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Data Structures and Algorithms Course Material

1. Arrays & Matrices:
Binary Search (for sorted arrays)
Two Pointers (for finding specific patterns or sorting)
Sliding Window (for finding sub-arrays with specific properties)
Island Pattern (for finding connected components in a matrix)
Cyclic Sort (for sorting in-place)
Merge Intervals: to merge overlapping intervals efficiently
prefix sum
Sorting Algorithms (Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort - good for understanding basic concepts)
Quick Sort & Heap Sort: for (in-place-sorting)
Searching Algorithms (Linear Search, Sentinel Linear Search - good for understanding basic concepts)
Matrix Traversal (row-major, column-major)
Kadane's Algorithm:to find the contiguous subarray with maximum sum
2. Strings:
Modified Binary Search (for searching specific characters or patterns)
Two Pointers (for finding specific patterns or manipulating strings)
Bitwise XOR (for some string manipulations)
String Searching Algorithms (Rabin-Karp Algorithm, KMP Algorithm - more advanced)
String Processing Algorithms (Longest Common Subsequence, Longest Common Prefix - more advanced)
Infix to Postfix/Prefix Conversion (for expression evaluation)
3. Linked Lists (including Circular & Doubly & skip list):
Two Pointers (for traversing or manipulating the list)
Fast & Slow Pointers : Often used with Linked Lists (e.g., cycle detection, finding middle element)
In-place Reversal (for reversing the order of elements in place)
sorting linked list
modifying linked list Algorithms:
Traversal Algorithms (iterative or recursive)
Merge two sorted linked lists
4. Stacks:
Two Pointers (for pushing and popping elements)
Monotonic Stack: Primarily used with Stacks to maintain a stack in sorted order (increasing or decreasing)
prefix, infix, postfix problems
Implementing basic operations (push, pop, peek)
Balanced Parentheses Check (using a stack)
5. Queues & Deques & priority queues & circular:
Two Pointers (for enqueue and dequeue operations)
Implementing basic operations (enqueue, dequeue, peek)
Breadth-First Search (BFS) implementation using a queue
6. Trees(binary,tenary,n-ary,b, b+):
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Depth-First Search (DFS) (pre-order, in-order, post-order)
k-based problems
Tree Traversal Algorithms (BFS, DFS)
Level Order Traversal (BFS variation, printing nodes level by level)
Finding the Height of a Tree (using DFS)
7. Binary Search Trees (BST, 2-3 , 2-3-4):
Binary Search (for efficient searching)
Insertion (maintains BST property)
Deletion (maintains BST property)
Finding Minimum/Maximum Value
8. Self-Balancing Trees (e.g., AVL, red-black, splay trees):
Insertion (balances the tree)
Deletion (balances the tree)
Searching (similar to BST)
9. Heaps (Min-Heaps & Max-Heaps):
Two Heaps (for combining or manipulating elements from two heaps)
Top 'K' Elements (for finding minimum/maximum k elements)
Priority Queue
k-way merge
Heapify (to convert an array into a heap)
Insert (maintain heap property)
Extract-Min/Max (remove and return min/max element)
Merge two sorted arrays using heaps
interval problems
10. Trie (Prefix Tree):
Trie Operations (insertion, searching for prefixes)
Implementing Trie for efficient prefix searches
11. Graphs:
Breadth-First Search (BFS) (used for finding shortest paths in unweighted graphs)
Depth-First Search (DFS) (used for various graph problems like cycle detection, topological sorting)
Topological Sort (for finding a linear ordering of a directed acyclic graph)
Union Find (Disjoint Set) (for finding connected components)
Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm (for finding cycles in a linked list or array)
union find: a graph for fast insertion of edges, fast checking if two nodes are connected
strongly connected components: max group of nodes strongly connected,else if its only one node > acyclic graph
minumum spaning tree
Graph Traversal Algorithms (BFS, DFS)
Topological Sort (for directed acyclic graphs)
Dijkstra's Algorithm (finding shortest path in a weighted graph)
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm (finding all-pairs shortest paths)
Prim's Algorithm & Kruskal's Algorithm (finding minimum spanning tree)
Flood Fill Algorithm (for
Kruskal's Algorithm: to find the minimum spanning tree
Bellman-Ford Algorithm: (including graph with negative edge weights) for finding shortest paths
12. Recursion:
Base Case: The condition that stops the recursive calls.
Recursive Case: The function call to itself with a smaller problem.
Factorial calculation
Fibonacci sequence generation
Simple traversals of data structures (like in-order tree traversal)
13. Divide and Conquer:
Divide: Break the problem into smaller subproblems.
Conquer: Solve the subproblems recursively.
Combine: Combine the solutions of the subproblems to solve the original problem.
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Binary Search
14. Greedy Algorithms:
Make the locally optimal choice at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum. This may not always guarantee the best solution.
Activity selection problem
Fractional knapsack problem
Finding the closest pair of points
15. Backtracking:
Systematically explore all possible solutions in a search space.
Use recursion to explore different branches of the search tree.
Prune unpromising branches to improve efficiency.
Generating all permutations or combinations of a set
Solving maze problems
N-Queens problem (placing N queens on a chessboard without attacking each other)
16. Dynamic Programming (DP):
Overlapping Subproblems: Identify problems where solutions to subproblems are used multiple times.
Memoization: Store the solutions to subproblems to avoid redundant calculations.
Bottom-up approach: Solve subproblems in increasing order of complexity and store the solutions for later use.
it's tricks and optimisations (Knuth optimisation, convex hull optimisation, bitmasks, etc.)(advanced level)
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
Fibonacci sequence generation (optimized version using memoization)
Knapsack problem (with dynamic programming approach)
Disjoint set
union find
minimum spaning trees
segment trees
fenwick trees
Bit Manipulating
bit and : & 1 & & = 1
bit or : | 1 or 0 , 0 or 1 , 1 or 1 , = 1
xor : ^ 1 or 0 , 0 or 1 = 1
negation: ~ ~1 = 0 , ~0 = 1 , flip bits(reverse)
right shift: 3 >> 2 3/2/2 or 11 > 1 > 0 shift bits to right ntimes
left shift: 3 << 2 pow(3,2) or 11 > 110 > 1100 shift bits to left too much left shift OVERFLOW int size == 32 bit