Uploaded by Kathy Kattashis

PIF E+ Partners Template

Partner’s Information Form
Legal Name of Organization
PIC Number
Organization ID (OID)
Full legal name (National language)
Full legal name (Latin characters)
Full Address
Telephone 1
Type of organization(1Choose only one from
the below list)
Public body yes/no
Non profit yes/no
Have you received any type of accreditation
before submitting this application
1 Accreditation, certification or qualification body
Counselling body
European grouping of territorial cooperation
European or International public body
Group of Young People
Higher education institution (tertiary level)
Large enterprise
Local Public body
National Public body
National Youth Council
Non-governmental organisation/association
Organisation or association representing the Sport sector
Public service provider
Regional Public body
Research Institute/Centre
School/Institute/Educational centre – Adult education
School/Institute/Educational centre - General education (Pre-primary level)
School/Institute/Educational centre - General education (Primary level)
School/Institute/Educational centre - General education (Secondary level)
School/Institute/Educational centre – Vocational Training (secondary level)
School/Institute/Educational centre – Vocational Training (tertiary level)
Small and medium sized enterprise
Social enterprise
Social partner or other representative of working life (chambers of commerce, trade union, trade association, etc.)
Sport Club
Sport Federation
Sport league
Youth Organisation
Associated persons
Legal Representative
First Name
Family Name
Department (if applicable)
Primary Contact Person
First Name
Family Name
Department (if applicable)
The legal representative is the person with authorisation to represent the organisation in legal
agreements and contracts.
The Primary contact person is the first contact point for everything that has to do with implementation
of mobility activities.
Please name at least two different persons to make sure it is always possible to contact the organisation
even if one of them is not available.
Background and experience
1.1 Presentation of the organization. Please briefly present the organisation (e.g. its type, scope of
work, areas of activity and if applicable, approximate number of paid/unpaid staff, learners)
(4000 Characters MAX)
1.2 What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project?
What are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? )
(4000 Characters MAX)
Activities and experience
Skills and expertise of key staff
1.3. Comments or add any information to the summary of your organisation’s past participation?
(3000 Characters MAX)
Additional Questions
2.1 How is this project complementary to other initiatives already carried out by your organization
(3-4 Sentences)
2.2 What networks are you a member of? If you are not a member of a network, who are your
Associate partners that are of relevance to this project? (Briefly)
2.3 Based on your organizational work and activities, what are the needs for this project?
(3-4 Sentences)
2.4 Please provide 5-6 sentences referring to the needs of this project in your national context (please
refer to statistics and evidence-based information – please add references from sources and include
sources from 2020 onwards).
2.5 Approximately how many people can you reach via your organisation’s website and social media
(3-4 Sentences)
2.6 Dissemination and exploitation. Please give an overview of the capacity of your organisation to
disseminate project results (150-200 words)
2.7 Other Previous Activities Relevant to the Project’s Impact (Briefly)