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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.
Document: Contract HSE Management:
Document ID
Document Type
PR-1171 PART 1
Management Health, Safety & Environment
Document Owner
Head of Corporate HSE
Month and Year of
October 2015
Managing HSE in contracts
Copyright: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the
whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical,
reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.
PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.
Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
The following is a brief summary of the three most recent revisions to this document.
revisions prior to these are held on file by the Document Custodian.
Version No.
Version 6.0
01/10/2015 Kevin Doyle MSE12
Version 5.0
01/04/2012 Kevin Doyle MSE/12
Version 4.0
Jan 2002
Trevor Ford UEG/1D
Details of all
Scope / Remarks
Change in RASCI chart with HSE/MSE12 to
underwrite Key Tasks with the Contract Holder.
The number of tasks reduced to 12 critical steps
to manage HSE in contracts. Also includes an
Appendix Guide to support sub Contractor
Reformatted. Supersedes PR1171 Part I Version
Added. Requirement for Preliminary HSE
Plan. Critical tasks streamlined from 53 to 25
tasks to add value to the contract HSE process.
Reformatted. Supersedes HSE/97/04, HSE/97/06
HSE/96/02, SP-1080. Revised in line with new
CHCS scheme. Deleted provisions for Low-Risk
Contracts. Deleted requirement for Preliminary
HSE Plan.
User Notes:
The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by CFDH
Operations Safety through STEP-OUT approval.
A controlled copy of the current version of this document is in Livelink and HSE Web page as well as HSE
for Contractor’s page. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure
that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian.
This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of
this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written
consent of the owner.
Company – Petroleum Development Oman
Contractor - Supplier Party employed by the Company to provide Goods and / or Services.
PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
Related Business Processes & CMF Documents
Related Business Processes
Document Title
Contract HSE Management
Parent Document(s)
Doc. No.
Document Title
CP 122
HSE Management System Manual
Other Related CMF Document(s)
Doc. No.
Document Title
PR 1171 Pt I
& II
Contract HSE Management
Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents
The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation
Register CMF (or from HSE-MS – Documentation of the HSE-For-Contractors Website).
PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
Related Business Processes & CMF Documents...................................................................ii
Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents .....................................ii
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
Background .............................................................................................................. 1
Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1
Distribution............................................................................................................... 1
2. Contract HSE Management Procedure..............................................................................1
Scope ......................................................................................................................... 1
Description ............................................................................................................... 1
Contract Owner’s Responsibilities ........................................................................ 2
Contract Holder’s Responsibilities ........................................................................ 2
Contract Phase 1 – Planning and Invitation to Tender ......................................................3
Task 1 Contract Holder to Conduct HSE Contract Risk Assessment and
dictate HSE Management Mode ......................................................................................... 3
Task 2 Prepare the C9 Document (Refer to Omnicom or Rabitah for latest
GU140) ................................................................................................................................... 3
Task 3 Define the HSE Pre-qualification criteria (Refer to Omnicom or
Rabitah) ................................................................................................................................. 4
Contract Phase 2 – Tender ......................................................................................................4
Task 4 Site visit or HSE Clarification Meeting.................................................................. 4
Contract Phase 3 – Evaluation and Contract Award ...........................................................4
Task 5 HSE Evaluation (Banding PR1997) ....................................................................... 4
Contract Phase 4 – Mobilisation.............................................................................................5
Task 6 Kick off Meeting ....................................................................................................... 5
Task 7 HSE Workshop.......................................................................................................... 5
Task 8 Approve HSE Management and HSE Monitoring Plans ...................................... 6
Task 9 Issue the HSE Commencement Certificate .......................................................... 7
Contract Phase 5– Execution ..................................................................................................7
Task 10
Implementation of the HSE Management Plan and Assurance
Monitoring ............................................................................................................................. 7
Contract Phase 6– De-Mobilisation .......................................................................................7
Task 11 Site Restoration Certificate .................................................................................. 7
Contract Phase 7– Close out ...................................................................................................8
Task 12
Close Out report ................................................................................................ 8
PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
PART I: Mandatory for Company personnel involved in Contract Management
Company’s Policy Document, PL-04 “Health, Safety and Environment Protection”, requires that a systematic approach
to HSE management be applied which shall require Contractors to manage HSE in line with Company’s HSE Policy.
Document PR-1171 has two parts:
Part I: Managing HSE in Contracts - for Company Personnel
Part II: Managing HSE in Contracts for Contractors
Part I describes each of 12 tasks to be executed by Contract Holders, from strategy definition to close-out of a
contract, to ensure that Contractors achieve the same (or higher) HSE standards as those required by Company for its
own operations. The Procedure is based on a planned approach with attention being paid to HSE issues in the early
Contract Phases in order to properly address HSE through the entire contract process.
Appendix N Contract Holder Check Sheet and RASCI
Part II is referenced, in document GU-140 “C9 HSE Specification minimum Requirements”, to enable Contractors,
together with support from Contract Holders, to carry out Company prescribed HSE activities in the manner and at
the level required by Company. Of particular importance in this section is the detail given for the preparation of the
Contractor’s HSE Plan.
The input to each Contract Phase and the depth of analysis (the “Tasks”) primarily depends on the level of HSE risk
presented by the contract activities, which consequently determines the actions and input required for the contract
Whether a contract is large or small in scope and value the Tasks are all the same. Preparations for all contracts shall
utilise the same systematic process of hazard identification, assessment, control, mitigation and recovery (Hazards
and Effects Management Process - HEMP), together with the demonstration that a system is in place to manage these
hazards through a robust monitoring plan.
This Procedure is a mandatory requirement for Contract Owners and Contract Holders. This also applies for other staff
required by title or position to manage HSE in contracts e.g. Drilling Supervisor.
Distribution of this document is controlled by the Document Custodian.
This document shall be reviewed in case of any major changes resulting from recommendation of Audit, changes in
industrial standards or changes in regulation/law as advised by regulatory authority. The Document Custodian will
update the changes as applicable, but no less frequently than every four years. Any user of this document who
encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to immediately notify the Document Custodian
Contract HSE Management Procedure
This Procedure applies to all contracts tendered by Company regardless of size and value.
This Procedure follows the HSE in contract sequence through seven (7) phases and including specific tasks in each
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
The sequence of events in any contract can be described in seven (7) Contract Phases:
1. Planning and Invitation to Tender (3 Tasks)
2. The Tender Period (1 Task)
3. Evaluation and Contract Award (1 Task)
4. Mobilization (4 Tasks)
5. Execution (1 Task)
6. De-mobilization (1 Task)
7. Close out (1 Task)
In some of the Tasks, form(s) must be completed for the Contract to proceed. These are detailed in each Task where
required, including any reference documents that relate to the forms. All forms necessary for the HSE Management
of a Contract are given in the various Appendices in this document.
Each Task also contains instructions for any relevant Deliverable(s), as well as the document number and title for any
reference material pertinent to that Task.
Contract Owner’s Responsibilities
Contract Owner shall be an individual with the right level of HSE competence and authority to direct the contracting
process to protect overall Company and Asset objectives. Where relevant, Contract Owners should attend Tender
board presentations to support Contract Holders. Contract Owner should at all times be cognizant of HSE issues in
each Contract.
Contract Holder’s Responsibilities
Contract Holder shall have single point responsibility for the activity management of the Contract and verification that
the control mechanisms are in place (HSE Management tasks 1-12).
Contract Holder shall have single point responsibility for advising Contractor and/or Contractor Personnel of activities,
stated in each relevant Task, requiring their action(s). These activities are not necessarily repeated in Part II of PR1171, as they generally arise from the responsibilities and activities of the Contract Holder as stated in each Task.
A Contract Holder (CH) may have other job commitments besides the role of CH. Nonetheless, a certain HSE
competence is required. The level of HSE competence for Contract Holders and Company Site Representative required
CH Competence Level CSR Competence Level
Explain the content of PR1171 Part 1 and Part II
Participate in a Risk Assessment exercise (HEMP)
Explain HSE Management Mode of contract
Explain how to Prepare a specific C9
Explain the HSE Evaluation of Contractor
Review a HSE Management Plan
Prepare a HSE Monitoring Plan
Conduct a Kick Off Meeting
Conduct a HSE Workshop
Explain the importance of the HSE Commencement Certificate
Contract Holder must attend, and successfully complete the Mandatory two (2) days HSE Workshop. The workshop
presents assessment through observation and includes the written examination (summative). A 65% pass mark will
satisfy the competence level.
Where existing Contract Holders or other contract staff, with contract responsibilities, e.g. Drilling supervisors, need to
attain or demonstrate the competence level this may be achieved through formal assessment.
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
It is not expected that Contract Holders can carry out all the activities listed in the following sections. Rather,
Contract Holders shall call upon professional personnel from relevant Company departments when assistance with
HSE issues is required i.e. HSE Team Leader or other 1Technical Authority 2 (TA2). This does not in any way remove
from Contract Holders the absolute responsibility for ensuring that advice received and ensuing actions taken are the
best possible solutions to any point in the execution of a Contract. To support the Contract Holders Certain tasks,
listed in the RASCI chart, may require a signature from a HSE specialist.
Contract Phase 1 – Planning and Invitation to Tender
Task 1 Contract Holder to Conduct HSE Contract Risk Assessment and dictate HSE Management Mode
HSE Team Leader (TA2) to SIGN the completed risk assessment and MODE of Contract form with the CH
Contract Holder shall,
If there is no record of a current contract risk assessment, conduct a structured, formal HSE contract risk
Assessment, using the Scope, Schedule and Strategy documents (as well as any existing HSE information
from prior documents related to the same package of work) with a view to minimizing the HSE exposure and
level of risk for the Contract.
Use suitably qualified Company personnel in developing the HSE Contract Risk Assessment. These personnel
shall include Professional HSE Advisors, personnel who will participate in the work to be carried out under the
contract, or those who have prior experience in the execution of contracts.
In the event that the risk of the contract is rated LOW then Contract Holder shall complete the necessary
sections of the table in SAP that is part of the Minor Contracts documentation. If not using SAP, Contract
Holder shall complete the necessary sections of the table in Appendix B.
The primary objective of the HSE contract risk Assessment is:
Identify and assess the major hazards and risks associated with the contract
Identify the HSE Management Mode of the contract
Use the results of the HSE Assessment to develop Document C9 HSE Specification Minimum Requirements,
GU140, for inclusion in Tender Documents.
Deliverable(s): Formal Note to Contract file, Appendix ‘A’, Contract HSE risk Assessment and HSE Management mode,
production of the C9.
Reference Document(s):
HSE Risk Profile of Contract Appendix A
HSE Management Mode (1,2 or 3) Appendix A
HEMP record development Appendix D
C4 Scope of Work
GU-140, C9 HSE Specification Minimum Requirements
CP-122 HSE Management System Manual
Task 2 Prepare the C9 Document (Refer to Omnicom or Rabitah for latest GU140)
The HSE TA2 authority will assist in the preparation of C9 document
The HSE results of the risk assessment shall be translated into a HSE C9 Specification for inclusion in the tender
document. The HSE specification defines what the Contractor is required to do to minimise the HSE risk to the
1 Technical Authority TA2 is a role approved by the relevant Corporate Function Department Head and may be filled
by appropriate person from HSE discipline.
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
It shall comprehensively cover the HSE requirements for the contract and it is one of the documents against which
the Contractor’s performance shall be monitored over the duration of the contract.
Deliverable(s): C9 Final draft
Task 3 Define the HSE Pre-qualification criteria (Refer to Omnicom or Rabitah)
The HSE TA2 authority will assist in the identification and design of HSE pre qualification questions
Contract Holders, having taken the decision that prequalification is required, shall follow the Guidance questions listed
in Omnicom/Rabitah Appendix C. Contract Holders must consult with MSE12 before finalising the pre-qualification
question list.
Contract Holders shall be responsible for the decision to pre-qualify Contractor(s). Company has a policy of
encouraging Local Community Contractors (LCC’s). These Contractors often have little or no background in HSE
Management, and a plan to overcome these shortcomings shall be developed.
The resulting Contractor Bid List will be submitted to the Tender Board with recommendation to approve. Contractors
who are not approved shall be advised and assistance to prequalify for future Contracts shall be given, particularly in
the case of LCCs.
Deliverable(s): Final list of Tenderers prior to Tender Board endorsements
Contract Phase 2 – Tender
Task 4
Site visit or HSE Clarification Meeting
The HSE TA2 authority will support the HSE clarification process
Contract Holder shall arrange a site visit if requested by the Contractor or deemed necessary by the Contract Holder.
The purpose is to allow familiarisation with the contract scope or works and the impact the site conditions may have
on all aspects of the contract including HSE.
Contract Holder shall hold a clarification meeting with Contractor if requested. Meetings will be held with all
Deliverable Minutes of meeting, attendance records and/or visit notes
Contract Phase 3 – Evaluation and Contract Award
Task 5
HSE Evaluation (Banding PR1997)
The HSE TA2 authority will conduct the HSE evaluation on behalf of the Contract Holder (Banding)
To ensure that HSE prequalification data obtained on each Contractor is standardised and thus fully comparable; the
use of The HSE Capability Questionnaire in T3 will apply.
The HSE evaluation of the Contractors will be completed by a Company HSE Technical Authority Level 2 (TA2). The
Tenderer will be scored and given a ‘Banding Rate’ in line with the Company Procedure PR1997. The Contract Holder
MUST ensure that the banding evaluation includes the Contractor office and/or worksite visits of each Tenderer.
The T3 HSE questionnaire aims to discover the information required to assess the extent to which the management of
HSE is systematically organised by the Tenderer.
Contract Holders MUST emphasise the need for complete answers substantiated by supporting documentation as far
as is practicable. It should be remembered that increasing amounts of detail (and therefore information required to
support it) will need to be requested as risk increases particularly in relation to risk profile of the contract.
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
Deliverable(s): Banding Report
Reference Documents:
CP122, Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems
PR1977 – HSE Banding of Tenderers
T3 HSE Evaluation Questionairre
Contract Phase 4 – Mobilisation
Task 6
Kick off Meeting
The HSE TA2 authority will attend at the request of the Contract Holder or HSE Team Lead
Contract Holder shall hold a Company internal kick off meeting to ensure that:
Company Representative and Company Site Representative(s) are fully aware of their delegated powers under the
All personnel involved with the Contract understand the contents of the Contract.
Key factors considered during the Tender period are explained.
Presentation and understanding of the penalties objectives and structures.
Process of instructions, administration and reporting requirements are understood.
Clarification of handover from existing Contractor (where applicable).
As a minimum, the Contract Holder, Company Representative, Company Site Representative(s), HSE Professional(s),
Company TA2 responsible for the Contract and Unit Contracts Sections shall attend the Company internal kick off
Contract Holder shall then conduct a kick off meeting with the Contractor immediately after Contract award and
before the execution of any work. This is essential to ensure that all contractual obligations, including HSE, are
thoroughly and mutually understood and agreed. The kick-off meeting is the first formal meeting between Contract
Holder and Contractor after the award of a contract.
The agendas of the kick-off meetings and the HSE workshop are entirely at the discretion of the Contract Holder.
Should the Contract Holder require HSE assistance with either kick-off meeting or the HSE workshop, an HSE
professional shall be requested to assist.
During either or both of these meetings, the Contract Holder shall ensure the following minimum objectives are
Demonstrate to the Contractor that Company is fully committed to HSE
Establish that the Contractor completely understands the risks within the Scope of Work and has committed the
resources detailed in the Contractors tender submission C9 HSE Requirements
Ensure that the Contractor has or can put systems in place to manage risk and these are suitable and sufficient to
meet standards
Highlight any areas for improvement in the Contractors C9 HSE Requirements Tender submission, and agree on any
actions necessary, by either Company or the Contractor, to remove deficiencies particularly in the case of an HSE
Amber or Red banded Contractor.
Resolve any issues arising from a variation to contract since the award
Introduce any new Contractor(s) to the details of Company’s HSE policies, standards and systems
Deliverable(s): Contractor’s HSE Management Plan to Contract Holder
Reference Document(s): Appendix E
Task 7
HSE Workshop
The HSE TA2 authority will attend at the request of the Contract Holder or HSE Team Leader
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Petroleum Development Oman LLC
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Effective: November 2015
Contract Holder, following the kick off meeting, shall schedule a HSE Workshop to focus on all outstanding HSE issues
relating to a contract. Ideally the Workshop will be held at the site where most of the activities will take place.
Notwithstanding the Contract Holder may choose to run an initial Workshop on the coast. The Contract Holder may
also choose to run one at the coast and then an additional workshop(s) at the site(s).
The HSE Workshop is held to bring all the disciplines together from Company and Contractor to interrogate the HSE
management proposal from the Contractor and in particular the HEMP details submitted as part of the technical
evaluation. It is a useful mechanism to introduce the Contractor to the details of Company’s HSE Management
Schedule. All activities will be recorded, Hazards identified and a risk assessment completed. A major focus will be on
the control measures proposed to manage the risk and these are to be recorded and auctioned by the Contractor. In
addition it is an opportunity to review any changes to the Specific Contract HSE Management Plan
In the case of Contracts and/or Contractors where all parties agree in writing that a HSE Workshop may not be
required, then:
Contract Manager shall deliver the current Contractor’s HSE Management Plan.
Contract Manager shall submit the Contractor’s HSE Management Plan to the Contract Holder for review and
Deliverable(s): Contractor’s HSE Management Plan to Contract Holder
Reference Document(s): Appendix E
Task 8
Approve HSE Management and HSE Monitoring Plans
The HSE TA2 authority will review and approve at the request of the Contract Holder or HSE Team Lead
Contract Manager shall deliver the current Contractor’s HSE Management Plan and the HSE Monitoring Plan to the
Contract Holder for review and approval.
The HSE management plan must include, where appropriate, but not limited to the following details:
Organisation chart of the Contractor including identification of the Key personnel and HSE Critical Positions
Organisation chart to show the HSE communication link between the main Contractor and the sub Contractor/s
Sub Contractor HSE terms and conditions and Sub Contractor Audit model Appendix F
Risk Assessment (in line with PR1171 Part II Appendix 6) and covering all activities including sub Contractor
Medical and first aid managements for the workforce
Welfare of the workforce including accommodation and catering
Transportation details including commuting Policy
Sub Contractor details including a verification process of HSE assessment and HSE contract terms and conditions
Appendix L
Life Saving Rules
Contract Holder shall, throughout the period of a Contract, monitors the Contractor’s HSE performance against the
Contractor’s C9 HSE Requirements Contract document and it’s HSE Management Plan. Implementation of the
Company HSE monitoring program shall take place when the Contractor commences mobilization refer Appendix I.
Contractor’s HSE Management Plan delivered to Contract Holder in line with PR1171 Part II, Section 2.6
Contract Holder acquires approval of the monitoring plan from Contract Owner
Reference Document(s): Approved HSE Monitoring Program
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Task 9
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Effective: November 2015
Issue the HSE Commencement Certificate
HSE TA2 will sign the certificate at the request from the Contract Holder
Contract Manager shall advise, in writing, Contract Holder that all items from the pre-execution audit requiring
remediation have been completed.
Contract Manager shall issue Pre-execution Completion Report and request HSE Commencement Certificate
Contract Holder shall issue the HSE Commencement Certificate to Contract Manager, subject to any exceptions noted
on the HSE Certificate.
Contract Holder shall withhold issuing the HSE Commencement Certificate if any of the activities listed on the HSE
Certificate require exception that leads to unsafe operating conditions.
Contract Holder shall assume single point responsibility to ensure the effective execution of the Contract by the
Contractor. This shall require proper management of Company resources and provisions involved in the execution of
the Contract (personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, expenditure forecasts, user requirements etc), and full
compliance with the Contract requirements.
Deliverable(s): HSE Commencement Certificate Appendix G
Reference Document(s): Minutes of Pre-execution HSE Audit meeting
Contract Phase 5– Execution
Task 10
Implementation of the HSE Management Plan and Assurance Monitoring
HSE TA2 will assist in the implementation at the request of the Contract Holder or HSE Team Lead
Contract Owner, Contract Holder and Company Site representative shall have continuous assurance and verification
that Contractor HSE systems are performing in accordance with the Contractors HSE management plan.
Contract Owner and Contract Holder shall participate in HSE audits and incident investigation.
Contract Holder will record such inspections and audits as part of the HSE Monitoring plan. Contract Holder will issue
a HSE Default for areas of non compliance e.g. Life Saving Rules (LSR).
Deliverable(s): Contract HSE Performance report
Reference Document(s): Monthly Reporting Appendix H, HSE Default Appendix J)
Contract Phase 6– De-Mobilisation
Task 11 Site Restoration Certificate
Company TA2 responsible for the Contract should attend
Contract Holder shall ensure that the Contractor demobilizes from the site of work in accordance with all contractual
agreements including the Contractor’s HSE Management Plan.
Contract Holder shall approve the Site Restoration Certificate (Appendix F) and issue it to the Contractor.
Company (Company) Representative/Site Representative may sign the Site Restoration Certificate at the discretion
and approval of the Contract Holder.
Deliverable(s): Approved Site Restoration Certificate and copy to Corporate HSE (Appendix K and MSE2)
Reference Document(s):
All relevant Contract documents, including the Contractor’s HSE Management Plan PR1171 Part II.
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Contract Phase 7– Close out
Task 12
Close Out report
Contract Holder shall ensure that the formal close out report is completed
Contract Holder shall prepare the Final Contract HSE Performance Report to be submitted to the Contract Owner and
Service Group Custodian. The report is to be finalized and submitted not later than 90 days after demobilization.
Service Group Custodian shall review report, update the Service Group as necessary and file the report for future use.
Close Out Responsibilities for Contracts
Mandatory for Contract Close Out Reports
Contract Holder shall:
Agree and confirm physical status of the Work /Services against the Contract.
Issue substantial completion certificate for Lump Sum Contracts.
Note all items to be completed and/or rectified and formally document with Contractor.
Prepare a Contractor Performance Report to record the execution of the Contract, including technical competence,
Omanisation and all HSE aspects.
Conclude all claims and disputes in line with Company Procedures.
Ensure any penalties have been applied in accordance with the Contract.
Issue the Completion Certificate, applicable for all Contracts.
Compile the Contract feedback report, for Contract values of over US$10M
Consolidate all documentation to support close out.
Confirm that all charges made under the Contract are valid.
Agree and sign the statement of final account, applicable for all Contracts.
Note: The Contract Holder’s responsibility for management of the Contract shall end on completion of the statement
of final account
Deliverable(s): Final Contract HSE Performance Report
Reference Appendix M
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PR1171 Part I : HSE in Contracts
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Appendix List
Appendix A-Risk assessment and HSE Management Mode of contract
Revision: 4
Effective: November 2015
Appendix A-Risk
Appendix B-Minor or LOW risk Contract HSE Checklist
Appendix B Low Risk
or Minor Contract.docx
Appendix C-Pre Qualification Guide (check the latest version in Omnicom/Rabitah)
Appendix C POT
Screening Questions Guideline.docx
Appendix D-HEMP
Appendix D-HEMP
Appendix E- Meetings Kick off and HSE Workshop
Appendix E Meetings
Appendix F-Sub Contractor
Appendix F SUB CONTRACTOR Checklist.x
Appendix G-HSE Commencement Certificate
Appendix G-HSE
Commencement Certificate
Appendix H-Monthly Safety Statistics Form
Appendix H Health
and Safety statistics.docx
Appendix I – HSE Monitoring Plan Format
Appendix I HSE
monitoring plan.docx
Appendix J- HSE Default Format
Appendix J-HSE
Default Format
Appendix K-Site Restoration Certificate
Appendix K. Site
Appendix L–Life Saving Rules Descriptor
Appendix L LSR
Appendix M – HSE Performance Report
Appendix M.Contract
HSE Performance Report.docx
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Appendix N – Responsibility, Accountability, Support, Consult, Inform RASCI
Appendix N - RASCI
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