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VATSIM UK Controller Visiting & Transfer Policy

Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
member Services
Visiting and Transferring
Controller Policy
REVISION 1.0 - Effective 1 August 2022
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Distribution and Scope
This policy outlines the procedures and requirements for all VATSIM controllers who wish visit or transfer to
VATSIM UK Division.
The policy sits below VATSIM UK’s Division Policy, VATEMEA’s Region Policy, VATSIM Transfer and Visiting
Controller Policy, and other VATSIM Global Policies. Where discrepancies exist, this policies provisions will
be overridden by theirs.
Where required, the Member Services Director, Division Director, or Vice President Europe, Middle East, and
Africa may waive policies and procedures stated within.
VATSIM UK welcomes controllers from across the entire VATSIM network and aims to provide a suitable
amount of training to enable them to confidently control along side our home members.
Exclusion of Liability
This policy is for use on the VATSIM Network only and should never be adopted for real world use.
The information published by VATSIM UK within this document is made available without warranty of any
kind; the Organisation accepts no responsibility or liability whether direct or indirect, as to the currency,
accuracy or quality of the information, nor for any consequence of its use.
Amendment History
Effective Date
1 August 2022
First Publication
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Table of Contents
Section 1
Application to visit or transfer...................................................................................................... 5
Section 2
Visiting controllers........................................................................................................................ 5
Visiting Groups .................................................................................................................................... 5
Aerodrome Visiting Group........................................................................................................... 5
Approach Visiting Group.............................................................................................................. 5
Enroute Visiting Group ................................................................................................................ 6
Oceanic Visiting Group ................................................................................................................ 6
Currency requirements........................................................................................................................ 6
Minimum Hour requirement ....................................................................................................... 6
Visiting controllers not meeting currency requirements ............................................................ 6
Removal of visiting rights .................................................................................................................... 6
Publication of active visiting controllers ............................................................................................. 7
Non-standard visiting rights ................................................................................................................ 7
Section 3
Transferring Controllers ............................................................................................................... 7
Transferring as a pilot/OBS rated member ......................................................................................... 7
Transferring as an S1 controller .......................................................................................................... 7
Transferring as a S2/S3/C1/C3 Controller ........................................................................................... 7
Section 4
Training and Validation ................................................................................................................ 8
Allocation of a Training Place .............................................................................................................. 8
Initial Theory Exam ...................................................................................................................... 8
Minimum Controlling Hours ........................................................................................................ 8
Practical Training and Validation ......................................................................................................... 8
Session 1 – Initial Practical Training ............................................................................................ 9
Session 2 – First Validation Attempt ........................................................................................... 9
Session 3 – Further Practical Training ......................................................................................... 9
Session 4 – Final Validation Attempt ........................................................................................... 9
Oceanic VG Training ............................................................................................................................ 9
Validation Results ................................................................................................................................ 9
Successful Validation (Visitor) ..................................................................................................... 9
Successful Validation (Transferee) .............................................................................................. 9
Unsuccessful Validation (Visitor/ Transferee) ........................................................................... 10
Section 5
Former UK members .................................................................................................................. 11
Section 6
Legacy Visiting Rights ................................................................................................................. 11
Converting legacy visiting rights to the new VGs .............................................................................. 11
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Legacy Visiting Groups....................................................................................................................... 11
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Section 1 Application to visit or transfer
VATSIM members wishing to either visit of transfer to VATSIM UK must complete the application form on
the VATSIM UK website.
VATSIM UK may consult an applicant’s current Division during the application process.
Section 2 Visiting controllers
A visiting controller is a VATSIM member who is not part of the VATSIM UK Division and wishes to control
positions within VATSIM UK.
VATSIM UK does not accept requests to become a visiting controller from VATSIM members who hold an
OBS or S1 rating.
Visiting controllers are to only use their permanent VATSIM controller rating during the application process
and while controlling in the UK and shall not use any other rating (I1/I3/SUP/ADM).
Visiting Groups
The following Visiting Groups (VGs) are specified in order to define which positions a visiting controller may
control within VATSIM UK.
Aerodrome Visiting Group
The Aerodrome Visiting Group (ADC VG) is available to any VATSIM controller who holds rating of S2 or
Visiting controllers within the Aerodrome VG may control Tower (_TWR), Ground (_GND), or Delivery (_DEL)
positions within VATSIM UK excluding any positions requiring specific endorsements (for example
London/Heathrow EGLL).
Military aerodrome positions are available to visiting controllers but require a separate endorsement on top
of the visiting controller validation. The ATC Training Handbook section 5.16 details the procedure for
controllers to follow should they wish to gain the appropriate military aerodrome endorsement prior to
staffing these positions.
Approach Visiting Group
The Approach Visiting Group (APP VG) is available to any VATSIM controller who holds a rating of S3 or
Visiting controllers within the Approach VG may control the positions of the Aerodrome VG and any
Approach (_APP) position within VATSIM UK excluding any positions requiring specific endorsements (for
example London/Heathrow EGLL).
Military approach positions are available to visiting controllers but require a separate endorsement on top of
the visiting controller validation. The ATC Training Handbook section 5.16 details the procedure for all
controllers to follow should they wish to gain the appropriate military aerodrome endorsements prior to
staffing these positions.
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Enroute Visiting Group
The Enroute Visiting Group (ENR VG) is available to any VATSIM controller who holds a rating of C1 or higher.
Visiting controllers within the Enroute VG may control the positions of the Aerodrome VG, Approach VG, and
enroute positions (_CTR) within VATSIM UK. This excludes AC SOUTH (LON_S_CTR) and any subsector of AC
South as defined in the London FIR (EGTT) vMATS part 2 or any band boxed position that covers AC South.
London/Heathrow EGLL positions are also excluded
Military enroute positions are available to visiting controllers but require a separate endorsement on top of
the visiting controller validation. The ATC Training Handbook section 5.16 details the procedure for all
controllers to follow should they wish to gain the appropriate military aerodrome endorsements prior to
staffing these positions.
Oceanic Visiting Group
The Oceanic Visiting Group (OCA VG) is available to any VATSIM controller who holds a rating of C1 or
Controllers visiting the Oceanic VG may control Shanwick oceanic (EGGX) positions (following an
Currency requirements
It is essential that visiting controllers remain current on UK procedures and play an active part in providing
ATC in the UK on the VATSIM network.
Minimum Hour requirement
Visiting controllers of the ADC, APP, and ENR VGs should control a UK position for a minimum of 3 hours
every 90 days.
Visiting controllers of the OCA VG must control at least 1 meaningful session within a 3-year period.
Visiting controllers not meeting currency requirements
Visiting Controllers who do not meet the minimum hour requirement may have their visiting status
suspended for 12 months. During this time visiting controllers will not be authorised to control any UK
Visiting Controllers who wish to return within 12 months of having their status suspended shall submit a
ticket via the VATSIM UK helpdesk to Member Services. Once visiting right have been reissued to a visiting
controller they will have 90 days to complete the minimum hour requirement else they will be returned to a
suspended status.
Visiting controllers’ visiting rights that have been suspended will have them removed after 12 months of
suspension. After such time, a new visiting controller application must be made on the visiting and
transferring controller application system.
Removal of visiting rights
The Division Director or Member Services Director may remove any visiting controllers visiting rights at any
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
It is necessary that Visiting Controllers familiarise themselves with the procedures for the positions they
intend to control. Visiting Controllers who receive negative feedback may have their visiting rights removed.
Visiting Controllers who are removed may appeal the decision in writing to the Member Services
department on the helpdesk and must do so within 7 days of removal.
Publication of active visiting controllers
A list of visiting controllers is published on the VATSIM UK website containing:
Full name
VG or positions allowed to control
Non-standard visiting rights
The Division Director or Member Services Director may grant visiting rights that do not conform the VGs to
any visiting controller. Direct requests for non-standard visiting rights should be submitted to the Member
Services department who will consider each request on a case by case basis.
Section 3 Transferring Controllers
A transferring controller is a VATSIM member who is not currently a home member of the VATSIM UK
Division but wishes to change their home division to be VATSIM UK.
Transferring as a pilot/OBS rated member
VATSIM members who do not hold a permanent controller rating (i.e. have an OBS rating) may apply to
transfer to the UK as there is no rating to be validated. OBS members will be transferred into VATSIM UK
subject to other applicable policies. OBS rated members are to apply to transfer by submitting a ticket to the
Member Services Department on the VATSIM UK Helpdesk.
Transferring as an S1 controller
VATSIM members who hold an S1 rating will be required to follow the full VATSIM UK OBS to S1 training
process to validate their S1 in VATSIM UK. This process is detailed on the VATSIM UK website under the New
Controller section. However, they are not to request to join the New Controller Group on the CTS.
Transferring as a S2/S3/C1/C3 Controller
VATSIM members who hold a permanent S2, S3, C1 or C3 rating will be required to complete the training
and validation process detailed in section 4.
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Section 4 Training and Validation
All visiting and transferring controllers are required to follow the same training process. This section does
not apply to S1 rated controllers. This process is defined within the ATC Training Handbook. Where
discrepancies exist, this section of the policy will be overridden by relevant sections of the ATC Training
Allocation of a Training Place
When a training place for a visiting or transferring controller becomes available the Member Services team
will offer you the place via email/ticket. You will have 84 hours (3.5 days) to respond before the place is
offered to the next person. Places may be offered at any of the UK’s training aerodrome or area sectors.
If you choose to refuse the training place offer your application will be rejected.
If no response is received after 84 hours you will have a further 5 days (120 Hours) to reply to keep your
application open after which your application will be rejected.
Upon acceptance of an offer of a training place, visiting and transferring controllers will have 90 days to
complete the entire training and validation process. If this has not been completed by the end of the 90 day
period then your application will be rejected.
Once the training place has been accepted you will have 30 days to complete an initial theory exam and a
minimum number of controlling hours prior to any practical training or validation attempts – as outlined in
sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. Failure to complete either of these will result in your application being rejected.
Initial Theory Exam
All visiting or transferring controllers will be required to undertake an initial theory exam for the aerodrome
or sector they have been allocated; this exam will be conducted on our e-Learning platform (Moodle). A pass
must be achieved within two attempts, there is no requirement to wait between attempts.
Minimum Controlling Hours
All visiting and transferring controllers who have accepted a training place will be granted limited visiting
rights for the aerodrome(s) and/or sector allocated to them. These visiting rights will be granted as follows.
Positions allowed to control under limited rights
ADC VG / S2 Ground (GND) and Delivery (DEL)
APP VG / S3 Tower (TWR)
ENR VG / C1 Approach (APP) at all top-down aerodromes of allocated sector
A minimum of 10 hours must be gained on the relevant position(s).
Practical Training and Validation
The practical training process will be completed in a maximum of 4 sessions, including 2 attempts at
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Session 1 – Initial Practical Training
This first session will be conducted with a VATSIM UK ATC instructor or a selected ATC mentor. In this
session, the student will be given the opportunity to control the assigned aerodrome or sector and will
receive guidance and feedback from the mentor.
Session 2 – First Validation Attempt
This session will be the first validation attempt and will ideally be conducted by the same instructor or
mentor as session 1. The validation will be conducted in accordance with Section 7 of the ATC Training
Handbook. If the validation is unsuccessful the candidate will move to session 3.
Session 3 – Further Practical Training
This session will be a further mentoring session, ideally conducted by the same instructor or mentor who
conducted the first validation. This will ensure the training session can focus on any areas highlighted for
improvement during the first validation.
Session 4 – Final Validation Attempt
This final validation will be conducted by a different instructor or mentor to the previous sessions. The
validation will be conducted in accordance with Section 7 of the ATC Training Handbook.
Oceanic VG Training
Oceanic Visiting Group requires visiting controllers to complete the Shanwick Radio endorsement detailed in
the ATC Training Handbook.
Validation Results
Successful Validation (Visitor)
Upon notification from the Training Department of a successful validation, visiting controllers will be granted
rights for the Visiting Group that they applied for. Visiting Controllers are not to log on to any UK position
until they have received notification via email that the process has been completed.
Visiting Controllers are able to request a military endorsement, however, they are not able to request a
Heathrow endorsement. Further details about endorsements are outlined in the ATC Training Handbook.
Successful Validation (Transferee)
Upon notification from the Training Department of a successful validation, transferring controllers will be
transferred into VATSIM UK. Transferring controllers may log onto the positions they were previously
granted limited visiting right to until they have received notification via email that the process has been
completed. Procedures for further training and endorsements are detailed in the ATC Training Handbook.
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Unsuccessful Validation (Visitor/ Transferee)
Upon notification of a second unsuccessful validation from the Training Department the application to visit
or transfer will be rejected, and any previous visiting rights removed. Unsuccessful members may reapply to
visit or transfer after a period of not less than 90 days from the end of the previous validation process.
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Section 5 Former UK members
VATSIM controllers who have previously been a home member of VATSIM UK and who have completed an
ATC exam in the UK may apply (and will be authorised) to retain visiting controller rights in the UK at the
level/rating at which they were at the time of transferring out of the UK without having to complete a
visiting validation as they have already previously completed one. They may also request to retain any
endorsements they had while a member of VATSIM UK such as Heathrow or military.
Controllers who wish to retain visiting rights after they leave must apply directly to the Member Services
team via the helpdesk. This request must be made within 60 days of the member leaving the division.
Controllers will not be granted visiting rights at a level above which they left the UK without having to
complete a new visiting or transferring application.
e.g., A controller leaves as an S2 may request retain visiting rights within the ADC VG plus any previously
gained endorsements. If that person then gains an S3 outside of the UK they may not be automatically given
rights for the APP VG and must complete a new visiting or transferring application.
Section 6 Legacy Visiting Rights
Visiting controllers who have previously been given rights to control under any previous visiting and
transferring policy will now be classed as holding Legacy Visiting Rights. Controllers with legacy visiting rights
are required to comply with the currency requirements in section 2.2.
Converting legacy visiting rights to the new VGs
Controllers with legacy visiting rights who wish to extend their visiting rights to include the rest of one of the
VGs in section 2.1 should make a new visiting controller application. There is no requirement for controllers
with legacy visiting rights to convert to the new VGs.
Those with legacy visiting rights who choose to apply to extend their rights and are then subsequently
unsuccessful during the training and validation process will have ALL their visiting rights removed. As such
the risk of losing all visiting right should be considered before applying.
As this represents a substantial change to the visiting and transferring procedures of the last 5 years, the
Member Services Director, in consultation with members concerned and other members of the DSG (such as
Training and Division Directors) may choose to apply more flexible measures on a case by case basis in order
to promote and nurture the visiting controller community within VATSIM UK.
Legacy Visiting Groups
The Legacy Visiting Groups are listed below as reference:
Legacy Visiting Group 1 (VG1) Newquay (EGHQ)
Cardiff (EGFF)
Jersey (EGJJ)
Guernsey (EGJB)
Bournemouth (EGHH)
Southampton (EGHI)
Exeter (EGTE)
Visiting and Transferring Controller Policy – Revision 1.0
1 August 2022
Legacy Visiting Group 2 (VG2) East Midlands (EGNX)
Cambridge (EGSC)
Norwich (EGSH)
London City (EGLC)
Biggin Hill (EGKB)
Southend-on-Sea (EGMC)
Legacy Visiting Group 3 (VG3) Leeds Bradford (EGNM)
Doncaster Sheffield (EGCN)
Humberside (EGNJ)
Newcastle (EGNT)
Durham Tees Valley (EGNV)
Carlisle (EGNC)
Legacy Visiting Group 4 (VG4) Blackpool (EGNH)
Isle of Man Ronaldsway (EGNS)
Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)
Aberdeen (EGPD)
Inverness (EGPE)
Prestwick (EGPK)
Legacy Visiting Group 5 (VG5) London Control (LON_W_CTR)
Scottish Control (SCO_CTR)
VG1/2/3/4 facilities
Legacy Visiting Group 6 (VG6) All UK mainland military airfields
Gibraltar (LXGB)
RAF Akrotiri (LCRA)
RAF Mount Pleasent (EGYP)
RAF Ascension Island (FHAW)
Legacy Visiting Group 7 (VG7) EGGX (Shanwick Oceanic)