Heat Stress Management Plan. Rev-00 DUBAI METRO BLUE LINE ENABLING WORKS Client: R.T.A Consultant: PARSONS ATKINS Contractor: GUNAL CONSTRUCTION Description Rev. Emergency Management Plan Document No: Issue Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: (HSE Officer) (HSE Manager) (Project Manager) 00 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 1 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 CONTENTS SL NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TOPIC PURPOSE SCOPE INTRODUCTION DEFINITION/ ABBREVATION & REFERENCE EFFECTS OF HEAT ON HUMAN BODY HEAT RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS SYMPTOMS OF HEAT STRESS PREVENTIVE MEASURES DUTIES OF MANAGEMENT RAMADAN WORK SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER AFTER RAMADAN WORK DURING CURFEW HOURS SAFETY MEASURE - COVID 19 WELFARE ARRANGEMENTS ASSESSING ENVIRONMENT HEAT STRESS- T W.L TRAINING & AWARENESS VEHICLE SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WORKERS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PAGE NO. 3 3 3 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 17 17 18 19 2 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 1. PURPOSE: Generally, the purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the Execution process is managed in such a way that, as a minimum, the following items are controlled optimally: To ensure the compliance to MOL Requirement on Mid – day break Rule To ensure the compliance to DM & Dubai CoP Heat Exposure requirements To ensure the employee requirements during summer are adequately addressed To ensure the complete protection of all workforces exposed to direct sunlight by providing training awareness, by arranging and procuring materials required etc. Reviewed to include recent changes in the project as applicable. 2. SCOPE This procedure is applicable for all summer operations including that of during the Mid-day break rule period on the Dubai Metro Blue Line Enabling Works Project. 3. INTRODUCTION On average, 384 people die each year from heat stroke, according to the National Safety Council. The intense heat of summer season in United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) can cause various threats to health and safety of every laborer or employee working particularly in the site or undercover areas. It is the policy of Gunala that, in our premises each employees including visitors will be protected from the effects of heat as far as reasonably practicable and adequate measures shall be taken to prevent in accordance with DM and EHSMS regulations as well as the ministerial resolution no (688) of 2013 issued by the Ministry of Labor, UAE. 4. DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVATIONS & REFERENCE DM CoP Dubai Municipality Code of Practice Contractor Gunal Construction HSE Health, Safety and Environment Materials Any material, or plant or equipment that would get incorporated in the works, but exclude any of the consumables used in the works, and / or a material, consumable, plant or equipment that is used as an enabler by the Contractor in providing the works Method Statement A description [in sufficient detail for an independent reader to understand] of the method to be followed for the execution of a predetermined element of the Works Subcontractor A person, organization and / or an institution whose credentials have been verified and approved to undertake 3 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 subcontracted job against specific identified activities with the Contractor WP Work Preparation Phase WE Work Execution Phase MoHRE Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation This Summer Working Plan is based on the following entities: Project HSE Plan Ministerial Resolution No. 44 of 2022 (MoHRE) Ministerial Decision No 543 of 2011 Administrative Decision No 15 of 2011 5. EFFECTS OF HEAT ON HUMAN BODY It is necessary to learn about the scientific factors, which are helping a human body to keep cool or the way of production of heat in a human body before start discussing about the heat and its effects on human body. a. Generation of Body heat There are two main methods in which our body produces heat. They are metabolic heat and environmental heat. The production of heat in a human body because of the digestion of food, work and exercise is known as metabolic heat and the absorption of the heat from the environment by the body whether it is hot sun or hot room is known as environmental heat. b. The Body’s cooling system There are systems in our body to cool, if it is getting hotter compared to surrounding environment and they are convection, evaporation and radiation. The transmission of heat from the body because of the movement of air is called as convection. Evaporation is another system of cooling which occurs when a liquid change into vapour and the natural emission of heat from the body surface is known as the radiation. Conditions affecting the cooling system The conditions which are affecting the cooling system are acclimation, air temperature, air movement, humidity and clothing. The biological process through which body adapt to the environment is known as acclimation and basically it is getting used to heat. The present air condition will also affect the body’s cooling system because the heat flows from warmer objects to cooler objects. The air movement can also have a crucial role in the body’s cooling systems; it speeds up the evaporation process. The relative humidity will affect the 4 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 system because the quantity of water vapour in the air affects the rate of evaporation. The type of clothing affects the amount of heat body can absorb and retain. 6. HEAT RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS Health problems are caused due to the environmental conditions and the physical activity being under taken by the persons. High temperature, high thermal radiation, high humidity, low air movement and the need to wear personal protective equipment’s are deferent conditions that are contributing to cause health problems. The health problems may vary depending upon the degree of exposure and the deferent health problems which are very common are heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. a. Heat rash It is also known as prickly heat, occurs in hot, humid environment where sweat cannot evaporate easily from the skin. The condition produces a rash which sometimes causes severe pain. The procedure to prevent or minimize this condition is to rest frequently in cool places and bath regularly ensuring to thoroughly dry the skin. 5 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 Workers experiencing heat rash should: Try to work in a cooler, less humid environment when possible. Keep the affected area dry. Dusting powder may be used to increase comfort. b. Heat cramps The painful muscle spasm that results from the loss of salt and electrolytes from the body is due to excessive heating. The cramps usually affect the stomach, the arms and the legs. This condition can be treated by drinking fluids containing electrolytes such as Sodium, Potassium and Calcium. This condition usually precedes heat exhaustion. Workers with heat cramps should: Stop all activity, and sit in a cool place. Drink clear juice or a sports beverage. Do not return to strenuous work for a few hours after the cramps subside because further exertion may lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke Seek medical attention if any of the following apply: The worker has heart problems. The worker is on a low-sodium diet. The cramps do not subside within one hour. c. Heat exhaustion It is a state brought on by the loss of fluids lost during excessive heating. Individuals with heat exhaustion with still sweat, but they experience extreme weakness and may even collapse. They may experience nausea and headache. Their skin is clammy and moist, the complexion is usually pale and the body temperature is usually normal or slightly higher. This condition is best treated by taking the patient to shaded, cool place, applying cool compress, elevating the feet and giving the individual plenty of fluids. Treat a worker suffering from heat exhaustion with the following: Have them rest in a cool, shaded or air-conditioned area. Have them drink plenty of water or other cool, non-alcoholic beverages. Have them take a cool shower, bath, or sponge bath. d. Heat Syncope Heat syncope is a fainting (syncope) episode or dizziness that usually occurs with prolonged standing or sudden rising from a sitting or lying position. Factors that may contribute to heat syncope include dehydration and lack of acclimatization. 6 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 Workers with heat syncope should: Sit or lie down in a cool place when they begin to feel symptoms. Slowly drink water, clear juice, or a sports beverage. e. Heat stroke It is a severe medical emergency which could result in death. It happened when the body’s core temperature gets too high or the body is no longer able to cool itself. An individual suffering from heat stroke will have hot dry skin, their pulse will be high and their blood pressure will fall. This condition must be treated with urgency by immediately cooling the victim’s body with water pads or wrapping it with cool wet sheets. As this is a medical emergency seek medical attention immediately. Take the following steps to treat a worker with heat stroke: Call & notify the Emergency Phone Holder. Move the sick worker to a cool shaded area. Cool the worker using methods such as: Soaking their clothes with water. Spraying, sponging, or showering them with water. Fanning their body 7 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 7. SYMPTOMS OF HEAT STRESS Sweating Feeling Thirsty Tiredness or Weakness Fast Heart Beat Dizziness and Occasional headache Cool wet skin Nausea or Vomiting Muscle Cramps Fever Disorientation Feeling Sick Breathing quickly Body Pain Unconsciousness Symptoms of fits etc. 8 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 8. PREVENTIVE MEASURES 1. Take adequate breaks especially in mid days. 2. Take adequate precaution to avoid de-hydration. 3. Drink plenty of water added with electrolytes. 4. If possible, drink fruit juice twice in a day. 5. Ensure the quantity of urine is in right measure and in pale yellow colour. 6. Report to management if your co-workers possess any of the symptoms as stated above. 7. Maintain body fluids and follow a proper diet. 8. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and thermal radiation wherever possible. 9. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks, tea, coffee and alcohol. 10. Avoid smoking. 11. Wear suitable clothing including under garments. 12. Seek the advice from male nurse/first aider. 9 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 Self-Urine Assessment Chart The Chart attached below is a useful tool in finding weather a person is dehydrated or not. 9. DUTIES OF MANAGEMENT Ensure adequate cold water is available at site. Responsible person must look for early signs of heat stress. Ensure the availability of trained first aiders. Ensure the availability of electrolyte powders. 10 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 Arrange the duty timings in accordance with the enforcement authority regulations. Provision should be provided for health surveillance of employees and ensure they are physically fit to do the tasks assigned. Avoid assigning hard physical work during this season; reduce the pace of work considering the atmospheric conditions. Ensure the availability of suitable protective clothing. Ensure risk assessment has been conducted and communicated to the employees regarding the hazards associated with heat stress. 10. Conduct awareness campaigns to the employees regarding heat stress hazards. RAMADAN During the month of Ramadan, the normal working hours shall be 6 (SIX) hours for all, according to Federal Law No (8) of 1980. Non-Muslim workers are allowed to work on extended hours which is limited to no greater than 2 (TWO) hours per day. Eating or drinking on outside areas shall strictly be prohibited, increased vigilance shall be ensures using competent supervisors during this time. a. Day Shift 05:00 Hrs. to 11:30 Hrs. (including 30 minutes break time for Non-Muslims) b. Office Hours 7:00 Hrs. to 13:00 Hrs. 11. WORK SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER FROM AFTER RAMADAN – 15TH SEP,2022. Mid-day break rule for the summer applies from 12.30 Hrs. to 15.00 Hrs. during 15th of June to 15th of September; the work timings during this period shall be decided and displayed/circulated to all. a. Day Shift 05:00 Hrs. to 12:30 Hrs. & 15:00 Hrs. to 18:30 Hrs. b. Office Hours 07:00 Hrs. to 17:30 Hrs. 12. WORKING DURING CURFEW HOURS In accordance with Article (5) of the Ministerial Decree No 401 of 2015, which sets out the conditions and provisions the employer must provide for working during the period 12:30 pm to 3:00pm, Gunal may need to continue already commenced works in the activities. For clarification, no work shall be commencing either of the stated activities during the period from 12:30pm to 3:00pm but may be required to complete works due to their technical nature. 11 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 We also confirm that in accordance with Article (5) of the Ministerial Decree we shall be providing the following within the vicinity of the location(s) the activities are ongoing; 1. Cold drinking water in proportion to the labour number and the conditions by safety and public health. 2. Perfusion materials and means such as salts, lemon and others as approved by the health authorities in the UAE. 3. First Aid at the works site. 4. Appropriate industrial cooling solutions. 5. Protective sunshade from direct sun rays. Further, Gunal will notify Client / Consultant in writing the day before of any activity that we propose to carry out that has the potential to overrun into the midday break so that you are fully informed. Additional reference: For exceptional cases, where continuous work is required, Federal Authorities launched a decree stating that employers must provide workers with salt and lemon, which is approved for use by health authorities in the country. Employers must provide all facilities that cater to the health of workers, including first aid, air-conditioners, sunshades and cold water. Works excluded from working hours ban include work on poured concretes if it is impossible to implement or supplement the necessary work in one day or doing work to prevent expected danger or reparation or damage or malfunction or loss and also emergency work, including cutting lines, water supply, sewerage, electricity and cutting off traffic or blocking public roads, in addition to cut gas pipelines or petroleum flow. 13. SAFETY MEASURES – COVID-19 Typical symptoms of the COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) include (but not limited to): Fever Difficulty breathing Cough A general feeling of being unwell Safety measures taken for preventing Coronavirus are: Thermal screening will done on daily basis near the security gate before entering the site premises and office. All employees are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as Gloves, Mask etc. Ensuring safe distance in work place. Provided Quarantine rooms in the camp if necessary. 12 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 If there is any symptoms or suspected cases nearby, Gunal will arrange COVID-19 test for all labours and other employees. Site office, rest rooms, vehicles etc. are disinfecting before and after use. 14. WELFARE ARRANGEMENTS FIRST-AID STATION: Well-equipped first aid stations shall be made functional during the summer and availability of qualified and competent first aiders shall be ensured for all shifts. The provisions available in a first aid station shall be a. A minimum of One (1) Medical Bed b. Provision for Cold Drinking water c. Provision for Wash Basins d. Provision for monitoring Heart Beats. e. Provision for supplying Electrolytes/Dehydrate solutions f. Provision for giving cold compress and other medical assistance as required First aid boxes shall be provided in work locations and rest areas. Emergency contact numbers shall be displayed at prominent locations. EMERGENCY VEHICLE: An emergency vehicle shall be provided at the first aid station and upon receiving emergency assistant request, the emergency response team with stretcher and first aid kit shall be mobilized to the location and the victim shall be taken back to the first aid room for further treatment. REST AREA: Rest areas with sufficient seating capacity shall be provided in laydown areas, which shall be industrially cooled. Open rest area near the working area shall be provided as well for easy access (refer to Annexure A for the location of the rest area). Provision for resting shall also be arranged by providing floor mats (if applicable) It is advisable to take adequate breaks during the course of work, so that adequate number of temporary rest areas shall be provided close to each work location. FOOD STORAGE: A dedicated area will be allocated for storing of tiffin in air-conditioned rest facility if required. DRINKING WATER: Provision for drinking water shall be provided using Electrical water cooler dispensers near to the rest area and in laydown area as well (refer to Annexure A location of drinking station). Availability and continuous supply of drinking water shall be ensured. Personal water carriers shall be provided to all employees to ensure the continuous availability of drinking water. “No Bottle, No Work” strategy been implemented to ensure the safety of the workers through ensuring the availability of drinking water within the reach of every worker. 13 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 Electrolytes drinks shall be supplied twice in a day, two vehicles shall be deployed for supplying cold water etc. are the other provisions. CLOTHING: Only cotton dresses with full sleeves are allowed to wear during summer, which will be provided by Gunal Management. Other PPE’s like Gloves, Goggles or Specs etc. are need to be worn all the time when at work. Direct exposure of skin must be avoided and it is advisable to use sunprotection creams if possible. Wearing of PPE’s or use of any protective clothing shall not be a hindrance to the safety of the worker. WASHING STATIONS: Area for washing of hands and legs shall be provided near to the rest area, which shall comply with DM CoP General Workplace Amenities. WEATHER MONITORING AND WARNING: Atmospheric temperatures shall be monitored using monitoring devices and warning shall be given to the employees by using flag systems 15. ASSESSING ENVIRONMENTAL HEAT STRESS – THERMAL WORK LIMIT As per the requirements of DM CoP on Heat Exposure, Gunal will monitor the TWL and based on the TWL, Flag system will be adopted. The same will be communicated to the site team to take extra precautionary during the work. 14 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 15 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 Humidity Index Warning Flag Colour Coding Color Range Precautions Hydration method RED 40-540C Drink water on every 15 minutes & take rest Lemon & Salt (Juice) on shaded place after every exposure to Hydrolyte at a rate of 500ml sunlight for more than 15 minutes on every 30 minutes YELLOW 32-40 OC Drink water on every 30 minutes & take rest Lemon & Salt (Juice) on shaded place after every exposure to Hydrolyte at a rate of 500mL sunlight for more than 30 minutes on every 45 minutes BLUE 260C-320C Drink water on every 30 minutes & take rest Lemon & Salt (Juice) on shaded place after every exposure to Hydrolyte at a rate of 500mL sunlight for more than 30 minutes on every 60 minutes PURPLE 23 0C-260c Drink water on every 30minutes & take rest Lemon & Salt (Juice) on shaded place after every exposure to Hydrolyte at a rate of 500mL sunlight for more than 45 minutes on every 120 minutes Heat Index Calculator 16 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 16. TRAINING & AWARENESS Trainings on Heat stress management shall be provided to all workforces and shall be recorded. The training module shall include: a. Hazards of Heat Exposure b. De-hydration and Self-assessment c. Preventive measures. d. Drink & Diet Requirements e. Emergency contacts f. First-aid Locations g. Emergency Response A documented copy of the training given to the workforce along with photographs and approved procedure shall be submitted to the Engineer for information. MASS TBT: Tool box talks shall be organized at the work locations to communicate this plan, the arrangements in place, how to handle emergencies etc. and mock drills to ensure the entire workforce fully understands the dangers of working in direct sunlight. POSTERS AND HANDOUTS: Awareness posters related to Summer Safety shall be displayed at prominent locations in different languages. Handouts and notices from other sources like MOL etc. shall also be given to the employees 17. VEHICLE SAFETY If the vehicle is left unattended for a long period of time during summer, the Vehicle heat up quickly – even with a window rolled down two inches, if the outside temperature is in the low 45 degree Celsius, the temperature inside the vehicle can reach deadly levels in only 10 minutes The following actions must be taken into consideration by the drivers of respective sites: a. Park the vehicle on shaded areas b. Use sun shades if available c. Leaving the car window slightly open allows air circulation d. Beware of sun glare and use sun glasses while driving e. Before you pull out of the driveway check that your vehicle has: Enough engine coolant Oil and water filters are at the correct levels The air conditioning filter works efficiently A full tank of fuel. Never leave until you reach your reserve 17 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 The correct tyre pressures for summer months A thread depth of at least 1.6mm, the recommended depth 18. RECOMMENDATION FOR WORKERS Workers should avoid exposure to extreme heat, sun exposure, and high humidity when possible. When these exposures cannot be avoided, workers should take the following steps to prevent heat stress: Wear light-colored, loose-fitting, breathable clothing such as cotton. Avoid non-breathing synthetic clothing. Gradually build up to heavy work. Schedule heavy work during the coolest parts of day. Take more breaks in extreme heat and humidity. Take breaks in the shade or a cool area when possible. Drink water frequently. Drink enough water that you never become thirsty. Approximately 1 cup every 15-20 minutes. Avoid alcohol, and drinks with large amounts of caffeine or sugar. Monitor your physical condition and that of your co-workers. 18 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00 19. EMERGENCY RESPONSE In an emergency, Shift the patient to a cool shaded place. Remove the uniforms and other external clothing. Give cool compression or wrapping with wet sheet which is available immediately. Place the patient beneath to A/C or fan to make the body cooled. Give water only if their no is symptoms of vomiting or dizziness present. Seek medical assistance immediately if the condition is found serious. 19 GNL/HSE/HSMP/Rev:00