Daily Lesson Log School Teacher Week/Teaching Date Grade Learning Area Quarter Week 7 Four Science Third Time WEEK I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY The learners demonstrate understanding of how light, heat, and sound travel using various objects. B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to demonstrate conceptual understanding of properties/characteristics of light, heat, and sound. C. Learning Competencies D. Learning Objectives The learners should be able to investigate properties and characteristics of light and sound. S4FE-IIIh-5 MELC 16 At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: a) identify the properties and characteristics of light and sound; b) investigate properties and characteristics of light and sound; and c) practice safety measures in doing the activities. Investigating Properties and Characteristics of Light and Sound II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learner’s Material pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource LR portal B. Other Learning Resources pp. 207-215 Science Links 4 pp. 252-258 Cyber Science 4 pp.246-268 Science in Our World pp. 141-147 Science 4 Quarter 3 ADM Module 4 pp. 207-215 Science Links 4 pp. 252-258 Cyber Science 4 pp.246-268 Science in Our World pp. 141-147 Science 4 Quarter 3 ADM Module 4 https://www.kidsacademy.mobi/p rintables/light-reflections/ pp. 207-215 Science Links 4 pp. 252-258 Cyber Science 4 pp.246-268 Science in Our World pp. 141-147 Science 4 Quarter 3 ADM Module 4 https://www.bigstockphoto.com/i mage-164325809/stock-photohuman-feet-in-water pp. 207-215 Science Links 4 pp. 252-258 Cyber Science 4 pp.246-268 Science in Our World pp. 141-147 Science 4 Quarter 3 ADM Module 4 PPT, tarpapel, pictures, illustrations, show-me board, market eraser, activity sheets, experiment materials, etc. PPT, tarpapel, pictures, illustrations, show-me board, market eraser, activity sheets, experiment materials, etc. PPT, tarpapel, pictures, illustrations, show-me board, market eraser, activity sheets, experiment materials, etc. PPT, tarpapel, pictures, illustrations, show-me board, market eraser, activity sheets, experiment materials, etc. Write Yes or No. 1.Light and sound travel in waves. 2. The bouncing of light is called reflection. 3. Light bends as it hits an opaque material. 4. Shiny objects reflect more light than dull objects. 5. The more energy, the softer the sound produced. 6. Sound bounces back when it hits a hard materia. Put a check if the statement is correct and a cross if it is wrong. 1. The sound heard by a person is due to the vibration of an object. 2. Reflection of light can only be demonstrated by mirrors and shiny objects. 3. Sound waves are always bounced back and cannot be absorbed by objects. Identify whether the following objects are transparent, translucent, or opaque. Determine whether light will reflect or bend when it hits the following. 1.mirror 2. spoon 3. straw in water 4. magnifying glass 5. prism IV. PROCEDURE A. Drill/Reviewing previous Lesson or presenting new lesson FRIDAY CATCH UP FRIDAY 7. Light can be separated into 7 different bands of colors. 8. The sound that can be heard by a person has no limits. B. Establishing a purpose for Draw the path of light in the following pictures using lines. C. Presenting Do the Activity: Objective: Describe how light is reflected or refracted? What you need: Small mirror Old colored magazines Craft paper or coupon bond Crayons Marker Scissors Book What to do: 1. Draw or cut out magazine pictures that have symmetry- stars, faces, flowers, butterflies, etc. Cut the pictures into half. 2. Put the mirror next to the half and see its reflection in order to complete the picture. the lesson examples/ instances of the new lesson 4. When somebody faces a mirror, his reflection can be seen in reversed manner. 5. Loudness of sound depends on the area of the vibrating body and distance of the listener from the source of sound. 6. The stronger the source of light, the bigger the shadow and the bigger the source of light, the smaller the shadow. 7. Light can either be absorbed or reflected by the object. Absorption and reflection of light cannot happen at the same time. When you look at your surroundings, you recognize the things around you. How are you able to see things? Do they produce their own light so that you can see them? Do the Activity: What you need: 2 small identical mirrors A tape A book A clock What to do: 1.Take the mirrors and attach them together using a tape so that they form a right angle. 2. Face the clock toward the two mirrors (just in front of the angle) 3. Open and face the book toward the two mirrors. 4. Try to read what you see in the mirrors. 5. Try to look at yourself in the mirrors and comb your hair. Have you ever tried looking at your feet from above the surface of the water while you are in a swimming pool? Have you played “Pin the Tail of the Donkey” before? Have you experienced a brownout at home at night? What difficulties related to this di you have? Without light, you cannot see; thus, you will not be able to do what you need to do or go where you want to go. Do the Activity: What you need: Transparent glass Pencil Water What to do: 1.Half-fill the glass with water. 2. Place the pencil in the glass of water. View the pencil, first on top, by placing your face above the mouth of the glass, and then view the pencil at the side. Record your observation for each position in your science notebook. 3. Take out the pencil from the water. Look at it. Feel it. Is it straight or bent? Do the Activity: What you need: A glass of water A window ledge A bright sunlight A sheet of white paper What to do: 1.Set a glass of water on top of a table exposed to bright sunlight. You max use an open area in your school that is free of obstruction from tall trees or building. 2. Place a sheet of white paper on the table. The paper should be positioned at the back of the glass of water. Observe the rays of the sun that passes through the glass. Write your observation in your science notebook. 3. Now draw shapes and designs, cut them in halves, and repeat number 2. 4. Exchange your drawing with a partner and have fun completing each half of the drawing using the mirrors. 5. Next, hold up a printed copy of a text from a book or magazine to your mirror. D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills. #1 E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2. Guide Questions: 1.What did you observe when you placed the halves of the cut-outs beside the mirror? 2. What did you observe with the halves of the drawings you and your classmates made, when you placed them beside the mirror? 3. Can you do this with other drawings or cut-outs that are not symmetrical? Explain your answer. 4. What will happen when you cut the drawings crosswise instead of lengthwise, and place them beside a mirror? Will you get a full view of the picture? 5. What is different about printed text in the mirror, can you read it? Classify the following objects to their proper category. Use the table below. 1. black paper 2. metal spoon 3. glass mirror 4. cotton 5. water 6. polished metal 7. foil 8. white cardboard 9. glass 10.bed sheets Guide Questions: 1.Can you read what is written in the book when you placed it in front of the mirror? 2. Can you determine the time on the clock facing the mirror? 3. Were you able to comb your hair in front of the mirrors? Guide Questions: 1.Describe the appearance of the pencil when you viewed it from the top. 2. Describe the appearance of the pencil when you viewed it from the side. 3. Did the appearance of the pencil change when you took it out of the glass? 4. What do your observations show about the way light travels through different media? Guide Questions: 1.What did you notice about the sun’s rays that passed through the glass of water when they strike the paper? 2. What were the different colors that you saw? Where do you usually see such kinds of colors? 3. Is it possible to obtain the same results using an artificial light like that of a flashlight? 4. What does this activity tell us about white light? Encircle the name of objects or materials that reflect light. Color the sun yellow if the statement is correct and color the sun red if not. Choose the word from the box to complete the following sentences. 1. The moon is the main source of light. 2. When light bounces off a mirror, refraction is produced. 3. The light travels in straight lines from a source of light. 1. ______ is the main source of light on earth. 2. Light travels in a ______ lines. 3. An ______ can be seen in a shiny surface when light is reflected. 4. ______ is when light bounces off an object. 5. ______ is the bending of light as it travels from one type of material to another. 4. Light is a form of energy. F. Developing Mastery (Lead to Formative Assessment 3) Write True if light reflects on the following objects and write False if not. Check the objects that can reflect light and form a reflection. 5. Lightning is a natural source of light. Write reflect or refract for the following objects. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose from the box. 1. ______ pass through certain materials like different kinds of lenses. 2. Refraction is the ______ of light at is travels from one type of material to another. 3. The pencil looked ______ when submerged in a glass of water. 4. A lens ______ light. 5. The light travels _____in the water and the glass than in the air. practical application of concepts and skills in daily living Look at the diagrams below and describe what each tells about the properties and characteristics of light. Draw five examples of materials that reflect light. Draw five examples of materials that refract light. Write three (3) sentences on how you can protect yourself from exposure to excessive light. H. Making Generalizations and Just as heat and sound travel, so does light. Light travels in straight lines. Sometimes it bounces back into the direction of the source. We call this reflection. Water, windows, shiny metal, and mirrors are just some of the many objects that reflect light. As light travels, it travels in a straight line. However, when light passes from one material into a second material like mirror or water, the light path is either bent or reflected. The way light bounces back is very much similar to the way a ball bounces back on hard smooth surface. When you throw a ball straight down, it will bounce straight back at you. When you throw a ball at an angle, it will bounce off at the same angle away from you. Light reflects the same way off a mirror. Light bounces off at the same angle that it struck the mirror. Refraction is the bending of light as it travels from one type of material to another like from air to water. This bending by refraction makes it possible for us to have lenses, magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows. Even our eyes depend upon this bending of light. White light has different colors which is the color of the rainbow. The colors of the rainbow and all the other colors that we see around us are colors that come the light of the sun. A rainbow is formed when the light from the sun passes through raindrops. That is why we see a rainbow after it has rained. A rainbow is the results of sunlight breaking into different colors. In the activity, the glass of water reflects light. As the light bends, it separates into different colors or the colors of the rainbow, which is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet or the ROYGBIV G. Finding Abstraction Lesson. about the I. Evaluating Learning J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation Write True if the sentence is correct and False if it is wrong. _____ 1. The sun makes its own light. _____2.. Sound loses strength as it spreads outward in all directions from the source. _____ 3. Volume refers to the loudness and softness of sound. _____ 4. Soft sound is produced when an object vibrates fast. _____ 5. The echo is the sound that is reflected or returned. Draw a happy face if the statement is correct and draw a sad face if it is wrong. _____ 1. The light will be able to pass through when blocked with thick cardboard. _____ 2. Heat travels in air and water by convection. _____ 3. An accident will not happen if the light used by big buses or other modes of transportation was placed on the sides of the vehicle. _____ 4. Optical fibers are used in communication, medicine, and industry. _____ 5. A sound wave travels at a different speed through different media. Read each sentence carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. How does light travel? a. light does not travel b. in a straight line until it hits an object c. light travels slow 2. What will happen if light waves bounce off the surface of an object? a. absorption b. reflection c. refraction 3. Which objects reflect light energy? a. shiny metals and mirrors b. lens c. cotton 4. _____ is a form of energy that we can see with our eyes. a. image b. reflection c. light 5. An image can be seen on a shiny surface when light is _____. a. refracted b. reflected c. absorbed Identify the properties of light being shown in the picture. Write if it is reflection or refraction. Go around your house and list down the materials that refract (bend) light. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ___ of Learners who earned 80% above B.No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80% ___ of Learners who additional activities remediation C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson ___Yes ___No ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ___Yes ___No ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ___Yes ___No ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ___Yes ___No ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ___Yes ___No ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation require for ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who additional activities remediation require for ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who additional activities remediation ___ of Learners who additional activities remediation ___ of Learners who additional activities remediation require for require for require for E.Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Strategies used that work well: __Group collaboration __Games __Power Point Presentation __Answering preliminary __activities/exercises __Discussion __Think-Pair-Share Strategies used that work well: __Group collaboration __Games __Power Point Presentation __Answering preliminary __activities/exercises __Discussion __Think-Pair-Share Strategies used that work well: __Group collaboration __Games __Power Point Presentation __Answering preliminary __activities/exercises __Discussion __Think-Pair-Share Strategies used that work well: __Group collaboration __Games __Power Point Presentation __Answering preliminary __activities/exercises __Discussion __Think-Pair-Share Strategies used that work well: __Group collaboration __Games __Power Point Presentation __Answering preliminary __activities/exercises __Discussion __Think-Pair-Share F.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? __Comprehension __Lack of Interest of pupils __Comprehension __Lack of Interest of pupils __Comprehension __Lack of Interest of pupils __Comprehension __Lack of Interest of pupils __Comprehension __Lack of Interest of pupils G.What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Planned Innovations: __Fashcards __Pictures __Learning Activity Sheets __Math Module __Tarpapel __Drill Cards __Powerpoint Presentation Planned Innovations: __Fashcards __Pictures __Learning Activity Sheets __Math Module __Tarpapel __Drill Cards __Powerpoint Presentation Planned Innovations: __Fashcards __Pictures __Learning Activity Sheets __Math Module __Tarpapel __Drill Cards __Powerpoint Presentation Planned Innovations: __Fashcards __Pictures __Learning Activity Sheets __Math Module __Tarpapel __Drill Cards __Powerpoint Presentation Planned Innovations: __Fashcards __Pictures __Learning Activity Sheets __Math Module __Tarpapel __Drill Cards __Powerpoint Presentation Prepared by: Checked & Noted: TEACHER’S NAME Position MASTER TEACHER’S NAME Position Approved: PRINCIPAL’S NAME Position