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The Glass Castle Character Analysis Worksheet

Jeannette Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Jeannette Walls. Then
write a paragraph describing and analyzing Jeannette Walls,
including relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if)
they develop over the text.
1. A doctor with silver hair and
2. "I was always on the lookout 3. ""It's merely a figment of your
black-rimmed glasses led my
for bigger fires. Whenever
overly active imagination,' Lori
mother out of the room. As they neighbors burned trash, I ran
said." Pg 36
left, I heard him telling her that it over and watched the blaze
was very serious. The nurses
trying to escape the garbage
remained behind, hovering over can. I'd inch closer and closer,
me. I could tell I was causing a feeling the heat against my face
big fuss, and I stayed quiet. One until I got so near that it became
of them squeezed my hand and unbearable, and then I'd back
told me I was going to be okay. away just enough to be able to
"I know, "I said, "but if I'm not, stand it."
that's okay, too." pg. 9
4. "I swear, honey, there are
5. “Who do you think you are?” 6. “Hey,” [Dad] said. He winked
times when I think you’re the
[Dad] asked. “She’s your
and pointed his finger at me
only one around who still has
“Have I ever let you down?”
faith in me,” [Dad] said. “I don’t “Then why doesn’t she act like
He started chuckling because he
know what I’d do if you ever lost one?” I looked at Dad for what knew there was only one way I
it.” I told him that I would never felt like a very long moment.
could ever answer that question.
lose faith in him. And I promised Then I blurted out, “And why
I just smiled. And then I closed
myself I never would." Pg 79
don’t you act like a dad?” Pg
the door." Pg 279
Character Description and Analysis
Rex Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Rex Walls. Then write a
paragraph describing and analyzing Rex Walls, including
relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if) they
develop over the text.
"Dad said he was going to build a
“Dad's dreams of striking it rich and “Dad said he was going to build a
glass castle for us in the desert, a big building the Glass Castle were partly glass castle for us in the desert, a big
house with glass walls and a glass
his way of proving to himself and
house with glass walls and a glass
ceiling so we could sleep under the everyone else that he was better than ceiling so we could sleep under the
stars." (Walls,2005,p. 25)
his parents and that he could give us stars." (Walls,2005,p. 25)
"You just remember... what I'm
a better life than the one he had."
"You just remember... what I'm
doing, I'm doing for you kids. You (Walls,2005,p. 125)
doing, I'm doing for you kids. You
all know that, don't you?"
"When Dad drank, the memories of all know that, don't you?"
(Walls,2005,p. 279)
his childhood abuse and the scars it (Walls,2005,p. 279)
left on him would resurface, making
Rex’s charisma and intelligence
him angry and unpredictable."
(Walls,2005,p. 209)
Rex’s dreams shaped by his past/
Impact of past trauma on behavior
Rex’s dreams and ambitions
"Sometimes he'd just disappear for “Dad was always starting projects he “He said his mother had been a
days, and Mom would say he was on never finished, always making
flapper who drank too much and his
a bender." (Walls,2005,p. 23)
promises he couldn't keep."
father had been an abusive drunk
"When Dad was sober, he'd be so
(Walls,2005,p. 61)
who beat him senseless."
nice to us, it was hard to stay mad at "He couldn't hold down a job
(Walls,2005,p. 23)
him." (Walls,2005,p. 78)
because he wouldn't take orders from "Dad had joined the Air Force right
anyone." (Walls,2005,p. 200)
out of high school, partly to get away
"Dad grabbed the money we had
from his parents. He said the military
had been the best thing that ever
Rex’s alcoholism and its impact:
three days." (Walls,2005,p. 228)
happened to him." (Walls,2005,p. 26)
"Dad's dreams of striking it rich and
building the Glass Castle were partly
Rex’s self-destructive ways/
his way of proving to himself and
Moments of betrayal & hurt:
everyone else that he was better than
his parents and that he could give us
a better life than the one he had."
(Walls,2005,p. 125)
"When Dad drank, the memories of
his childhood abuse and the scars it
left on him would resurface, making
him angry and unpredictable."
(Walls,2005,p. 209)
Rex’s troubled childhood/ Impact of
past trauma on behavior:
Rex Walls is a complex character with brilliance, charm, and self-destructive
tendencies. His dream of building the Glass Castle shows his intelligence and
desire for a better life (Walls,2005,p. 25, 279), but his consistent alcoholism,
coming from a troubled childhood with abusive parents (Walls,2005,p. 23),
undermines these ambitions (Walls,2005,p. 23, 78). His charm and
intelligence foster his children's independence and resilience, but his
unpredictable and dangerous behavior forces them to grow up quickly
(Walls,2005,p. 117, 124). Even with his desire to escape mediocrity, his
alcoholism and distrust of authority (Walls,2005,p. 53) prevent stability and
fulfillment of promises, leading to family estrangement (Walls,2005,p. 61,
200, 228, 229). Rex's tragic flaws highlight the complexity of loving someone,
both inspiring and very flawed.
Rose Mary Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Rose Mary Walls. Then
write a paragraph describing and analyzing Rose Mary Walls,
including relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if)
they develop over the text.
2. "My art is more important to 3. "Mom shrugged and said she
didn’t feel like cooking. Dad said
“Unloved children grow up to be me than my comfort." (pg. 53)
serial murderers or alcoholics.” Rose Mary chooses her art over it was no big deal and suggested
we scrounge something up for
(pg. 83)
her own comfort or having a
Rose Mary’s dismissive attitude mass amount of possessions. This ourselves." (pg. 21)
This quote shows how Rose
toward her children’s emotional quote shows how much she's
Mary doesn' really care for her
well-being is evident here. She
children's basic needs. Instead of
underestimates the impact of love even if it means she and her
providing a meal for her family,
and support on their future
shows how serious she is about she dismisses the importance of
development, emphasizing her
cooking, leaving her children to
lack of maternal responsibility. her dream.
fend for themselves. Her doing
this shows the audience/reader
how irresponsible she is.
4. "Mom saw herself as an
5. "She said that being homeless 6. "Mom wasn’t much into
explorer, a free spirit. She was
was an adventure." (pg. 6)
cooking, but she was always up
going to be a great artist and
for painting." (pg. 5)
This quote illustrates Rose
leave her mark on the world."
Mary's irregular perspective on This quote shows Rose Mary's
(pg. 40)
life and her willingness to
priorities. Instead of focusing on
embrace uncertainty in pursuit of providing basic needs like
This quote shoes how Rose
Mary's sees herself as both, a free freedom. Despite their precarious providing her children food, she
spirit and an explorer. She sees living situation, Rose Mary views often chooses to pursue her
herself as someone who is
homelessness as an exciting
artistic interests. It highlights her
destined for greatness and is
adventure rather than a difficult neglectful behavior early in the
determined to pursue her dreams challenge.
without being constrained by
societal expectations or
conventional norms.
Rose Mary Walls is a character in "The Glass Castle" who's a mix of being artistic and inattentive. She
has a passion for painting and writing but sometimes fails to properly care for her children as a result.
This neglect puts her kids in tough situations. Even though she enjoys doing things her own way and
disregards rules, she doesn't always consider how it impacts her family. She's a complex character
because she craves freedom but also relies on others, causing readers to feel both sympathy and
frustration with her decisions. Despite her imperfections, there are instances when she displays affection
and vulnerability, adding depth to her charactend leaving me unable to understand what direction she
would take when she crossed paths with a brand new situation.
Lori Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Lori Walls. Then write a
paragraph describing and analyzing Lori Walls, including
relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if) they
develop over the text.
1. “When Lori came out, she was
mute and bald as an egg for the
first three years of her life. Then
suddenly, she sprouted curly hair
the color of a new penny and
started speaking non-stop.”
(Walls pg. 27)
4. “...Brian and Maureen played
outside, and Lori kept to the far
side of the house” (Walls pg.
2. “On the way home, she kept
seeing for the first time all these
things that almost everyone else
had stopped noticing because
they’d seen them every day.”
(Walls pg. 96)
5. “Lori put together a portfolio
of her drawings and paintings,
but just before the submissions
deadline, she spilled a pot of
coffee on them, which made
Mom wonder if Lori had a fear of
success.” (Walls pg. 226)
3. “Lori said it sounded outright
felonious, but Dad said all he
was doing was outsmarting the
fat-cat owners who shylocked
the common man by charging
usurious interest rates.” (Walls
pg. 111)
6. “Lori blamed Dad for creating
a sick environment, while Dad
maintained that Maureen had
faulty wiring.” (Walls pg. 276)
Lori Walls is the oldest living child of the Walls family. She's far more
intelligent than the rest of her family, as shown by her incredible
speaking ability from a young age. Lori likes to read fantasy novels by
herself and has skills in multiple mediums of art, such as painting and
sculpting. She was the first sibling to start critiquing Rex and Rosemary.
After he stole her college money, Lori completely broke ties with Rex.
Her relationship with her parents only strained after that, and she
blames them for Maureen’s development of paranoid schizophrenia.
Brian Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Brian Walls. Then write a
paragraph describing and analyzing Brian Walls, including
relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if) they
develop over the text.
"I didn't need anyone to take care of "I devoured books." (Walls,2005,p. “Dad had a way of making
me. I was strong enough to take care 158)
everything seem like an adventure."
of myself." (Walls,2005,p. 134)
Throughout the book, Brian's
(Walls,2005,p. 98)
Even with the hardships of his
persistent curiosity and passion for The complex nature of their
family, Brian has strong resilience knowledge are on is constantly
connection is highlighted by the fact
and adaptability, figuring out how to shown when he looks to books and that, although Brian admires his
survive on his own even with the
education for comfort and
father's spirit of adventure, he also
chaos of his family's nomadic
struggles with feelings of betrayal
and disappointment because of Rex's
Intellectual Curiosity & Pursuit of drunkenness and broken promises.
Complex Relationship with Rex
Resilience and Adaptability
"I just wanted things to be normal." "I often found myself lost in thought, “I was determined to break free from
(Walls,2005,p. 175)
contemplating the complexities of the cycle of poverty and dysfunction
Brian's desire for a more normal
our family's situation."
that defined our family."
lifestyle is highlighted by his need (Walls,2005,p. 212)
(Walls,2005,p. 188)
for consistency and a sense of
Because of his aware and self
Even with everything that stands in
normalcy during his family's chaotic reflecting personality, Brian is able his way, Brian is firm in his drive for
to consider the cons of his family's a better future because he is
relationships and the ways in which determined to rise above the limits of
their unusual way of life has shaped his childhood and create a more
his own identity.
stable life for himself.
Quest for Stability and Normalcy:
Introspection & Self-Reflection
Aspiration for a Better Future:
Brian Walls' journey in "The Glass Castle" shows his resilience and selfdiscovery with family challenges. From the beginning, Brian shows
adaptability, coping with the nomadic life forced on Walls,2005,.,
Chapter 1). His thirst for knowledge is shown when he absorbs books
and seeks understanding in the world around him (Walls,2005,,
Chapter 10). but, Brian's relationship with his father is complex while
he admires Rex's adventurous spirit, he battles with disappointment of
Rex's alcoholism and broken promises (Chapters 6 and 12). As Brian
matures, his want for stability increases by alot, this contrasts with
Rex's grand dreams of the Glass Castle (Walls,2005,, Chapters 18 and
21). Towards the end of the book, Brian self reflects and gets insight
in his family's dynamics and his own identity (Walls,2005,, Chapters 30
and 35). With these experiences, Brian comes as a resilient person,
moving through the complexities of family life with courage and
understanding, finding growth and self-discovery with adversity.
Maureen Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other text examples to
provide insight into Maureen Walls. Then write a paragraph
describing and analyzing Maureen Walls, including relationships,
traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if) they develop over the
Miss Jeanette Bivens
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Miss Jeanette Bivens.
Then write a paragraph describing and analyzing Miss Jeanette
Bivens, including relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how
(or if) they develop over the text.
Grandma Smith
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Grandma Smith. Then
write a paragraph describing and analyzing Grandma Smith,
including relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if)
they develop over the text.
Character Description and Analysis
Erma Walls
Evidence and Analysis
Directions: Gather quotes and other examples from the text to
use as evidence that provides insight into Erma Walls. Then write a
paragraph describing and analyzing Erma Walls, including
relationships, traits, motivations, fears, and how (or if) they
develop over the text.
Character Description and Analysis