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ilide.info-physical-education-1-2nd-quarter-oed-exam-answers-pr ced76de1e0d8b8bb9b9101a3b3f67539

How manay gals per person should you put in your disaster supply kit?
The following are factors caused by injuries EXCEPT one
= extra precautionary measures
Which of the following are some of the benefits of maintaining equipment and
= all of the above
This refers to the act of purposely harming another person
= Assault
What are the Importance of health and fitness-related events?
= all of the above
A form of unintentional injury wherein there is a crack or breaking of bone.
= fracture
If you are going to organize an event, what is the most important part?
= Research and Setting a Goal
The following are steps in treating wounds EXCEPT.
= Sterile bandages will not be applied
An step in organizing events wherein you do brainstorming.
= Plan Your Project
This occurs when the ligaments of a bone were teared or overstretched.
= sprain
Refers to the partial or complete displacement of the bones.
= dislocation
Which of the following are some of the different strategies which can help you at
times of emergency
= all of the above
The following are steps in treating burns EXCEPT.
= Clean the injury with alcohol
What are the importance of doing Physical Activity Assessments?
= all of the above
This is a form of behavior that makes a victim feel harassed and in danger.
= stalking
In lifting, when should we ask for a spotter?
= in lifting heavy load
This act if assault commonly known to take place at home.
= domestic violence
It answers the question, Where would you like to hold your event?
= Finding a Location
An step in organizing events wherein you utilize to-do list
= Manage Your Health and Fitness Event
This is a form of unwanted and aggressive behavior repeatedly committed towards a
person over time.
= bullying
It basically refer to unintentional or intentional damage to the body caused by
various factors.
= injury
This community-based preparedness must be practiced in order for people to learn
how to respond to emergencies properly
= disaster recovery
Which of the following are examples of community emergency.
= terrorism
The following are gym etiquettes EXCEPT for one
= Drop barbell at the end of the set
Promote your project, and document the day, through Facebook, Tweets, and
= Digital and Social Media
This determines if an individual’s heart rate is within the target zone during physical
= target heart rate
Caused by joining different young people prone to violence.
= Gang/Youth violence
An step in organizing events wherein members agree upon clearly defined tasks
= Building a Team
Getting volunteers to help you plan or implement your service activity
= Communicate Your Message
Why should we prepare for a disaster?
= all of the above
If you’re training on a track, which lane should we take if we are walking?
= inner lane
This accident occurs mostly among younger children, although it can happen to older
ones as well
= choking
The following are the contents of a disaster supply kit EXCEPT for one.
= Junkfoods and carbonated drinks
This determines the extent a person has enough breath to be able to speak during
= talk test
How will we reduce the economic impact of disasters on your household or
= all of the above
These injuries occur when an individual harms himself/herself on purpose.
= Self-inflicted injuries
This is an injury that resulted from improper use of muscles.
= strain
Make follow-up phone calls to the news media
= Traditional Media
This refers to the act of unlawful taking of something (especially money) by means of
force or threats.
= extortion
The following are steps in using equipment and facilities properly at the gym EXCEPT
for one
= Shout after every rep to release tension
The success of an event lies in the ____________, from start to finish.
= organization
Components of a coordinated school health program
= all of the above
Post flyers in public places
= Low-tech Outreach
This is a form of accident caused by consumption of food or drink that is
contaminated with bacteria or viruses.
= food poisoning
This community-based preparedness is the planned and coordinated process of
supporting disaster affected communities
= disaster recovery
Injuries thay are basically a result of violence
= intentional injury
How many weeks of medical supply will you prepare in preparing a disaster supply
= 2 weeks
After using a gym facility, what should we do?
= Leave the venue clean and organized properly
This refers to how hard you feel your body is working on a scale from 6-20.
= perceived exertion
Injuries which are also known as accidents.
= unintentional injury