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First Aid Policy Global EHS 071

Global EHS
Environment, Health, Fire And Safety
Doc. ID: GlobalEHS/071 Rev.:00
First Aid Policy
1. Introduction:
• First Aid is the immediate and temporary care given to victim who have been
injured or suddenly get ill before medical assistant arrives.
• It incorporates a scope of straightforward yet possibly life-saving techniques and
methods pointed toward settling the patient's condition and preventing further
• In the workplace, where accidents and harms can happen unexpectedly, having
trained and well equipped first aid facilities is fundamental to ensure the
opportune and successful reaction to health related crises.
• The purpose behind this first aid policy is to lay out clear guidelines and
procedures for the arrangement of first aid inside our organization.
2. Purpose:
The purpose for this first aid Policy is
• To ensure the arrangement of prompt and effective first aid to workmen and
guests in case of illness, injury, or medical emergency within the workplace.
• To promote a safe and healthy working environment and limit the effect of
accident and injuries on workmen health and wellbeing.
3. Scope:
• This policy applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, and other individuals
present on Global EHS [Company Name] premises or engaged in Global
EHS[Company Name]`s activities. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for
all individuals mentioned above.
• It encompasses all locations where work is performed, including offices,
manufacturing facilities, construction sites, and any other workplace settings.
• This policy covers the provision of first aid for a wide range of medical
emergencies, injuries, and illnesses that may occur during work activities.
• It applies to all incidents and accidents, ensuring that appropriate first aid
measures are taken promptly to address the injured or ill individual.
• It is subject to regular review and updates to ensure its effectiveness and
alignment with legal requirements and industry best practices.
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Global EHS
Environment, Health, Fire And Safety
Doc. ID: GlobalEHS/071 Rev.:00
4. Policy Statement:
4.1 Responsibility:
• [Company Name] is committed to providing adequate first aid facilities,
equipment, and trained personnel to respond promptly to medical
• The responsibility for implementing and maintaining this first aid policy rests
with [Designated Personnel or Department].
4.2 First Aid Provision:
• First aid facilities and equipment, including first aid kits, automated external
defibrillators (AEDs), and emergency medical supplies, will be readily
available and accessible at designated locations throughout the workplace.
• Trained first aiders will be appointed to administer first aid effectively in
accordance with recognized first aid protocols and guidelines.
• Employees will be informed of the location of first aid facilities and the
identity of trained first aiders.
4.3 First Aid Training:
• All designated first aiders will receive appropriate training and certification in
first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and the use of AEDs.
• Regular refresher training and updates will be provided to ensure that first
aiders maintain their skills and knowledge up to date.
• Employees will be encouraged to participate in basic first aid awareness
training to enable them to provide assistance in emergency situations.
4.4 First Aid Procedures:
• In the event of an injury or medical emergency, employees and visitors should
seek assistance from the nearest trained first aider or contact emergency
services immediately.
• First aiders will assess the situation, provide necessary first aid treatment,
and arrange for further medical assistance if required.
• Employees will be encouraged to report any incidents or injuries promptly to
ensure appropriate first aid measures are taken.
4.5 Record Keeping:
• Accurate records of all first aid incidents, treatments administered, and
referrals to medical professionals will be maintained in accordance with legal
requirements and audit guidelines. (For e.g. Refer section.7 of documents.)
• Incident reports and first aid records will be reviewed regularly to identify
trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in the first aid system.
4.6 Review and Evaluation:
• This first aid policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness
and compliance with relevant legislation, standards, and best practices.
• Feedback from employees and incident reports will be used to evaluate the
performance of the first aid system and identify areas for improvement.
• Regular audits and inspections will be conducted to assess the condition of
first aid facilities and equipment and ensure compliance with the policy.
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Global EHS
Environment, Health, Fire And Safety
Doc. ID: GlobalEHS/071 Rev.:00
5. Roles And Responsibilities:
5.1 Management/Leadership:
• Ensure the implementation, and maintenance of the first aid policy.
• Provide necessary resources, support, and training for first aid personnel.
• Monitor compliance with the policy and address any issues or concerns.
• Review and update the policy as needed as per regulations or best practices.
5.2 Designated First Aid Personnel:
• Receive appropriate training and certification in first aid, CPR, and AED use.
• Be available and accessible to provide immediate first aid assistance during
• Assess the situation, administer first aid treatment, and arrange further
medical assistance if necessary.
• Maintain first aid equipment and facilities and ensure they are stocked,
accessible, and in working condition.
5.3 Employees/Workers:
• Familiarize all with the location of first aid facilities and trained first aiders.
• Report any incidents, injuries, or hazards promptly to designated personnel.
• Cooperate with first aider and follow their instructions during emergencies.
• Participate in first aid training and awareness programs to enhance their
ability to respond to emergencies.
5.4 Health and Safety Committee/Representatives:
• Participate in development, review, and implementation of the first aid policy.
• Provide input and feedback on the effectiveness of first aid procedures and
• Monitor workplace hazards and identify areas for improvement in first aid
• Communicate first aid-related information and updates to employees and
5.5 Human Resources Department:
• Assist in the recruitment and selection of designated first aid personnel.
• Maintain records of first aid training, certification, and refresher courses for
• Coordinate first aid training sessions and ensure compliance with training
• Address any employee concerns or questions related to first aid policies and
5.6 External Emergency Services:
• Respond promptly to calls for emergency medical assistance from the
• Provide advanced medical care and transportation to medical facilities, if
• Coordinate with designated first aid personnel and provide assistance as
needed during emergencies.
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Global EHS
Environment, Health, Fire And Safety
Doc. ID: GlobalEHS/071 Rev.:00
6. Definitions:
• First Aid: First Aid is the immediate and temporary care given to victim who
have been injured or suddenly get ill before medical assistant arrives.
• First Aider: A first aider is an individual trained to provide immediate
assistance and basic medical care to people who have been injured or taken
ill, typically before professional medical help arrives.
• CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, an emergency medical procedure for a
victim of cardiac arrest or, in some circumstances, respiratory arrest.
• Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): Automated External Defibrillators
(AEDs) are portable devices that deliver an electric shock to the heart to
restore normal rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest.
• Hazard: A hazard is any potential source of harm or adverse effect, often
arising from conditions, activities, or substances, that can cause injury,
illness, damage to property, or other negative outcomes.
• Accident: An accident is an unexpected event that results in unintended harm,
injury, damage, or loss, often caused by an unforeseen combination of
circumstances or actions.
• Incident: An incident is any unexpected event or occurrence, often involving
injury, damage, or disruption, that deviates from normal operations or
7. Documents:
7.1 CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation- First Aid Treatment Guide GlobalEHS
7.2 First Aid Kit Inspection Checklist Global EHS Forms 004
7.3 First Aid Kit Inspection Record Global EHS Forms 005
7.4 First Aid register or Logbook Global EHS Appendix A
7.5 List Of First Aider Global EHS Appendix B
7.6 First Aid Kit Location Register Global EHS Appendix C
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