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BSBADM409 Task 1 V2.1

BSBADM409 Coordinate business resources
Task 1 – Knowledge Questions
Task summary
 This is an open book knowledge test, to be completed in your own time.
 You need to answer all the written questions correctly.
 Access to textbooks/other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and Microsoft Office.
 Access to the internet.
 Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment via Canvas.
Submit onto Canvas
 This completed workbook
Assessment criteria
 All questions must be answered correctly for you to be assessed as having completed the task
Re-submission opportunities
 You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor via Canvas. The feedback will
indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will provide you written
feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.
IH Sydney Training Services Pty Ltd
RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS Code: 02623G
Assessment Cover Sheet
Candidate name:
Candidate ID
Trainer’s Name:
Date Submitted:
Candidate declaration: I declare that:
 I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to
the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions
and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have
been used, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.
Candidate signature:
Task 1: Knowledge Questions
Question 1
Describe the functions of the following items of business equipment. (20 words
• Computer
• Printer
• Mobile Phone
Computers are electronic devices that we use to find and collect business information.
Including the use of computers to write reports or important business documents, such as
employment contracts, Profile of employees, Policies and procedures of the company or
organization, etc.
Printers are electronic devices that connected to the computers to translate the results of
computer processing into characters or images, then appear on paper. Therefore, we use
this device to print business information and keep it as original documents, such as
employment contracts, the company policies, minutes of meetings, business letters, as
well as receipts or bills, etc.
Mobile phones are a communicational tool which used to communicate and talk between
two persons. We use the phone for time-saving business appointments, such as scheduling
meetings for each department manager or even making appointments between
organizations to participate in some activities, etc. We can also use the mobile phones to
ask for help or to remind. For example, the secretary uses the phone to remind the
president about an appointment or meeting in this morning etc.
Question 2
Describe any common faults associated with the following items of business
equipment. (20 words each)
• Computer
• Printer
• Mobile Phone
 Computer: The computer screen freezes, then causes us to not be able to continue
working. It may also damage our works or documents that are in progress.
Troubleshooting, we may reboot the computer again, but it may risk losing unsaved work.
Additionally, freezing of computers can be a sign of insufficient RAM, so we should
maintain and check our computer every year.
Printer: The most common problem with printer operation is printer had a paper jam
which resulted in our document being delayed and incomplete. There are many reasons
for paper jams in the printer, such as using poor quality paper, user has inserted the paper
incorrectly or has run out of ink or almost out of ink, etc.
Mobile Phone: Nowadays, mobile phone is an important factor in life, especially in
working life. Common issues of mobile phone faults include battery drain, slow charging,
or charging failure. Of course, these problems affect with our work, whether there are
communication problems or even error finding information on mobile phones in
emergencies. For example, in the event that we urgently need to reply the messages or
send news to customers regarding an order, but our phone is out of battery and unable to
call back. This may cause us to lose customers and credibility.
Question 3
List a minimum of 3 organizational policies that you must adhere to in the
acquisition of business resources.
 Human resources: These mean providing accurate job descriptions when companies want
to recruit employees in different departments by establishing the job title, job objectives,
roles and responsibilities, required skills, the relationship with which the worker will be
involved and what the requirements are, including to job specialty and special conditions
for employment. Moreover, the organizations need describing the employment
regulation or legislation in their human policies, such as, Human rights legislation, Health
and safety legislation etc.
 Physical resources are material assets that a business owns, including land, buildings,
materials, production equipment and office furniture. We can sell physical resources, if
the business faces cash flow problems. Examples of an organization's physical resource
policy include: Explaining the purpose that the land in this area is intended to promote
the good physical stewardship of the William Plantation Company. Resources in the
organization are prepared according to the framework guidelines for development,
allocation, utilization and management of the company's physical resources, etc.
Budget required or capital resources: Budget or capital resources means financing
according to business plan that we are going to implement. It consists of permanent
capital that refers to funds for one-time purchasing of physical resources, such as,
vehicles, land or business buildings, equipment, office furniture, computers and
telephone systems, etc. And working capital is money that we normally use for
expenses, such as service fees or wages until our business starts to make a profit. This
type of funding is usually estimated on a monthly basis. In budget plan, it's important
to be as accurate as possible in our cost calculations. Businesses often fail when they
run out of cash. Then, they need to borrow from a variety of sources, which if
borrowing too much, it can result in business debt. Therefore, the investor should
calculate this resource very carefully.
Question 4
Outline an example of a procedure that you would follow in the acquisition of
physical resources. (40 words)
First step: Step of understanding how to acquire and use physical resources to meet
organizational objectives or business plans, and determine the resources which needed for
perform operations.
Second step: Step of implement according to the organizational policies and procedures to
help ensure that the use of physical resources can be accurately monitored and controlled, for
example, managing suppliers to find the materials or goods the company actually needs etc.
Third step: Step of physical resources using, when the resources are acquired and ready for
project implementation, we must manage those physical resources for maximum efficiency and
benefit to the organization, as supervisors.
The last step: Step of controlling the physical resources using to ensure that they are
delivering the desired results.
Question 5
Outline 3 methods you could use for the monitoring of physical resource
allocation and usage. (40 words)
Verification of equipment or devices using within the organization because we can be sure
that our employees who are allocated and trained to use specific equipment will be able
to use the available physical resources correctly. They can also record and monitor usage
accurately and quickly.
An accurate checking of stock, goods and physical resources that our business has. The
staff should have an efficient record of stock levels to know when stock should be
replenished and when stock should be ordered.
Learn everything about our physical resources to use them properly. This includes
constantly analyzing how we use our physical resources and devising ways to use them
more efficiently.