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Offshore Concrete & Grout Verification Service Spec

Edition December 2018
Verification and certification of offshore
concrete and grout structures
The electronic pdf version of this document, available free of charge
from http://www.dnvgl.com, is the officially binding version.
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DNV GL service specifications contain procedural requirements for obtaining and retaining
certificates and other conformity statements to the objects, personnel, organisations and/or
operations in question.
© DNV GL AS December 2018
Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@dnvgl.com
This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this
document. The use of this document by others than DNV GL is at the user's sole risk. DNV GL does not accept any liability or responsibility
for loss or damages resulting from any use of this document.
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Changes - current
This is a new document.
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Section 1 General.................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................6
1.2 Objective...........................................................................................6
1.3 Scope................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Application........................................................................................ 6
1.5 Structure of this document...............................................................7
1.6 References........................................................................................ 7
1.7 Definitions and abbreviations........................................................... 8
Section 2 Verification and certification of assets - service description.................. 13
2.1 General........................................................................................... 13
2.2 Objective.........................................................................................13
2.3 Scope of work.................................................................................13
2.4 Service management...................................................................... 17
Section 3 Verification and certification of assets - activity descriptions................ 18
3.1 General........................................................................................... 18
3.2 Design verification.......................................................................... 18
3.3 Construction phase verification...................................................... 18
Section 4 Verification and certification of assets - service requirements and
deliverables.......................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Request for services....................................................................... 20
4.2 Work process.................................................................................. 20
4.3 Deliverables.................................................................................... 21
Section 5 Type approval - service description.......................................................24
5.1 General........................................................................................... 24
5.2 Objective.........................................................................................24
5.3 Scope of work.................................................................................24
5.4 Periodic inspections........................................................................ 28
5.5 Service management...................................................................... 28
Section 6 Type approval - activity description for structural grout....................... 29
6.1 Production facility inspections........................................................ 29
6.2 Documentation of material properties............................................ 30
6.3 Execution related document verification.........................................31
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Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3
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7.2 Documentation of material properties............................................ 33
Section 8 Type approval - service requirements and deliverables......................... 35
8.1 Request for service.........................................................................35
8.2 Work process.................................................................................. 35
8.3 Deliverables.................................................................................... 35
8.4 Award of the type approval certificate........................................... 37
8.5 Maintenance of the type approval certificate.................................. 37
Changes – historic................................................................................................ 38
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7.1 Production facility inspections........................................................ 33
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Section 7 Type approval - activity description for fibre reinforced polymer
reinforcement....................................................................................................... 33
1.1 Introduction
This DNV GL service specification describes the DNV GL verification and certification of assets (VCA) service
for concrete structures and grouted connections as well as the DNV GL type approval (TA) service for
structural grout and FRP reinforcement bars.
Verification and certification of assets is a service which includes the process of performing verification and
issuing the deliverable DNV GL documents in which the conclusion of the verification activity is stated. It
can be applied at various phases in the lifecycle of an asset to determine whether it fulfils the specified
Type approval service constitutes a systematic and independent examination of a material and associated
procedures and controls to confirm that it can be delivered with consistent quality and according with the
specified requirements in the targeted structure.
This service specification is made for structures and materials designed and/or constructed in accordance
with DNVGL-ST-C502. VCA services may also be provided for structures in accordance with other
international standards, national standards or scopes of work at the discretion of DNV GL and for structures
1.2 Objective
The objective of this service specification is to describe DNV GL services for concrete and grout structures,
and component materials:
Verification and certification of assets (VCA).
Type approval (TA) of component materials for concrete and grout structures.
1.3 Scope
The scope of this document covers procedural requirements for verification and certification of concrete and
grout structures. It includes descriptions of services and activities, service requirements and deliverables.
The scope of this document covers procedural requirements for TA of component materials for concrete and
grout structures, It includes description of services and activities, service requirements and deliverables.
1.4 Application
This service specification applies to the verification of structures, or structural parts, made using concrete or
grout. For ease of reading, the term concrete structure has been used throughout.
This service specification applies to VCA services for structures in accordance with DNVGL-ST-C502 for:
— design verification of offshore concrete structures
— design verification of offshore grouted connections and parts
— construction phase verification for offshore concrete structures
— construction phase verification for offshore grouted connections and parts.
This service specification may be applied to concrete structures in accordance with other international
standards, national standards or scopes of work at the discretion of DNV GL.
This service specification may be applied to VCA services for onshore concrete structures at the discretion of
This service specification applies to TA services for component materials performed in accordance with the
technical requirements described in DNVGL-ST-C502 for:
— type approval certification of structural grout
— type approval certification of fibre reinforced polymer reinforcement bars.
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1.5 Structure of this document
This service specification consists of the following sections:
gives the objective, scope, application of this service specification and references and definitions
used within
describes the VCA service objectives and potential scopes of work depending on DNV GL's
verification as well as general terms of service management involvement
describes the VCA activities in a non-prescriptive format for both design and construction phase
describes the VCA requirements, work processes and deliverables which are employed during
execution of the scope
describes the TA service objectives, prescriptive scope of work and scope of future periodic
describes the TA activities for structural grout
describes the TA activities for FRP reinforcement
describes the TA requirements, work processes and deliverables which are employed during
execution of the scope as well as terms for issuing and maintaining the TAC.
1.6 References
1.6.1 General
In this service specification, when dated references of DNV GL documents are presented, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including amendments)
Where reference is made to documents other than DNV GL, the valid revision shall be taken as the revision
which is current at the date of issue of this service specification, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1-1 DNV GL references
Document code
Type approval scheme, oil and gas
Type and component certification of wind turbines
Risk based verification
Risk based verification of offshore structures
Offshore concrete structures
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For component certification services for offshore wind, see DNVGL-SE-0441.
Document code
ISO 9000
Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary
ISO 9001
Quality management systems - Requirements
ISO 9004
Quality management - Quality of an organization - Guidance to achieve sustained success
ISO 17000:2004
Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles
ISO 17025
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
1.7 Definitions and abbreviations
1.7.1 Definition of verbal forms
The verbal forms in Table 1-3 are used in this document.
Table 1-3 Definition of verbal forms
verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the document
verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly
suitable, without mentioning or excluding others
verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the document
1.7.2 Definition of terms
The definitions in DNVGL-ST-C502 also apply to this service specification.
The most important definitions from DNVGL-ST-C502 applied in this service specification are repeated. They
are marked (DNVGL-ST-C502) in Table 1-4.
Table 1-4 Definition of terms
term to describe the item to be made or maintained, the verification object
systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it
objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled, see ISO 9000
cement grout
general term referring to grout batched at the work site consisting of mainly cement and
May refer to neat cement grout or a cement and water mix with a limited dosage of
admixtures added during batching, see DNVGL-ST-C502.
a service that comprises assessment of compliance with applicable requirements and issuance
of a certificate if compliance is confirmed
certification service
the process of performing certification in accordance with a service specification and with a
DNV GL certificate as deliverable, see DNVGL-ST-C502
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Table 1-2 Other references
detailed design
detailed engineering phase following FEED to complete design checks and subsequently
prepare construction documentation including drawings, specification, and work procedures
design basis
document where owners' requirements in excess of the standard should be given, see
design verification report
verification report issued after completion of, VCA-design
fibre mass fraction
ratio of fibre mass to total mass of FRP material within a reinforcement bar, see DNVGL-STC502
short fibres made from steel or FRP used in structural concrete or grout, see DNVGL-ST-C502
FRP material
fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite made from carbon, glass, aramid or basalt, see
fibre reinforced grout
grout mixed with short fibre material, see DNVGL-ST-C502
fibre volume fraction
ratio of fibre volume to total volume of FRP material within a reinforcement bar
front end engineering and basic engineering phase which comes after concept design, objectives are definition of
global geometry, estimation of material quantities, definition of construction sequences and
schedules to allow preparation of a cost estimate for use in making financial investment
see cement grout, pre-blended grout, fibre reinforced grout and structural grout, see DNVGLST-C502
grouted connection
connection where grout is a structural material transferring load between steel/steel, steel/
concrete and concrete/concrete components
activities such as measuring, examination, testing, gauging one or more characteristics of
an object or service and comparing the results with specified requirements to determine
conformity, see DNVGL-ST-C502
mock-up test
test consisting of the filling of a representative replica of a structural part material is mixed
and placed in accordance with a procedure, to validate the assumptions of that procedure,
and to validate the behavior of the material in a large scale application
neat cement grout
grout made from a mixture of cement and water only, see DNVGL-ST-C502
offshore concrete
fixed and floating structures where reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete and
cementitious grout are used as structural materials, see DNVGL-ST-C502
offshore standard
a DNV GL standard that contain technical requirements, principles and acceptance criteria
related offshore units, see DNVGL-ST-C502
periodic inspection
recurring inspection of a production facility required to maintain the validity of an issued type
approval certificate
pre-blended grout
grout proportioned at a factory following strict QA/QC procedures and delivered to site for
mixing with a predefined proportion of water
May refer to pre-packed and silo stored/transported products, see DNVGL-ST-C502.
product certificate
certificate to document conformity with the requirements of the applicable standard. It lists
material properties documented through testing
Test samples shall be taken from the delivered products themselves and testing, or a part
there-of shall be performed in the presence of a third party or in accordance with special
agreements, see DNVGL-ST-C502.
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product data sheet
sheet issued by the manufacturer with data about the product which may contain design data
for the product and may be appended to product or type approval certificate, see DNVGL-STC502
quality management
management with regard to quality
quality assurance
part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be
quality control
part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements
quality plan
plan implemented to ensure quality in the design, production, testing and material handling
of a certified product
recommended practice
DNV GL publication that contains sound engineering practice and guidance, see DNVGL-STC502
constituents of structural concrete providing the tensile strength that will give the reinforced
concrete its ductile characteristics, in this standard, reinforcement is categorized as:
— ordinary reinforcement
— prestressing reinforcement
— fibre reinforced polymer reinforcement (limited to carbon, glass, aramid and basalt)
— special reinforcement
See DNVGL-ST-C502.
qualitative or quantitative likelihood of an accidental or unplanned event occurring considered
in conjunction with the potential consequences of such a failure
In quantitative terms, risk is the quantified probability of a defined failure mode times its
quantified consequence, see DNVGL-ST-C502.
risk based inspection
decision making technique for inspection planning based on risk - comprising the probability
of failure and consequence of failure, see DNVGL-ST-C502
safety critical
elements of the concrete structure whose failure or reduced performance will significant
impact on safety or other project defined risks
technical requirements and acceptance criteria
In the context of this document, the term standard shall be understood to cover document
types such as codes, guidelines and recommended practices in addition to bona fide
standards, see DNVGL-ST-C502.
structural concrete
cementitious composite material which is the main ingredient for construction of concrete
structures, see DNVGL-ST-C502
structural grout
a cementitious material which is part of the load carrying system of the structure with a
characteristic compressive strength higher than 35 Mpa containing cement, water and often
additions, admixtures and appropriate fine aggregates
Structural grout may be cement grout, pre-blended grout and fibre reinforced grout, see
statement of conformity
statement confirming that verification activities have concluded and that the structure
complies with specified requirements
test report
document made by the manufacturer which contains the results of control tests on current
production, carried out on products having the same method of manufacture as the
consignment, but not necessarily from the delivered products themselves, see DNVGL-STC502
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tow size in grams per km length of tow or fibre
untwisted bundle of fibres in the form they are delivered on bobbins by the fibre supplier
(synonym: roving, untwisted yarn)
type approval certificate
the final deliverable when the type approval service has concluded conformity with the
type approval
procedure for approval of standard designs and /or routinely manufactured identical materials
and components, by which DNV GL confirms compliance with a specified standard
general term for an offshore structure
validation test
testing carried out to demonstrate the practical application of methods, materials or
procedures, can include small scale equipment trials, pump testing, material handling or
transport trials, full and/or reduced scale mock-up testing
verification and
certification of assets
service including the process of performing verification and issuing the deliverable DNV GL
documents in which the conclusion of the verification activity is stated
a subset of the verification and certification of assets service where the construction phase,
and controls during construction, of the concrete structure have been subject to verification
activities by DNV GL
a subset of the verification and certification of assets service where the design of the concrete
structure has been subject to verification activities by DNV GL
confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence (analysis, observation,
measurement, test, records or other evidence), that specified requirements have been
fulfilled (ISO 9000:2015), see DNVGL-ST-C502
verification comment
document transmitting DNV GL comments issued during VCA services
verification report
a verification report issued after completion of VCA-design and VCA-construction
twisted bundle of fibres, twisted tow, see DNVGL-ST-C502
1.7.3 Abbreviations
Table 1-5 Abbreviations
American Concrete Institute
American Institute of Steel Construction
American Petroleum Institute
American Society for Testing and Materials
British Standard issued by British Standard Institution
design verification report
European norm
front end engineering and design
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fibre reinforced polymer
hazard and operability study
international maritime organisation
international organisation of standardization
inspection and test plan
Norwegian standard
ordinary portland cement
quality assurance
quality control
quantitative risk analysis
recommended practice
service specification
statement of conformity
type approval
type approval certificate
verification and certification of assets
verification comment sheet
verification report
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2.1 General
Verification constitutes a systematic and independent examination of the various phases in the life cycle of an
asset to determine whether it fulfils the specified requirements. The verification service includes the process
of performing verification and issuing the DNV GL deliverable in which the conclusion of the verification
activity is stated.
Verification activities should identify deviations from defined requirements pertaining to design, construction
and lifetime performance of the asset. This contributes to reducing the risks associated with the use of the
structure and to the health and safety of personnel associated with it.
This section applies to the verification of structures, or structural parts, made using concrete or grout. For
ease of reading, the term concrete structure has been used throughout. This service specification may be
adopted for the verification of structures, parts of a structure and/or specified project phases.
2.2 Objective
The objectives of VCA services are to verify that:
In design:
— design meets requirements of the relevant standard.
In construction:
— the asset is built in accordance with the relevant standards and to the approved procedures, quality
plan and contractual requirements
— the design intent is maintained through the construction phase, including management of engineering
2.3 Scope of work
2.3.1 General
The verification scope of work may be defined and documented as follows:
— by reference to this section of the service specification
— by reference to DNVGL-SE-0474 Risk based verification
— by reference to a nationally or internationally recognized standard, or to a regulation
— outlined or described in the contract, e.g. in accordance with customer specification.
If selected, the approach of risk-differentiated levels of verification involvement as outlined in [2.3.2],
should be applied to define the verification scope of work. Further details are found in the general risk-based
verification service overview, see DNVGL-SE-0474.
The verification scope of work is dependent on what type of VCA service is being procured noting the nuances
between verification and certification services in addition to statutory certification. For concrete structures,
the VCA service covers design verification and construction follow up to verify design intent is maintained
during execution of the works.
The VCA service may be scaled according to project phase. The verification starts with VCA-design during
the design phase, followed by an optional VCA-construction to verify that the as-built structure is per design
intent. For certification services, VCA-construction is required.
Examples of DNV GL scope and deliverables are included in Table 2-1 to better explain the differences in
possible VCA service scope and corresponding deliverables.
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DNV GL scope
Project phase
Concept designs, design basis, etc. may be verified by
DNV GL at a high level with a focus on overall structural
integrity and constructability.
Deliverable is a verification comment sheet (VCS).
SOC and
Design reports, IFC drawings, material specifications, etc.
are verified by DNV GL.
Upon successful verification, a statement of conformity
(SOC) and design verification report (DVR) are issued.
Design basis design reports, IFC drawings, material
specifications, on-site engineering change documentation,
non-conformances and QC controls during construction
are verified by DNV GL.
Detailed design
and execution of
the works
SOC and VR Upon successful verification, a verification report will
be issued summarizing the findings from both the VCAdesign and VCA-construction activities. Note that the VCAconstruction scope assumes that DNV GL has completed
VCA-design prior to execution of the works.
Verification can comprise of activities such as:
— document review to verify that design intent is in conformity with regulations, codes, standards and
higher-level specifications as agreed by contract
— document review of drawings, specifications and/or work procedures
— performing independent analyses
— witnessing activities such as manufacturing, testing, installation and commissioning
— inspection of products
— undertaking independent measurements and testing
— reviewing test reports.
Typical verification activities are outlined in [3.2] for VCA-design and [3.3] for VCA-construction.
The level of verification may vary during a phase as new information on the risks associated with the
structure becomes available.
Any changes to the scope of work, either due to a fuller understanding of the risks associated with the
structure, or additional unanticipated work, shall be agreed in writing between DNV GL and the customer,
prior to the execution of the change.
The VCA service described in this section is focused primarily on safety critical aspects of the design and
construction. Other elements of the design may be included in the DNV GL scope at the request of the
2.3.2 Risk-differentiated levels of verification and scope of work
The selection of the level of verification involvement, and the resulting scope of work, shall be based on
a risk-based verification planning process. Different levels of verification involvement may be chosen for
different phases of the project.
The level of verification involvement is differentiated per the risk associated with the structure, structural
element, location or intended service. If the associated risk is higher, the level of verification involvement
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Table 2-1 Examples of DNV GL VCA service
The risk differentiated verification model is applied to specific elements, or parts, within the structure or
development. The selection of the level of verification involvement is dependent on the criticality of each of
the elements.
The level of verification involvement shall reflect the risk associated with each element of the scope and
potential critical aspects/issues, depending on:
— degree of technical innovation
— particular technical challenges (material, conditions etc.)
— experience of the contractor in carrying out similar work
— quality management system of the owner and his contractors.
The novelty of a structure or its intended application will influence the degree of risk associated with its
design and use and therefore the level of verification involvement.
Similar structural elements or parts, sharing the same design and construction methods, may require
verification of only a specified percentage of the total. The risk associated with verification of many individual
repetitive elements is lower than once-off elements of the same design. Similarly, non-safety critical
elements of a structure will require a reduced level of verification.
The verification involvement is categorised into low , medium and high. A summary of the levels of
involvement and the resulting generic scope of work for a concrete structure is given in Table 2-2. Table 2-2
covers verification during the FFED, detailed design phase and construction phase verification.
— Low - is the level of verification involvement applied where the risks associated with the structure are
lower because, for example, the design has an established track record in similar operating locations
and limitations, a loss of integrity or containment will have low consequences of failure from a safety,
environmental or commercial point of view, it is located in congenial environmental conditions, or the
contractors are well experienced in the design and construction of similar structures.
— Medium - is the customary level of verification involvement and is applied to the majority of structures.
— High - is the level of verification involvement applied where the risks associated with the design,
construction or operation of the structure are higher because, for example, it is novel, there is high
consequences of failure from a safety, environmental or commercial point of view, it is located in adverse
environmental conditions, it is technically innovative or the contractors are not well experienced in the
design and construction of similar structures.
Table 2-2 Examples of levels of involvement and resulting scope of work
Resulting verification involvement/scope of work
— Review of design basis and drawings during design and
— Review of principal design documents, construction
procedures and specifications.
— Conservative hand calculations.
— Less comprehensive involvement than level medium.
Guidance for selection
of level of involvement
— Proven structural designs.
— Structures installed in benign
environmental conditions.
— Simple structural systems and
— Structures constructed by
experienced contractors.
— Structures with low consequences of
failure from a safety, environmental
or commercial point of view.
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is higher. Conversely, if the risk associated is lower, the level of verification involvement may be reduced,
without reducing the verification effectiveness.
Resulting verification involvement/scope of work
— Review of design basis and drawings during design and
— Detailed review of principal and other selected design
documents with support of simplified independent analyses.
— Review of construction procedures and specifications.
— Review of QC checklists, NCR and engineering change at site
— Attendance during critical construction activities on a spot
check basis.
— Attendance at critical novel mock-up testing.
Guidance for selection
of level of involvement
— Structure located during their
design conditions within 'normal'
environmental conditions covered by
recognised standards.
— Projects with a moderate degree of
— Structures with medium
consequences of failure from a
safety, environmental or commercial
point of view.
— Review of design basis and drawings during design and
— Projects with a high degree of
novelty or large leaps in technology.
— Detailed review of relevant design documents.
— Structures in extreme environmental
— Independent numerical analysis of the structure.
— Independent numerical analysis of critical elements/joints.
— Independent detailed calculations.
— Review of construction procedures and specifications.
— Review of construction QA systems.
— Review of QC instructions, procedures, checklists and reports.
— Audit of QC activities at site.
— Audit of QC activities at suppliers of safety critical elements.
— Review of site-based engineering change documentation.
— Attendance during construction as required to monitor
ongoing works.
— Structures exposed to extreme loads
with high consequence of failure.
— Inexperienced contractors or
exceptionally tight completion
— Structures with very high
consequences of failure from a
safety, environmental or commercial
point of view.
— Attendance at qualification and mock-up testing.
— Verification of the procurement system to verify materials and
components used.
2.3.3 Verification services scope of work
Any, or a combination, of the options listed in [2.3.1] may be used to define the DNV GL scope of work for
delivering the verification service.
The scope of work and deliverables shall be described in the contract between DNV GL and the customer.
The scope of work for a verification service as defined in this service specification, and regulations or
nationally or internationally recognized standards, may be amended as agreed between DNV GL and
customer. Such amendments shall be stated in the contract scope of work.
In the case the scope of work refers to [2.3.2] allowing for risk-differentiated levels of verification
involvement, the customer may stipulate the level of verification involvement to be applied. The selection of
level of verification involvement will impact the type of deliverable to be issued.
2.3.4 Certification services scope of work
The verification scope of work for a certification service shall be in accordance with the scope requirements of
the relevant certification scheme, i.e. the applicable DNV GL service specification or the applicable nationally
or internationally recognized standard. Generally, this verification scope of work should not be amended;
however, it may be amended by expansion, but not by reduction.
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In the case the scope of work refers to [2.3.2] allowing for risk-differentiated levels of verification
involvement, DNV GL shall independently of the customer stipulate the level of verification involvement to be
2.3.5 Statutory certification
Statutory certification is a certification service based on authorization and legislation by national authorities
and to their regulations or regulations accepted or stipulated by them, i.e. their certification schemes.
DNV GL may issue a certificate of conformity for statutory certification, or equivalent document as stipulated
by the authority, only if DNV GL is authorized by national authorities to perform certification on their behalf.
A certification service based on legislation by national authorities shall be performed in accordance with their
regulations or regulations accepted or stipulated by them, i.e. their certification scheme.
The verification scope of work shall be as follows:
— the verification scope of work is defined in applicable regulations, or
— DNV GL has defined the scope of verification in co-operation and understanding with the authorities, or
— DNV GL has defined the scope of work according to DNV GL’s interpretation of applicable regulations. If
the national authorities have issued no instructions for the scope, the verification scope of work shall be
developed in line with [2.3.4]. In this case, the national authority shall confirm their acceptance of the
scope of work.
2.4 Service management
The philosophy and verification methods used shall be described in a project specific verification plan to
ensure satisfactory completion of the VCA activities.
The philosophy and the methods shall ensure that the VCA service:
— has a consistent and constructive approach to the satisfactory completion of the design, construction,
and/or operation of the asset
— applies up-to-date methods, tools and procedures
— employs qualified and experienced personnel.
All verification activities shall be carried out by competent personnel. Competence includes having
the necessary theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge or experience of the activity being examined. An
adequate verification of some activities may require access to specialised technical knowledge.
As well as demonstrating competence of individuals, the verification project team shall be able to
show competence and experience in VCA work for relevant assets.
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Currently, there is no prescriptive structure specific certification scheme established for concrete structures.
If required, the scheme can be developed by DNV GL based on experience from verification of similar
structures. The deliverables shall be in accordance with those described in [4.3.5].
3.1 General
As described in [2.3.1], the scope of the VCA service may be scaled on a project specific basis. A highlevel review of a concept and its design basis would entail a minimum level of DNV GL activity. Whereas,
verification of the detailed design followed by construction phase verification of the concrete structure would
see increased DNV GL involvement.
The VCA activity descriptions outlined in this section are split between design verification (also referred to as
VCA-design) and construction phase verification (also referred to as VCA-construction).
3.2 Design verification
Verification activities comprise of tasks to examine the assumptions, methods and results of the design
process. It is performed to confirm that the design requirements of the structure are fulfilled.
During verification, the following procedure shall be followed:
— document review shall be documented by DNV GL verification comments, or other intermediate
— witness of qualification testing shall be documented by a survey report, or other intermediate deliverables
— the completion of the design verification work will be documented by a design verification report (DVR).
The tasks undertaken during design verification of a concrete structure shall as a minimum comprise:
— review of the design process
— review of specifications for design, e.g. design basis
— review of design reports and drawings
— review of material specifications.
Depending on the assessed risk, these tasks may also include, but not be limited to:
— review of qualification or validation testing of materials and processes
— independent calculations
— review of mix design reports.
Guidance note:
Performing independent FEA may be required during DNV GL design verification. The need for independent FEA shall be evaluated
on a project specific basis.
The design, calculations, reports and specifications should be written to meet the requirements agreed in the
contract and the referenced standards and specifications there-in.
3.3 Construction phase verification
For verification during the construction phase, the following procedure shall be followed:
— document review shall be documented by DNV GL verification comments or other intermediate
— construction site attendance survey shall be documented by site visit reports or other intermediate
— audits and inspections shall be documented by reports or other intermediate deliverables
— completion of the construction follow-up scope shall be documented through a verification report (VR)
The degree of attendance is provided to the customer in a marked-up inspection and test plan.
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— review of execution schedule
— review of construction procedures
— review of quality plan
— review of ITPs
— review of QC procedures/checklists
— review of systematic for handling of quality items, non-conformances, and corrective actions
— review of systematic for handling engineering change onsite site instructions and queries
— independent inspection.
Verification activities relates not only to the contractor's work, but also to the monitoring the work carried out
by its subcontractors.
Manufacturing of subcomponents, and delivered material quality is handled separately from the construction
site attendance with separate contracts towards suppliers and separate associated scopes of work.
DNV GL surveyor shall have safe access to the works at all reasonable times, insofar as the work affects the
verification process. The customer shall ensure, through contracts with the parties concerned or otherwise,
that such access is granted, and that DNV GL is notified as to when and where the surveyor's attendance is
For the purpose of verifying that design intent is maintained on-site, DNV GL shall be granted access to all
pertinent quality, and engineering change documentation during the construction phase. Generation of such
documentation may trigger further design verification activities.
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Construction phase verification comprises the following activities:
4.1 Request for services
The customer shall prepare a request for VCA services that shall at least contain:
— general information about the intended use of the structure
— information relating to the location and surroundings of the structure
— details of why the VCA service is requested
— verification scope of work, including level of verification involvement, if applicable,
— geographical and regulatory location
— codes and standards which the asset shall be verified in accordance with
— general layout drawings as well as drawings of main structural parts
— load information
— material details and specifications
— geotechnical information about the ground the structural loads are transferred to
— construction schedule and sequence.
The customer shall submit the request to DNV GL with reference to this service specification.
4.2 Work process
4.2.1 Meetings
Prior to initiation of the project, an introduction meeting between DNV GL and the customer should be held to
discuss the VCA service and allow a scope of work to be developed.
A kick-off meeting should be arranged after initiation of the project to further refine the scope and establish
means of ongoing communication, document management, comment handling and other project related
Regular status meetings should be arranged to maintain communication, discuss progress, highlight current
focus areas and monitor status of verification comments.
4.2.2 Submitted documentation
Documentation submitted to DNV GL should be in the English language. Exception to this may be made for
certain onshore projects when agreed in advance with DNV GL.
DNV GL shall be provided all pertinent design documentation after internal customer/owner reviews have
been completed.
Documentation shall be received by DNV GL in good time to facilitate verification activities.
Technical documentation shall be consolidated, complete and self-explanatory. Each document submitted for
review shall have a unique and clear reference which also identifies the actual revision of the document. The
documentation shall be controlled per the quality management system of the project prior to submission to
Typical documentation that should be produced by the project for the planning, design and construction of a
concrete structure are given in DNVGL-ST-C502.
4.2.3 Document review
DNV GL shall review the customer's documentation subject to verification, and issue comments through
intermediate deliverables.
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Verification comments related to technical queries, non-conformities or issues not fully addressed shall
be responded to by the customer. Such comments remain open until a satisfactory response and updated
documentation allows DNV GL to close the comment. Comments issued for information need not be
responded to by the client.
Updated documentation resubmitted to DNV GL after receipt of comments should clearly present the changes
made since the previous revision.
The customer should establish a means of tracking submitted documents including control over the latest
revision submitted, date of submission and expected response date, number and status of comments.
Review cycle times for submitted documents are established on a project specific basis.
4.3 Deliverables
4.3.1 General
The type of DNV GL documents that may be issued depends on the extent and nature of the VCA service
scope of work.
DNV GL may issue verification service deliverables during the execution of the verification scope and at its
completion. The purpose of the deliverables is to document the scope of work performed by DNV GL and the
conclusions reached.
Intermediate verification documents act as a form of progress reporting showing completion of verification
activities for various issues, items or phases of the project.
The verification documents follow the hierarchy below:
— statement of conformity
— verification report
— intermediate documents:
— audit reports
— verification comments
— visit reports
— minutes of meeting.
Verification documents are documents confirming that an examination has been carried out and are valid
only at the time of issue.
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Verification of a submitted document consists of cycle reviews. A cycle review consists of the review of
the document, issuing of verification comments, subsequent review of the comment responses/updated
documentation and update of the status of the verification comments.
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Figure 4-1 Document hierarchy for verification
4.3.2 Intermediate documents
DNV GL may issue intermediate documentation to record progress or conclusions related to
individualverification elements:
— a document review
— a site visit
— a test.
Intermediate deliverables may be in the form of:
— verification comments (may be listed in VCS, letter, email or other agreed communication type)
— visit report
— audit report
— survey report
— project progress reports
— minutes of meeting.
4.3.3 Verification report
A verification report issued after VCA-design is completed, is termed a design verification report (DVR). A
verification report issued after completion of VCA-design and VCA-construction is termed a verification report
(VR). For ease of reading these are both termed verification reports in this subsection.
A verification report is issued by DNV GL as a statement confirming the conclusion of the verification process.
A verification report may be issued at any stage of the verification process. It may take the form of a closeout report covering the completion of a self-contained part of the verification of a structure.
A verification report may be issued in conjunction with a statement of conformity dependant on the scope of
work undertaken.
A verification report is the final deliverable if the requirements to a statement of conformity are
not fulfilled, or if a statement of conformity is not required as part of the scope of work.
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The verification report shall include:
— reference to the contract under which the work has been carried out
— product or service description and item number, if relevant
— application (operational limitations, geographical location and conditions of use) for which the structure is
— assumptions upon which the verification was undertaken
— verification scope of work, including level of verification involvement, if applicable
— codes and standards which the product or service has been verified in accordance with
— clear statement of the conclusion from the verification (does it or does it not meet the specified
— list of documentation on which the verification report is based (reports, drawings, correspondence etc.)
— unresolved deviations/non-conformities (open comments).
4.3.4 Statement of conformity
A statement of conformity may be issued by DNV GL as a statement confirming that verification of
documents and/or activities has concluded that the structure complies with specified requirements. In order
for DNV GL to issue a statement of conformity the following requirements apply:
— The scope shall cover the complete structure, or a major self-contained part of a structure. Major selfcontained part shall mean a self-supporting group of structural elements including a suitable foundation,
to which risk-based verification is or may be applied.
— DNV GL shall have accepted the level of verification involvement to be satisfactory in relation to the risks
associated with the structure or self-contained part of it.
— It may be issued upon completion of the total verification scope, or at completion of logical phases, e.g.
design or fabrication.
— There shall not be omissions in the verification scope which may lead to misinterpretation of the
statement of conformity, e.g. in the design verification scope aspects like stability, tightness or structural
integrity may not be omitted from individual structural elements making up part of the whole.
— There shall be no unresolved deviations, i.e. no open verification comments, which inherently infringe on
the design intent of the structure. In case of unresolved deviations, these shall be clearly identified in the
verification report and a statement of conformity shall not be issued.
— The statement is valid on the date of issue.
The statement of conformity shall be supported by a verification report, which shall be referenced from the
statement of conformity.
4.3.5 Certification documents
The certificate of conformity may be issued as part of the statutory certification service as a statement
confirming that verification of documents and/or activities has concluded that the asset complies with
the specified requirements, i.e. the conclusion shall be positive as there shall be no pending verification
comments. The certificate of conformity shall cover the complete asset and be issued upon completion of the
verification scope of work as described in the certification scheme.
This section is not applicable to certification of materials such as grout or FRP bars, see Sec.5.
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Deviations from requirements shall be highlighted in the verification report, in the summary and/or
introduction, with a reference to where in the report they are addressed in detail. Deviations that are
addressed through alternative solutions shall be included in the list. Such solutions may imply e.g.
operational limitations.
5.1 General
This section provides the basis for the type approval (TA) service in accordance with the technical
requirements in DNVGL-ST-C502 of structural cementitious grout (hereafter referred to as grout) or
equivalent material, and fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement bars.
This service specification identifies and describes the activities required to obtain a TA certificate and how to
retain the certificate. The TA activities described in this service specification are intended to be complete for
application of a material which is not novel.
Currently, there are two TA certification schemes covering the use of the following materials:
— Structural grout, see activities in Sec.6
— FRP reinforcement, see activities in Sec.7.
The TA service specification outlines DNV GL expectations towards manufacturers, contractors, laboratories
and other stakeholders during the certification process. These expectations relate to the process and controls
in place when DNV GL certifies materials are in accordance with the technical requirements of DNVGL-STC502.
This service specification is aligned, and should be used in combination with, the DNV GL service specification
5.2 Objective
The objective of the TA service is verification:
— that the product is produced with consistent quality in accordance with the stated material properties
— identify risks related to material manufacture, traceability and installation to reduce their likelihood to as
low as practicable
— that procedures and controls are in place for it to be installed with consistent quality in-situ, in structural
types defined in the DNV GL final deliverable
— document relevant material properties and operational parameters to be used in design and installation
when the product is applied within a structure designed and constructed in accordance with DNVGL-STC502 or other DNV GL standards.
5.3 Scope of work
DNV GL shall independently of the customer stipulate the level of verification involvement to be applied
for TA services. Any deviations, exceptions and/or modifications to the requirements of standards shall
be documented and agreed in advance with DNV GL. DNV GL may accept alternative solutions found to
represent a minimum safety level equivalent to that stated in the requirements of DNVGL-ST-C502. The
scope of work, in accordance with this service specification, including any agreed allowances or additions,
shall be defined in the contract.
At the request of the customer DNV GL may include additional scope relating to material testing, or additional
structural forms in which the material may be installed. If relevant these may be included on the TAC and
verification report.
If needed, the scope of work shall be changed through a variation order agreed between DNV GL and the
customer prior to the execution of the change.
TA services comprise activities such as:
— document review and comment to confirm that a drawing, specification or procedure is in conformity with
regulations, standards and higher-level specifications as agreed by contract
— audit of facilities
— witnessing of manufacturing and testing to verify conformity with specified procedures
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5.3.1 Structural grout
The TA scope of work, and associated activities, described herein are tailored for pre-blended structural
grout. Type approval of other cementitious materials and grouts may be undertaken at the discretion of DNV
GL. The scope of work shall then be defined on a project by project basis through risk assessments.
The TA service scope of work for structural grout shall include the elements outlined in Table 5-1 and the
work flow shall be as shown in Figure 5-1.
Table 5-1 TA service - scope of work for structural grout
Section ref.
Request for TA
Production Facility
Ref. other
Scope outline
— review and comment
— initial audit of the primary production facility
— continual evaluation depending on the outcome of other
scope elements
— additional audits of other facilities
— verification of QA/QC documentation
— verification of the material traceability procedures for
tracking material between production and use
— periodic and renewal inspections of the production
Documentation of
material properties
— inspection of the laboratory testing facilities
— verification of testing programme and procedures
— verification of reports
— witness of material testing
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— inspecting products to verify conformity with applicable specifications
— undertaking independent measurements and testing to validate reported results
— reviewing test reports to verify conformity with specified requirements
— periodical operational facility inspections.
Execution related
Section ref.
Ref. other
Scope outline
App.H and DNVGLST-C502 App.J
— verification of generic grouting procedure
— verification of generic on-site QC procedures
— verification of procedure for transport and handling of QC
— verification of the qualification scheme for third party
grouting contractors
— validation of procedures and large-scale application
— verification of validation test procedures (based on
proposed offshore grouting procedure for specific
installation parameters to be referenced in DNV GL
verification report)
— witness of validation testing, including mock-up testing
to validate the grouting procedure/equipment to be
used on-site and verify the suitability of the material
for large scale application - witness of supplementary
tests to capture other elements to be demonstrated
prior to inclusion on the TAC or the DNV GL verification
Figure 5-1 Typical DNV GL work flow for TA service for structure grout
The on-site addition of supplementary materials to a certified grout is not acceptable. Such materials may
be admixtures, nano-technology admixtures, additions, fibres, dyes or colouring pigments. This limitation
may be waived if the materials in question, and the relevant on-site control and fabrication steps, have been
included as parameters in the entire TA scope of work as outlined in Table 5-1, see also [6.2.1] and [6.3.2].
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DNV GL shall not issue a TAC for grouts containing fibres larger than those on the nanoscale.
DNV GL may issue a product certificate for grouts containing fibres larger than those on the nanoscale
on a project specific case-by-case basis, e.g. when performing classification of a barge. In such a
case the DNV GL scope of work shall include that set out in Table 5-1. In addition, DNV GL shall be in
attendance during verification activities to document fibre dosage, distribution and orientation in the
specific structural elements, as well as being present during grout placement activities onsite. The final
scope of work shall be defined by DNV GL.
If changes are made to an already certified material, or if materials shall be added to it, during or after
production, which cause a change to its properties, the grout should be given a new name and certified as a
new material. In such a case, the scope of the TA scheme shall be agreed in advance with DNV GL.
5.3.2 Fibre reinforced polymer bars
The TA service described here relates to FRP bars used as replacement for steel reinforcement in reinforced
concrete structures.
The TA scope of work, and associated activities, described herein are intended for FRP bars made from glass,
carbon, aramid or basalt fibre reinforced composites.
The TA service scope of work for FRP reinforcement bars shall include the elements outlined in Table 5-2 and
the work flow shall be as shown in Figure 5-2.
Table 5-2 TA service - scope of work for FRP reinforcement bars
Ref. section
Request for TA
Production Facility
Ref. other document
DNVGL-SE-0284 Sec.3
Scope outline
— review and comment
— continual evaluation depending on the outcome
of other scope elements
— initial audit of the primary production facility
— additional audits of other facilities
— verification of QA/QC documentation
— periodic and renewal inspections of the
production facilities
Documentation of
material properties
— inspection of the laboratory testing facilities
— verification of testing programme and
— verification of reports
— witness of preparation of test specimens witness of material testing
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Due to documented uncertainties in the repeatable behaviour of fibre reinforced grout during installation in
compartments of different shapes and dimensions (uneven distribution, washout, bunching, fibre orientation,
etc.), fibre reinforced grout is dealt with specially regarding certification. The following limitations shall apply:
If changes are made to an already certified product the bar should be given a new name and certified as a
new product. In such a case, the scope of the TA scheme shall be agreed in advance with DNV GL.
5.4 Periodic inspections
Recurring periodical and renewal inspections shall be performed by DNV GL during the valid period of the
The return period of the periodical and renewal inspections shall be in accordance with DNVGL-SE-0284, and
[8.5]. The exact timing of the inspections shall be arranged in advance with DNV GL by the manufacturer.
During the periodical inspections adherence to the previously verified QA/QC procedures and quality plan
shall be verified. A high-level review of production records for conformity to the properties stated on the TAC
shall be carried out, and a general tour of the facility shall be conducted. The scope shall follow the general
requirements of DNVGL-SE-0284.
5.5 Service management
The certification philosophy and methods used shall be described to ensure satisfactory completion of the TA
The philosophy and the methods shall ensure that the TA service:
— has a consistent and constructive approach to the satisfactory completion of the certification process
— applies up-to-date methods, tools and procedures
— brings to bear DNV GL experience and competence for the better of the environment as well as the end
user, owner and other stakeholders in the future application of the material
— employs qualified and experienced personnel.
All TA service activities shall be carried out by competent personnel. Competence includes having the
necessary theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, or experience of the activity being undertaken. An
adequate execution of the TA service may require access to specialised technical knowledge.
As well as demonstrating competence of individuals, the verification project team shall be able to show
competence and experience in relevant TA work with similar material. This shall be addressed through the
submission of CV's on customer request.
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Figure 5-2 Typical DNV GL work flow for TA service for FRP reinforcing bars
6.1 Production facility inspections
6.1.1 General
This section describes DNV GL verification activities undertaken during execution of the TA service for
facilities producing pre- blended grout, including bulk stored material.
The facility which produced the material used for material testing, see [6.2.1], is deemed to be the primary
facility, for the purpose of the TA service. Additional facilities thereafter must prove conformity to the primary
facility with respect to the properties of material produced.
The production facility quality plan and procedures including test plans shall be provided to DNV GL for
verification in good time prior to attendance at the facility for the initial inspection. For requirements to the
QA/QC at the production facility, see DNVGL-ST-C502 App.I.
Each production facility to be referenced on the TAC shall be subject to an initial audit/inspection. The scope
of the initial audit/inspection shall be drafted by DNV GL and may be provided to the manufacturer prior to
the visit upon request.
During the initial inspection DNV GL shall verify adherence to the production facility quality plan, procedures
and test plans. An inspection will be conducted to witness the production equipment, laboratory, storage
areas, marking regime etc.
DNV GL shall confirm that a valid manufacturing plant quality management system in accordance with ISO
9001, and preferably ISO 9004, is in place for all production facilities.
DNV GL shall witness a representative sample of normal production QC testing at each facility as part of the
initial inspection.
If the production facility has not started full production at the time of the initial audit, an additional inspection
may be required prior to the first scheduled periodic inspection.
DNV GL shall verify that labels, bags and/or data sheet of the certified material are marked for traceability to
the certificate in accordance to the principles of DNVGL-SE-0284 and as required in DNVGL-ST-C502 App.I.
DNV GL shall verify that a systematic is in place to monitor variability of critical material properties from
continuous production at the facility. It shall be verified that the systematic is capable of documenting
conformity with the characteristic values stated on the TAC.
DNV GL shall verify that a systematic is established to track produced material from the point of manufacture
to installation in the structure. If applicable, the systematic should be capable of tracking produced bulk
material after transfers between silos.
6.1.2 Additional facilities
If additional production facilities shall be included on the TAC, produced-material conformity testing shall
be witnessed by DNV GL. Material testing shall be conducted on material produced at the additional facility
to demonstrate conformity with material produced at the primary production facility, see Table 6-1 and the
following subsections for details of the required minimum testing.
Conformity testing according to Table 6-1 shall be carried out on a minimum of three production batches.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with the standard test methods specified in DNVGL-ST-C502 App.H.
In addition, dry sieving, or another comparable method, should be carried out to document conformity of the
produced material with respect to grain size distribution.
Conformity criteria for each of the material parameters outlined in Table 6-1 shall be specified by the
manufacturer and be provided to DNV GL for verification in good time prior to testing. The conformity criteria
shall be based on the values documented in the material test program undertaken for certification.
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Table 6-1 Minimum conformity testing per batch for material produced at facility other than the
primary production facility
Time of test
Number of
specimens per batch
Test temperature ( C)
Flow spread
Immediately after mixing
Fresh density
Immediately after mixing
Immediately after mixing
Air content
Immediately after mixing
Setting time (initial and final)
Until final set
Hardened Density
28 days
Mean compressive strength (150 x 300
mm cylinders)
28 days
Flexural strength
28 days
Young's modulus
28 days
The DNV GL surveyor shall witness a pumpability test of the material produced at the additional production
facility. The test shall utilise the same equipment as that to be applied during offshore operations. An
additional pumpability test may also be required in cases where modifications have been made to the
composition of the material.
DNV GL shall verify the results of the conformity testing programme during review of the test report, to be
submitted for verification.
6.2 Documentation of material properties
6.2.1 General
The objective of the witnessed material testing shall be to verify and document properties of the grout to be
applied in design in accordance with DNVGL-ST-C502. These properties are then recorded on the TAC.
Where the on-site addition of material is included as a parameter during certification, in accordance with
[5.3.2], the methods and extent of material testing shall be defined by DNV GL and included in the test
When a cement grout shall be certified, the material testing shall be carried out on representative specimens
made from sample products i.e. from cement from the specific cement manufacturing plant. The extent and
method of testing shall be defined by DNV GL.
Guidance note:
Determination of characteristic compressive strength for cylinders for neat cement grout, as per test ID. HG2 in DNVGL-ST-C502
Table H-4, may require smaller test specimens than 150mm x 300 mm cylinders to avoid potential cracking of the specimens
during curing.
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The conformity testing shall be carried out at an independent laboratory meeting the requirements of [6.2.2].
The independent laboratory should be the same as the one used for material testing from the primary
production facility. If a new laboratory is used additional testing of material produced at the primary facility
may be required. The DNV GL surveyor shall witness a portion of the material testing and subsequently
review the test reports
— an additional facility is considered for production of a certified product
— a raw material source is changed, which could potentially influence the fresh or hardened properties of the
material, or which necessitates a modification to the mix formulation/design.
For the above cases the scope of testing as outlined for conformity testing, see [6.1.2], shall be undertaken.
6.2.2 Laboratory material testing
Prior to the testing, the manufacturer shall provide DNV GL with the proposed test programme and any other
relevant technical data for verification.
Material testing shall be conducted in an independent testing laboratory. The laboratory should hold relevant
ISO 17025, or similar accreditation, as well as ISO 9001 certification. This requirement may be waived if the
laboratory is audited prior to testing and all testing is witnessed by a suitable third-party.
Material testing for blended grout, both pre-packed and bulk stored, shall be carried out on representative
specimens from sample products to the extent described in DNVGL-ST-C502 [H.2.1] and DNVGL-ST-C502
During the testing programme the DNV GL surveyor shall witness a portion of the testing as required by this
service specification. Emphasis shall be placed on attendance during the start of the test programme when
the specimens for testing the hardened grout properties are prepared and fresh grout properties are tested.
The following outline should be taken as a guide to the minimum expected attendance during execution of
the test programme.
For the testing of fresh grout properties, see DNVGL-ST-C502 App.H, tests FG1-FG5:
— DNV GL surveyor shall witness one complete series of tests, including flowability, density, segregation/
bleeding air content, and setting time for one batch.
For the testing of hardened grout properties, see DNVGL-ST-C502 App.H, tests HG1-HG7:
— DNV GL surveyor shall witness the preparation, and subsequent storing, of a representative sample of test
specimens for documenting the hardened grout properties.
— DNV GL surveyors shall witness at least one occurrence of each specified test, ideally the first set of
tests carried out for each parameter including testing of compressive strength (cylinders/cubes), flexural
strength, creep, autogenous shrinkage/total shrinkage/expansion properties, Young's modulus and
Poisson's ratio.
DNV GL surveyors shall verify conformity with the approved test programme and procedure during
attendance at the testing laboratory.
DNV GL shall verify that the temperature of the low/elevated temperature curing environment is suitably
recorded, and logged, while testing is ongoing.
DNV GL shall verify the results of the material testing programme during review of the test report, to be
submitted for verification.
6.3 Execution related document verification
6.3.1 Document review
Generic procedures and guidelines shall be verified by DNV GL for application of the material. The documents
are associated with specific structural types into which the material may be installed. Each structural type is
included in the DNV GL verification report through reference to the relevant validation tests.
A generic grouting procedure for grouting of each selected structural type shall be verified by DNV GL.
Limitations on the application method as confirmed through validation testing shall be included.
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The manufacturer shall verify through additional laboratory material testing that the produced grout meets
the chemical and physical properties defined during the material testing carried out for certification when:
Specifications and procedures for qualifying third party grouting contractors shall be verified by DNV GL, if
6.3.2 Validation testing
This section presents the minimum requirements for validation testing.
Validation testing shall be conducted and witnessed by the DNV GL surveyor. Testing shall validate the
proposed grouting procedure and verify the suitability of the material for large scale application.
The testing may include small scale equipment trials, pump testing, material handling or transport trials, full
and/or reduced scale mock-up testing, where material is mixed and injected into a representative replica of
a selected structural type. A guideline outlining the minimum requirements for the mock-up test is found in
DNVGL-ST-C502 App.J.
Prior to the testing, the manufacturer shall provide DNV GL with the proposed test programme and any other
relevant technical data for verification.
An elevated temperature mock-up test shall be witnessed by the DNV GL surveyor when the intended
maximum application temperature is greater than 30°C. The applicability of the equipment to be used during
typical offshore installation shall be documented during the elevated temperature mock-up test. Measures
taken to cool equipment or material during the mock-up shall be subsequently included in the offshore
grouting procedure.
When mock-up testing is performed some limited testing of the fresh and hardened properties of the grout
shall be conducted. The requirements for these material tests will vary depending on the material and
application and shall be agreed in advance with DNV GL.
Where the on-site addition of materials is included as parameters during certification of a grout product
in accordance with [6.3.2] the methods and extent of validation testing shall be defined by DNV GL and
included in the validation test programme.
Methods of storage, transfer or transport of dry powder material, which may influence the material properties
or gain size distribution of the material, shall be documented as suitable through an appropriate validation
programme including relevant material testing.
The results of the validation testing, including mock-ups, shall be documented in test reports and submitted
to DNV GL for verification.
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Generic quality control documents relevant for the casting, curing, transporting, testing and statistical
evaluation methodology for site cast QC samples shall be verified by DNV GL.
7.1 Production facility inspections
7.1.1 General
This section describes DNV GL verification activities undertaken during execution of the TA service for
facilities producing FRP reinforcement bars.
The facility which produced the material used for material testing, see [7.2.1], and is the initial one audited,
is deemed to be the primary facility, for the purpose of the TA service. Additional facilities thereafter must
prove conformity to the primary facility with respect to the properties of material produced.
The production facility quality plan and procedures including test plans shall be provided to DNV GL for
verification in good time prior to attendance at the facility for the initial inspection. For requirements to the
QA/QC at the production facility, see DNVGL-ST-C502 App.G.
Each production facility to be referenced on the TAC shall be subject to an initial audit/inspection. The scope
of the initial audit/inspection shall be drafted by DNV GL and may be provided to the manufacturer prior to
the visit upon request.
During the initial inspection DNV GL shall verify adherence to the production facility quality plan, procedures
and test plans. An inspection shall be conducted to witness the production equipment, laboratory, storage
areas, marking regime etc.
DNV GL shall confirm that a valid manufacturing plant quality management system in accordance with ISO
9001, and preferably ISO 9004, is in place for all production facilities.
DNV GL shall witness a representative sample of normal production QC testing at each facility as part of the
initial inspection.
If the production facility has not started full production at the time of the initial audit, an additional inspection
may be required prior to the first scheduled periodic inspection.
DNV GL shall verify that labels and/or data sheet of the certified product are be marked for traceability to the
certificate in accordance to the principles of DNVGL-SE-0284 and as required in DNVGL-ST-C502 App.G.
DNV GL shall verify that a systematic is in place to provide data for the variability of bar strength and
stiffness properties from continuous production at the facility. It shall be verified that the systematic is
capable of documenting if the test properties fall short of the characteristic values stated on the TAC.
7.1.2 Additional facilities
If additional production facilities shall be included on the TAC, product conformity testing shall be witnessed
by DNV GL. Testing shall be conducted on bars produced at the additional facility to demonstrate conformity
with those produced at the primary production facility.
The conformity testing shall be carried out in accordance with [7.2.2]. The DNV GL surveyor shall witness a
portion of the material testing and subsequently review the test reports.
DNV GL shall verify the results of the conformity testing programme during review of the test report, to be
submitted for verification
7.2 Documentation of material properties
7.2.1 General
The objective of the witnessed material testing shall be to verify and document properties of the bars to be
applied in design in accordance with DNVGL-ST-C502. These properties are then recorded on the TAC.
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Prior to the testing, the manufacturer shall provide DNV GL with the proposed test programme and any other
relevant technical data for verification.
Material testing shall be carried out on representative specimens from sample products to the extent
described in DNVGL-ST-C502 [F.2.1] and DNVGL-ST-C502 [F.2.2].
Testing shall only be conducted in, or under the coordination of, a DNV GL laboratory with previous
experience in testing of FRP reinforcement, hereinafter referred to as a specialist DNV GL laboratory.
If testing is conducted in a facility other than a specialist DNV GL laboratory, both the facility and proposed
test methods shall be subject to DNV GL inspection prior to testing. This inspection may require testing of the
proposed methods at the DNV GL laboratory and attendance during the actual testing by DNV GL laboratory
personnel. The laboratory should hold relevant ISO 17025, or similar accreditation, as well as ISO 9001
During the testing programme the DNV GL surveyor shall witness a portion of the testing as required by
this service specification. Emphasis shall be placed on attendance during the start of the test programme to
witness the bar placement, and casting, of the embedded specimens as well as the method of end fixity for
the specimens tested in air. The test set-ups for each of the required tests shall be witnessed.
DNV GL shall witness at least one occurrence of each of the specified product tests in DNVGL-ST-C502
The product test programme should document the properties of each bar diameter to be certified through
provision of demonstrable evidence. DNV GL will focus on the test set ups and management of the test
programme for the initial bar diameter to be certified. Test programmes for subsequent bar diameters will
likely require less DNV GL attendance at the laboratory.
DNV GL surveyors shall verify conformity with the approved test programme and procedure during
attendance at the testing laboratory.
DNV GL shall verify the results of the material testing programme during review of the test report, to be
submitted for verification.
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7.2.2 Laboratory material testing
8.1 Request for service
A formal TA application shall be submitted to DNV GL with reference to this service specification. This form
may be obtained upon request from DNV GL.
The TA application should include pertinent material information and application limitations. As an example,
the TA application for structural grout shall at least contain:
— information about the manufacturer including experience with similar materials
— information about the material properties and its market history
— information about the structural type to be considered, e.g. tubular connection, under flange filling, etc.
— information about the application limitations of the material
— information relating to the environmental conditions within which the material will be applied
— details of third party contractors to be used to install the material (if applicable)
— storage and transport method intended for the material
— outline of likely mixing arrangement including type of mixer etc
— geographical and regulatory location where it shall be applied
— desired schedule of TA process.
The customer shall submit the request to DNV GL with reference to this service specification.
8.2 Work process
8.2.1 Meetings
Please see [4.2.1] for guidance.
8.2.2 Submitted documentation
Please see [4.2.2] for general requirements with the following exception.
Documentation submitted to DNV GL for the TA service should be in the English language. If documentation,
and project communication shall be conducted in another language than English, the local DNV GL office
may act to coordinate reviews and facilitate the certification management, with additional scope agreed
8.2.3 Document review
Please see [4.2.3] for general requirements.
8.3 Deliverables
8.3.1 General
When DNV GL performs certification against a defined TA scheme in accordance with Sec.5, Sec.6 (or Sec.7)
and this section of this service specification, the final DNV GL deliverable is a type approval certificate (TAC)
and a verification report. The TAC is issued with a limited validity in accordance with DNVGL-SE-0284.
DNV GL may issue TA service deliverables during the execution of the verification scope and at its
completion. The purpose of the deliverables is to document the scope of work performed by DNV GL and the
conclusions reached.
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The TA service documents follow the hierarchy below:
— type approval certificate
— verification (summary) report
— intermediate documents
— audit reports
— verification comments
— visit reports
— minutes of meeting
— progress update letters.
Intermediate documents are documents confirming that an examination has been carried out, and are valid
only at the time of issue.
8.3.2 Type approval certificate
A DNV GL type approval certificate may be issued by DNV GL as a statement confirming that verification
of documents and/or activities has concluded that the object complies with specified requirements, i.e. the
conclusion shall be positive as there shall be no pending verification comments.
The type approval certificate shall be supported by a verification report, which shall be referenced on the
The certificate shall be issued upon completion of, and in accordance with, the TA service outlined within this
service specification.
The general hierarchy of documents for the TA service in accordance with this service specification is
illustrated in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 General document hierarchy for TA service
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Intermediate verification documents act as a form of progress reporting showing completion of TA activities
for various issues, items or phases of the project.
Upon completion of all relevant TA service activities, and conformity with the requirements of DNVGL-STC502 are confirmed, a type approval certificate shall be issued by DNV GL in accordance with this service
specification and DNVGL-SE-0284.
The initial production facility inspection shall be successfully completed, and all findings closed prior to
issuance of the type approval certificate. Where the initial production facility inspection was completed
substantially prior to the completion of the other certification activities, two options may be applied at the
discretion of DNV GL to set the valid period of the initial TAC:
— the TAC may be awarded with a limited period of validity equal to the date at which the initial production
facility inspection was completed plus 5 years.
— an additional production facility inspection may be conducted to confirm that the systematics and
processes are still in place as when the initial inspection was completed. After this, the certificate may be
issued with a validity of 5 years in accordance with [8.5].
8.5 Maintenance of the type approval certificate
See DNVGL-SE-0284 for general requirements with the following additions.
Minor updates to the certificate, by inclusion of e.g. additional material testing or additional production
facility, will not result in an update to the expiry date.
The owner of the TAC shall inform DNV GL when attendance for a periodical inspection is required. If
periodical inspections are not conducted, the validity of the certificate shall be withdrawn and the status
updated on DNV GL's approval finder web portal.
DNV GL shall be informed immediately by the manufacturer if the material properties quoted on the DNV GL
type approval certificate are not possible to achieve during continuous production.
The DNV GL surveyor shall be granted access to the facility and all relevant production and quality
documentation. In certain cases, a non-disclosure agreement pertaining to proprietary material data may be
signed at the request of the customer.
DNV GL shall review the certification status of any certified product if it fails to meet the parameters outlined
in the TAC or the manufacturers' supporting documentation. This includes production and on-site QC testing,
as well as offshore control and execution requirements outlined in procedures. Suspension or withdrawal of
certification may be considered until conformity with the assumptions outlined in the TAC and supporting
documentation has been confirmed.
The bounds of the certificate/installation parameters may be updated during the valid period of the certificate
if new information becomes available to DNV GL that merits this update.
At the time of renewal of the type approval certificate the requirements of the most current issue of DNVGLST-C502 and this service specification shall be applied.
The DNV GL type approval certification mark may be provided to the holder of the certificate under certain
terms and conditions. The holder shall agree in advance with DNV GL how the mark may be applied prior to
inclusion on any material.
Valid type approval certificates awarded in accordance to this service specification are searchable to the
public at the DNV GL Approval Finder web portal: https://approvalfinder.dnvgl.com/.
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8.4 Award of the type approval certificate
Changes – historic
There are currently no historical changes for this document.
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About DNV GL
DNV GL is a global quality assurance and risk management company. Driven by our purpose of
safeguarding life, property and the environment, we enable our customers to advance the safety
and sustainability of their business. We provide classification, technical assurance, software and
independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas, power and renewables industries.
We also provide certification, supply chain and data management services to customers across a
wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our experts are dedicated to helping
customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.