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Major Breakthrough - Ben Suarez

-•«004U«»>S«Y<<»15-5547 gFUXnoH.i -
abdomen that cause the pot belly
Developed from studies at the Universities
of Yale, Pittsburgh, UCLA, and California
By Join tmWmd, Medb Scnfccs
A major new breakthrough
pill with ingredients ihaltar. get abdominal fat and water
that cause tiic pot belly Has
been announced by Biotech
The brand name of this pill
isAbGONE"1' It is now available to the public.
AbGONE™ was developed from concepts in research, conducted at the Universities of Yale, Pittsburgh,
UCLA, and California. It was
found in this research that fat
in the abdomen is different AbGONE" lead developer Rehan
than the rest of your body. Jalali is a nationally recognized nuAnd, there are 2 types of ab- tritionist and author who lias apdominal fat, outer fat and in- peared hi NEWSWEEK, Muscle & Fitness, Oxygen, Men's Fitness, Mustestinal tut.
Media and many other magaCertain factors cause fat to cle
and scientific journals. He has
collect in the abdominal area zines
developed over 100 cutting edge
in excess.
products tor the nutritional suppleBut what makes abdominal ment industry.
fat different from the rest of
the fat in the body also pro- deep in the abdomen.
Now, this is important.
vided researchers with a way
It is possible to reduce the
to reduce it with a number of
natural substances which re- surface fat in the body htit
duce both types of abdominal still have significant abdomifat. They also found a way to nal intestinal fat.
That is why, even when
reduce excess abdominal wa|jeople become super thin and
The lead developerof this have no v i s i b l e fat on their
remarkable new p i l l , Ab- body, they often still have a
GONE™, with these ingredi- pot belly. That is because the
ents that reduce abdominal fat intestinal fat is still collected
and water, was Rehan Jalali. deep in the abdomen.
Q. How do the ingredinationally recognized nutritionist and author for Biotech ents in AbGONE" 1 help reduce abdominal surface and
Here is my eye-opening intestinal fat?
A. We found in a number
interview with Mr. Jalali. Research studies are noted and of research studies on laborareferenced in this interview.*
tory animals, later confirmed
Q. Mr. Jalali, how did in human studies, a substance
. you develop this retnstrj\- Called .Conjugated,Linpleic:
' ableAnGONE"'pillwi1hiiii 'A'cid'(CJL'A). Sludies'of CLA
gredients that target fat and suggest that CI.A decreases
body fat in three ways: 1.)
water in the abdomen?
A, It took five years
to de- CLA decreases body fat mass
by decreasing the amount of
velop the AbGONE" pill.
We started out by review- fat thai is stored after eating;
ing large volumes of research 2.) CLA increases the rate of
that had been done on why so fat breakdown in fat cells; and
much fat is disproportionately 3.) CLA increases the rate of
stored in the abdomen. This fat metabolism which deresearch was conducted at creases the total number of fat
cells. You can think ofCLA
Yale University.This research found that as a match that lights the fuse
abdominal fat was different in fat. This fuse increases the
metabolic rate o f f a l that can
than in the rest of the body.1
From this initial research, result in subsequent fat loss.
Studies have shown that
we knew we could develop a
you can reduce abdominal
pill to reduce abdominal fat.
We also found that there within 4 weeks.-1 AbGONEi" 1
were harmful effects of ab- contains a good dose of CLA.
There are also a number of
dominal excess fat and excess
retained water. These includ- other beneficial effects to
ed the fact that people with a CLA t h a t help decrease the
pot belly had a greater ten- future storage of fat.
Q. How can CLA help
dency 2to certain health problems. We also found that decrease the future storage
they had social difficulties of fat?
and had greater rates of3 unA. CLA interferes with an
• enzyme called lipoprotein liemployment and divorce.
(LPL). LPL is an enzyme
Q. It has always been
t h o u g h t in the scientific that helps store fat in the body".
community that you could So, by inhibiting this fat-storing
not spot reduce fat. Is that cn?.yme LPL, CLAcanhelp renot true?
duce the re-accumulation of fat.
CLA also helps the body
A. The ingredients in AbGONE™ do not spot reduce or- use its existing fat for energy,
dinary fat. They help reduce thereby increasing fat oxidaordinary fat uniformly over the tion and energy expenditure.
entire body.1 The ingredients in
Q. What is the hormone
AbGONE" enable the body to that causes fat to accumureduce excess water and fat in late disproportionately in
the abdomen that the body the body?
could not reduce before. And
A. The hormone Cortisol
they help inhibit the excess has been found in studies at
collection of abdominal fat in UCLA, Yale and many other
the future. Therefore, the ab- universities to directly condomen is reduced in size much tribute to the collection
of fat
better than before.
in the abdomen. 5 Cortisol is a
Q. How is ahdominal Fat catabolic hormone that breaks
different from other fat in down dead or damaged tissues
the body?
so they can be eliminated by
A. Abdominal fat is much the body. Lower levels of Cormore sensitive to a certain tisol have some functional efhormone which enlarges the fects. Higher levels of Corlisol are harmfill.
fat. I will elaborate shortly.
These university studies
There arc basically two different types of fat in the body. found that stress directly increases
Corlisol levels to the
The first is outer fat found under the skin surface. The sec- point of being harmful. 2
These stress-induced Corond is intestinal fat which is
You can say good-bye to your pot belly
Minjhe abdominal area is <»Imtiiilthan fat in th6 rest of the
body. There are 2 types, outer tat
and intestinal fat Excess water
also increases the size.
Excess fat on
outer abdomen
Fat on outer abdomen
Excess fat a round '
Excess water throughout
tisol level increases have been
linked 2to increasing abdominal fat. The reason for this is
that there are 4 times more
Cortisol receptors in abdominal fat than there are in fat in
the rest of the body.'This is
why abdominal fat is much
more sensitive to the fat accumulating etfects of Cortisol.
Abdominal fat responds to
circulating Cortisol levels by
f u r t h e r increasing in size.-*
And, these large central fat
deposits in the abdomen can
c o n t r i b u t e to problems and
promote other risk factors
high cholesterol levels.3
According to research at
the University of California in
San Francisco, higher levels:
of Corlispl and stress can ac _..
tuaily increase appetite; espe:'.Q; Are there any other"
cially cravings for sweet benefits to the AbGONE'"
foods.* So it's a cascading ef- ingredients?
fect causing people to get fatA. The answer to the quester and fatter.
tion is a yes. Not only do the
Therefore it is imperative ingredients gradually help reto stop high levels of Cortisol duce abdominal fat, but they
in its tracks if you want to re- also have a multitude of
duce abdominal fat.
health and other benefits.
Q. So how do you con- These include anti-oxidant eftrol Cortisol levels?
fects, supporting healthy
A. The simplest way is to blood sugar levels, neurologieliminate stress in your life. cal boosting effects, preservHowever, with modern life, ing lean body mass, and supeliminating stress is virtually porting optimal water balance.
impossible. The alternative is
A lot of the excess pounds
to use nutriceutieals that studies that people carry is excess
indicate reduce Cortisol levels. water which is not needed by
We also put these all natural
the body and can be harmful.
nulriceulicals in AbGONE1".
AbGONE™ also contains an
Q. Can you tell me more exotic herb, Dandelion Root,
about these nutrkeutkals in that studies have shown can
AbGONE™ shown to reduce help decrease excess water in
the txxiy.loThis can really help
A. Yes I can. There are reduce and show a firm abcertain vitamins and minerals domen because large amounts
that have been .shown to re- of the excess water is in the abduce Cortisol levels
in high domen. Men can show the "six
stress situations. 7 But you pack" and women can get that
can't just take a multiple vita- smooth" firm, flat abdomen.
min to reduce Cortisol beTherefore, AbGONE™ has
cause there's a lot of other triple action ingredients that
things that you need to have in helps support abdominal fat
order for them to work.
loss and a healthy body.
One of these critical nutriQ. Can you summarize
ents that you need is Phos- these 3 components of the
phatidylscrine (PS). Several AbGONE1" ingredients?
studies at the University of
A. Yes, I would like to
Naples in I t a l y and at Cal preface that by the fact that
State University in the U.S. you need all 3 of these compoindicate that PS can lower nents working to properly recortisol levels. PS has another duce abdominal fat, reduce the
good side effect in that it is al- overall size of the abdomen
so a brain power booster. The and maximize the appearance
stopping of excessive Cortisol of the abdomen. These 3
is also important for your psy- mechanismsof action are:
chological condition. It may
1. The AbGONE™ ingredihelp improve
mood and re- ents i ncrease the rate of fat
duce anxiety.8"1'
metabolism, which reduces
These synergistic nutrients both surface and intestinal abin AbGONE™ helps reduce ab- dominal fat and helps inhibit
dominal fat as aforementioned. future formation of these abFat in the abdomen also has dominal fats.
more Cortisol receptors than
2. AbGONE™ ingredients
docs fat in the rest of the body help lower harmful high Coras aforementioned. So lower- tisol levels which have been
ing Cortisol levels can help re- linked to increasing both surduce fat in the abdomen:
face and intestinal abdominal
Eating too much sugars al- fat and causing binge caling.
so affect abdominal fat which Therefore, they help reduce
is also addressed in the Ab- both surface and intestinal ab'&jr J Pfearrnacnl 2002.4 KX2-3): OT-]07.
"I.I.P (I-ipoproiein Lip^ge) reference :
GONE"' ingredients.
dominal fat.
•OficsRclearth \ffl,T\ :3-l5
I.ipah. l<WAiig.W,8>:S5J.SiS.
Q. How arc blood sagars
3. AbGONE™ ingredients
'PmhoKXTOlic Med. 2000.62:613.631.
'•'Crunciiiin] tefercucc : CunOpiClin Nirtr
addressed in the AbGONE™ help su'pport optimal body
•lilt JObesily 2001,25: 1129-1135.
IWS Nov 1 (6): SO? 512.
water balance. Therefore, you
Tsjrhosomaiic Med. 2000.62: «.l 6)1
A. AbGONE™ contains a are not carry ing al 1 of those
*Ps>Thcoc«oeo*XT{.To4opy 2001.26:37-19.
These I la:emc r.Ij bave not been evaluated
>Inl I Spans Med 2001.22: 537-H3.
highly absorbabje form of excess pounds caused by exby [h«H>A. This produce K no) ir.tended ro
•NeuroenJociinoiogy IW0.52:243-2I8.
Ji jjrrfrte. [rear, cure or prevent any disease.
chromium, a trace mineral cess body water. Excess body
'BiologyofSpon TW8,15: IjH-l-W.
nicl and cTercisearc imtwttanliaacriKV'
shown to have powerful bene- water can increase the size of
»Tricrapcinic Guiik Io I Icrtval Medkincs ing fitness goals.
fits in 12regulating blood sugar the abdomen and hide your
levels . Chromium works by abdominal muscles as well as
None, of (he a-j:hon of pohlisbcri of [hcie articles iia<i«ci3icd with AbGONEaix] referhelping
the body store less other muscles and make you
ences lo Uxr* do DC* cor.u xixc or irr,pty their endorsement.
sugars as fat.
•' -. ..-'.. r
Fat around Intestines
Excess water reduced
Group using ingredient
CLA found in AbGONE'"
CMcal ResMrcd conducted at Uppsala UMvenfty ta Sweden •* pMMM'1
the tagradfert CIA tn AbGOHE™ reduc
agittal OttMter (tower •Marinate) resuNn*fromirignMcanttoweringof aMomtoal adipose ttam (ik-
look puffy and flabby.
readers can order direct from
Q. Does AbGONE1H con- Biotech Research.
tain Ephedra or other
End of interview.
harmful stimulants?
Today readers of the pubA. Absolutely not. The in- lication can gel AbGONE1"
gredients in AbGONE™ are at a major discount if they
non-stimulant. The only side order in 10 days from the
effects of the ingredients you date of this publication.The
should see in AbGONE"* arc a "price of a 30-day supply of
better appearance, better AbGONE"1 is S39 plus $3.95
mental function, and better shipping and handling for a
health. Proper eating and ex- total of $42.95. But', for this
ercise can further potentiate
10 day sale, readers can gel a
the effects of AbGONE™.
$10 discount and pay only
AbGONE™pills come in a $29..For readers who want to
30-day supply bottle. Univer- obtain a 30-day supply of
sity studies show people can AbGONE™ at this 10 day
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fat in sale price please see the
30 days. AbGONE1" will not Readers Discount Coupon
be in stores for an extended on this page. There is a strict
period until we can get limit of 3 bottles at this disenough AbGONE'" ingredi- count price - no exceptions
ents, which are costly and please. Those readers ordertime consuming to produce, ing after 10 days from the
in high quantity forstore in- dalt of this publication must
ventories. 5n the meantime. pay regular price.
The price of a 30-day supply of AbGONE"" is $39 plus $3.95
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strict limit of 3 bottles at this discount price with no additional
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ABF967. Place your order by using your credit card. Operators arc on duty 24 hours, 7 days.
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This product carries a one year guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied, your purchase price will be refunded. No ques• tions asked.
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