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Surfer's Ear: Symptoms, Treatment & Surgery

Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday - 8am - 5pm
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Phone: 09 631 1965
Email: office@ear.co.nz
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Surfers Ear
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Surfers Ear
Surfers ear ( otherwise known as "exostoses") is a condition where the ear canal is narrowed by bone which grows
slowly in the ear canal over a long period of time. The bone grows in lumps, which form bulges, behind which water
may be trapped. The new bone growth is stimulated by exposure to cold water and cold air. Surfers ear is therefore
common in New Zealand, the West Coast of the U.S. and the Coast of Australia.
Given enough time and enough cold exposure, the bony lumps (known as exostoses) may eventually completely close
the ear canal off.
Prominent Ears
Childhood Deafness
Surfers Ear
Normal Ear
Water gets stuck in the ear-those affected may need to shake their heads or hop vigorously to clear the ear canals
Ear canal infections - these may become increasingly common as the exostoses grow. Ususally they follow water
exposure through swimming. The narrowness of the ear canals may make these infections slow to settle. The
infections are treated with antibiotic ear drops and sometimes oral antibiotics.
Reduced hearing - this is a late and uncommon problem-- however the hearing may be temporarily affected when
the ears are infected
Some exostoses do not require any treatment, but once these have been diagnosed it may be wise to protect the ears
from cold water exposure using ear plugs (such as 'Surf Ears' or 'Docs Pro plugs' and/or a neoprene headband or
hood. This may slow down the growth of the exostoses.
Water blockage may often be successfully managed using "Vosol" ear drops after swimming other water exposure.
These displace moisture and help dry and acidify the ear canal, reducing the risk of ear canal infection.
If the exostoses are causing persisting problems with ear water blockage or ear infections they are best removed.
Surgical Treatment
This is performed under a general anaesthetic (you are asleep). It is often done on a "day stay" basis, or with one
overnight stay at Gillies Hospital.A cosmetic incision is made to hide it in the crease behind the ear, and the skin is
carefully protected prior to removing the exostoses with a tiny drill and/ or chisel. In my experience, this is the best
and safest way to do the operation, and has the lowest risk of repeat surgery being required in the future. Antibiotic
coated dressings are left in position in the ear canal for 3 weeks, then replaced for another two weeks, following
which ointment only is applied. Altogether, it takes 7-12 weeks for the ear canal to copletely heal.The ear must be
kept dry during this time. The skin incision is closed with dissolving stitches and protected with a thin layer of skin
glue. A bandage is worn for the first night only. Hearing tests are performed pre operatively and at 10-12 weeks post
operatively. I commonly will do both ears, spaced a week apart, and in this situation a hearing test is done before the
second op.
There is only modest discomfort following the surgery for exostoses-- which is usually easily managed with
paracetamol and an anti- inflammatory. These are usually taken for a week post op. I advise avoiding heavy lifting or
straining for two weeks afterwards, which may mean "off work" and "no gym" for some people. Plenty of walking for
light exercise is fine.
In my experience, this operation only needs to be done once in a lifetime.
Here are some examples of ears which have been widened.
Pre op right ear
Post op right ear
Pre op left ear
Post op left ear
Risks of surgery
Fortunately, in experienced hands these are all very rare indeed. These may include:
General Anaesthesia- In general, most people having this operation are fit, active and well. For those with no
other medical conditions, the risk of a life threatening consequence is less than the risk of driving to the clinic,
and less than the risk of flying- something most people will do without a second thought. All patients are
assessed and advised pre operatively by a specialist anaesthetist.
Scarring- this may very rarely occur behind the ear or in the ear canal.
Ear drum or hearing bone damage
Hearing loss. In any ear operation there is a risk of approximately 1% of this occurring, due to drilling noise or
other factors. This may be measurable on a hearing test, but is not necessarily always detectable by the
consumer. Since 1997 when I first started operating in private practice, I have not had a case where a patient
mentioned hearing loss after ear canal healing.
Tinnitus (ringing in the ear). This is quite common (but rarely troublesome) in the few weeks post operatively
while the ear canal dressings are in place, but almost always resolves when they are finally removed.
Facial nerve injury. I have never seen this occur, but it has been described in otolaryngology journals.
Benefits of surgery
No water trapping-- the ears clear completely and easily
No need for ear plugs!
You can hear (and converse) while out on the water
Substantially reduced risk of ear canal infections
The information on this website is for general guidance only. For specific advice relating to your exostoses, please call
631 1965 to make an appointment.
Adult Patient Registration
Dr Brown co-ordinates the Starship
No, this is not essential, but we do
 Address
Microtia- Atresia multidisciplinary
prefer if you have a medical
Gillies Hospital and Clinic,
clinic, and multi disciplinary
referral. Some insurance companies
160 Gillies Ave, Epsom, Auckland
meetings concerning the care of
ask that you have a GP referral in
deaf children and their progress
order for you to be able to claim
with cochlear implants and hearing
against your medical insurance.
Child Patient Registration
Tonsil Questionnaire
Otitis Media Form
© 2017 Colin R.S. Brown - Ear Surgery Auckland NZ
 Phone Number
(09) 631 1965
email: office@ear.co.nz