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Understand the complexities of social anxiety.edited

 Fear of Judgment: Imagine constantly feeling as though you are being scrutinized,
judged, or negatively evaluated, even during casual conversations. For individuals with
social anxiety, the fear of negative evaluation from others is an ever-present concern.
 Physical Manifestations: Anxiety is not confined to the mind; it manifests physically as
well. Those with social anxiety may experience sweating, trembling, blushing, and a
racing heart during social interactions.
 Avoidance Behavior: Coping with social anxiety often involves avoidance of social
situations. However, this avoidance can limit personal and professional opportunities and
lead to isolation.
 Rumination: Overthinking and self-criticism are common traits among individuals with
social anxiety. They often replay social interactions in their minds, fixating on perceived
mistakes or awkward moments.