Uploaded by Manuel Araya

ENCOR 350-401

1.1 Explain Different design principles
Thursday, December 5, 2019
8:40 AM
1.1a Enterprise network design principles used in an enterprise network
• A standard hierarchical LAN design has three layers: Access, Distribution, and Core
• Access layer: Gives the end devices and users direct access to the network
 Also referred to as the network edge, it provides high bandwidth connectivity for wireless or wired devices. Typical media used for connections are Gigabit Ethernet and
802.11n/802.11ac wireless.
VLANS are a common means of separating devices in the Access Layer
Communication between different Access Layer devices on different switches occurs at the Distribution Layer.
QoS trust boundary and QoS mechanisms are usually enabled at the Access Layer.
 Port security and 802.1x can be found here
 Voice VLANs, QoS functions, PoE, STP, VACL(VLAN ACL)
• Distribution layer: Acts as a meeting place for Access layer activity and provides a boundary for Core and Access layer.
One of the key functions the boundary provides is to serve as a boundary for Spanning Tree Protocol, limiting propagation of L2 faults.
On the L3 side the distribution layer provides a logical point to summarize IP routing information before it reaches the Core. This summarization helps reduce the routing table
for easier troubleshooting and reduces overhead.
 Summarization, security, policy, load balancing, routing
 Ideally only uses 2 switches. Houses FHRPS
• Core layer: Provides connections between distribution layers for large environments
The Core is the backbone of for large enterprises and serves as an aggregation point for multiple networks and provides scalability, high availability and fast convergence.
The Core layer helps to reduce network complexity.
 redundancy
• Two –tier Design (Collapsed Core)
Used mainly in smaller environments that have no need for a Core and want to find a cost effective solution. Before deciding to go with this design, these things must be
considered: future scale, expansion and manageability.
 Combines functions of the core layer with distribution layer. Handles fast L3 switching, SVIs, and connections to the internet. Generally used when you have more distributions
 Typical campus design
 2 Tier “Spine-Leaf”
 Function of each layer
 Spine acts like the aggregation/distribution layer handles fast L3 switching. It’s the backbone and responsible for interconnecting all leaf switches.
 Leaf is similar to access because end devices connect there, but it also pulls in internet and core services. L3 services.
 Overlay friendly and easy to scale. Low latency.
 Connectivity between layers
 VPCs (virtual port channels) are used to connect devices and overcome STP issues. Allows for maximum use of bandwidth.
 A network mesh with every leaf switch connected to every spine switch. Makes devices one hop away which helps with redundancy and reliability.
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 Fabric Capacity Planning
 Overlay vs Underlay
 Overlay is the application running on top. Something like NSX or SD-WAN
 Underlay is the physical network that provides your networking services.
 Layer 3 routed access vs Layer 2 access design
 Network convergence is improved
 STP can be eliminated
 FHRP is no longer required to provide a default gateway
 All links can be utilized through ECMP routing
1.1b High availability techniques such as redundancy, FHRP, and SSO
 High Availability
 Redundancy
 Having a secondary path to a default gateway in case of a link failure.
 First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP)
 When there is a link failure the new active path sends out a gratuitous ARP letting devices in the network know it’s the new path.
 An additional function that can be used is Object Tracking which can monitor status of routes, line protocol(L2 Status), reac hability, and IP SLA.
 For design purposes GLBP is only beneficial when you have 3-4 gateways.
 Can load balance with HSRP/VRRP when you configure a different active for different vlans
 STP Root HSRP/VRRP primary and VPC(virtual port channel) should all be on same switch and timers should be close.
 Cisco FHRP that provides active/standby redundancy for a local subnet by creating a virtual router.
 V1 can handle 256 groups v2 can handle 4096 groups
 Router priority (default 100) ties are broken by who has the higher IP
 Standby router monitors active by sending Hello messages every 3secs.
 Preemption must be configured for standby to become active router
 Uses text or MD5 authentication which is preferred
 V1 uses UDP packets to communicate
 vMAC v1 0000.0C07.ACxx v2 0000.0C9F.Fxxx
 Active/Active in data center
 States
Active – This is the state of the device that is actively forwarding traffic.
Init or Disabled – This is the state of a device that is not yet ready or able to participate in HSRP.
Learn – This is the state of a device that has not yet determined the virtual IP address and has not yet seen a hello message from an
active device.
Listen – This is the state of a device that is receiving hello messages.
Speak – This is the state of a device that is sending and receiving hello messages.
Standby – This is the state of a device that is prepared to take over the traffic forwarding duties from the active device.
 V1
 Udp port 1985, 256 groups, vMAC 0000.0C07.Axxx,
 V2
 Udp port 1985, 4096 groups, vMAC 0000.0C9F.Fxxx,
 V6
 Udp port 2029, 4096 groups, 0005.73A0.0xxx, FF02::66
 Open standard redundancy protocol that provides master/backup redundancy. Does not need a virtual router.
 When you don’t configure vIP address you don’t configure priority
 vMAC 0000.5e00.01xx 256 groups
 Uses text or MD5 authentication which is preferred
 Active/Active in data center
 Default priority 100
 Pre-emption enabled by default
 VRRP v2 IPv4 VRRP v3 IPv4 & IPv6
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 VRRP v2 IPv4 VRRP v3 IPv4 & IPv6
 IP protocol number 112
 Cisco redundancy protocol that provides active/active load balancing. Includes a weighted parameter.
 Roles are active virtual gateway and active virtual forwarder. Configured by priority.
 4 routers can actively forward traffic
 AVG responds to ARP requests
 Uses a single virtual IP and a different MAC for each AVF
 Uses round robin, weighted and host dependent(MAC address) to balance traffic
 vMAC 0007.b40x.xxyy xxx= group id 1024 groups yy= avf id
 same timers and authentication methods as HSRP/VRRP
 All routers in a GLBP can participate in forwarding traffic
In a GLBP group only one AVG(Active Virtual Gateway) can be assigned but multiple AVF(Active Virtual Forwarder)can be assigned
 Stateful Switchover
 Seamless transition between a “dead” path and an active path. Minimizes amount of down time. Uses non-stop forwarding to achieve this.
 Control plane handles routes and data plane handles packets. Data plane is online when SSO is in process
 Both routers must have NSF enabled to work
 SSO is focused on hardware and NSF maintains network stability. NSF prevents routing flaps.
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1.2 Analyze design principles of a WLAN deployment
Saturday, January 4, 2020
5:17 PM
 Design Principles in WLAN
 Coverage and capacity are two things to take into account when planning AP deployment.
WLC placement and AP to WLC connectivity
 If you need omnidirectional antennas you can use APs with internal or external antennas
 67dBm is considered quality strength for a wireless network supporting voice and video.
Also want 35% overlap of AP signals
 Quality can be increased by increasing capacity of APs deployed
 The closer the db is to one the better
 Autonomous Design
 SSIDs act as VLANs for APs. BVI(bridged virtual interface) instead of SVI. Trunk is
the uplink for autonomous APs
 Hard to manage, WLSM/WLSE are management software that can aid
 Autonomous controllers push configs to APs using CLI
 Lightweight Design
 Needs a controller to fully function
 AP will download config and software from WLC
 Can manage a lot of devices from a single point and you don’t have to worry
about L3 roaming
 Wireless clients are logically located at the WLC
 Wireless deployment models
 CAPWAP(control and provisioning of wireless access points)
 Forms the tunnel from the AP to the WLC, makes it look like it’s
directly connected
 Utilizes DTLS(datagram transport layer security) UDP ports
5246(Control) 5247(data)
 Allows the AP to focus on client access
 Centralizes the authentication and policy enforcement functions
 Centralized
 Uses CAPWAP to connect AP to WLC
 Enables L2 roaming meaning IP doesn’t have to change
 Placement of WLC and licensing is important
 WLC can provide centralized bridging, forwarding and encryption of
user traffic
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user traffic
 Enables shifting of higher-level protocol processing from the AP
 Distributed
 Used when you have multiple sites, still enables L2 roam
 Increases devices you have to manage and license
 Distribution switches connect the WLCs to campus
 CAPWAP tunnels stay in each location
 Controller-less
 Controller software is virtualized
 Have to deal with vendor lock-in w/o the cloud service APs are
 Common in a distributed WLAN design
 Mobility Express and Meraki are Cisco based technologies
 Mobility express does not support L3 roaming
 Mobility express can support up to 2000 users
 Controller-based
 APs must connect to some form of a management device
 Gives variety in how you deploy
 Cloud
 Meraki handles cloud wireless, WLC is in the cloud
 APs form tunnels to cloud WLC
 Don’t need to worry about licensing
 L2 roaming isn’t as efficient
 Drops traffic onto local switch
 Remote branch (FlexConnect)
 Still uses CAPWAP but only on the control plane.
 Less than 50 APs and delay less than 100ms
 Internal traffic is dropped off to the local switch guest access can
still be sent to WLC
 Very efficient, simple design, L2 roam is no longer seamless.
 Location services
 Clients
 Realtime Location services (RTLS) track any WiFi device
 Knows where clients are connecting and can send targeted
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 Knows where clients are connecting and can send targeted
 DNA Spaces, CMX, Prime Infrastructure, and DNA Center can all
provide location tracking services
 Client location can be determined by triangulating dBm from AP
 RF fingerprinting can be used to overcome issues caused by signal
blocking. Maps out area by gathering multiple RSSI
 RFID tracking
 WiFi asset tags allows for location of items and tracking inventory
 Geofencing allows for tracking items that leave a designated area
 4 channels (2.4GHz), scans on channel programmed
 Probe request forwarding
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1.3 Differentiate between on-premises and cloud
infrastructure deployments
Saturday, January 4, 2020
5:17 PM
 On-prem
 Contains App data, networking, servers, storage, virtualization, and BU/DR all under one entity
 Can be harder and more costly to maintain
 Decrease in latency compared to cloud hosted
 Cloud characteristics: On-demand Self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and metered service
 CapEx versus OpEx
 Capital expense- an expense incurred to create a future benefit
 purchase of fixed assets, such as new buildings or business equipment, upgrades to existing facilities,
and the acquisition of intangible assets, such as patents.
 Operating expense- cost of day to day operations
 such as general and administrative expenses, research and development
 Reduced procurement delays
 Rapid Elasticity allows you to increase or decrease resources as needed
 Pay as you go
 IaaS
 You maintain the operating system but not the hardware it runs on.
 PaaS
 You only manage the applications and not the OS.
 SaaS
 Most expensive model. Your application is hosted on someone else’s hardware.
 Security
 proactive prediction of network-related and security-related risks
 security Group Access Control Lists (SGACLs) provides a much simpler and more scalable form of policy
enforcement based on identity instead of an IP address
– Work with SGTs
 Flexibility
 You can have On-Demand self-service with cloud
 4 different deployment models Public, Private, Hybrid, Community
 Public your services are hosted on another company’s equipment
 Private
 provides the 5 characteristics of cloud computing on locally-owned hardware.
 Chargeback enables an ORG to track individual usage of resources by a department.
 UCS director provides self-service allowing users to “order” what they need
 Hard to achieve rapid-elasticity because of cost
 Hybrid
 low cost of private but can also use the features of public.
 Allows you to secure proprietary information
 Cloud brokering software can take the place of on-demand allowing users to determine what they
need on app by app basis Cisco product is Cloud Center
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need on app by app basis Cisco product is Cloud Center
 Community
 allows for sharing of resources between partner associations. Gov, Military, Academia
 Global
 Being able to access your environment/product/data anywhere any time
 API-centric
 Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC)
 API accepts and returns HTTP (not enabled by default) or HTTPS messages that contain JSON or XML documents
 Standard REST methods are supported on the API, which includes POST, GET,PUT, and DELETE operations
through HTTP
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1.4 Explain the working principles of the Cisco SD-WAN solution
Saturday, January 4, 2020
5:18 PM
 Traditional WAN issues
 Different connection types based on location
 Complex because of redundant WAN providers, media types, cloud connectivity, # of
locations, and cost
 SD-WAN components
 Main components
 vManage network management system
 vSmart Controller
 SD-WAN routers
 vBond Orchestrator
 Underlay and overlay networks . The overlay is the logical network we want and the
underlay is the physical that we have.
 Using tunnels helps give you the topology you want and software makes configuring and
deploying the tunnels less complex
 VXLAN helps build the tunnels and edge routers take pressure off the core
 A key component is the controller, helps configure and push policies to the entire network
 vManage(controller), vSmart( control plane pushes policy to edge), vEdge(usually an ISR
router or virtual deployed at location), vBond(orchestrator that points edges to controller
and holds everything together) OBM
 vManage can deploy 2 devices in Active/Standby
 Can be configured from the GUI or REST API
 Transport agnostic, can use any type of IP underlay including internet, satellite, dedicated
circuits, 3G/4G LTE, and MPLS
 vBond must be configured with a public IP. This allows it to be accessed by other SD-WAN
components even if they reside behind NAT devices such as firewalls or routers.
 Authenticates the vSmart controllers and the SD-WAN routers and orchestrate
connectivity between them
 Uses XML messages inside of SSH. Forms SSH connection and then the XML
script is pushed
 REST API Representational State Transfer
 Uses HTTP verbs Get Post Put Delete
 Used by vManage
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 vManage Network Management System (NMS)—The vManage NMS is a centralized network
management system that lets you configure and manage the entire overlay network from a
simple graphical dashboard.
 vSmart Controller—The vSmart controller is the centralized brain of the Cisco SD-WAN
solution, controlling the flow of data traffic throughout the network. The vSmart controller
works with the vBond orchestrator to authenticate Cisco vEdge devices as they join the
network and to orchestrate connectivity among the vEdge routers.
 vBond Orchestrator—The vBond orchestrator automatically orchestrates connectivity
between vEdge routers and vSmart controllers. If any vEdge router or vSmart controller is
behind a NAT, the vBond orchestrator also serves as an initial NAT-traversal orchestrator.
 vEdge Routers—The vEdge routers sit at the perimeter of a site (such as remote offices,
branches, campuses, data centers) and provide connectivity among the sites. They are
either hardware devices or software, called a vEdge Cloud router, that runs as a virtual
machine. vEdge routers handle the transmission of data traffic.
 vEdge router can be a Cisco SD-WAN hardware device or software that runs as a
virtual machine, and the remaining three are software-only components
 SD-WAN Topology
 With a base license CISCO SD-WAN can only support hub and spoke
 Advanced licenses can support full/partial mesh P-to-P
 Active/Standby pinning can be used to direct specific types of traffic
 Application-Aware SLA is like object tracking and will switch to the better route path when
degradation is detected based on live data
 DPI(Deep Packet Inspection) when licensed can look at a packet to determine the
application and choose the best route.
 6 tuple look-up is used when you don’t have the DPI license source and destination IP
address, source and destination port, QoS markings, and protocol #
 Controller Deployment Models
 Public- the most common( Cisco uses AWS) redundant deployment of vSmart, vBonds in
Active/Active vManage is done in Active/Standby
 Hybrid controller is in private space to increase resiliency on user to maintain VMs. Uses
public IPs
 Hybrid w/ private IPs requires user to NAT vBond needs 1:1 NAT
 Control plane
 vSmart, northbound, pushes policies to v/c edge uses OMP(TCP/TLS)
 vSmart distributes security information between vEdge routers to facilitate data plane
tunnel creation
 Data plane
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 v/cEdge, southbound Overlay Mgmt protocol carries the control plane data that helps form
VXLANs and policies
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1.5 Explain the working principles of the Cisco SD-Access
Saturday, January 4, 2020
5:18 PM
 Software-defined access is taking a campus fabric and managing it via a controller called the DNA
 SD-Access fabric architecture
• Cisco switches: provide wired(LAN) access to fabric. Supports multiple types of Catalyst devices
including NX-OS
• Cisco routers: provide WAN and branch access to the fabric. ASR 1000, ISR CSR CSRv ISRv
• Cisco wireless: Cisco WLCs and AP provide wireless(WLAN) access to fabric
• Cisco controller appliances: only 2 types of appliances to consider: DNA Center and ISE
• No firewalls are apart of the architecture
 Control plane
 LISP is used to map users/endpoints and their location in the network.
 LISP solves the issue of IP address ID’ing you and your location, separates that connection so
you get an ID separate from the IP.
 LISP uses EID to track endpoint and RLOC to ID the assigned network device. This info is sent
to a map server in CP node
 Host tracking database—The host tracking database (HTDB) is a central repository of EID-tofabric-edge node bindings.
 Provides dynamic host mobility for wired and wireless endpoints
 Data plane
 VXLAN L3-VRFs, L2-Headers, scaling VNID 16M vlans
 IS-IS is used over OSPF because it supports more network protocols and uses fewer cpu
 Policy plane
 ISE as a part of TrustSec(CTS) is used to control user access regardless of location
 Micro-segmentation scalable groups(SGs) and VN(virtual network)
 Macro-segmentation used for scalability uses VRFs for separation
 Roles
 A default user with SUPER-ADMIN-ROLE permissions is created when you install DNA
 Administrator has full rights
 Network Administrator have full access to network related functions but can access
system functions like backup and restore
 Observer have view only access
 DNA Center
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 DNA Center
• Components: Design, Assurance, Provision (DAP)
• upgrade procedure: need SUPER-ADMIN-ROLE permissions, back up data, check for system
updates then upgrade application
 Traditional campus and SD-Access integration
 4 layers physical, network, controller(DNA-C,ISE), and management(GUI, REST-API, 4 step
 NCP(Network Control Platform) automation of under/over, CLI|SNMP, NETCONF operates in
controller layer
 NDP(Network Data Platform) Assurance, data collection SNMP, NetFlow, telemetry
controller layer
 Campus Fabric
• An instance of a Network Fabric. A Network Fabric describes a network topology where data
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• An instance of a Network Fabric. A Network Fabric describes a network topology where data
traffic is passed through interconnecting switches while providing the abstraction of a single L2
and/or L3 device.
• Provides seamless connectivity regardless of underlay configuration. With policy application and
enforcement at the edges of the fabric.
• SD-Access is called the campus fabric when manually configured
 Fabric Edge Node
• Responsible for admitting, encapsulating/decapsulating and forwarding traffic to and from
endpoints connected to the fabric edge.
• Edge nodes lie at the perimeter of the fabric and are the first point for attachment of the policy
• Can be indirectly attached to a fabric edge node via an intermediate L2 network that lies outside
the fabric domain
• Provides connectivity to fabric AP's
• Does not directly connect to a fusion router
• Connects endpoint devices to the fabric
• Functions as an anycast L3 default gateway for all endpoints
• Implements LISP XTR function
 Fabric intermediate Node
• Provides L3 underlay transport service to fabric traffic
• These nodes are pure L3 forwarders that connect the Fabric Edge and Fabric Border nodes
• Capable of supporting VXLAN traffic but doesn't participate in fabric operations
• Outside the fabric along with ISE and WLC
 Fabric Border Node
• Connect traditional L3 networks or different fabric domains to the Campus Fabric domain
• If there are multiple Fabric domains the Fabric border nodes connect a fabric domain to one or
more fabric domains
• The device where the fabric control planes of two domains exchange reachability and policy
• Connects the fabric to external networks
• Use BGP to form peering connections with fusion routers to advertise EID prefixes
 Fusion Router
• Uses BGP for the connection between fusion routers and fabric border routers
• Fusion routers connect the SD-Access fabric to shared services (DNS, DHCP,NTP)
• Also connects ISE DNAC( Digital Network Architecture Controller) appliances and WLC ot the
fabric so their services are accessible to the virtual networks and their associated endpoints
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fabric so their services are accessible to the virtual networks and their associated endpoints
• SD-Access needs a fusion router to perform VRF route leaking between user VRFs and SharedServices, which may be in the Global routing table (GRT) or another VRF
• Accesses the fabric through direct connections to fabric border nodes
 WLC Node
• Lies outside of the fabric
 Control plane node
• Manages host tracking database which is used to map EIDs to RLOC
 Extension Node
• Reside in the physical layer of the SD-Access architecture
• Access layer switches don't participate in the fabric but are included in SD-Access automation
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1.6 Describe concepts of wired and wireless QoS
Saturday, January 4, 2020
5:18 PM
 Classification is the first thing that’s done when a packet is received on a QoS-enabled interface
• Factors that affect network quality
 Delay variation (Jitter) - difference in the end-to-end delay between packets
 Delay—The finite amount of time it takes a packet to reach the receiving endpoint after
being transmitted from the sending endpoint
 Loss—A relative measure of the number of packets that were not received compared to the
total number of packets transmitted
 QoS approaches
 Best Effort
 As packets come in the device will do its best to send them
 IntServ(Integrated Services)
 A bandwidth guarantee . Uses a RSVP from one end device to the next to
reserve bandwidth
 Reserved bandwidth not being used is wasted because no other traffic flow can
use it
 Applications are responsible for creating reservations for the network resources
required for their traffic flows
 DiffServ(Differentiated Services)
 QoS DiffServ components
 Classification and marking. Done close to the edge and part of trust boundary
 Multiple methods of classification
 QoS groups(done by app type), physical interface/sub-interface, MAC, DSCP,
TCP/UDP ports, IP Precedence, NBAR2(dependent on CEF)
 Marking Options
 Internal: QoS groups, L2: CoS bits, L2.5 MPLS EXP bits, L3: DSCP & IPP
 You can only apply policies to traffic after it has been positively classified
 Policing & Shaping
 Traffic Shaping
 Buffer & delay excess traffic
 Will queue traffic
 Designed to allow you to keep traffic instead of dropping it
 Only applied to outbound traffic
 Uses a "leaky bucket" which is waiting until you have enough
tokens before sending packets which smooths traffic
 Scheduling tools determine how a frame/packet exits a device
 Traffic Policing
 Drop or re-mark 3 types of marking
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 Drop or re-mark 3 types of marking
 Marking down excessive traffic means giving it a lower priority
 Single rate 2 color, single rate 3 color, two rate 3 color
 Applied to inbound & outbound traffic
 Inbound should be applied at the network edge so bandwidth isn't
 Outbound should be applied at the network edge or core facing
 A downside of policing is that it causes TCP retransmissions when it
drops traffic.
 Avoids delays due to queuing
 Token Bucket Algorithm
 The method by which policers and shapers are based
 Committed Information Rate(CIR) - the policed traffic rate agreed
upon in the traffic contract
 Committed burst Size(Bc) - max size of CIR token bucket measured
in bytes
 Committed time interval(Tc) - time in ms over which the Bc is sent
 Token - represents 1 byte
 Token bucket - takes action on what to do with a packet based on
number of token in it
 Can buffer to wait on additional tokens to send packet
 Drop them (policing)
 Mark down (policing)
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 Congestion Management
 FIFO - single queue first packet in first packet out
 round robin - each queue is processed in order sending a packet at a
time. No way to prioritize traffic
 WRR - provides prioritization to round robin
 CQ - Cisco version of WRR 16 queues each one can be assigned a
specific bandwidth
 PQ - 4 queues high medium normal low FIFO by priority the higher
priority queue most be completely done before a lower priority can
 WFQ - automatically divides interface bandwidth by the number of
flows. Weighted by IP precedence. Best for high priority real-time
 CBWFQ - 256 queues for 256 traffic classes. Each queue is served
based on bandwidth assigned to that class. The assigned bandwidth
is the minimum allotted to that queue
 LLQ - combo of CBWFQ & PQ best for voice and video. If all the
bandwidth assigned to a class isn't being used it can be shared
 Congestion Avoidance
 RED - randomly drops packets before queue is full. Drops packets
when the queue min defined threshold is exceeded
 WRED - Cisco version can manipulate drops using IP precedence or
DSCP. Explicit Congestion Notification(ECN) bit is used to indicate
congestion which tells ECN enabled endpoints to slow their
transmission rate
 IP Precedence
 Uses no drop preference in its marking. AF code starts with CS#
 DSCP Per-Hop Behavior
 Class selector(bigger number is better) and drop preference (lower
is better)
 Expediated forwarding EF used on voice means never drop
 Trust boundary
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 Should be placed closer to the end devices. Moving it closer to the
core risks overloading the networking
 Devices that can do marking and be trusted to do marking should be
allowed to do it
 Where are specific traffic descriptors located
 Wireless QoS policies
• The WLC is the location for the wireless QoS trust boundary because it sits between the wireless
and wired domain
• QoS policy can be uniquely defined on each WLAN
• In a newly created WLAN Silver is the default policy
• Wi-Fi Multimedia WMM
 4 Access categories 802.1P
 AC_VO (voice) 6 &7
 AC_VI (video) 4 & 5
 AC_BE (best effort) 0 & 3
 AC_BK (Background) 1 & 2
 802.1P markings map to WMM access categories
 Access category determines Interframe Space and Random Backoff Timer
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 Access category determines Interframe Space and Random Backoff Timer
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1.7 Differentiate hardware and software switching
Saturday, January 4, 2020
5:19 PM
 Centralized
 CAM and FIB are stored on the supervisor
 Cost is lower but packets have to go back through the supervisor
 Distributed
 CAM and FIB are stored on line card
 A router that uses a distributed architecture enables each line card in the chassis to independently forward traffic
 Distributed platforms enable line cards to locally switch packets without using backplane or fabric resources.
 Traffic with a DST next hop on the same line card doesn't typically have to cross the backplane of the device
 Process switching
 Runs Ip input to figure out where to send a packet. Checks RIB runs on the CPU so its slow.
 First packet to a destination will always be process switched before fast switching takes over
 CEF switching
 When per-destination load balancing is enabled traffic is distributed statistically so that a given path is not overwhelmed
 Per-destination load balancing sends all packets that belong to a particular session over the same path
 A router that uses a distributed architecture enables each line card in the chassis to independently forward traffic.
 The line card CEF tables are created from the RIB stored on the primary route processor module or supervisor module,
depending on the platform in use.
 Distributed platforms enable line cards to locally switch packets without using backplane or fabric resources.
 Per-packet load balancing can affect VoIP traffic because packets could arrive out of order
 Load Sharing Algorithms
 Original
 Uses hash of SRC/DST IP address to ID traffic flow
 Can lead to distortions in traffic flow when loads are shared across multiple routers running the same algorithm
 Universal
 Default load sharing algorithm
 Addresses the weakness of the original algorithm by adding a unique hash
 Allows each router to make its own forwarding decision
 Tunnel
 Used for efficient operation in environments with a limited number of SRC/DST host pairs
 Used mainly in environments connected by tunnels such as GRE
 Include-ports
 Allows a router to include L4 information when forwarding decisions are being made
 Can be configured to consider the SRC/DST port individually or together
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Can be configured to consider the SRC/DST port individually or together
 Allows traffic that would not be affected normally to be load balanced even if they share the same SRC/DST IP
because they will have different SRC/DST ports
 L3 table (connected, static, and dynamic routes)
 The AD is only used when you have the same network from different protocols. Otherwise the more specific route
is used. EIGRP vs OSPF OSPF would be use even though it has a higher AD
 Used as a database to inform the FIB for CEF
 Once a route is in the RIB AD no longer matters
 A hardware based copy of the RIB
 L3 table stores next-hop MAC and egress interfaces
 To verify if an entry is in the table use sh ip cef x.x.x.x/x
Adjacency table
Maintains Layer 2 next-hop addresses that are used for hardware switching.
Incomplete Adjacencies happen because the router can’t use ARP successfully for the next hop interface.
If a static route points to a multi-access interface, an adjacency with an incorrect interface is created.
 CAM Table
 High speed look-up L2 table
 CAM look-up provides the content and a value is returned (true or false)
 Can only search for an exact match
 MAC address table
 Used at L2 stores all incoming MACs if a destination is not in the table it will flood the MAC out every port but the one it came
in on
 Allows for searching of non-matching characters
 Stores info in V(value(ip address)) M(mask(subnet mask)) R(result, (allow/deny next hop))
 provides a true/false/do not care result
 used to implement hardware-based packet forwarding of certain features, like ACLs and QoS because of its flexibility and
 Primarily used on multilayer switches
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S2.1 Describe device virtualization technologies
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
9:52 PM
 A hypervisor is the virtualization software that creates VMs and performs the hardware abstraction that
allows multiple VMs to run concurrently
 Type 1 hypervisor
 Bare-metal runs on the device itself without another OS. Basically it is the OS.
 Best used in a data center
 Can be embedded into firmware at the same level as the BIOS
 ESXi, Hyper V (because it communicates directly with the hardware), Citrix Zen Server
 Usually used on a blade server or rack mounted server hardware
 Type 2 hypervisor
 Hypervisor needs an OS to run also called host
 Used in labs because an OS is most likely already installed
 Virtual box, VmWare workstation
 Can not be installed on a bare metal server
 Easier to use and maintain
 Virtual machine
 Runs it own OS on the hypervisor
 Resources provided to it by the hypervisor
 Can migrate a live VM or power down and do a cold migration
 A software emulation of a physical server with an operating system
 Must make sure the hardware can support the minimum requirements needed
 Each one requires its on unique IP and MAC
 Virtual switching
 software-based Layer 2 switch that operates like a physical Ethernet switch
 Overcomes the issue of not being able to send and receive traffic on the same L2 link
 One physical NIC can only attach to 1 vSwitch but each vSwitch can connect to multiple VMs
 Uses pinning which ID’s all the MACs of the VMs
 Multiple vSwitches can be created under a virtualized server, but network traffic cannot
flow directly from one vSwitch to another vSwitch within the same host
 every vSwitch that is part of a cluster of virtualized servers needs to be configured
individually in every virtual host
 Distributed virtual switching, a feature that aggregates vSwitches together from a cluster of
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 Distributed virtual switching, a feature that aggregates vSwitches together from a cluster of
virtualized servers and treats them as a single distributed virtual switch
 Container
• an isolated environment where containerized applications run
• It contains the application, along with the dependencies that the application needs to run
• Should not be referred to as a light weight VM
• Containers, share the underlying resources of the host operating system and do not include a
guest OS, as VMs do; containers are therefore lightweight (small in size)
• When a container starts, it leverages the kernel of the host OS, which is already running, and it
typically takes a few seconds to start.
• Types of containers:
 Rkt
 Open container initiative
 DockerLinux-Vserver
 Windows Containers
• Containers not connected to the same node can't communicate with each other until routing at
the OS level or an overlay network has been configured
 Network functions virtualization
• Network functions virtualization (NFV) is an architectural framework created by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) that defines standards to decouple network
functions from proprietary hardware-based appliances and have them run in software on
standard x86 servers
• defines how to manage and orchestrate the network functions
• NFV infrastructure (NFVI) is all the hardware and software components that comprise the
platform environment in which virtual network functions (VNFs) are deployed.
• Virtual network functions
 the virtual or software version of an NF, and it typically runs on a hypervisor as a VM
 commonly used for L4 through L7 functions, such as those provided by load balancers (LBs)
and application delivery controllers (ADCs), firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and
WAN optimization appliances.
 Can still do L2/L3 functions
• NFVI Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM)
 responsible for managing and controlling the NFVI hardware resources (compute, storage,
and network) and the virtualized resources
 Handles service chaining which ties all the VNFs together
• Element managers (EMs), also known as element management systems (EMSs), are responsible
for the functional management of VNFs
• PCI passthrough allows VNFs to have direct access to physical PCI devices
 The downside to PCI passthrough is that the entire pNIC is dedicated to a single VNF and
cannot be used by other VNFs, so the number of VNFs that can use this technology is limited
by the number of pNICs available in the system
• SR-IOV is an enhancement to PCI passthrough that allows multiple VNFs to share the same pNIC
 2 modes virtual ethernet bridge and virtual ethernet port aggregator
 Virtual Ethernet Bridge (VEB): Traffic between VNFs attached to the same pNIC is
hardware switched directly by the pNIC.
 Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA): Traffic between VNFs attached to the same
pNIC is switched by an external switch.
 Allows multiple VNFs to share the same pNIC by emulating multiple PCIe devices
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• Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization (ENFV)
 Cisco solution based on the ETSI NFV architectural framework
 Supports Cisco SD-WAN cEdge and vEdge virtual router onboarding
 Centralizes management through Cisco DNA Center, which greatly simplifies designing,
provisioning, updating, managing, and troubleshooting network services and VNFs
• Cisco ENFV Solution Architecture
 a virtualized solution for network and application services for branch offices
Management and Orchestration (MANO): Cisco DNA Center provides the VNF management
and NFV orchestration capabilities. It allows for easy automation of the deployment of
virtualized network services, consisting of multiple VNFs.
VNFs: VNFs provide the desired virtual networking functions.
Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS): An operating system that
provides virtualization capabilities and facilitates the deployment and operation of VNFs and
hardware components.
Hardware resources: x86-based compute resources that provide the CPU, memory, and
storage required to deploy and operate VNFs and run applications.
• Management and Orchestration
 Cisco DNA Center provides the MANO functionality to the Cisco Enterprise NFV solution
 Two of the main functions of DNA Center are to roll out new branch locations or deploy
new VNFs and virtualized services
 Plug and Play provisioning provides a way to automatically and remotely provision and
onboard new network devices
 DNA Center provides centralized policies
• Virtual Network Functions and Applications
 the Cisco Enterprise NFV solution provides an environment for the virtualization of both
network functions and applications in the enterprise branch
 Both Cisco and third-party VNFs can be onboarded onto the solution
 Can support apps running on Linux or Windows
• Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS)
 based on standard Linux packaged with additional functions for virtualization, VNF lifecycle
management, monitoring, device programmability, and hardware acceleration
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2.2 Configure and verify data path virtualization technologies
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
9:54 PM
 Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
 A L3 vlan concept, can separate traffic for multiple clients existing in different routing domains
 VRFs can be used to isolate the management network
 VRF-Lite does not support IS-IS or IGRP
 BGP should be used between the CE and PE
 OSPF process IDs become relevant when separating different VRFs, Help keep them unique
 The management VRF is created by default also a default vrf is created on an interface when one isn't specified
 When adding a VRF to an interface it's L3 config will be lost so make sure to copy it before adding the VRF
 To see VRF routing you have to specify the VRF you want to see sh ip route vrf vrf id ping vrf vrf id ip address
 Configure vrf with router routing protocol protocol id vrf vrf id
 We can apply route targets to a VRF to control the import and export of routes among it and other VRFs.
 Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
 Allows for encapsulation of non-ip packets with an ip header
 Increases packet size by 24bytes to prevent fragmentation
 GRE ip header is assigned protocol number 47
 To avoid recursive routing do advertise the tunnel destination into the tunnel
 When configuring GRE or mGRE the source IP address and source interface must be configured
 Adds 4 additional bytes to the header
 Default mtu for a GRE tunnel is 1476
 When connecting 2 private IP addresses over the internet:
 Tunnel interface number is locally significant
 A route to the tunnel destination must exist on the local router
 The tunnel source must be specified as an IP address or an interface number
 IPsec
 Provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality
 Has 2 headers Authentication Header(51) and Encapsulating Security Payload(50)
 AH can apply authentication and integrity to entire payload but can’t encrypt it. Only used when confidentiality isn’t needed
 ESP can encrypt the entire payload as well as integrity and authentication. supports NAT traversal AH can’t
 ESP has 2 modes transport and tunnel
 Transport doesn’t protect the Ip header tunnel does
 IKE Tunnels
 Phase 1 belongs to the control plane phase 2 belongs to data plane
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 Phase 1 belongs to the control plane phase 2 belongs to data plane
 Allows for secure communication to form a tunnel
 IKEv1 uses 5 step process in phase 1 to create tunnel HAGLE. Phase 2 is formation of the IPsec tunnel
 IKEv1 phase 1 lasts for 24H phase 2 lasts for 12H
 IKEv2 reduces the number of messages sent in tunnel creation and also eliminates the 2 phases
 The same version must be used on either side of the tunnel
 Crypto isakmp policy creates the phase 1 IKE tunnel
 Crypto ipsec profile creates the ike phase 2 tunnel
 IKEv1 has 3 modes to choose from Main aggressive quick
 Main needs to exchange 9 messages to form a tunnel aggressive only needs 6
 Main mode is more secure than aggressive
 Main mode hides the identity of the two peers during phase 1 negotiations
 IKEv2 only needs 4 messages less exchanges and bandwidth needed vs v1
• Phase 1 Hub and spoke
• Phase 2 spoke to spoke
• Phase 3 the summarizes all spoke prefixes and configures them as NHRPs so all spokes can talk to the others
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2.3 Describe network virtualization concepts
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
9:55 PM
 Separates Ip address from location and identity of device
 Should be used when you have a high density of endpoints and mobile users
 Used as the control plane of the overlay in SD-Access
 Uses a pull model and is a mapping protocol
 LISP tunnel router (xTR) adds host in LISP mapping database every time a client moves the database is updated
 xTR registers host (MAC or IP) in LISP mapping database
 Instead of an ip address an Endpoint Identifier(EID) is used
 The LISP data plane uses Ip/UDP port 4341
 Map Register
 EID = IP, VNI(virtual network identifier VXLAN info)
 LISP Map caching which saves the location so it's easier to look up
 What happens when you move? A new registration will be made in the map database
 Routing Locator (RLOC): A RLOC is an IPv4 or IPv6 address of an egress tunnel router (ETR). A RLOC is the output of an EID-to-RLOC mapping lookup.
 identifies the IP address of a router responsible for forwarding traffic to devices within a LISP location
 Endpoint ID (EID): An EID is an IPv4 or IPv6 address used in the source and destination address fields of the first (most inner) LISP header of a packet.
 BGP-EVPN can be used to help with VXLAN latency issues
 An ETR connects a site to the LISP-capable part of a core network (such as the Internet), publishes EID-to-RLOC mappings for the site, responds to MapRequest messages, and decapsulates and delivers LISP-encapsulated user data to end systems at the site.
 An ITR is responsible for finding EID-to-RLOC mappings for all traffic destined for LISP-capable sites
 Enhanced version of 802.1x
 Used to overcome VLAN shortcomings, has a 24 bit segment ID that defines the broadcast domain
 Permits ECMP
 The data plane of SD-Access
 Used instead of LISP because it includes the L2 ethernet header and LISP doesn’t
 Uses security group tags
 VXLAN Header (Fabric Header)
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 carries the segment ID(VNI) and user group(SGT).
 encoded in the reserved bits of the VXLAN header
 Modified to support 64,000 SGTs using a 16-bit field (Group Policy ID)
 D bit indicates the egress VTEP should not learn the source address of the encapsulated frame
 VNI(virtual network identifier) is the broadcast domain of the VXLAN infrastructure
 Can theoretically have 16million overlay networks in the same infrastructure
 VXLAN-GPO encapsulation
 16 bits are allocated to ID the SGT tag
 The Policy applied bit (A bit) is used to signal a policy has already been applied or the policy has not yet been applied to the packet
 Network functions virtualization
• Network functions virtualization (NFV) is an architectural framework created by the European Telecommunications Standards Ins titute (ETSI) that
defines standards to decouple network functions from proprietary hardware -based appliances and have them run in software on standard x86
• defines how to manage and orchestrate the network functions
• NFV infrastructure (NFVI) is all the hardware and software components that comprise the platform environment in which virtual network functions
(VNFs) are deployed.
• Virtual network functions
 the virtual or software version of an NF, and it typically runs on a hypervisor as a VM
 commonly used for L4 through L7 functions, such as those provided by load balancers (LBs) and application delivery controllers (ADCs),
firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and WAN optimization appliances.
 Can still do L2/L3 functions
• NFVI Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM)
 responsible for managing and controlling the NFVI hardware resources (compute, storage, and network) and the virtualized resources
 Handles service chaining which ties all the VNFs together
• Element managers (EMs), also known as element management systems (EMSs), are responsible for the functional management of VNF s
• PCI passthrough allows VNFs to have direct access to physical PCI devices
 The downside to PCI passthrough is that the entire pNIC is dedicated to a single VNF and cannot be used by other VNFs, so the number of VNFs
that can use this technology is limited by the number of pNICs available in the system
• SR-IOV is an enhancement to PCI passthrough that allows multiple VNFs to share the same pNIC
 2 modes virtual ethernet bridge and virtual ethernet port aggregator
 Virtual Ethernet Bridge (VEB): Traffic between VNFs attached to the same pNIC is hardware switched directly by the pNIC.
 Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA): Traffic between VNFs attached to the same pNIC is switched by an external switch.
• Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization (ENFV)
 Cisco solution based on the ETSI NFV architectural framework
 Supports Cisco SD-WAN cEdge and vEdge virtual router onboarding
 Centralizes management through Cisco DNA Center, which greatly simplifies designing, provisioning, updating, managing, and troubleshooting
network services and VNFs
• Cisco ENFV Solution Architecture
 a virtualized solution for network and application services for branch offices
Management and Orchestration (MANO): Cisco DNA Center provides the VNF management and NFV orchestration capabilities. It allows for
easy automation of the deployment of virtualized network services, consisting of multiple VNFs.
VNFs: VNFs provide the desired virtual networking functions.
Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS): An operating system that provides virtualization capabilities and facilitates
the deployment and operation of VNFs and hardware components.
Hardware resources: x86-based compute resources that provide the CPU, memory, and storage required to deploy and operate VNFs and run
• Management and Orchestration
Virtualization Page 30
• Management and Orchestration
 Cisco DNA Center provides the MANO functionality to the Cisco Enterprise NFV solution
 Two of the main functions of DNA Center are to roll out new branch locations or deploy new VNFs and virtualized services
 Plug and Play provisioning provides a way to automatically and remotely provision and onboard new network devices
 DNA Center provides centralized policies
• Virtual Network Functions and Applications
 the Cisco Enterprise NFV solution provides an environment for the virtualization of both network functions and applications in the enterprise
 Both Cisco and third-party VNFs can be onboarded onto the solution
 Can support apps running on Linux or Windows
• Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS)
 based on standard Linux packaged with additional functions for virtualization, VNF lifecycle management, monitoring, device programmability,
and hardware acceleration
Virtualization Page 31
3.1 Layer 2
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
9:57 PM
 Static 802.1Q trunks
 Configured with switchport mode trunk
 Will advertise DTP packets to the other end to establish a trunk
 Trunk status can be verified with show switchport trunk
 Dynamic 802.1Q trunks
 Established in 1 of 2 ways
 Switchport mode dynamic desirable this mode will actively try to form a trunk with the connected interface
 Switchport mode dynamic auto will only form a trunk if the other side is actively trying
 switchport non-negotiate- disables a trunk port
 Allowed VLANs on trunks
 Controls what VLANs can use the trunk switchport trunk vlan allowed vlan id
 Sends vlan information to other switches to reduce management, can be problematic. Usually disabled or run in transparent
 A client with a higher revision number will replace the vlans on a server with a lower number
 Messages are sent to a multicast dest. MAC address 01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC
 Message types are : summary advertisement, subset advertisement and advertisement request
 VTP pruning
 Disabled by default. Reduces unnecessary flooded traffic
 Enhances network bandwidth
 Static Layer 2 EtherChannel
 No health status check
 Channel-group etherchannel-id mode on
 Sends vlan information
 Dynamic Layer 2 EtherChannel
 Static Layer 3 EtherChannel
 Must use no switchport command to enable L3 routing
 Assigned an Ip address
 PAgP ON command
 Dynamic Layer 3 EtherChannel
 PAgP Desirable or Auto LACP active or passive
 LACP uses multicast MAC address 0180:C200:0002 to communicate and form LACP neighbors
 EtherChannel/Link bundling 802.3AD
• 802.3AD allows multiple 802.1Q tags on a single Ethernet frame, known as Q-in-Q.
• 802.3AD can improve the stability of the spanning tree topology.
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• 802.3AD can improve the stability of the spanning tree topology.
• 802.3AD provides a cost-effective way to increase bandwidth by logically combining multiple member links.
• Seen as a single interface in spanning tree
• Its best to use one of the dynamic protocols like LACP or PAgP
• Best practice is to use LACP rate fast when fast failure detection is required
• Load-Balancing Algorithms
 Dst-ip
 Dst-mac: uses a packet’s destination MAC address to select the physical connection in an EtherChannel bundle that
is used to send a packet
 The number of bits in the destination MAC address used to make the path selection decision is determined
by the number of links in the EtherChannel (remember bits are done in powers of 2.) 8 links would be 2^3 so
3 bits)
 Src-dst-ip
 Src-dst-mac
 Src-ip
 Src-mac
 Advanced STP(802.1D) Tuning
 Root bridge should be placed on a core switch and the secondary should be placed to minimize changes to the overall STP
 Root bridge is achieved by assigning the lowest possible system priority 0 - 61440 increments of 4096 and all ports of the root
bridge are designated ports
 Best way to manually set primary & secondary is assigning priorities of 0 & 4096
 A switch generating a BPDU only includes the calculated metric to the root and not the cost of the egress port. The receiving
switch will add the cost for the ingress port to the total path cost.
 Changing the port costs can change the forwarding path. Turning an alternate port into a designated port or into a blocking
port by raising the cost
 Root guard is placed on designated ports facing other switches that should never become root bridges
 Portfast should only be used on a trunk when it's connected to a single device otherwise Portfast should be configured on
access ports connected to end hosts to reduce convergence time
 Convergence is typically around 50sec
 TCNs are not generated when an edge port changes state
 Will bypass listening and learning to move straight to forwarding
 BPDU Guard needs portfast to be enabled before it can be applied to an interface
 BPDU guard is typically configured with all host-facing ports that are enabled with portfast.
 BPDU filter simply blocks BPDUs from being transmitted out a port. It also ignores any received BPDU.
 Loop Guard
 STP loop guard feature is used to ensure that a root port or an alternate port is always receiving BPDUs from the
neighboring switch. This provides protection against a link failing to send BPDUs bidirectionally, allowing a port to
assume that no other bridge is connected. If BPDUs stop being received,
 the port moves to blocked status until BPDUs resume, and it shows a loop inconsistent state.
 Configured on root ports
 Loop guard is used in conjunction with UDLD to protect against broken cables that could cause incorrect STP behavior
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 Loop guard is used in conjunction with UDLD to protect against broken cables that could cause incorrect STP behavior
• STP 802.1dforwarding timer is used to determine how long a port remains in the listening and learning states before
transitioning to a new state.
 Valid port types are root and designated
 Topology Change
 When a config BPDU is received from root bridge set MAC address aging timer to the forwarding delay and flush out
MACs that have not communicated in the past 15 secs
 When the root bridge receives one it generates a new BPDU with the change flag set
 Port priority prefers the lower port cost. Values range from 0 to 240 and increment by 16. 128 is the default port cost
 UDLD(unidirectional link detection)
 Must be enable on both the local and remote switches' ports to become functional
 2 modes aggressive and normal
 Port cost
 Ethernet link 10mbps = stp cost of 100
 Fast ethernet link 100mbps = stp cost of 19
 Gigabit link 1,000mbps = stp cost of 4
 Root path cost is calculated by the advertised root cost from the upstream switch plus the local port cost
 Non-root bridge root port selection:
□ Lowest root path cost
□ Lowest upstream advertised bridge ID
□ Lowest upstream advertised port priority
□ Lowest upstream advertised port ID
 STP Error messages and cause
 STP-2-Block_PVID_Local and STP-2-Block_PVID_Peer : an interface has received a BPDU that is tagged with the same
VLAN ID as the interface's native VLAN
 STP-2-Block_BPDUGUARD : a BPDU is received and BPDU guard is enabled
 STP-2-Block-Dispute_Detected : the switch has received an inferior BPDU that are marked designated and learning or
 STP-2-Bridge_Assurance_Block : STP BDPU has not been received on an interface with Bridge Assurance enabled
 RSTP(802.1W)
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 Only has 3 states for faster error recovery discarding, learning, forwarding
 Doesn’t use timers to determine movement to next state. It has a negotiation mechanism
 Sync is the method which it uses to recover. Synch occurs when a link comes up between two switches. All non-edge ports
are blocked and each connected switch will send a proposal that it's port should be the designated port
 Has alternate ports rather than blocked ports indicating another path to the root
 2 port types p2p(interfaces running in full duplex, half is shared port and can only use STP) edge ports( portfast enabled) if it
receives a BPDU its demoted to a regular RSTP port
 Only when a non-edge port moves to forwarding does RSTP send a TCN to the network through all non-edge designated
 If connected to a switch not running RSTP it will default to 802.1D behavior
 During the sync process when 2 switches come each sends a proposal that it's port should be the designated port
 Topology Change
 TC timer value is equal to twice the hello timer
 MAC table associated with all ports are cleared except for the port that received the BPDU with the TC flag set
□ Occurs on all designated and root ports
 MSTP(802.1s)
 Creates instances that VLANS can be mapped to. A L2 VRF
 Reduces the cpu burden when using PVST or R-PVST
 Uses the concept of regions logically separate instances
 MST incorporates mechanisms that make an MST region appear as a single virtual switch to external switches
 MST supports the tuning of port cost and port priority.
 This can be done on per instance basis on the interface
 Pruning of vlans should not occur for vlans in the same MST region on different network links
 Hello and forward timers are only configured on the IST root bridge
 Making the MST region the root bridge ensures that all region boundary ports flood the same IST instance BPDU to all the
VLANs in the PVST topology.
 The spanning tree port priority can be configured per instance on an interface. The spanning tree cost can be configured per
instance on an interface. The hello and forward delay timers are configured only on the IST root bridge.
 When a MST region is on a switch running 802.1W(RSTP)
 The 802.1w switches will view the MST region as a single bridge and place alternate ports in the blocking state
 The root bridge for all VLANS will be in the MST region
 All VLANs mapped to instance 0 and mapping must be manually done
 Troubleshooting
• Error message "STP-2-Dispute_Detected could appear because of a unidirectional link failure
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3.2 Layer 3
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
9:59 PM
• EIGRP OTP (Over the Top) allows you to run EIGRP between routers that are not directly connected
 Uses VXLAN as an overlay(tunneling) to connect endpoints like DMPVN
 EIGRP OTP only uses LISP for the data plane, EIGRP is used for the control plane.
• Sends hello packets to multicast group
• When a new neighbor is formed an empty update message is sent
 Compare EIGRP and OSPF
 Algorithm
 EIGRP smart distance vector protocol. diffusing update algorithm (DUAL). Uses pre-calculated loop-free backup paths for fast convergence
 OSPF link state Dijkstra shortest path first (SPF) algorithm to construct a loop-free topology of shortest paths
 Load balancing
 EIGRP unequal cost load balancing ECMP this is done by changing the variance
 OSPF can equal cost load balance up to four paths by default and track up to 16 next hops to same destination
 Path selection
 EIGRP successor route path with lowest metric to destination. Then a feasible successor which is determined by the reported distance received for that
route must be less than the feasible distance calculated locally
 OSPF path is determined by the cumulative cost of all interfaces of the next-hops to the destination
 Path operations
 EIGRP uses split horizon and poison reverse to avoid loops
 OSPF looks at path type then the metric. The preferred path types
Intra-Area (O)
Inter-Area (O IA)
NSSA Type 1 (N1)
External Type 1 (E1)
NSSA Type 2 (N2)
External Type 2 (E2)
 Metric
 EIGRP uses cumulative delay and minimum bandwidth by default uses K values to determine other metrics
 OSPF metric is determined by cost, a higher bandwidth has a lower cost. Default cost may need to be changed to account for higher speed interfaces
 Configure and verify OSPF
 Normal areas
 Router# router ospf 100 network ip-address wildcard-mask area area-id
 Filtering
 Can be done in one of 3 ways area filtering, route summarization, and local OSPF filtering
 LSA filtering, which prevents type 1 LSAs from being advertised through a member router
 Area filtering, which prevents type 1 LSAs from being generated into a type 3 LSA
 FILTERING by Summarization: area area-id range network subnet-mask not-advertise under the OSPF process. This is a limited form of filtering
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 AREA Filtering: area area-id filter-list prefix prefix-list-name {in | out} on the ABR
 distribute list on an ABR does not prevent type 1 LSAs from becoming type 3 LSAs in a different area because the type 3 LSA g eneration occurs
before the distribute list is processed
 distribute list on an ABR prevents type 3 LSAs coming from the backbone from being regenerated into non-backbone areas because this
regeneration process happens after the distribute list is processed
 A distribute list should not be used for filtering of prefixes between areas
 distribute-list {acl-number | acl-name | prefix prefix-list-name | route-map route-map-name} in
 show ip ospf database [router | network | summary] to view LSAs in the LSDB
 For a distribute list
○ In: prevents LSA from becoming a route in the local routing table, but you cannot stop an LSA from entering the routing table since all
neighbors in the area must have the same database. The LSA is added to the LSDB, but the route is not added to the table.
○ Out: Used on ASBR’s to stop the creation of external LSAs for specific routes.
● Network Types
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● Networks DR/BDR manual neighbor configuration
○ Broadcast DR/BDR no manual neighbor configuration
○ Non-broadcast DR/BDR needs manual configuration
○ Point to point no DR/BDR neighborship automatically configured
○ Point to multipoint no DR/BDR no manual neighbors
○ Networks that don’t broadcast require manual neighbor configuration
○ Automatic neighbor discovery relies on broadcasts and multicasts
○ The multicast used by DR/BDR is
○ An OSPF Network Type of Point-to-Point is the default OSPF Network Type on a non-Frame Relay serial interface.
◊ HDLC or PPP will have a default of point to point
 Summarization
 Helps SPF calculate routes faster occurs between areas on ABRs. Interarea summarization reduces the number of type 3 LSAs that an ABR advertises
 Interarea summarization on the ABR suppress more specific routes
 The command to summarize on a ABR(Type 3) is area range on a ASBR(Type 4) you use summary-address
Infrastructure Page 38
 Only type 1 LSAs can be summarized
 reduces the size and volatility of the LSDB
 Passive interface
 Prevents interface from sending hellos or processing any received OSPF packets but still adds it to the LSDB and no adjacencies are formed
 Network types
 Ip ospf network [network type] verified with sh ip ospf interface [interface id] | include type
 Neighbor states
 1-3 are establishing neighbor adjacencies 4-6 synchronize OSPF databases
 All non-DR/BDR routers will stay in the 2-way state. This is normal behavior
 Load balancing
 Use the maximum-paths command
 Maximum-paths only limits the number of parallel paths that can be used for load balancing
 Route advertisement
 OSPF can inject a default route into the LSDB if you use the default-information originate [always] command. If there is no default route in the RIB
already, the always keyword is required.
 Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 LSAs are flooded within an area
 Type 5 LSAs are flooded throughout the OSPF domain, across ABRs.
 Troubleshooting
 Areas need to match
 RID can't be the same
 Timers must match neighbor's
 Mismatched MTU sizes could cause the neighbor to be stuck in the Exstart or Exchange state because the DBD packet will exceed the MTU size when
sending to the neighboring router
 Max metric is 65535 reference bandwidth is 10^8 by default 100mbps
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 OSPFv3
 supports IPv4 and IPv6 address families
 RID must always be manually configured on IOS router
 To enable IPv4 IPv6 must be enabled on the interface, then you must explicitly configure the interface to enable IPv4 in OSPFv3 ( ospfv3 process-id ipv4 areaid)
 A reserved instance ID in the range 64 to 95 identifies a neighbor adjacency is being used for IPv4
 A next-hop address is shown as a link-local address in the IPv6 routing table
 LSA Types
 Type 3 is interarea prefix for ABRs
 Type 4 interarea for ASBRs
 Type 5 AS external used to advertise redistributed routes
 Type 8 link LSAs advertise link-local IPv6 info
 Type 9 is intra-area prefix carry IPv6 info
 The LSAs only provide interface type and cost information
 Uses Ipsec instead of MD5 for security
 Supports multiple instances on a single link
 The BDR is elected before the DR
 Enabling OSPFv3 on a interface enables the OSPFv3 routing process on the router
 In order to configure OSPFv3, the process configuration must be completed, and then each interface must be enabled for the process and correct area ID
which must match
 if the passive interface default is used, each interface needs to be specifically made not passive in the configuration to allow OSPFv3 to form an adjacency.
• Summarization
 Summarization is performed on ABRs, just as with IPv4
 common error is to perform address summarization in decimal, forgetting that the address is represent in hex.
• Network types
 Uses the same 4 networks as OSPFv2: PtP, broadcast, PtMulitpoint, non-broadcast
 Configure and verify eBGP
 eBGP Multihop
 Must be directly connected because the TTL is set to 1
 Can increase TTL with neighbor ip address ebgp-multihop number between 2 -255
 Can be configured with link-local or global unicast addresses
 Can exchange IPv6 NLRI using IPv4 peer address by activating a neighbor configured with an IPv4 address in the IPv6 unicast address family
 BGP neighbor states
 Idle
 initial state that the BGP routing process enters when the routing process is enabled or when the device is reset
 in this state, the device waits for a start event, such as a peering configuration with a remote peer
 Active
 the BGP routing process tries to establish a TCP session with a peer device using the ConnectRetry timer
 Start events are ignored while the BGP routing process is in the Active state
If the BGP routing process is reconfigured or if an error occurs, the BGP routing process will release system resources and return to an Idle state.
 Established
 The initial keepalive is received from the remote peer
 Peering is now established with the remote neighbor and the BGP routing process starts exchanging update messages with the re mote peer
 BGP best path selection algorithm
 3 tables are used to maintain network prefix and path attributes for routes:
 Adj-Rib In - NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) holds routes before they're processed by inbound policies
 Loc-RIB - presents routes to the routing table. Contains locally generated or peer provided NLRIs
Adj-RIB-Out - holds NLRIs after outbound policies are processed
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 Adj-RIB-Out - holds NLRIs after outbound policies are processed
 First three criteria used to choose a route are:
 Highest weight(applies to routes received), highest local preference(would determine always going to the same place), and loc ally originated
○ We Love Oranges AS Oranges Mean Pure Refreshment
○ Default local preference is 100. If column is blank it means it's set at the default 100
 Then shortest as path, lowest origin type, lowest med, external over internal BGP, lowest IGP cost, oldest path, and lowest R ID
 For MED to be used the routes must come from the same AS
 Summarization
 In order to advertise the configured aggregate at least one component route must exist in the BGP table
 BGP uses an aggregate address configuration to dynamically summarize routes
 By default both the summary and the aggregate routes are advertised to neighbors
 BGP also may discard some of the attributes of the component routes when building the aggregate
 The as-set option can be used to preserve some of the AS_Path information in the form of an unordered list
 A network statement is added that includes the less specific network mask
 A static null route is used to prevent forwarding loops when summarizing
 A static null route can also be used to drop traffic w/o using an ACL
 With BGP in a neighbor statement:
○ In: prevents update from entering neighbor
○ Out: prevents BGP route from being advertised to a neighbor.
○ neighbor<ip addr> distribute-list{ACL}{in|out}
 Troubleshooting
 Mtu mismatch
 Incorrect subnet in neighbor statement
 Sh ip bgp to see contents of th BGP routing table
 Community attribute is an optional transitive
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 Communities are not advertised by default between iBGP neighbors
 Communities are used for prefix tagging
 Communities can be matched using a standard IP community list, which is similar to an ACL matching for aprefix
 Regular expression matching of community values can be done using an expaned IP community list
 In order to be RFC complaint all implementations must support well-known communities
 Well-known communities: Internet(prefixes should be advertised to the internet), No_Advertise, No_Export(prefixes that should not be advertised to a
eBGP peer)
 Multiprotocol BGP VPN IPv4 address begins with an 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) and ends with a 4-byte IPv4 address
 Advertisement
 A minimum of /24 is needed to advertise on the internet or it will be filtered
 Getting a AS from ARIN or one of the other
• Source interface should be modified if you have routes to multiple carriers
• LOA, SWIP, and Whois record prove you have the rights to advertise using BGP
• Public and Private AS
 Private 64,512-65,534 and
 Public 1-64.495
 Reserved 0 and 65,535
• Only level 1 PDUs(protocol data units) use the area authentication password
• IS-IS has 3 methods of authentication: area, domain, and interface authentication
• Domain authentication is used at level 2
• Domain authentication is configured under isis router mode with domain-password password
• Interface authentication is used at levels 1/2
• To configure interface authentication issue isis password password from interface config mode
• Election process is preemptive highest priority becomes the new Designated Intermediate System(DIS)
• Forms a full mesh of neighbor relationships
• Doesn't require that timer values are the same throughout the network
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3.3 Wireless
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:01 PM
 Layer 1 concepts
 RF power
 Measured in watts(W)
 Law of Zero: A value of 0 dB means that the two absolute power values are equal
 Comparing power levels
 EIRP - effective isotropic radiated power
 The actual power level radiated from an antenna
 RSSI - received signal strength indicator
 How a receiver usually measures signal power level
 Measured in dBm but can vary across vendors b/c there is no standard across manufacturers
 Focuses on the signal it expects to receive and not any of the others it might also receive
 SNR - signal to noise ratio
 difference between the signal and the noise
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 Sources of interference
 The following sources can affect devices operating in the 2.4 frequency range
 Microwaves
 Radar
 Baby monitors
 Cordless phones
 Neighbors
 Analog video camera - can cause interference on 802.11g networks because they operate in the same frequency range
and have a 100 percent duty cycle
 CCX (Cisco Compatible Extensions )
• describes a list of functional extensions to the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN standard to support fast roaming (CCKM) with upgrad ed security,
reliability, and diagnostic performance
• CCX is typically deployed in industrial, enterprise, or institutional environments where 802.11 wireless connectivity or reliability is
extremely important
• Typical deployments include barcode scanners in a warehouse, VoIP mobile phones in an office environment, and wearable medical devices
that report patient status.
 802.11
 The IEEE standard for wifi
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 An AP must support the same 802.11 standards as the clients that will connect to it
 802.11n, 802.11ac, and 802.11ax amendments offer a method to customize the transmitted signal to prefer one receiver over others
 802.11k provides assisted roaming
 802.11w helps protect against spoofed management frames
 802.11r provides fast transition roaming
 802.11v provides network assisted power savings
 AP modes
 Local
 default lightweight mode that offers one or more functioning BSSs on a specific channel
 when it is not transmitting, the AP scans the other channels to measure the level of noise, measure interference, discover
rogue devices, and match against intrusion detection system (IDS) events
 Monitor
 AP does not transmit at all, but its receiver is enabled to act as a dedicated sensor
 checks for IDS events, detects rogue access points, and determines the position of stations through location-based services
 FlexConnect
 AP at a remote site can locally switch traffic between an SSID and a VLAN if its CAPWAP tunnel to the WLC is down and if it is
configured to do so
 Can be managed remotely over a WAN link
 The AP can support client connections
 Wireless solution for branch office and remote office deployments
 H-REAP mode the AP can be remotely managed over a WAN link and the AP can support clients
 Can detect rogue APs if it's enabled to
 Sniffer
 AP dedicates its radios to receiving 802.11 traffic from other sources, much like a sniffer or packet capture device
 Captured traffic is then sent to a device to be analyzed
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 Rogue Detector
 AP dedicates itself to detecting rogue devices by correlating MAC addresses heard on the wired network with those heard over
the air
 A rogue device would appear in both networks
 Bridge
 AP becomes a dedicated bridge (point-to-point or point-to-multipoint) between two networks
 Two APs in bridge mode can be used to link two locations separated by a distance
 Flex + Bridge
 FlexConnect operation is enabled on a mesh AP
 SE-Connect
 AP dedicates its radios to spectrum analysis on all wireless channels
 Connect remotely to a PC running analyzer software such as Cisco Spectrum Expert to determine sources of interference
 AP boot process
 When a lightweight AP boots you can't control the software image it uses, the WLC send it what ever image it is running
 AP discovery of WLC
 Internal preset
 You can load up to 3 controllers in an AP to look for when coming online. This info is stored in non-volatile memory so it can be
remembered after a reboot or power failure
 If an AP was previously connected to a WLC it will store up to 8 of the 32 WLC addresses on that WLC and contact as many as
possible to build a table
 DHCP and DNS
 DHCP option 43
 Used to suggest a list of WLC addresses
 An out of the box lightweight AP will attempt to obtain a DHCP lease because a static hasn't been configured yet
 If a domain name is resolved the AP will attempt to contact the WLC at that address
 This will also be used if DHCP option 43 isn't configured
 If the previous steps fail and AP will reboot and start the discovery process over
 Broadcast
 If every method has been tried a CAPWAP Discovery Request broadcast message will be sent on every possible subnet
Antenna types
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 Antenna types
 Omnidirectional
 Have a lower gain the directional
 Dipole
 Composed of 2 wire segments radiating along the E and H planes
 usually have a gain of around +2 to +5 dBi
 Integrated
 Very small put inside a device's outer case (cell phone, laptop, tablet, some APs) generally have a lower
performance compared to larger devices
 typically have a gain of 2 dBi in the 2.4 GHz band and 5 dBi in the 5 GHz band
 Directional
 Have a higher gain than an omnidirectional antenna
 Yagi
 made up of several parallel wire segments that tend to amplify an RF signal to each other. Outer case is shaped like
a thick cylinder
 Great for line of sight because of how tightly it can focus the beam. Best for sending to only 1 receiver
 Patch
 Flat and usually mounted on walls or ceilings
 Dish
 Highly directional and uses a passive dish shaped like a parabola to focus an RF signal into a tight beam
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 Roaming
 Intra-controller
 Client roaming that occurs between two APs joined to the same controller
 Takes less than 10ms to complete
 Inter-controller
 Client roaming that occurs between two APs that are joined to two different controllers
 Layer 2
 Inter-controller roam where the WLANs of the two controllers are configured for the same Layer 2 VLAN ID; also known as a
local-to-local roam
 Layer 3
 Inter-controller roam where the WLANs of the two controllers are configured for different VLAN IDs; also known as a local-toforeign roam. CAPWAP tunnel built to allow communication between current and former controller
 Enhancements
 One controller maintains a database of clients and keys on behalf of its APs and provides them to other controllers
and their APs as needed during client roams. CCKM requires Cisco Compatible Extensions (CCX) support from
 Key Caching
 Each client maintains a list of keys used with prior AP associations and presents them as it roams. The destination
AP must be present in this list, which is limited to eight AP/key entries.
 802.11r
 addresses fast roaming or fast BSS transition; a client can cache a portion of the authentication server’s key and
present that to future APs as it roams. The client can also maintain its QoS parameters as it roams.
 Anchor versus Foreign
 Original controller vs the new controller in a layer 3inter-controller roam
 The foreign controller will tunnel clients back to the anchor so they retain connectivity to their original VLAN and subnet
 Mobility Groups
 Used to help with inter-controller roaming, allow for scaling and centralized controllers to cooperate over a large area
 Increases the speed of roaming being completed
 Each controller maintains a mobility list that contains its own MAC address and the MAC addresses of other controllers
 Must be configured with the same virtual interface IP address
 Troubleshooting the WLC, APs, Clients
Infrastructure Page 48
 AP must have connectivity to its access layer switch
 AP must have connectivity to its WLC unless operating in FlexConnect mode
 Autonomous AP to switch
 No image in flash
 Power issue
 The # of clients on an AP would not be used in diagnosing poor RF conditions around the AP's location
 Channel noise, channel interference, and air quality are all things to consider that directly relate to RF conditions
 Lightweight AP to WLC
 easiest approach is to simply look for the AP in the list of live APs that have joined the controller
 channel utilization indicates how much of the available air time is being consumed; higher utilizations mean that wireless
devices will have less time available to claim the channel and transmit data
 Only requires one IP to support multiple WLANs and it is also used as the management IP
 Needs a single VLAN to support CAPWAP tunnels
 If running a different version of code compared to the WLC the AP will download it even if it's older
 Autonomous
 Can support multiple VLANs that are extended to the AP
 Client to AP
 In client view you'll have 5 dots showing the progress of a client connecting
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 LAG(Link Aggregation)
 Similar to LACP and PAgP
 LAG enables multiple physical ports on a WLC to operate as one logical group
 LACP/PAgP commands don't work to form the etherchannel on the connected switch. You must use the channel-group id
mode on command
 A WLC only supports one LAG group
 When you enable LAG you must reboot the WLC
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3.4 IP Services
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:02 PM
 Network Time Protocol theory
 used to synchronize a set of network clocks in a distributed client/server architecture
 UDP port 123
 The sync process is not fast. can synchronize a large time discrepancy to within a couple seconds of accuracy with a
few cycles of polling an NTP server
 Uses stratum to determine time accuracy. The lower the stratum the better. A NTP server will always be stratum 1
 Root dispersion (that is, the calculated error of the actual clock attached to the atomic clock) and peer dispersion
(that is, the root dispersion plus the estimated time to reach the root NTP server)
 An NTP client can be configured for multiple NTP servers but only the one with the lowest stratum will be used
 NTP peers act as clients and servers to each other, in the sense that they try to blend their time to each other.
□ intended for designs where other devices can act as backup devices for each other and use different primary
reference sources
 ntp authenticate command is used to ensure only certain devices can access time source
 Configure and verify dynamic inside source NAT/PAT
 Dynamic NAT
 Create static route on remote router to where public addresses should go router(config)# ip router x.x.x.x
int id
 Define pool of usable public IPs on local router router(config)# ip nat pool [pool name] x.x.x.x x.x.x.x [pool
range] netmask x.x.x.x
 Create ACL to ID private addresses to translate router(config)# access-list [access-list id] permit x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x [ip address & wildcard]
 Link ACL to pool of addresses router(config)# ip nat inside source list [ACL] pool [pool name]
 Define inside interfaces router(config-if)# ip nat inside
 Verify with show ip nat translations sh ip nat statistics
 Dynamic PAT
 Create static route on remote router to where public addresses should go router(config)# ip router x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x int id
 Define pool of usable public IPs on local router (optional) router(config)# ip nat pool [pool name] x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x [pool range] netmask x.x.x.x
 Create ACL to ID private addresses to translate router(config)# access-list [access-list id] permit x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x [ip address & wildcard]
 Link ACL to outside public INT router(config)# ip nat inside source list [ACL] interface [intferace ID]
 Link ACL to pool of addresses router(config)# ip nat inside source list [ACL] pool [pool name] overload
 Define inside interface router(config-if) ip nat inside
 Verify with show ip nat translations sh ip nat statistics
 Pooled NAT vs Static NAT
Infrastructure Page 51
 Pooled NAT vs Static NAT
□ Pooled requires less lines of configuration if many translations are needed
□ Less inside global addresses are needed with pooled NAT because of Static NAT's 1:1 translations
 NAT-PT IPv6 to IPv4 translation
□ Use the ipv6 nat prefix command and the preface needs to be 96
□ Must have ipv6 t0 ipv4 and ipv4 to ipv6 address mapping
□ Ipv6 nat prefix IPv6 address::/96 then on the interface ipv6 nat
□ For 6to4 tunneling addresses from 2002::/16 must be used
 6to4 tunnel
◊ Interface tunnel tunnel id
◊ Ipv6 address ipv6 address
◊ Tunnel source interface id
◊ Tunnel mode ipv6ip 6to4
◊ Ipv6 route 2002::/16 tunnel tunnel id
 Configure and verify HSRP
 interface Ethernet1/0
 ip address
 standby 1 ip
 standby 1 priority 105
 standby 1 preempt
 Show standby/ standby brief show standby vlan [vlan id]
Infrastructure Page 52
 Configure and verify VRRP
 1. enable
 2. configure terminal
 3. interface type number
4. ip address ip-address mask
 5. vrrp group description text
 6. vrrp group priority level
 7. vrrp group preempt [delay minimum seconds]
 8. vrrp group timers advertise [sec] interval
 9. vrrp group timers learn
 10. exit
 VRRP will use the IP address of the master for the virtual IP if one is not configured
 Configure and verify GLBP
 1. enable
 2. configure terminal
 3. interface type number
 4. ip address ip-address mask [secondary]
 5. glbp group ip [ip-address [secondary]
 6. exit
 7. show glbp [interface-type interface-number] [group] [state] [brief]
○ One AVG and up to four AVF
 PIM theory - Protocol Independent Multicast
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 PIM theory - Protocol Independent Multicast
□ Routes multicast traffic between networks. Can use any unicast routing protocol to identify path between
source and receivers.
□ The registration message is sent as a unicast packet toward the IP
□ The same packet can be forwarded to multiple different networks
□ The PIM designated router is responsible for registering the source with the PIM RP
□ PIM join requests can be found between 2 multicast routers
□ A (*,G) where G = multicast group is sent from a client to a RP with a request to join that multicast group and
receive packets
□ Important Multicast IP ranges
 Local network control block (
◊ used for protocol control traffic that is not forwarded out a broadcast domain
 Internetwork control block (
◊ used for protocol control traffic that may be forwarded through the Internet (NTP, Cisco-RP
Announce and Discovery)
 Administratively scoped block (
◊ limited to a local group or organization. These addresses are similar to the reserved IP unicast
 GLOP block (
◊ globally scoped statically assigned addresses
 Source Specific Multicast (SSM) block (
◊ Default range for SSM. SSM forwards traffic to receivers from only those multicast sources for
which the receivers have explicitly expressed interest; it is primarily targeted to one-to-many
□ IGMP Snooping
 Implemented by default in L2 switches to optimize flooding of multicast traffic
 W/O snooping traffic for every group would be flooded on each port in the vlan, even to receivers that
don't want the traffic
 Primarily IGMP snooping uses PIM and IGMP messages to determine where the multicast router is
connected, and membership reports are used to identify where receivers are connected and which
groups they are interested in.
 To optimize forwarding of multicast traffic in L2 the switch listens for PIM or IGMP messages to identify
which port is connected to the multicast router (mrouter) port.
 IGMP membership report messages from hosts are used to identify the ports that have interested
 Multicast tree
□ Multicast routers create distribution trees that define the path that IP multicast traffic follows through the
network to reach the receivers
 RPF check
□ used to prevent loops and ensure that multicast traffic is arriving on the correct interface
□ Ensures that multicast traffic always flows downstream from the multicast source to the multicast receivers
Infrastructure Page 54
□ Does this with the RPF interface. RPF interface has the lowest-cost path(based on AD/metric) to the source SPT
or RP. Highest IP wins ties
□ Used when multicast routers are thinly scattered throughout the network
□ assumes that no receivers are interested in multicast traffic unless they explicitly request it
□ PIM-SM allows the LHR(last hop router) to switch from the shared tree to an SPT for a specific source
□ uses an explicit join model where the receivers send an IGMP join to their locally connected router, which is
also known as the last-hop router (LHR)
□ Requires the use of a physical RP
□ The last hop router will create and cutover to a shortest path tree
□ Used when receivers of a multicast group are on every subnet in the network
□ multicast tree is built by flooding traffic out every interface from the source to every Dense Mode router in the
□ prunes expire after three minutes. This must be taken into account when using PIM-DM
□ Not recommended for production environments
□ Does not require an RP.
 PIM-S/D Mode
□ Solves the issue of using Auto-RP in conjunction with Sparse mode
□ allows us to flood the auto RP and multicast groups but in addition, it also floods all
multicast traffic that we don’t have an RP for
 Auto-RP - Cisco proprietary mechanism that automates distro of group-to-RP mappings
□ use multiple RPs within a network to serve different group ranges
□ Allows load splitting and simplifies RP placement according to locations of group participants
□ prevents inconsistent manual static RP configurations that might cause connectivity problems
□ operates using two basic components, candidate RPs (C-RPs) and RP mapping agents (MAs)
□ C-RP advertises its willingness to be an RP via RP announcement messages
 BSR - Boot strap router
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 BSR - Boot strap router
□ Provides a fault-tolerant automated RP discovery and distribution solution
□ Does not work well with Auto-RP
□ Discovers and announces RP set information for each group prefix to all routers in PIM domain
□ Messages originate on the BSR then are flooded hop-by-hop by intermediate routers
□ Multiple BSR can be configured in PIM domain for redundancy the prime is selected by highest priority
□ BSR does not elect the active RP for a group. Instead, it leaves this task to each individual router in the network
 Static RP
□ Best used in small networks or networks that won't see many changes to the topology
□ The static RP IP address needs to be configured on every router in the multicast domain
□ If a manually configured RP fails there is no failover and this method doesn't provide any load splitting
 Bidirectional PIM
□ Uses shared tree as its main forwarding mechanism
□ A direct forwarder is used when this to get traffic to a RP
 SSM - Source Specific Multicast
□ IGMPv3 provides source filtering for it
□ IP block to
□ forwards traffic to receivers from only those multicast sources for which the receivers have explicitly expressed
interest; it is primarily targeted to one-to-many applications.
□ In order to build a shortest path tree SSM needs (S,G) source, group learned from the client via IGMPv3
 From int ip igmp join-group group address source source address
 From global config ip pim ssm default
 IGMP theory
 Version 2
□ Most common in multicast environments. Sent with a TTL of 1 so it's processed by the local router and not
□ When a receiver wants to receive a multicast stream, it sends an unsolicited membership report, commonly
referred to as an IGMP join, to the local router for the group it wants to join
□ IGMPv2 routers send general membership query messages with their interface address as the source IP address
and destined to the multicast address.
 Version 3
□ Supports source filtering unlike v2. Has 2 new modes: include/exclude. Those that want traffic and those that
□ Designed to co-exist with v1 and v2
□ supports all IGMPv2’s IGMP message types and is backward compatible with IGMPv2
□ differences between the two are that IGMPv3 added new fields to the IGMP membership query and introduced
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□ differences between the two are that IGMPv3 added new fields to the IGMP membership query and introduced
a new IGMP message type called Version 3 membership report to support source filtering
□ IGMPv3 supports applications that explicitly signal sources from which they want to receive traffic
○ Can use DHCP, PPP, or IPCP to automatically obtain an IP address
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4.1 Diagnose network problems using tools such as debugs,
conditional debugs, trace route, ping, SNMP, and syslog
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:03 PM
 4.1 Tools
 Debugs
 Helps narrow down cause when there are network issues by taking a deeper level inspection
 In regards to OSPF these are commands that can be used:
□ debug ip ospf adj - will show why an adjacency isn't forming
□ debug ip ospf hello - shows if there is a network mismatch
 Conditional debugging can be used to limit the amount of output generated by a debug. An example would be debug ip
packet which in a production environment would generate a lot of output. An ACL can be used to reduce this so that only
the needed networks/addresses trigger output
□ Debugging can also be applied to a specific interface to reduce output. The only way to remove debugging from an
interface is to use the undebug command on the interface EX: undebug interface loopback0
□ To debug a specific interface use the command debug condition interface-id
 A conditional debug will show output for all conditions that have been set
 Trace
 Used to determine where traffic is failing
 traceroute shows the IP addresses or DNS names of the hops between the source and destination
 Measures the time between each hop in ms, this can be useful when there is more than one path to a destination
 TTL is 30. it can fail if there is a missing route or mistyped destination
 Traceroute options [ numeric, port, prob(probs per hop), source, timeout, ttl]
 Determines reachability between points by sending ICMP echo reply messages. The destination must know the way back
to the sender
 route trip time is measured in a minimum/average/maximum
 An extended ping can be used to get more detailed feedback
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 Used as a method of getting alerts. SNMP sends unsolicited traps to an SNMP collector or network management system
(NMS). Traps are sent in response to something that happened
 Trap triggers could be tied to link status, improper user authentication, or power failures .
 There are 3 versions of SNMP. V3 is the most secure. V1 is used by default if no other version is specified.
 SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c use access lists and a community password or string to control what SNMP managers can talk to
the devices via SNMP
 Uses UDP port 162 for trap messages and UDP 161 overall
 Version Comparison Version| Level | Authentication | Encryption | Result
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 SNMP Operations
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4.2 Configure and verify device monitoring using syslog for
remote logging
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:04 PM
 Syslog
• By default all messages are sent to the console
• Date and time must be properly configured before setting up a device to send log messages to
• The default transport protocol is 602
• Syslog message levels
• When setting up syslog the logging buffer is the first thing to focus on. Default buffer size is 4096 bytes
○ Enable logging to the buffer
○ Set the severity level of messages to be sent
○ Set the logging buffer to a larger size
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• Using the logging synchronous command in a vty line unsolicited messages appear after solicited output in a Telnet session
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4.3 Configure and verify NetFlow and Flexible NetFlow
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:04 PM
 NetFlow and Flexible NetFlow
• Gathers statistical information on traffic flows
• 2 parts must be configured data capture and data export. Captured data is sent to a NetFlow collector like DNA Center or Prim e
• NetFlow uses a lot of memory resources. The default memory size is platform specific and should be checked before configuring
• Netflow Versions
○ V5 most popular due to wide compatibility, uses a fixed data format
○ V9 most recent has added security and analysis, dynamic data format with templates
• Netflow Collector:
○ Exporter bundles 30-50 similar flows
○ Flow data transported over UDP
○ Real-time and historical data
• Traffic can be captured on the ingress and egress interfaces but only one direction at a time
○ Type of traffic captured by each:
• A flow is a unidirectional traffic stream that contains a combo of these fields: Src/Dst IP address, Src/Dst Port number, L3 protocol
type, Type of Service(ToS), input logical interface
• Sh ip flow top-talkers, sh ip flow interface, sh ip cache flow, sh ip flow export, sh ip flow monitor
• Port numbers are displayed in hexidecimal
 Flexible NetFlow
• Security was a major influence behind its adoption due to its ability to track all parts of the IP header as well as the packet and
normalize it into flows
• Can dynamically create caches for each type of flow and can also filter ingress traffic destined to a single destination
• Configuration:
○ You must have flow exporter, flow record, and flow monitor. Flow sampler is optional
• Collect and match commands can be used to customize the flow record
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○ To configure a custom flow:
 Define the flow record name
 Set a useful description of the flow record
 Set match criteria for key fields
 Define non-key fields to be collected
○ To create flow exporter:
 Define flow exporter name
 Set a useful description of the flow exporter
 Specify the destination of the flow exporter to be used
 Specify the NetFlow version to export
 Specify the UDP port
○ To create a flow monitor:
 Define the flow monitor name
 Set a useful description of the flow monitor
 Specify the flow record to be used
 Specify a cache timeout of 60 for active connections
 Assign the exporter to the monitor
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4.4 Configure and verify SPAN/RSPAN/ERSPAN
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:05 PM
 capture local network traffic on a switch and send a copy of the network traffic to a local port attached to some sort of traffic
 Source packet can only be :
□ One or more specific ports
□ A port channel
□ A VLAN( all the hosts associated to the VLAN specified) but not a SVI interface
 Most devices can support a least 2 sessions, newer devices can do more
 SPAN destination ports only receives traffic and drops ingress traffic, at times connectivity to the analyzer is needed
□ To allow connection to the analyzer device the following should be configured from the global config
monitor session session-id destination interface interface-id ingress {dot1q vlan
vlan-id | untagged vlan vlan-id}
 STP is disabled on the destination port to prevent extra BPDUs from being included in the network analysis
 Span Monitoring
□ Monitor transmit, receive, or both
□ Can reside in separate VLANs
□ Source and destination can not be on the same port
 Configure source port
□ monitor session session-id source {interface interface-id | vlan vlan-id} [rx | tx | both]
 Configure destination port
monitor session session-id destination interface interface-id [encapsulation
{dot1q [ingress {dot1q vlan vlan-id | untagged vlan vlan-id | vlan vlan-id}|
replicate [ingress {dot1q vlan vlan-id | untagged vlan vlan-id]}} | ingress]
□ Verify with sh monitor session session-id
 A SPAN session normally copies the packets without including any 802.1Q VLAN tags or Layer 2 protocols
 capture network traffic on a remote switch and send a copy of the network traffic to the local switch through Layer 2
(switching) toward a local port attached to some sort of traffic analyzer
 MAC addresses are not learned on ports associated with the RSPAN VLAN. Ensures that the switch does not try to use the
port associated with the RSPAN VLAN to transmit data to the end host, which in turn ensures that the normal forwarding
path is maintained.
 Traffic is flooded out all the ports associated to the RSPAN VLAN. The RSPAN VLAN should not be associated with ports that
are not trunk ports between the source and destination switches.
 The VLAN configured for RSPAN needs to be the same on all devices
□ Configured:
 Vlan vlan-id
 Remote-span
 The destination command: monitor session session-id destination remote vlan rspanvlan-id
□ The session-id is locally significant but should be the same for easier configuration
 capture network traffic on a remote device and send the traffic to the local system through Layer 3 (routing) toward a local
port attached to some sort of traffic analyzer
 Must have end to end connectivity
 Used in large environments because its not always easy to move a traffic analyzer
 monitor session span-session-number type erspan-source
□ Once the session is create the source must be defined
□ Session is enabled by no shutdown command
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4.5 Configure and verify IPSLA
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:05 PM
• Once it has been configured the schedule for when it runs needs to be configured
ip sla schedule operation-number [life {forever | seconds}] [start-time {[hh:mm:ss] [month day | day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss}]
[ageout seconds] [recurring]
• Show ip sla configuration
• Works by using SNMP traps triggered by events
• Violations can trigger other IP SLA operations
• Ip sla responder is configured on the remote device to get more information about the network. This command can also add inte rface timestamps to
• For one way delay both devices should sync to same ntp server
• Round trip delay uses a total of 4 time stamps
• IP SLA Responder
○ Provides more advanced response metrics
○ Used because some operations require a responder
○ ICMP and HTTP operations do not require a responder
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4.6 Describe Cisco DNA Center workflows to apply network
configuration, monitoring, and management
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:05 PM
 Cisco DNA Center
• Design
 Geography
 The network profile allows you to associate an SSID with a location
• Policy
 ISE, people, endpoints, access
 Define users and groups
 The access contract is used to create permit and deny actions like an ACL
• Provision
 Building underlay/overlay
 Cisco recommends using the IP subnet range for device discovery
 Only devices of the same type can be provisioned together
• Assurance
 Uses network time travel to view the history of client health
 Configuration
 Can provide templates
 Use template editor to create static configurations that you want to apply to all devices
 You would use a configuration that's already been validated
 You can copy and paste into the editor
 Can select the device type that you want the template applied to and software type
 Monitoring
 Network Time Travel is an application that acts like a DVR for the network. records what is going on in the environment
using streaming telemetry and can play back something that happened in the past.
□ It also can show how the network is performing now as well as use things such as sensors to provide predictive
analytics on how the network will perform in the future
 The overall health of the network for wired and wireless devices can be viewed from a client perspective
 Integrates with many other tools, such as Active Directory, Identity Services Engine (ISE), ServiceNow, and Infoblox
□ This allows for searching of everything related to a user
 Management
 Can integrate third party apps with Cisco into a single network operation to streamline work flows
 Prime is the main management software
 Can map location of devices and total inventory of devices in the network
□ maps wireless/wired routers, switches, AP, WLCs and non-Cisco devices
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 Prime infrastructure can control configuration changes as well
 Can view current running config of all device
 DNA Center Assurance
 Some information that can be gathered automatically:
□ Device type, OS version, MAC address, IPv4 address, VLAN ID, connectivity status, last on network, SSID, last
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4.7 Configure and verify NETCONF and RESTCONF
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:06 PM
○ uses the YANG data models to communicate with the various devices on the network
○ runs over SSH, TLS, and (although not common), Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
○ uses paths to describe resources, whereas SNMP uses object identifiers (OIDs)
○ exchanges information called capabilities when the TCP connection has been made
○ NETCONF common uses:
Collecting the status of specific fields
Changing the configuration of specific fields
Taking administrative actions
Sending event notifications
Backing up and restoring configurations
Testing configurations before finalizing the transaction
netconf-yang -------------------------------------> Enable NETCONF/YANG globally. It may take up to 90 seconds to initialize
username cisco1 privilege 15 password 0 cisco1 ---> Username/password used for NETCONF-SSH access
show platform software yang-management process
Network Assurance Page 71
NETCONF uses SSH instead of HTTP like RESTCONF
○ used to programmatically interface with data defined in YANG models while also using the datastore concepts defined in NETCON F
○ Supports HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS
○ Can use JSON or XML data formats
○ NGINX acts as a proxy server when you configure RESTCONF to communicate by using HTTPS on a Cisco device
 NGINX is internally installed on a Cisco device
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5.1 Configure and verify device access control
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:06 PM
 5.1 Device access control
 Device lines protections
 3 lines to protect: console, AUX, and VTY
 Not recommended to configure a password directly on a line
 Line configuration must be done on the line or the line must be specified in the command statement
 Local username and pass can be a back to a AAA server
 From line configuration password password then login to enable password checking at login
 Verified by using those credentials on the line they were configured for
 Privilege Levels
 Privilege level 0: Includes the disable, enable, exit, help, and logout commands
 Privilege level 1: Also known as User Exec mode. The command prompt in this mode includes a greater-than sign (R1>). From this
mode it is not possible to make configuration changes. Read only commands
 Privilege level 15: Also known as Privileged EXEC mode. This is the highest privilege level, where all CLI commands are available
 Verify by logging in to see what a user has access to or show privilege
 The following commands can not have their privilege level modified from level 0: disable, enable, exit, help, logout
 Password protections
 5 types of passwords
 Type 0 most insecure
 Type 5 use cisco improved MD5 hash. Applied by using enable secret. Username secret also uses type 5 encryption
 Type 7 enabled by service password-encryption Cisco Vigenere cypher better than 0 but not 5
 Type 8 specify a Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) with a SHA-256 hashed secret and are considered to be
 Type 9 use the SCRYPT hashing algorithm considered to be uncrackable
 service password-encryption is primarily useful for keeping unauthorized individuals from viewing a password in a configuration file
 Authentication, Authorization, Accounting
 Who are you, what do you have access to and what did you do
 Managed by a Radius or TACACS+ server
 Radius UDP port 1812 (authentication/authorization) & 1813 ( accounting)
 Open standard
Provides secure network access control
Security Page 73
 Provides secure network access control
 Uses EAP(Extensible Authentication Protocol) which TACACS+ does not
 Returns all authorization parameters in a single reply
 Encrypts only the password
 Aaa authentication enable default group radius enable ensures that if the Radius server is unavailable the enable password will
be used
 TACACS+ TCP port 49
 Cisco
 Used mainly for device access control
 Can separate authentication, authorization, and accounting into independent functions
 How to enable AAA
 From config aaa new-model
tacacs server name
address ipv4 { hostname | host-ip-address }
key key-string
aaa group server tacacs+ group-name
server name server-name
aaa authentication login { default | custom-list-name } method1
[ method2 . . . ]
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5.2 Configure and verify infrastructure security features
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:07 PM
 ACLs
 Operation
 sequential lists of access control entries (ACEs) that perform permit or deny packet classification, based on predefined
conditional matching statements
 can be used to provide packet classification for a variety of features, such as quality of service (QoS), Network Address
Translation (NAT), or identifying networks within routing protocols
 No effect until applied to an interface
 Should be applied close tot the source of the packets being filtered. Last hop before reaching router that hosts end
 Standard
 Numbered(1-99 & 1300-1999), Named, Port, and VLAN
 access-list-number { deny | permit } source [source-wildcard] [log]
□ Applied to interface with ip access-group{acl-number} {in|out}
□ Applied close to destination
 Extended
 Numbered(100-199 & 2000-2699), Named, Port, and VLAN
 access-list acl-number {deny|permit} protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard[protocoloptions] [log | log-input]
 Applied close to source
 Port
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 filter traffic that is bridged within a VLAN or that is routed into or out of a VLAN
 How PACLs, VACLs, and RACLS are processed when configured on the same line
 CoPP theory and operation
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 CoPP theory and operation
• control plane policing (CoPP) policy is a QoS policy that is applied to traffic to or sourced by the router’s control plane CPU
• In a properly planned CoPP policy, network traffic is placed into various classes, based on the type of traffic (management, routing
protocols, or known IP addresses)
• implemented to limit traffic to the control plane CPU to a specific rate for each class
• The QoS police command uses conform, exceed, and violate actions, which can be configured to transmit or drop traffic.
• ACLs are used to identify the traffic, class maps are used to match traffic, and policy maps determine what happens to the traffic
• Base line of each traffic class is determined with conform, exceed, violate actions
Service-policy input POLICY-CoP
show policy-map control-plane input
Typical CoPP implementations use only an input policy that allows traffic to the control plane to be policed to a desired rate but
can be applied to outbound traffic
The CoPP policy map needs to be applied to the control plane with the command service-policy {input|output} policy-name under
control plane configuration mode
Modular QoS CLI is what allows for traffic filtering
 Class maps - classify net traffic based on L3,4,7 info
 Policy maps - defines a series of action to be taken against traffic matching a class map
 Service polices - specify where a policy map should be implemented
Main objectives
 ID and rate limit traffic that reaches control plane
 Protect IOS process memory, buffers, and ingress packet queues
 Protection against DoS attacks
 Create an ACL to ID traffic
 Create class map to classify traffic
 Create a policy map to define action to take against matched traffic
 Create service policy to enable policing on the control plane interface
 Management Plane Protection(MPP)
• When configured only traffic that enters the management interface can be used to remotely manage the device.
• Any management traffic from protocols that are not allowed by MPP will be dropped
• Management traffic received on another interface and destined for the host will be dropped
• Offers the ability to restrict an interface on which the network mgmt. packet can enter the device. After enabling, no other
interface can accept destined network mgmt. traffic to a device.
• Logical path for all traffic related to mgmt. of the routing platform. Used to manage the device via its network connection.
Protocols processed here are telnet, SNMP, SSH, HTTPS.
 Device Hardening
• Disable topology discovery tools (CDP, LLDP)
• Disable TCP and UDP small services
• Disable IP redirect services - used to inform a device of a better path to the destination network
• Disable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) - a technique that a router uses to answer ARP requests intended for a different
• Disable service configuration
• Disable the Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP) service
• Disable the packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) service
• LINA and Snort are the two main engines used to detect and prevent attacks
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• LINA and Snort are the two main engines used to detect and prevent attacks
 The LINA engine receives an incoming packet and performs checks that are related to routing an NAT
 If configured the LINA engine will pass the packet to the SNORT
 Snort inspects the packet and returns a verdict of blacklisted or whitelisted
• Interfaces can be configured in one of the following modes:
 Routed
 Full LINA checks and full Snort checks are supported
 Switched
 Partial checks
 Passive
 Partial checks
 Passive(ERSPAN)
 Partial checks
 Inline Pair
 All Snort engine checks will be performed on flows
 Minimal LINA engine checks will be performed on flows
 Enables device to drop packet flows
 Inline Pair w/ tap
• No zero touch deployment
 Zone-based firewall
• latest integrated stateful firewall technology
• Router interfaces are assigned to a specific zone, which can maintain a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship
• By default, interfaces in the same security zone can communicate freely with each other, but interfaces in different zones cannot
communicate with each other.
• When an interface that is not in a security zone sends traffic to an interface that is in a security zone, the traffic is dropped
• Self zone
 self zone is a system-level zone and includes all the routers’ IP addresses. By default, traffic to and from this zone is
permitted to support management (for example, SSH protocol, SNMP) and control plane (for example, EIGRP, BGP)
 After a policy is applied to the self zone and another security zone, interzone communication must be explicitly defined.
• Default zone
 default zone is a system-level zone, and any interface that is not a member of another security zone is placed in this zone
• When configuring the zones the order of the zone pair is significant; the first zone indicates the source zone, and the second zone
indicates the destination zone
• The inspection policy map which IDs the specified traffic has 3 options: drop, pass, inspect
 drop [log]: This default action silently discards packets that match the class map.
 pass [log]: This action makes the router forward packets from the source zone to the destination zone.
 Packets are forwarded in only one direction
Security Page 78
 A policy must be applied for traffic to be forwarded in the opposite direction
 The pass action is useful for protocols like IPsec, Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), and other inherently secure
protocols with predictable behavior
 inspect: The inspect action offers state-based traffic control
 router maintains connection/session information and permits return traffic from the destination zone without the
need to specify it in a second policy
• The inspect policy map has an implicit class default that uses a default drop action
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5.3 Describe REST API security
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:07 PM
 REST API Security
 Algorithms
 PBKDF2, bcrypt and scrypt algorithms.
 Classic HTTP
 POST command is used to authenticate with DNA Center by sending the username
and password
 Token
 Needed for future API calls to DNA center controller
 Once you authenticate you receive a token that contains a hashed string
 The token changes every time you authenticate
 If another user authenticates the will get their own unique token for the database
 A token can be obtained by a malicious user through reverse engineering
 Can use basic Auth of UN/PW to get a token
 Tokens only last for a limited time
 Oauth
 delegated authorization framework for REST/APIs
 OAuth 2.0 authorization used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or
applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them
the passwords
 Uses a token for authorization
 Securing
 Don’t make the database structure obvious
 Should be stateless (meaning it doesn't save information from a session)
 Include brute force protection
Method: POST
URL: http://APIC-EMController/api/v1/user Custom
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body: JSON that created the user
Security Page 80
5.4 Configure and verify wireless security features
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:08 PM
 EAP variations
• defines a set of common functions that actual authentication methods can use to authenticate
• Supplicant: The client device that is requesting access
• Authenticator: The network device that provides access to the network (usually a wireless LAN
controller [WLC])
• Authentication server (AS): The device that takes user or client credentials and permits or
denies network access based on a user database and policies (usually a RADIUS server)
• When using EAP always use the highest WPA mode that is supported on your WLC/Aps/Clients
• Validates the user's account against an internal or external source
• Uses a shared secret
• 802.1x will securely capture personal credentials but doesn't encrypt
• To use EAP 802.1x must be enabled on a WLC
 Extensible Authentication Protocol
 Does not require a certificate instead uses RADIUS
 Cisco
 Doesn’t need a certificate. Uses Protected Access Credentials to authenticate users
 3 phases
 Phase 0 optional provisioning client with PAC
 Phase 1 creating secure tunnel between client and server
 Phase 2 authenticating client
 Cisco
 Requires a client and server certificate
 Used for point to point connections for wired and wireless links
 Performs mutual authentication to secure the authentication process
 Client and server must obtain their certificates from the same CA
 Requires a digital certificate be installed on server but not the client
 Open standard
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 Open standard
• EAP Chaining
 EAP-FAST includes the option of EAP chaining, which supports machine and user
authentication inside a single outer TLS tunnel
 enables machine and user authentication to be combined into a single overall
authentication result
 allows the assignment of greater privileges or posture assessments to users who
connect to the network using corporate-managed devices
 WebAuth
• Uses open authentication
• Directs client to webpage that just may give an AUP if just using HTTP but if using HTTPS will
aske for UN/PW
• Configured at L3 predefined in the gui and uses a certificate
• Passthrough is what is used when you just have an AUP
• 2 modes local web authentication (LWA) central web authentication(CWA) which is done from
a RADIUS server
• The preference for how a client is authenticated can be set
LWA with an internal database on the WLC
LWA with an external database on a RADIUS or LDAP server
LWA with an external redirect after authentication
LWA with an external splash page redirect, using an internal database on the WLC
LWA with passthrough, requiring user acknowledgement
• Matching string on endpoint & AP
• No way to track identity because every has same access credentials
• Time consuming to change
• Configured from the gui with SSID and PSK that users will use to gain access must enable it or
the key won't be active
• All WPA methods use one of 2 methods for client authentication. PSK or 802.1x (personal
mode & enterprise mode)
• Personal mode uses a PSK
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• Personal mode uses a PSK
• WPA-Personal and WPA2-Personal modes, a malicious user can eavesdrop and capture the
four-way handshake between a client and an AP
• WPA3-Personal avoids such an attack by strengthening the key exchange between clients and
APs through a method known as Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE)
• WPA3-Personal offers forward secrecy, which prevents attackers from being able to use a key
to unencrypt data that has already been transmitted over the air
• WPA2 supports 256 bit encryption
• WEP supports 128 bit encryption
• WPA2 uses AES-CCMP for encryption
 802.11w
• Provides management frame protection in a WLAN. MFP prevents spoofing of the connections
between an AP and a wireless client
 802.11i
• Defines AES which is fully used by WPA2
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5.5 Describe the components of network security design
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10:08 PM
 Components (theory only)
 Cisco Safe
 Protects these places in the network: branch, campus, data center, edge, cloud, WAN
□ These areas are secured using the following concepts: management, security intelligence, compliance, segmentation, threat defense, and secure services
□ PINS not needed/used in the current network infrastructure can be removed
 Cisco SAFE security architectural framework that helps design secure solutions
 provides this visibility through network traffic telemetry, file reputation, and contextual information (such as device types, locations, users, identities, roles,
privileges levels, login status, posture status, and so on)
 Cisco AMP
 malware analysis and protection solution that goes beyond point-in-time detection and provides comprehensive protection for organizations across the full
attack continuum: before, during, and after an attack
 most important component of the AMP architecture is AMP Cloud, which contains the database of files and their reputations (malware, clean, unknown, and
custom), also referred to as file dispositions
 file disposition in the AMP Cloud can change based on data received from Talos or Threat Grid
The architecture of AMP can be broken down into the following components:
AMP Cloud (private or public) most important part. Contains database of files and their reputations (malware, clean, unknown, and custom), also referred to as
file dispositions. The file disposition in the AMP Cloud can change based on data received from Talos or Threat Grid.
AMP cloud performs decision making in real time
AMP connectors
AMP connectors remain lightweight by instead sending a hash to the cloud and allowing the cloud to make the intelligent decisions and return a verdict
(about reputation or file disposition) of clean, malicious, or unknown.
 Supported by endpoints as well as network devices like NGFW, ISRs, email, web, and Meraki
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 Cisco AnyConnect
 More than just a VPN, offers enhanced security through built-in modules like VPN Posture(HostScan) and ISE Posture
 assess an endpoint’s compliance for things like antivirus, antispyware, and firewall software installed on the host. If an endpoint is found to be noncompliant,
network access can be restricted until the endpoint is in compliance.
 includes web security through Cisco Cloud Web Security, network visibility into endpoint flows within Stealthwatch, and roaming protection with Cisco
 Cisco Umbrella
 provides the first line of defense against threats on the Internet by blocking requests to malicious Internet destinations (domains, IPs, URLs) using the Domain
Name System (DNS) before an IP connection is established or a file is downloaded.
 All devices will forward their DNS request to Umbrella's global network
 Cisco Web Security Appliance
 All in one web gateway to block hidden malware
 leverages real-time threat intelligence from Cisco Talos and Cisco AMP Threat Grid that allows it to stay one step ahead of the evolving threat landscape to
prevent the latest exploits from infiltrating the network
 Cisco Talos
 Cisco threat intelligence organization
 tracks threats across endpoints, networks, cloud environments, the web, and email
 detects, analyzes, and protects against both known and emerging threats for Cisco products
 Cisco Email Security Appliance
 Detect, block, and remediate threats across the attack continuum
 Global threat intelligence: It leverages real-time threat intelligence from Cisco Talos and Cisco AMP Threat Grid.
 Cisco Advanced Phishing Protection (CAPP): CAPP combines Cisco Talos threat intelligence with local email intelligence and advanced machine learning
techniques to model trusted email behavior on the Internet, within organizations, and between individuals. It uses this intelligence to stop identity deception–
based attacks such as fraudulent senders, social engineering, and BEC attacks.
 Threat Grid
 Can perform static(checking filenames, MD5 checksums, file types) and dynamic(behavioral) file analysis
 Gets threat intelligence feeds from Talos to better identify threats
 Threat Grid is available as an appliance and in the cloud, and it is also integrated into existing Cisco security products and third-party solutions.
 Sandbox solution
 Firepower NGFW
 URL filtering and application layer inspection
 Stateful inspection and integrated intrusion prevention
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 Stateful inspection and integrated intrusion prevention
 Advanced malware detection
 ability to leverage external security intelligence to address evolving security threats
 Available as hardware and software
 Firepower NGIPS
 Real-time contextual awareness, advanced threat protection, intelligent security automation, performance & scalability, Application visibility and control (AVC)
and URL filtering
 Automates protection policy updates
 Quickly IDs users affected by client-side attacks
 Can be virtual or physical device
Firepower series appliances, Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) for ISR, NGIPS Virtual (NGIPSv)
 firepower integrates with Cisco Talos for up-to-the-minute IPS signature updates and URL filtering
 can be deployed as active/standby and intra-chassis clustering
 Can integrate with ISE to quarantine, unquarantine, and shutdown(the compromised port the endpoint is connected to) hosts
 Firepower Management Center
 single pane of glass for event collection and policy management
 can use Cisco ISE to apply remediation on compromised hosts: quarantine, unquarantine, and shutdown
 Cisco StealthWatch Enterprise
 2 types Enterprise and Cloud
 At the core of Stealthwatch Enterprise are the Flow Rate License, the Flow Collector, Management Console, and Flow Sensor
 Required components for Enterprise
Flow Rate License: The Flow Rate License is required for the collection, management, and analysis of flow telemetry data and aggregates flows at the
Stealthwatch Management Console as well as to define the volume of flows that can be collected.
Flow Collector: The Flow Collector collects and analyzes enterprise telemetry data such as NetFlow, IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX), and other types of
flow data from routers, switches, firewalls, endpoints, and other network devices. The Flow Collector can also collect telemetry from proxy data sources,
which can be analyzed by Global Threat Analytics (formerly Cognitive Threat Analytics). It can also pinpoint malicious patterns in encrypted traffic using
Encrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA) without having to decrypt it to identify threats and accelerate response. Flow Collector is available as a hardware
appliance and as a virtual machine.
Stealthwatch Management Console (SMC): The SMC is the control center for Stealthwatch. It aggregates, organizes, and presents analysis from up to 25
Flow Collectors, Cisco ISE, and other sources. It offers a powerful yet simple-to-use web console that provides graphical representations of network
traffic, identity information, customized summary reports, and integrated security and network intelligence for comprehensiveanalysis. The SMC is
available as a hardware appliance or a virtual machine.
 Cisco ISE
 security policy management platform that provides highly secure network access control (NAC) to users and devices across wired, wireless, and VPN
 Allows for visibility into what is happening in the network, such as who is connected (endpoints, users, and devices), which applications are installed and
running on endpoints (for posture assessment)
 Cisco ISE is the central pxGrid controller (also referred to as pxGrid server), and all Cisco and third-party security platforms (referred to as pxGrid nodes)
interface with it to publish, subscribe to, and query contextual information
pxGrid 1.0: Released with ISE 1.3 and based on Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
pxGrid 2.0: Uses WebSocket and the REST API over Simple Text Oriented Message Protocol (STOMP) 1.2
 TrustSec
next-generation access control enforcement solution
performs network enforcement by using Security Group Tags (SGTs) instead of IP addresses and ports
SGT tags represent the context of the user, device, use case, or function
Configuration done in 3 phases: ingress classification, propagation, egress enforcement
□ Ingress classification is the process of assigning SGT tags to users, endpoints, or other resources (static or dynamic)
□ Propagation is the process of communicating the mappings to the TrustSec network devices that will enforce policy based on SGT tags (inline tagging or
SXP propagation)
□ After the SGT tags have been assigned (classification) and are being transmitted across the network (propagation), policies can be enforced at the egress
point of the TrustSec network.
 MACSec
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 802.1AE standards-based Layer 2 link encryption technology used by TrustSec to encrypt Secure Group Tag (SGT) frames on Layer 2 links between switches and
between switches and endpoints
 Only encrypts traffic destined to other MACsec enabled devices
Security Association Protocol (SAP): This is a proprietary Cisco keying protocol used between Cisco switches.
MACsec Key Agreement (MKA) protocol: MKA provides the required session keys and manages the required encryption keys. The 802.1AE encryption with MKA
is supported between endpoints and the switch as well as between switches.
 Downlink MACsec is the term used to describe the encrypted link between an endpoint and a switch
 Uplink MACsec is the term for encrypting a link between switches with 802.1AE
 802.1X
 Port-based network access control
 L2 authentication
 network access control technique that enables port-based access control
 typically used as a fallback mechanism to 802.1x
 MAB authenticated endpoints should be given very restricted access and should only be allowed to communicate to the networks and services that the
endpoints are required to speak to
 MAC Authentication Bypass must wait until 802.1X times out before attempting network access. By default, this value is set to 90 seconds on a Cisco Catalyst
□ setting the timer interval too low can result in 802.1X bypass happening unnecessarily.
 WebAuth
 network access control technique that enables access control by presenting a guest web portal requesting a username and password
 typically used as a fallback mechanism to 802.1x and MAB
 Local and centralized web authentication with ISE
 Endpoint Security
 Talos tracks threats across endpoints
 Threat Grid can test and analyze suspicious files before they ever touch an end device
 Cisco identity-based networking services (IBNS)2.0
 integrated solution that offers authentication, access control, and user policy enforcement with a common end-to-end access policy that applies to both wired
and wireless networks
 Combination of Enhanced FLexAuth(Access Session Manager), Cisco Common Classification Policy Language (C3PL), ISE
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6.1 Interpret basic Python components and scripts
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:09 PM
• Basic Python theory
○ Simple and easy to read for humans like XML and YAML
○ Scripts are interpreted at run-time by a python interpreter
○ A string is simply one or more alphanumeric characters
○ You would use 3 quotation marks in a row to begin a multiple line string and to end a multiple line string
○ To install a different python version use command python x.x where x.x references the version number anything more than 2 digits is too specific
○ Variables
 "Variable" = x
 Can be stored in one place and used multiple times
 Collect info from user or database and use it throughout script
○ Uses dictionaries and lists to store variables to use later or to store gathered data
○ The print() command must be used to get data to show
○ Data Types
 Natively recognizes string, integer, boolean(true/false), and collections(list and dictionaries) as values
○ Lists and Dictionaries
 List is an ordered collection of unnamed items. Dictionaries unordered collection named(keyed) items stored in key/item pairs
□ Items in a list are numbered 0 to -1 where 0 is the first item and -1 is the last
 A tuple is like a list but the information in it can't be changed once it's been set
□ Dictionary EX:
dnac = {"host": "sandboxdnac.cisco.com", "port": 443, "username": "devnetuser",
"password": "Cisco123!"}
 A dictionary is an unordered set of name/value pairs enclosed in curly brackets
○ Python also uses if/then statements
 If "this" then do that. If "not this" then do/don't do that
 A conditional statement is where something only takes place if the right conditions are met
 Commonly used in loops which are recursive statements. The loop will continue until the condition is no longer met using a for statement. For "x" in "something(list/dictionary) do this
 Modules help Python understand what it is capable of
 Modules can be imported to expand the functionality of Python or to import something from a previous script
 Some modules are used for advanced math functions and some can be used when automating networks
○ Functions
 Functions are blocks of code that are built to perform specific actions.
 come functions are built into Python and do not have to be created. A great example of this is the print function, which can be used to print data to a terminal screen.
○ Classes
 Your own custom data type
 Describes how you create an object sort of a blueprint
 Can represent a complex 'objects' or ideas
 The state = properties/variables of the class and the behavior = the methods/functions
○ :The “r” mode opens a file in read-only mode. There is no “rw” mode. The “w” mode opens the file in write mode, which will overwrite any existing values when you write a new value. The “a” mode is the append mode, which will let
you add values to a file without overwriting any existing values.
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6.2 Construct valid JSON encoded file
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:10 PM
 A JSON Object is an unordered set of name/value pairs enclosed in curly brackets
 Create JSON file
 Basic syntax
 Easy to read whether its indented or not
 Stores data in key/value pairs like a Python dictionary
 Each object starts with a { and ends with a }
"user": "root",
"father": "Jason",
"mother": "Jamie",
"friend": "Luke"
 Array[] = to Python List Object{} = to Python dictionary
 Key value pairs are separated by a colon
 Use all data types
 String, a number, an object(JSON object) separated by a comma, an array, a boolean, and null
 Compare to XML
 An XML Attribute gives more detail about an element and must appear in quotes. A Comment provides
documentation within a file. A Declaration is the optional first line in an XML document that contains
version and encoding information. A Tag is a string of text inside the < and > signs.
 Easier to work with
 Xml uses tags to provide separation of information
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 JSON Web Token(JWT)
□ The signature is comprised of the Base64URL-encoded forms of two other components
□ JWT header is used to enable secure transmission of JSON formatted information between two
□ JWT payload component contains registered claims, public claims, and private claims
□ JWT is comprised of header, payload, signature, they are separated by delimiters so delimiters do not
contain data
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6.3 Describe the high-level principles and benefits of a data
modeling language, such as YANG
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:10 PM
 YANG theory (relate to NETCONF and RESTCONF)
• Uses Leaf and container structure
○ A Leaf represents an attribute of something being modeled. A Container has Read-Write or Read-Only
privileges and contains one or more lists, which represent something (e.g. a router interface) that’s being
• YANG data models are an alternative to SNMP MIBs and are becoming the standard for data definition languages
• Uses a tree structure and the models inside it are similar to XML format
• The tree structure represents how to reach a specific element of the model, and the elements can be either
configurable or not configurable.
• Every element has a defined type. For example, an interface can be configured to be on or off. However, the
operational interface state cannot be changed; for example, if the options are only up or down, it is either up or
down, and nothing else is possible.
• YANG models make a clear distinction between configuration data and state information.
• YANG data models are harder for humans to read compared to CLI output
• YANG doesn't scrape output from the CLI and it eliminates the need to do so
○ YANG is used to communicate with different devices on the network
○ Code example
list interface {
key "name";
leaf name {
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leaf name {
type string;
leaf speed {
type enumeration {
enum 10m;
enum 100m;
enum auto;
leaf observed-speed {
type uint32;
config false;
Dotted line are devices talking directly back to the MGMT apps and solid line are NETCONF protocol
talking between the MGMT apps and the devices
○ programmatically interfaces with data defined in YANG models while also using the datastore concepts
defined in NETCONF.
○ goal of RESTCONF is to provide a RESTful API experience while still leveraging the device abstraction
capabilities provided by NETCONF
○ RESTCONF requests and responses can use either JSON or XML structured data formats
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6.4 Describe APIs for Cisco DNA Center and vManage
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:10 PM
APIs(Application Programming Interface) for DNA Center and vManage
• Northbound API
○ Northbound APIs are often used to communicate from a network controller to its management software.
○ DNA Center uses a GUI to manage the network controller
○ Should use TLS for encryption most APIs can use encryption
• Southbound API
○ Pushes changes to network devices
○ APIs interact with the components of a network through the use of a programmatic interface.
○ RESTful APIs use HTTP methods to gather and manipulate data.
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○ g
• Postman
○ Application that makes it possible to interact with APIs using a console-based approach
○ Allows various data types and formats to interact with REST-based APIs
○ In the builder portion of POSTMAN there are 4 important sections to remember
 History
□ Shows a list of all the recent API calls made using POSTMAN
□ Entire history can be cleared at anytime or just individual API calls
 Collections
□ Groups that APIs can be stored in
□ These groups are specific to a structure that fits the user's needs
□ Saving calls in a collection helps during testing so that APIs can be easily found and sorted
□ Collections can also be favorited by clicking the star next to them
 New Tab
□ Each tab can have its own API call and parameters that are completely independent of any other tab.
□ Each tab has its own URL bar to be able to use a specific API.
 URL Bar
□ Each API call in a RESTful API maps to an individual URL for a particular function.
□ every configuration change or poll to retrieve data a user makes in a REST API has a unique URL—whether it is a GET, POST, PUT,
PATCH, or DELETE function
• Cisco vManage APIs
○ Use Postman to interact programmatically with the APIs
○ URL bar must have the API call to target the Authentication API
○ HTTP POST operation is used to send the username and password to Cisco vManage
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6.5 Interpret REST API response codes and results in payload
using Cisco DNA Center and RESTCONF
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:11 PM
 REST API Response Codes
 Informational responses (100–199)
 Successful responses (200–299)
 Redirects (300–399)
 Client errors (400–499)
 Server errors (500–599)
• Error code 501 indicates the server does not have the functionality to complete the request
• Error code 500 unexpected condition unable to fulfill request
• Error code 405 method not allowed request method is known by the server but is not supported by the target resource
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6.6 Construct EEM applet to automate configuration,
troubleshooting, or data collection
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:11 PM
 EEM - Embedded Event Manager
• Allows engineers to build software applets that can automate many tasks.
• Scripts can automatically execute, based on the output of an action or an event on a device.
• One of the main benefits of EEM is that it is all contained within the local device.
 Applet
 composed of multiple building blocks. 2 of the primary ones are events and actions
 Can match CLI patterns (the typed command) to trigger an event
 Uses a type of if-then logic for decision making
 Enable and configure terminal must be included at the beginning actions within an
 That applet assumes the user is in exec mode. If using AAA it is important to include
the event manager session cli username username command. Otherwise, the CLI
commands in the applet will fail.
 When sync no is applied output will appear in the Syslog sync yes output will
 Script
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 An applet can be manually triggered that will then run a Tcl script that was stored in
 Use the command event manager run applet-name to manually trigger the applet
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6.7 Compare agent vs. agentless orchestration tools, such as
Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and SaltStack
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
10:11 PM
• Automation tools
• Agent has to have software on the target device while agentless does not
• Configuration management tools function in two different types of models: push and pull.
○ Push models push configuration from a centralized tool or management server to clients
○ Pull models check in with the server to see if there is any change in the configuration, and if there is, the remote devices pull the updated
configuration files down to the end device.
○ Chef
 Does not use SSH
 Agent based and uses Ruby pull model
 4 types of deployment
□ Chef solo - Chef server is hosted locally on the workstation.
□ Chef client and server - typical Chef deployment with distributed components.
□ Hosted chef - Chef server is hosted in the cloud.
□ Private chef - All Chef components are within the same enterprise network.
 knife is the name of the command-line tool used to upload cookbooks to the Chef server. knife upload cookbookname
 With Chef, the kitchen is a place where all recipes and cookbooks can automatically be executed and tested prior to hitting any
production nodes.
○ Puppet
 Agent based and uses Ruby
 Supported on Catalyst, Nexus, and UCS
 Puppet master(server) puppet agent(client)
 Changes and tasks are done in the puppet database. an be located on the same puppet master server or on a separate box
 Puppet allows for the management and configuration of multiple device types at the same time. From a basic operation perspective,
puppet agents communicate to the puppet master by using different TCP connections.
 3 different installation types
□ Monolithic supports up to 4000 nodes the typical install
□ Monolithic w/ compile masters 4000 to 20,000 nodes
□ Monolithic w/ compile masters and standalone PE-PostgresSQL more than 20,000 nodes
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□ Monolithic w/ compile masters and standalone PE-PostgresSQL more than 20,000 nodes
 Puppet modules allow for the configuration of practically anything that can be configured manually. Modules contain the following:
□ Manifests
 the code that configures the clients or nodes running the puppet agent.
 pushed to the devices using SSL and require certificates to be installed to ensure the security of the communications
between the puppet master and the puppet agents.
□ Templates
□ Files
 Puppet Bolt is the agentless version
□ Opensource and uses Ruby. SSH or WinRM
Orchestrator-driven tasks: Orchestrator-driven tasks can leverage the Puppet architecture to use services to connect to devices.
This design is meant for large-scale environments.
Standalone tasks: Standalone tasks are for connecting directly to devices or nodes to execute tasks and do not require any
Puppet environment or components to be set up in order to realize the benefits and value of Puppet Bolt.
○ Saltstack
 Agent based built on python
 a user can program directly to SaltStack by using Python code. most of the instructions or states that get sent out to the nodes are
written in YAML or a DSL(domain-specific language).
□ Called salt formulas
□ Formulas can be modified but are designed to work out of the box
 Uses the concept of masters and minions
 can run remote commands to systems in a parallel fashion, which allows for very fast performance
 leverages a distributed messaging platform called 0MQ (ZeroMQ) for fast, reliable messaging throughout the networking stack
 event-driven technology that has components called reactors and beacons. A reactor lives on the master and listens for any type of
changes in the node or device that differ from the desired state or configuration
□ Cli configuration
□ Disk/memory/processor utilization
□ Status of services
 Beacons live on minions
□ If a configuration changes on a node, a beacon notifies the reactor on the master. This process, called the remote execution
system, helps determine whether the configuration is in the appropriate state on the minions. These actions are called jobs,
and the executed jobs can be stored in an external database for future review or reuse.
 Pillars and grains
□ Grains are run on the minions to gather system information to report back to the master. This information is typically gather ed
by the salt-minion daemon.
□ Pillars, on the other hand, store data that a minion can retrieve from the master. Pillars can also have certain minions assi gned
to them, and other minions that are not assigned to a specific pillar would not have access to that data.
 SaltStack command structure contains targets, commands, and arguments.
 SaltStack SSH(Server-Only Mode)
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□ Salt SSH that allows users to run Salt commands without having to install a minion on the remote device or node
□ Salt SSH connects to a remote system and installs a lightweight version of SaltStack in a temporary directory and can then
optionally delete the temporary directory and all files upon completion, leaving the remote system clean
□ can work in conjunction with the master/minion environment, or it can be used completely agentless across the environment
○ Ansible
 Agentless
 Uses SSH for most devices and can use Windows Remote Management(WinRM)
 Doesn’t need an administrative account on the client. It can use built-in authorization escalation such as sudo when it needs to raise
the level of administrative control.
 All requests are sent from a control station which could be a laptop or server. The control station is what runs Ansible and issues
changes and sends requests to the remote hosts.
 PPDIOO (Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Observe, Optimize) lifecycle
 uses playbooks to deploy configuration changes or retrieve information from hosts within a network. An Ansible playbook is a
structured sets of instructions
 Playbooks are written in YAML
 Commands
□ Ansible - Runs modules against targeted hosts
□ Ansible-playbook - runs playbooks
□ Ansible-docs - provides documentation on syntax and parameters in the CLI
□ Ansible-pull - changes Ansible clients from the default push model to the pull model
□ Ansible-vault - encrypts YAML files that contain sensitive data
 Operates on Linux, UNIX- like systems and Windows
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