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Chapter 2-weak foundation final

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that will provide further
details about the research background. By synthesizing existing knowledge and
literature, this review aims to provide a robust theoretical framework for
understanding the phenomenon under investigation.
Foreign Literature
A student’s ability to perform early math skills before formal schooling
can predict their math achievement in the future. By teaching students these skills
before first grade, students enter School with a foundation of skills to build on in
order to do more advanced math. The Kindergarten Common Core skills,
representing, relating and operating on whole numbers and describing shapes and
space, which are early math skills, are essential for the skills students will learn up to
third grade including operations, place value and geometry (Ramani & Eason, 2015).
According to Hagman, J. E., Johnson, E., & Fosdick B. K., (2017) a number
of student factors associated with students experiencing negative opportunities to
learn, such as student gender, lacking previous calculus experience, and reports of
poor and non-student-centered teaching. Factors weakly associated with instructor
reports of lack of time were a common final and reporting that approximately half of
the students lacked the ability to succeed in the course.
According to Ribner, A., et al. (2017) Math is a subject that builds on it
starting in early childhood. A student who fails a sixth-grade math course has a 60%
chance of dropping out prior to high school graduation.
According to Harris, B., & Petersen, D. (2019) if students have the chance to
be exposed to and learn early math skills at a young age, they are more likely to
succeed in school. Students who enter Kindergarten low in math skills tend to
continue to perform below their peers in later grades. Teaching math skills in early
childhood are important because it is during that time that children are the most open
to learning. Early math and numeracy skills build on children’s natural curiosity,
inquiry and exploration of the world around them.
According to Desoete, A., & De Craene B. (2019) Metacognitive strategies
are important in the Mathematics classroom because it helps students in knowledge
acquisition, connecting previously learned knowledge and skills to the current lesson,
forming habits of mathematical thinking such as observing patterns, formulating
conjecture, acquiring computational skills and problem-solving skills, and
mathematical reasoning .
The study revealed that the causes of poor performance in mathematics
among senior secondary school students are multifaceted and include causes located
in personal status, erroneous beliefs, students, teachers, teaching methods, language
competence, teaching and learning materials, parents and family members, schools,
policies, society, infrastructures, and government. The poor performance in
mathematics among senior secondary school students is negatively impacting their
access to tertiary institutions for higher education in order to effectively take part in
future national developments and worse of all pushing them to commit crimes as
they cannot secure jobs in the highly competitive job market (Yahya Muhammed
Bah, 2022)
Local Literature
In the Philippines, mathematics is a general education subject in primary and
higher education where learners are expected to gain understanding and appreciation
of its principles as an applied-using appropriate technology in problem-solving,
critical thinking, communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations,
and decisions in real life (K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum).
According to Aljemedin Sakilan Jaudinez (2019) low performance of students
has been attributed to students’ lack of mastery of basic skills, stigma, and language
used which could be aggravated with books that are user-unfriendly and erroneous.
According to Jay-Cen Amanonce (2020) mathematics requires critical
thinking and problem solving skills which are indispensable in gauging college
readiness of entering tertiary students.
National Achievement Test mean percentage score in Mathematics was
below the standards (DepEd, 2019).
Learners’ achievement in mathematics has been declining over the years, as
the results released by PISA and TIMMS (OECD, 2019; Mullis et al., (2019)
Foreign Study
According to Paula Varaidzai Makondo & Davison Makondo (2020), the
study was set up to determine the causes of poor academic performance in
Mathematics at ordinary level. The results showed that teaching methods, pupils,
teachers and parents’ negative attitudes towards mathematics, lack of teaching
experience by some teachers and instability of teachers and lack of adequate
resources are some of the causes of poor academic performance in Mathematics at
ordinary level. A number of recommendations have been made which include
motivation of students and staff development workshops.
This paper reports an overview of contemporary research on early
childhood mathematics teaching and learning presented at recent mathematics
education research conferences and papers included in the special issue (2020–4) of
ZDM Mathematics Education. The research covers the broad spectrum of
educational research focusing on different content and methods in teaching and
learning mathematics among the youngest children in the educational systems.
Particular focus in this paper is directed to what lessons can be drawn from teaching
interventions in early childhood, what facilitates children’s mathematical learning
and development, and what mathematical key concepts can be observed in children.
Together, these themes offer a coherent view of the complexity of researching
mathematical teaching and learning in early childhood, but the research also brings
this field forward by adding new knowledge that extends our understanding of
aspects of mathematics education and research in this area, in the dynamic context of
early childhood. This knowledge is important for future research and for the
development of educational practices. (Björklund C., Heuvelpanhuizen, Kullberg A.,
This is a survey research related to find the "causes of low performance in
mathematics." The objectives of this study were to find the causes of low
performance in mathematics at secondary level and to recommend the solution to
mitigate the low performance of secondary students in mathematics learning. The
major findings of the study were pre-knowledge of students, practice and
participation, teacher's training and implication, method, motivation and materials,
teaching learning environment of the school directly affect on student's mathematics
performance. Thus it is concluded that low performance is the function of weak
academic foundation of students, poor assessment and promotion practices. Finally
the study suggests teachers should identify pre-mathematical knowledge of students
before teaching every unit and also should focus on better teaching learning activities
from lower level of school not only in class eight or SEE, teacher training should be
given in demand base, the ministry of education should provide training on use of
ICT and materials to the mathematics teacher and also should encourage to use of
ICT and teaching material in class room. and parents should attention about their
children (Pradeep Rijal, 2020).
Mathematics is seen by society as the foundation of scientific technological
knowledge that is vital in social-economic development of a nation. In fact, studies
suggest that mathematics as a subject affects all aspects of human life at different
levels. This paper is a rapid systematic review of factors affecting students’
achievement in mathematics. We searched literature on student achievement in
mathematics. We used ERIC database and supplemented with Google Scholar and
random Google search. Twenty six articles met the final selection criteria and were
reviewed. The teaching methods, teachers’ attitude, students’ attitude towards
mathematics were noted as key factors in almost all articles reviewed. There seemed
to be consistency too that parents can exert a positive influence on their children’s
mathematical performance, classroom environment, students’ previous mathematics
achievement and gender related factors. Student achievement at secondary level
determines whether they will opt to or qualify to study statistics at university. From
this review, it is imperative that these factors be addressed early in the students’
career so as to have more student enrollment for statistics at tertiary institutions
(Ayebale, L., Habaasa, G., Tweheyo, S.,2020)
According to Mabena et. al., (2021) Learners’ mathematics performance
globally and locally has been a major concern. Learners are generally not performing
well in mathematics. This is also true of learners in Kwagga West Circuit, Nkangala
district in Mpumalanga province of South Africa. Performing badly in the subject
negatively affects them, preventing them from progressing to the next grades. This
research employed a qualitative case study design with observation and semistructured interviews with a sample of three school management team (SMT)
members, six teachers, nine learners, and three parent component members of the
school governing body (SGB) to determine factors affecting learner performance in
mathematics in the senior phase. The results showed that numerous factors
influenced learners’ confidence and performance. The factors found to have an
impact on mathematics performance were learner related, such as ill-discipline,
language barriers and learner attitudes. Teachers’ factors included lack of
pedagogical content knowledge and skill, and lack of appropriate professional
training. Finally, the study offers suggestions for further research and
recommendations regarding learners, teachers, schools, school management teams,
the parents, as well as for the national education ministry.
Local Study
Students’ learning of and performance in mathematics is affected by a
number of factors, including students’ attitude towards the subject, teachers
instructional practices, and school environment. This study was conducted to
investigate students’ attitudes towards learning mathematics in Tanzania. It also
sought to ascertain reasons for the liking or disliking mathematics and the
relationship between attitude and performance. We employed the ABC Model and
the Walberg’s Theory of Productivity to investigate students’ attitudes towards
mathematics and associated factors. The quantitative and qualitative data were
collected from 419 primary school students, 318 secondary school students, and 132
College students from 17 schools and 6 colleges in mainland Tanzania using a
survey. The collected data were analyzed using percentages, means, standard
deviations, ANOVA, correlation, regression and thematic analysis. The results show
that initially students exhibit a positive attitude towards mathematics, but their
attitude becomes less positive as the students move forward to higher levels of
education. A significant positive weak correlation between students’ attitude and
performance was established. Mathematics’ enjoyment and attitude significantly
predicted students’ performance in our data. The factors influencing the students’
liking or disliking of mathematics constituted student’s aptitude attribute,
instructional and social psychological environmental factors. Furthermore, the results
show that failure in examinations is attributed to teacher didactic strategies,
institutional resources, poor learning and examination strategies, and failure to
understand instructions. The results provide insights for future research and inciting
changes in teaching- learning practices that would promote mathematics enjoyment
and subsequent better performance in the subject (Mazana et al., 2018).
According to Jaudinez, A. S. (2019). Teaching Senior High School
Mathematics: Problems and Interventions. Results underscore that teaching SHS
Mathematics is geared towards learner-centered, contextualized and relevant
curriculum. Deficiencies along suggested teaching strategies, mathematical and
technology tools, performance-based activities and training have prompted teachers
to become flexible and resourceful in exhausting all means to effectively deliver the
intended curriculum. Lessons which were inappropriate or repeated from basic
education have been disregarded which decongested the contents and competencies.
Low performance of students has been attributed to students’ lack of mastery of
basic skills, stigma, and language used which could be aggravated with books that
are user-unfriendly and erroneous. Discussions, implications, and recommendations
are given.
Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of Junior High School
Students. Self-concept in mathematics can be defined as student ratings of their
skills, ability, enjoyment, and interest in mathematics is seen as an essential factor in
their achievement in math. This study assessed the self-concept and academic
performance in Math of the Grade 10 students of a public national high school,
Cebu, Philippines. The study employed descriptive correlational research. One
hundred eighty-three respondents were asked to answer a survey questionnaire in
order to measure their self-concept. Their academic performances were assessed
using their grades in Math. The assembled information was dealt with measurably
utilizing recurrence, percentage, weighted mean, t-test, and Pearson r. Results
revealed that they had a moderate level of self-concept towards learning
Mathematics. No gender difference was found on the self-concept of the
respondents, but there was a significant relationship between self-concept and the
respondents’ academic performance in Mathematics. Hence, a Math performance
enhancement plan is highly recommended for adoption and evaluation (Peteros et al.,
The study aimed to determine if differentiated instruction effectively
addresses learning gaps in mathematics. In particular, it explored how it can improve
the student’s learning gaps concerning mathematical performance and confidence.
The study employed a quasi-experimental design with 30 purposively-selected Grade
10 participants divided into differentiated (n = 15) and control groups (n = 15),
ensuring the utmost ethical measures. The mean and standard deviation were used to
describe the participants’ performance and confidence. Independent samples t-tests
were used to determine the significant differences in the performance and confidence
between the two groups. In contrast, dependent samples t-tests were used to
determine the significant differences in each group’s pre and posttest performance
and confidence. Findings bared that the differentiated instruction successfully
addressed students’ performance in mathematics even in a short period. It also
increased the participants’ confidence when answering fundamental problems.
Continuing differentiated instruction activities are recommended since it benefits
students who struggle in mathematics, particularly in answering fundamental
operations. Differentiated teaching activities in mathematics can boost academic
achievement and engagement and prepare students for future success while fostering
a positive and inclusive classroom culture that values individual learning needs and
preferences (Aguhayon H., Tingson R., & 3 Pentang J., 2023)
Filipino students performed poorly in the 2018 Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) mathematics assessment, with more than 50% obtaining
scores below the lowest proficiency level. Students from public schools also
performed worse compared to their private school counterparts. We used machine
learning approaches, specifically binary classification methods, to model the
variables that best identified the poor performing students (below Level 1) vs. better
performing students (Levels 1 to 6) using the PISA data from a nationally
representative sample of 15-year-old Filipino students. We analyzed data from
students in private and public schools separately. Several binary classification
methods were applied, and the best classification model for both private and public
school groups was the Random Forest classifier. The ten variables with the highest
impact on the model were identified for the private and public school groups. Five
variables were similarly important in the private and public school models. However,
there were other distinct variables that relate to students’ motivations, family and
school experiences that were important in identifying the poor performing students in
each school type. The results are discussed in relation to the social and social
cognitive experiences of students that relate to socioeconomic contexts that differ
between public and private schools (Bernardo, A. B. I., et al., 2022)
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1.
1. What are the
1. Formulate
a Research
demographic profiles
of the respondents in
terms of:
1.2 Sex
2. How may the weak
foundation of the
respondents be
assessed in terms of:
2. Validation
of title.
3. Making and
signing of
request letter.
and checking
of Chapter 1.
2.1 Prior Education
2.2 Teaching
2.3 Student
3. How may the
performance of
respondents assessed
in terms of:
3.1 Quizzes
3.2 Group Activity
3.3 Oral Recitation
3.4 Major
4. Is there any
consequences of
weak mathematical
foundation on the
performance of the
5. What are
solutions for this
and checking
of Chapter 2.
Validation of
collection of
the self-made
8. Arrange,
analyze and
interpret the
using the
Figure 1 show the Conceptual Framework of the study. The input consists of
demographic profile of the respondents. The statement of the problem 2, How may
the weak mathematical foundation of the respondents be assessed in terms of: Prior
Education, Teaching Methods, Student individual characteristics. The statement of
problem 3, How may the academic performance of respondents assessed in terms of:
Quizzes, Group Activity, Oral Recitation and Major Examination. Statement of the
problem 4, Is there any significant consequences of weak mathematical foundation
on the academic performance of the respondents? and the statement of the problem
5, what are the recommend solution for this study.