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CFIHOS Standard for Information Handover in Capital Projects

The CFIHOS project, led by the USPI-NL (United States Process Industry) organiza�on, provides a set of
detailed standards structured around different aspects of the informa�on handover process. It
comprises mul�ple guidelines and documents to ensure consistency, coordina�on, and compa�bility
among the par�es involved. Some key components of the CFIHOS standard include:
1. CFIHOS Master Data Dic�onary: This dic�onary defines and categorizes all data elements
required during the informa�on handover in capital projects. It establishes a common
terminology and format for beter interoperability.
2. CFIHOS Informa�on Models: Informa�on models describe how various data elements should be
structured and formated. These models provide templates and guidelines for organizing
informa�on during the exchange process.
3. CFIHOS Reference Data Library: The Reference Data Library (RDL) is a compila�on of standard
codes and values used consistently across the project lifecycle. RDL assists in harmonizing the
project-specific data, facilita�ng seamless data exchange.
4. CFIHOS Equipment Templates: These templates outline the atributes, parameters, and data
requirements for different types of equipment and components used in capital projects. They
provide a standardized format for equipment suppliers to share informa�on with project owners
and contractors.
5. CFIHOS Data Exchange Specifica�ons: This component details the standard processes, formats,
and protocols for exchanging digital data at various project stages. Data exchange specifica�ons
ensure compa�bility and accurate communica�on between different systems and stakeholders.
6. CFIHOS Implementa�on Guidelines: These guidelines provide prac�cal advice on how to adopt
the CFIHOS standard within an organiza�on, covering aspects like project management, training,
and quality assurance.
By adhering to the CFIHOS standard, organiza�ons can ensure a smoother handover of informa�on and
enhance collabora�on across different par�es in capital projects, ul�mately leading to increased
efficiency and reduced costs.