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[Your Name]
[Job Title]
[Mailing Address]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Place, Date]
[Hiring Manager Name]
[Job Title]
[Company Name]
[Mailing Address]
Dear [Hiring Manager Name],
I was thrilled to hear you opened a post for an event planner. As an office assistant in Staff, I
single-handedly organized a year-end party for the entire office, deemed the most entertaining
and successful event the employees had a chance to attend.
It came to my attention that my position as an office assistant may seem off-track for the post
you are advertising, yet let me assure you it is not. Allow my achievements to speak for the
qualities you are looking for in an event planner:
Multitasking. A one-person team successfully supervised the office's administrative duties, from
allocating contracts with vendors and suppliers to managing executives' travel calendars to
balancing the branding budget. Became a go-to person for when things need to be done.
Research. Pitched a new supplier profile offering better quality office supplies stock at a lower
price. Reduced administrative costs by 6%.
Planning. Compiled and presented annual budget proposals to the management. 100% approvals
so far.
The job of an event planner is not to arrange seats and tables. It is to create memories worth a
lifetime. Together, we will organize events worth remembering.
Let's schedule a meeting to discuss how my transferable skills could help your team.
Best Regards,
[Your Name], [Job Title]
PS—I will also be happy to tell you how my social media campaign for the local animal shelter's
community event boosted attendance by 20%. My methods were unconventional, and they sure