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IGCSE ICT Chapter 5

Sayar Wai Lin
IGCSE CIE ICT Chapter 5 Revision Notes
Negative Effects of ICT
Office Work
- Office work requires lesser employees with the help of ICT.
- Job losses.
- Need digital literacy and computer skills to remain employable.
- Robots taking over human works
- Job losses
- More technical skills are required to remain employable. (e.g. robot maintenance,
quality control, design and development, marketing, etc.)
- Menial jobs are ceasing to exist.
Shop Work
- Lesser physical stores due to online shopping trend
- Lesser employees in stores
- Job losses
- Need digital literacy to remain employable since online shopping and social
media marketing is now a trend.
- Lesser physical bank branches due to online banking and EFTPOS trends
- Lesser employees in banks
- Job losses
- Need digital literacy and computer skills to remain employable.
Positive Effects of ICT
Office Work
- Requiring less employees means lesser costs to operate the business for the
- More efficient, more advanced, faster and more work being done with ICT.
- New jobs are being recruited such as web developers, network engineers,
programmers, digital marketers, etc.
- More skilled workers
- WFH opportunities + remote working enablement
Sayar Wai Lin
- Look at “Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots over Humans” below
- More efficient, more advanced, faster and more work being done with ICT.
- New jobs are being recruited e.g. robot engineers, programmers, designers, etc.
Shop Work
- Requiring less physical stores means lesser costs to operate the business for the
- Requiring less employees means lesser costs to operate the business for the
- New jobs are being recruited such as web developers, drivers, delivery men,
designers, social media specialists, digital marketers, telemarketers, etc.
- Online shopping enables more customers to be reached and eliminates
geographical limitations for the business. This means more customers and more
sales for the business.
- Requiring less employees means lesser cost to operate the bank.
- New jobs are being recruited such as programmers, mobile developers, network
engineers, cyber security specialists, customer services staff, etc.
- Online banking enables 24/7 banking services, no queuing, faster digital payment
services, eliminates geographical limitations and no traveling required. But the
internet connection is required.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots over Humans
- Higher productivity and efficiency
- More accurate and consistent results
- They work non-stop without breaks, holidays or time for shift handovers.
- Can assign dangerous or hazardous jobs to robots instead of humans.
- Robots are cheaper in the long term than paying humans wages.
- Can do repetitive tasks without affecting productivity.
- Robots are expensive to purchase and set up in the first place.
- Experts are required to maintain and fix the robots which can be expensive.
- They often need to be reprogrammed for every new task they have to carry out,
which can be expensive and time-consuming.
- Faulty robots can produce production errors and stop the whole production line
until it has been fixed which can be less efficient, costly and time-consuming.
Sayar Wai Lin
The Effects of ICT on Working Patterns
- 1 to 30 hours per week
- Fewer hours per week than full-time
- Can be fewer hours or fewer days per week
Flexible working (flexi-time)
- Any working schedule outside traditional working pattern
- Not fixed 9AM to 5PM working pattern like full-time.
- Can start and finish work at any agreed time but will need an agreement between
employee and the employer.
- But they must complete a full day’s work.
Job sharing
- Full time job is divided into two or more part time workers
- Both workers are doing the same job and same position.
Compressed hours
- employees work full hours for the week but in fewer days
- More working hours each day but lesser working days per week
Advantages of different working patterns on the employers:
A contented workforce is more likely to stay in the job, thus reducing the company’s
recruitment and training costs for new staff
Flexi-time allows them to remain open for longer hours
Job sharing ensures the company has more than one person with a particular skill set.
Compressed hours often lead staff to be more focused on their work
Varied work patterns give more flexibility during busy times and during staff sickness.
Advantages of different working patterns on the employees:
They can work hours that suit their lifestyle or home circumstances.
Students can get a part time job or share a job to get extra income while studying.
It allows them to avoid rush-hour commuting in the morning and evening.
Highly motivated and energetic staff as they can work during their productive hours or
get better rest/sleep before starting their work.
Sayar Wai Lin
Microprocessor-controlled Devices at Home
Examples of microprocessor-controlled devices include:
Automatic washing machines
Microwave ovens
Automatic dishwashers
Robotic vacuum cleaners
Bread-making machines
Smart fridges and freezers
Alarm clocks
Television sets
Central heating
Air conditioning systems
Home entertainment systems
Advantages and Disadvantages (Table 5.2 and 5.3 on page 83)