Uploaded by Nita Anggraeni

Korean Drama Addiction & Adolescent Imitation: Presentation

Academic speaking
Nita anggraeni
The honorable Mrs. Nurul affiyatena the lecturer of Stkip latansa mashiro
ladies and gentlemen whom I respect
Assalamualikum, wr.wb
Good afternoon everyone
first of all I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the my lecturer and my friends
who has given me opportunity to deliver a speech on (the topic)
“The Effect of Addiction of Watching Korean Drama Series on Imitation Behavior of
object the abstract
I have divided my speech into three sections…
I’d like firstly to talk about the abstract from this article
The first point I’m going to make concerns is the object from this abstract
The second part will concern about the method from this abstract
Finally, I’d like to talk a little about the result from this abstract
This research is an investigation of one of the most popular cultures in Indonesia.This
phenomenon is often called the Korean Wave or Hallyu as a specific impact of Korean cultural
products, one of which is Korean drama.
Korean dramas are very popular in Indonesia and this popularity creates a sense of addiction for
Indonesian viewers, especially Korean teenage fans who still tend to be so easy to influence their
characteristics and imitate their role models
Method the abstract
• This study aims to determine the effect of K-Drama viewing addiction on
adolescent imitation behavior.
In this study, there are two variables: the variable watching addiction and the
variable imitation behavior using cultivation theory and social learning.
and this research uses quantitative methods with survey methods.
Respondent data processing tested valid, reliable, and normal.
The data analysis technique used the analysis of the coefficient of
determination (R2), simple linear regression test, and T-test.
Result the abstract
The result on the watching addiction variable had the highest dimension,
namely the attention dimension. This statement is strengthened based on the
T-test results that viewing addiction (X) has a significant effect on imitation
behavior (Y) so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that the X
variable affects the Y variable.
ladies and gentlemen
I fervently hope to have posed some problems and issues which can thrill and
stimulate our thinking and discussions in a fruitful way.
thank you a lot for all your attention
wassalamualaikum wr.wb