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Java Programming Assignment: OOP, Diagrams, Testing

[ Java]
Individual Assignment
I am more grateful to my lecturer who gave me moral support and guided me in different
matters about the topic. He has been very kind and patient, while suggesting to me the
outlines of this assignment, and correcting my doubts. I thank him for his overall support.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in gathering
different information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in completing this
assignment. Despite their busy schedules, they gave me different ideas to make this unique
I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me to complete my assignment effectively
and moreover, on time.
Thank You
Individual Assignment
Executive summery
In this Assignment there are 11 tasks to be outcome. As the first stage of this assignment the
coding part was done using the help of my lecturer and after finishing the coding the four
types of diagrams (Class diagrams, ER diagram, Sequence Diagram, and use case diagrams)
were drawn. That was the first part of this assignment.
Then starting from the first task from the assignment was done. The first task was comparing
the programming languages and highlighting the Object-Oriented Language and its concepts.
Next Task was to make a requirement specification for the system. After doing that all the
diagrams were finalized and document correctly.
Next part was to highlight the control structures and repetition structures of the coded
program. After doing that User manual should be documented with all the onscreen helps and
other output messages.
Next part was the layer based proposed programming solution and to use comments in the
coded program. Finally the testing part was done using the help of my friend and a selfcriticism was made for this system.
Individual Assignment
Table of Contents
Executive summery .................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Figures........................................................................................................................ 5
Table of Tables ......................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 8
What is Object-oriented programming and Java Programming? ...................................... 9
JVM Environment ................................................................................................................ 10
A Machine within a Machine ............................................................................................... 10
Requirement Specification for the system ........................................................................... 11
Main requirements for the system ........................................................................................ 12
Use case Diagrams.................................................................................................................. 13
Class Diagrams ....................................................................................................................... 15
Sequence Diagrams ................................................................................................................ 17
Relationship Diagram ............................................................................................................ 22
ER Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 23
Control structures and Repetition structures ..................................................................... 25
Messages for inputs, outputs and onscreen help ................................................................. 26
Tooltip Text and Messages in this system ........................................................................... 28
User Manual of the system .................................................................................................... 29
Some of the Comments used in the coding .......................................................................... 36
Testing Techniques ................................................................................................................ 39
White box Testing Vs Black box Testing ............................................................................ 39
Black box testing of the System ........................................................................................... 39
Test Cases of the System........................................................................................................ 40
Login Process of the System ............................................................................................ 40
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Student User Interface ...................................................................................................... 40
Lecture List Query ............................................................................................................ 41
Questionnaires about the system of Royal ICT Hub .......................................................... 43
Self-Criticism Report ............................................................................................................. 44
Conclusion and Future Recommendation ........................................................................... 45
References ............................................................................................................................... 46
Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 47
Individual Assignment
Table of Figures
Figure 1:- Use Case Diagram SRS........................................................................................... 13
Figure 2:-Use Case Diagram Manage Queries ........................................................................ 14
Figure 3:-Use Case Diagram Manage Student......................................................................... 14
Figure 4:-Use Case Diagram Manage Student Query.............................................................. 15
Figure 5:-Class Diagrams, Student Figure
Figure 7:-Class Diagrams, Login Figure
Figure 9:-Class Diagrams, Lecturer Figure
Figure 11:-Class Diagrams, Course
Figure 12:-Class Diagrams, Course Module
Figure 13:-Sequence Diagrams, Adding New Student ............................................................ 18
Figure 14: Sequence Diagrams, Search by qualification for Student ...................................... 19
Figure 15:-Sequence Diagrams, Search Student ...................................................................... 20
Figure 16:-Sequence Diagrams, Delete Student ...................................................................... 21
Figure 17:-Relationship Diagram ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 18:-ER Diagram............................................................................................................ 24
Figure 19:-For loop .................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 20:- If Else Statement ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 21:-While loop .............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 22:-Tooltip Text and Messages .................................................................................... 28
Figure 23:-Data Source Administrator..................................................................................... 29
Figure 24:-Create new database ............................................................................................... 30
Figure 25:-Select database ....................................................................................................... 31
Figure 26:- Login Form ........................................................................................................... 32
Figure 27:- Student Registration System Form ....................................................................... 33
Figure 28:-Student Form .......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 29:-Query selecting form .............................................................................................. 35
Figure 30:- Query form Search by ........................................................................................... 36
Figure 31:-Three Tier Architecture ................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
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Figure 32:-White box Testing and Black box Testing ............................................................. 39
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Table of Tables
Table 2:-Login Process ............................................................................................................ 40
Table 3:-Student User Interface ............................................................................................... 41
Table 4:-Lecture List Query..................................................................................................... 42
Table 5:-Questionnaires ........................................................................................................... 43
Individual Assignment
Royal ICT Hub is an institute which provides various ICT programs for the people who need
qualification to obtain a better job. The program managers of the Royal ICT Hub mainly
maintain all the information’s of students, lecturers, modules, courses, enrolment and
student’s grades details. Importantly the campus manages details of student enrollments to
different courses and module grades of each student.
Every course is coordinated by selected lecturer and that lecturer is known as the course
director for that course. The main problem of this campus is all the records are stored in excel
sheets. The program managers face difficulties in searching records when necessary. Also
difficult to provide information management when needed. Therefore management decided to
develop the system to make their work easier and more efficient.
As the Software developer hired by the Royal ICT Hub it is my responsibility to create an
error free, effective program with user friendly interfaces, appropriate messages, outputs and
menus using Java Programming
Individual Assignment
What is Object-oriented programming and Java Programming?
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses Objects and their
interactions to design applications and computer programs. Basically there are seven OOP
concepts used to create an advanced program. These concepts are Object, Class, Data
Abstraction and Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding, Message
From the above seven concepts Data Abstraction and Encapsulation, Inheritance,
Polymorphism are very important concepts comparing to other concepts.
Data Abstraction and Encapsulation- Basic idea of Encapsulation is wrapping up of data
and its functions into a single unit. Data Abstraction increases the power of programming
language by creating user defined data types. Data Abstraction also represents the needed
information in the program without presenting the details. Abstraction is "To represent the
essential feature while not representing the rear ground details”. Abstraction allows you to
target what the thing will rather than however it wills it. Abstraction provides you a
generalized read of your categories or object by providing relevant info. Abstraction is that
the method of activity the operating sort of associate degree object, associate degreed
showing the data of an object in intelligible manner.
Inheritance-The Basic idea of Inheritance of forming a new class from an existing class or
base class, the new class which is formed if called as derived class. The main thing which is
doing by the inheritance concept is reducing the overall code size of the program, which is an
important concept in object-oriented programming. There are different types of inheritance
level such as Single level inheritance, Multi-level inheritance, Hybrid inheritance, and
Hierarchical inheritance.
Polymorphisms- This concept is coming along with the inheritance, abstraction and
encapsulation. Polymorphism is one of the major building blocks of object oriented
programming. In Polymorphisms there two types of techniques such as overriding and
overloading. Overriding is form of polymorphism which is used in Java to dynamically bind
method from sub class in response to a method call from sub class object referenced by super
class type. In case of overloading, you also got multiple methods with same name but
different method signature but call to correct method is resolved at compile time using static
Individual Assignment
binding in Java. Overloading is a compile time activity oppose to Overriding which is
runtime activity. Basic example for overloading is, if given a variable that is an integer, the
function chosen would be to seek a match against a list of employee numbers; if the variable
were a string, it would seek a match against a list of names. In either case, both functions
would be known in the program by the same name.
The main reason to select OOP for the given scenario is because of the main concepts which
were discussed earlier. Other than that the given scenario also most applicable for OOP.
Reason to select Java under OOP is because Java programs are platform independent, it can
run on any PC or any, it is dynamic, simple and robust. These are some of the advantages
which Java is supported.
(Anon., 2008)
JVM Environment
An abstract computing machine, or virtual machine, JVM is a platform-independent
execution environment that converts Java bytecode into machine language and executes it.
Most programming languages compile source code directly into machine code that is
designed to run on a specific microprocessor architecture or operating system, such as
Windows or UNIX.
A Machine within a Machine
JVM -- a machine within a machine -- mimics a real Java processor, enabling Java bytecode
to be executed as actions or operating system calls on any processor regardless of the
operating system. For example, establishing a socket connection from a workstation to a
remote machine involves an operating system call. Since different operating systems handle
sockets in different ways, the JVM translates the programming code so that the two machines
that may be on different platforms are able to connect.
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Requirement Specification for the system
The Royal ICT Hub is a institute which provides various Diploma programs for the people
who needs to find a better job. In this campus all the information of the Students, Lecturers,
Modules, Courses, Enrollments, Student grading’s and other information are stored in excel
sheets, so the Program Managers and other staff members face various kind of difficulties in
retrieving data, updating data and deleting data.
In this current system Royal ICT Hub facing some common difficulties in the current system
such as takes lots of time to retrieving data, updating data or deleting data. Another difficulty
is hard to maintaining accurate records and when the number of records increases the time
gets increases to find the records. This current system also has the ability to use the system by
a single person and the current system can not set permissions to the other staff members.
These are some of the drawback or difficulties in the current system.
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Main requirements for the system
Multiple store records.
Easy to retrieve data, update data and delete data
Interface should be in user friendly manner.
Should able to set permissions and should able to have user accounts.
Faster and easy procedure.
Should able to generate reports.
Effective search facility to search any type of information
Comprehensive performance reports.
Easy Query handling
Provides a user friendly menu
Totally Secured system
Should able to handle more records in lesser time
When it comes to requirement specification there two main types such as Functional and Non
Functional Requirements which able to fulfill a complete system. The difference between
those two is non-functional requirements describe how the system works, while functional
requirements describe what the system should do.
(Debono, 2012)
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Use case Diagrams
Manage Student
Manage Student
Manage Login Uses
Manage Lecturer
Produce Reports
Manage Course
Manage Queries
Manage Module
Manage Enrollment
Figure 1:- Use Case Diagram SRS
Manage Queries
Manage Student
Manage Lecturer
Manage Modules
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Figure 2:-Use Case Diagram Manage Queries
Manage Student
Add Student
Manage Student Query
Figure 3:-Use Case Diagram
Manage Student
Search by Qualification
Search by Gender
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Figure 4:-Use Case Diagram Manage Student Query
Class Diagrams
Student Module
-sID :String
-fName :String
-lName :String
-gender :String
-dob :Date
-qualification :String
-SMID :String
-SID :String
-MID :String
-Released :Date
-Marks :Int
-Grade :String
+Student(String, String, String, String, Date, String)
+getID(): String
+getfName(): String
+getlName(): String
+getGender(): String
+getDOB(): String
+getQualification(): String
+StudentModule(String, String, String, Date, Int, String)
+getSMID(): String
+getSID(): String
+getMID(): String
+getReleased(): Date
+setMarks (int)
+getMarks (): Int
+getGrade(): String
Figure 5:-Class Diagrams, Student
Figure 6:-Class Diagrams, Student Module
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-username :String
-password :String
+Login(String, String,)
+getusername(): String
+getpassword(): String
Figure 7:-Class Diagrams, Login
-MID :String
-MName :String
-Credit :Int
-Level :Int
+Module(String, String, Int, Int)
+getMID(): String
+getMName(): String
+getCredit(): Int
+getLevel(): Int
Figure 8:-Class Diagrams, Module
-lID :String
-fName :String
-lName :String
-telephone :String
-email :String
-qualification :String
-gender :String
-eID :String
-cID :String
-sID :String
-enrollDate :Date
-expireDate :Date
-status :String
-result :String
+Lecturer(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
+getlID(): String
+getfName(): String
+getlName(): String
+gettelephone(): String
+getemail(): String
+getQualification(): String
+getGender(): String
+Enrollment(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String)
+geteID(): String
+getcID(): String
+getsID(): String
+getenrollDate(): Date
+getexpireDate(): Date
+getstatus(): String
+getresult(): String
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Figure 9:-Class Diagrams, Lecturer
Figure 10:-Class Diagrams, Enrollment
Course Module
-CID :String
-CName :String
-Duration :Int
-Department :String
-CDirector :String
-CFee :Double
-CID :String
-MID :String
-Semester :Int
+Course(String, String, Int, String, String, Double)
+getCID(): String
+getCName(): String
+getDuration(): Int
+getDepartment(): String
+getCDirector(): String
+getCfee(): Double
Figure 11:-Class Diagrams, Course
+CourseModule(String, String, Int,)
+getCID(): String
+getMID(): String
+getSemester(): Int
Figure 12:-Class Diagrams, Course Module
Sequence Diagrams
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Adding New Student
Adding Student Details
New Student
Add Student (Student)
Message ]
Figure 13:-Sequence Diagrams, Adding New Student
Search by qualification for Student
Search (Qualification)
(Student Details)
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Figure 14: Sequence Diagrams, Search by qualification for Student
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Search Student
Search (Student ID)
Find Student (ID)
(Student Details)
Figure 15:-Sequence Diagrams, Search Student
Delete Student
Delete (Student ID)
Delete Student (ID)
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Figure 16:-Sequence Diagrams, Delete Student
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Relationship Diagram
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Figure 17:-Relationship Diagram
ER Diagram
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Figure 18:-ER Diagram
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Control structures and Repetition structures
Control structures and Repetition structures are the primary concept in most high-level
programming languages. Basic idea of Control structures and Repetition structures are simply
block of codes which will perform a particular task. In other words control structures are
blocks of code that dictate the flow of control and the repeating structure. In this system also
there are various kinds of Control structures and Repetition structures. Commonly use
Control structures and Repetition structures is Java programming is for loops, While Loop,
and If else conditions. These are only few Control structures and Repetition structures that
which are used in this system.
(Anon., n.d.)
For loop-
Figure 19:-For loop
This for loop is used in LecturerFrame.java under UI package. The main reason to use this for
loop is because to execute the lecturelist a specific number of times. A for loop is coming
under repetition control structure. A for loop is useful to have when how many times a task is
to be repeated.
If Else Statement-
Figure 20:- If Else Statement
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This If Else Statement is used in StudentDC.java under DC Package. In here reason to use a
if else condition is because when getting the fName, lName, gender, DOB and qualification if
one of these is not getting the statement will go to else part and return null.
The main purpose of an if Else statement is it is optional to have an else statement, which
executes when the Boolean expression is false.
While loop-
Figure 21:-While loop
This While loop is used in StudentDC.java under DC Package. The reason to use this while
loop is to repeat the task for a certain number of times and it will finally return to Student list
Messages for inputs, outputs and onscreen help
When it comes to a working environment for this system the most important thing is the user
friendliness. There are some features that this system is capable of helping the user or making
the user easier to work with this system. Mainly in this system there are some tooltip texts
which are used to make the user more comfortable in using this system. Other than that for
each and every input there is a particular message is displaying in the screen to verify the user
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that the input has done successfully or not. And also some of the outputs also display some
messages according to the work done from this system.
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Tooltip Text and Messages in this system
Figure 22:-Tooltip Text and Messages
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User Manual of the system
As the first step user has to connect with the Database
Control panel
Administrative Tool
Data Source (ODBC)
After data source there will be a window coming as follows, to connect data source user
should press add button and then it will open a new window to create new data source. But if
the database is already in the list the user can simply select it and press OK.
Figure 23:-Data Source Administrator
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If the user is creating a new database after pressing the add button user must select Microsoft
Access Driver [*mdb *.accdb] and press finish.
Figure 24:-Create new database
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After that user will get a window as follows, and in that window user has to enter the Data
Source Name and select the database path and select the database and finally press ok. After
that database is successfully added.
Figure 25:-Select database
After connecting the database the user can open the executable file and simply enter
the username and password and login to the system.
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Figure 26:- Login Form
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After login to the system user can choose file and select any category.
Figure 27:- Student Registration System Form
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For example here it has select Student, when the user enter to the student interface user can
engage with various kinds of operations such as add a student to the system, delete a student
from the database and so many. If the user wants to add a student simply user has to fill the
information and press add button. If the user is added successful the system will output an
message as follows, and also if the student did not added the system also out put an message
as “the student did not added”.
Figure 28:-Student Form
All the other operations also can be done like according to the users necessity. As show in the
example user also can handle lectures information, course information, enrollment
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information, module information, course module information and also user can exit from the
system by clicking file and exit.
As the final step user can check the query list by clicking the query and selecting a
necessary category.
Figure 29:-Query selecting form
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As an example in above picture it has selected Query and then Course List, after that a
window will appear as below. After that the user can select any of the department and press
search and see the information about courses. Same as that user can select the appropriate
director and get the information.
Figure 30:- Query form Search by
Some of the Comments used in the coding
The above picture shows the comment used to mention the declaration of variables.
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The above picture shows the comment used to mention the set and get methods.
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 The above picture shows the comments which are used to mention the constructors
with parameter and without parameter.
The above picture show the comments about the resetting the student frame
 The above picture shown the declaration of the student class, declaration of the
student DC and declaration the student list respectively.
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Testing Techniques
White box Testing Vs Black box Testing
(Anon., 2012)
Figure 31:-White box Testing and Black box Testing
Black box testing of the System
The system that was made Royal ICT Hub was tested by using a person who does not have
the knowledge of Programming has made some feedback on the Program.
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Test Cases of the System
Login Process of the System
Expected Output
Enter correct Username Login to System
Real Output
Login to System
& Password
password are correct it will
log to the system.
incorrect Login to System
Login Failure
If the username or password
Username & Password
is wrong it will display as
login failure
Table 1:-Login Process
Student User Interface
Enter required fields Add Student
New Student is New student is successfully
and press Add button
any Add Student
Student ID, First Student will not add if one
Name and last of the field is empty.
Expected Output
Real Output
required fields.
Enter Display button
Student Display Student It
students information
Reset all
If the data will be erased.
Enter Reset button with Reset all
will If the fields are empty
empty fields
Enter Reset button after Reset all
entering some data into
Enter update button
Update student
nothing to reset
student If there is a student which it
are will update or if there is no
student the system outputs
error message.
correct student id
a Find student
Find student
If the student ID is correct
the student information will
be displayed.
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a Find student
incorrect student id
Student If the student ID is incorrect
it will output invalid student
Enter delete with a Delete Student
Delete Student
correct student id
Student will delete if the
student id is there in the
Enter delete with a Delete Student
The Student is Student will not delete if the
incorrect student id
not deleted
student id is not there in the
Enter close
the Exit
the Entire system will be close.
Table 2:-Student User Interface
Same as the Student User Interface all the other interfaces work like this.
Lecture List Query
Enter Search All in All
Expected Output
Real Output
lecture All the lecture All
be displayed
will information will regarding
be displayed
display which is in the
database. If qualification is
diploma only the diploma
related result will display.
Enter All in gender
All the lectures All the lectures All the lectures who are
who are male and who
male male
will and female will display. If gender is male
only the male lectures will
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Table 3:-Lecture List Query
Same as the Lecture List Query all the other query will work like this.
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Questionnaires about the system of Royal ICT Hub
In this system every command that input by the user won’t get an output command.
Results and other outputs are very accurate.
The program is in a very user friendly manner.
The program has many features such as has an authentication system as entering a
password, and this system have Student, lecturer, source, enrollment and many more
information of the campus.
Retrieving data, updating data and deleting data is very efficient and easy.
Program is in a very attractive manner.
Weak areas
User friendliness
Security level
Speed of the system
Very Good
Should have
Future recommendations
having two or
Table 4:-Questionnaires
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Self-Criticism Report
Student Registration System which was made to Royal ICT Hub is a pretty good one but
mainly there are some weak points also when it comes to a perfect Student Management
System. One of the major weak point is in this system there are no separate login for each
category, this is a major weak point because when it comes to a business environment there
should be a proper security mechanism and also in a business environment there are various
types of staff members such as program managers, coordinators, financial and so many, in
this type of a environment the system should be able to set permissions according to their
working areas. But overall it is a workable system for Royal ICT Hub.
Another weak point of this system is the username and password cannot be changed
according to the users needs. But as a plus point this system has many features like adding
data, displaying data, deleting data, resetting data and many more.
In this system mainly user-friendliness is concerned because there are people who work in
different knowledge levels, so the system should suited with all the people who are working
with is system. Other than the user-friendliness this system has hold any number of
information comparing to the previous excel sheet which was used by the project managers.
Another important thing is in this system there are no any errors or problems within the
system. This system can be further upgraded according to the user’s requirements.
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Conclusion and Future Recommendation
Royal ICT Hub is an institute which helps people to get qualification in ICT programs and
various other exams. In this campus there is only a system with excel sheets are having in the
moment but as Program manager needs to make a complete Student Registration System for
the Royal ICT Hub in order to make their work more easy and efficient.
In the system which was proposed there are huge advantages and also there are some weak
points when it come to modern world. One of the benefits of the proposed system is in this
system there are more features and facilities compared with the current system or the old
system. For example retrieving data, updating data and deleting data can be easily done when
comparing the old system. Another benefit of this proposed system is any number of
information or records can be added to the system with easy method and the system won’t get
slower though there are too many records.
As an weakness of the proposed system there is no any advanced authentication method or in
this system there is only have one account which can not change the username and the
password is a weak point of this system. Another weak point is this system can not set
permissions or separate user accounts for the staff members of the Royal ICT Hub.
Other than that this system is a good system which is more sophisticated than the current
system which was used by the campus. So considering all these features the implemented
system to Royal ICT Hub is successful and here on wards the work load will be easy and the
time will be managed by the Project Manager and other staff members.
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Anon., 2008. Basic OOPs Concepts. [Online]
Available at: http://oopsconcepts.blogspot.com/
[Accessed 20 05 2016].
Anon., n.d. Control Structures. [Online]
Available at: http://www.valid-computing.com/control-structures.html
[Accessed 21 05 2016].
Anon., n.d. Play !> and 3-tier, n-tier architecture – Part I. [Online]
Available at: http://javathought.wordpress.com/2012/07/04/play-and-3-tier-n-tierarchitecture-part-i/
[Accessed 22 05 2016].
Debono, M., 2012. Functional vs Non Functional Requirements. [Online]
Available at: http://reqtest.com/requirements-blog/functional-vs-non-functionalrequirements/
[Accessed 20 05 2016].
Rouse, M., n.d. 3-tier application. [Online]
Available at: http://searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com/definition/3-tier-application
[Accessed 22 05 2016].
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