Uploaded by Luke Davis

End-of-Life Decisions: Living Will, Power of Attorney, Organ Donation

Luke Davis
A living will is a kind of advance directive, focusing solely on end-of-life wishes.
Health care power of attorney is a legal document that gives a selected individual or
organization permission to make health-related decisions on your behalf.
Talking about end of life decisions is a very hard thing to talk about. It brought out emotions
between me and my parents and it was a conversation that we didn’t really want to have.
This did allow them to tell me what they would do if something like this happened. This was
also a very sad topic to come up.
If you want to change your advance directive, you have to create a new form, distribute new
copies, and destroy all old copies.
I am an organ donor. In order to make it a legalized you decision, you can either sign up online
or check yes fro organ and tissue donation when you renew your driver’s license.