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Grid-Tied and Hybrid System

Grid-Tied System and Hybrid System
Grid Tied System:
Working: This solar system has a direct connection with the grid. On-grid solar system does not need
batteries for its functioning. It operates by converting the solar energy into DC power. The home
appliances don’t run by DC energy—so on-grid solar inverters are used for converting this DC power into
alternating current which in turn is utilized by all electrical instruments at home.
Hybrid System:
Working: In a hybrid solar system, there is energy backed by the batteries and solar panel is connected
to the grid. It is primarily intermediate in between off-grid and on-grid solar system as it contains
battery backup like the off-grid system and is connected to the grid just like on-grid solar system. The
only difference is that hybrid PV system is not entirely dependent on the grid for its functioning—unlike
on-grid solar system.
They are particularly ideal for use in those places where power blackouts or load shedding occur quite
often due to battery back-ups. Any storage backup can be easily integrated into this system without
needing to replace the inverter.
Hybrid solar system usually tends to bring lower electricity bills because stored energy in its battery is
utilized for powering homes in peak tariff times— by lowering the grid usage. It needs proper handling
and maintenance of its batteries. Hybrid solar system has lower battery life, approximately ranging
between 7 to 14 years.
Comparison of Grid-Tied System and Hybrid System
Grid-Tied System
A grid-tied system connects directly to the utility
grid. It generates electricity from solar panels,
but it also draws power from the grid when
needed, especially during times when solar
production is low
Dependency on the Grid
Highly dependent on the grid for power when
solar generation is insufficient. Excess energy can
be exported to the grid, often through net
metering agreements, reducing electricity bills.
Energy Storage
Typically, does not include energy storage (No
Battery Backup) . Excess energy produced during
the day is exported to the grid, and energy is
drawn from the grid when solar production is
Hybrid System: A hybrid system combines solar
panels with energy storage, typically in the form
of batteries. This system can operate both
connected to the grid and independently,
providing power during grid outages or at times
when grid electricity is expensive.
Can operate independently from the grid when
necessary, drawing stored energy from batteries.
This provides resilience during power outages or
when grid electricity prices are high.
Incorporates energy storage in the form of
batteries. Excess energy generated during the
day is stored in batteries for use during the night
or during periods of low solar generation.
Building # 101, Fairawys Commercial,
Phase 6, Defence Raya Golf Resort
Sector M DHA, Lahore.
Cost and Complexity
Grid-Tied System: Generally simpler and less
expensive to install compared to hybrid systems
since it does not require energy storage
components like batteries.
Offers no resilience during grid outages. If the
grid goes down, the system shuts off for safety
reasons, and homeowners have no access to
electricity until grid power is restored.
Environmental Impact
Reduces reliance on fossil fuels by generating
clean energy from the sun. However, without
energy storage, it may still indirectly contribute
to carbon emissions during times of grid power
Net Metering
The users of hybrid PV system have more
dependence on strict and frequently changing
net-metering policies as compared to those using
on-grid solar systems.
Typically more expensive and complex due to the
inclusion of battery storage.
Hybrid solar system can power homes all night
and day long — as it functions even when the
grid is damaged because it isn’t solely dependent
on the grid. The grid offers the emergency energy
backup when no stored energy in the battery is
Similar environmental benefits to grid-tied
systems, but with the added potential to further
reduce reliance on grid power, especially during
peak demand periods when fossil fuel power
plants may come online.
The users of hybrid PV system have lesser
dependence on strict and frequently changing
net-metering policies as compared to those using
on-grid solar systems.
Building # 101, Fairawys Commercial,
Phase 6, Defence Raya Golf Resort
Sector M DHA, Lahore.