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Eye-Catching Job Applications: Tips & Strategies

Eye-Catching Applications for Job
Search in Difficult Cases
Apply with 45 plus - cover letter & templates, sell your resume & CV
successfully, win every interview with motivation
Simone Janson (ed.)
Published by Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®
Table of Contents
Introduction: Information, Experiences of Success, Inspiration - you'll find
all that in this Book
Achieve Goals Interactively: Awards, Press Reviews, Customer
Your Benefit in concrete Terms: Content, Organization and Structure
of the Book
Information as desired with Membership Discounts, eCourses,
Workbooks, and custom, individual eBooks
Successfully use the AI Extension to the Book for your Goals and to
make Money
Experience Success and Inspiration: Discover your Way and support
Innovative and Creative: 3X3 Tips for Applying // By Jürgen Hesse
Companies in search of high potentials: Just no dialogue! // By Axel Haitzer
Application, Job Search and Recruiting 2.0: Show who you are! // By Tjalf
With an initiative to the dream job: 6 tips for an impressive appearance //
By Dr. Job
How to compensate for gaps in the CV: 5 Tips for an application without
lies // By Lene Setzer
Self-Marketing for Applicants: Traumjob thanks to Employee Branding //
By Andreas Schwarz
Secret Tricks for Job Search: Cope with Gaps in the CV // By Petra Barsch
6 Tips for the creative application: How to stand out! // By Dr. Job
Applying for 50: 8 Job Search Tips // By Simone Janson
Unsolicited Application to the Personnel Service Provider: 7 Tips for Job
Search via Recruiter // By Sina Lehmann
Use Job Search and Application Online Networks: 10 Job Search Tips in
Social Media // By Simone Janson
Return to parental leave: 5 tips for preparing mothers and companies // By
Eva-Maria Kraus
Change of job within the company: Internal job change in the group // By
Oliver Koch
What Applicants Can Learn From Game of Thrones: 5 Tips // By Peter Hart
Properly selling gaps in your CV and mosaic careers: 4 application tips [+
checklist] // By Inga Symann
Versatile interested and taken seriously: Selling multi-potential correctly - 5
tips // By Simone Janson
Conclusion: How to expand your Knowledge and Experience with
interactive AI and discounted Add-on offers for free.
Authors Overview
Jürgen Hesse
Axel Haitzer
Dr. Job
Lene Setzer
Andreas Schwarz
Petra Barsch
Sina Lehmann
Eva-Maria Kraus
Oliver Koch
Peter Hart
Inga Symann
Simone Janson
Profound Expert Knowledge, Quality Assurance and AI: The Concept of
Publisher of the Year Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®
Appendix: Tips and Prompts for using the AI Extensions
The German National Library lists this publication in the Deutsche
Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available on the
Internet at https://dnb.dnb.de.
ISBN of the German eBook edition: 9783965962422
ISBN of the English eBook edition: 9783965962439
German website of the publisher: https://berufebilder.de
English website of the publisher: https://best-of-hr.com
Eye-Catching Applications for Job Search in Difficult Cases
4th completely revised and extended edition, 10.01.2024
©2024 by Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®, a brand of Janson Pressgroup
Print & Online
Published by Simone Janson
Duesseldorf, Germany
Concept, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson
Cover design with Canva
eMail: publisher@best-of-hr.com
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Introduction: Information, Experiences of
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Your Benefit in concrete Terms: Content, Organization and
Structure of the Book
Briefly and concretely this is your benefit from this book: You support
certified climate protection projects, quickly receive compact information
and checklists from experts as well as access to AI extensions and the
possibility to individually live your inspirations as an experience. Because
many applicants do not even make it into an interview because their
applications are largely ignored by the competition, or formal errors in the
cover letter or their CV immediately knock them out of the race. The right
application method can help here, unfortunately there are still many myths
about it: Is it better to apply online now or is the classic application
portfolio still going? What is the perfect application portfolio with
guaranteed success? Has the much-discussed cover letter become obsolete
or is it still required by many employers? And what role do motivation
letters play? It is important to stand out positively with your own
application, to present yourself excellently and to convince HR staff and
employers. This book shows how to do it.
In addition, our unique publishing concept offers you many best practice
tips and examples from successful managers, entrepreneurs and other
exciting personalities.
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Innovative and Creative: 3X3 Tips for Applying
// By Jürgen Hesse
It is helpful to advertise as conspicuously and creatively as possible, but
only half the battle for success in job hunting: It is much more important to
offer yourself as a problem solver.
Know the needs of the recipient
Despite the originality of the application, it is important to (recognize) the
needs of the recipient and to include them in your application strategy from
the outset.
In addition, it should also be possible to summarize all this and to design
the application in such a way that the offered cooperation appears to the
recipient and the applicant as an ideal (problem-solving) possibility.
The spark must skip
Anyone who does not manage to skip the spark with his counterpart with
originality and empathy will hardly be given a chance:
He will be invited to audition again, let alone have the opportunity to prove
his competence and ability.
3 Application forms
For an exceptional and clearly distinguishable application, there are
generally three approaches:
1. the written application (from the extraordinary cover letter to the large
2. the electronic application (from the eMail- application to the video
recording) and
3. the personal application (small talk, networking, messaging, trials,
3 design possibilities
All three approaches, which represent different transmission paths, are
again to be designed in three ways. You can apply for it
1. formally conservative, but unconventional in content
2. in the form of unconventional, but in terms of content rather
conservative or
3. shape more or less unconventionally in form and content (statements).
3 ways to stage the application
In order to stage applications that clearly stand out from the average, three
attention-grabbing means are available:
1. aesthetic tricks and tricks
2. Surprise effects through add-on strategies and
3. a special media application
Text comes from: Das große Hesse/Schrader Bewerbungshandbuch (2015)
by Jürgen Hesse, published by Stark Verlag, Reprints by friendly permission
of the publisher.
Companies in search of high potentials: Just no
// By Axel Haitzer
Many companies are reportedly looking for skilled workers. If you look
more closely, you realize: Dialog is gladly avoided!
Advertising for the best minds
Many say that companies are desperately looking for skilled workers. "The
market has turned," say the companies. "Nowadays you have to apply to the
applicant," say some hiring managers. "I can choose my employer," say the
top people.
This situation is (yet) unfamiliar to most HR decision-makers: they have to
advertise candidates today. This often goes wrong. Reasons for this are
often the passive and closed attitude in the personnel departments - the
direct and open dialogue is often avoided by many.
Contact Person? Wrong!
If one reads the job advertisements in newspapers or on-line job exchanges
one notices: With the majority missing the personal contact, the direct line
number or the personal eMailAddress of the contact person.
This is also confirmed by a comprehensive investigation carried out by my
team. In over 55% of the job advertisements, which were switched from
January to April in the FAZ and SZ, the personal contact person was
Contact - as easy as possible?
If one adds the ads in which the commissioned advertising agency has
simply added this meaningful information, the picture continues to darken.
And this despite the fact that nearly every company claims that the human
being is the center of attention, open, fair and personally communicated, or
that the company is characterized by a direct dialogue.
How does it fit together? Would not it be somehow clever to make contact
with the applicants as easy as possible? What should applicants do if no
contact is indicated in the vacancy notice? Good question!
Let's talk - or better not?
Most internet forums and applicant advice agree and recommend that the
candidate call the company and ask for the responsible interview partner.
For the application letter simply to write off the managing director or board
of directors from the imprint of the company website is as pointless for a
successful application as to start his letter with “Dear Sir or Madam”.
"Let's talk to each other," the ad says - so answer the phone! In the absence
of the extension number, the head office is called. "I'm sorry," says the lady
at the switchboard, "no one is reporting to the HR department right now please try again later - no, I can't give out the direct extension."
Locked personnel are not individual cases!
Quite a few applicants, by the way, experience the telephone calls with the
HR department of a potential new employer as reserved and not particularly
dialog-oriented, let alone appreciative. "Why are you calling? - Everything
you need to know is in the job advertisement. ”
Anyone who now believes that dealing with applicants in this way will not
do so, or at least in individual cases, will be wrong. Our agency
“Quergeist”, for example, carries out tests on behalf of companies, so-called
mystery applications, in order to uncover weaknesses and thus potential for
improvement in the application process with the help of test applicants.
The only thing that bothers the applicant?
What the testers who present themselves as applicants experience every day
in contact with human resource managers makes us occasionally stand up to
our hair. The only thing that bothers you is the applicant? - Despite the
alleged shortage of skilled workers, many applicants experience the same.
What experience have you gained as an applicant or personnel decisionmaker with the communication and willingness to communicate? Discuss
with us!
Application, Job Search and Recruiting 2.0: Show
who you are!
// By Tjalf Nienaber
The Internet changes the working life in the galloping stage - and thus also
the recruitment processes in the company. How can applicants keep up?
What does application and job search 2.0 mean
In terms of application has changed a lot: Personals receive application
documents today preferably digital - in her eMailMailbox or via online
form on the company's own career page. And even that is as good as
outdated again.
Apply 2.0 is the order of the day, meaning that the digital business card is
more important today than a cover letter and CV. Job seekers are required to
actively expand their own network, use social media to find a job and
present themselves there. The motto for yoke seekers is: “Show who you
The motto is "Show who you are!"
"Show who you are!" is the motto for the young job seekers of today and
tomorrow. Show presence in Web 2.0 - that's what it's all about. The
presentation of your own person on the net with videos, pictures and texts
should not be a problem for most of today's graduates and young
professionals, but dealing with Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Co. is
common practice for the Y and Z generation. Self-marketing on the Internet
is something they are completely familiar with.
The employers, of course, have long since recognized this, and many of
them have already firmly anchored social media in their employer
communications. The technology-driven companies are already using social
media for their employee search and recruitment, while others are following
suit. They also have to, if they want to compete in the fight for talent.
Applicant videos on the advance
In order to present themselves as an attractive employer, more and more
companies are discovering the power of images and videos. In company
videos, for example, they provide job seekers with an insight into company
values ​and culture, as well as the topic of working climate. This is hardly
possible via online job advertisements.
And in job videos, they can let their employees talk about themselves as
employers, in turn convincing their employees in spe. Conversely,
progressive companies are also open to videos of applicants. A trend that
will continue to intensify, and should pick up the jobseeker. Because
beyond formal motivation letters, it is becoming increasingly important for
them to present themselves authentically. It increasingly counts the personal
impression and the personal fit. Tip therefore for job seekers: To be a
pioneer, take the candidate video and spread it on the social media or send
after prior contact directly to the companies.
Use online recruiting interviews
An advantage for applicants is also if they do not shy away from video
meetings on the web - so-called online recruiting interviews. In the USA,
there are also more and more companies that interview applicants via video
- via Skype, for example.
The shipping company Otto, for example, already handles talks in this way.
The company thus saves time and money - and the applicant as well.
Digital business card instead of high-gloss folder
Conclusion: If you send paper applications today, you should not be
surprised if the job change does not work out. Instead of looking for a job
via online job advertisements and applying with a glossy application folder,
applicants are more and more interested in self-marketing with a digital
business card.
It also means: keep an eye out for the recruiting trends of companies.
Anyone who is up-to-date and “plays along” will definitely secure many
opportunities in front of other candidates.
With an initiative to the dream job: 6 tips for an
impressive appearance
// By Dr. Job
Just another “Manic Monday”? Time for a change of scenery! We will show
you how you can fish for your dream job with a speculative application!
Even take the initiative
Fast 40 percent of German employees find the start in a new work week in
their current job so bad that they want another workplace. So the result of a
mood image, the monster could draw with the responses of 150 users in an
online survey.
For some employees, it is high time to take the “dream job” project into
their own hands and start a better professional future. But the job
advertisement for the dream position is not currently advertised? A
speculative application gives you the opportunity to draw the employer's
attention directly to you and possibly get the perfect job.
6 Tips on how to successfully take a new professional path with
your own initiative:
1. Research is everything: When you've found a company you
absolutely want to work for, gather as much important information as
possible. For example, if you research the right contact persons and
addresses, you can send your speculative application to the right place.
Or find out whether there are currently vacancies in other company
areas. If the company is generally not looking for new employees,
there may be a hiring freeze and your initiative may be unsuccessful.
An initial telephone call with the company can clarify possible
questions, such as which documents or which form of application are
desired. It also gives you the opportunity to make contact with the
company. And if you know an employee of this company personally so much the better. In your cover letter, also refer to the
recommendation of the internal contact.
2. Emphasize technical strengths and add value: Let your muscles
play - of course only subject-related. Show your qualifications and
what you can offer the company in this position. Thanks to your
extensive research, you know what the potential employer attaches
importance to and which qualifications are particularly in demand.
Therefore, put your talents and experiences, which can offer concrete
added value for the company, into the forefront of your CV. But stay
realistic and authentic. Above all, mention projects and achievements
that demonstrate that you have expertise in a field that is relevant to
the company and the job you are looking for. Because here you have to
sell something that the company did not even know it would need: you
as a new employee.
3. Personal note: For all your expertise and know-how, however, do not
forget your personality. Personnel want to hire not only over-workers,
but people who fit the culture of the company. So show your social
skills, your style of work and your qualities - in a sensible, profitable
relationship to the future wish place.
4. Get to the point: Avoid phrases like "I would like to apply for a job in
your company ..." - you will definitely not win a bouquet of flowers
and certainly not the attention of the HR specialist. Instead, your cover
letter must express your motivation for the future position and make it
clear to the employer why he should hire you, even if he is actually not
looking. Get to the point quickly and describe your current background
(position, qualifications and what makes you look for a new future and
challenge). But do not write contemplation essays. Communicate to
your counterpart what you want and what you have to offer. The cover
letter should be short and crisp and should not exceed 1-2 pages. The
general rule for unsolicited applications is: As short as possible - as
long as necessary!
5. To attract attention Consider whether a failed application might be a
good idea. Especially in creative occupations you can show by a
deviation from the standard, which potential is in one. It does not have
to be the same as billboards or webpages, but one look at the Internet
shows many examples that have given candidates for a WOW effect.
6. A good figure, on all channels: Before submitting your unsolicited
application, you should update your online presence in job portals and
on job platforms. And also take a critical look into your social
networks - what information do you give and what is not intended for
the general public? Because nothing disqualifies you faster than
disagreeable / inappropriate data as well as gaps or contradictions to
professional experience and qualifications.
How to compensate for gaps in the CV: 5 Tips for
an application without lies
// By Lene Setzer
One thing is certain: in life cycles, cover letters and discussion talks it is
lied that the beams bend. Recruiters regularly experience more or less
successful attempts by applicants to make their professional career more
glamor than they really are.
Beware of false facts!
The answer to the (rhetorical) title is clearly clear at first glance: No. If you
are serious about applying for a high level, you should never fake false facts
in your application documents or in your application. Personnel show
themselves usually excellently trained and recognize in the process quickly
inconsistencies in the presentation of the candidates.
Human resources departments routinely check the most important details of
the applicants. Beyond skillful questions in the job interview, the z. For
example, by contacting former employers, unannounced language test or by
checking educational institutions for (high) school graduation o. Ä.
If the fraud occurs later, after the recruitment, the employee is often the
immediate termination in the house. In short, do not waste any thoughts on
untruths in the application process. Concentrate on questioning: How do I
manage to adequately communicate the critical features of my career without lying?
1. Personal Information
Personal aspects, such as, Such as a disability, a private solitude, health
problems (if not relevant to the desired position), or simply your age, your
family status, or belonging to an ethnic minority. No employer may
discriminate against you in the application procedure for these reasons.
However, many of the features appear in the course of the application
process anyway and then fall - if previously concealed - rather negative in
weight. The open dealing with some topics often turns out to be the right
It is important not to put this information too much in the foreground, but
not to keep it as quiet as possible: Your application is primarily about your
professional skills and abilities. If you report your back pain on page 1, a
potential employer will certainly be skeptical.
2. Long periods of unemployment
It does not make sense, of course, to fill gaps in the CV with fictitious
professional experience. But how did you use the forced labor-free time?
Have you worked on yourself (and even through travel) and professional
skills? Were you volunteering? Do not talk about unemployment, but make
sense of this phase. At best, link them with a quality that could be of interest
to the desired employer.
“Packing” or not - HR personnel can of course see at a glance that you were
or are unemployed, but differentiate between those who have used this time
as best as possible and those who have not. Belong to the first group and
describe this phase appropriately short and sensible.
3. Lack of training
Many candidates supplement their lack of education and qualifications with
a hint or simply false information. The exaggerations in the information on
the quality of the foreign language skills of the candidates almost apply as a
It is becoming increasingly common for entire university degrees or even
courses of study to be invented, including forged certificate documents. The
training level is for many highly qualified positions e.g. B. in the fields of
medicine, law, engineering an essential aspect and a “must-have” in the
application process. At this point, it simply seems advisable not to submit
an application if you are not qualified.
4. To compensate for gaps in the CV
However, this is not the case in many professional fields. Missing diplomas
can be more than compensated by demonstrable expertise, extensive
experience, precise performance and convincing professional development
and success. Once again,
Set the professional content that is important for the position and the target
company - What exactly did your activities look like? What successes have
you achieved? - skilfully in scene. Do not write or talk about dropping out
of your studies, but about course contents and priorities that you have
followed with passion.
5. A question of perspective
Invest time in the clever design of your application documents and the
careful preparation for personal discussions in the application process.
Create a perspective for the recruiter that shows what distinguishes you as a
candidate and makes you different from others.
Restrain less valuable aspects into the background, but stand by. Do not
waste your time lying in the application process. It will not go well.
Self-Marketing for Applicants: Traumjob thanks
to Employee Branding
// By Andreas Schwarz
Applicants can learn a lot from their potential employers. How to position
yourself as a brand, for example, as an employee branding, analogous to the
employer branding of companies. The joke here: Instead of searching for
yourself, let yourself be found. You can find out how to do that here.
Self-marketing - an important factor for career success
More than ever, companies are fighting for the best minds on the job
market. They attract with sabbaticals, ipads and flexible working hours to
win the talents for themselves. It is close to the idea that the demanded
workers can sit back and wait to be found. Or?
However, for the individual on the way to the dream position it is still not
easy for the individual: A key factor for professional success is now more
than ever a good self-marketing in the form of an own employee brand.
This describes how to act as an employee in the public and - especially how to be perceived.
3 Tips for Employee Branding
The basis for a successful employee brand is that the individual is aware of
his strengths and successes and communicates them appropriately - be it in
the CV or in discussions with supervisors or network partners. The starting
point for this is deep self-reflection. Key questions:
1. What can I do really well?
2. What can I do even better than others?
3. Which projects have I been successful in and what were the success
Employee brand and application process
Feedback from colleagues, friends and, if possible, superiors, also provides
valuable hints and additions to self-reflection. Is the self-assessment
estimated with a stranger estimation? Or differing from each other? If so, it
may be due to the fact that the individual is under or over-estimated in some
points, or that he has not been able to show his strengths clearly enough.
As soon as there is clarity about expertise and personal success factors,
these need to be transferred to the application documents. In addition, a
suitable oral brief description - a kind of “90-second spot” about yourself should be developed. In this way, you can get to the point of what you
“can” and “want”.
Stay authentic and communicate purposefully
Important for all engagements and conversations: stay authentic! The effect
of a professionally designed written as well as personal appearance will be
ineffective if the potential client, employer or network partner gets the
impression that the presented profile does not correspond to the core of the
applicant's personality.
The second principle is: Communicate with target groups. This means that
the individual should always keep the addressee's concerns in mind. In the
best case, you present yourself as a “problem solver” for the conversation
Position yourself on social media platforms consistently
In order to strengthen his expert status, it is advisable to create a personal
website or a blog for your own area of ​expertise. Increasingly, specialist
communities are also found in the social web, for example, on platforms
such as facebook, Xing, LinkedIn or Experteer, with which you can expand
your professional network.
It should always be considered, which image you want to convey and how
to present yourself accordingly. Because the target group is very
heterogeneous. My recommendation: Everybody should emphasize what
distinguishes him from others - and how he has already successfully
supported others. These include example projects, references or success
The Internet as a personal career platform
But not only career networks are relevant to the employee brand. Personals
and headhunters may also be interested in Facebook profiles, personal blogs
and other activities in the social web, as it is possible to get a picture of the
potential candidate.
You should be aware of this and only share content with the interactive
public, which would also be revealed in life outside the Internet. My tip:
Everyone should take care to draw a uniform picture of themselves on all
channels - on and offline. Then there is nothing to prevent a strong
employee brand.
Secret Tricks for Job Search: Cope with Gaps in
the CV
// By Petra Barsch
Any recruiter over gaps in the resume stumbles if they are longer than three
months. Every longer gap means loss of competence, knowledge and
employability in the eyes of the decision makers.
Breaks as a handicap
In addition, it is questionable whether the cultural fit can be determined in
an interview. It takes more time for a few weeks. From my point of view,
this is another hurdle that companies are building for you as a cross-border
commuter, as a different thinking.
Breaks in the CV are still a handicap. Careers are always very
straightforward and there is no place for breaks. Too much zigzag shows
too little determination. Absenteeism, too long training times, termination
of the employment relationship during the probationary period, a wrong
decision in the job search or a time-out (Sabbatical) are given a question
Apply to a hierachically lower job
Misunderstanding is also called up if you are applying to a hierarchically
lower job, for example without leadership, after you have already led. The
interpretations are in the case of non-booked periods of more than three
Something can be wrong, probably burnout. For short periods of time: Well,
that probably didn't work. As you can see, there are apparently no positive
explanations for HR personnel. A human resources manager once said to
me: "Whenever there is a question mark, we answer it rather negatively."
Reasons for the gaps? No matter!
It does not matter what this gap has caused this kink. In the case of gaps,
the first question is the time period since the last activity. In the case of
kinks, it is the question of the explanation, the meaning, the classification
into the overall picture - that is, the thread of the thread.
In case of gaps, the assessment depends on the length of time since last
employment. The larger the gap, the higher the need for explanation. While
a period of up to three months is still below the acceptance gap, longer
periods are considered critical. In the eyes of human resource managers,
professional competence and performance motivation decrease in the
course of non-employment and even personality changes.
Diagnosed diagnoses
Depending on the situation, the following diagnoses are then made:
If you are not employed for less than a year, the diagnosis is fast:
professionally no longer up to date,
Success orientation and determination are classified as rather low,
personally, you are then little ambitious.
If the time-out lasts longer than a year, then more critical symptoms are
professionally, you are attested to a strong loss of competence,
Determinativeness is even less attributed to you,
personally, the ambition is more or less pronounced, or the
concentration on the family is attested to, or in the case of illness a
criticism of your way of life.
Correctly, gaps of more than three years are seen:
Loss of competence all along the line
no career orientation
depending on the cause: They are unstable, not responsible, not
What else can you kink
But even if you are constantly working and changing your job, you can
make mistakes. Very short, two to three years lasting working conditions
suggest that your accumulated expertise is not deeply deepened, that
inconsistency characterizes your life and you are perhaps one of those who
are looking for their dream job. Persistence and career orientation are not
certified to you.
But now comes the crux: If you are employed for too long at a company, it
is assumed that their specialized knowledge is no longer up to date. They
are inflexible and comfortable.
Help, a notice!
Termination by the employer, maybe even during the probationary period,
oh dear, then something went wrong. It may have turned out that your
knowledge was not enough or your commitment left much to be desired.
That the selection may not have been really good, that is rather not the
question, because you could also have noticed that the job is not for you.
You can even terminate yourself without having a succession job, the
misunderstanding is great. For the employer it can mean that there were
problems that you are unmotivated and unstable.
The famous red thread
In addition, there are concerns when you are too old, too high or too low
qualified, were previously independent. And if there is no common thread
in your life, you will hardly be considered the first choice.
Of course, there are positive interpretations to almost all statements, but
they are responsible for that.
Text comes from: Jobhunting: Geht doch! Karriere mit Knicken (2016) by
Petra Barsch, published by BusinessVillage Verlag, Reprints by friendly
permission of the publisher.
6 Tips for the creative application: How to stand
// By Dr. Job
Various job portals are searched and the dream job is finally found. Now it
goes to the imitation: The application must be designed, it must be noticed
and remain positive in the memory. But how do you do this without acting?
Why should you apply creatively!
Imagine you are a person and see some similar applications. Their time is
already tight, other pending tasks are piled up on the desk, and the lines blur
in your eyes as they are suddenly surprised by a surge of paperwork:
Finally an individual application. Unfortunately, in the real world of work it
is not quite as simple as shown, but creativity is half the battle to stand out
from the crowd.
6 Tips for applications that are guaranteed to stand out
We will show you helpful tips and tricks on how your application looks
positively and takes you one step further!
1. The first impression counts: the design
The typical application, whether still conservative on paper or as nowadays
commonly online as a handy PDF file, is designed without much frills in
portrait format on a white background. How about an application in
landscape format or an attractive, colorful design and fonts, maybe even in
the corporate design of the company?
This does not necessarily mean that rainbow colors and an absolutely
overloaded design pave the way to the dream job. It is precisely this which
does not convey what they want to convey: authenticity. The design is
intended to underscore the content meaningfully and not overwhelm. The
content has to convince itself in itself, because even a complex design can
not cover missing knowledge. However, as a basic rule, the more creatively
the industry, the more creative the application must look.
2. Timeline as a resume
The use of a timeline instead of the usual tabular CV also provides a way to
attract attention and stands out especially in case of unsolicited applications.
Such a timeline in the transverse format offers enough space to display
individual activities and, above all, provides clarity at the same time.
Therefore use attractive and well-coordinated colors as well as fonts,
because the advantage of clarity can be lost quickly with too much
Drumherum and overly much indicated living stations.
3. Imagine the industry
While more conservative job applications are desired in the conservative
professions, such as the finance industry, in other industries you can be a
little bolder and introduce yourself to the industry.
Thus, the travel agent can score points with a world map so far, while the
businesswoman for marketing communication can present itself in a
creative video. Web designers could create their own application webpage
and thus prove their skills.
4. The right photo
Although many companies are now deliberately avoiding photos, a picture if done correctly - makes a positive first impression. You will often find
photos on company websites that you can use to orientate yourself when
designing. True to the motto “dress for the job you want”, contrary to
popular belief, a suit and tie do not always have to be. When applying for a
job as a craftsman, this quickly seems excessive.
Conversely, a polo shirt in the bank has no business. Give the impression
that you have dealt with the job and the company. It is important in any case
that the photo meets the standards and is made by a professional
5. Use job measurement correctly
In job fairs and similar career events, there are numerous opportunities to
present companies. Instead of carrying various application folders in the
bag, 20 recommends a creative form of the short application: the
application flyer. The flyer is a kind of mini-application, in which all
relevant basic data on your CV, short profile and cover lettering are briefly
It is worthwhile to invest a small investment in design and printing,
otherwise the flyer quickly becomes cheap and ends up in the garbage.
However, he does not replace a complete application, which must
subsequently be submitted. The flyer serves as a teaser, in order to keep the
person in the memory in the memory. A further QR code or USB stick is
also conceivable.
6. PS: art grip Postskriptum
The Postscript, or PS for short, was once used to add forgotten thoughts
later. In the modern day of computer and eMail This is no longer necessary,
any text can eventually be edited arbitrarily. But the PS has a very clear
advantage: it is almost always read first.
So add something truly original and interesting to get the HR curious about
more. You can also draw attention here to links to work samples or the like.
In any case, this little stylistic device will stand out and make your
application stand out from the crowd.
Regardless of which of these tips you follow: the usual rules for
applications such as correct spelling and grammar - always stick to
Personnel appreciate honesty and authenticity and want to get to know the
people behind an application, so do not stage and no less than you really
Applying for 50: 8 Job Search Tips
// By Simone Janson
At the moment, the job market offers the curious situation that many
companies, especially in IT, complain about a shortage of skilled workers,
but that many qualified older applicants can not find a job. How do you
manage to get back into the job?
Re-entry into the profession with 53
Of cases like these one hears again and again: Elizabeth is 53 years old. The
computer scientist has taken a ten-year break for parenting. Now she wants
to get back into the job.
So she has two difficulties to overcome: Being over 50 and then getting
back into work with a gap in the CV. And now?
8 Tips for Applying 50 +
In fact, workers with 53 and more are far from outdated. I know an IT
consultant who works with 70 for a large telecommunications company. So
if you are looking for a job in the older generation, you should follow a few
tips. An overview.
1. Social Networking: actively using contacts from 20-30 professional
Anyone who already has 20 or 30 years of professional experience has been
able to make a variety of professional contacts during this time. These
contacts must now be remembered and actively taken up.
Social networks like Xing or LinkedIn offer countless opportunities to
connect with people you've worked with before. Therefore, in the first step
you should think about where actually the former boss, the then contact
person at the customer or the study colleagues from the training is working
today - and to send a nice contact request.
2. Use your own experience as a competitive advantage
If you are looking for a new job as a newcomer, like Elisabeth, you should
try very selectively with your former employers - of course only if the
cooperation ends in a positive way. Then chances are good that the
employer will remember you and maybe even an offer. Perhaps the
employer also finances a training program that brings outdated knowledge
up to date.
The reason: If you as an employer can look forward to a positive, common
cooperation in the past, you will gladly fall back on tried and tested
employees in the event of a potential staffing.
3. Network cuts gap in the CV
The strategy with the highest chances of success for applicants with 50 + is
and remains the way through contacts and networks. This is true even if the
CV - as in the example of Elisabeth - long gaps.
Older applicants should be much more aware of this competitive advantage.
Here it is important for applicants to think, preferably together with an
experienced consultant who can classify the relevance of experiences - and
then highlight them accordingly.
4. Targeted self-marketing as a successor
Especially executives are statistically retiring later than the average. An 50aged leader has 15 years and more creative time these days.
This offers many opportunities for older people, who were often considered
to be immediate in recent years. It depends on the right strategy for selfmarketing for the 50 + applicants: Each applicant should ask themselves,
according to which criteria a company selects an employee and specifically
addresses it in the application.
5. Score with numbers, data, facts
First and foremost, these criteria include what a potential employee has
previously achieved and achieved, what benefits he has given to previous
employers and can bring to his own company. It is usually about concrete
successes in the hard facts: reduced costs, increased sales, increased profits
or other measurable benefits that serve these purposes.
Managers in their 50s in particular have a lot of successes and benefits to
offer. It is important to present this in black and white, that is, to prove it,
for example in a section “Contributions to business success” or a “Current
6. Apply on the right job market
Another important criterion for the success of applying for the 50 yearlings
is the processing of the right market. Approximately 80 percent of
vacancies are filled without ever being publicly advertised, especially in
leadership positions.
These “hidden jobs” are discovered through a professional speculative
application - the so-called target group short application - and used for your
own career. This speculative application should represent the manager's key
strengths, experiences and, in particular, successes.
7. 50 + as enrichment for the team
But even with a normal application in the open job market, the prospects
have become much better. The input from older employees is often
considered to be extremely valuable and profitable, especially in the field of
staff development of younger colleagues.
Therefore, there are many criteria for the fit of personal skills and required
skills with the requirement profile of a job, which are independent of the
age of the candidate.
8. Willingness to show lifelong learning
In spite of all these opportunities, the applicant must also critically reflect
his own profile of the applicant via 50. Once learned is learned - this
sentence has not been valid for a long time. Today, lifelong learning is the
order of the day.
A plus for those employees who are ready for it. Older employees assume
more responsibility for ongoing qualification and training throughout their
working lives in order to maintain their ability to work and increase their
ability to work. Even companies recognize the relevance of permanent
development and promote it more.
Unsolicited Application to the Personnel Service
Provider: 7 Tips for Job Search via Recruiter
// By Sina Lehmann
Are you looking for a job but are currently unable to find a specific job
advertisement that you can apply for? Then an unsolicited application could
be considered for you. She doesn't just make for Specialists in IT and
engineering Sense, but in many industries. But how do you do it?
Initiate Application - Definition
Initiative means that you apply for the so-called hidden job market.
Although the term “covert job or job market” sounds a little like a second
choice, the opposite is actually the case: Around 70 percent of the vacancies
are filled before they are advertised publicly.
Most of the time these are attractive positions that are well paid. As a rule,
you have only two options for getting such a job: Either you have good
contacts or you write unsolicited applications.
Tips for the Initiation Application at the Personnel Service
Here you can find out what exactly an unsolicited application is and why it
pays off to apply for an initiative with a human resources service provider.
1. Use unsolicited applications selectively
An unsolicited application is an application without a specific job offer.
When you apply, you are not referring to a job advertisement that you found
in a job exchange.
Often the unsolicited application is confused with the blind application,
although there are some differences. So is the speculative application in
contrast to the blind application For example, the contact person known to
the desired company.
2. The right address for the initial application
Therefore, the unsolicited application always contains a direct personal
In addition, if you opt for an unsolicited application, even if you do not
know whether such a position is currently vacant, you are applying for a
specific position or position in the company.
3. Score with commitment and personality
Therefore, it is all the more important that you gain in a proactive
application with your commitment, your personality, your technical
knowledge and your interest in the company plus points.
Also, if the desired position is currently not free, you may be invited and
get another job offer that is not yet publicly available. The goal of an
unsolicited application is therefore always to be invited to a job interview.
4. Write the application accurately
If you choose to be proactive, you face the problem of having to write many
different applications if you want to target multiple companies.
Every application has to be completely reformulated in order to adapt it to
the respective company, which of course requires a lot of work.
5. Use unsolicited application with a recruitment agency as a possibility
This high cost can be reduced by applying proactively to a recruitment
agency. There are to follow certain procedures, Especially in the following
situations, such an unsolicited application can make sense:
1. If you are currently unable to find a job that fits your qualifications and
2. If you already know exactly what kind of job you want to do
3. If, after a long career break, you plan to return to work soon
6. Use multiplier effects of recruiters
If you apply proactively to a recruitment agency, you are only writing a
speculative application, but you can reach a variety of interesting
companies from the region. The reason: recruiting agents act as multipliers
in this regard.
You apply once and get several matching offers because recruiters offer the
following benefits:
Recruiters work long term with multiple client companies working
They know the personnel decision makers and have often housed these
themselves in the relevant companies.
They have knowledge of company internal affairs - both in terms of
the economic situation and in terms of corporate and leadership
7. Achieve long range with little effort
You benefit from this: As soon as you apply for a job offer through a
recruitment agency, your application will be compared with the catalog of
potential companies in order to provide you with several suitable offers.
Therefore, an unsolicited application with a personnel consultant is as
promising, although the effort is relatively low. Suffice it to write a single
application to get a variety of job offers.
Use Job Search and Application Online Networks:
10 Job Search Tips in Social Media
// By Simone Janson
The job offers of the daily press and online job exchanges are still among
the most common and preferred sources in the search for a new job.
However, these reliable sources of information lead less and less to the
desired goal.
Benefits of social networks
Online business networks provide an extra and particularly efficient way to
find new employment while making important contacts.
When it comes to finding a new job, all possibilities should be used that are
available. The most important basic prerequisites are a fully filled profile
and at least 20 contacts.
1. Let colleagues recommend you
A recommendation from your colleagues and business partners not only
highlights your strengths but also shows that you are a valued employee.
As a leader, employees' recommendations can, for example, underline your
leadership skills. Many networks give you the opportunity to simply
recommend other members in the form of a short text on the profile of the
respective contact.
2. See where people with similar qualifications work
Look for companies that hire people with similar qualifications. For
example, if you are a web developer in Hamburg, search for people in your
area using the postal codes and keywords (JavaScript, XHTML, etc.).
This is where you can orient yourself and develop a feeling for which
companies have an interest in personnel that meet your qualifications.
3. Research where the employees of a company were previously
Find out where employees of a particular company have worked before
their current job. This information is very helpful for your search. You can
then find out which criteria a company attaches importance to in the case of
new employees.
Many networks offer an advanced enterprise search. On the researched
company profiles you can track the career of the employees before they
have started work with their current employer.
4. Find out where employees of a company go
Business profiles in business networks also provide you with information
on which employers the employees are going to work next after leaving a
In turn, you can use this information to tap into other potential employers.
5. Check if a company is currently hiring workers
Under the heading “New Employees” the company profiles show you
people who have just been hired.
With these new employees, you can get in touch and ask for valuable tips.
You can look at the entire career and find out what made her so attractive to
the employer.
6. Get in touch with HR decision makers
Job boards on online business networks offer you new contact options. Pay
particular attention to the contact persons for the vacancies who are not
more than two relationships away from you.
This means that you know someone who knows the person who offered the
job offer. Tip: In case of a direct approach, you should not separate less than
two relationships from the responsible personnel manager.
7. Make contact with the right contact person for personnel questions
The best way to get in touch with the HR manager is through a person you
know personally.
If you do not have such a contact, you can use networks to find someone
within the company who will make the contact for you. If the HR manager
receives your application from one of his colleagues, it will largely be
8. Vent secret qualification requirements
Job advertisements do not always tell you all about the qualifications the
HR manager is actually looking for for a particular job. Try to gain insight
into what really counts for this job through contacts within the company.
Through online networks, you can use the company search to find out
which relationships you link to the company within your network. If you do
not have these contacts, look at the profiles of those who work in this
company and draw conclusions as to which qualifications are particularly in
9. Get started at startups
If you are unsuccessful at large companies, it may be time to try a startup.
Many networks allow an advanced search, in which you can enter “startup”
as a keyword. You can also restrict the search to certain industries (Web 2.0,
biotechnology, etc.) and locations.
10. Build your network before you actually need it
One last tip. Regardless of the economic situation and the course of your
career, a strong network always provides a good foundation for the security
of your job. So do not wait to set up your network until times go bad.
The key to successful networking is not the answer to who you know, but
who knows you. And keep in mind: Do not waste time wondering what
some people can do for you, always keep in mind what you can do for your
Return to parental leave: 5 tips for preparing
mothers and companies
// By Eva-Maria Kraus
Many companies give away the potential of highly qualified professionals
because they continue to provide inadequate support to young mothers
when they return to work. But you too can do something to promote the
growth of a good relationship with the employer.
Parental leave in companies: the current situation
After parental leave is before parental leave, right? Not correct. If it was
always that easy, we would have already taken a huge step towards the
perfect working world. Unfortunately, the opposite is often the case:
Young mothers do not think with anticipation about their planned return
after parental leave, but with concern, accompanied by such nice symptoms
as stomach rumbling, insomnia and simply fear. The dual responsibility mother and working people - is already in the lead like lead in the stomach.
And she is by far not the only concern.
Typical worries of mothers after parental leave
Typical questions that mothers usually deal with instead of simply saying:
“Yeah, finally getting started in my business environment again. I'm happy
for that!" are:
What happens if I can not do justice to one of the two areas?
Maybe I missed too much and can not keep up with my job?
What do I do if these two areas of life can not be reconciled?
Not only for the mothers themselves, this means a high stress burden, it also
harms the company in a sustainable way, if their mothers are driven only by
driving forces. The good news: As a company, you can actively do
something to ensure that you can re-enter the business and thus have the
valuable potential that many other companies give away.
Business and parents: hand in hand in the new situation
One thing is clear: the mother who returns to the company is no longer the
woman who left it a year or two ago. As well as your company itself
probably is not the same anymore. Maybe there was a change or two or
The mother definitely had at least one significant one. And not only is it
perfectly okay, it's even very good. Change and change are the only
constants in our world. Therefore, it is not crucial that there was a change but how the stakeholders handle it.
5 tips to prepare for getting back after parental leave
In order to make it easier to get started after parental leave, parents should
also prepare the company for it: These 5 tips help:
1. Preparing for Change: Checking Goals and Values
First of all, be aware that the worker has changed, has new goals, maybe
new values, and now sets her priorities differently. As a company, you can
actively support your employee to reposition herself. It starts with the fact
that it is best to contact her a few months before the planned return and to
ask her questions that she should answer for herself.
Many mothers feel left alone on the way to re-entry and are unsure of what
to do for good preparation. But it is also important that the young mother
reconsiders her time resources, which also protects you as an employer
from short-circuit reactions and spontaneous failures of your employee.
2. Have Plan B and communicate clearly
For a child can do a lot differently. The mother should then prepare herself
organisationally and emotionally, because only then can she communicate
clearly and return relaxed to the workplace, since all eventualities are
provided with a plan. For example, she should ask the following questions:
Is full time still possible?
Is the childcare secured?
What happens when the children's birthday collides with the meeting?
It's easier to live with a Plan B in your pocket!
3. Using new skills and strengths in a meaningful way
A child and a changed family conception challenge new people - and this
challenge often develops strengths that are also valuable in the professional
environment and need only be properly salvaged and used. Studies even
prove that the skills one would want for managers are often found in
But instead of being motivated to do so, young mothers often experience
something quite different back at work: they would rather not be too much
at first, who knows if they can even cope with a new task ?! Mothers are at
best treated with kid gloves, in the worst case they are actually downgraded
and given additional side blows when they express the desire for job
adjustments in the form of hours reduction or the like due to the new private
4. Signal that you are up to new tasks
This can happen unconsciously and without evil intention. The colleague,
who used to sit in an office with her mother, secretly worries that she's
always the one closing the store in the evening. But she does not think that
the work for the young mother goes on after work, while she can go to
sports herself.
The boss really wants to do something good for the young mother and not
put too much pressure on her, thus denying her a promotion or a new
position within the company. That is an honorable intention, but it does the
opposite. Instead, encourage your mothers to consciously prioritize and
treat them with respect when they do. Give more responsibility to a mother
when she signals that she is ready to do so - the managerial skills that she
has in her everyday life can also benefit your company. Because if a person
finds his suitable task, that is quite a win-win situation for all.
5. Think about possible changes
Perhaps in the course of the first few weeks, it becomes increasingly clear
that the young mother is no longer comfortable with her job. Remember,
their priorities and values ​have most likely changed.
She may have previously worked in human resources, but now she no
longer feels able to truly do justice to people and could have more potential
in marketing. This is where communication helps. In the first few months,
make regular appointments in which you discuss your employee and
specifically ask if and how you can assist. Important here: It must not come
across as if you wanted to control them additionally.
Conclusion: Companies should fully exploit the potential of
Many companies give away the potential because they still leave young
mothers alone in their situation. After parental leave is before parental
leave, right? Not correct.
Instead, try to understand, understand, promote, and challenge the situation
of the young mother. In this way, you not only create real added value for
the company and employee loyalty, you also create a unique selling point
on the job market, which unfortunately still lags behind in many places.
Change of job within the company: Internal job
change in the group
// By Oliver Koch
Many companies are afraid to lose their good employees to the competition.
But that does not have to be the case if companies offer new opportunities
In-house job change: that's what matters
Many workers want to evolve over the course of their careers, expand their
skills, and venture new tasks and challenges. But this does not necessarily
mean that you have to change jobs to another company.
After all, even the current employer can create exciting jobs. But under
what circumstances should an in-house job change be considered at all?
Analyze reasons for the change request - 3 steps
If the employee's dissatisfaction in the current position is great, it should be
analyzed step by step why this is so and whether an internal job change
might make sense.
1. Why does the current position no longer meet the requirements:
Before an application for another position in the company is submitted,
it should be carefully considered why the previous position no longer
meets the requirements of the dream job and why a change is being
2. What advantages and disadvantages do the respective jobs offer?
For this purpose, the advantages and disadvantages of the current
position, as well as the desired new position must be weighed. It
should also take into account how the respective activity affects
professional and personal development.
3. What are the goals? Depending on the aspired career goal, it must be
reflected on which challenges the jobs entail and which tasks are more
fun in the long term. Often, after a certain amount of time, in the same
place, routines creep in that may make everyday life less exciting.
However, it must be kept in mind that routine tasks must occur sooner
or later in each job and that the work involved must be considered as a
whole and in the longer term.
Under these circumstances, there is a job change within the
company - 3 reasons
1. Reasons to move to another company: If job dissatisfaction or
experience in a new environment is desired, it may be better to switch
to another company that has a certain "reboot potential".
2. Reasons for the internal change: On the other hand, if the
atmosphere at work is valued and the values ​and corporate culture are
in line with personal interests and ideas, then an internal change is a
good opportunity. Here, one's own career horizon can be broadened,
and at the same time it is clear which direction the company and the
company are heading Thus, the workplace situation will evolve.
3. Reasons for the employer to prefer an internal change: In addition,
both employers and employees benefit from the sometimes shorter
training period, since the basic processes, structures and processes in
the company are already known.
With the right approach to the new job - 3 steps
If the decision in favor of a job change and the advertised job in the
company meets the expectations and expectations of the future professional
future, the application should be strategically.
1. Internal application not too easy to tackle: When it comes to
internal applications, many people tend to be too relaxed about them
and overestimate the reputation of their own performance in the
company. What is important here, however, is that it is an official call
for tenders, which should be answered with an equally formal and
correct application. This means that a classic application including CV
and letter of motivation must be submitted. In the process, particular
emphasis should be placed on a concrete description of the change
request and reference to the new position.
2. Compile information about application documents: Ideally, the
candidate also informs in advance about desired additional documents,
which could be of interest, for example, in the form of evidence of
specific further education. In addition, if necessary, a preliminary
discussion with the responsible team leader can be held in order to get
a more detailed idea about the position and to prepare for the
application in the best possible way. Also in a job interview any
existing collegial relationships should be hidden and formallydiscretely spoken about the suitability for the desired position.
3. Tasks and objectives of the desired position always in view:
Throughout the application process, it is important to get a clear
picture of the tasks and goals of the respective positions - through
research and discussions with those responsible. Then it is also
possible to communicate clearly why the desired position at the time of
the change in the professional profile and the desired position fits with
your own qualifications and career goals. At the same time, one's own
motivation for the new position should be clearly stated. This makes it
clear that they have already actively engaged with the new position
and why this position is sought.
Skillfully highlight contacts and successes in the company
The fact that internal applicants already know the corporate culture and also
many employees can be cleverly used to advantage. It makes sense to find
out about the work of the potential new teammates and, if possible, make
contacts in advance.
This makes it possible to find out what is particularly important in everyday
working life, which helps to incorporate personal aptitude in the
conversation. However, it is important that only factual facts are taken into
account and that no rumors about the department are included in the
References and successful projects from your own company are
the best recommendation
In addition, it is advantageous if you can prove references for successes and
successful projects in the company - in any case, it must not be assumed
that other employees know which processes were involved and which
services have been provided so far. In general, collusion among colleagues
should not be underestimated, since in particular the potentially new
colleagues work for an employee who fits in with the team.
It is therefore even better if interdisciplinary work has already been carried
out with employees from different departments and possibly even advocates
are found who will incorporate their recommendation. This is all the more
important as an extremely excessive self-presentation and exaggeratedly
positive past performance within the company can be easily reconstructed
and can doubt the authenticity of the applicant. Therefore, one should report
demonstrably and comprehensibly from past experiences in the company,
which in turn show a clear relation to the new position.
Top of the page: How to best inaugurate the manager in the
future planning
Probably the most difficult step is the time when one's own manager learns
of the application for another job. In any case, it is important that the
manager learns the news directly. Above all, it is important to name
constructive and comprehensible reasons for the potential change. In an
open conversation, it can even become clear how the previous work is
valued and contributed to its own development, which also expresses
loyalty to the company.
Ideally, the previous post will also be presented in conversation with the
potential new manager and human resources department as a "stepping
stone" that has enabled optimal preparation for the new tasks. This makes it
clear that there is serious interest in the job. At the same time, there is an
appreciative talk about the work so far, which in no way puts the
relationship with colleagues in a bad light.
This is how the start in the new position succeeds
It is done, the candidate has prevailed against the competition and got the
job. Now, above all, it is important to create a clean transition from the old
to the new position. This includes first and foremost the incorporation of the
successor in the former job or a summary of the most important processes
and tasks of the job in the form of a detailed document.
Above all, it is important to remain committed until the end of the previous
activity and to maintain good cooperation with colleagues. This is all the
more important in the case of an internal change, as it may continue to
involve cross-departmental and interdisciplinary cooperation.
First steps in the new job
In the first few days in the new job should be launched despite possible
prior knowledge unbiased: This includes an idea of ​the new colleagues,
even if you have perhaps already greeted in the hallway. Even a small debut
is always good, it does not directly a large food to be organized, it is
enough, if together cake is eaten or you meet with colleagues after work for
a drink. Finally, in the first few weeks, it should always be kept in mind
that, although the company is still the same, the job is nevertheless a
completely new experience and thus also questions and misunderstandings
are possible and even include.
And if the change despite all efforts does not succeed, so this is not the end
of the world! Even if it is difficult, the cancellation should not be taken
personally and no blame. There are many reasons for a cancellation, all are
part of a standard application process and should therefore not create a bad
mood towards the company. If one was honest and authentic in the selfpresentation, a rejection is no problem for the further work in the previous
What Applicants Can Learn From Game of
Thrones: 5 Tips
// By Peter Hart
Being successful in applying for a job is hot, convincing others and gaining
the employer's trust. What can applicants learn from Game of Thrones?
Application Processes and Game of Thrones: What do they
have in common?
What do dry application processes and the popular Phantasy TV series
Game of Thrones have in common? More than you could suspect. In both
cases, it's about complex characters, the motivation or the reason why you
do something, about mutual trust and the ability to successfully complete a
common task.
And just in this context, applicants can learn much from the successful
series. 5 tips at a glance.
1. A mind needs books, like a sword the whetstone (Tyrion
Tyrion, unlike his brother, is not a great warrior, he is neither tall, nor
strong, nor beautiful. But what he has in front of Jamie is his mind. Tyrion
thinks strategically and has an immense knowledge of Westeros and the
people who live there. His knowledge and wisdom have brought him
further than Jamie, he is the hand of Danaerys and thus has great influence
in Westeros.
The work experience you gain in your job is important, but you should not
rely on it forever. Instead, learn from time to time a new ability, after all, no
market remains the same. With new technologies and new trends that
require different thinking, it is important to stay up to date.
2. There has never been a more loyal squire than you (Tyrion
Lennister to Podrick)
At the beginning of the series, Podrick was an inexperienced, somewhat
clumsy squire, but by his dedication and loyalty he was the best squire in
Westeros. By asking many questions to his masters, he was able to acquire
everything that makes a good squire.
Job interviews tend to be one-sided. Use the conversation to really find out
who the company is, what it stands for, and what its main goals are. Then
you can explain and give examples of how you can help achieve these
goals. With questions, you show your passion and commitment to the
business, something you can not learn in training.
3. No one can survive in this world without help (Jorah
Mormont to Daenerys Targaryen)
Even Daenerys, the mother of dragons, needs support to conquer the Iron
Throne and therefore listens to this wise advice from her companion, Jorah
Mormont. Despite her three dreaded dragons, she also relies on a clever and
tactical-thinking advisor staff with a variety of versatile abilities. This
feature of her advisory staff has paid off in many situations and has already
brought her through one or the other crisis.
Changing jobs can be difficult, so do not be afraid to ask for help.
Recruiters provide job seekers with invaluable assistance in finding the
dream job. They have the advantage of knowing the entire market, the
different companies that recruit, and insights into multiple projects in a
variety of industries.
4. I am not your lady (Arya Stark)
As the youngest daughter of the Starks, it would probably have been Arya's
destiny to marry a lord and care for the common offspring. That this does
not correspond to their ideas, she has already made clear as a little girl, but
was taken by anyone really serious and despite their great talent and their
zeal never really seen as a future fighter. So when the opportunity arose,
Arya took her fate into her own hands and set out to find her destiny.
If your value is not recognized at all in the current job, look for a new job. A
boss who is not impressed by your successes will probably never be. Even
if your work does not serve a great purpose and you feel that you do not
make a difference, it's time for a change. Life is too short to make any
5. Can a man be brave, even if he is afraid? (Bran Stark)
As a paralyzed little boy, Bran might not have expected to play a major role
in the throne game. However, when he kept dreaming of the three-eyed
raven, he bravely faced up to all challenges in his search for him, learning
more and more about his magical abilities, with which he ultimately
became the new three-eyed raven and one of the most important people in
Applying for jobs where you do not yet meet all the requirements of the job
advertisement, works more often than you think. Companies are looking for
people with a lot of potential, new ideas and high self-motivation. A
particular skill set is becoming less relevant nowadays as companies
educate employees themselves in response to the skills shortage.
Properly selling gaps in your CV and mosaic
careers: 4 application tips [+ checklist]
// By Inga Symann
Gaps in your CV are created faster than many believe. But even if mosaic
careers are becoming more and more normal today, many HR and recruiters
are still skeptical. Our 4 tips will help.
Gaps in your CV - a challenge for applicants
Creating an application is basically a challenge. All data must be gathered
and information about the potential employer collected. Then the collected
works must also be clearly arranged in the correct form in order to leave a
good impression.
Some applicants are shocked to find that there is no evidence of their
activity for a period of time. And there they are: the dreaded Gaps in the
resume, This means longer periods of at least two months in the
professional career, for which there is no evidence. But usually the gap in
the curriculum vitae is not the real problem. Rather, the wrong handling of
them can cause the greater damage.
What's the problem with incomplete resumes?
Imagine you are an employer and want to hire a new employee. Everything
fits perfectly and he seems to be the right choice for the advertised position.
But then you discover that he cannot prove what he did over a long period
of time. The applicant is pushing around and cannot give a reasonable
explanation. Are you not getting curious or even suspicious?
HR managers and supervisors want to attract good employees to their
company. Of course, these employees should have the required skills - but
the basic requirement for good cooperation is reliability and honesty. If this
basis does not exist from the outset, those responsible are more likely to
choose another applicant.
Hide the gap? Not a good idea!
As the saying goes: "Lies have short legs." If you cannot explain a gap in
your CV of more than two months or try to cover it up, a good HR
specialist will quickly notice it. At the latest in the job interview, you can
expect skillful questions in this regard.
At this point, one or the other “repair” has already been uncovered in the
résumé. For the applicant, this means guaranteed the end. Falsifying
documents is not well received. And if the "beauty corrections" come to
light only after you have started working in the company, this can lead to
one termination without notice of the employment relationship. This, in
turn, does not make a particularly good impression on the next application.
Typical mistakes: the problem with the gap
Typical mistakes in the curriculum vitae are, for example, omitting the
monthly information. Here, every HR specialist is listening and asking
carefully. Or, instead of a chronological résumé, you submit a profile
without any time information.
This option is also not an alternative. Because a qualification profile for a
conventional application for a permanent employment relationship only
serves to supplement the application documents and does not replace the
curriculum vitae. This means that the documents are not complete and the
chances of getting a new job decrease enormously.
Times change
It used to start typical career of an employee with a school-leaving
certificate, continued with a successfully completed apprenticeship and took
over in the company and ended with the retirement from the company.
Today a career usually looks a little different. Applicants gain experience by
changing jobs, undergo further training and the length of employment
varies continuously.
The open-ended employment contract is also a rarity today. This procedure
alone increases the frequency of a job change or a new orientation
immensely. The demands of companies increase just like the workload. The
willingness of workers to face increasing pressure is falling. So-called
sabbaticals are increasing and more and more school and university
graduates are being held up with internships. The typical and complete CV
is therefore becoming increasingly rare.
Gaps in your CV: 4 tips on how applicants deal with them
Who does not know that? The extra round at school, dropping out of
studies, the short break after training or a somewhat longer job search.
These are mostly completely normal developments in the lives of many
people. However, this creates the universally feared gaps in the résumé,
which supposedly ensure that an applicant does not get the desired job. But
don't worry - with the right tips and the correct handling of these missing
entries, you don't have to worry about the gaps in your CV more than
1. Tailor the curriculum vitae exactly to the job advertisement
There is no right or wrong when it comes to careers, because every résumé
is individual. If you have already completed several professional positions,
you may also be wondering whether this gives you a chance of the
advertised dream job. Unfortunately, there is no general answer to the
question. Every company has different requirements and the decisions are
often more subjective.
Covering up is not the right way. So try to put the unpopular missing data in
the background. Adapt your CV even more to the job advertisement. How
can you convince? Highlight your qualifications and skills on your resume.
You may also be able to distract yourself a little by reversing the order of
the listing, depending on the occurrence of the gap. Or indicate success in
the form of work samples. The more positive you stand out elsewhere, the
less important the gap in your CV becomes.
2. Checklist: This is how you stand by your gaps
In any case, it is important not to cover up any gaps in the CV. Stand by it.
Reasons such as parental or parenting times, further and advanced training,
stays abroad, independence or the longer application phase are no longer
Change of training place or dropout or change of course: The first
choice is not always the ultimate. Nobody has to be ashamed to change
their training place or course of study. Questions arise when this
procedure is repeated more often.
Career: Sometimes you have to orientate yourself right after school or
university. References are not yet available, so the application process
sometimes takes a little more time.
Unemployment: If it doesn't take too long, this is usually not a
problem for the new employer. Whether short or long - an honest
explanation and ambition is helpful in any case.
Illness: You don't have to hide an illness. However, if this is chronic,
depending on the diagnosis, the decision-makers may have
reservations. A well-defined period is always good.
Termination: Depending on whether you are at fault or not, you will
be asked questions. Again, answer honestly and without blame. This
shows respect and loyalty to the former employer.
3. Fill in the gaps in your CV
When it comes to gaps, the motto “honesty lasts the longest.” You don't
have to emphasize this. However, if you are asked about it, honesty usually
really helps. Then think again carefully about what you did in that time.
Can you even use this activity for the advertised job? Perhaps you have
taken an online course during this time, which will help you now. Or you
have refreshed your language skills. Try to make positive use of the
experience gained during this time.
HR personnel are also people, so that those responsible also know what is
going on in everyday work. But you should also exercise caution here.
Because honestly does not mean that you divulge intimate details. Make
sure that the declaration is well packaged and digestible.
4. Avoid gaps in your CV completely
Of course, in real life you don't always think about whether the résumé is
always complete after a decision has been made. Something unforeseen can
always happen. The employer is suddenly insolvent and you are
unexpectedly unemployed. Or many things come together at once, so that
everything grows over your head.
Rather, if a gap occurs, it is important that you fill it well from the start.
Training, languageCourses or internships are good options for this. This
way, you don't even feel embarrassed to have to justify yourself to your new
Outlook: There are also changes in applications
Digitization, new media, society ... everything is constantly changing. A lot
has also happened in terms of application and gaps in your CV. What used
to be an absolute no-go may be seen very differently today. A perfect
resume is now a rarity. HR managers and employers are increasingly
turning their attention to the so-called soft skills of applicants.
In addition, the Skills shortage for a change in the job market. Employers
are also in demand here to attract and retain new employees. Because of
this, one or the other gap in the résumé is already accepted. Nevertheless,
applicants should prepare well, be able to score with competencies and also
convince with honesty.
Versatile interested and taken seriously: Selling
multi-potential correctly - 5 tips
// By Simone Janson
Anyone who changes jobs frequently is considered an unsteady job shopper.
Many people are interested in different things in the course of their
professional lives. The right self-marketing is required here. 5 tips.
A job all your life? Our brain works differently
Some time ago, a neuroscientist said it was not at all desirable that we
should do the same job for a lifetime. Our brain was not designed for that. I
was happy about this article because it clears up a very common opinion in
That it is best for us to always have the same job from graduation to
retirement. In other countries it is very different, here it has already been
recognized how important professional flexibility is in an ever faster
changing world. This idea persists only in Germany: those who change jobs
too often are considered to be inconsistent and unreliable.
No way to try it out!
The result is that school leavers are under pressure due to the professional
choices that they fall into a real defiance phlegm. And, let's be honest, there
are quite a few young people who don't know what they want to do. Or
better: you already know what you want. Namely, just try a few things. But
they see no way to do it.
In a country in which rabbit breeders are innovative and need to have a
concept to become club chair - who needs job hoppers? Oh yes, before I
forget, in addition to corporate design, you should also create a corporate
philosophy. And don't waste any time doing jigsaw, always implement the
strategy nicely.
How does self-marketing work for people who still want to
It doesn't matter what the concept, innovative ideas and philosophy look
like and whether they could exist in front of the critical eyes of the
employment agency - if you want to be up-to-date, you should urgently buy
yourself a few empty phrases - really marketing-promoting! (Caution
irony). At least if you can believe an article in the period that shows the
hippest, most impressive phrases of German newspeak - there is definitely
something for them too. The well-known career expert and Best of HR –
Berufebilder.de®Author Svenja Hofert recently wrote on Xing:
I am currently doing a lot of interviews because we have a vacancy. What
strikes me most is that there are big gaps in personal development. And that
very few people see themselves as "becoming". Perhaps psychology,
especially differential psychology, and our human resources development
have helped to establish personalities. "I am who I am!" There can be no
more stupid sentence! I am what I want to be. The fact that people are
looking for static self-images, want to fix the unchangeable in themselves,
split off feedback is perhaps also a consequence of this unhealthy and
development-inhibiting view.
What to do if you are interested in a lot?
So I find the blog so beneficial Puttylike, which is about people with
multiple interests - and their problems. In his blog post How to Get People
to Take You and Your Interests Seriously Alexander Heyne deals with how
to be taken seriously as someone who likes to jump from one job to another.
Alexander has tried and studied a lot: meditation, archery, survival training,
blogging, martial arts, climbing, calligraphy, Chinese philosophy,
acupressure, natural medicine, cooking and a good dozen other interests. A
sentence that Alexander obviously had to listen to often: “What are you
doing with it? It's no use at all. ” His tips against such homicide arguments
can be broken down to one important point: It depends on how you stand by
the thing and sell it:
5 tips for multi-interested people
1. Focus ideas: In order not to appear erratic, Alexander makes a list of
his next goals. Others can see that he is really serious and doesn't just
jump from one idea to the next.
2. Give the matter a deeper meaning: Anyone who simply jumps from
one idea to the next or from one job to the next quickly becomes
fickle. Alexander suggests giving the matter a deeper meaning - for
example, that you are looking for what you are really passionate about.
3. Just wait and see: Alexander has found that initial enthusiasm for one
thing and then the sudden decline in enthusiasm has a disturbing effect
on others. Therefore, he is holding back a bit with his initial
enthusiasm until he knows whether he wants to stick to one thing
4. Courage to change: Often enough, writes Alexander, he has endured
too long in jobs in which he has actually learned enough because
others expect it from him. Sometimes you can learn more somewhere
else that will take you further in the future - and then you should have
the courage to change.
5. Self-confidence: Finally, Aleaxander proposes what he calls “acting
like Alexander the Great”: Simply confidently take your own direction
instead of stumbling around ashamed.
Many tried around for above-average success?
Maybe these often rather difficult biographies will ultimately result in
above-average success. Because doubts, failures and new beginnings are
always part of success. Svenja Hofert also wrote something about this in her
Xing post:
Exceptional, above-average success is usually based on a mixture of initial
self-overestimation and self-doubt. According to my observation, he almost
always builds on a contradicting personality. So the inner contradiction has
a system ... That is why almost all people who are somehow “successful”
have a little or a lot more drive than others.
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Authors Overview
Jürgen Hesse
Jürgen Hesse is bestselling author and Germany's best-known job
application coach.
Jürgen Hesse studied psychology at the Free University of Berlin from 1973
to 1981. Since 1992 he has headed the office for professional strategy,
which advises at eight locations nationwide in Berlin, Frankfurt / Main,
Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden and
conducts around 800 seminars annually. Hesse was Managing Director of
Telefonseelsorge Berlin from 1982 to 2009. Hesse has been on the show
“Finally back to work!” Since April 18, 2010 of the private television
station RTL. Hesse and his co-author Hans Christian Schrader have written
over 1985 non-fiction titles since 100. As Hesse / Schrader, the two became
a bestselling author duo with a circulation of around six million copies sold.
Axel Haitzer
Axel Haitzer is a cross-thinker, an expert in human resources (marketing)
and e-business.
Haitzer, vintage 1959, transgender, benchbreaker and entrepreneur. As
keynotespeaker he is a member of the German Speakers Association (GSA).
His subjects are training marketing, trainee recruiting and professional
assurance. With applicant magnet: 365 inspiring ideas as your company
magnetically attracts top applicants, he has now presented his first nonfiction book.
Dr. Job
Dr. Job is career adviser at Monster.de.
Dr. Job and its team of experts offer practical tips and tricks to help you find
your dream job and improve communication between applicants and
employers. His motto: "There are no stupid questions, so get out of it!"
Dr. Job is of course a fictional character. Behind Dr. Jobs stand the
employees of the online job market and career platform Monster.
Lene Setzer
Lene Setzer is Team Leader and Career Consultant at CV Coach.
The graduate teacher specializing in adult education / psychology is team
leader and career counselor at CV Coach in Münster (Westf.). Previously,
she worked for several years in the field of recruitment and recruiting.
Andreas Schwarz
Andreas Schwarz is Head of HRD and Organizational Development at
Media Company.
Petra Barsch
Graduate in Economics Petra Persch is a consultant and expert for future
working environments.
In strategic consulting, she advises companies on how to design the work
environment in such a way that their employees develop their full potential
and, above all, are ready to contribute to the future of the company. She
started getting enthusiastic about this topic over thirty years ago. During her
studies as an economist and business historian in Berlin, she researched the
influences of technology on people's working methods and living
environments. She graduated with a thesis on “Money and Value Theory in
Germany in the 19th Century” and taught at the University of Mainz and at
the University of Health and Sport in Berlin.
Sina Lehmann
Sina Lehman is an online editor
Lehman writes mainly on the topics of career, job and education.
Eva-Maria Kraus
Eva-Maria Kraus is the trainer and CEO of NewView.
The company NewView, based in Vienna, is managed by Eva-Maria Kraus,
who works as a self-employed trainer and certified simulation, simulation
and DiSG® trainer, as a one-person company. Her core competences are
employee retention, leadership and re-entry after parental leave.
Until 2010, Eva-Maria Kraus was the budget director of Austria's most
important advertising agencies, after which she worked for several years at
Austria's leading telecommunications provider as a trainer with a focus on
leadership and personality development and as a project manager for
personnel development measures.
As a lecturer for presentation technology at the Vienna Advertising
Academy and as a lecturer in specialist training, she subsequently expanded
her range of services. The core competencies of Eva-Maria Kraus are in the
areas of employee loyalty / Employalty, expert training, leadership and
management development as well as maternity leave, simulation games
seminars and simulation training on the topics of leadership, leadership,
communication, burnout prevention and team. NewView is also an ISOcertified training organization for the area of ​"specialist trainer".
Oliver Koch
Oliver Koch is managing director of SOLCOM GmbH.
Koch was born 1981 and joined 2007 as a Key Account Manager at the
project service provider after graduating. After working as a team,
department and finally divisional manager and member of the executive
board, Oliver Koch 2018 was appointed Managing Director. With its
nationwide locations, SOLCOM specializes in deploying highly qualified
experts to well-known customers in all sectors and technologies.
Peter Hart
Peter Hart is CEO and co-founder of Austin Fraser and recruiting expert.
After leaving school, Peter completed a training as a construction
technician, but where he quickly missed new challenges, which is why he
sought a career in sales, which initially lacked him an academic education.
Gary Elden, Managing Director of sThree plc, Gary, who began his career
out of a similar situation, was not interested in Peter's education but in his
potential, high self-motivation, and ability to acquire. He hired Peter, who
quickly became senior manager.
2007 co-founded Peter Hart with Derek Simpson in a garage in Reading,
England, to recruitment consultant Austin Fraser, specializing in teaching
technology and life sciences professionals. Today, Austin Fraser 200 has
employees in England, the United States and Germany in Berlin and
Inga Symann
Inga Symann is a freelance copywriter and editor.
Seymann studied German and Social Psychology (MA) at the Gottfried
Wilhelm Leibniz University in Hanover. Born and raised in Hameln, she
worked in the advertising industry for two years and in corporate
communication for a large welfare association for more than ten years. She
has been self-employed as a copywriter and editor since 2016 and regularly
writes advice texts in the career area.
Simone Janson
Simone Janson is a publisher, consultant and is one of the 20 most
important German bloggers according to the Blogger Relevance Index and
Wikipedia. According to DIE ZEIT, she is one of the most important
bloggers on career, work and the world of work. In addition, she is a
keynote speaker and advises companies such as Samsung, OTTO or
Randstad in HR communications. She has also worked for various
universities and business schools.
The FAZ about Simone Janson: "... gives practical tips on how to make
your life easier with less effort."
Janson has written or contributed to over 20 books for publishers such as
Redline Wirtschaft, Springer Gabler or Bertelsmann, including the
bestseller “Die 110%-Lügen”, translated into several languages, as well as
various textbooks and university publications. In addition, she regularly
wrote columns in the print and online editions of DIE WELT and t3n as
well as in the online edition of Wirtschaftswoche.
https://berufebilder.de (DE) and https://best-of-hr.com (EN)
Profound Expert Knowledge, Quality Assurance
and AI: The Concept of Publisher of the Year Best
of HR - Berufebilder.de®
The state-funded publisher Best of HR – Berufebilder.de®, awarded the
Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year, has 20 years of experience
with partners and customers such as the Federal Ministry of Education,
Samsung, DELL, or Telekom. Under the motto Information as desired, the
publisher offers print and online media - in the form of magazines, books,
editions, e-courses, or corporate publications. All information is available in
German and English.
Best of HR – Berufebilder.de® is also registered as a trademark with the
German Patent and Trademark Office. In addition to the eLearning-onDemand service, the publisher supports companies with the CreARTiv
program "Think Out of the Box" as an innovation consultancy in coping
with transformation processes and is committed to sustainable projects.
Behind it is the German top 10 blogger Simone Janson, referenced in
Wikipedia, ARD, FAZ, ZEIT, WELT, and Wirtschaftswoche.
In our publishing house, technical knowledge and the latest innovations go
hand in hand. We are proud that our experts work in close collaboration
with advanced AI techniques. This combination of human expertise and
technological innovation enables us to publish works that meet your
requirements in every respect.
We are proud to be able to present you with texts that elevate the
possibilities of information dissemination to a new level. The use of
innovative AI technologies allows us to effectively analyze and process
complex content, resulting in improved accuracy and efficiency of our
publications. We would like to emphasize that our highly qualified experts
continue to play a significant role in the creation and review of our texts.
The AI tools serve only as a supportive element to facilitate and optimize
our work. In doing so, we also make an important contribution to overall
societal innovation development.
With each input, the quality of information is improved, thereby also
helping other users working with artificial intelligence. In this way, through
our work, we support the development of neural networks and become part
of the innovation process ourselves. And more importantly, since our works
are published in German and English, we also contribute to improving
communication between nations, cultures, and languages, as we consider
intercultural communication in a globalized world to be particularly
Artificial intelligence works similarly to neurons in the brain: information is
transmitted through them in the form of signals. Each neuron receives input
signals, processes them, and then passes an output signal. The connections
between the neurons, also called weights, play a crucial role in processing
the information.
The learning process of a neural network is based on adjusting these
weights. Initially, the weights are randomly initialized, and the network
makes a prediction based on these weights. By comparing with the actual
results, the error is then calculated. This error is used to adjust the weights
and minimize the error. This adjustment process is performed iteratively by
repeatedly feeding the network with training data. Through repeated
adjustment of the weights, the neural network continuously improves and
can make increasingly accurate predictions.
Another important aspect of neural machine learning is the ability to
generalize. This means that the network is not only able to learn the training
data but also applicable to new, unknown data. This is achieved by the
network recognizing different patterns and features during training and
generalizing them to be able to respond to similar data. The functioning of
neural machine learning allows for solving complex problems and
recognizing patterns in large datasets. This technology has already achieved
impressive results in many areas such as image recognition, speech
recognition, generative text generation, translation, and even autonomous
It is important to emphasize in the context of quality assurance that AI does
not replace the human factor but only complements it sensibly. Human
expertise and experience remain essential to validate and interpret the
results of AI. The combination of human intelligence and AI enables
optimal quality assurance and contributes to continuous improvement.
In order to provide our readers with additional, further-reaching offers and
inspiration, we work with selected network partners who provide the
products for our numerous projects in accordance with our compliance
guidelines. You can find out more at https://best-of-hr.com/compliance/.
If you encounter any errors despite all quality measures, we kindly ask you
to support our quality management by writing to quality@best-of-hr.com.
Despite the utmost care, we cannot assume any liability for any damages
caused by our work. You can find more information in our disclaimer at
Appendix: Tips and Prompts for using the AI
What are AI Extended Books? AI Extended Books are digital books that are
enhanced with AI technologies to provide readers with an interactive and
personalized reading experience. They go beyond the static nature of
traditional books and offer features such as multimedia content, interactive
exercises, automatic translations, voice narration, as well as the ability to
ask and receive individualized questions and guidance. By using AI, these
books can also analyze readers' learning behavior and provide personalized
recommendations and feedback.
In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating
various aspects of our lives, the concept of AI Extended Books has the
potential to revolutionize the way we read and learn. AI Extended Books
are an innovative development that combines traditional books with
interactive features and personalized learning experiences. With their
interactive features, individualized learning experiences, and the ability to
continuously expand knowledge, they offer a variety of benefits for readers.
8 Advantages: The Idea of AI Extended Books and how you can
use them for your Goals
What are AI Extended Books? AI Extended Books are digital books that are
enhanced with AI technologies to provide readers with an interactive and
personalized reading experience. They go beyond the static nature of
traditional books and offer features such as multimedia content, interactive
exercises, automatic translations, voice narration, as well as the ability to
ask and receive individualized questions and guidance. By using AI, these
books can also analyze readers' learning behavior and provide personalized
recommendations and feedback.
In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating
various aspects of our lives, the concept of AI Extended Books has the
potential to revolutionize the way we read and learn. AI Extended Books
are an innovative development that combines traditional books with
interactive features and personalized learning experiences. With their
interactive features, individualized learning experiences, and the ability to
continuously expand knowledge, they offer a variety of benefits for readers.
1. Interactivity: AI Extended Books allow readers to actively participate
in the learning process. Through interactive exercises, quiz questions,
and simulations, they can deepen their knowledge and improve their
2. Personalization: Thanks to AI, AI Extended Books can offer
personalized content and recommendations to learners based on their
individual needs and learning styles. This enables a tailored learning
experience that promotes progress and motivation.
3. Accessibility: AI Extended Books can support people with different
learning needs. Features such as voice output, automatic translations,
and font size adjustment can make books more accessible to people
with visual or hearing impairments.
4. Timeliness: Unlike printed books, AI Extended Books can be easily
updated and expanded. New information and insights can be quickly
inserted to provide readers with up-to-date content.
5. Engagement and Motivation: The interactive features of AI Extended
Books can enhance reader engagement and motivation. By actively
participating in the learning process and receiving immediate
feedback, reading and learning become an enjoyable and rewarding
6. Individualized Learning: AI Extended Books allow learners to learn
at their own pace and focus on their individual needs. The personalized
recommendations and feedback help them leverage their strengths and
improve their weaknesses.
7. Knowledge Expansion: Through the integration of multimedia
content such as videos, graphics, and interactive diagrams, AI
Extended Books facilitate understanding of complex concepts and
expand readers' knowledge.
8. Collaboration and Networking: AI Extended Books can also promote
collaboration and networking among readers. By integrating social
features, they enable readers to exchange ideas, ask questions, and
learn together.
9 Steps: How to use the interactive AI Advisor for your Goals with 100 Prompts
An AI advisor is a virtual assistant based on advanced algorithms and
machine learning. It is programmed to understand your individual needs
and provide you with tailored recommendations. Whether it's strategic
decisions, financial planning, career development, or other business
challenges, the AI advisor is there to assist you with its expertise and
analytical capabilities.One major advantage of an AI advisor is its ability to
process large amounts of data in a short period of time and extract relevant
information. This provides you with a comprehensive and objective analysis
that helps you evaluate options and identify opportunities. The AI advisor
can also analyze historical data and trends to make forecasts and predictions
that assist you in planning your future steps.
Another advantage of an AI advisor is its availability 24/7. You can access
its services anytime, regardless of your location or time zone. This ensures
quick and reliable support whenever you need it. The AI advisor is always
ready to answer your questions, solve problems, and help you achieve your
goals. In addition to efficiency and availability, an AI advisor also offers a
certain level of objectivity. Since it is based on data and algorithms, it is
free from human biases and emotions. This provides you with neutral and
factual recommendations based on facts and analysis. This can help you
make better decisions and minimize potential risks.
1. Wide range of topics: The AI advisor can cover a wide range of
different topics and therefore provide optimal support. After booking,
you will receive guidance on how to enter your questions accurately.
2. Detailed analysis: A detailed analysis of your individual situation is
conducted. The AI advisor first identifies the problem together with
you and then suggests individual solutions.
3. Customized solutions: Regardless of the topic, the AI advisor shows
you the ways to overcome your individual challenges and goals.
4. Tailored strategy: It is important to have a clear and well-defined
strategy that describes in detail all the steps required to achieve the
desired results and goals. The AI advisor helps in developing this
suitable strategy.
5. Time for your situation: During the consultation, the AI advisor has
time to show you suitable paths and make recommendations to help
you achieve your goals.
6. Defining smart goals: The focus is on equipping you with the tools
and knowledge you need to actively pursue your smart goals and make
informed decisions.
7. Implementation advice - Your next steps: The path to successful
implementation is often accompanied by challenges and obstacles that
can hinder progress and success. The AI advisor shows you what you
need to do and guides you through the next steps that lead to
implementation and goal achievement.
8. Guidance throughout the process: The AI advisor guides you
through the entire process and emphasizes the importance of selfreflection and goal setting. Additionally, it provides practical tips on
how to create a plan and take actions to achieve your goals.
9. Continuous monitoring of progress: By utilizing AI-powered
algorithms and machine learning, the AI advisor can continuously
provide feedback and make adjustments to monitor progress and adapt
the strategy if needed. This way, an AI advisor can continuously offer
valuable insights, advice, and support to help you achieve your
professional goals.
Get started today and use our AI solution for a whole new way of delivering
information. Immediately after payment, you can use the unlocked AI
Advisor at https://best-of-hr.com/berater/.
To use the AI Advisor efficiently, you need to ask the right questions. Dazu
benötigen Sie die passenden Eingabe-Befehle für das KI-Tool. Here we
give you an overview including numerous examples of the 100 best
prompts for a successful consultation.
1. "How can I use my time more effectively to achieve my goals?"
2. "What steps can I take to increase my self-motivation?"
3. "How can I improve my communication skills to build more successful
4. "What strategies can I use to boost my self-confidence?"
5. "How can I improve my stress management skills?"
6. "What techniques can I use to boost my creativity?"
7. "How can I increase my concentration and focus?"
8. "What options are there for defining and achieving my personal
9. "How can I improve my decision-making and make informed
10. "What steps can I take to better manage my personal finances?"
11. "How can I improve my work-life balance and find a healthy
12. "What techniques can I use to improve my problem-solving skills?"
13. "How can I develop my emotional intelligence and strengthen my
interpersonal relationships?"
14. "What opportunities are there to identify and utilize my personal
strengths and talents?"
15. "How can I improve my learning skills and acquire new skills more
16. "What strategies can I use to increase my productivity?"
17. "How can I promote self-reflection and achieve personal growth?"
18. "What techniques can I use to visualize and manifest my goals?"
19. "How can I improve my self-care and take care of my well-being?"
20. "What opportunities are there to maintain my personal development in
the long term and grow continuously?"
21. "How can I identify my strengths and interests to find the best career
for me?"
22. "What steps can I take to build my professional network and make
contacts in my industry?"
23. "How can I optimize my application documents to impress potential
24. "What further training opportunities are there in my industry and how
can I use them effectively to expand my skills and knowledge?"
25. "How can I prepare for job interviews to make a positive impression
and stand out from other applicants?"
26. "What strategies can I use to develop my soft skills and be successful
in my career?"
27. "How can I improve my online presence and personal branding to
make myself attractive to potential employers?"
28. "What opportunities are there to complete internships or traineeships
to gain practical experience in my desired career field?"
29. "How can I clearly define my career goals and develop a plan to
achieve them?"
30. "What strategies can I use to continuously educate myself and stay upto-date in my industry?"
31. "How can I optimize my resume to impress potential employers?"
32. "What strategies can I use to write a compelling cover letter?"
33. "How can I prepare effectively for a job interview?"
34. "What steps can I take to improve my online profiling (e.g. LinkedIn)
and be attractive to employers?"
35. "How can I use my network to find professional opportunities and
recommend myself?"
36. "What techniques can I use to apply for jobs and job fairs?"
37. "How can I optimize my online applications to increase my chances of
being invited for an interview?"
38. "What opportunities are there to find out about potential employers
and industry trends?"
39. "How can I present my soft skills effectively in my application and
40. "What strategies can I use to adapt to specific job advertisements and
emphasize my suitability?"
41. "How can I make the most of my references and letters of
recommendation to strengthen my application?"
42. "What techniques can I use to prepare for online assessment tests and
aptitude tests?"
43. "How can I improve my online presence and reputation to make a
positive impression on employers?"
44. "What opportunities are there to position myself in the current job
market and develop relevant skills?"
45. "How can I adapt my application strategy to apply for different types
of companies and industries?"
46. "What steps can I take to create and present a strong portfolio of my
47. "How can I stand out from other applicants and attract attention in an
unconventional way?"
48. "What techniques can I use to improve my interview skills and make a
positive impression?"
49. "How can I develop my salary negotiation skills and negotiate an
appropriate salary?"
50. "What are some ways to stay motivated after rejections and setbacks
and keep looking for career opportunities?"
51. "How can I actively listen and make sure I really understand the other
52. "What non-verbal communication techniques can I use to get my
message across more clearly?"
53. "How can I recognize and control my own emotions to promote
constructive communication?"
54. "What questioning techniques can I use to achieve a deeper level of
understanding and clarification in conversations?"
55. "How can I communicate my own points of view and opinions clearly
and respectfully?"
56. "What conflict resolution strategies can I use to deal with conflicts
57. "How can I find compromises and develop win-win solutions in
conflict situations?"
58. "What techniques can I use to give and receive feedback effectively?"
59. "How can I adapt my communication to different personality types to
avoid misunderstandings?"
60. "What strategies can I use to promote an open and trusting
communication culture in my environment?"
61. "How can I recognize my own prejudices and assumptions and be
more neutral and objective in my communication?"
62. "What techniques can I use to make difficult conversations easier and
avoid escalation?"
63. "How can I strengthen my conflict resolution skills through empathy
and perspective-taking?"
64. "What strategies can I use to reduce misunderstandings in
communication and avoid miscommunication?"
65. "How can I promote open and respectful communication to create a
positive and productive work or relationship environment?"
66. "How can I create a budget and achieve my financial goals?"
67. "What strategies can I use to reduce debt and improve my financial
68. "How can I effectively manage my savings and plan for future goals?"
69. "What opportunities are there to improve my financial education and
increase my investment knowledge?"
70. "How can I develop my salary negotiation skills and negotiate
appropriate compensation?"
71. "What tax benefits and strategies can I use to minimize my tax
72. "How can I plan my pension and provide for retirement?"
73. "What options are there for investing my money and building up longterm wealth?"
74. "How can I control my expenses and reduce unnecessary costs?"
75. "Which insurance policies make sense for me and how can I find the
best deals?"
76. "How can I increase my financial security and build up a financial
77. "What options are there to improve my credit rating and get better
credit terms?"
78. "How can I prioritize my financial goals and create a plan to achieve
79. "What strategies can I use to achieve financial independence?"
80. "How can I develop my salary negotiation skills and negotiate
appropriate compensation?"
81. "What options are there to protect my financial situation in times of
economic uncertainty?"
82. "How can I analyze my financial situation and optimize my expenses?"
83. "What options are there to generate additional income and increase my
financial freedom?"
84. "How can I pursue my financial goals in the long term and monitor my
85. "What strategies can I use to plan my financial future and provide for
unforeseen events?"
86. "What current trends and needs in society could serve as the basis for a
successful business idea?"
87. "What problems or challenges could be solved by innovative
88. "Which niche markets or untapped target groups could offer potential
for a successful business idea?"
89. "Which technologies or industries could grow strongly in the near
future and offer opportunities for new business ideas?"
90. "Which existing business models could be successfully developed
further through improvements or adaptations?"
91. "What opportunities are there to optimize existing products or services
and gain a competitive advantage?"
92. "Which needs or wishes might not yet be sufficiently fulfilled in
society and offer scope for an innovative business idea?"
93. "Which new sales channels or marketing strategies could be used to
successfully market a business idea?"
94. "What cooperation opportunities or partnerships could help to
successfully implement a business idea?"
95. "What options are there for making a business idea sustainable and
environmentally friendly and thus in tune with the zeitgeist?"
96. "Which business ideas could benefit from current social changes or
demographic developments?"
97. "Which business ideas could be based on the principle of the sharing
economy or communal use?"
98. "Which business ideas could build on the growing trend towards health
and wellness?"
99. "Which business ideas could be based on the growing demand for
education and lifelong learning?"
100. "Which business ideas could be based on the growing need for digital
solutions and technologies?"
7 Reasons: This is what the interactive eTutor brings to your
Learning - with 100 Prompts
The interactive eTutor not only allows you to fully maximize your learning
potential, but also helps you achieve your goals faster. Whether you are a
student, a lifelong learner, or a professional, it is available to assist you at
any time, providing you with a tailored learning experience that allows you
to learn anytime and anywhere. You have access to a variety of learning
materials, interactive exercises, and practical examples that help deepen
your understanding and apply your knowledge. Our eTutor also allows you
to track your progress and measure your performance, enabling you to
clearly define your goals and stay motivated.
The interactive eTutor is more than just a conventional learning companion.
It is an intelligent virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence that
continuously adapts to your individual needs and learning progress. It
analyzes your strengths and weaknesses, identifies gaps in your knowledge,
and develops personalized learning plans that are specifically tailored to
your needs. In addition to its great flexibility, the tool also provides an
interactive learning environment where you can interact with other learners
and benefit from their experiences. You can ask questions, engage in
discussions, and work together on projects to deepen your understanding
and gain new perspectives. Here is an overview of the benefits offered by
the eTutor:
1. Individual customization: The eTutor adapts to your individual needs
and learning styles. It recognizes your strengths and weaknesses and
develops a personalized learning plan tailored to your specific goals.
2. Understanding and explaining complex topics: The eTutor can
explain complex topics in an understandable way, summarize them
concisely, and help you better understand difficult connections.
3. 24/7 availability: The eTutor is available around the clock, allowing
you to learn anytime and anywhere. Whether you have a question or
difficulty understanding, need help with homework, or want to prepare
for an exam, our eTutor is always there for you.
4. Provision of exercises and tasks: The eTutor can provide you with
exercises and tasks to apply your knowledge and improve your skills.
The eTutor can also adjust your learning plan and provide targeted
recommendations to efficiently achieve your learning goals.
5. Interactive learning methods: The eTutor offers interactive learning
methods that make learning more effective and enjoyable. From
interactive exercises and quiz questions to interactive simulations and
virtual experiments, the eTutor can monitor your learning progress.
6. Motivation, support, and immediate feedback: The eTutor can
motivate and support you by providing positive feedback and
encouraging you on your path to your goals. This allows you to track
your progress, understand your mistakes, and work specifically on
your weaknesses to strengthen your strengths and improve your
weaknesses. The eTutor also provides you with immediate feedback on
your answers and performance.
7. Wide range of topics: The eTutor covers a variety of topics, from
mathematics and natural sciences to languages and humanities, as well
as career and personal development. Whatever subject or topic you
want to learn, the interactive eTutor is there to assist you.
Start today and experience learning in a whole new way! Immediately after
payment, you can use the unlocked eTutor at https://best-of-hr.com/etutor/.
To effectively use the eTutor, you need to ask the right questions. For that,
you need the appropriate input commands for the AI tool. Here, we provide
you with an overview, including numerous examples of the top 100 prompts
for effective learning.
1. "How can I effectively learn online and motivate myself?"
2. "What techniques can I use to better absorb and retain information
from online courses?"
3. "How can I optimize my time and create an efficient study plan for
online learning?"
4. "What strategies can I apply to improve my concentration while
learning online?"
5. "How can I clearly define my learning goals and develop a plan to
achieve them?"
6. "What topics have you already covered in your learning process?"
7. "Can you give me some examples of applying what you have learned
in practice?"
8. "How have your knowledge and skills developed since the beginning
of your learning journey?"
9. "What challenges have you encountered while learning and how have
you overcome them?"
10. "Can you provide some specific examples of your progress in certain
skills or concepts?"
11. "How have your learning habits and strategies changed over time?"
12. "Which resources or tools have been most helpful in supporting your
learning progress?"
13. "Can you mention some specific goals that you have already
14. "How have you applied your knowledge to solve problems or
successfully complete projects?"
15. "What feedback or evaluations have you received from teachers,
mentors, or peers regarding your learning progress?"
16. "What new skills or knowledge have you acquired during your
learning journey?"
17. "How have you effectively utilized your study time and resources to
maximize your progress?"
18. "Can you provide some specific examples of your improvements in
critical thinking or problem-solving skills?"
19. "How have you adjusted or expanded your learning goals to
accommodate your growing knowledge?"
20. "What strategies have helped you stay motivated and continuously
work on your learning progress?"
21. "Can you give me some specific examples of your improvements in
communication or presentation skills?"
22. "How have you documented your learning progress and recorded your
23. "What new perspectives or insights have you gained through your
24. "Can you provide some specific examples of your improvements in
time management or organization?"
25. "How have you reflected on your learning and what actions have you
taken to continue learning effectively?"
26. "Which online resources and tools are best suited for learning specific
27. "How can I effectively organize and review my notes while learning
28. "What techniques can I use to better understand complex concepts
while learning online?"
29. "How can I actively engage in the online learning process and utilize
interactive learning opportunities?"
30. "What strategies can I apply to test myself and assess my progress
while learning online?"
31. "How can I use online discussion forums and study groups to interact
with other learners and learn from each other?"
32. "What strategies can I apply to successfully complete online exams?"
33. "How can I effectively research and evaluate online learning
34. "What techniques can I use to better follow online lectures or
presentations and capture important information?"
35. "How can I continuously monitor and evaluate my learning progress
while learning online?"
36. "What strategies can I apply to protect myself from distractions and
create a productive learning environment while learning online?"
37. "How can I optimize the use of online learning platforms to achieve
my learning goals?"
38. "What techniques can I use to effectively deal with visual or auditory
learning materials while learning online?"
39. "How can I be creative and try different learning methods to deepen
my understanding while learning online?"
40. "What strategies can I apply to achieve a good work-life balance while
learning online?"
41. "How can I improve my language skills and strengthen my
communication abilities while learning online?"
42. "What techniques can I use to solve complex problems and promote
critical thinking while learning online?"
43. "How can I improve my writing skills and create high-quality written
work while learning online?"
44. "What strategies can I apply to effectively collaborate with other
learners and benefit from their expertise while learning online?"
45. "How can I improve my time management skills and meet deadlines
while learning online?"
46. "What techniques can I use to improve my reading skills and better
understand complex texts while learning online?"
47. "How can I improve my presentation skills and deliver persuasive
speeches while learning online?"
48. "What strategies can I apply to strengthen my mathematical skills and
solve complex problems while learning online?"
49. "How can I improve my research skills and find trustworthy sources
while learning online?"
50. "What techniques can I use to develop my creative skills and generate
innovative ideas while learning online?"
51. "How can I expand my intercultural competencies and develop a
global understanding while learning online?"
52. "What strategies can I apply to improve my self-organization and
effective planning while learning online?"
53. "How can I enhance my media literacy and critically engage with
digital content while learning online?"
54. "What techniques can I use to improve my problem-solving skills and
find innovative solutions while learning online?"
55. "How can I develop my teamwork and collaboration skills and
effectively work together in virtual environments while learning
56. "What strategies can I apply to maintain my self-motivation and
overcome setbacks while learning online?"
57. "How can I expand my digital skills and familiarize myself with new
technologies while learning online?"
58. "What techniques can I use to overcome exam anxiety and remain
calm during examination situations while learning online?"
59. "How can I efficiently organize my learning resources and establish a
structured learning process while learning online?"
60. "What strategies can I apply to maintain my learning motivation and
achieve long-term success while learning online?"
61. "How can I optimize my learning environment and create a suitable
workspace while learning online?"
62. "What techniques can I use to visualize my learning content and
deepen my understanding while learning online?"
63. "How can I track and document my learning progress and celebrate my
achievements while learning online?"
64. "What strategies can I apply to set realistic learning goals and make
progress step by step while learning online?"
65. "How can I increase my learning motivation and develop an
enthusiasm for new topics while learning online?"
66. "What techniques can I use to effectively utilize my learning time and
minimize distractions while learning online?"
67. "How can I adapt my learning strategies and try different approaches
to support my individual learning style while learning online?"
68. "What strategies can I apply to align my learning goals with my
personal and professional life while learning online?"
69. "How can I share my learning progress with others and seek feedback
from experts or peers while learning online?"
70. "What techniques can I use to maintain my learning motivation even
during challenging times while learning online?"
71. "How can I reflect on and continuously improve my learning strategies
while learning online?"
72. "What strategies can I apply to diversify my learning resources and
utilize various sources while learning online?"
73. "How can I prioritize my learning goals and focus on the essentials
while learning online?"
74. "What techniques can I use to track and document my learning
progress while learning online?"
75. "How can I increase my learning motivation by engaging with other
learners and benefiting from their experiences while learning online?"
76. "What strategies can I apply to customize my learning environment to
meet my individual needs while learning online?"
77. "How can I adapt my learning strategies to accommodate different
learning types and situations while learning online?"
78. "What techniques can I use to make my learning content playful and
interactive while learning online?"
79. "How can I celebrate my learning progress and reward myself for my
achievements while learning online?"
80. "What strategies can I apply to pursue my learning goals in the long
term and continuously grow while learning online?"
81. "What specific skills or knowledge do I want to acquire through
further education?"
82. "What career goals do I want to achieve through further education?"
83. "Which type of further education (e.g., courses, certifications,
workshops) is best suited for my desired career goal?"
84. "Which reputable educational institutions or online platforms offer the
desired further education?"
85. "What experiences and reviews have other participants shared about
the further education?"
86. "What financial resources do I have available to finance the further
87. "Are there any government or private funding programs that could
assist me in financing the further education?"
88. "What flexibility do I need in the further education (e.g., online
courses, part-time options) to accommodate my current
89. "Are there industry associations or professional networks that can
provide recommendations for high-quality further education
90. "What opportunities for professional networking and exchange with
other participants does the further education offer?"
91. "What career opportunities or professional advantages can the
completed further education offer?"
92. "Are there alumni networks or career support services available to
graduates of the further education?"
93. "What teaching methods and learning materials are used in the further
education, and do they align with my learning style?"
94. "Are there opportunities for practical applications or projects during
the further education to apply the learned knowledge in practice?"
95. "What support and guidance do the instructors or tutors provide during
the further education?"
96. "Are there opportunities for internships, mentoring, or job placement
as part of the further education?"
97. "What reputation and recognition does the further education have in
the industry or in my desired field of work?"
98. "What additional resources or learning opportunities are offered
alongside the regular courses or modules?"
99. "Are there opportunities for lifelong learning or updates in the further
education to keep up with the changing industry requirements?"
100. "What track record do graduates of the further education have in
achieving their career goals?"
6 Cases: How to use the Travel Planner correctly - with 100
Our interactive AI travel planner is your personal travel companion, helping
you to plan your dream trip down to the smallest detail. Whether you want
to extend your business trip with bleisure travel, go on an adventurous team
trekking tour or combine a conference with a city break - our AI is
programmed to understand your individual preferences and needs and
present you with tailor-made travel suggestions. With just a few clicks, you
get access to a wealth of information about destinations, attractions,
accommodation, activities and much more. Our AI analyzes your
preferences and creates a tailor-made itinerary that matches your interests
and budget. You can adjust your travel plans at any time and compare the
best options for flights, hotels and activities.
But that's not all! Our interactive AI trip planner goes beyond just planning.
It's equipped with a variety of smart features to make your travel experience
even more enjoyable. From real-time weather information and traffic
updates to restaurant recommendations and insider tips from locals, our AI
is your personal travel expert to help you get the most out of your trip.
Discover the future of travel and let our interactive AI inspire you. Plan
your next trip with ease, accuracy and a touch of innovation. Say goodbye
to tedious research and uncertain decisions - let our AI be your travel
planner and experience unforgettable adventures around the world. The
travel planner can be useful for the following planning cases - and of course
many more.
1. Slowing down & healthy eating: Our everyday working life is
becoming increasingly stressful. This is where targeted deceleration
and health offers help, especially with regard to a healthy diet, which
we are happy to recommend.
2. Workation & activity: Workation is a current trend that allows you to
combine work and time out. The travel planner helps you find exciting
activity offers.
3. Education & culture: If you want to further your education on
vacation, e.g. as part of a language course or a city trip, you will find
interesting offers with our travel planner.
4. Business & Profession: The classic business trip is still in demand
and places special demands on planning and efficiency. The travel
planner can help.
5. Management training, team building & motivation: Travel offers
managers and teams in particular the opportunity to gain inspiration
and promote motivation through exciting workshops, seminars and
events. The travel planner shows suitable options.
6. MICE Incentives & Groups: Do you want to organize seminars,
events or a program for your company? The travel planner will be
happy to put together the right program for you.
Start today and experience the world in a whole new way! You can use the
activated travel planner at https://best-of-hr.com/travel-planner/
immediately after payment.
In order to use the interactive travel planner efficiently, you need to ask the
right questions in as much detail as possible. To do this, you need the right
input commands for the AI tool. Here we give you an overview including
numerous examples of the 100 best prompts for your travel planning.
1. "I am planning a trip from city A to city B. What means of
transportation are available and which is the best option?"
2. "Which airlines offer the best connections and prices for my
3. "Are there direct flights from my point of departure to my destination?
If not, which connecting flights are recommended?"
4. "What train connections are there between my departure point and my
destination? Which is the quickest and most convenient option?"
5. "Which bus companies offer connections between my departure point
and my destination? Are there express buses or other options?"
6. "Which car rental companies are near me and offer good conditions for
my trip?"
7. "Are there ferry connections between my departure point and my
destination? If so, which is the best option?"
8. "What is the best travel time for my journey? Are there peak or offpeak times that I should consider?"
9. "Are there alternative means of transportation such as bike rental, escooters or car sharing that are suitable for my trip?"
10. "Which travel apps or websites can help me find the best route and
book tickets?"
11. "Are there any special discounts or offers for my itinerary that I can
take advantage of?"
12. "Which travel option offers the best combination of convenience, time
savings and cost?"
13. "Are there any special requirements or restrictions I need to consider
when traveling, e.g. baggage restrictions or visa requirements?"
14. "Which travel option offers the best flexibility in case my plans change
or I need to adjust my travel times?"
15. "Are there alternative routes or modes of transportation I should
consider to avoid congestion or other traffic issues?"
16. "Which travel option offers the best views or the opportunity to make
interesting stops along the way?"
17. "Are there any special services or amenities that certain modes of
transportation or providers offer, e.g. Wi-Fi on the train or free snacks
on the plane?"
18. "Which travel option is environmentally friendly and sustainable? Are
there ways to reduce my CO2 emissions?"
19. "Are there any special tips or tricks to save money on my journey, e.g.
by booking tickets in advance or using discount codes?"
20. "Which travel option offers the best balance between convenience and
adventure to enrich my travel experience?"
21. "I am planning a conference with 100 participants. Which conference
hotels can you recommend in this size range?"
22. "I am planning a trip to Spain to expand my professional network and
make new business contacts. Which cities in Spain are known for their
networking events, conferences or industry meetings? What
accommodation could you recommend that is conveniently located for
networking opportunities? What transportation is available to travel to
Spain from my home country?"
23. "Which conference hotels offer modern conference rooms with the
latest technical equipment?"
24. "I am looking for a conference hotel in a specific city. Can you give
me some recommendations?"
25. "Which conference hotels offer overnight accommodation for
participants traveling from out of town?"
26. "I need a conference hotel with flexible room configurations to
accommodate different event formats. Do you have any suggestions?"
27. "Which conference hotels offer additional services such as catering
and event planning?"
28. "I am looking for a conference hotel with good transport links and
parking facilities. What options are there?"
29. "Which conference hotels have an impressive selection of meeting
rooms in different sizes?"
30. "I need a conference hotel with accessible facilities for participants
with special needs. Can you give me some recommendations?"
31. "I am looking for a destination that will help me find myself, practice
yoga and relax. What places could you recommend that offer a calm
and spiritual atmosphere while offering yoga retreats or meditation
32. "I would like to plan a trip where I can focus on my inner balance.
Which destinations are known for their yoga and wellness offerings,
such as yoga retreats, spa treatments and opportunities for meditation?
I'm looking for a place that helps me de-stress and connect with
33. "Which conference hotels offer special extras such as wellness areas or
leisure activities for participants in their free time?"
34. "I am looking for a conference hotel with good value for money. Do
you have any recommendations in this category?"
35. "Which conference hotels have positive reviews and experiences from
other organizers?"
36. "I need a conference hotel with a flexible cancellation policy. Are there
any options that offer this?"
37. "Which conference hotels offer customized packages for specific
industries or event types?"
38. "I'm looking for a conference hotel with a special ambience or
historical charm. Do you have any suggestions?"
39. "Which conference hotels offer additional services such as interpreting
or technical support?"
40. "I need a conference hotel with good connections to airports or train
stations. What options are there?"
41. "Which conference hotels have flexible catering options to
accommodate different dietary requirements of participants?"
42. "I am looking for a conference hotel with special outdoor areas or
outdoor event facilities. Can you give me some recommendations?"
43. "Which conference hotels offer additional services such as teambuilding activities or incentive programs for participants?"
44. I am planning a business trip to city A. What sights or cultural
highlights could you recommend to extend my trip to a bleisure trip?"
45. "Are there outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling near my
business destination that I can integrate into my leisure time?"
46. "Which restaurants or cafés in the vicinity of my business hotel are
particularly recommended for sampling local specialties?"
47. "Are there any shopping opportunities or markets near my business
destination that I can explore in my free time?"
48. "What cultural events or festivals are taking place during my stay that I
could visit?"
49. "Are there any wellness facilities or spas near my business destination
where I can relax after a long day at work?"
50. "I am planning a trip to Germany to strengthen my team's leadership
skills and develop them in a motivating environment. Which regions
are suitable for this and which hotels offer leadership training or
personal development seminars? What accommodation could you
recommend that offers an inspiring atmosphere and is close to the
training locations? What means of transportation are available?"
51. "Which historical sites or museums in the vicinity of my business hotel
are worth a visit to learn about local history?"
52. "Are there any sporting activities such as golf, tennis or water sports
near my business destination that I can do in my free time?"
53. "Which parks or gardens in the vicinity of my business hotel are ideal
for a walk or picnic in my free time?"
54. "Are there any cultural districts or neighborhoods near my business
destination that I can explore to experience the local flair?"
55. "Which day trips or excursion destinations in the vicinity of my
business hotel are recommended to make good use of my free time?"
56. "Are there opportunities for outdoor adventures such as rafting,
climbing, mountaineering, bungee jumping, paragliding or zip-lining
near my business destination that I can try out in my free time?"
57. "I would like to travel in a climate-friendly way. Which destinations,
hotels and travel options do you recommend?"
58. "Which wineries or breweries near my business hotel offer tours or
tastings that I can enjoy in my free time?"
59. "Are there any cultural events such as theater performances, concerts
or exhibitions near my business destination that I could attend?"
60. "Which beaches or coastal resorts near my business hotel are ideal for
a relaxing day by the sea in my free time?"
61. "Are there opportunities for culinary experiences such as cooking
classes or food tours near my business destination that I can do in my
free time?"
62. "Which nature reserves or national parks in the vicinity of my business
hotel are worth a visit to discover the local flora and fauna?"
63. "Are there opportunities for cultural activities such as art exhibitions,
music events or plays near my business destination that I can
experience in my free time?"
64. "Which historic districts or old towns near my business hotel are ideal
for a walk and to admire the local architecture?"
65. "Are there any opportunities for relaxation and wellness such as yoga
classes, massages or meditation near my business destination that I can
use in my free time?"
66. "I am planning a trip with the aim of visiting the best national parks.
Which ones are particularly recommended?"
67. "Which destinations are known for their culinary festivals and events?"
68. "I am interested in ancient ruins and archaeological sites. Which places
have a rich ancient history and are easily accessible by train?"
69. "What are the best destinations in the world for whale watching and
dolphin swimming?"
70. "I am looking for a destination that allows me to conduct leadership
training with animals and experience animal encounters. What places
offer safaris, whale watching or opportunities to interact with
71. "I am planning a trip with the aim of visiting the best thermal springs
and wellness oases to relax. Which places are particularly
72. "I would like to go on a trip where I can visit the best street food
markets. Which cities are particularly well-known for this?"
73. "I have two weeks: which national parks in the USA should I definitely
visit and which route should I choose?"
74. "I would like to do a round trip through China to learn the language
and experience the culture. Which countries should I definitely visit
and how can I find the best accommodation?"
75. "I would like to go on a trip where I can develop spiritually. Which
places are known for their spiritual practices, yoga retreats or
meditation centers?"
76. "What outdoor activities can I do on a four-week trip through New
77. "Which destination is best for a four-week self-discovery trip in
Europe and where can I find affordable long-stay options?"
78. "I would like to go on a cruise. Which route would you recommend?"
79. "I would like to relax and slow down for four days. Which hotel and
which region near my current location is suitable for this?"
80. "I am planning a trip with the aim of exploring the best wine regions.
Which ones are particularly recommended?"
81. "I am interested in historical sites of the Second World War. Which
places have a significant war history?"
82. "I am looking for a destination that allows me to be active and try out
new sports. Which places offer opportunities for surfing, diving,
skiing, kayaking, biking or other sports?"
83. "I'm planning a bleisure trip with my family. Which child-friendly
destinations could you recommend?"
84. "Which European cities are known for their exciting nightlife?"
85. "I would like to go on a trip where I can get to know different cultures.
Which countries would you recommend?"
86. "Which destinations are particularly suitable for solo travelers?"
87. "I'm a big fan of architecture. Which cities have impressive
architectural highlights and inexpensive accommodation?"
88. "I'm planning a trip on a limited budget. Which destinations are
inexpensive but still worthwhile?"
89. "I am interested in wellness and relaxation. Which hotels in Austria are
particularly recommended for this?"
90. "I would like to go on a trip where I can visit the best wineries in
France. Which regions are particularly suitable for this?"
91. "I am planning a trip to discover the best local specialties in Italy as a
team-building activity. Which destinations and itinerary should I
92. "I would like to go on a trip where I have the best shopping
opportunities. Which cities are particularly well known for this?"
93. "I am planning a trip with the aim of visiting the best film sets and
locations. Which places are particularly suitable for this?"
94. "I am interested in outdoor activities such as skiing and snowboarding.
Which ski resorts in the Alps are particularly recommended and which
hotels offer the best deals?"
95. "I am planning a trip with the aim of discovering the best street art
graffiti to explore my personal creativity. Which cities are best known
for this? And which inexpensive hotels nearby are suitable?"
96. "I am interested in historical sites of the Renaissance. Which places
have a rich Renaissance history and what is the quickest way to get
97. "I would like to go on a trip where I can experience the best wineries
and wine tastings. Which regions are particularly well known for this?"
98. "I am planning a trip with the aim of visiting the best beaches for water
sports activities. Which ones are particularly recommended and what
are the best accommodations?"
99. "I am looking for a destination that will allow me to get socially
involved and make a positive contribution. Which places offer
volunteering, charitable projects or opportunities for sustainable
100. "I would like to go on a trip where I can express myself creatively.
Which places are known for their art scene, offer workshops or courses
in painting, photography or music?"