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Insulator Descriptions in Highly Polluted Areas

Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
Insulator Descriptions in Highly Polluted Areas
*BADOM Felix, D.C. Idoniboyeobu, C.O. Ahiakwo, S. L. Braide, H.N. Amadi
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, RSU
*Corresponding Author
E-mail Id:- zigalobari@yahoo.co.uk
This work describes the insulators in Highly polluted Areas with better provision for making
desired choice of insulators to use. The corrected conductivity and ESSD of tap water were
experimentally measured to provide accurate readings. The system's effectiveness is based
primarily on service continuity and the avoidance of interruptions that result in financial
losses for the company and users. Contaminants deposit on the insulator surface, forming
contamination. Check the isolator's pollution level to see when it needs to be cleaned or
repaired to prevent pollution problems. Evaluation of how various isolator models (size,
shape, and/or length) and/or insulating materials perform in a polluted environment.
Keyword:- insulators, Polluted Area , corrected conductivity and ESSD, insulator surface
Pollution-related insulation failure is one
of the main issues affecting continuity in
electricity. Pollution causes flashovers.
Insulation deteriorates as airborne
pollutants build up on it (Shimada et al.,
2014). Moisture and impurities combine to
form a conductive layer that lowers
insulation resistance and promotes quick
short-circuit current flow. Along with
natural pollutants like nitrous oxide, sulfur
dioxide, and acid rain, industrial pollutants
like dust and sea salt also harm outer
From this, it can be inferred that the
electrical conductivity of the insulation
causes the formation of dry strip arcs in
heavily soiled areas where continuous
operating voltages are present, which
ultimately causes discharge phenomena
(Chen et al., 2017). Due to the combined
pressure of air pollutants and moisture,
flashover happens in the insulation.
Insulators are partially or completely wet
in deserts and coastal regions like Africa.
Particularly following an interval of rain,
fog, or haze, dirt accumulates and becomes
a hazardous electrical material.
Conductive insulation may enable the
surface to conduct leakage currents from
outside. The conductive layer becomes
fragile as a result.
Leakage current detection is caused by
body homogeneity in regions with high
current densities. Due to the high
concentration of stress along the
insulation, dry arc geometry results in
significant dielectric breakdown results
(Abd-Rahman et al., 2017).
As a result, if the protective properties are
sufficiently weak, dry bends can
proliferate and avoid transmission line
terminals (Yonggang & Chengcai, 2014).
While developing the electrical cable plan,
protection for transmission lines is chosen.
Taking into account the dependability of
the power source, people's safety, and the
expected lifespan of the electrical cable,
the appropriate protective material should
be chosen. The decision of the above line
covers is based on the estimation of two
significant specialized boundaries: the slip
or division between the conductive
components on the protector's surface and
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
electromechanical powers, such as
mechanical slowing powers (Douar et al.,
The local climate (lowest and highest
temperatures, humidity, wind speed, and
other variables), air pollution, the
execution of the transmission line, the type
of supporting construction, the materials
(upholds), and any mechanical burdens are
the key considerations when planning the
covers (Tokuro et al., 2019). An event
called flashover occurs when pollutants on
the protection surface get wet and low
resistance. In a filthy defense, this occurs.
This information clarifies why the
breakdown voltage of tainted protectors
varies depending on the type and quantity
of tainting collected (Gillespie, 2020).
Insulator Types
These are the various insulator categories.
Porcelain pin-type insulator
They were modified for power distribution
after being used on telephone lines and
lightning rods initially. Medium-voltage
applications still have variations.
HV Insulators
(Non ceramic)
Cap & Pin
Pin type
Post type &
Line post
Insulators fibre
Epoxy Resin
EPDM Rubber
Bushing &
Hollow Core
Long rod
Fig.1:-The Classification of Insulators for Power Lines (Abd-Rahman et al., 2018)
Since the invention of electrical
machinery, porcelain has been the material
of choice for insulation. The molecular
parts of this inorganic substance are held
electrostatic bonds. This increases material
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
durability, but both benefits and
technology with a long history of
operational data showing arc resistance is
porcelain insulators.
This exceptional stability is made possible
by ceramic materials' high mechanical
properties (Haddad et al., 2017). Inorganic
materials have hydrophilic surfaces by
nature, which causes uncontrolled LC
flow. As a result, adequate creepage
distances and complex envelope geometry
are needed for operation in muddy and wet
conditions (Waters et al., 2018).[1-25]
Pollution Accumulation
Pollutants are carried by the wind to the
outermost defense layer. Typically, the
most effective focal points are located
between houses. According to Gorur
(2019), the toxin's path can be summarized
as follows:
The wind will move the
particles closer to the isolator.
Particles are drawn closer to the
energy-conveying separator by wind,
gravity, and electrostatic forces.
A portion of the airborne residue
lands on the protection's outer layer,
collides with it, and is absorbed. Standardfired isolators and anti-mist isolators were
used prior to soil aggregation.
The primary indicator of this characteristic
is the presence of heavy particles close to
the protector's outer layer that is exposed
to air development. More airborne
pollution levels on the faces and edges of
fresh polymer isolators, which typically
have a smooth cap-less shape and hold
airborne particles (Eeir, 2014).
Excessive External Insulation Pollution
The high voltage protector's outside
surface's level of contamination or
tarnishing is a compromise between
development and cleaning, with most
contamination occurring there. Protection
occurs throughout the dry season. Storms
and wind typically remove defilements
from protective surfaces, as claimed by
Okisak et al. (2019). Naturally, it has also
been discovered that breezes, particularly
in air streams and close to the sea,
significantly affect pollution events.
The amount of contaminants
(pollutants) deposited on the outer layer of
an insulator is largely determined by its
The number of contaminants per
cubic meter of air (g/m3).
The speed of an air molecule close
to the outer layer (m/s).
The material type and condition of
the insulator surfaces.
Following an assessment of the events of
April 33, 2001, the CIGRE Committee
concluded that extensive contamination
appeared to be the likely source of the
anomalies that followed.
Maritime environment, where seas
prevent air from absorbing ocean salts like
Na, Cl, Mg, and K.
Compost and insoluble debris
contain highly soluble toxins.
The cutting-edge environment
includes sources of soluble contamination
from steel mills, handling plants, or latent
waste sources like quarries and large
production lines.
Depending on the location, the
desert environment can result in
salinization and dead sand.
Kumosa (2000) considers levels above 0.4
increments of 0.01 mg/cm are negligible.
Table 2.1 displays salt release thicknesses
(ESDD), sorted by contamination severity
and intensity.
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
Fig.2:-Zed curve approximation to IEC site pollution severity (Parfenov et al., 2016)
According to Gorur (2019), ESDD of 0.1
to 0.5 mg/cm2 or moderate to
extraordinarily high contamination is an
appealing objective for flashover testing.
The various contamination levels are
shown in Table 1 based on varied
equivalent salt deposit densities.
Table 1:-ESDD Values according to IEC 60507 Standard: 2013
ESDD (mg/cm2)
0.03- 0.06
Polluted Silicone Rubber Insulator
Wetting Properties
The electrical properties of elastic silicone
sleeves are limited by surface clogging,
like conventional outer sleeves. Controlled
experience from various cases in different
countries shows that the accumulation of
thick layers of impurities frequently causes
the degradation of polymeric materials on
surfaces. According to Zhao et al. (2019),
active isolators can get wet from exposure
to atmospheric water and are exposed to
many contaminants during extended
outdoor use. Hu, (2014) state that the
classes listed below can be used to
represent the main wetting cycles of a soil
Condensation often occurs in the
early morning when the insulation surface
temperature is below the dew point.
Pollution Level
Very Heavy
Heavy rain, fog, and dark skies
According to studies, the differential in
temperature between the air around the
covered surface and the surrounding area
causes a humid environment. Silicon
rubbers' wetting rate is influenced by a
variety of surface characteristics, including
surface composition, surface hardness, and
temperature differences between the
surface and the surrounding air.
Customizable silicone coatings have the
potential to drastically change the qualities
of surfaces subjected to harsh weather,
such as making them less impermeable
(Saleh et al., 2016).
Surface Pollution from Sir Material
Production and its Effects
The dispersion of low atomic weight
(LMW) components from the polymer
bulk affects silicone elastic creation. The
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
stored poison layer becomes hydrophobic
due to the interaction between the
dispersal and the moist surface.
Polymeric Insulators Breakdown
Polymeric materials used to manufacture
protective devices, unlike conventional
materials (glass and porcelain), are
typically prone to wear due to continuous
UV exposure. As seen in Yang et al.,
(2017) the intensity, duration, and
humidity gradually decrease over time,
and discharge can occur on surrounding
surfaces. Wet and muddy. This can change
the physical properties of the surface,
reduce electrical efficiency, and increase
arcing. These effects can lead to the
weakening of material surfaces and, in
extreme cases, the bursting of protective
housings and structural damage. Amin et
al. (2018) address the mechanisms that
lead to the degradation of polymer
insulators. The initial degradation and
evolution of the SiR insulator are shown in
Figure 2.9.
As shown in Figure 2.9(a), erosion is
degradation of an insulator brought on by
substantial material loss.
Tracking: As shown in Figure
2.9(b), when a hydrocarbon polymer's
substance responsibilities are broken, free
carbon is framed, at least when dry, in a
grouping beginning at the surface and
moving toward the diversion.
Cleavage: As seen in Figure
2.9(c), cleavage refers to fractures or
fissures in the polymer coating that allow
water to seep between or into the
protective sections, resulting in electrical
Hole: As shown in Figure 2.9(d),
an opening in the coat, sleeves, or other
protective component.
Chalking: As shown in Figure
2.9(e), the case material surface has taken
on a rough or powdery look due to filler
particles coming into contact with it.
Mechanical failure of the core
rod: this occurs when the belt is damaged
by sliding and disintegrates, or when the
mechanical strength is exceeded. As seen
in Figure 2.9(f), the catenary will collapse
and short-circuit the network.
Crazing: Surface microcracks
between 0.1 and 0.01 mm deep. These
microcracks are one of the causes of the
excessive defiling of the protective surface
that results in electrical releases, as seen in
Figure 2.9(g).
Colour shift: As shown in Figure
2.9(h), interactions between substances
and natural impurities led to modifications
in the SiR insulators' case material.
(a) Erosion
(c) Splitting
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(b) Tracking
(d) Puncture
Page 14
Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
(e) Chalking
(f) Mechanical Failure
(g) Crazing
(h) Color Changes
Fig.3:-Most common aging of SiR Insulators (Salem & Abd-Rahman, 2019)
Pollution Problems
With respect to an isolator's circumstances,
the definitions of "contamination" and
"contamination" are explained below.
Large Deposit for Electricity
When turned on, the insulators are so
heavily polluted with sea particles that, at
first glance, they seem entirely clean.
However, industrial buildings with black
soot or partly concreted surfaces may have
electrical performance on par with
similarly priced recently built facilities
(Arabani et al., 2017). Actually, there is no
connection between surface conductivity
and flashover. If water can be broken
down, this can be done successfully in the
presence of solvent electrolytes such as
common salts or contemporary acids. This
is at a thickness of 0.1 mg/cm3. Getting
carbon particles to temporarily touch one
another is difficult. This holds true for
compounds added to mineral powders
without an ionic component. Therefore,
the most significant depositors for
insulating function are highly soluble
electrolytes. For instance, electrolytes may
be found in salt marshes, salt highways,
desert dust, and even in other
petrochemical and acid manufacturing
enterprises (Arshad et al., 2015).
The aforementioned totals include debris
from smashed coal-terminated power
plants, and contemporary gases are locally
substantial but less hazardous. Fog, dew,
and drizzle are therefore crucial sources of
ionic and nonpartisan solubilization layers.
Without water, pollutants like dust, metal
oxides, and carbon are advantageous.
Flashovers directly caused by them are
fascinating. Iron oxide, however, can
seriously contaminate copper and carbon
in wheel brakes, linkages, and electrical
recorders in rail route separators. These
pollutants can react with polymeric
insulators and insulating lubricants to
produce significant damage when mixed
with other contaminants. Smoked silica is
used to create silicon shielding pastes for
insulators. As a result of silicon
deterioration brought on by emissions and
atmospheric factors, the Joule effect leads
silicon dioxide to absorb a significant
quantity of water and result in localized
damage (Chris et al., 2014).
Environmentally Harmful Processes
The electrostatic attraction of charged
particles, the electrophilic motion of
highly permeable particles near strong
electric fields, the flight of vapors in
solutions or suspensions, aerodynamic
traps, and gravity are the most significant
modes of mass transport in insulators.
Everything is in order.
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
Fig.4:-Particle properties determine how particles are caught (Gleizer et al., 2014)
Cohesive forces hold a finite number of
Insulation's propensity to trap airborne
particles depends on its shape, size,
thickness, and capacity. Due to flow
separation, an airless space is always
created by insulation. The flow direction
changes at the stagnation point. However,
airborne particles are much denser than
real air, making them unlikely to follow
the flow at well-defined points or in very
oblique directions. Cherny (2015) says this
movement repels the viscous forces of the
particles from the surrounding air. This
motion is weaker when the particles are
small in diameter and have low density.
results in longer travel times and larger
force areas. With this process, very small,
low-density particles are strongly absorbed
into the coil. Researchers studied
insulation's ability to reshape airflow
turbulence and improve its properties. The
biconvex metal dummy with its two
insulating panels is used for wind tunnel
tests. Surface indicators such as titanate
and paraffin infiltration were used to
estimate the flow design. Talc or
magnesium mud was added to rivers as
man-made pollutants before being utilized
in sediment quantification studies (Cherny,
When debris reaches a certain thickness,
airflow changes, frictional resistance
increases, and vortices develop. The
clogging and reduction in actual losses
caused by this cumulative failure can
adversely affect electrical performance.
Particle capture occurs in its most basic
form when relatively large and dense
particles are propelled into a stagnation
zone without force. However, disturbances
and vortices have larger and more
permanent effects. Insulation restricts
airflow because of its ability to do so.
The Process of Cleaning
Airflow is the source of true self-cleaning,
supported by a dark geometric design to
maximize surface velocity and sometimes
helped by large particles. The water waste
of time of dregs depends on the protection
calculation and the wetting design. Due to
their speed of impact, raindrops that fall in
strong winds remove most pollutants in a
profound manner. The disadvantage of
either wetting method is that not all water
hits the surface. The stunts have tight exits,
so dodging is very likely. The sediment's
harmful components dissolve in light rain
or fog, but the material becomes inert.
Additional bezels surround the tourbillion
on the back and the side of the case
especially in hangars and fortification
sections. Eddy currents cause tornadoes.
Small particles are trapped in the vortex
volume for short periods of time. This
The procedure is effective, but it requires a
drip ring and does not support continuous
solution flow. Therefore, while the
biconvex shape works well for low
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
compression, outdoor testing revealed it
was a disaster. Even light rain will flicker
if the catchment area is large and the cages
are close together. This is accepted to be
the reason for the declining performance
of substation towers. Surface abrasion is a
cleaning method for polymer insulation.
Compared to other materials, shell
materials with active filters, like alumina
trihydrate, produce less pollution. In fact,
these groups appear to remove even
stubborn stains by releasing steam during
drainage, making them useful for
firefighting (Saleh et al., 2016).
Different polymers disintegrate because of
climate impacts. Additionally, titaniumfilled polyolefins adhere exceptionally
well to surfaces. Loom (2016) says it is a
variant of older lead-based paints that
maintain a white appearance while
gradually losing surface and shade. Direct
cleaning is considered a cleaning
interaction; other forms of designated
cleaning are likewise utilized. Manual
cleaning, sometimes with acids and
solvents, is often used to remove difficult
items. Pre-treating the porcelain surface
with wax or oil and restoring silicone
elastomer works with manual cleaning.
Dry-blasting techniques are many.
To prevent enamel damage, low voltage
insulators often require a relatively mild
abrasive like walnut shell powder. Any
kind of on-site cleaning is expensive in
terms of labor costs and downtime.
Consequently, surfaces and geometry that
effectively extend cleaning intervals may
result in a more expensive purchase than
typical (Salem et al., 2017).
Flashover Paradox
Potential differences often limited by gaps
of a few millimeters lead to catastrophic
discharges several meters high, which
contrast with flashover phenomena. In a
sense, the presence of a less conductive
coating reduces the effective electrical
resistance of a highly insulated surface by
a factor of 100 or more. There are two
reasons. The electrolyte film is locally
evaporated, creating a voltage strong
enough to ionize the air. As a result, the
conductive film develops dry threads and
The electrodes where the gas arc burns
separate very slowly, making it easier to
maintain the gas arc without extinguishing
it (Dhahbi & Beroual, 2018).
Discharging can remove dry streaks that
build up on the insulation surface for most
of its useful life. However, the surface can
crack or scratch. Such discharges are not
harmful. Conductivity and voltage rarely
need to be at a certain level to generate and
sustain sufficient arc current. Flashover is
happening. Technically speaking, the
problem is that the surface conductivity
that caused the flashover can persist after
the arc and cause another flashover.
System degradation persists even after the
root causes are resolved (Hussain et al.,
Flashover stage
The following are typical indications of
insulator bypass contamination:
a) The effect of substantially pure water
acting as fog, flood, or fog on materials
constituents such as salts on surfaces.
b) Electrolyte mixtures such as water and
salt water, industrial mists, and other
c) Frost, ice, or frost on infected insulating
surfaces. Due to the low ionic content of
impurities, water dissolves at the interface,
lowering the freezing point.
d) Circuits with dirty or wet insulation.
Moisture, dirt, or live casing can flash or
replace spikes.
The first of the three is the most common.
Especially in arid regions, sunsets, and
morning fog are directly related to
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
pollution incidences. The most dangerous
moment of swimming in polluted water is
when the haze is still visible. Deposition of
water and dissolved material can occur not
only during ground storms but also during
chimney insulation flooding. Condition (b)
is rarely chosen for salt spray studies.
Most fatalities are caused by freezing fog
The UK distribution network briefly
collapsed in 1962 due to several errors.
Defective electrolyte layers are sealed with
an insulator and must be removed
manually. Other situations (d) and (e)
provide information about flashover
cycles, although less sequential (Parfenov
et al., 2016).
Effectiveness of Composite Insulation in Polluted Environments
Composite insulators are made of the following materials:
Silicone rubber (SR);
Epoxy resins
Among materials, SR has been proven over the years to have the following superior
Invisible aging
No cleaning is necessary[26-50]
Pollution levels
Table 2:-Degrees of Pollution Exposure in Different Environments
Pollution Level
Examples of common environments
i -light
Due to outrageous climate conditions, there are no heated
homes or factories in these areas. The distance between
levels, productive soils, and mountains should be at least 10
to 20 kilometers in order to avoid seashore breezes. Natural
disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides may
occur in these regions. It's crucial to plan and build
structures that can withstand adverse weather conditions.
Access to clean water and food must also be prioritized.
In addition to areas with thick structures, warm scaffolding
can also be found in areas with little pollution. Despite
being close to the coast and exposed to sea breezes, this is a
windy and humid place with many houses and shops.
A coastal area or a place with a strong land breeze, or an
industrial area. The outskirts of an urban city with polluted
boiler rooms. Such places can provide warmth and shelter to
birds and other animals. They can also provide a safe space
for humans to be able to relax and enjoy the surroundings.
Areas are often exposed to current vapor particles and
conductive residues, especially thick conductive deposits. In
desert areas, heavy rains and high winds, and subsequent
development usually result in long stretches of unaffected
areas. In contrast, calm areas near the coast usually have
highly polluted areas of sea fog and strong sea breezes.
ii - medium
iii - heavy
iv- very heavy
Source: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research (ETASR) 2017
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Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical Power System
Volume 7 Issue 1
e-ISSN: 2584-2404
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10780889
The description of insulation materials
under polluted conditions were measured
including the temperature, exposure time,
flashover voltage magnitude, and flashover
duration are also assessed for porcelain
insulators. In an experimental setting,
leakage current and applied voltages were
also assessed against exposure time. Study
findings show that high quantities of
pollutants were discovered during the
exposure period. The results show the
nominal voltage-dependent connection
between applied voltage and leakage
current, increased leakage current results
from increased voltage. Contaminants
deposited on insulators become conductive
electrolytes when wet by rain or fog.
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Cite as :
BADOM Felix, D.C. Idoniboyeobu,
C.O. Ahiakwo, S. L. Braide, & H.N.
Amadi. (2024). Insulator Descriptions in
Highly Polluted Areas. Journal of Recent
Trends in Electrical Power System, 7(1),
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