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2024/3/18 上午10:46
Telecoms groups reroute Red Sea internet traffic after Houthi attacks
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Telecoms groups reroute Red Sea internet traffic after Houthi
Companies act after reports that submarine cables were cut by an anchor from a sunken ship
Yasemin Craggs Mersinoglu and Anna Gross MARCH 16 2024
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Telecom and tech groups are being forced to reroute internet traffic after attacks in
the Red Sea have made the area increasingly unstable, with damage to undersea
cables putting connectivity and services around the world at risk.
Multiple companies said they had taken action after reports that submarine cables
in the seabed had been cut by an anchor from the Rubymar ship, which was
abandoned in February after it was targeted and sunk by Houthi rebels.
Tech giant Microsoft said this week that “ongoing cable cuts” in the Red Sea were
affecting overall capacity on the east coast of Africa and that it was redirecting
traffic flows as a result.
The Red Sea is a key route for sending internet traffic between the Middle East,
Africa, Asia and Europe via undersea cables, which transport 99 per cent of
intercontinental data. TeleGeography, a consultancy, estimates that more than
$10tn-worth of financial transactions are transmitted via these cables every day.
2024/3/18 上午10:46
Telecoms groups reroute Red Sea internet traffic after Houthi attacks
Houthi targeting of commercial ships in the region, which the group says is in
support of Palestinians amid the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, has recently escalated.
The Iran-backed group claimed its first fatalities in a strike in early March.
The US has said that an anchor dragging from the Rubymar as it sank was
responsible for recent cuts to undersea cables in the Red Sea that disrupted global
Hong-Kong based HGC Global Communications, which provides global coverage,
estimated that 25 per cent of traffic had been affected after multiple submarine
cables were cut and said it had taken measures to reroute affected traffic.
Seacom, which owns a number of subsea cables, said it also rerouted services last
month, acknowledging some clients had experienced “an impact on their
businesses across east and southern Africa”.
The company said last week it was “optimistic” cable repairs would take place
during the second quarter but that it was “mindful of the ongoing unrest in the
region”, which it said might introduce unforeseen challenges.
Other leading telecoms companies have downplayed concerns over the cuts.
Orange, which uses but does not own the damaged cables in the Red Sea, said it
was putting additional security in place. But the French operator, along with AT&T
and Tata Communications, told the Financial Times that they were able to reroute
traffic in the event of problems.
2024/3/18 上午10:46
Telecoms groups reroute Red Sea internet traffic after Houthi attacks
Damage to cables and rerouting as a result is not uncommon, executives and
analysts say, with the most common causes cited as dragging anchors and fishing
trawler activity.
Alan Mauldin, research director at TeleGeography, said such factors caused faults
“every three days somewhere in the world on average”.
Operators have capacity on many different cables, with the majority of countries
able to withstand multiple cable outages, he said.
“If two or three more cables were to be knocked out, and if they were high capacity
ones, those could have a more severe impact in connectivity for certain network
operators or countries,” Mauldin added.
Keri Gilder, chief executive at digital infrastructure company Colt Technology
Services, said the company has previously had to migrate data quickly from one
cable to another because of damage caused by fishing boats.
“There can be an impact on quality of service in regards to latency,” Gilder added,
referring to the delay in time getting data from one place to another, which could,
for example, affect video calls. “For us in business it’s milliseconds.”
Colt has not had to redirect traffic in the Red Sea but Gilder said the route was
“very congested” and she was not surprised cables had been cut because the
pathway was relatively narrow and shallow.
The Houthis have denied deliberately targeting undersea cables, while Yemeni
officials have said they are in daily contact with international submarine
companies in the Red Sea and will provide support to repair any damage.
Chris van Zinnicq Bergmann, chief commercial officer at Unitirreno, a subsea
partnership in Italy that is building a cable in the Mediterranean, said: “the worstcase scenario is that all cables get cut. That would be a very serious situation.”
This would result in the diversion of traffic over longer routes, hitting the quality of
video traffic, financial trades and cloud applications, he added. “If a trading firm
has a circuit on a cable that gets cut, for that particular firm that’s a big problem
because it takes time to get an alternative connection up and running. Also, if you
take a long route, that will impact the trading because you add latency to the
Marcus Solarz Hendriks, a research fellow at think-tank Policy Exchange, pointed
to a 2006 earthquake that hampered international banking services and trading in
Hong Kong and South Korea.
2024/3/18 上午10:46
Telecoms groups reroute Red Sea internet traffic after Houthi attacks
While most network operators were able to reroute traffic, the incident caused low
connection speeds for internet users in Hong Kong, while Bloomberg terminals
used by traders were down across the city.
“The impact would be similarly severe if a Red Sea cable incident were to disrupt
digital bandwidth sufficiently,” Solarz Hendriks said.
Additional reporting by Alexandra Heal
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