Balancing Dual Careers in Sport 1 2 Can You Match These Words to Their Definitions? 1 good practice a a person who provides individualized instruction and guidance to a 2 peer b natural aptitude or skill in a particular area. 3 barrier c a person who trains and guides individuals or teams in a particular 4 intention d to officially recognize or approve as meeting certain standards or 5 talent e the use of methods or techniques that have been proven effective 6 enhance f to encourage or support the growth, development, or success of 7 drop-out g to improve or increase the quality, value, or effectiveness of 8 discipline h a plan or purpose for doing something. 9 accredit i happening or done before the proper time; premature birth refers 10 promote j the practice of training oneself or others to follow rules or codes of 11 coach k a person who is equal to another in age, status, or ability. 12 premature l an obstacle or hindrance that prevents progress or movement. 13 tutor m a person who leaves school or a course of study before completing student. sport or activity. requirements. in achieving desired outcomes. someone or something. something. to a baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. behavior. it. Let's Answer the Following Questions! 1 Why do athletes frequently travel abroad? 2 What challenges do athletes face when combining education or vocational training with sports training or participation in sports competitions? 3 Which groups of athletes face particular difficulties in combining their preferred type of education and their sport in their home country? 4 What barriers do student-athletes often experience when continuing their dual careers abroad? 5 What consequences can arise from the lack of understanding and support that student- athletes may encounter when returning to their educational setting or home country? 6 How could closer cooperation between high-performance training centres and educational institutes enhance the mobility of talented and elite athletes? 7 Can you provide an example of good practice in supporting student-athletes during their training abroad? 3 4 Let's match these halves! 1 high training a schools 2 educational b education 3 vocational c reasons 4 closer d dropouts 5 sport e cooperation 6 longer f temporary periods 7 incomplete g employability 8 specialised h backgrounds 9 low i training centres 10 high-performance j facilities 11 specific k barriers 12 talent l frequency 13 sport-related m peers 14 premature n programmes 15 organisational o training Can You Fill in the Blanks? sport-related reasons, sport peers, vocational training, closer cooperation, organisational barriers, educational backgrounds, longer temporary periods, high-performance training centres (2), specialised schools (2), low employability, incomplete education, talent programmes, high training frequency, premature dropouts, specific facilities 1 The dual career in sport requires _____(1) for athletes to prepare for their careers post- sport. 2 Athletes pursuing a dual career in sport must be able to manage their time effectively to cope with the _____(2). 3 _____(3) are a key component of the dual career in sport, providing _____(4) and resources for athletes to excel in both academics and sports. 4 _____(5) may be necessary for athletes to complete their education while participating in high-level sport competitions. 5 Athletes with diverse _____(6) can bring unique perspectives to their dual career in sport. 6 _____(7) offer programmes for athletes to pursue a dual career in sport, catering to their needs and schedules. 7 _____(8) are designed to support young athletes who want to pursue a dual career in sport by providing them with resources and opportunities. 8 _____(9) can pose challenges for athletes aiming for a dual career in sport, such as scheduling conflicts between school and sports commitments. 9 _____(10), such as injuries, can sometimes lead to _____(11) from the dual career in sport. 10 It is important for athletes to have a network of _____(12) who understand the demands and challenges of pursuing a dual career in sport. 11 _____(13) can hinder an athlete's employability after retirement from sports, making the dual career in sport even more crucial. 12 _____(14) after retirement from sports is a concern among athletes pursuing a dual career in sport. 13 _____(15) between sports organisations and educational institutions can create a smoother pathway for athletes pursuing a dual career in sport. 14 _____(16) often offer resources and support for athletes to balance their dual careers in sport. 15 Dual career in sport is gaining recognition globally, which is reflected in the development of _____(17) to support athletes.