT في60 حتى تتأكد من الحصول على اكتب المزيد من الكلمات التي تعلمتها في قسم.عن ما هو متوفر في هذا الكتيب Additional Vocabulary Notes Key adjective clause جملة صفة adverb حال clause شبة جملة indefinite pronouns negative past participle الضمائر المجهولة نفي التصريف الثالث للفعل command أمر positive إثبات comparative مقارنة possibility اإلحتمالية conditional شرط purpose الغرض details تفاصيل present perfect المضارع التام example مثال present perfect progressive المضارع التام المستمر express تعبير preposition حرف الجر gerund الجواب reported speech الكالم المنقول infinitive to-infinitive مجرد requests BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 1 طلب Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns = similar meaning ≠ opposites 1 academy (n) 2 anthropology (n) علم االنسان Tom studied anthropology at university. 3 appointee (n) موظف متعين حديثا There were five new appointees to the government. 4 appointment (n) Joe made an appointment to see the doctor. 5 6 biology (n) campaign (n) 7 candidate (n) المرشح There are six candidates for the vacant job. 8 chemistry (n) الكيمياء Chemistry was my favorite science subject in school. 9 design (n) تصميم I saw the design of the building before it was built. 10 االقتصاد I studied economics and I now work in finance. 11 economics (n) engineer (n). مهندس Tom is a mechanical engineer - he fixes plane engines. 12 engineering (n) الهندسة This new bridge is an example of fine engineering. 13 graduate (n) يتخرج Don is a graduate from Harvard University. 14 leader (n) قائد Bill is in charge. He is the team leader for the project 15 leadership (n) القيادة You must show good leadership to be a manager. 16 physics (n) فيزياء Physics is one of the oldest science subjects. 17 president (n) رئيس I will improve the country when I am president. 18 My school has many study programs for all students. 19 program (n) برنامج qualification (n) مؤهل 20 science (n) علوم Chemistry, biology and physics are all science subjects. 21 scientist (n) عالم Albert Einstein was a great scientist. 22 semester (n) ترم/ فصل After the summer semester, John will leave school. 23 social science (n) علوم انسانية Tom studied social sciences because he likes people. 24 sociology (n) علم االجتماع Sociology is the study of how people live together. strategy (n) Verbs 26 acquire (v) استراتيجية The government has a strategy to create more jobs. = a plan or program يحصل The team acquired three new players this year. = get, buy = to choose or select a person for a job اكاديمية موعد علم االحياء المقر االنتخابي/ خطة انتخابية 25 Bill is attending a military academy in the States. Todd’s dad is a biology teacher - he loves animals! = college = the study of human cultures = a person who is given a job or role = meet someone at a fixed time and place = the study of living things You need a strong campaign to win an election. = a person who applies for a job = the study of what materials are made of = a drawing to show how something is made = designing and building machines or buildings = a person who has a degree or diploma = a person in control of a team or organization = ability to lead = the study of energy, heat and light = the head of a state or country I went to university to gain some qualifications. Examples: physics, chemistry, biology = a person who studies science Examples: anthropology, sociology = the study of society and how it works 27 appoint (v) يحدد The company will appoint a new director this week. 28 design (v) يصمم The school designed a new course for English. 29 elect (v) ينتخب The USA elects a new president every four years. 30 The Royal Saudi Air Force was established in 1922. = set up, start, create establish (v) يؤسس lead (1) يتولى زمام االمور/ يرأسThe new president will lead the country from January. (1) = to be in charge of (2) = to move forward; (past = led) (2) يقود الى/ يرشدHe led the race from beginning to end. ≠ to follow (pp = led) (v) 31 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 2 = to choose a person or people as their leader(s) Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Vocabulary = to give someone a reason for doing a job (1) = to appoint or select (2) = to give a name to motivate (v) يحفز name (v) (1) يتم اختيارهIn 2017, Donald Trump was named President of USA. (2) يسميThat plane is named ‘Tornado’ after the wind. qualify (v) يؤهل reach (v) (1) يحققLiverpool FC reached the final, but they lost. (2) يصل الى مكانWe will reach the airport in two hours from now. (3) ‘ يتواصلI’m sorry, I can’t reach Tom; I’ll call again later’. vote (v) يصوت You have to be 18 to vote in the elections. Adjectives 37 academic (adj) اكاديمي Schools and universities are academic institutions. 38 current (adj) حالي My current salary is $5500. It was $4500 last year. 39 eligible (adj ) مؤهل/جدير باالختيار Gem has a US passport. He is eligible to play for USA. 40 motivated (adj) محفَز We had to motivate Jon - he wasn’t motivated earlier. ≠ demotivated 41 political (adj) سياسي I’m very political. I always talk about the government. = connected government 42 رئيسي Zak’s primary goal this year is to pass this exam. = main 43 primary (adj) qualified (adj) مؤَهل Tim is a qualified engineer. He can work design bridges. ≠ unqualified 44 social (adj) اجتماعي Smoking cigarettes is still a social health problem. = connected to people and groups of people 32 33 34 35 36 Good teachers motivate their students to work hard. Tom will qualify for the job if he passes this test. = to reach a required level (1) = to meet a goal (2) = to arrive at (3) = to get a message to or make contact = to make a formal choice in an election connected with education = happening / being used / done now = allowed, qualified ≠ ineligible with Other words )...... و.....تستخدم عند الحديث عن شيئين و انطباق الفعل المؤكد عليهما (كال 45 both … and 46 either … or 47 neither … nor 48 not only … but also 49 as This flower grows in both America and Argentina. ) ......... او...... تستخدم للتخيير بين احد الشيئين ( اما ان Either you come with us or stay at home. )...... و ال..... تستخدم عند الحديث عن شيئين و عدم انطباق الفعل عليهما (ال I have been to neither Italy nor Spain. عندما كان/ كـ ).......... انما ايضا.........إلضافة شيء اخر لما معروف سلفا (ليس فقط He came not only to Texas but also to California. He had often been sick as a child. Lesson 2 Nouns = a choice of two things = none of them = both = during that time = similar meaning ≠ opposites = a thing to stop people going further = the part of the land that joins the sea 1 barricade (n) حواجز The police put up barricades to stop the traffic. 2 coast (n) الساحل Jubail is by the sea on the eastern coast of KSA. 3 condition (n) حالة I need new shoes as mine are in poor condition. = the state of something 4 damage (n) اضرار The storm caused great damage to our town. = destruction or injury to something/someone 5 خطر Staying in the sun without protection is a danger. هتان/رذاذ The weather forecast tomorrow is drizzle. اخالء Evacuation is required when the fire alarm sounds. 8 danger (n) drizzle (n) evacuation (n) fact (n) حقيقة It’s a fact that the earth goes around the sun. = something which is true 9 flash (n) وميض I heard thunder after the flash of lightning. = a sudden light happening very quickly 10 flood (n) فيضان fog (n) ضباب force (n) قوة forecast (n) نشرة االحوال الجوية 6 7 11 12 13 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB = light rain The flood was caused by the amount of rain water. Drive very slowly in fog, or stop if you can’t see. Tim said the force of the wind was over 90mph. = the power of something The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. = what might happen in the 3 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Vocabulary 14 hail (n) حبات البَ َرد/بَ َرد The hail was very loud as it fell on the ground. 15 hazard (n) خطر This wet floor is a hazard. Be careful not to slip. 16 hurricane (n) اعاصير The hurricane blew the roof off my house. 17 lightning (n) برق The lightning lit up the sky during the storm. 18 sleet (n) مطر ممزوج بالثلج The rain is expected to turn to sleet later today. 19 thunder (n) رعد Simon heard the thunder after the lightning. 20 tornado (n) اعصار The tornado blew several trees over. 21 visibility (n) الرؤية The fog will reduce visibility to just 5 meters. 22 warning (n) انذار weatherman (n) 23 There is a weather warning for heavy rain today. يتكيف مع/ يعتاد على = advice of caution = be used to; become normal through experience 27 drizzle (v) تمطر رذاذا Tim is used to hot weather. He has lived in Saudi Arabia for 10 years. You need your umbrella because it’s drizzling. 28 evacuate (v) يُجلي/ يُخلي If you hear the fire alarm, evacuate the building. 29 The lightning flashed for many minutes. flash (v) يومض All the rain flooded the streets. I can’t drive home! flood (v) يفيض forecast (v) (past = forecast) (pp = forecast) يستعرض نشرة االحوال الجوية 34 = the loud noise made during a storm = a dangerous wind that flows in a circle = the distance you can see in front of you Jason is Chinese. He is used to spicy food. يعتاد على 33 = rain and snow mixed = to block or protect an area be used to (v) 32 = a strong storm with winds over 32m/sec = an electrical flash in the sky during a storm The police barricaded the danger area. 26 31 = a danger or risk The weatherman on TV says it will rain tomorrow. قارئ نشرة االحوال الجوية Verbs 24 barricade (v) يحجز be accustomed to (v) 25 30 future = frozen rain that falls in small balls of ice The weatherman forecast heavy winds later. It often hails in these mountains during winter. hail (v) تساقط البَ َرد In cold weather, look out for ice on the roads. look out (for) (v) احذر/ انتبه rise (v) (past = rose) (pp = risen) يرتفع The rivers rises when it rains heavily. = to be accustomed to = light rain = to leave quickly because of danger = say what the weather will be = to be careful (of) = increase ≠ fall run into (v) (past = ran into) (pp = run into) (1) يلتقي بالصدفةJosh ran into Tom, his brother, yesterday. (2) يصطدمSara’s car ran into a truck but she wasn’t injured. 35 (1) = to meet by chance (2) = crash into set up (v) (past = set up) (pp = set up) 36 (1) يجهز/ يعدRobert sets up his market stall here every day. (2) يبني/ يؤسسThe company plans to set up a new office. 37 sleet (v) هطول مطر ممزوج بالثلجIt’s going to rain but I don’t think it will sleet. strike (v) (past = struck) (pp = struck) يضرب/ يعصف 38 Lightning usually strikes the tallest buildings. 39 take precaution(s) (v) اخذ الحيطة Please take precautions when you’re in the sun. 40 warn (v) I warned you about the speed camera. 41 watch out (for) (v) 42 wish (v) يحذر انتبه لـ يتمنى Watch out for ice on the road this winter. I wish I was rich. I would buy a big house! (1) to build something (2) to establish = hit = protect yourself = tell someone about a problem or danger = be careful of something or someone = to want something that is unlikely Adjectives BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 4 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Vocabulary If the weather is favorable, we’ll have a picnic. = pleasing, good ≠ unfavorable It was too foggy to drive. = lots of fog 45 foggy (adj) ضبابي hazardous (adj) خطير Be careful! Driving conditions are hazardous. = dangerous 46 invisible (adj) غير مرئي I couldn’t see the ice on the road, it was invisible. 47 likely (adj) محتمل A heavy storm is likely this week. 48 probable (adj) محتمل Heavy storms are probable in winter. شديد/ قارس I’m in hospital because I had a severe accident. بشكل قارس/ بشدة The storm severely damaged the town. 43 favorable (adj) 44 severe (adj) Other words 50 severely (adv) 49 Lesson 3 رائع Nouns = unable to be seen ≠ visible = probable ≠ unlikely = likely to happen ≠ improbable, unlikely = very serious = similar meaning ≠ opposites (1) = when people share the same opinion (2) = a decision about what to do (1) = money or services given by a company (2) = an advantage = someone in authority, a manager = something that causes worry agreement (n) (1) اتفاقThe company came to an agreement with its workers. (2) قرار باإلجماعWe made an agreement to change our holiday dates. benefit (1) (n) (1) مميزات وظيفيةA company car is one benefit of working here. (2) فائدةIt will be to your benefit if you do your homework. 3 chief (n) رئيس Each department has a section chief in charge. 4 concern (n) قلق The trip was cancelled because of safety concerns. 5 disagreement (n) عدم اتفاق There is disagreement about when to start work. 6 employee (n) موظف Starbucks has 238,000 employees around the world. 7 employer (n) جهة التوظيف Saudi Aramco is the biggest employer in this city. 8 Jane found employment in a local supermarket. = regular work 9 employment (n) توظيف head (n) قائد The head of the engineering department is Mr Smith. = leader 10 point (n) المقصد My point is that we’re spending too much money. 11 policy (n) سياسة The company policy is that jeans are not permitted. 12 supervisor (n) مشرف My supervisor tells me what to do at work. = manager, boss 13 unemployment (n) بطالة Unemployment rose by 20% when the factory closed. = not having regular paid work 1 2 ≠ agreement = a person who works for a company = the company or person you work for = the thing you are trying to say = an official set of plans or actions Verbs 14 advise (v) ينصح The doctor advised Jenny to rest. = give information on the best thing to do 15 موافقة Fred asked Jane to marry him and she agreed! ≠ disagree 16 agree (v) benefit (v) يستفيد Employees will benefit from the new health plan. = to get help or an advantage 17 can’t be (v) ال يمكن ان He can’t be the new chief; he’s much too young! 18 convince (v) يقنع I didn’t believe it but he convinced me and now I do! 19 couldn’t be (v) لم يستطع ان John couldn’t be driving here - he can’t drive! 20 disagree (v) employ (v) ال يوافق/يعترض Bob disagreed with Tom about the new policy. ≠ agree Our company employed 25 new people this month. = give someone a job 21 يوظف BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 5 = something that is impossible or wrong = say thing so that someone believes something = something that is impossible or wrong (in the past) Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Vocabulary 22 23 = to lose your job Employees will be fired if they break the rules. fire (v) يفصل من وظيفة get off (v) (past = got off) (pp = gotten off) يجازEmployees get 20 days off per year. get rid of (v) (past = got rid of) (pp = gotten rid of) (1) = to fire someone (2) = remove, throw away (1) يجازThe company got rid of me because of high costs. (2) يتخلص منHenry got rid of his old TV and bought a new one. 24 hire (v) permit (v) point out (v) يوظف Last year the company hired fifty new employees. يسمح لـ Mobile phones are not permitted in the TSI. (1) يحدد/ يخبرThe supervisor pointed out the times for lunch. (2) يستعرض/ يريI can’t see Tom in the crowd. Can you point him out? (1) to tell someone something (2) to show supervise (v) يشرف Jerry supervises a team of ten people in the factory. = to be in charge of someone or something Adjectives 29 chief (adj) 30 concerned (adj) رئيسي I do many things but this is my chief responsibility. = main, the most important قلق بشان I’m concerned about the noise my car is making. = to be worried about 31 definite (adj) مؤكد It’s definite, my boss confirmed I will go to New York. = certain ≠ indefinite 32 excellent (adj) indefinite (adj) ممتاز “Excellent work, James. You will get a bonus for this.” Mr Jones will be away for an indefinite period of time. I don’t know when he will be back. = very good, perfect The Army’s main role is to protect the country. = most important 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36 غير معروف/ غير مؤكد main (adj) رئيسي personal (adj) شخصي unemployed (adj) عاطل عن 41 = unknown, amount ≠ definite Don’t use your personal cell phone at work. I don’t have a regular job, sadly. I’m unemployed. = not being in regular paid work حاليا Now that I’m married, I don’t go out very often. = at present بشكل رئيسي Jennifer is chiefly responsible for the design team. = mainly, mostly شخصيا Personally, I think we should follow the old policy. = in my opinion, in my view فهم المقصد I hope you get the point of the new policy. If not, ask. = understand On the one hand, John loves this job; on the other hand, the pay isn’t very good. We use these phrases when we compare an advantage and a disadvantage. “I think we can win. What’s your point of view, Ken?” = opinion العمل Other words 37 now (that) 38 chiefly (adv) 39 personally (adv) 40 get the point = to allow on the one hand / on the other hand على الجانب االخر/على الجانب االول 42 point of view وجهة نظر to tell you the truth (1) 43 (1) = actually (1) في الحقيقةTo tell you the truth, I’m worried about this new job. (2) بصراحةTo tell you the truth, we don’t have enough money to keep the factory open. (2) = honestly, truly Lesson 4 Nouns = similar meaning 2 childhood (n) الطفولة consideration (n) االعتبار 3 out of control (n) خارج السيطرة 4 detail(s) (n) تفاصيل 5 disability (n) االحتياجات الخاصة 1 6 7 8 I had a happy childhood growing up with my brothers. = the time as a child Thanks for the offer but after consideration, I decline. After the engine stopped, the plane went out of control. Please give me your personal details for your visa. = thought My dad has a disability so we installed a stair lift. force (n) (1) ) قوة (فيزيائيةYou need to use force to plug the wire in. (2) ) قوة (عسكريةMy country is sending forces to help with the crisis. memory (n) (1) الذاكرةI remember my childhood well; I have a good memory. (2) ذكرياتThe old photos brought back sad memories. My share of the pizza is small – yours is big. مساهمة share (n) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB ≠ opposites 6 ≠ in control = facts, information = medical difficulties mentally or physically (1) = pressure, power (2) = a group of trained people, an army (1) = ability to remember (2) = something remembered = a part of something larger Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Vocabulary Verbs 9 blame (v) 10 blind (v) يلوم يسبب فقدان البصر I blame the weather for the game being cancelled. Never look directly at the sun, it will blind you. bring back (past = brought) (pp = brought) (v) نحاس (1) يعيدYou can borrow this but bring it back later. (2) يسترجعI saw an old movie and it brought back happy memories. 11 = to say who is at fault (1) = give back, return (2) = remember things from the past = lift, hold and move something 12 carry (v) 13 communicate (v) يتواصل control (v) يتحكم could have (v) بمقدوره ان People can communicate by phone or email. 16 force (v) You can’t force Tim to come. You need to persuade him. = make someone do something they don’t want to do 17 Please look after the children when I go shopping. = care for 18 look after (v) يهتم بـ ought to have (v) كان باألحرى ان My phone ran out of battery. I ought to have checked. = should have 19 persuade (v) I wasn’t going to help but Joe persuaded me to. = make or ask someone to do something 20 Please remind me to get petrol or we will run out. remind (v) يُ َذكر set aside (past = set) (pp = set) (v) يدخر 14 15 21 22 23 24 يحمل يجبر يلح Can you help me carry these boxes. They’re too heavy. Please control your dog - it’s running all over the park. Tom could have gone, but he decided to stay here. We have to set aside some money for our vacation. I should have studied more; now I’ve failed my test. should have (v) نحاس You aren’t qualified; you shouldn’t have done that. should not have (v) كان علي ان spoil (v) (1) يفسدThe refrigerator was turned off so the food spoiled. (2) يبالغ بالداللIf you spoil your kids, they will always expect everything. Adjectives & adverbs 25 blind (adj) Jennifer’s almost blind. Please help her up the stairs. اعمى Please speak louder because Jon is a little deaf. 26 deaf (adj) اصم The elevators are for disabled people who can’t walk. 27 disabled (adj) ذا احتياجات خاصة 28 sudden (adj) The sudden noise startled me. مفاجئ Other words and phrases along (1) معYes, Johnny can come along with us to the movies. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (2) متزامنYou can see the fence runs along the highway. (3) على طول الـGo along this road for 10 meters and you’ll find it. Jane felt fine. Then all of a sudden she was sick. all of a sudden و فجأة Spain are excellent at football. However, they lost. however (adv) لكن/ و مع ذلك We work on many planes here, such as the Tornado. such as (adj) مثل take for granted (past = took) (pp = taken) (v) يضمن Nobody says thank you to me; everybody takes me for granted. take into consideration (past = took) (pp = taken) (v) يضع بعين االعتبار We will take your opinion into consideration. He is injured. He was therefore unable to work. therefore (adv) نتيجة لذلك BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB = share information 7 = make someone remember = to save = ought to have ≠ should have (1) = (food) go off (2) = treat too well = unable to see = unable to hear = people with disabilities = very quick, without warning (2) = parallel with (3) = move forward = suddenly = for example = not appreciate = give thought to ≠ ignore = as a result Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar 1. It’s unlikely that the boss will agree with us. (L1. Pg.6) Use it + BE + the adjectives below to express a conclusion from an observation. الصفات التي في االسفل للتعبير عن الخاتمة من خالل مالحظة شيء+ Be فعل+ it استخدم ما It + BE It’s Adjective 100% true / clear likely / probable possible 25% unlikely / doubtful (that) Conclusion + a conclusion made from an observation that is optional اختياريthat استخدام (that) Examples It’s clear that you don’t like me. It’s likely that he’ll pass the ALCPT. It’s possible Liverpool will win the league. It’s doubtful it’ll rain. 2. Choices with correlative conjunctions (L1. Pg.14) Use these conjunctions to emphasize the reason why the items are joined. استخدم أدوات الربط المتالزمة للتأكيد على سبب ارتباط األشياء Correlative conjunctions Example both … and … Both Ali and Ammar have new cars. not only… but also… Not only does Ali have a car but Ammar does also. Ali’s car Ammar’s car You can have either a pizza or a burger for lunch. either … or … (choose; not both) They have been to neither Brazil nor Japan. neither … nor 3. I asked him if we had any homework. (L1. Pg.20) Use this to report from a present tense. اللغوية بهذه الصيغة لنقل حديث في الزمن المضارعif استخدم قاعدة Direct question سؤال مباشر Reported question سؤال منقول BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB What are we studying today? Do we have any homework tomorrow, Mr. Jones? I’ll answer your questions at the end of class. I asked him if we had any homework. I also asked him what we would study tomorrow. What did you ask Mr. Jones? 8 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar Direct Yes/No question Do we have any homework? if / whether we had any homework. Reported question I asked him Change the Present tense to a Past tense غير الزمن المضارع الى ماضي Direct information question What will we study today? what we would study today. Reported question I asked him Change the modal verb غير الفعل الناقص Examples Direct questions Reported questions Where’s my cap? Faisal asked him where his cap was. Who will be at the party? 4. They asked her who would be at the party. Does my tie look OK? He asked me whether his tie looked OK. What time is Jim leaving? I asked him what time Jim was leaving. If I had longer arms, I could be the champion. (L2. Pg.38) Use this to talk about an unreal condition in the present. استخدم هذه القاعدة اللغوية للحديث عن حاالت غير حقيقة في الوقت الحاضر IF-clause (unreal condition in the present) Subject If I / you / he she / we they / it Main clause (result) Past / was / were detail Subject + Modal + detail were(n’t) at the TSI you would be at home. had more time wanted to pass The past tense verbs DO NOT mean something happened in the past! زمن الفعل الماضي ال يعني أن الشيء حدث في الماضي , I could read more. he might study harder. would – this will happen for sure (100%) might –maybe it will happen (50%) could – it can happen because of ability or possibility, or there is permission %100 تدل على نسبة حصول الشيء- would %50 قد يحدث الشيء بنسبة- might قد يحدث بسبب القدرة أو اإلمكانية أو يكون هناك إذن- could Examples If I were him, I wouldn’t spend all that money on clothes. Ahmed could lose weight faster, if he exercised more often. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 9 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar 5. I wish I were a sports champion. (L2. Pg.44) Use wish to say you want something to be different in the present. Wish + past tense verb means you want an unreal situation - it is not the past. للتعبير عن رغبتك في جعل شيء ما مختلفا عن ما هو عليه في الوقت الحاليwish استخدم التصريف الماضي للفعل يعني أنك تريد حال غير حقيقي وليس شيء في الماضي+Wish Subject wish (that) Subject Verb weren’t I / You He / She We They wish so nasty. )he isn’t( I / you could go on holiday. he / she we had passed that test. they (that) lived 6. detail )he can’t( )he didn’t( )he doesn’t( much closer. Are you used to getting up at 0600? (L2. Pg.56) Use BE used to + gerund/noun to talk about something you are familiar with; it is not strange or new to you. ليس جديد او غريب عنك, للحديث عن شيء معروف لديكBe used to + gerund/ noun استخدم Subject BE I am He / She is We / You They (not) used to gerund(-ing) / noun getting up early. (not) used to driving on the left. accustomed to are so much work. your accent. accustomed to is a formal way to say used to used to هي الطريقة الرسمية بدالُ منaccustomed to Questions BE When Subject are you Are 7. used to gerund(-ing)/noun used to going to sleep now accustomed to his accent ? Aren’t we studying negative questions today? (L3. Pg.66) Use negative questions when you are expecting agreement or when you are surprised or annoyed. استخدم االسئلة المنفية عندما تتوقع اتفاقا مع طرحك او عندما تكون متفاجئا او منزعجا Negative Subject (Verb and other words) Aren’t / Weren’t / Isn’t / Wasn’t Don’t / Doesn’t / Didn’t / Can’t / Won’t / Wouldn’t, etc. working at the office? I / you we / they he / she / it (base verb – V1) go? (past participle) Haven’t / Hasn’t / Hadn’t BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB Verb swum across that river? 10 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar You can also place not after the subject to make negative questions. بعد الفاعل لجعل السؤال المنفي اكثر لباقة و رسميةnot تستطيع ايضا استخدام BE or Modal Subject NOT Verb (Verb and other words) Am / Are / Were Is / Was working tomorrow? I / you Do / Does / Did Modal we / they (base verb) not go? he / she / it (past participle) Have / Has / Had swam across that river? Negative questions can make you sound angry, confused or critical. االسئلة بصيغة النفي قد تجعلك تبدو غاضبا او مشوشا او ناقدا You can also use negative questions to seek information. يمكنك ايضا استخدام االسئلة المنفية لطلب المعلومات Right, Mr Jones. Tell me, who hasn’t passed the ALCPT? Why didn’t you know the General had cancelled the meeting? 8. Chris can’t be at work. He broke his leg. (L3. Pg.72) Use can’t be and couldn’t be to say that a present action or condition is logically impossible. . للتعبير عن االستحالة منطقيا بخصوص حدث او وضع حاليcouldn’t be وcan’t be استخدم Information / Situation Logical impossibility Look! There’s Ahmed. That can’t be him. He’s on holiday. Your phone is out of battery. It couldn’t be. I just charged it! I’m glad it’s lunch time. I’m starving. You can’t be. We only just ate! I think you will be promoted soon. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB I couldn’t be. I only just arrived here. 11 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar 9. Changing adjectives to nouns with the suffix –ness (L3.Pg.84) You can make nouns from some adjectives by adding –ness. I was ill last week. My illness began on Monday. Adjective ill –ness تستطيع تحويل بعض الصفات الى اسم بإضافة Suffix + -ness Noun = illness Adjective Noun Adjective Noun bitter bitterness dizzy dizziness clever cleverness easy easiness dark darkness empty emptiness full fullness friendly friendliness good goodness happy happiness hard hardness lazy laziness nervous nervousness messy messiness polite politeness ready readiness smooth smoothness ugly ugliness soft softness thick thickness tight tightness *Notice the spelling above: the y changes to i. 10. Changing verbs to nouns with the suffix –ment (L3. Pg.85) You can make nouns from some verbs by adding –ment. –ment تستطيع تحويل بعض االفعال الى اسم بإضافة He is 60. He will retire at 65. His retirement is in 5 years. Verb retire + Suffix -ment = Noun retirement Verb Noun Verb Noun advertise advertisement entertain entertainment agree agreement govern government appoint appointment *judge judgment *argue argument measure measurement attach attachment place placement disagree disagreement postpone postponement employ employment require requirement enlist enlistment treat treatment *both argue and judge drop their ‘e’ BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 12 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar 11. What should Chris have done differently? (L4. Pg.95) Use the modals should have, shouldn’t have, ought to have, and could have to express possibilities and regrets about past situations. للتعبير عن وجهة نظر او اسف عن مواقف او حاالت حدثت في الماضيshould have, shouldn’t have, ought to have, could have استخدم االفعال The scenario: Yesterday, Rakan tried to jump across a stream but he fell in. Subject Modal have He shouldn’t He ought to Past participle (V3) detail tried to jump over the stream. realized it was too wide. have He should known the stream was too wide. He could gone over the bridge. Use Verb 3 after have.. have استخدم التصريف الثالث للفعل بعد shouldn’t have = it was unreasonable. ought to have = something reasonable that wasn’t done. should have = something reasonable that wasn’t done. could have = possibility to do something else different to what actually happened. 12. He is a man whom many people still honor today. (L4. Pg.106) Adjective clauses give information about a noun in another clause. They describe that noun. In the examples below, the information is essential; without it, the other clause doesn’t make sense. We don’t use commas here. المعلومات ضرورية, في االمثلة التالية.العبارة الوصفية تعطي معلومات عن الفاعل في العبارة االخرى ألنها تشرح الفاعل . ال تحتاج الستخدام الفاصلة.والجملة قد ال تكون مفيدة بدون العبارة الوصفية Adjective Clause subject + verb Word (optional) The weekend is a time (that) everyone looks forward to. The speed limit is a law (which) everybody should follow. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 13 Issue No. 1.0 Book 18 Grammar You can also put the adjective clause into the middle of the other clause. Put the clause after the word it is describing. The dinner was delicious. The dinner Mona made it. Mona made it. (that) The dinner Mona made was delicious. was delicious. The person (whom) you’re waiting for has arrived. The movie (that) we saw yesterday was great. These words are optional. استخدام الضمائر الموصولة اختياري 13. I expect you to explain this low score to me. (L4. Pg.111) Use this structure to say what some people expect / teach / allow, etc. other people to do. يسمحوا لألخرين بفعله/ يُعلِّموا/ استخدم هذه الصيغة للتعبير عن ماذا يمكن لبعض الناس ان يتوقعوا Subject Verb direct object The RSAF won’t permit visitors The police are ordering people Mr Ali convinced Ahmed I expect you He needs us (not) to + base verb (V1) to walk on the grass. not to speed in town. to study harder. not to copy in the exam. to deliver this letter. Direct objects can be nouns or pronouns. يمكن للمفعول به المباشر ان يكون اسما او ضمير Other verbs that can follow this pattern are: هذه قائمة بأفعال اخرى يمكن ان تستخدم requires want need invite ask allow advise cause BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 14 instruct select tell teach warn would like help Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns بيئة اجتماعيه/ حضارة = similar meaning ≠ opposites International schools have children from different cultures. The couple agreed to get a divorce. ≠ marriage The vet told the man the sex of his dog was female. ≠ male The insurance company put their documents in a file. = folder 1 culture (n) 2 divorce (n) طالق 3 female (n) انثى 4 file (n) ملف 5 grandchild / grandchildren (n) احفاد/ 6 granddaughter حفيدهgrandson حفيد 7 in-law (n) نسيب My wife’s name is Sue. Her mother is my mother-in-law. 8 knowledge (n) معرفة 9 link (n) رابط 10 male (n) ذكر 11 relationship (n) عالقة اجتماعيه 12 sex (n) ) انثى-جنس (ذكر 13 spouse (n) زوجه/ زوج 14 tolerance (n) تسامح/تساهل You need experience and knowledge to do a job well. To apply for a job, click on the link. All males should use the bathroom on the left. ≠ female Tom has a very strong relationship with his father. Please write your sex on the form. = gender The military party is for officers and their spouses. = wife or husband Everyone should have tolerance for peoples from other cultures. حفيد Mrs. Hill is 78 years old. She has 13 grandchildren. Mrs. Hill has 7 granddaughters and 6 grandsons. a relative related to your spouse Verbs 15 attract (v) يجذب 16 click / click on (v) يضغط 17 divorce (v) يطلق 18 drop by (v) عرج/ زيارة خفيفة 19 end up (v) انتهى بـ 20 get along (in) (v) انسجم في 21 get along (with) (v) انسجم مع 22 inquire (about) (v) يستفسر 23 neglect (to) (v) يتجاهل 24 put up with (v) يتح ّمل 25 tolerate (v) يتكيّف/يتح ّمل Jim was attracted to the job because of its high salary. Click on the link and you will be taken to the home page. David’s parents divorced when he was 12. John told his new friend to drop by anytime he wanted. Joe wanted to be a doctor but he ended up being a lawyer. I can’t get along in life with an old mobile phone. Jim was popular. He could get along with anyone. Sue called the college to inquire about their courses. Bill neglected to tell me he is sick. I waited for 3 hours! I can’t put up with this noise. I am going to complain! Tim doesn’t like hot weather but he can tolerate it. ≠ repulse = press = to split up = visit for a short time = start out = succeed in = be friendly with = ask about = not do something = tolerate = put up with = whole, entire = keen = without details ≠ complete, whole ≠ general ≠ intolerant = specific Adjectives 26 complete (adj) كامل John had the complete collection of Star Wars films on DVD. 27 eager (adj) مهتم/حريص 28 general (adj) عام 29 incomplete (adj) غير مكتمل Bill was eager to start his flying lessons. The Police asked for a general description of the car. Bill’s collection of Star Wars films was incomplete. 30 specific (adj) محدد Mr. King needed more specific information for the report. 31 tolerant (adj) معتاد على/متكيف The captain was not tolerant of laziness. 32 Certain (adj) محدد Mr. Tyler wears only a certain kind of shoe made in Italy. The students finished the exam all at once. The data base showed names along with addresses. Alongside of each name was an address. Other words and phrases 33 all at once فجأة 34 along with تماشيا مع 35 alongside (of) بالتعاون مع/بجانب 36 consequently نتيجة لذلك 37 ex-wife / ex-husband 38 great-(grandfather) (الجد) االكبر 39 in addition اضافة الى ذلك 40 once in a while مرة كل فتره 41 someday يوما ما 42 while في حين السابق BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB = at the same time = together with = together with It’s raining today. Consequently, the sports lesson is canceled. = therefore, as a result John is divorced. he doesn’t speak to his ex-wife. = former My mother’s great-grandfather is called William. John failed the test because he didn’t study. In = also, additionally, addition, he felt sick on the day of the test. moreover I only go to the football match once in a while. = occasionally I would like to travel to Japan someday. = in the future While we were tired, we were still happy. = even though 15 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Vocabulary = similar meaning ≠ opposites assistance (n) مساعدة The doctor gave assistance to the injured woman. = help ّ عDog bites can be dangerous. Always see a doctor. bite (n) (1) ضه (2) لقمةLet’s get a bite to eat – I’m hungry. chemical (n) مادة كيميائية Chemicals can be harmful to your skin if you touch them. department (n) قسم He teaches in the English department of the university. = section fuel (n) وقود The fuel used in most cars is petrol. helmet (n) خوذه You should wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle. Helmets protect your head. rest (n) بقيّة Jane is sick. She will stay in bed for the rest of the day. = remainder method (n) طريقة The best method to improve your skills is practicing = way Lesson 2 Nouns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Verbs 9 10 11 12 13 14 arrange (v) (1) يرتب ّ يح/يجهز (2) ضر I want to arrange my furniture in a different way. Please arrange to pay your gas bill by 28th March. assist (v) يساعد I assisted the old woman across the busy road. bite (past = bit; pp = bitten) (v) ّ يعضMy tooth hurts when I bite on anything hard. It could have been Dave who bought you the flowers. could have (v) كان باإلمكان couldn’t have (v) لم يكن باإلمكان Sarah couldn’t have driven. She doesn’t have a license. drop off (v) (1) توصيل/ انزالMrs. Jones drops off her children at school at 8:00 am. (2) يغفو Tom was tired. He dropped off in class for 10 minutes. drown (v) يغرق The child drowned because he couldn’t swim. = put in the correct place = organize = help = (2) fall asleep 15 get someone to do something (v)اقناع شخص ما لعمل شيء I want to get the children to tidy their bedrooms. = persuade someone to do something 16 have someone do something (v) تكليف شخص ما لعمل شيء My car doesn’t start. I’ll have the mechanic repair it. = pay / arrange for someone to do something 17 make someone do something (v) جعلI will make John do his homework before he watches احدهم يقوم بعمل شيء TV. 25 = force someone to do something get through to (v) الوصول الى I couldn't get through to Mr. Mark because he was busy = reach get through with (v) ينهي I didn’t get through with my work – I’ll finish later. = finish insist (v) يصر على Jeremy insisted that he did not take the money. insist on (v) يلزم ب Our officer insists on clean rooms and shoes. inspect (v) يفتش/يفحص Please inspect the room to make sure it is clean. = check carefully keep away (from) (v) )يبتعد (عن Children should keep away from roads when they are playing. = stay away from may have (v) قد يملك ‘Why hasn’t Bill come to the party?’ ‘He may have forgotten.’ = might have might have (v) احتمال ان John is late for work – he might have missed the bus. = may have misplace (v) يضيِّع I’ve misplaced my wallet. I had it 10 minutes ago. ≠ find 26 must have (v) البد ان Sue must have walked to work because her car keys are here. 27 prevent (v) يمنع 28 rescue (v) ينقذ 29 respond (v) يرد/ يستجيب Driving to the speed limit prevents accidents. The fishermen rescued the swimmer from drowning. The company hasn’t responded to my email. 30 run across (v) وجد بالصدفة/صادف I ran across some old photos when I was tidying my house. 31 search (v) بحث 32 stay away (from) (v) )يبقى بعيدا (عن The police searched the shopping mall for the thief. Stay away from the fire! You might burn yourself. 33 use up (v) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 استنفذ/استهلك Tom used up all the coffee. Now I’ll have to buy some more . = stop from happening = save = answer = find = look for = keep away from = finish using a supply I was convinced I would pass the test. His story about meeting the prince was very convincing. The entire school had to go to the graduation. It was a fatal accident. All the passengers are dead. Many accidents are preventable if you are careful. = certain = persuasive = whole, all = it causes death = avoidable Adjectives 34 convinced (adj) مقتنع 35 convincing (adj) مقنع 36 entire (adj) كل 37 fatal (adj) ُمهلِك/قاتل 38 preventable (adj) ممكن تجنبها BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 16 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Vocabulary 39 trim (adj) ممشوق/متناسق الجسم The woman looked trim after her diet and exercise. = slim and fit = totally, completely Other words and phrases 40 absolutely تماما I absolutely agree with you. 41 according to وفقا لـ/بناء على According to the manager, we are getting an increase in salary. = )the Boss( said that … 42 at least على االقل 43 few قليل 44 in place of بدالً عن 45 little قليال من 46 otherwise وإال There are at least 10 students in the class. = a minimum of I knew few people at the party. = not many You should read books in place of watching TV. = instead of I got home quickly as there was little traffic on the roads. = not much You have to have your ID. Otherwise, you can’t enter = If that doesn’t the base. happen …. = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 3 Nouns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 حضور The teacher took the attendance every morning. capability (n) قدرة John has the capability to fix an engine. confidence (n) ثقه He didn’t have the confidence to speak English to her. guidance (n) توجيه/ارشاد The new worker needs guidance to do his job. mission (n) (1) مهمهThe mission of the military is to protect the country. (2) انتدابCol. Jack is on a mission to Canada. The mission will last 2 weeks. routine (n) روتين Marching was part of his daily routine. self-confidence (n) ثقة بالنفس He had the self-confidence to ask his boss for a raise. skill (n) مهارة Speaking English is a difficult skill to learn. success (n) نجاح The festival was a great success – everybody enjoyed it. technique (n) تكنيك/ طريقه You need the right technique to ride a motorbike . attendance (n) = ability = ability Verbs 11 accomplish (v) اكتمل 12 account for (v) يبرر/يفسر 13 achieve (v) صل ِّ يح/يحقق 14 adjust (to) (v) يتكيف/يتأقلم 15 assume responsibility (v)يتقلد المسؤولية 16 congratulate (v) يبارك/يهنيء 17 develop (v) يحسن/ يطور 18 guide (v) يرشد 19 make sense (v) يفهم 20 object (to) (v) يعترض 21 obtain (v) يحصل على 22 succeed (v) ينجح The team accomplished the task in 5 hours. The cadet was asked to account for his absence. The student achieved a high score in the exam. Abdullah found it hard to adjust to life in the U.S. Col Hill was sick so the Captain assumed responsibility. I want to congratulate you on your promotion. I want to travel to the UK to develop my English. On holiday we used a map to guide us around the city. I need a dictionary to make sense of the paragraph. I object to working at the weekend. To obtain a visa, you must visit the Embassy. I wanted to succeed in my new job. = make changes, adapt = do the job = improve = understand = get ≠ fail Adjectives 23 confident (adj) واثق 24 educational (adj) تعليمي 25 routine (adj) روتيني 26 sensible (adj) عاقل 27 successful (adj) ناجح 28 sufficient (adj) وافي/كافي 29 Adjectives with –able / ible acceptable مقبول affordable بسعر معقول/بمتناول اليد reasonable معقول respectable محترم collectible قابل للجمع reliable موثوق BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB I am confident that we will win the match. This magazine article is very educational. I am going to the hospital for a routine examination. He is a very sensible man. He saves his money. The businessman is very successful – he is very rich. We don’t have sufficient petrol to get to Riyadh. 17 = sure = exceptional ≠ foolish ≠ unsuccessful = enough Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Vocabulary refundable لالسترداد/ قابل للترجيع believable قابل للتصديق sensible عاقل permissible مسموح/جائز edible قابل لألكل enjoyable ممتع understandable قابل للفهم winnable قابل للفوز Other words and phrases 30 31 32 مرة I have only been to Riyadh once. quite a few قليل جدا He had quite a few chances to pass the test. quite a (adj) + (noun) الى حد كبير/ً جداWe had quite a difficult time finding your house once quite an (adj) + (noun) Lesson 4 Nouns 1 attention (n) انتباه 2 lack (of) (n) )نقص (في 3 regret (n) ندم 4 rush (n) زحمة/ذروة 5 volunteer (n) متطوع = one time = several = very = similar meaning ≠ opposites If you don’t pay attention to the teacher, you won’t learn. There is a lack of money so the trip is cancelled. = not enough I am glad I left that job. I have no regrets. Shall we go to the cinema early to avoid the rush? I don’t get paid to do this job. I am a volunteer. Verbs يزعج 6 annoy (v) 7 disappoint (v) 8 drop out of (v) 9 hand in (v) 10 lack (v) 11 regret (v) 12 rush (v) 13 start out (on) (v) 14 stay up (v) take off (v) 15 (1) (2) (3) 16 turn in (v) 17 volunteer (v) 18 waste (v) He annoys me when he talks about himself all the time. يخيب األمل Did I disappoint you by not remembering your birthday? ينقطع لمدة/ينسحب I dropped out of the football team because of my injury. يسلم Please hand in your test paper when you have finished. ينقص I can’t apply for the job as I lack the qualifications. = don’t have enough يندم Jane regrets not studying when she was at university. يستعجل Don’t rush out of the classroom. Walk slowly and quietly. بدأ بـ I started out on my journey 3 days ago. ً البقاء مستيقظا/ السهرI’m too tired to study. I stayed up until 12:30 am last night. استئذن للذهابI need to take off time from work to go to my aunt’s wedding. = deduct اقلع The plane took off at 7:00pm for Denver. = leave the ground انصرف When the movie finished, everyone took off. = leave يسلم I was punished because I turned in my homework late. = hand in, submit يتطوع Sam volunteered to drive us all to the restaurant. يبذر/ يضيِّع Tom didn’t want to waste the food so he ate it all. ≠ save Adjectives 19 annoyed (adj) منزعج 20 annoying (adj) مزعج 21 disappointed (adj) خائب االمل 22 disappointing (adj) مخيب لآلمال 23 guilty (adj) مذنب 24 helpful (adj) مفيد 25 helpless (adj) غير مفيد 26 lenient (adj) متساهل 27 strict (adj) صارم 28 stupid (adj) غبي I was annoyed with my brother for eating all the cake. How annoying! I forgot my ATM card and I need money. Sally was disappointed with the hotel room she was given. It was disappointing that I didn’t see you when you visited. I feel guilty that I haven’t replied to your email. Tom thought he would be helpful and tidy the room. The man had a gun so the victim was helpless. The teacher let us talk in class. He was very lenient. The teacher wouldn’t let us talk in class. He was very strict. It was a stupid idea to go for a walk in the rain. ≠ helpless = powerless ≠ strict ≠ lenient = foolish Other words and phrases 29 as well as وكذلك/ وايضا 30 learn a lesson تعلم الدرس 31 lose one’s temper فقد اعصابه BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB He went to Spain as well as Italy on holiday. He learnt his lesson so he didn’t make the mistake again. The shopkeeper was very rude to me so I lost my temper. 18 in addition to Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Vocabulary 32 I wish … تمني 33 I regret … نادم 34 too + adjective زيادة/جدا BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB John failed the test. He wishes he had studied more! Note: we use simple past after ‘wish’ I regret not learning English when I was at school. That box is too heavy for me to carry. 19 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 1. Inseparable phrasal verbs (L1. Pg.16) Use inseparable phrasal verbs when you cannot put anything between the main verb and the preposition(s). .استخدم االفعال المركبة بدون اضافة شيء بين الفعل الرئيسي و الحرف عندما ال تستطيع وضع شيء بينهما Inseparable phrasal verbs I can’t put up with smoking. He always takes part in class. How often do you work out ? Further examples: informal/spoken formal/written informal/spoken formal/written put up with tolerate get along with have a good relationship with get together with meet socially take up begin work out exercise take part in participate run into meet (unexpectedly) cut down on reduce drop by visit get on enter (e.g. bus) 2. Who will win Maria’s sister’s boyfriend’s heart? (L1. Pg.21) Here are the rules for using ’s, or only ’ with possessive nouns. Rules Singular nouns - add Examples ’s I will watch next week’s show. Singular nouns that end in -s - add I don’t know my boss’s daughter. ’s Plural nouns that end in -s - add only He is the cadets’ teacher. ’ Irregular plural nouns - add ’s BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB ‘ او فقط ‘ مع اسماء الملكيةs تجد هنا القواعد الالزمة لوضع The Women’s Institute is very popular. 20 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 3. What’s mine is yours. (L1. Pg.23) Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns I me my mine you you your yours he him his his she her her hers we us our ours it it its - they them their theirs Use possessive adjectives before nouns, to describe them: استخدام صفات الملكية قبل االسماء لتصف االسم I have borrowed their car. Our house is over there, next to the bank. Use possessive nouns instead of the noun: استخدم اسماء الملكية بدال عن االسم This isn’t my car. It’s their car > It’s theirs. This isn’t Tom’s house. It’s our house > It’s ours. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 21 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 4. I’m having them build a house for me. (L2. Pg.39) Use this grammar structure to say that you arrange, or instruct, or force, or persuade someone to do something. .استخدم هذه الصيغة لتعبر عن تنسيقك او تعليمك او اجبارك او مالحقة احدهم لفعل شيء ما have / make object bare infinitive am having my uncle build us a house. made the painters change the color. am going to make the builder replace the old door. get object to – infinitve should get the company to be I You more careful. Examples We need to get them to vote for us. (We need to persuade them.) I made my little brother tidy my room. (I forced him.) They are having a gardener to build a pond. (They hired/instructed him.) 5. Making guesses about what happened in the past. (L2. Pg.47) Use this when you are not sure, but guess, what happened in the past. استخدم هذه الصيغة عندما تكن غير متأكد او تخمن ما حصل في الماضي Use the perfect modal Subject Modal A hurricane might There could They may He could BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB have have Past participle Object blown the fence away. been major trouble. placed it there on purpose. used a different route. 22 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 6. Saying you’re 95% sure about the past. (L2. Pg.47) Use must have when you see some evidence and are 95% sure that something happened in the past. Use couldn’t have when see some evidence and are 95% sure that something was impossible in the past. عندما ترى دليال و يغلبcouldn’t have عندما ترى دليال و يغلب عليك الظن بصحة ما حصل في الماضي و استخدمmust have استخدم .عليك الظن بعدم حصول هذا الشيء في الماضي Use the perfect modal (modal + have + past participle) 95% sure must have Because of some evidence, you’re 95% sure that something in the past was true. may have might have could have you’re guessing about the past (less than 50% sure). He might have forgotten your number - don’t worry. They must have only just left. Their coffee is still warm. Because of some evidence, you’re 95% sure that something in the past was impossible. less than 50% sure Example He couldn’t have gone to the cinema because he was at work. couldn’t have you think it was impossible 7. Few and little to mean not many / not much (L2. Pg.51) Use few to mean not many with countable nouns and little to mean not much with uncountable nouns. لنفس الغرض مع االسماء غير المعدودةlittle لتعبر عن عدم الكثرة لألسماء المعدودة و استخدمfew استخدم A lot of (many) people went to the football match. A few (some) people went to the football match. Few (not many) people went to the football match. The word few (without an “a”) means not many or not enough of something. تعني عدم الكثرة او عدم الكفاية لشيء ماa بدون اداة التنكيرfew كلمة BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 23 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar The word little (without an “a”) means not much or not enough of something. تعني عدم الكثرة او عدم الكفاية لشيء ماa بدون اداة التنكيرlittle كلمة little time (not much, not enough) I have little time to eat my lunch today. a little time (some) I have a little time between lessons, if you want to talk. a lot of time (much) 8. I have little time to study after work. I have a lot of time to play sports at the weekend. I got my shoes shined. (L3. Pg.62) Use have / get + a direct object + past participle (Verb 3) to say that you arranged for someone else to do something. استخدم هذه الصيغة لتقول انك رتبت مع احدهم لينجز لك عمال ما I have / get object Past participle had all my meals prepared. my room cleaned. my clothes washed. my shoes shined. everything done for me. got would like to have In this grammar structure, have and get mean the same thing. ACTIVE: I had my mother prepare my meals. PASSIVE: I had my meals prepared by my mother. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 24 9. Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 9. Past IF conditional: imagined situation in the past. (L3.Pg.67) Use this to talk about something in the past that did not happen. Both the condition and the action did not happen – but you imagine how things could have been different. استخدم هذه الصيغة لتتحدث عن شيء لم يحصل في الماضي ال الجملة الشرطية و ال الجملة الرئيسية حصال و لكنك تتخيل كيف كانت ستؤول االمور .فيما لو حصل ما تتخيله if –clause (this condition did not happen) I Past Perfect main clause (this did not happen either) modal + have + V3 Subject (had + V3) had set the alarm clock, might not have gotten up late. had known the lot was full, could have taken a taxi. hadn’t left my keys at home, wouldn’t have missed our flight hadn’t gone anywhere at all, would have had more fun. If I I / we might have = 50% past possibility could have = for past option or ability would have = for 95% past possibility The if-clause can go before or after the main cause. Use a comma when if is first. main clause We would have had if –clause more fun if we had stayed at home. Questions Modal subject have past participle if subject had(n’t) past participle Could Faris have fixed the bike if his Dad hadn’t helped ? helped could Faris have fixed it ? If his Dad hadn’t Would she have graduated if she hadn’t cheated? If she hadn’t cheated would she have graduated? BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 25 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar Use the past if –conditional to talk about different possible results in the past instead of what actually happened. استخدم هذه الصيغة لتتحدث عن احتمالية نتيجة مختلفة في الماضية بدال ما قد حصل فعال Example 1 Real past situation Eric bought my car + ( ) . I it to Matt. - didn’t sell ( ) Imagined past situation If - Eric hadn’t bought ( ) my car , + I would have sold ( ) it to Matt. Positive (+) verbs become negative (-), and negative become positive. These verb changes show that the if –conditional situation did NOT happen. االفعال المؤكدة تصبح منفية و المنفية تصبح مؤكدة لم تحدثif تغيير هذه االفعال يشير الى ان العبارة الشرطية Example 2 Real past situation - hard . He + hard , he wouldn’t have failed ( ) Tom didn’t study ( ) - failed ( ) the test. Imagined past situation If Tom had studied ( ) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB - 26 it. Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 10. Adding –able and –ible to make adjectives (L3. Pg.72) Add the suffix –able and –ible to some nouns or verbs to make adjectives. Adjectives ending in –able or – ible mean able to be or having the quality of. Verb/Noun Adjective accept acceptable you can accept it affordable you can afford it reasonable it’s not crazy collectible you can collect it afford reason respect collect -able + = respectable people respect it -ible Some words follow these spelling rules Noun/ Verb Words ending in –y → change –y to -i rely Adjective reliable (You can rely on it) Words ending in –e → drop the –e believe believable (You can believe it) Some words have irregular spelling changes permit permissible (You are permitted to do it) eat edible (You can eat it) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 27 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 11. I wish I had chosen to do something else. (L4. Pg.87) Use the wish + past perfect verb to say how you would like the past to be different from what actually happened. استخدم هذه الصيغة لتتحدث عن احتمالية نتيجة مختلفة في الماضية بدال من ما قد حصل فعال I / We / You / They He / She wish wishes past perfect I / we / you (that) they / he other words. past had (not) she participle Examples I agreed to go on the trip. It was awful! I regret it. > I wish (that) I hadn’t agreed to go on this trip. James didn’t pass the test the first time. He regrets that. > James wishes (that) he’d passed his test first time around. 12. Regrets review. (L4. Pg.90) There are different ways to express regret about what happened in the past. هناك عدة طرق للتعبير عن الندم لشيء حصل في الماضي regret + V-ing regret + clause Jenny regrets not buying a good car. Jenny regrets (that) she bought a bad car. sorry for + V-ing sorry + clause Tim is sorry for losing his wife’s phone. Tim is sorry (that) he lost his wife’s phone. wish + past perfect Mary wishes she had chosen to study medicine. should / shouldn’t have Sue shouldn’t have gone out in the rain – now she’s wet! If I had …, … If I had saved more money, I would be able to buy a house now. could / would / might have Mr Jones’ children live far away. They could have bought a house nearby - but they didn’t. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 28 Issue No. 1.0 Book 19 Grammar 13. The steak was very good. The fish was too salty. (L4. Pg.94) Both very or too make an adjective stronger. كال الكلمتين تجعالن الصفة اقوى يستخدم الماضي المستمر But too is used when something is more than enough and is a problem. It has a negative meaning. عندما يكون هناك شيء زائد عن الحد و يسبب مشكله و لها معنى سلبيtoo و لكن تستخدم Do you like your new neighbors? Yes, they’re very nice. Did you enjoy the concert? It was OK, but the music was too loud. 14. Reported speech review. (L4. Pg.100) Direct statement I am cleaning my room. she was cleaning her room. Reported statement said She told me (that) Direct YES / NO questions Do you write reports ? I wrote reports. Reported question if She asked me whether Direct INFORMATION questions When are we taking a break. they were taking a break. Reported question They asked me when BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 29 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Vocabulary Lesson 1 Nouns 1 bet (n) رهان 2 cost (n) تكلفة 3 groceries (n) مواد غذائية 4 ingredient(n) مقدار/مكون 5 jar (n) جرة/برطمان 6 label (n) بطاقة المعلومات 7 list (n) قائمة 9 mixture (n) خليط 10 purchase (n) مشتريات 11 quantity (n) كمية 12 recipe (n) وصفة 13 set (n) مجموعة 14 vitamin (n) فيتامين = similar meaning ≠ opposites Pat placed a bet on the race and won fifty dollars. The cost of propertyis decreasing. I need to buy coffee, milk, and some other groceries. Eggs, oil, lemon juice and salt are the ingredients in mayonnaise Mayonnaise is usually sold in jars. The label on the pants will tell you the size. We need to make a list for the groceries we need. The class is a mixture of army, navy, and air force cadets. I purchased a new car last week. It cost me $30,000. The quantity of the books is not enough. We need more. The recipe for chicken soup is so easy. Let’s cook it. There are two sets of twins in the Johnson family. = group Fruits and vegetables are healthy and full of vitamins. Verbs يطبخ في الفرن 15 bake (v) 16 become of (v) سيحصل لـ 17 bet/bet/bet (v) يراهن 18 call for (v) يتطلب 19 combine (v) يمزج 20 create (v) يُك ِّون 21 depend on (v) يعتمد على 22 fry (v) يقلي 23 give away (v) يهدي/يعطي 24 grill (v) يشوي 25 list (v) يكتب قائمة 26 mix (v) يخلط 27 purchase (v) يشتري 28 put/put/put off (v) يؤجل 30 stir (v) يفصل/يعزل )يُقلِّب(الطعام 31 tear up (v) يمزق/يقطع 29 separate (v) My mother baked a cake for me. What will become of the employees if the company is sold? I bet it will rain today. A military job calls for a person with excellent discipline. Two small classes were combined to make a large class. The teacher will create exercises to help you learn well. Success depends on effort. One of the best ways to cook fish is to fry it. He gave away all of his old books. Americans love to grill hamburgers on the weekends. Please list what we need for the picnic. Blue paint turns purple when you mix it with red paint. Did you purchase that camera at the BX? The soccer match has been put off until next Saturday. Joe and his wife have separate bank accounts. You must stir that food every minute while it's cooking. John tore the letter up and threw the pieces away. = cook in the oven We spend a good deal of time studying vocabulary. We need to do a great deal of work on our house. Altogether, there will be seven cadets going on the tour. Can you pull these stamps apart? They have stuck together. Apart from the journey there, the trip was nice. I prefer baked chicken because it's healthier than fried. I can’t help falling asleep when I read in bed. We felt like going somewhere, so we drove to the coast. Fried fish is my favourite dish. I call Mike from time to time. I don’t see him regularly. He gave me one piece of cake but he ate most of it by himself. While Frank was in Europe, he travelled mostly by train. How much money do you have on hand? The meat was cooked on the outside, but it's still raw inside. Joe and his wife have separate bank accounts. Our basketball team seldom practices, thus we usually lose. = a lot of = a lot of = in total = in pieces = except = think = require = mix = make, produce = affected by = combine = buy = postpone = not together Other words and phrases 26 a good deal of الكثير من 27 a great deal of الكثير من 28 altogether (adv) ًاجماال 29 apart (adv) يفصل/يعزل 30 apart from (prep) ما عدى 31 baked (adj) في الفرن/محمص 32 can't help ال استطيع التوقف عن 33 feel like يود فعل شيء 34 fried (adj) مقلي 35 from time to timeبين الحين و اآلخر 36 most اكثر 37 mostly (adv) على االرجح 38 on hand قابل لالستخدام/متوفر 39 raw (adj) غير مستوي/نيء 40 separate (adj) مستقل 41 thus (adv) و بالتالي BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 30 = sometimes = almost all ≠ cooked ≠ together = therefore Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Vocabulary Lesson 2 Nouns ally (n) حليف border (n) (1) حد (2) سياج/حافة 3 battle (n) معركة 4 attack (n) هجوم 5 combat (n) مواجهة 6 defense (n) دفاع 7 enemy (n) عدو 8 freedom (n) حرية 9 member (n) عضو 1 2 10 peace (n) سالم 11 property (n) عقار 12 security (n) امن 13 situation (n) وضع 14 threat (n) تهديد 15 war (n) حرب = similar meaning ≠ opposites The UK has been a strong ally of our country for many years. You 'll need to show your passport at the border Alice planted a border of flowers around the shed. The battle lasted for three days and three nights. = fight , combat The attack started just before daylight. The soldier was injured in combat. = battle , fight We need strong defense to protect our country from attack. The enemy attacked us during the night. Children should be given some freedom when they're young The US is a member of NATO. There was a ten-year period of peace between the two wars. ≠ war My neighbor is building a tall fence around his property. Do you have a security system in your car? What is the economic situation in that country? Speeding cars are a threat to people on the sidewalk. The American Civil War lasted from 1861-1865. ≠ peace Verbs 8 alert (v) يحذر/ينذر 9 attack (v) يهاجم 10 authorize (v) يسمح 11 call up (v) استدعاء defend (v) (1) يدافع (2) يحمي 13 define (v) يعرِّ ف The signal will alert the men when it's time to go. 16 notify (v) يُخبر 17 settle (v) الوصول الى 18 take over (v) يتحكم/يستلم The war started after one country attacked another. Who authorized you to enter this room? The National Guard can be called up when they are needed. The armed forces defend the country against attack. Soldiers are taught to defend themselves. The teacher asked me to define the word. We are going to engage the enemy near the border. You shouldn't engage in dangerous behavior. = participate He maintains his car by changing the oil regularly. We’ll have to maintain our position when the enemy attacks = protect Please notify me when my car is ready. = tell , inform The two friends settled the argument after discussing their opinions. SGT Black will take over the Discipline Office next Monday. 19 threaten (v) يهدد Jack was threatened by a man with a gun. 12 14 15 engage (v) maintain (v) (1) يشتبك (2) يشترك (1) يصون (2) يحمي/يدافع Other words and phrases اضافي We need to buy some additional food for the party. You must remain alert when you drive to avoid having 22 alert (adj) متيقظ accidents. 23 neutral (adj) محايد He remained neutral when his two friends had a fight. ≠ take sides 24 nevertheless (adv) بالرغم من ذلك Nicole likes her job; nevertheless, she's looking for a better one. = however 25 on alert في حالة تأهب The pilots have been on alert for the past 24 hours. 26 secure (adj) آمن Your things will be secure if you keep your room locked. ≠ in danger The copilot took control of the plane when the pilot became 27 take control of يتحكم بـ ill. take sides الوقوف مع احدI don’t want to take sides in the argument between my two 28 االطراف friends. 29 take steps اتخاذ خطوات What steps will you take in order to prepare for the move? 21 additional (adj) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 31 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Vocabulary = similar meaning ≠ opposites clutch (n) كلتش When driving, use the clutch to shift from 1 to 2nd gear. coil (n) كويل The coil increases the voltage from the battery. combustion (n) االحتراق الداخلي Combustion in the engine is caused by the spark plug. cylinder (n) سلندر/أسطوانة A small sedan usually has a 4 cylinder engine. distributor (n) الديلكو/موزع الشرارة The distributor sends electrical power to the spark plugs. Exhaust gas from vehicles is one of the main causes of exhaust (n) نواتج االحتراق/العادم pollution. filter (n) الفلتر The fuel filter on your car make the fuel cleaner. fuel injector (n) بخاخ الوقود The fuel injectors spray the gas into the engine. function (n) الية عمل/وظيفة The function of the filter is to clean the fuel. = job gear (n) ترس/عجلة مسننة The gears shift by themselves in an automatic transmission. ignition (n) االشعال We use the ignition switch to start the car. line (n) انبوب/سلك Gas travels through the fuel line to the engine. pedal (n) دعسة The brake and clutch are pedals which we control with our feet. piston (n) بستم Pressure from combustion pushes the pistons down. pressure (n) ضغط Pressure from combustion pushes the pistons down. process (n) عملية Learning a second language is a long process. pump (n) مضخة The heart works as a pump to circulate blood around the body. purpose (n) غرض My purpose for studying English is to help me when I travel. spark (n) شرارة The wind blew the sparks from the fire close to his house. spark plug (n) مولد الشرار/بوجي You should change the spark plugs in your car every 50,000 km. The ignition system on my car isn't working properly. system (n) (1) منظومة (2) نظام What system are you going to use to study for the test? transmission (n) علبة التروس/ ناقل الحركةDoes your car have a manual or an automatic transmission? valve (n) بلف Exhaust gases leave the engine when a valve opens. Lesson 3 Nouns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 st Verbs 24 accelerate (v) يتسارع 25 eliminate (v) يقصي 26 filter (v) فلتر 27 ignite (v) يشعل 28 provide (v) يوفر 29 pump (v) يضخ 30 release يترك/يطلق 31 shift (v) يعشق/ينقل 32 supply (v) يدعم 33 transmit (v) ينقل الحركة My car accelerates from 0 to 60 miles in 4 seconds. It’s fast. Chelsea are eliminated from the competition. They lost the match. Fuel is filtered before it reaches the engine. A spark caused the fuel to ignite. The army provides every new recruit with uniforms and boots. The heart pumps blood around the body. The teacher releases the class at the end of the lesson. With a manual transmission, you must shift the gears yourself. The school will supply you with the materials you need. A transmission transmits power from an engine to a drive shaft. Other words and phrases 34 automatic (adj) آلي 35 internal (adj) داخلي 36 manual (adj) يدوي standard (adj) (1) قياسي (2) اساسي 37 Lesson 4 Nouns 1 antifreeze (n) مضاد للتجمد 2 coolant (n) سائل تبريد المحرك 3 defect (n) خطأ ما 4 estimate (n) تقديري BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB The gears shift by themselves in an automatic transmission. The heart is an internal organ of the body. With a manual transmission, you must shift the gears yourself. The standard color for a fire engine is red. You shift gears manually in a car with a standard transmission. = similar meaning ≠ opposites Put antifreeze in your radiator if you live in a cold area. You should check the coolant level on a regular basis. I must return my new radio because it has a defect. The estimation of our arrival is more or less 2 hours. 32 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Vocabulary 5 exterior (n) خارجي 6 fluid (n) سائل 7 friction (n) احتكاك 8 interior (n) داخلي 9 liquid (n) سائل 10 lubrication (n) تشحيم/تزييت 11 maintenance (n) صيانه 12 malfunction (n) عطل 13 odometer (n) عداد المسافات 14 overhaul (n) ترميم/توضيب 15 pipe (n) اسالك/مواسير 16 surface (n) سطح 17 thermostat (n) معيار الحرار The usual exterior color of the taxis in New York is yellow. Oil and water are fluids which are used in engines. = liquid Oil is used to reduce friction between moving metal parts. The exterior of my car is blue, but the interior is gray. I drink a lot of liquid when working outside in the heat. = fluid Engines which lack proper lubrication don't run smoothly. Your car will run better if you do regular maintenance. I took a taxi because my engine had a malfunction. The odometer tells you how many miles the engine has done. If you start an engine without oil, it will need an overhaul. Oil flows through that pipe to the motor. A mirror has a smooth, shiny surface. When the room gets too hot, adjust the thermostat. Verbs 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 يرصص/يو ّزن My car doesn’t drive straight. The wheels need to be aligned. circulate (v) يدور The heart circulates blood around the body. estimate (v) يتوقع/يقدِّر I estimate that 1 gallon of gas should be enough to drive home. look over (v) يفحص بسرعة The mechanic looked over my car and everything was fine. lubricate (v) يشحم/يزيت Oil lubricates the moving parts in the engine. malfunction (v) يتعطل We pulled over because the car engine was malfunctioning. overheat (v) يرفع الحرارة/ يسخنNot using the correct coolant can cause engines to overheat. rebuild/rebuilt/rebuilt (v) اعادة بناءI rebuilt my house after it was destroyed by fire. ً regulate (v) البقاء مستيقظا/ السهرThe thermostat regulates the temperature of the AC. rub (v) يفرك Lynn rubbed her hands together to warm them up. service (v) يصلح/يخدم بمقابل The mechanic services my car every 3,000 miles. wear out (v) يستهلك/يتآكل The tires on my car seem to wear out very quickly. align (v) Other words and phrases 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 معطل Unfortunately, we can’t use my car. The engine is defective. for the purpose of من اجل The men were sent outside for the purpose of training. = in order to have a look at يفحص/يلقي نظره على My car isn't working. I'll ask the mechanic to have a look at it. = check, examine in order to من اجل You must study in order to pass the test. =for the purpose of so (that) كي/ حتى يتسنى Speak louder so that I can hear you better. step on the gas زد السرعة/ ادعس Don't step on the gas too hard in heavy traffic. take a look at غير مفيد Why don't you have the nurse take a look at your arm? = check, examine used (adj) مستعمل I can’t afford to buy a new car. I’ll purchase a used one instead. wear and tear اثار االستهالك My car is ten years old. It's got a lot of wear and tear. worn out (adj) مستهلك ال يصلح لالستخدامI need to buy new shoes because these are worn out. defective (adj) BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 33 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Grammar 1. Review of much / many / some / any / etc. + NOUN (L1. Pg.6) These adjectives are indefinite quantifiers. They describe the general amount, or quantity, of something. هذه الصفات هي صفات للتعبير عن الكميات بشكل عام دون تحديد العدد With countable nouns, use many / several / a few / few Quantifier countable noun many /several a few / few مع االسماء المعدودة استخدم التالي coins / cars / people / guests Examples. There were several people at the party. The hotel has many guests. We saw a few things to buy. There are few cars in the car park. With uncountable nouns, use much / a little / little Quantifier مع االسماء غير المعدودة استخدم التالي uncountable noun much / little money / food / time a little Examples. I don’t have much money. Be quick! There is little time remaining. We have a little food left from the party. Use all of these with both countable and uncountable nouns Quantifier countable & uncountable nouns any / some / enough /more / most / all / plenty of / a lot of / lots of / a good deal of / a great deal of coins / cars / people / guests استخدم التالي للمعدود و غير المعدود money / food / time Examples. There aren’t a great deal of people here. He sells the most cars. I don’t have a great deal of money. You have the most money. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 34 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Grammar 2. I drank most of the coffee: quantifiers (L1. Pg.14) We use quantifiers to describe the amount or quantity of something in general. We use of after a quantifier when we want to limit the quantity to a particular group of things, or part of a group. بعد الصفة عندما نريد ان نضع حدا معينا لهذه الكمية او المجموعة او خالفهof نستخدم صفات التعبير عن الكميات للتعبير عن الكمية بغير عدد و نستخدم Quantifiers with of countable nouns many / a few / few / one / two / both / neither / either Whole group or amount of the students. Example There are a few of the students in the classroom. (the rest are elsewhere) Please take a few of these sweets. Quantifiers with of uncountable nouns much / a little / little Whole group or amount of your coffee. Example Did you drink much of your coffee? There is only a little bit of sugar left in the bowl. Quantifiers with of countable & uncountable nouns half / more / most / all some / any / none Whole group or amount the students. of your coffee. Example Some of the students failed their test. I spilled some of my coffee on the sofa. 3. Classes are being offered. (L2. Pg.35) We use the present progressive passive to talk about something that is being done now. نستخدم المضارع المستمر المبني للمجهول للتعبير عن شيء يحصل االن بواسطة مجهول We use the past progressive passive to talk about something that was happening in the past. نستخدم الماضي المستمر المبني للمجهول لوصف حدث مستمر حصل في الماضي بواسطة مجهول Present/past progressive passive Past participle BE being (V3) A luncheon is held in the mess hall. Classes are offered at the new building. The game was played when the lights cut out. The TVs were used for training purposes. being BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 35 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Grammar Use the BE passive to emphasize the action, and not who did the action. Active Sentence Subject Verb Object Details The children were playing games when the lights went out. Object BE + being + past participle (V3) Subject Details Games were being played (by the children) when the lights went out. Passive Sentence We do not need to say who did the action. ال نحتاج ان نقول من قام بفعل الفعل 4. What else do you plan on doing as president? (L2. Pg.49) Use else to talk about another or different thing, person or place. للحديث عن اشياء او اشخاص او اماكن اخرى او مختلفةelse استخدم Question word detail Who can help us? What is there to do? Why 5. else else would I be here? Please tell us how I can improve my health. Could you tell us where we should park? I’d like new locks (to be) installed. (L3. Pg.60) Use the verbs below to talk about things we want someone else to do. استخدم االفعال ادناه للحديث عن اشياء نريد من احدهم ان يقوم بها I expect/would like/need/want object expect the computer would like my money (to be) shared out. need that bulb (to be) replaced straight away. want (to be) Past participle (V3) (to be) installed tomorrow. these windows (to be) cleaned. You can use to be, or you can miss it out. اختياريto be استخدام BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 36 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 6. Grammar The senator hopes to be elected president. (L3. Pg.62) With the verbs below, don’t use a direct object after the verb. Use the passive infinitive (to be + V3). (to be + V3) استخدم. ال تستخدم مفعول به مباشر بعد الفعل,مع االفعال ادناه Verb 7. to be + Past participle (V3) The junior senator hopes to be promoted. Citizens need to be guaranteed of change. The cadets have asked to be given extra time to study. Employees should expect to be paid for their work. Your work email isn’t intended to be used for personal tasks. Most children hate to be told to go to bed. Some women demand to be given flowers. Adding –ive / -tive to make adjectives (L3. Pg.70) You can add –ive / -tive at the end of some nouns and verbs to make adjectives. These adjectives mean someone has that characteristic or quality. هذه الصفات تعني ان الموصوف فيه ميزة او سمة مشتقة من االسم او.– الى نهاية االسماء و االفعال لتكوين الصفاتive / -tive اضف .الفعل اللي تشكلت منه الصفة Verb / Noun Adjective to protect protective + a secret -ive = secretive to select selective to produce + -tive Do you get much support from your boss? = productive Yes, she’s very supportive. Some words follow these spelling rules. Verb / Noun defense to create → Words ending in ‘e’ - drop the ‘e’ → Some words have irregular spelling changes. to destroy to persuade to talk Adjective = defensive creative destruction = persuasion talkative Examples We must make a collective decision. Why is he being so secretive? My brother’s an artist. He’s creative. Your friend is never quiet – he is very talkative. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 37 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 8. Grammar Reported speech: past simple to past perfect. (L3. Pg.80) When reporting a statement or question that has a simple past tense verb, we change the verb to past perfect. Don’t forget to change the pronouns. . ال تنسى تغيير الضمائر اذا لزم االمر. نحول الفعل الى التصريف الثالث,عندما نريد نقل جملة او سؤال يحتوي على فعل ماضي بسيط Direct statement I ended up in 2nd place. he had ended up in 2nd place. Reported statement said He (that) told me Direct YES / NO question Did you decide to become…? she had decided to become…? Reported question if I asked (him) whether ddd Direct INFORMATION question How did you finish in the race? he had finished in his race. Reported question I asked (him) 9. how Introducing purpose with so that. (L4.Pg.92) Use so or so that to connect two clauses. The first clause gives the action. The second clause explains the reason and expectation for that action. . لتوصيل عبارتين العبارة االولى فيها حدث و العبارة الثانية فيها شرح اسباب هذا الحدث و النتائج المتوقعة لهso that اوso استخدم ACTION I’m going to pack warm clothes Raed saved $4,000 Mishal watches the news PURPOSE/REASON FOR THE ACTION so / so that I won’t get cold. he could buy a car. he knows what’s happening. Examples We’re leaving early so / so that we’re not late. You should check your engine so / so that you don’t break down. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 38 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Grammar 10. Mr Black doesn’t have as many qualifications as Mr Wilson. (L3. Pg.100) Use as much as or as many as to say that the quantity of two things is the same. للتعبير عن التساوي في المقدار بين شيئينas many as اوas much as نستخدم After much, use non-countable nouns: as much time as … استخدم االسماء غير المعدودةmuch بعد After many, use countable nouns: استخدم االسماء المعدودةmany بعد subject + verb as much (+ non-countable noun) many (+ countable noun) He owns Mona doesn’t put as many students as … as much land as much sugar in her coffee as noun / pronoun verb I own. we do. I can’t eat much Ali. - He knows many people I do. he can. Nor. - They don’t speak as many languages Clara has many children 11. Which country consumes the most soda? as (L4. Pg.110) A review of comparatives and superlatives. مراجعة للمقارنات و المقارنة القصوى noncountable nouns Comparative Superlative little less (than) the least (of all) much more (than) the most (of all) Examples This recipe uses less sugar than that one. I think you have more vacations than I do. Try to go down the street with the least traffic. Robin cycles a lot, but Craig cycles the most of all of us. countable nouns many more (than) the most (of all) few fewer (than) the fewest (of all) Examples Faris has a car but Ali has 2 cars. Ali has more than Faris. Tabuk has fewer people than Jeddah. Riyadh has the most people of all cities in Saudi. Ahmed has the fewest marks in the class. BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 39 Issue No. 1.0 Book 20 Grammar 12. Irregular verbs of degree: He played very little. (L4. Pg.112) A review of comparatives and superlatives. Verb + مراجعة للمقارنات و المقارنة القصوى يستخدم الماضي المستمر Adverb Comparative Superlative much more (than) the most little less (than) the least Much is 1) used in negative statements and questions. (e.g. I don’t have much time.) تستخدم في العبارات المنفية و االسئلة 2) generally replaced by a lot of in positive statements. (e.g. I have a lot of في حالة االثباتa lot of و تستبدل ب Little is often combined with very. (e.g. I have very little time.) مع عادةlittle تستخدم Examples Brian hasn’t studied much this year, but he has studied more than Gwen. The problem is that he has been working in a café a lot recently. He should get the least marks in the class, but knowing how lucky Brian is, he’ll probably BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 40 Issue No. 1.0 Book 21 Vocabulary = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 1 Nouns 1 appetite (n) 2 athlete (n) 3 average (n) شهية He has a big appetite. He eats a lot of food. رياضي The athletes played two basketball matches today. (1) المعدل الطبيعيHis ability in math is below average. He may not pass the test (2) المتوسط الحسابيMy marks average this semester is 69. I need to work hard. ماركة My favorite car brand is Ford The population density of the US is about 80 million per كثافة square mile. صحراء Sahara desert in Africa is the largest desert in the world ازدياد/نمو There is a growth in the population in our city. It’s crowded. 4 brand (n) 5 density (n) 6 desert (n) 7 growth (n) 8 habit (n) عادة 9 industry(n) صناعة 10 model (n) نموذج peak (n) (1) ذروة (2) سياج/حافة 11 12 population (n) سكان 13 portion (n) عينة/جزء rate (n) (1) تكلفة (2) معدل السرعة 15 region (n) منطقة 16 sand (n) رمل 17 scenery (n) منظر 14 Verbs يحسب المتوسط 18 average (v) 19 call off (v) الغاء conclude (v) (1) ينهي (2) يقرر 21 contribute (v) يساهم 22 Drain (v) 23 keep up with (v) (1) االستمرار على (2) البقاء على اطالع 24 occur (v) يحصل 25 pick up (v) تعلم بالصدفة 26 populate (v) يسكن 20 27 تفريغ السوائل spread/spread/spread (1) يفرش (2)نشر Other words and phrases 28 abnormal غير عادبي 29 anyway على أي حال 30 approximately (adv) حوالي 31 average (adv) عادي 32 in that case (prep) في هذه الحالة 33 maximum (adj) الحد االقصى 34 minimum الحد االدنى 35 normal عادي 36 once again (adj) مرة اخرى 37 per لكل 38 rapid سريع 39 recent (adv) ًحدث مؤخرا BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 41 Issue No. 1.0 Book 21 Vocabulary = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 2 Nouns 1 content (n) محتوى 2 effect (n) التأثير 3 experiment (n) تجربة 4 property (n) خصائص 5 result (n) نتيجة 6 seal (n) اغالق محكم 7 substance (n) مادة Verbs 8 absorb (n) يمتص 9 affect (n) يؤثر 10 bend (n) يشكل 11 bounce (n) يرتد 12 contain (n) يحتوي 13 escape (n) يتسرب/يهرب 14 float (n) يطفو 15 form (v) يشكل 16 resist (v) يقاوم 17 result from (v) نتج من 18 result in (v) يتسبب في seal (v) يغلق بإحكام 19 يغرق 20 sink (v) 21 soak (v) يغمر 22 soak up (v) يمتص 23 squeeze (v) يعصر 24 stretch (v) يمدد Other words and phrases 25 airtight (adj) غير منفذ للهواء 26 artificial (adj) صناعي 27 as a result (adj) نتيجة لذلك 28 as a result of (adv) نتيجة لـ 29 effective (adj) فعّال 30 elastic (adj) مرن 31 flexible مرن 32 hardly بالكاد 33 inflexible غير مرن 34 nowadays (adv) هذه االيام 35 original (adv) اصلي 36 Real (prep) حقيقي 37 rigid (adj) صلب/جامد 38 so … that لدرجة ان such 39 (1) مثل (2) لدرجة عالية من 40 such … that (adj) ادى اللى... مثل هذا 41 waterproof مقوم للماء 42 watertight بمعزل عن الماء BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 42 Issue No. 1.0 Book 21 Vocabulary -ility -ity يعشق/ينقل يدعم ينقل الحركة ينقل الحركة يتسارع يقصي (v) (v) (v) 43 (v) (v) (v) = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 3 Nouns 1 abbreviation (n) اختصار 2 abundance (n) كويل 3 aid (n) مساعدة 4 award (n) تعويض case (n) (1) قضية (2) مثال 6 charge (n) 7 client (n) اتهام مو ِّكل 8 court (n) محكمة 9 court-martial (n) محكمة عسكرية 10 crime (n) جريمة 11 criminal (n) مجرم 12 judge (n) قاض 13 jury (n) هيئة المحلفين justice (n) (1) عدالة (2) النظام القضائي 15 lawyer (n) محامي 16 punishment (n) عقوبة 17 trial (n) جلسة قضائية 5 14 Verbs 18 determine (v) يصدق القرار 19 aid (v) يساعد 20 award (v) يعوض 21 commit (v) يرتكب 22 accuse (v) يتهم 23 enforce (v) يطبق القانون 24 fill يشغل بـ 25 interpret (v) يشرح/يفند 26 judge (v) يحكم represent (v) (1) يمثِّل احد ما (2) يكون مثال يحتذى stand for (v) يعني 27 28 Other words and phrases 29 criminal (adj) مجرم 30 dual (adj) مزدوج 31 fair (adj) عادل for a living (adj) (1) للعيش (2) اساسي 33 illegal (v) غير قانوني 34 innocent (v) بريئ 32 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 43 Issue No. 1.0 Book 21 Vocabulary 35 in general (v) عموما 36 judicial (v) قضائي 37 just (v) فقط 38 legal (v) قانوني Dis- & un- 39 (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) (v) يعشق/ينقل يدعم ينقل الحركة ينقل الحركة يتسارع يقصي = similar meaning ≠ opposites Lesson 4 Nouns 1 advantage (n) مزايا/فوائد 2 branch (n) فرع 3 category (n) صنف/فئة 4 conduct (n) التصرف 5 counselor (n) مستشار 6 disadvantage (n) عيوب 7 discharge (n) تسريح 8 extension (n) توسعة 9 influence (n) تأثير 10 obligation (n) تشحيم/تزييت 11 veteran (vet) (n) عسكري سابق Verbs 12 brief (v) يرصص/يو ّزن 13 contact (v) يتصل 14 discharge (v) يصرف/يفصل 15 discover (v) يكتشف 16 extend (v) يوسع 17 head (v) يتجه 18 hesitate (v) يتردد 19 influence (v) يؤثر 20 inform (v) يخبر 21 prohibit (v) يمنع 22 recruit (v) يستقطب 23 re-enlist (v) يعاد تجنيده 24 request (v) يطلب 25 suggest (v) يقترح 26 urge (v) يحث Other words and phrases 27 be no use (adj) معطل 28 beneficial مفيد 29 beyond وراء 30 brief مختصر 31 efficient فعال BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 44 Issue No. 1.0 Book 21 Grammar 32 in contact (with) على اتصال بـ 33 in touch (with) على اتصال مع subject to (adj) (1) خاضع لـ (2) معرضة لـ 34 BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 45 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 46 Issue No. 1.0 Additional words you learn BAESKSA-TTS-TRG-FT-L3b-GRM/VOC-RB 47 Issue No. 1.0